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Belgrade Media Report 15 December



Pre-election silence starts on 15 December (Beta)


Pre-election silence in Serbia starts on 15 December and will last until 8 pm on 17 December, when polling stations close. During election silence, estimates of the election results and the presentation of candidates or tickets and their electoral programs in the media or at public rallies is prohibited. Serbian citizens will choose 250 MPs in a snap legislative election, while in addition to the legislative vote an election will be held in the province of Vojvodina along with local votes in 65 cities, towns and municipalities, including Belgrade. The Republic Electoral Commission announced earlier that the total number of voters in the 17 December elections is 6,500,165 while there will be a total of 8,273 voting stations. The total number of voters in Belgrade is 1,613,190 and they will vote at 1,198 voting stations. A total of 18 tickets with 2,818 candidates will be competing in the general election. As for Belgrade, citizens will choose between 14 election tickets. Voting stations will open at 7 am and close at 8 pm.


RIK: Record number of controllers at Sunday elections (RTS/Beta)


Head of the Republic Election Commission (RIK) Vladimir Dimitrijevic said a total of 8,273 polling stations will be opened on election day, 17 December 17. He said this year there will be a record number of observers and controllers, both domestic and foreign – 5,587. In four foreign countries the vote will be held on Saturday, while the voters in the other foreign countries will cast their ballots on Sunday. No results will be released before all polling stations in Serbia close, Dimitrijevic told RTS. He said that members of polling boards had until Friday to collect all electoral material. “We have local election commissions and RIK does not count the results, but they are determined at each polling station separately. Local election commissions then submit the aggregate results for their territory, and, starting this year, the citizens will be able to follow the collection of votes and election results in real time, because we have provided a new function on the RIK website,” said Dimitrijevic. Dimitrijevic said that, following receipt of the summary results, the RIK has 96 hours to release the final election results and they will be known before the New Year. “The deadline for the formation of the parliament is 30 days, and 90 days for the formation of the government, so we can expect a new government in the spring,” said Dimitrijevic.


Vucic: West will not give up on so-called Kosovo's independence (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday evening Western powers would not change their positions on the so-called Kosovo's independence or give up on it and that, without a doubt, Serbia will be under pressure over the issue in the future, too. In an appearance on RTS, Vucic said he could promise Serbians that he would be safeguarding Kosovo and Metohija and all Serbian strategic interests intelligently, responsibly and wisely. "We will be protecting our national and state interests, but intelligently, without putting into question the economic prosperity or the future of Serbia, which is very important. We will be preserving peace and stability as we steer the country on the path to the EU, while always firmly safeguarding our traditional friendships with the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, Arab states and many African, Latin American and Asian countries, and that will be Serbia's policy," Vucic said. He said Serbia would see major economic growth in the period to come and a further decline of the already record-low unemployment rate, as well as continued reindustrialisation and investments in supercomputers, data centres and the IT industry. "We expect further modernisation of Serbia, construction of rail lines, roads - all the things some people were unable to do while they were in power," Vucic said.


Vucic in Kragujevac: Country is not a toy, let's show what country we want on Sunday (B92)


The list "Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia must not stop" is holding a pre-election rally in Kragujevac, in the "Jezero" hall. Vucic was greeted with great applause as he went on stage, with shouts of "Aco, Serb". "Before I came to this hall, we were opening works on the bypass around Kragujevac, 26 kilometers. After that there will be another 33 kilometers, where we will connect Kragujevac with the Moravian Corridor with a high-speed road. This will make Kragujevac surrounded by road infrastructure," said Vucic. "Just a few minutes ago, Toma Nikolic spoke and said something very nice. He said that when some started to hide in the shadows, not understanding that their work was most needed at that time, that is when he came out into the light to show others how to fight for Serbia even when it's difficult. Thank you, President Nikolic for that. Thank you to all wonderful people for their great support," he said. "We had had numerous campaigns. They attacked our families. Since yesterday they have been telling us that we are mentally ill. I see wonderful people here who love Serbia, you are not mentally ill, you are Serbia. They know that Serbia will win on Sunday and that for four years they will be without power and that's why they prepared their plans, which are plans against Serbia. At 9, half past 10 in the evening, Djilas's deputy Jovanovic will come out and say how they won in Belgrade, and they think that by doing so they will scare someone, so they will occupy institutions. We don't expect congratulations from them. Serbia will not return to good times of locked-up factories, Serbia wants modern highways and railways," said Vucic. "Sumadija wants to move forward, those who will destroy the heart of Serbia will not. You have seen how many criticisms we suffered about Kosovo and Metohija. And in this campaign, whatever they are asked about Kosovo, they have only one sentence, "we are here to destroy Vucic". Do you have something to do, to build?", Vucic asked. "Pensions will have to follow salaries and they will have to grow faster. By the end of the next mandate, pensions will be 650 Euros, salaries 1,400 Euros. And you know when I say it, you know it will be like that. Serbia has a great opportunity to make the biggest growth in its history. And that's not an empty promise, I know that we will win on Sunday. But I want to be able to look you in the face every Monday, so that people can live better than now," he said. "Everyone always has a complaint, they always have something to pass on to you, but at the end of the day, everyone is happy because they have "crazy Vucic", because he will do everything to save Kosovo as part of Serbia, but also the children, so that no one returns to them in coffins. It is important for our country to preserve stability and peace, but it is extremely important to preserve independence in decision-making, a sovereign and libertarian policy. What will the government in Serbia do to us if we implement 100 percent of the decisions from Brussels? I want the people of Serbia to decide on to our destiny. We have to pursue such a policy," said Vucic and added: "We fought more than ever in this campaign, I feel it in the people." "Elections are not a game, the state is not a toy. Sunday is an opportunity to show what kind of Serbia we want. Serbia will experience its greatest prosperity, Expo 2027 is the chance for that. "Uncle Daca" is coming, it will be one of the best stadiums in Serbia. I am asking you all dear people, with special thanks to women, mothers, those who keep families, I want to thank you for your support and to invite you to go to the polls. Thank you for a wonderful campaign, and if we lose, we will congratulate the winners. But thank you for your endless love, thank you for your unprecedented support. Let us defeat them and secure an absolute majority in the Assembly of Serbia. Let us make important decisions, and that is why I ask you to commit to winning more convincingly than ever. We are not satisfied with anything else. For a great and convincing victory! Who can lose with such wonderful people? Serbia must not stop, Long live Serbia!" said Vucic. ​


