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Belgrade Media Report 11 January 2024



Vucic meets with US Ambassador: Open discussion about further improvement of Serbian-US relations (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met today with US Ambassador Christopher Hill.

"An open conversation with Ambassador Christopher Hill about the further improvement of Serbian-US political and economic relations. We also discussed the international position of Serbia, the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the continuation of the dialogue with Pristina, as well as current geopolitical events. We confirmed our commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the region and strengthening friendship and cooperation between Serbia and the US," the President posted on Instagram.


Vucic: Everyone is arming themselves, we are not lagging behind (Tanjug)


The entire world, including our region, is arming itself at an accelerated rate, but Serbia is not lagging behind, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday. "Everyone in the region, too, is arming themselves, and it is our duty not to lag behind. All I can tell you is that we are not lagging behind. You will be able to see that soon, we will just notify you of the exact date," Vucic told reporters during a visit to the Russian House in Belgrade, in a comment on a statement by the new French PM that arming France was his priority. Vucic said the statement was logical and added that Kosovo Albanian journalists had asked the Americans what they thought about an announced reinstatement of compulsory military service in Serbia and that the Americans had responded they were watching the situation closely. "I, too, am watching closely all that is happening around the world - including in America, England, France, Germany and Sweden. We are watching everything everywhere closely. But what you do not have to watch closely and what you can see even if you do not see anything and pretend not to hear anything, is that everyone is arming themselves to the teeth," Vucic concluded.


Vucevic: Political pressures on Serbia continue (RTS)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic told RTS that the Ministry and the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces will not give up on the initiative to reactivate mandatory military service. Speaking about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Vucevic assessed that the reality is that new court proceedings are being initiated against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija for alleged war crimes, and that in this way a message is being sent to the entire Serb community that they are not welcome or cannot stay and survive in areas where they have lived for centuries. “Secondly, it is certain that political pressures continue, overall political pressures on Serbia regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, but not only the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, I think that there is of course the issue of relations with the Russian Federation today, we also have the issue of attempts to unitize Bosnia and Herzegovina, the issue of relations in the region. Not an easy period, above all, I would say, in the next six months, not only until the end of January, while Kosovo and Metohija will be the dominant topic,” Vucevic pointed out. As he added, Belgrade should continue to be maximally constructive, protecting state and national interests, but also have clearly defined red lines. Miroslav Lajcak said that he expects Belgrade and Pristina to reach an agreement by the end of January. Vucevic assessed that it is not realistic to achieve something that has not been achieved for decades, not by the end of January, but by the end of the year.


Serbia Against Violence demands annulment of elections (Beta)


The Serbia Against Violence coalition described as “outrageous” a 9 January decision by the City Election Commission to reject their objection to the general report on the results of the elections for the City Assembly of Belgrade with the explanation that the objection had been filed by unauthorized persons. The statement forwarded by the Green Left Front on behalf of the coalition says that it was a case of “legal violence” by the Commission, and that the Serbia Against Violence demands the annulment of the elections held on 17 December, last year. “The decision made by the Commission is outrageous, because the objection was submitted by Vladimir Obradovic and Dobrica Veselinovic, the persons whom a coalition agreement had authorized to file objections and appeals to election commissions and courts. The malicious nature of the decision is illustrated by the fact that, according to the Law on Local Elections, an objection to the general report on election results can be submitted by any voter, and election commissions are obliged to act upon any objection suggesting electoral irregularities, regardless of who has filed it,” the opposition coalition said in the release. “The Serbia Against Violence coalition will use all legal means available to it in the ongoing electoral process. The outcomes of the initiated proceedings show that there is abundant evidence of irregularities in all stages of the electoral process, but that the state authorities - election commissions, public prosecution offices and courts - currently defend themselves against these pieces of evidence by refusing to discuss them,” the coalition added.


CRTA on deadlines for contesting election result in Belgrade (Beta/Beoinfo)


A representative of the election observer mission of the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) Pavle Dimitrijevic assessed yesterday that, if the maximum possible deadlines are considered, the legal means for contesting the 17 December election result in Belgrade should be exhausted within the next six days. Dimitrijevic, CRTA’s director for legal affairs, told Beta that this could also be much shorter, depending on when the complaint is lodged and how long would the Higher Court take to consider it. The City Electoral Commission (CEC) of Belgrade dismissed a complaint of the Serbia Against Violence electoral ticket on 9 January, because it was submitted by “unauthorized persons”, the Beoinfo portal reported. “Since the complaint was dismissed at the session of CEC, the party submitting the complaint may, considering the reasons for dismissal, appeal to the Higher Court in Belgrade within three days,” he said. In that case, the court will have three days, “i.e. 72 hours to respond, that is make the final decision on the complaint”. “In practice, this means that, if we look at the maximum deadlines, all the legal means for contesting the election result in the City will have finally been exhausted in not more than six days,” he stated.


