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Belgrade Media Report 12 January 2024



Vucic: US decision to accept Pristina's request to buy missiles greatly disappointing (Tanjug/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday Serbia would continue to act responsibly, contribute to stability in the Balkans and work on maintaining ties with the US despite the fact Washington had accepted Pristina's request to buy Javelin anti-tank missiles. Vucic said this in an official statement after receiving US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill, who informed him of a decision to accept the request. Vucic said the decision was "greatly disappointing" to Belgrade but that Serbia would work together with the US on maintaining Serbia-US relations. "To us, it is of the utmost importance that peace in the region is not disrupted, and Serbia will continue to act responsibly and contribute to stability in the Balkans," Vucic said. The statement, released by the presidential press office, also said Vucic and Hill had discussed further advancement of bilateral political and economic relations, Serbia's international position, the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and a continuation of the dialogue with Pristina, as well as current geopolitical developments. Vucic noted that Serbia was interested in strengthening its economic cooperation with the US at all levels and that he expected US investments in the country to grow in view of the good experiences of existing investors. For Serbia, it is necessary to continue the work on bolstering road infrastructure as well as energy infrastructure, Vucic said, adding that major Serbia-US contracts on infrastructure development were due to be signed soon. Vucic and Hill concluded that good Serbia-US relations had helped create favourable ground for expansion of economic cooperation. They also discussed bilateral cooperation and the situation in the region, the statement said.


Dacic: Serbia is no one's long arm, pursues independent policy (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday Serbia was pursuing an independent and sovereign foreign policy governed by its own interests, and noted that the country was no one's long arm. At a New Year reception hosted by the Foreign Ministry for foreign diplomats in Serbia, Dacic said claims by his counterparts from influential countries that Serbia was someone's long arm were very insulting. He noted that Serbia was an old European state whose people had sacrificed their lives for common civilisational goals. "Whose long arm were we when we rejected the accession to Hitler's Tripartite Pact on March 27, 1941, or in 1948, when we said no to Stalin?" Dacic said. "Whose long arm is Pristina when, after 11 years, it is allowed not to implement the Brussels agreement, guaranteed by the EU?" he added. "I want you to remember that Serbia is no one's long arm, but the arm of the Serbs and Serbia," Dacic said, noting that Serbia would not sign anything that was detrimental to it and would, at the same time, fight for "peace and respect of the principles of international law". Serbia will not recognise the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo or let it join the UN, he said.


Mojsilovic: KFOR the only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic received KFOR Commander Maj Gen Ozkan Ulutas in Belgrade on Thursday to discuss the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija. The meeting also addressed implementation of joint SAF-KFOR activities to monitor the situation on the ground, prevent crises and avert the spread of disinformation, the Serbian Ministry of Defence said in a statement. Mojsilovic noted that the SAF fully complied with the Military-Technical Agreement, and reiterated that KFOR was the only legitimate armed formation in Kosovo and Metohija as UNSCR 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement recognised no other parties except international civilian and security presence in the province and Serbian security forces. He said he expected KFOR to perform its mandate in full and without bias and react in a timely manner to any attempt of threatening the safety of citizens - above all, Serbs - and protect the Serbian national, cultural, historical and religious heritage in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.


Situation in Kosovo and Metohija calm but fragile - KFOR commander (Tanjug)