Vucevic: The people understood what is going to be decided on 17 December

First on the list "Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia must not stop", Milos Vucevic greeted the crowd. "The campaign has been going on for almost seven weeks, we visited Serbia and wherever we were, in any part of Serbia, only the key phrase "Serbia must not stop" was heard, that is the main message, people understood, the people understood about what we will decide on 17 December," said Vucevic. "It is not just a mere formality, just one in a series of elections. After many years, Serbia is at a major crossroads. Are we going to move forward or are we going to go back. Do we want Serbia in 2027 as a modern, developed, advanced, but a country that has not renounced its culture, spirituality. Or until 2012, where factories were closing, people were left without work. The choice is very clear. On the one hand, you have the politics of the future of Serbia, the list of Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia must not stop. On the other hand, you have all the other lists. Without any delusion, whether they are fake Europeans, quasi-patriots, they all have the same goal to overthrow Vucic and Serbia. They all have the same boss, Dragan Djilas, both politically and financially. Either we vote for Vucic or Djilas. Everyone raises their heads, for the elections on 17 December, everyone to the polls, let's all go out, let's win convincingly. One list, one policy, one country, one love, list number 1 Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia must not stop. Let's go to win! Long live Serbia!" said Vucevic.


Brnabic voices reservations toward EU-Western Balkans summit declaration (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic voiced her reservations in Brussels with regard to a declaration adopted at the EU-Western Balkans summit, saying that alignment with the document did not mean any form of recognizing Kosovo's independence from Belgrade, RTS reported yesterday. Commenting on the declaration which was adopted by the leaders of the EU and its member states late on 13 December, including all of the EU's partners in the Western Balkans and Serbia, Brnabic said she found the Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia reached in Ohrid, and its Annex, "acceptable only in a context that does not pertain to any form of recognition of Kosovo either de facto or de jure". "Serbia, which is devoted to the process of European integration and negotiations, generally, with reservations, aligns with the Brussels Declaration adopted at the 13 December, 2023 EU-Western Balkans summit as a political statement and legally non-binding document," Brnabic said in a text that she handed to the EU. The text adds that Serbia's alignment with the Declaration "does not affect the fact that Kosovo and Metohija remains an integral part of Serbian territory under international administration, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244". "The aforementioned document does not represent a legally binding agreement according to international law. Serbia stresses that alignment (with the Declaration) in no way means recognizing the membership of so-called 'Kosovo', in the UN," the document says. The Declaration states, among other things, that the leaders of the EU and its member states expect Belgrade's and Pristina's constructive engagement toward achieving swift progress in the normalization of their relations, which is of key importance for the security and stability of the entire region.


Vucic: Expecting convincing victory and more than 125 seats (Beta/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated yesterday that he expected a convincing victory of his election ticket in Serbia and more than 125 seats in the Serbian parliament. While replying to reporters’ questions during an inspection of infrastructural works in Kragujevac, he said he did not wish to talk about possibilities for the opposition to form a coalition with the Socialist Party of Serbia. “I believe we will have a majority in the Serbian parliament by ourselves and I will not be pleased with less. That means more than 125 seats,” Vucic said, adding that he also expected victory in the majority of cities and municipalities. Asked about how he would react if the opposition were to organize protests, dissatisfied with the election result in Belgrade, Vucic responded: “So what?” He said they could lock themselves inside City Hall, but that this would not mean they had taken it, and that they would be “kicked out, one by one, and made to face the result”.


Stano: Agreement on path to normalization legally binding in its entirety (Beta)


The Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia, and its Implementation Annex from Ohrid are legally binding in their entirety for both Belgrade and Pristina, said EU spokesperson Peter Stano. Commenting on a Serbian government letter to the EU saying that Serbia aligns with the EU-Western Balkans Summit Brussels Declaration of 13 December 2023 with reservations, Stano said that the implementation of the Agreement in its entirety is an integral part of both Serbia’s and Kosovo’s European path. The EU emphasizes that the Agreement is binding in its entirety for both sides, Stano said in a written statement. He added that the Agreement, which the Belgrade and Pristina leaders agreed on on 27 February in Brussels, and the Implementation Annex accepted on 18 March in Ohrid, became legally binding on that day, through a written statement issued by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell. This is EU’s consistent position that has been publicly declared several times, said Stano.


O’Brien: US expects peaceful, fair elections in Serbia (VoA/Beta/Politika)


US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien told yesterday the Voice of America (VoA) that the US expected elections in Serbia to be peaceful and fair, while it expected the new government in Belgrade to continue talks on normalizing relations with Pristina and its European integration road. The OSCE has an electoral mission in Serbia with many members and will carefully watch how the elections are conducted. “We expect international comments with regard to how the elections unfolded,” O’Brien said. “We expect the government to adhere to the agreements that it has reached with Kosovo. In the past several months, we have seen certain progress there. It is necessary to continue this when the new government steps into office and we have to see further progress,” he added, stressing that the future of the Balkan region lay in the unified European market and the EU. Speaking of the continuation of negotiations on normalizing relations between Belgrade and Pristina, O’Brien said that the US expected tensions in northern Kosovo, in areas with large Serbian populations, to be lowered. He also said that one measure for reducing tensions was the return of Serbs to public institutions.