Brnabic: CRTA is Djilas’s political platform (N1)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic rebutted Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) program director Rasa Nedeljkovic’s allegations that some voters were registered in as many as ten electoral rolls, and said these were blatant lies. “There isn’t a possibility for one and the same voter to be registered twice, let alone ten times in the electoral roll. Following lies about oncology patients, CRTA has now shown that it is merely Dragan Djilas’s political platform,” Brnabic wrote on the X social media network. She said CRTA had 2,508 observers in the Serbian 17 December 2023 elections. “Oh, dictatorship…,” Brnabic commented, ironically. Nedeljkov told N1 on Wednesday that one person was registered in ten electoral rolls a day before the December 17 elections, yet that that person’s name was in just one electoral roll on Wednesday. “Someone has started cleaning up what happened prior to the election day. We want those people to answer,” said Nedeljkov.


Defence to seek throwing out of indictment against Kosovo Serb – lawyer (Tanjug)


The defence team of a Kosovo Serb charged by Pristina with alleged war crimes will seek a throwing out of his indictment and file a complaint against evidence presented against him because the indictment is based solely on witness accounts, lawyer Jovana Filipovic announced on Wednesday. Earlier in the day, Dragisa Milenkovic from the village of Kisnica near Gracanica appeared in his first hearing before the basic court in Pristina and the indictment was read out to him. "There is not a single piece of evidence of injuries sustained by the plaintiffs or any other evidence... We will request that the court throw out the indictment and release Dragisa," Filipovic said. Lawyer Dejan Vasic said Milenkovic faced poor living conditions in a Podujevo prison and did not leave his cell, and added that he believed all conditions were in place to put Milenkovic in house arrest for the duration of the trial. "Dragisa's family and my colleagues and I are ready to swear he will not leave Gracanica," he said. Milenkovic is charged with involvement in war crimes committed against civilians in Lipljan and Pristina prisons during the 1998-1999 conflict in Kosovo-Metohija, when he worked as a prison guard. After the indictment was read out, Milenkovic pleaded not guilty. He was arrested in Kisnica on 21 June last year and indicted on 26 December.


Cvijanovic: RS Day is creating divisions without reasons, many have problem with fact that RS was created in peace (RTS)


Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic gave an interview to RTS on occasion of the RS Day- 9 January. Cvijanovic stated that January 9- the day of creation of the RS is creating divisions without and reason whatsoever, and she reminded that the RS was created in peace and their goal is to use all these events to convey a message about a peaceful, stable RS, peaceful and normal coexistence with all others, and they cannot understand why would anyone have an issue with this. She stressed that it is obvious that B&H public is divided, that there is a foreign factor, which always pressures the RS, “but to forsake this date, to forsake the Republic, its creation, would truly be devastating for Serb people living in this region, but it would also mean betraying the history, historic fact and the historic fact is that the RS was created on this day, that it was created in peace, that it was created before wartime events and the other entity within B&H was created during the war”. “So, all these are some things that, I would say, bother many in Sarajevo within the foreign factor, this fact that the RS is the one created in peace”. Asked about the reaction from the US Embassy and military exercise of the US and B&H Armed Forces, Cvijanovic said “why would they care what we are celebrating”, stressing that they are marking the date of the RS creation and they turned this into a major issue, instead leaving things alone and allowing everyone to celebrate what they want. She further underscored that B&H has no law on holidays, and these issues are regulated at the entity level and “sometime, someone out of political caprice decided to turn January 9 into an issue, saying or claiming that this is something that does not fit into some general coexistence…” “I do not know why would anyone, if we live together and if this state is truly a joint state, why would anyone be bothered by creation of one of two entities,” said Cvijanovic. She repeated that the RS was created on January 9, it was verified by the Dayton Agreement, where it received full affirmation, through international law i.e. Dayton Agreement.  As for decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H, which “raised the issue of 9 January”, Cvijanovic said that the decision was reached by outvoting with assistance of three foreign and two Bosniak judges. She underlined that there are many decisions of B&H which have not been implemented and majority of them regards “the other entity, which is the Federation of B&H (FB&H), B&H and cantonal level, which are again part of the FB&H”. She repeated that the same B&H CC said in 2006 that in order for someone to be appointed a High Representative, the person has to pass an appointment procedure in the UN SC and there is a man, Christian Schmidt, who has not passed it and then some people from embassies come and say that the RS authorities have to abide by the B&H CC decision about the RS Day and when it comes to the HR this is not the case. As for flying over of the planes, Cvijanovic said this was senseless and unnecessary. “I do not know what kind of message this coveys? So, we celebrated the RS Day, as always, in peace with messages of peace, messages of love, solidarity, messages of wish to live peaceful in a constitutional B&H and this means for the RS to have its own constitutional capacity as received through the Constitution and the DPA.” Asked if “Sarajevo” is right when accuses RS President Milorad Dodik of anti-Dayton and secessionist policy, Cvijanovic said that there is no anti-Dayton and secessionist policy, noting that his messages are that the RS wants to have its own constitutional capacity as awarded by the Constitution, then someone say this is anti-Dayton activity. “No, anti-constitutional is what they did during all these years, by distorting this Constitution, creating and making a completely different institutional image and foundation within B&H, which has nothing to do with the Constitution”. She further stressed that “they” are the problem, double standards, and the fact is that “they” gave up on the international law and then “they” decided to sanction someone, invoking the violation of international law. She compares this situation with the situation in Serbia, taking Kosovo as an example, saying that the RS received messages that it cannot secede, even though this is not on the political agenda. She stressed that the Serbian Constitution also did not allow that possibility, arguing that there is a constant presence of double-standard policy. “So, I see all this as an unnecessary hysteria coming from Sarajevo and unnecessary hysteria that certain embassies fell into, defending the lie and not the truth about B&H. So, they defend the lie, and we defend the truth about B&H,” Cvijanovic said. Cvijanovic commented on the intention to adopt the RS electoral legislation, first of all criticizing the Central Election Commission of B&H (B&H CEC) saying there are people there who are affiliated to certain parties. She speaks about attempts of election engineering in election of the RS President, noting there is pressure from the foreigners to have someone else at this post, someone who will be amicable, who will not raise issues about the unconstitutional story “they” promote and someone meek who will not ask for constitutional position of the RS. Asked if this legislation is harmonized with B&H Law, Cvijanovic said that B&H law is not the holy grail, and the laws are constantly changed. Asked about her recent meeting with Christian Schmidt when she shook his hand, Cvijanovic said that this was during a reception, and she is polite and could not turn her back on him. She explained that he approached her, and she would never approach him, and she acted politely. She repeated her stance on this matter and noted she has no contact or any kind or established communication with him.