KFOR Commander Maj Gen Ozkan Ulutas said on Friday the situation in Kosovo and Metohija was calm overall but remained "fragile following a rise of tensions in the past months". "NATO has deployed hundreds of additional troops. We have quadrupled KFOR's presence in north Kosovo and tripled the number of patrols, including along the administrative boundary line. Our mission's strength is currently approximately 5,000 troops, with contributions from 28 countries from NATO allies and partners. These are prudent steps to ensure that the KFOR mission continues to fulfill its UN mandate based on UNSCR 1244/1999 to provide a safe and secure environment for all communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement, at all times and impartially," Ulutas said in an interview to Tanjug. "We will continue our efforts to prevent any escalation and are ready to respond to any challenge by continuing to adjust our posture as required. As the third security responder, we will continue to cooperate closely with the Kosovo police and the EU rule of law mission (EULEX) as the first and second responders, respectively. As the NATO secretary general said in his recent visit to the Western Balkans in November, stability in the region depends on all sides choosing diplomacy over violence. NATO strongly supports the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and both sides must engage in good faith," he said. Asked to comment on Pristina's claims that Serbia is preparing to attack the north of Kosovo and Metohija - which Belgrade has quashed as untrue and unfounded - Ulutas declined to speculate "on any future scenario". "We are closely monitoring any relevant security developments in the region," Ulutas said, reiterating that KFOR remained focused on implementing its UN mandate based on UNSCR 1244/1999 "to ensure a safe and secure environment for all people living in Kosovo and freedom of movement, impartially and at all times." "We are in close contact with the chief of staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, the institutions in Kosovo and Kosovo security organisations, as well as other stakeholders, including EULEX, the OSCE and UNMIK," he said. Commenting on statements by Pristina's representatives that the so-called Kosovo Security Force would go into the north of Kosovo and Metohija as required, Ulutas said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had been "very clear on this point during his recent visit to Pristina".


Brnabic sees bloody head instead of paint thrown at a billboard (N1)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic commented a Freedom House analyst's statements on the state of democracy in Serbia by focusing on the image used to illustrate the article instead of the assessments in it. N1 carried a VoA interview with Freedom House research analyst Alexandra Karppi who said that the elections in Serbia were not free and fair because of voting irregularities and the conditions in place as well as weakening democracy, adding that democracy in Serbia has been on a downward slope since 2017. The photograph illustrating the story was of a billboard with an image of President Aleksandar Vucic splattered with paint. Brnabic focused on the illustration photograph saying that it showed his bloodied head. “This illustration speaks of the democracy they are invoking. There isn’t a grain of honor in Solak’s media and Djilas’ opposition – they can’t say that someone is more valuable, more devoted, knows more, has results and a vision which is why he is a winner instead of wishing him a bloodied head to win. Sick,” she wrote in an X post. “Instead of considering the comments by the Freedom House analyst, Prime Minister Brnabic decided to draw attention away from the essence of the story and focus on the illustration photo on the N1 portal,” N1 said in a comment. “We are asking the prime minister who she got to the theory that the picture is of Vucic’s bloody head? We would like to tell her that the photograph was taken after the elections in New Belgrade’s Block 45 neighborhood where Vucic grew up. There is no blood on the billboard but paint which was not thrown there by any N1 employee but evidently by a dissatisfied citizen. That photograph illustrates the story dealing with the comments by Freedom House expert Karppi who said, among other things, that Serbia has a hybrid regime that is becoming increasingly autocratic and that the question is how to get institutions back on track,” N1 said.


Petkovic: Only Kurti violates agreements (Politika)


The only one who violates agreements is Albin Kurti, who went into 2024 by denying the basic commitment Pristina has undertaken and signed in 2013 in Brussels, regarding the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), and thus started the 11th year of systemic and institutional disenfranchisement and oppression of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, says a written statement issued by Petar Petkovic, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. "Albin Kurti can neither rewrite the agreements that were signed and verified in Brussels 11 years ago and whose implementation is guaranteed by the European Union, nor is he capable of writing or uttering a single sentence without attacking Belgrade and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, because it is the only policy he knows and lives for. Since he cares to count, let him count the 3,919 days that have passed during which the ZSO has not been formed, while there has been a blockade of the import of Serbian goods to Kosovo and Metohija for 211 days, and the trampling on all postulates of the free flow (of goods). Let him count that last year alone, 178 ethnically motivated incidents were recorded in Kosovo and Metohija, and since he came to power, a total of 458 different attacks on the Serb people, Serbian churches, clinics, schools... He can also list the six points of the Basic Agreement from Brussels which guarantees the ZSO, as well as 21 points of general principles for the formation of the ZSO. The numbers also show that six Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija got shot last year alone, dozens were arrested, and over 10 percent of Serbs moved (out of Kosovo and Metohija) because of his anti-Serb policy," says Petkovic. He adds that these are the numbers that speak best about Kurti and his rule, but which he himself dares not mention - however, Belgrade will always remind him of all his obligations and escalating moves with which he undermines peace and stability in the area of the entire Western Balkans, which is what makes Kurti the main source of instability, tension and crises both in Kosovo and Metohija and beyond.