Kosovo Serb Council says don’t vote for Vucic (Beta)


The Serb National Council of Kosovo called the Serbs to turn out to vote at the 17 December elections for the Serbian parliament but not for the President Aleksandar Vucic’s election ticket. The Council called the Kosovo Serbs to vote for the political options that want to maintain Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in Kosovo. “The years of political domination by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and its extension in the form of the so-called Serb List have brought the Kosovo Serbs to the brink of existence, especially young people. Research shows that every second person up to the age of 40 is unemployed while Serb List officials hold several jobs,” a press release said. It said that Vucic’s policy of concessions is pushing out the last vestiges of the Republic of Serbia in Kosovo and added that Vucic has to reject the Franco-German proposal which calls for recognition of Kosovo.


ProGlas Initiative rallies thousands in Belgrade (N1)


The non-partisan ProGlas initiative held a rally in central Belgrade on Thursday evening, its last before the 17 December elections. The gathering was held under the slogan Belgrade, Get Back to Yourself with all 14 initiative founders speaking along with several others. The ProGlas initiative organized 17 public meetings across Serbia over the past few weeks calling the public to turn out to vote but not lobbying for any specific party or coalition. Initiative founders spoke before some 20,000 people and collected more than 180,000 signatures supporting the initiative.


Andjelkovic: Vucic announcing election rigging (Beta)


Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic said yesterday that Aleksandar Vucic was announcing the rigging of the 17 December elections by claiming that he would have a better result than he had in the previous elections. Andjelkovic told Beta that Vucic had scored an own goal at the finish of the election campaign by announcing an election victory greater than ever before. “Such claims deviate from the trends and serious analyses, which is an indication of an intended rigging of the elections. In this way, Vucic is provoking a popular revolt that would surpass the one after the crimes in the Ribnikar elementary school and in Mladenovac. He is now adding fuel to the fire out of the irrational desire to stay in power at any cost,” Andjelkovic warned. In his words, Vucic never possessed the credibility of a president of all Serbian citizens, and now his political engagement is legally disputed. “Earlier, he headed electoral tickets as the president of the Serbian Progressive Party. He is now no longer the party president and he is conducting a party campaign, although the Constitution defines him as the symbol of unity in the country. Vucic has trampled on all constitutional authorities. As the president of the country, he cannot head a party ticket, because he is no longer the president of the party,” Andjelkovic explained.


Order issued by Prosecutor's Office re׃ information on causing riots on election day (B92)


Higher Public Prosecutor's Office (VJT) announced the information that on the day of the extraordinary elections in Serbia, on 17 December, there could be excesses.​ It is also possible, as stated, to interfere with the election process. "The chief public prosecutor of the VJT in Belgrade has ordered increased duty in all basic public prosecutor's offices in the territory of the capital, as well as in the Belgrade VJT", according to the announcement of the VJT. The prosecutor's office will immediately react to any attempt to prevent citizens from exercising their right to vote and prosecute the perpetrators of criminal acts, it continues and adds: "A greater number of public prosecutors will be on duty in the prosecutor's offices in order to ensure an effective reaction to possible attempts to violate electoral rights and to ensure the smooth implementation of extraordinary elections in democratic conditions. The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade reminds that the Criminal Code prescribes crimes against electoral rights, and between others and the criminal offense of Preventing the holding of voting from Article 159 of the Criminal Code, which prescribes that anyone who prevents voting at a polling station by force, threat or other illegal means, will be punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to 3 years, while whoever obstructs the voting by causing disorder at the polling station, as a result of which the voting is interrupted, will be punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to 2 years."




European Council decides to open accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova; Date to open accession with B&H prolonged (BHT1)


At the European Council meeting held in Brussels on Thursday, heads of state and government decided to grant accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova and to grant candidate status to Georgia, whilst Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) remain on hold. The reporter notes that in the case of B&H, it seems that the EU members accepted recommendation of the European Commission (EC) from last month and decided to “follow the logic on conditional opening of negotiations’’. The reporter goes on to say that the brief statement presented to journalists after the meeting states that the EC will by March report on fulfilling reforms, i.e. B&H’s “necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria’’ with the aim to decide to open accession talks. The European Council President Charles Michel briefly addressed the media after the meeting saying that the decision to open accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova a historic moment. The reporter notes details of the decision are still not available to the public and it is not known how come that Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban changed his stance after saying as late as Thursday morning that Ukraine does not meet requirements for opening accession talks. Michel confirmed that the accession talks will not be opened with B&H. He called on the European Commission (EC) to submit report on B&H by March 2024 with goal of passing such decision.


Media carried feature on EU-Western Balkans summit and its conclusions; Comments (N1)