Incidents reported in B&H in last few days (FTV/Nova/


A video taken in Zenica on Tuesday, when a group of young men set fire the RS flag on fire is spreading on social media. In addition to this, there is also information that about twenty citizens demanded that the RS flag is removed from the Orthodox church in Konjic. In addition, a house of Sofija Santic, a Serb returnee in Mostar, was stoned on Orthodox Christmas on Sunday. Santic’s daughter described the incident for media and said that similar attack has never happened before and that they have always lived peacefully with their neighbors. The Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Ministry of Interior is investigating the case. Meanwhile, two 18-year-olds from Doboj were arrested for writing graffiti with the name of convicted war criminal Ratko Mladic in the municipality of Doboj Jug. The Zenica-Doboj Canton (ZDC) Ministry of Interior (MoI) stated that the arrested committed the crime of inciting national, racial and religious hatred, discord and intolerance. The duty prosecutor of the ZDC Prosecutor's Office was informed about everything. The OHR issued a press statement noting that every person has the fundamental right to live freely and without fear of discrimination or harm in every corner of B&H. “Disturbing incidents targeting and intimidating returnees in various parts of B&H that occurred over the last few days stand in stark contrast to the progress achieved over the past three decades of post-war recovery in B&H. These regrettable incidents are fuelled by increased nationalistic discourse, including surrounding the unconstitutional commemoration of January 9.  Such actions not only jeopardize the safety and well-being of returnees, but also pose a serious threat to investments, the EU integration process, and the overall prosperity of the entire country. The RS should have a day, but it cannot be marked in a way that discriminates against some citizens or otherwise promotes division. Political leaders of this country must always be aware that their words have power. They can easily translate into actions that affect the lives of individuals. Thus, they should refrain from divisive rhetoric and actions that can cause tensions and instead prioritize the well-being of all citizens. The OHR reiterates that the RS as a party to Annex 7 to the General Framework Agreement for Peace committed to create in its territory the political, economic, and social conditions conducive to the harmonious reintegration of returnees without risk of harassment, intimidation, persecution, or discrimination, particularly on account of their ethnic origin, religious belief, or political opinion. The RS authorities must take all necessary steps to combat any form of violence, discrimination, or intimidation against any community within their jurisdiction. The OHR calls upon all responsible authorities to take swift and decisive action to ensure the security and protection of all citizens. Some leaders in this country have demonstrated restraint and kept their focus on crucial reforms needed for B&H to officially launch membership negotiations with the EU this spring. This is a just approach. It is imperative for everyone in B&H to demonstrate a commitment to democracy, human rights, and shared future prosperity in the country”. The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement condemning the recent incidents of violence in B&H. “The United States strongly condemns the recent incidents of violence and intimidation that have occurred throughout B&H. It is unacceptable that Bosniak residents of Vlasenica and Potocari were subjected to threats and xenophobic insults, and that a Serb family’s house was attacked in Mostar. In the same vein, the glorification of Serb war criminals in Visegrad and the burning of a RS flag in Zenica were irresponsible provocations that increased tensions and served to divide those communities. The United States condemns all acts of violence and intolerance. They erode societal cohesion and ultimately threaten the security and stability of B&H. The United States reiterates that it is the responsibility of B&H authorities at all levels, particularly the country’s political leaders, to promote an environment conducive to reconciliation. We support those throughout the country who work to promote reconciliation as well as support peace and stability in B&H.” Commenting on the latest cases of abuse of the RS flag in Zenica and Konjic and stoning a house of Serb returnee in Mostar, the UK Embassy to B&H stated on Wednesday that intimidation of returnees and minority communities in any part of B&H is inacceptable and that competent authorities need to act in order to prevent such cases in the future. The OSCE Mission to B&H issued a press statement condemning all actions and speech driven by bias or hatred and notes with growing concern the recent surge of such incidents in certain locations in RS in conjunction with Orthodox Christmas and the “unconstitutional Day of RS”, as well as in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). “Following an unfortunately regular pattern, the period around Orthodox Christmas and 9 January 2024 again witnessed threats and harassment targeting non-Serb communities in some parts of the RS, including vehicle convoys and public gatherings where participants carried firearms, chanted ethnic slurs and glorified war criminals. Incidents were also observed in the FB&H, including damage to property belonging to Serbs. Such displays of intimidation and aggression incite fear and divide communities trying to move forward and rebuild trust. Per data collected through the Mission’s extensive monitoring program, despite indicators and initial evidence of bias, responsible officials rarely investigate and prosecute these instances properly or take other meaningful measures. The repetition of such incidents indicates an environment of impunity wherein institutional responses to date have done little to diminish or prevent similar acts from recurring. That said, following the recent events in Vlasenica and Srebrenica law enforcement agencies are acting commendably and swiftly, even in the face of mounting public pressure to disregard their legal obligations. The Mission further welcomes the condemnation of these incidents. The Mission urges the relevant prosecutor’s offices to conduct thorough investigations into potential criminal charges and motives, respecting both domestic criminal legislation and binding European Court of Human Rights case law. All other legally mandated authorities should respond to these and any similar incidents promptly and appropriately, including by providing support and protection to victims and their communities. Most importantly, it should be recognized that these episodes do not exist in a vacuum and must be examined within the wider context of hate-filled and divisive rhetoric espoused by some elected leaders, public figures and media organizations. The institutional and individual promotion of exclusion, discrimination and marginalization of citizens that do not belong to a dominant nationality, religious or political group serves as a clear endorsement of conflict and hatred. This includes continued official support for and celebration of the unconstitutional Day of RS, further undermining fundamental human rights and the rule of law, including the authority of the judiciary. The Mission reiterates its condemnation of any contraventions of the principles of inclusivity, pluralism and democracy, the very principles serving as the foundation of B&H. Relevant institutions and those serving in positions of power and influence, including elected officials, must work for everyone in their areas of responsibility, irrespective of background or religious beliefs. As all persons are equal in the eyes of the law, officials are obligated not only to refrain from but actively and decisively denounce any bias-motivated incidents and crimes and hate speech. Indeed, they must work to strengthen social cohesion rather than weaken it and ensure zero legal, social or cultural tolerance for those aiming to attack or marginalize certain groups or individuals in society. In short, leaders and institutions must ensure the safety, security and well-being of everyone living in B&H.”