NADA proposes opposition action plan to Serbia Against Violence (Nova/FoNet)


The leader of the opposition New Democratic Party of Serbia (NDSS) and one of the leaders of the NADA coalition Milos Jovanovic said this coalition has drafted an opposition action plan for the coming period that it will present to the representatives of the opposition Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition, said the NDSS. Jovanovic told TV Nova that the draft opposition action plan includes two options – what the opposition should do if there is a repeat of the Belgrade local elections, and what action it should take if there is no election rerun. “In the event that elections are to be repeated, we need to see under what conditions we will participate. We have to define the conditions, meaning cleaning up the voter roll before the new elections, equal media, and set this as the minimum requirement for our participation. If not, we have a plan ready on what we are to do, and we will submit it to our colleagues in the SPN,” said the NDSS leader. Jovanovic said the NDSS is a party that is growing, and that it is firm in its positions and determined to change the government of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) at all levels. He said the representatives of the NADA coalition had a meeting with their colleagues of the Serbia Against Violence coalition, and that more meetings are to follow. “I don’t want us to waste the energy like the rest of the opposition did at the protests in 2027 and last year’s protests. We are now fighting for equal electoral conditions and elections, and if the government fails to allow that, then the atmosphere created can bring 100,000 people to the streets,” said Jovanovic.


British Embassy: Serbia is not a proxy, though some elements are acting in Russia’s interest (Beta)


Great Britain does not think that Serbia is a "Russia proxy state" but that some elements in the country are acting directly in Russia's interest, the British Embassy told the Beta in Belgrade yesterday. "We believe there are elements in Serbia that are acting directly in the interest of Russia by threatening stability and the region's democratic capacities. Serbia is an independent, sovereign state. The United Kingdom has been cooperating with Serbia for a long time on a string of joint priorities and will continue to do so," the Embassy said after a statement by British Foreign Secretary David Cameron to the British parliament's foreign committee. On 10 January, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he was disappointed by Cameron's statement and added that "Serbia is not a proxy for Russia, or the US, or Britain, or Germany, or anyone else, but an independent country". The British Embassy told Beta that Cameron was "indicating elements inside of Serbia who are believed to be directly working in Russia's interest, and not the state of Serbia itself". "Serbia is an independent sovereign country and we welcome the Serbian government's clear position regarding its opposition to the war in Ukraine. We will continue to encourage Serbia to conduct sanctions against Russia. Maybe we do not fully agree, but we welcome regular dialogue with the Serbian Cabinet on these matters," the Embassy stressed.


O’Brien: Objections on election irregularities in Serbia should be solved legally (Beta)


The US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien stated yesterday that the objections about the election irregularities in Serbia should be solved by legal means and that the Serbian authorities should implement the recommendations of the OSCE in order to improve the election process. During a telephone conversation with reporters, O’Brien said that the Serbian opposition had the right to protest peacefully, but that the US wanted “concrete objections to be solved in a legal process”. O’Brien said that the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) had provided clear indications about how the election process in Serbia could be improved. He commented on the results of the December elections in Serbia, saying that “parties which offer nothing else but nationalism have suffered a serious defeat” and that the growth of support for the pro-European opposition was noticeable, compared with the previous election cycle.


EPP prevents debate on elections in Serbia (Demostat/Beta)


The European Parliament will not debate on the elections in Serbia next week, because there was no agreement among the caucuses for that issue to be put on the agenda, Demostat learned unofficially on Jan. 11 from sources in the European Parliament. According to the source of Demostat, the European People’s Party (EPP) opposed the debate the most. It has the most seats in the EP and rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik is their member, but members of Germany’s CDU were also against, as were Austria’s People’s Party (OVP) and Italy’s Forza Italia. “There will probably be no debate on the elections in Serbia until the publishing in February of the final report of the international observer mission, which included members of the European Parliament,” Demostat’s source in Brussels said. He added that “there was not enough support from the caucuses for this subject to be on the agenda of the plenary session, and the EPP was particularly against it”.