Green light has not been given to B&H yet for the start of negotiations with the EU. In the meantime, a declaration was issued for the Western Balkans, at the EU-Western Balkans summit held on Wednesday. The President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen said on Wednesday that the EU wants to open accession negotiations as soon as possible with the countries applying for EU membership, including B&H. Von der Leyen was quoted as saying: “We believe that we can open accession negotiations with B&H when the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria is achieved. Accession negotiations are one part of our effort to bring the Western Balkans closer, but another part is to focus on the economy. If you look at the economies of the Western Balkans, they are currently at around 35 percent of the EU average. In other words, there is a lot of untapped potential”. The Chairperson and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said in Brussels on Wednesday that the move of B&H towards EU integration is not the result of the efforts of the B&H authorities, but exclusively of the EU institutions. Komsic was quoted as saying: “I am aware that the B&H Council of Ministers submitted the draft reform plan for B&H to the Commission last week. The document briefly covers the green and digital agenda for the development of the private sector and business environment, the preservation and development of human resources and the rule of law. In the next month or two, the governments and legislative bodies of all levels of authority in B&H should show concrete progress in that direction”. Many countries support B&H in getting the start of negotiations in a package with Ukraine and Moldova. A lot depends on the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban who opposes the start of negotiations with Ukraine, which could also be reflected on B&H. Croatia loudly announces that negotiations with B&H must begin as soon as possible, noted the reporter. Member of the European Parliament from Croatia Tonino Picula said: “After ten years, there is finally, let us put it that way, a structure in power that is starting to change the situation bit by bit. Of course, there are problems. Half of the country is actually led by Mr. Milorad Dodik, who speaks publicly against the country in which he lives, but all the same, B&H is not in a state of war at this moment. Its government formally controls the entire territory, unlike, for example, Moldova, where one part is under direct Russian occupation”. Dodik said on Thursday that he does not expect any special decision in Brussels. For him, the beginning of negotiations would be a political decision of the EU. He mentioned that B&H must get rid of its colonial status and (High Representative to B&H) Christian Schmidt. Dodik commented on the building of the Brussels administration and said that he saw lack of organization there. This reminded Dodik of the Federal Executive Council of the former Yugoslavia before the collapse of the country. According to Dodik, this does not have to mean anything, however, Dodik said he sees that there is no consensus in Europe on everything. The reporter commented that everything revolves around money, therefore, Von der Leyen announced that she will ask the countries of the Western Balkans to complete the joint regional market, the access of the countries to the single market. The EU has approved almost EUR 700 million for projects, with comment that it has already delivered EUR 17 billion so far.


Dodik: Europe needs to free B&H of colonial status, Schmidt and foreigners in Constitutional Court (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that Europe needs to free B&H of colonial status, Christian Schmidt and foreigners in Constitutional Court of B&H. He noted that there is no unity within the EU and that Europe is not looking at the right days, which will reflect on the countries of the Balkans, which is something that will be discussed at EU Summit, which is taking place in Brussels. “If they decide to give B&H negotiating status, then this is a political decision. They will do that if they give this status to Ukraine and Moldova. They need to free B&H of colonial status, Schmidt and foreigners in B&H CC,” said Dodik. He deems that Summit in Brussels is very difficult one, which will show the state of the EU, noting that there is no unity on crucial matters. “Europe is full of problems, and I saw that recently when I was in Brussels. I remembered the entering into the Federal Executive Council of former Yugoslavia before the very dissolution of that country. This does not have to mean anything, but I see that there is no consensus within Europe about all issues,” said Dodik. He said that EU’s policy toward conflict in Ukraine is a missed one and the USA will try to throw the burden of conflict on Brussels. “They expect from the EU to give them 60 billion, which are on the table now. Just think that for the countries of the Balkans they stipulated six billion for four years. This speaks about our relation. Europe led the wrong politics and lost leadership. It missed the politics regarding the war and underestimated Russia. They missed everything they could. Russia and Putin proved to be powerful and stable, and they do not dispute this in their reports,” said Dodik. When it comes to opening of the accession talks, Dodik said this means nothing and prejudges nothing, reminding of Turkey’s status, which opened the talks decades ago, adding that this raises doubts about sincerity of entire process.


B&H CoM adopts Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities (BHT1)


At its extraordinary telephone session held Thursday, the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) adopted the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities. BHT1 reports that it was said that the adoption of the Law, B&H wants to increase its capacities for more efficient fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism for the benefit of the business community and citizens of B&H. The B&H CoM will refer the Law to the B&H Parliament under expedited procedure. The reporter reminds that Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities is one of the 14 key priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission (EC) and notes that by adopting it, the B&H CoM is conveying a strong message to the European Council that discusses the EU enlargement policy. The RS President Milorad Dodik pointed out that the approval of the draft law prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism testifies to the true commitment of the RS to the membership of B&H in the EU and to the readiness to agree on all issues respecting the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Dodik pointed out that all priorities that EU set for B&H, which were directly under jurisdiction of ministries led by personnel from the RS, were successfully implemented.


Ademovic: Reform of B&H Constitutional Court is impossible without amending B&H Constitution (BHT1)


Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Kemal Ademovic said that reform of the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC) is impossible without amending the B&H Constitution. BHT1 reports that Ademovic explained that the B&H CC reform is one of the 14 key priorities B&H needs to fulfil on its EU path, but ‘The Troika’ political parties at the level of the institutions of B&H wants to equalize this issue with SNSD insisting on elimination of foreign judges from the B&H CC and HDZ B&H’s request for changes in the B&H Election Law. Ademovic said that due to that “we equalize formation of the Supreme Court which is also in the agenda, i.e. in the same chapter”. He went on to say that politicians from RS, especially RS President Milorad Dodik, often say “we will peacefully part ways. I have laws ready in a vault, to adopt them and peacefully part way”. He went on to say that cannot happen for as long as the B&H CC functions and passes decision or the High Representative annuls such laws, noting that he does not deny the fact that the RS “is administrative unit with its competences prescribed by the (B&H) Constitution”, however going beyond that and “any form of secessionism is an attack on the Constitution, on the constitutional order of B&H and we will certainly object that. And any reform of the B&H CC is one of the last priorities of the Troika”.


Putin: Our assessment of situation in B&H fully coincides with stances of RS leadership (ATV)


On Thursday, the annual press conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin was held, where he answered questions from journalists from all over the world. 2 million questions came for the conference, of which Putin answered 67 in 4 hours. The questions were about the war in Ukraine, the political situation in Europe, the future of Russia, etc. Among the questions was the question of RS journalist from ATV, about the current political situation in B&H. Putin stated that the future of the RS and of B&H needs to be determined by the people who live there, regardless of what kind of solutions "they" are trying to impose on them. (ATV continued to comment that "they" refers to the illegitimate office of the High Representative Christian Schmidt, who turned B&H into a de facto Western protectorate.) "We are familiar with the situation in RS and B&H. Russia's assessment of this situation fully coincides with the positions of the RS leadership. As for the future of B&H and RS, it needs to be determined by the people who live on that territory and no matter what kind solutions from the past are being imposed, if we want to live in a balanced world, in the end it is necessary to take into consideration plans and aspirations of people living there," said Putin. He stressed that the future of Russia's relations with the RS and B&H will be based on these principles. Putin noted that he regrets there are no Russian media in the RS and B&H, and that the RS is unjustifiably accused of spreading Russian influence in B&H.