HR Schmidt meets ‘Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclaves’ discuss tensions raised over unconstitutional celebrations of RS Day, especially safety concerns raised by returnee communities (


High Representative Christian Schmidt met with representatives of Association ‘Mothers of Srebrenica and Zepa Enclaves’ on Wednesday. “They discussed the tensions raised over the unconstitutional celebrations of RS Day on 9 January, especially safety concerns raised by returnee communities. Any form of violence, discrimination, or intimidation against any community within B&H is unacceptable. The High Representative calls upon all responsible authorities to take swift and decisive action to ensure the security and protection of all citizens,” the OHR posted on X platform. In statement to, Munira Subasic said that they discussed Tuesday’s events, what the HR Schmidt will do and they asked him to “do something” in regard to three persons from the state level. “Those are Zeljka Cvijanovic, Chief of Joint Staff of B&H Armed Forces Gojko Knezevic and Nenad Nesic. If nothing, he should inform the European Commission and European Court about their behaviour. We cannot spend the entire year dealing with Dodik, as in previous years,” said Subasic. FTV carries that the OHR issued a statement which reads: “The RS should have its own day, but that day cannot be celebrated in such a way as to discriminate against some citizens or in other ways incite divisions. The political leaders of this country must always keep in mind that their words carry weight. Words can easily turn into actions that affect the lives of individuals. Therefore, they should refrain from using rhetoric that calls for divisions and from moves that can cause tensions, and instead put the welfare of all citizens first”.


Dodik: It is impossible to understand hysteria against Serbs and RS in Muslim part of FB&H (Nezavisne)


RS President Milorad Dodik commented the incidents in Zenica where the RS flag was set on fire, and in Konjic where the local priest was forced to take down the RS flag after a group of citizens gathered outside the church. Dodik condemned the incidents. He stated that it is impossible to understand the hysteria aimed against the Serb people and the RS “which is happening in the Muslim part of the FB&H”. He noted that this hysteria cannot even be described as hatred.


Dodik: By celebrating the RS Day, the RS has sent the message of love, peace and freedom to the whole world (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik has posted on platform X on Wednesday that by celebrating the RS Day, the RS has sent the message of love, peace and freedom to the whole world. He added that the RS represents freedom to the Serb people. Dodik also stated: “There is no force that can come and impose on any Serb to love some imaginary Bosnia and to forget pride and happiness which the very mentioning of the RS creates in him.” Dodik also argues that US, UK Embassies, (Bosniak and Croat members of the B&H Presidency) Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic, (B&H Foreign Minister) Elmedin Konakovic, (B&H House Representatives Speaker) Denis Zvizdic etc. cannot change the history of B&H and its reality that it is also made of the RS, “which irritates them so much and which they hate. Dodik added: “We do not want anything bad to anyone.” Dodik stressed that nobody can make Serbs accept B&H and he added: “Our message for their hatred is our love, that nothing can weaken, and not even threats with some processes and attacks on our people. They express their powerlessness…We shall not go anywhere, and we shall not give to anyone what is ours. The RS lives stronger in a heart of every Serb and others who live here, and it will focus all its strength to be stronger, more powerful, more organized and beautiful.” “There is no stronger force than love for the homeland and all the citizens of the RS. The RS represents freedom for the Serb people”, said Dodik.


Prosecutor’s Office of B&H follows events related to RS Day and is set to establish if there are elements of criminal responsibility (BHT1)


The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H confirmed to BHT1 that it is following what is happening and establishing whether there are elements of criminal responsibility in marking of the unconstitutional RS Day. Namely, marking of the RS Day represents a violation of the Criminal Code of B&H and even a prison sentence is envisaged. The Criminal Code amendments were imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt in July 2023. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H announced that it will analyse the criminal reports, which have been submitted, and determine further activities in this regard. President of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) Valerija Galic specified that the B&H CC passed multiple rulings declaring the RS Day on 9 January unconstitutional. Galic noted that marking the RS Day on 9 January is not in line with the constitution.