Andjelkovic: International corruption – one pillar of Vucic’s authority (Beta)


Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic said yesterday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had corrupted certain European and American politicians and diplomats, who support him in his authoritarian rule. Andjelkovic told Beta that international corruption was one of the pillars of Vucic’s authority. “Vucic is extremely skillful in corrupting people, those on the domestic political scene and foreigners alike. He has certainly managed to corrupt a certain number of American and European politicians and diplomats, because it is obvious that some diplomats in Serbia work more for Vucic than they do for their own countries,” Andjelkovic noted. Asked about how Vucic benefited from corrupting foreign politicians and diplomats, Andjelkovic responded that the Serbian president managed to rule as an authoritarian “as though he was a ruler from the Cold War period, or in some African country”.




Dodik: RS has capacity to defend itself from violence of foreigners (Oslobodjenje)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik wrote on platform X: “In the coming days the Sarajevo-based political parties, that Americans pushed to make the authority in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H), will have an opportunity to show if they will stick to their destructive policy, which results in having less and less of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) every day, or they are in favour of solutions, which are based on the B&H Constitution. The RS supports the Dayton B&H and protects it from those who would like to destroy the DPA with their suspicious activities. We have reiterated my times - no matter how much they are acting crazy that our response to all their activities, by which they want to reduce visibility of the RS, is clear, the RS has capacity to defend itself from violence of foreigners and none should have doubts that this will not be done. Those who believe that Christian Schmidt will do something can only dream that he will ever decide on anything in the RS. During the days of celebration and every day in the year, the RS works, and it will work on strengthening of its institutions and it will never allow that various illegals humiliate these institutions, as it is allowed in the FB&H.”


Konakovic calls on Dodik to return to initial agreements of the coalition; Konakovic argues that conflict is not possible (N1)


Following the B&H Council of Ministers’ session held on Thursday, B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic told the press that the session was very productive and announced the visit of President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen to Sarajevo, who will be accompanied by Croatia Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Konakovic stressed that Rutte’s presence will be very significant, as the Netherlands is one of the countries that has not shown support for the fast opening of B&H’s EU accession negotiations. Asked about the Law on the Courts of B&H, the Constitutional Court of B&H and the secession threats of RS President Milorad Dodik, Konakovic stated that no progress was made on the location of the headquarters of the Appellate Department of the Court of B&H, that the Constitutional Court of B&H cannot be discussed at the moment, and that the message sent by the US showed that any talk of secession is an illusion and an issue that, he hopes, will remain in the realm of rhetoric. Konakovic added that if the talk of secession becomes an actual threat, they know what must be done. Konakovic did not want to comment much on Dodik’s recent X post, apart from labelling it as politicking. Konakovic said that everyday outwitting is not a solution and instead of response, he called on Dodik to return to the initial agreements of the coalition. Konakovic stated that what Dodik has been doing by denying the Constitution of B&H, attacking the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and denying verdicts of the CC of B&H due to celebration of 9 January and similar things, actually leads them into a situation that brings no good to anyone. According to Konakovic, a conflict is not impossible but works on state security is way bigger than the public knows. In this regard, he reminded of messages that the US sent as a guarantor of the Dayton and stabilization of B&H and the region, as well as the EU as clear messages to those with secession intentions that this is an illusion. Konakovic underlined: “I hope that this stays at the level of rhetoric. If not, we know what we should do.”


HR discusses political processes, reforms with representatives of The Troika (FTV)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt met representatives of parties gathered around ‘The Troika’. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) stated that they discussed the current political processes in the country, focusing on integrity of elections, reform laws, rule of law necessary for B&H to officially launch EU membership talks. Unofficially, one of the topics were threats of RS President and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik regarding technical changes to the B&H Election Law. On behalf of ‘The Troika’, the meeting was attended by NIP leader Elmedin Konakovic, Our Party leader Edin Forto and representative of SDP B&H Sasa Magazinovic.