Murphy, Sattler comment on Putin’s statement on compatibility of positions of Russian Federation with those of RS; Sattler says this is certainly not moment to intensify relations with Russia (FTV)


FTV carries reactions of representatives of the international community in B&H to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s statement on the compatibility of the positions of the Russian Federation with those of RS. US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy said that what Putin said is nothing new. “The Russian Embassy here made similar statements about the Dayton Peace Agreement and the situation in B&H. So, those statements are wrong, inaccurate, and based on misinformation and legal fantasy, and that does not change because it is said in Moscow or in the Embassy here,” Ambassador Murphy underlined. Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler said that one sees that the leadership of the RS has close ties with the leadership of the Russian Federation. “And this is certainly not the moment to intensify relations with Russia, bearing in mind some tendencies and all that they have shown in the past year,” Ambassador Sattler pointed out.


Dodik: Russia and President Vladimir Putin have proven to be powerful and stable (FTV)


RS President Milorad Dodik reiterated Thursday that Russia and President Vladimir Putin have proven to be powerful and stable. Dodik stated that Europe has led the wrong policy and lost its leadership, and a difficult summit is being held in Brussels where there is no unity on key issues. “Everything they could miss, they missed,” Dodik was quoted as saying.


Murphy: If Dodik thinks that US will sit on sidelines and watch as he dissolves B&H and leads it to conflict, he is wrong (FTV)


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy, asked to assess the current situation in B&H in light of the 28th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, reminded that the Dayton Peace Agreement, above all, ended the war in B&H, “and that is very significant.” “It also established the foundations on which B&H must be upgraded. Progress has been made since the signing of Dayton, physical progress. You can see that in Sarajevo, which looks better and better every year, but institutional progress has also been made. We have built single armed forces, an intelligence agency, an indirect taxation agency. There are other examples and that is very important. It should not be ignored so lightly, but a lot of work remains unfinished in B&H, to strengthen democracy in the country, for the economy to experience growth, to continue to fight against corruption, the climate crisis, energy security, etc. In order to achieve progress, the US strongly supports all these goals and we have invested a lot in the past thirty years in B&H, more than two billion dollars to help achieve progress in achieving all these goals, to bring the country closer to membership in the Euro-Atlantic institutions, but that in itself is not enough. Therefore, in order for progress to occur, political leaders need to do their job much better, to work for the common good, on consensus, compromise. Nowhere in the Dayton Agreement does it say that political leaders should steal, or that they should use inflammatory rhetoric, or that they should practice the politics of division, or that they should put their own narrow financial interests before the interests of the citizens of B&H. The reason why there was no progress that we all wanted to see, including the US, is because of the decisions made by the political leaders themselves. They bear the responsibility for the current situation when it comes to democracy and the economy in the country,” Ambassador Murphy emphasized. Asked to comment on RS President Milorad Dodik’s constant secessionist threats and his anti-state activities, Ambassador Murphy reiterated that the US supports the territorial integrity, sovereignty and multi-ethnic character of B&H. “We are here partly to defend the Dayton Peace Agreement and the state of B&H. And the Constitution is very clear that it is a single, sovereign state consisting of two entities and three constituent peoples and the others. The RS is an entity in B&H. So, it has no right, that is, the Constitution does not provide for the right of the RS to secede. So far, we have been clear that we are ready to respond to activities that threaten the territorial integrity of B&H and the state of B&H. You can see this, for example, in the steps we have taken, that we insist on the responsibility of the leaders due to anti-Dayton rhetoric and actions with our sanctions in the past few years. Threats of secession, attacks on the constitutional order, refusal to respect all Dayton institutions, including the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the High Representative - these are anti-Dayton actions. I will not speculate on what we will do in the future in response to continued anti-Dayton activities, but I will say this. If Milorad Dodik thinks that the US will sit on the sidelines and watch as he dissolves the country and leads it to conflict, he is wrong,” Ambassador Murphy underlined. Commenting on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s statement that Russia's assessment of the situation in B&H completely coincides with the positions of the RS leadership, Ambassador Murphy said that the US has been and remains B&H's strongest partner and its greatest friend. “In the past 30 years, the focus of our political engagement here has been the territorial integrity, sovereignty and multi-ethnic character of B&H. It has not changed, nor will it change because of statements made by local political actors or someone from another country like President Putin. To a certain extent, what he (Putin) said today (Thursday) is nothing new. The Russian Embassy here made similar statements about the Dayton Peace Agreement and the situation in B&H. So, those statements are wrong, inaccurate, and based on misinformation and legal fantasy, and that does not change because it is said in Moscow or in the Embassy here,” Ambassador Murphy said. Asked whether he considers such statements even the slightest threat to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H, Ambassador Murphy said that the US takes threats to the territorial integrity of B&H very seriously, regardless of whether they come from within the country or outside it. “We will do what we have done in the previous 30 years in B&H. We will act in the protection and defense of the territorial integrity of B&H,” Ambassador Murphy stressed. Asked to assess the work of the authorities at all levels in B&H, Ambassador Murphy stated that there is a lot of work ahead of the authorities in B&H. “The climate must be improved, for example, for the private sector here, which can help to bring about economic growth in the country, to create new jobs. Corruption is a serious threat to democracy and the economy and the future prosperity of B&H, and this issue must also be resolved. There is a need to democratically strengthen institutions in the country. I spoke the other day about the importance of political campaign finance reform, electoral process reform here. People must be convinced that their vote will be counted as they voted. It is hard, it is not easy, some things will take more time. Some things are simpler... This requires the permanent commitment of political leaders here to build consensus and reach a compromise and to make decisions that are in the interest of the entire country,” Ambassador Murphy said. Asked whether B&H deserves the green light to open accession negotiations with the EU, Ambassador Murphy stated that he cannot prejudge or predict what the EU will decide. “From the beginning, the US has supported the country's integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions, both in the EU and NATO. Therefore, we believe that B&H is and will always be a part of the transatlantic community of countries, culturally, historically, economically. The challenge is how to move from membership in the community to membership in institutions. We supported the EU's decision to approve B&H's candidate status. We know that it is a geopolitical decision, but it was the right decision, an important signal to the people of this country, especially during international tensions. It was important to say that you are part of the family and that you will formally be part of those institutions one day. Now the challenge is how to do the remaining part of the work, and this requires a change of approach on the part of some political leaders in this country when it comes to reforming the economy in the country, solving the challenges posed by the issue of corruption or strengthening democracy in the country,” Ambassador Murphy emphasized. Asked what he sees as the biggest challenge for the authorities and the political leaders in B&H in the coming period, Ambassador Murphy said that solving the issue of state property is very important. “Honestly, we all thought that it would be solved by now, it prevents economic growth and investments, both domestic and foreign. That must be changed. However, since there are elections next year, one of the most important things for the leaders of this country is to solve the issue of the integrity of the electoral process. We saw with the example of last year's elections that fraud is a problem in elections, especially when it came to the elections for the President of the RS. There was a lot of fraud, many people are uncertain about the result of those elections... There is an urgent need to solve this in order to have a positive impact on the elections next year. The second thing I would like to emphasize is the issue of corruption. I have already mentioned that corruption is a cancer of society and it weakens the country and democracy, it represents a threat to the economy. Entrepreneurs must have an environment where they know with certainty that they will receive business licenses within a reasonable time,” Ambassador Murphy said. Asked to comment on the adoption of certain laws in the RS parliament which go against the expectations of the EU, Ambassador Murphy said that the US is very concerned about the attempts in the RS to close the space for civil society, to intimidate journalists and to prevent the opposition from speaking in government structures. “In a healthy democracy, leaders are ready to answer for their decisions. When leaders make decisions that make it impossible to decide on their responsibility, when they do not want an active civil society, when they want to silence journalists, when they want immunity for their crimes, that is a bad sign and it is a step backwards,” Ambassador Murphy pointed out.