Details of draft election law of RS (EuroBlic)


The daily learned details of the draft election law of RS, which stipulates introduction of new technologies to improve the integrity of the election process, which is something the opposition parties have been insisting on for a while. However, the daily noted that the new technologies would not be introduced immediately upon adoption of the law. The draft stipulated that video surveillance shall be installed in polling stations, while the identity of voters shall be determined based on a valid personal identification document, which shall be scanned by a biometric data scanning device, and the identity shall be verified by a fingerprint scanner. As for the voting, the draft stipulated that the Republic Election Commission shall be in charge of preparation of regulations related to manual and electronic counting of votes. However, the daily noted that the draft also stipulated that the provisions related to introduction of new technologies shall be implemented “once all necessary preconditions are acquired”. The draft noted that “acquiring of technical preconditions includes development of a feasibility study, procurement of necessary equipment and implementation of a pilot-project, as well as all other additional activities with the goal to secure the integrity and functionality of election technologies in election process”. As the ruling coalition in the RS already announced, the draft law also regulates the election of representatives in the RS National Assembly, delegates in the RS Council of Peoples, RS President and Vice Presidents, delegates of the House of Peoples of B&H from the RS, councillors in city and municipal assemblies, election and recall of mayors and heads of municipalities and election of members of councils of local communities. “In short, everything that the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H currently does when it carries out elections in the territory of the entire B&H for all levels is now stipulated as the authority of the Republic Election Commission if it were to carry out elections for the RS level and local level. It would also be in charge of confirming the election results and publishing them in the RS Official Gazette”, the daily noted and added that, because of this, it was stipulated that the old law, as well as provisions of the Election Law of B&H and decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H which regulate elections at the level of the RS, will cease to be valid once this law comes in force. In addition to this, the daily reminded that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik advocated in public that mandates won in elections should belong to parties, but the draft law does not stipulate this. The daily noted that the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H is currently in charge of deciding on complaints on the work of B&H CEC, but the draft election law of the RS stipulates that complaints on the work of the Republic Election Commission shall be filed with the Supreme Court of the RS, which will have an obligation to decide on it within three days. In addition to this, the draft law prohibits use of public resources in campaigns, and it stipulates that the property sheets of elected officials shall be filed with the Republic Election Commission instead of B&H CEC within 30 days from the date of verification of the mandates in the RS Official Gazette.


Djurickovic: Does Montenegro plan to send an apology to B&H (CdM)


Secretary of the Social Democrats Milos Djurickovic asks if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro plans to send an apology to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H for the presence of MPs and public officials from Montenegro to celebrate the unconstitutional RS Day. The Constitutional Court of B&H ruled that the celebration of 9 January as the Day of the RS is unconstitutional. The celebration of the Unconstitutional Day of the RS was attended by MPs and local officials from Montenegro. The President of the parliament of Montenegro, as he says, is not able to attend the celebration because of his family glory, but he would like to go. "The presence of deputies and public officials from Montenegro, with the justified absence of the President of the assembly, is an act of disrespect for the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H and an act of disrespect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Can we get an answer from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, does it plan to send an apology to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H for the presence of MPs and public officials from Montenegro to celebrate the unconstitutional RS Day, especially since it is about people who are constituents of the government in Montenegro." states Djurickovic. As he added, the absence of a public apology would be confirmation of a change in Montenegro's foreign policy and a change in Podgorica's official policy towards Sarajevo.


FM meets Saudi speaker, discuss bilateral relations and economic cooperation (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met Wednesday with visiting Saudi Arabia's Consultative Assembly (Shura Council) speaker, Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al ash-Sheikh, discussing bilateral relations and opportunities for enhancement of economic cooperation. FM Osmani congratulated Speaker Muhammad Al ash-Sheikh on Saudi Arabia's election to host EXPO 2030, which represents an excellent opportunity to intensify trade exchange and business ties, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. Osmani and Muhammad Al ash-Sheikh agreed on the need to expand the existing contractual framework, thus setting the foundations for further enhancement of bilateral relations. Interlocutors also exchanged opinions on multilateral cooperation, foreign policy priorities, regional developments, as well as global topics and challenges, reads the press release.