Kovacevic: Those who are bothered by 9 January are bothered by the RS and its existence (RTRS)


In a post on his official X account, SNSD Spokesperson and House of Peoples of B&H (HoP B&H) delegate Radovan Kovacevic commented on 9 January celebrations and the proposal of US Ambassador in B&H Michael Murphy that the Day of RS is celebrated on 21 November. “Let us not lie, those who are bothered by 9 January, in fact, are bothered by the RS and its existence. Everything can be and pass, including B&H, but the RS will remain and survive”, said Kovacevic. Kovacevic touched upon the fact that SDA President Bakir Izetbegovic, who filed an appeal to the Constitutional Court of B&H to challenge 9 January, and Murphy do not dispute that the RS celebrates the Day of the RS, but that the celebration should be moved to 21 November, which is Archangel Michael’s Day. “Is it possible that Bakir Izetbegovic and Michael Murphy prefer Archangel Michael to Archdeacon Stefan (Archdeacon Stefan’s Day is celebrated on 9 January)?! Or maybe the problem is that 9 January is too strong an association with the fact that the RS was created before the war?! While 21 November would point to the lie that the RS is a product of the war, which is easier to undo and repeal”, stated Kovacevic.


RS Minister Klokic sends open letter to Ambassador Murphy: US Embassy press release from 9 January discredits the USA, and it contains a threatening call to B&H judicial bodies and law enforcement bodies to open an investigation against B&H citizens due to participation in celebration of the RS Day (RTRS)


RTRS carries an open letter that RS Minister of European Integration and International Cooperation Zlatan Klokic sent to US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy on Thursday. Klokic’s letter reads that the press release of the US Embassy published on 9 January discredits the USA, and it contains a threatening call to B&H judicial bodies and law enforcement bodies to open an investigation against B&H citizens due to participation in celebration of the RS Day. Klokic reminds that when the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H considered constitutionality of the Law on the RS Day in 2019, four out of six B&H citizens, working as B&H CC judges, voted in favour of the law. Klokic added that as usual, three foreign judges, “in alliance with two Bosniak judges, nebulously established that the RS Day is in some way contrary to the Constitution”. Klokic concludes that B&H is the only country in the world which is in a bizarre situation since the B&H CC has seats reserved for the foreigners. Klokic added that the EC has called for the end of such a structure, and this was supposed to be done over decades ago. Klokic also argues: “The Law on the RS Day does not blacken any ethnic group or other political subject, nor it prevents other groups and subjects to decide on the days when they will mark recognition and memories. The RS Day is a secular holiday, and even if it is was a religious one, there would not be anything discriminatory. All over Europe and the world, including the USA, countries and their territorial units celebrate state holidays by which they mark a day of special importance for members of the religious or ethnic group – almost in all cases for members of the largest group in a country or a territorial unit… In the whole history of Europe, the only holiday that some court banned, under excuse of banning the discrimination, is the RS Day… If it were questioned under some constitutional magnifying glass, almost every state holiday would be “discriminatory” … Completely ungrounded decision of the B&H CC against the RS Day is an attack on the constitutional organization of B&H. The fact that the majority of the judges proclaimed marking of the RS birthday discriminatory, while at the same time they approved other holidays, which are marked only by some segments of the society, clearly shows that the only goal of the decision is de-legitimization of the very existence of the RS. Nobody, including the B&H CC, is above the Constitution. The RS institutions simply cannot cooperate with the B&H CC, whose majority vote is dominated by the foreigners, when it flagrantly oversteps constitutional limits of its authorities, when it tries to impose absurd and arbitrary decisions and goes, step by step, towards achieving the wartime goal of the Bosniak army – shutting down of the RS. The call of the US Embassy that the RS police open the investigation against its citizens due to failure to implement the B&H CC’s decision against the RS Day shows hypocrisy of the Embassy when the rule of law is in question. According to the Embassy, the law in B&H is what the USA say. The US Embassy is the biggest patron of Christian Schmidt, a German, who contrary to law claims that he has powers to impose laws and sanction B&H citizens based on a decision and who continue to practice the order which bans the B&H CC and any other court even to take into consideration any issue which “disputes in any way” any decision of the HR, the function that Schmidt illegally claims to perform. Hypocrisy is additionally stressed by the fact that the Embassy deliberately ignores the decision of the B&H CC from 2006, which stresses that the UN SC confirms the appointment of the HR. The US Embassy is familiar with the fact that Schmidt’s appointment has never been confirmed. Our stance is that foreign Embassies in B&H should make mutual understanding easier and respect a decentralized, constitutional structure of B&H and democratically elected authorities. The unnecessary and useless press release of the US Embassy from January 9 does the opposite and just serves to stress a destabilizing influence of constant interference of the Embassy in internal issues in B&H.” The letter also reads that publishing of a threatening press release of the US Embassy on 9 January “obviously on ungrounded basis, represents interference in the B&H criminal justice and this is another, flagrant violation of Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations”. Klokic added: “What is even worse, condemning the RS because of the same sort of celebration, which is regularly seen in the FB&H, and which even the USA supports, only serves to RS citizens as confirmation that it is not possible to trust in impartiality of the US Embassy. The RS government wants to improve relations with the US, and it would contribute to this a lot that American diplomats respect their obligations from the international law and approach B&H citizens without prejudices.”