B&H Presidency members meet Slovakian President Caputova; B&H appreciates Slovakia’s support (RTRS)


Members of the B&H Presidency, Zeljka Cvijanovic and Denis Becirovic, met with Slovakian President Zuzana Caputova in Sarajevo today (Thursday). Members of the B&H Presidency expressed warm welcome to President Caputova, stressing that there are no open issues between two countries, that bilateral relations are good and friendly, which is a foundation for further strengthening of cooperation in line with mutual interests at bilateral and international level. They underlined that B&H appreciates Slovakia’s constant support in process of European integration and they confirmed full and unquestionable dedication to EU membership. B&H Presidency members thanked Slovakian President for participation of Slovakian troops in EUFOR-Althea Mission. Caputova stressed that one of Slovakian priorities is support to B&H’s and Western Balkans’ integration into the EU. She expressed interest of her country in bigger investments in B&H. Officials agreed that it is necessary to open B&H Embassy in Bratislava as soon as possible. On behalf of Chairman Zeljko Komsic the meeting was attended by his Advisor Davor Vuletic. Meanwhile, Minister of Defense of Slovakia, Robert Kalinak, held a meeting with the B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez. Slovakian President Zuzana Caputova and Kalinak met with EUFOR Commander Helmut Habermayer and visited members of the Slovak contingent. It was said that B&H and Slovakia have very good relations with no open issues. Kalinak was quoted as saying: “We have a traditionally strong defense industry in common. The situation that is current on this market, in the world, could be said that it is an opportunity for both our industries. Our countries have potential for those needs that exist today”. Helez highlighted their cooperation in the area of the arms industry. “We found that B&H has a wide range of products from the field of arms industry, and Europe has quite failed in this area in the past period. What also makes me happy, and I would like to thank the Slovak Republic for its support of B&H towards Euro-Atlantic integration. We agreed to strengthen defense cooperation as well. I want to also point out that Slovakia was symbolically the first to comply with the DCV package of NATO, which made a decision last year in Madrid. They were the first to symbolically give a gift of EUR 20,000”, said Helez.


Spajic: Economic repercussions but also a blow to Montenegro’s reputation avoided; I will personally monitor process of fulfilling recommendations (CdM)


Montenegro will not be on the grey list of MONEYVAL, it was decided at the session of the Committee of Experts for the Evaluation of Measures to Combat Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism of the Council of Europe. “Another successful mission. Montenegro escaped the grey list of MONEYVAL. The extraordinary efforts of the government of Montenegro and the special team that worked day and night, with the support of the parliament, were crucial to fulfil the requirements and avoid a big problem for the economy, but also for our reputation. We bring great news from Strasbourg, thank you to everyone who made an immeasurable contribution to the completion of such a serious job in a record short time”, said Prime Minister of Montenegro Milojko Spajic. As it was pointed out, due to the quick and coordinated action of the government and the parliament, together with intensive diplomatic activities, Montenegro avoided being placed on the MONEYVAL grey list. “Thus, economic repercussions were avoided, as well as a blow to the reputation of Montenegro, which would have slowed down the expected period of large investments”, it is stated. Spajic said that the government would continue its dedicated work in order to fully fulfil the recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).