President Pendarovski meets Saudi speaker Muhammad Al ash-Sheikh (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Wednesday with visiting Saudi Arabia's Consultative Assembly (Shura Council) speaker, Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al ash-Sheikh, expressing satisfaction from the development of bilateral relations. Cooperation between the two countries has intensified in recent years, reaffirmed by numerous activities of both sides, whereas President Pendarovski expects further strengthening of parliamentary cooperation, which represents a significant segment in bilateral ties, the President's Office said in a press release. Interlocutors exchanged opinions on the current situation in the Middle East, in the context of Saudi Arabia's important position in the Arab world. President Pendarovski said North Macedonia values Saudi Arabia's role in the efforts to stabilize the region, noting that Skopje is coordinating its foreign policy with the EU and NATO allies. In addition, the President congratulated the Saudi speaker on the country's successful bid to host the 2030 EXPO. EXPO 2030 will represent an added value in bilateral relations and have an impact on Macedonian economy in various fields - energy, tourism, agriculture and food processing, real estate, industry, reads the press release.


Speaker Xhaferi meets Saudi counterpart Muhammad Al ash-Sheikh (MIA)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi met Wednesday with visiting Saudi Arabia's Consultative Assembly (Shura Council) speaker, Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al ash-Sheikh, reaffirming the friendly bilateral relations. Speaker Xhaferi said such visits by Saudi high-level officials stimulate the further strengthening of cooperation at various levels, with a focus on intensifying and strengthening mutual political and economic communication, the parliament said in a press release. Xhaferi also highlighted the bilateral parliamentary cooperation and saluted Saudi Arabia's initiatives for signing of bilateral agreements in various fields. He briefed interlocutors on the country's strategic objective for peaceful resolution of conflicts, hoping for sooner end of hostilities in the Middle East and Ukraine. The speaker also referred to the opportunities in utilizing the economic potential and increasing trade exchange with Saudi Arabia in the coming period. Speaker Muhammad Al ash-Sheikh said these meetings are beneficial for both sides, especially in strengthening bilateral relations, and proposed that a group for cooperation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is set up in the next parliamentary composition. "Our country is committed to peace and cooperation with all countries across the globe and we would like to work with you on greater use of the economic potential," noted speaker Muhammad Al ash-Sheikh.


President Begaj hosts reception for diplomatic corpse (Radio Tirana)


President Bajram Begaj hosted a reception for the diplomatic corps in Albania on Wednesday evening (January 10). In his speech, Begaj made a briefing of the events of 2023, while he also focused on the challenges, but also the expectations for the year that has just begun.

"Challenges and hopes are both global and regional, and the more aware we are of their complexity, the more responsible we will be to find long-term and sustainable solutions. We are facing crises and threats. Russian aggression against a sovereign country like Ukraine continues. The Ukrainian people and government are the everyday heroes of a resistance in the name of sovereignty and human dignity. Albania supports Ukraine in its struggle for the protection of territorial integrity and sovereignty. Hamas' terrorist attack against Israel reignited the conflict, worsening the security situation in the Middle East. We support the resolution of the conflict and the initiation of talks to find a solution with two states, in peace and in cooperation with each other", said Begaj. As regards Albania’s engagement in the international arena, Begaj said that it will also continue with all the reforms started in the country, distinguishing it in justice and the fight against corruption. "The deepening of the reforms and the promotion of the socio-economic development of the country is first of all for the benefit of our citizens. These also help open the chapters for membership in the European Union, as well as consolidate the trust of our allies and friends, led by the United States of America", stated Begaj. The President also focused on the attack on the Kosovo army in Banjska, as he emphasized that the solution of the Kosovo-Serbia disputes is not only a political issue, but also a security issue for the region and Europe. The head of state said that he hopes that the Belgian and Hungarian presidencies of the EC, as well as the Maltese presidency of the OSCE, will pay due attention to the Western Balkans region "in order to prevail in the spirit of cooperation and dialogue". Also, he called on the ambassadors of the countries that have not yet recognized Kosovo to accept it "as an irreversible reality". "For the ambassadors of countries that have not yet recognized Kosovo, I want to repeat the request to recognize the Republic of Kosovo as an irreversible reality. I take the opportunity to reiterate our support for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue to be open, to advance and normalize relations between the parties and lead to mutual recognition", Begaj said. While guaranteeing that Albania will continue its engagement in the international arena, Begaj said that it will also continue with all the reforms started in the country, setting it apart in justice. "The deepening of the reforms and the promotion of the socio-economic development of the country is first of all for the benefit of our citizens. These also help to open the chapters for membership in the European Union, as well as to consolidate the trust of our allies and friends, led by the United States of America", Begaj was quoted as saying.