RS Senator Vulin: US Embassy in B&H is hypocritical and arrogant (ATV)


RS Senator Aleksandar Vulin pointed out that “9 January has chosen the Serbs, they did not choose it”, but that if the Orthodox Serbs could choose their own holiday, they would choose that one. Commenting on the shameful statements of the US Embassy in B&H that “the big problem is that the Serbs in RS celebrate their birthday on a religious holiday”, Vulin asked: “Is the problem that Serbs are Orthodox or are you just hypocritical and arrogant?”. Vulin said that he does not know why marking Orthodox dates is discrimination against anyone, but he knows that the president of the USA takes his oath on the Christian Bible, not on the Constitution, the Qur'an or the Talmud. “If it is not discrimination in the United States of America, why is the Orthodox 9 January discrimination in B&H? Either the problem is that the Serbs are Orthodox or the US Embassy in B&H is as hypocritical as it is arrogant, choose the answer yourself”, Vulin was quoted as saying.


O’Brien: Dodik’s talk of secession was explicitly rejected and agreed to as rejected at the original Dayton, it is nonsense and unconstitutional (Oslobodjenje)


Oslobodjenje reports that Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs, Ambassador James O’Brien, addressed journalists on Thursday, speaking about the priorities in 2024. Talking about B&H, O’Brien said: “Our overall goal here is for B&H to be more European, to be stable, and to function well.  And this is vital for B&H. He further stated, among other issues, that B&H in particular suffers from a brain drain and that nearly half its population does not live in the country.  “This is a crisis.  This is what politicians need to be addressing.  And I think instead, we see some politicians wanting to – lacking bread or ideas, they offer a circus. And in particular Mr. Dodik with his 9 January RS Day is trying to distract from the issues that I hope governance can address over the next year if we pay attention to what really matters”, said O’Brien. Speaking about 9 January, O’Brien recalled of the time he spent in Dayton. “I was the person responsible for working with the Bosnian parties to draft their constitution.  So, I know what the original Dayton was.  It came out of my pen. His talk of secession was explicitly rejected and agreed to as rejected at the original Dayton. It’s nonsense and it’s unconstitutional”. “What we want to do is focus on having the governing institutions function as they were designed to function and for having the political leaders be clearly accountable for delivering results or failing.  And frankly, I think that is an issue between him (Dodik) and the voters of Bosnia, including in RS, but I think this effort to distract with a nationalist circus is not in the interests of the country”, added O’Brien. Speaking about the Western Balkans, O’Brien said it is very significant that at the end of the year, the European Council talked about offering a strong European perspective to the six countries of the Western Balkans as well as Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.  “This provides an opportunity for these states”, stressed the Ambassador. According to O’Brien, the Western Balkans needs to be European and stable and secure, and this means above everything else they need economic integration. “The issue in these countries is that much of their population is leaving, moving to Europe and elsewhere, and this means that the people left have even a harder time of creating the kind of economic opportunity that membership in Europe should bring to them. So, we’re very encouraged by the EU’s renewed commitment to engaging these countries.  We’re strongly supportive of (EC) President (Ursula) Von der Leyen’s economic Growth Plan”, said Ambassador O’Brien.