Pejovic: Prosecution to deal with the “erasable pen” case; Mustafic: We asked for census to be prolonged to 28 December (CdM)


After it was discovered that 16 enumerators used an erasable pen, the competent prosecutor’s office reacted. The duty of the Census Commission is to say who proposed those enumerators, announced today the director of the MONSTAT Statistical Office, Miroslav Pejovic, at the fourth session of the Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of the Agreement on the Conditions for Conducting the Census of Population, Households and Apartments, as well as monitoring the implementation of the census process. Suljo Mustafic said at the Committee that his party proposed to prolong the census to 28 December. Pejovic announced that 20 municipalities did not report any irregularities. “In Podgorica, the situation is a bit more complicated. The pace in Budva is slower than in other municipalities, but considering the announced census period, we will have enough time to implement the census”, he said. SD MP Nikola Zirojevic said that it turned out to be true that 16 enumerators used erasable pens, and that it was encouraging that they were excluded from the campaign. DPS MP Nikola Rakocevic called on the Prosecutor’s Office to do the work within its jurisdiction. Jovan Vucurovic of the For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) coalition noted that the number of irregularities was small compared to the number of people registered through the censuses, and no one could use that to dispute the census results in the coming period.


Petrovska: Peaceful, secure Balkans possible only if integrated (MIA)


Peaceful, secure Balkans are possible only if the region is integrated, given that our integration processes have shown to also be processes of reconciliation, Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska told the SMART Balkans Regional Conference 2023 on the topic of "Peace and Prosperity in the Western Balkans." In her remarks, Defense Minister Petrovska pointed out that the European Union was the best example for guaranteeing peace between countries. She added that North Macedonia was continuously working toward its goal of joining the bloc. "We are paving the road to the EU," Petrovska said. "North Macedonia and Macedonian citizens deserve to be part of the great European family, a family of values and ideals." "Along the way, many obligations remain," she said, expressing her hope that politicians would rise to the task of adopting the constitutional amendments needed to continue the accession process. "I hope that all democratic, progressive forces that mean this country well will take this step in the right direction," Petrovska said. Speaking about modern security threats and cyber-attacks, she said the state was allocating significant funding for protection and was thankful for the support of other countries. She added North Macedonia would also be able to contribute to regional security when it joined the EU "but that requires political, courageous and visionary decisions," she added. According to Petrovska, the Ministry of Defense had not logged any recent cyber-attacks that would disrupt the work of the country's institutions. "This is due to our continuous capacity-building and the right infrastructure that provides early warnings of any such attacks," she said. Regarding the war in the Gaza Strip and any potential security threat to the country, Petrovska said there were no conventional threats. She added that people who had left Gaza to come back to North Macedonia were being helped to reintegrate into society. "This is one issue we are following really closely," the defense minister said. "There is no conventional type of threat. But of course, we can never be sure as long as anywhere in the world — especially where, let's say, we have some ties — there is any kind of conflict."  "However," she added, "this process is very complex. "Whenever we face either potential or real threats, in addition to the institutions that should respond first, we also need to include the civil sector and the public." Center for Research and Policy Making head Marija Ristevska said the region was in an exceptional geopolitically polarized moment and civil society organizations could play a key role in building resilience and promoting peace. "Because of this, we are very glad to be signing today 20 grant agreements with regional organizations that will work on the topics of security, stability, good governance, fight against corruption, gender equality, and environmental protection. All of them are connected and affect the stability of the Balkans," Ristevska said. She added that research findings showed that organized crime, corruption and polarized relations between ethnic communities were the main threats to peace in the Balkans. Kristin Melsom, Ambassador of Norway to Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia, and Dajana Cvjetković, SMART Balkans Program Manager at the Center for Civil Society Promotion were also set to address the conference. The two-day conference is organized as part of the SMART Balkans - Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans project. The project is implemented by the Center for Civil Society Promotion from Bosnia and Herzegovina together with the partner organizations Institute for Democracy and Mediation from Albania, and the Center for Research and Policy Making from North Macedonia. Financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a grant worth more than 17 million euros, the SMART Balkans project is meant to contribute to strengthening participatory democracies and Euro-Atlantic integrations in the Western Balkans by empowering civil society organizations and CSO networks for stronger and active role in creating peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, and North Macedonia.


Begaj in Bulgaria: Western Balkans, strategic investment for the EU (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic of Albania Bajram Begaj met in Sofia with the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev for an official visit at the latter's invitation. The President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj, declared that the Western Balkans is a strategic investment for the EU. In the joint press conference with the Bulgarian President, Rumen Radev in Sofia, Begaj said that, "this visit clearly demonstrates the very good and friendly relations between Albania and Bulgaria". "Albania has the will and interest to deepen bilateral cooperation and that for EU integration", said Begaj. He added that the support of the respective minorities is in our common interest. The deepening of economic cooperation, the progress of the EU expansion process in the Western Balkans, regional cooperation within the framework of the defense and security of the two countries in NATO, were the main points under discussion. They also discussed about the continuation of the current policies towards the respective minorities in both countries. During the joint press conference with his Bulgarian counterpart Radev, President Begaj underlined Albania's willingness and interest to strengthen economic cooperation with Bulgaria, including trade exchanges, while expressing gratitude for the projects supported by Bulgaria in our South-Eastern region. Today, said President Begaj, there are all the conditions and opportunities, such as the legal framework, the favourable business climate, as well as the common interest, for this cooperation to be strengthened even more. "The next session of the Joint Economic Commission will very carefully address all the possibilities and will set in motion all the relevant mechanisms", said President Begaj. The President also emphasized that the 8th Corridor project should be used as best as possible. "An added value in this direction and which should be used as best as possible, is the geostrategic project of the 8th Corridor, for which I expressed gratitude for the significant lobbying of Bulgaria in its inclusion in the Trans-European transport network", underlined the Albanian Head of State. The President congratulated Bulgaria for supporting the European integration of Albania, which he assessed as the "greatest strategic project", while he expressed the belief that the same approach will be used during the negotiations for membership in the Union. "The current security conditions of our continent, after the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, have become very delicate, so I assessed that the European Union's geopolitical focus on the Western Balkan region should be one of its main priorities." President Begaj paid special attention to cooperation in the framework of defense and security, as well as the contribution of Bulgarian troops in Kosovo as part of KFOR. During the joint press conference with the Bulgarian president, President Begaj announced that he had also acquainted his counterpart with Albania's role in the UN Security Council.


President Radev: Bulgaria supports Albania's journey towards European integration (Radio Tirana)


President Rumen Radev of Bulgaria affirmed Bulgaria's backing for Albania's journey towards European integration. During a joint press conference with Albanian President Bajram Begaj, who is on an official visit to Bulgaria, Radev highlighted the significance of the visit. He remarked, "This significant visit marks the pinnacle of extensive political dialogues at all levels throughout this year, coinciding with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of our diplomatic relations and the 30th anniversary since the restoration of our diplomatic ties after the 1990s." He underscored that the relations between the two countries are based on the NATO alliance. "We share a relationship of friendship and robust cooperation, underpinned by a collective vision for the development of our region. Our shared European principles serve as the cornerstone for regional and global cooperation. As NATO allies, our political priorities align seamlessly, and our perspectives on regional stability are harmonized," emphasized Radev. "The EU Summit involving the Western Balkans occurred yesterday, signifying a pivotal event for our region. I reiterated to President Begaj the unwavering support of my nation for Albania's journey toward Europe. I firmly believe that Bulgaria can provide robust and tangible assistance throughout this process due to our extensive experience," he stated. He appreciated Albania for its efforts made over the last two years in advancing its progress towards Europe. "Albania has demonstrated a clear geopolitical orientation, particularly concerning the current global security situation," he remarked. Radev added that over the past four years, the trade volume between our two countries has doubled. He mentioned discussing with Begaj additional opportunities for expanding trade and fostering cooperation in the realms of business and tourism. Radev also stressed the significant importance of comprehensive transport interconnectivity along Corridor 8.


European leaders in Brussels, the decision to open the first chapters is expected (Radio Tirana)


The leaders of the EU will decide at the end of the year meeting in Brussels, on the European Commission's proposal regarding Albania’s start of membership talks for the first chapters. The leaders of the 27 countries have been invited in a protocol letter by President Michel to take far-reaching decisions such as those on the budget and of a 50 billion USD agreement for Ukraine to prove that the EU fulfils its commitments to Ukraine and continues to be a strong and reliable partner. Also, the first issue of the discussion includes agreeing to open membership talks with Ukraine, in the spirit of which, as Mishel writes, important decisions must be made for other aspiring members. Referring also to the positions, but especially to the final Declaration after the Western Balkans-EU Summit on Wednesday evening, the European leaders are oriented to show the readiness of the Union to welcome new members. Establishing the spirit of the processes with potential new members according to the superfast model of Ukraine orients the anticipation of decisions like that of Albania which has been exposed by the claims of a Greek veto announced in the Greek media.


EC, Von der Leyen: The Italy-Albania agreement on migration is commendable (Radio Tirana)


The EU's leading official has endorsed an agreement allowing Albania to accommodate thousands of migrants intercepted at sea and sent to its shores by Italian authorities. Despite this approval, the Albanian Constitutional Court postponed voting on the deal to address legal concerns. In a letter addressed to EU leaders convening in Brussels on Thursday, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen commended 'important initiatives' undertaken by several of the bloc's 27 member states to limit migration, highlighting "the operational agreement between Italy and Albania" among these efforts. In her letter, Von der Leyen described the agreement as an example of innovative thinking, emphasizing fair distribution of responsibilities with third countries in line with EU and international legal obligations to prevent the arrival of unauthorized individuals. According to the five-year agreement revealed last month, Albania would accommodate a maximum of 36,000 migrants annually, approximately 3,000 per month, who attempt to reach Italy without proper documentation, often through hazardous sea voyages. The agreement applies to individuals rescued or intercepted by the Italian navy in international waters. Migrants apprehended within Italian territorial waters will maintain their rights, as per international and EU law, to seek asylum in Italy and have their asylum claims processed there. Albania will accommodate the immigrants in two facilities, while Italy will expedite their asylum applications. Italy will retain legal responsibility for the migrants throughout the procedure. If granted international protection, Italy will welcome them; if their asylum requests are denied, arrangements will be made for their deportation from Albania. Albania's Constitutional Court, on Wednesday, temporarily prohibited lawmakers from ratifying the agreement. The court's chief judge announced a public hearing scheduled for 18 January to assess whether the agreement infringes upon the Albanian Constitution. The Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe, a human rights watchdog independent of the EU, also expressed concerns on Thursday regarding the Italy-Albania deal. A report, compiled subsequent to a visit to Italy in June by the Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic, stated that the extra-territorial detention of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants as outlined in the memorandum could deprive them essential guarantees. However, in her letter, Von der Leyen underlined that the Commission has allocated 473 million euros ($516 million) to enhance the EU's external borders. This funding is primarily directed towards augmenting land border surveillance, encompassing electronic monitoring equipment and the implementation of new computer systems. She noted the necessity for comparable investment in border surveillance equipment for maritime borders, stating that pre-border aerial surveillance is crucial in preventing irregular arrivals and minimizing loss of life at sea. Buoyed by the outcomes, the EU has persisted in pursuing similar agreements with other nations from which migrants depart or transit en route to Europe. Von der Leyen also mentioned that the Commission has extended efforts to 'expand and strengthen our migration partnerships' throughout 2023, encompassing countries such as Bangladesh, Iraq, Nigeria, and Pakistan.