Cvijanovic, Dodik and Viskovic meet with Serbian Defense Minister Vucevic: Preservation of peace and stability are common goals and prerequisite for development and prosperity of Serbia and the RS (ATV/RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS President Milorad Dodik and RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic spoke on Thursday in the administrative center of the RS Government in Istocno Sarajevo with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Serbia Milos Vucevic. During the meeting, it was pointed out that the institutional relations between Serbia and the RS are at the highest possible level, and the results of cooperation so far are visible through various joint projects that have been implemented in almost all municipalities of the RS. It was assessed that the preservation of peace and stability are common goals and a prerequisite for the development and prosperity of Serbia and the RS. Cvijanovic did not disclose details of the meeting but posted on her Instagram profile that "it is always a pleasure to host a dear friend, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Serbia". The Serbian Ministry of Defense (MoD) stated that the meeting was an opportunity to discuss current issues in the region, as well as issues of mutual interest. Vucevic said: “It was emphasized that nurturing the existing cooperation and strengthening ties between Serbia and the RS remain a priority in the coming period as well. Once again, the importance of peace and stability for development and progress in the years to come was highlighted.” RTRS carries that the need for consistent respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement, the constitutional position of all constituent nations, as well as the various levels of government in B&H was pointed out at the meeting. Cvijanovic also met with the Polish Ambassador in B&H Andrzej Jasionowski and the Director of the Regional Office of the Muslim World League in B&H Abdullah bin Rahmatullah Kari.


Spajic on the visit of NSD officials to the RS: The government follows the official policy (RTCG)


Prime Minister Milojko Spajic commented on the departure of officials of the New Serbian Democracy (NSD), as well as the leader of the DNP, Milan Knezevic, to the celebration in the Republic of Srpska (RS), stating that they are following the official state policy in the government. "Representatives of the executive power did not go to that ceremony, they follow the official state policy in the government. Parliamentarians were elected by the people, and we cannot forbid anyone to behave in a certain way", said Spajic, RTCG reports. He said that the government should refrain from certain behaviour that was previously characteristic of the opposition. "As a country, we need to get serious and make a strategic approach to what is most important for us. For our citizens, it is most important that we focus on the economy, the European path and the rule of law," concluded Spajic. Let us remind you that the New Serbian Democracy (NSD) delegation attended the ceremony marking the unconstitutional RS Day in Banja Luka, namely NSD Presidency member Jovan Vucurovic and party officials Budimir Aleksic and Velimir Djokovic. The President of the Parliament of Montenegro Andrija Mandic said that he will not go to Banja Luka on 9 January to celebrate the RS Day.


Milatovic with Peach: A stable Western Balkans is a common interest, we appreciate the role of the United Kingdom in that field (CdM)


The President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, received the special envoy of the British Prime Minister for the Western Balkans, Lord Stuart Peach. In an open and cordial conversation, President Milatovic said that Montenegro considers the United Kingdom as one of its closest partners, with which we want to further deepen interstate relations. He pointed to the strong alliance of the two countries within NATO and very stable bilateral cooperation, while Montenegro especially appreciates the contribution of the British partners in the implementation of democratic and structural reforms in our country. He assessed that the Euro-Atlantic alliance represents a key dimension for the development of our cooperation at all levels and emphasized the importance of London's support for our European path regardless of the UK's exit from the EU. "The United Kingdom has an extremely important role when it comes to the Western Balkans. A stable Western Balkans is a common interest, and Montenegro highly respects London's sincere help in creating a safe and secure region, based on strong democracy, the rule of law and regional cooperation," said President Milatovic. He reminded that the good neighborly policy is one of the three pillars of Montenegrin foreign policy and that the UK in Montenegro will always have a partner interested in strengthening the stability and prosperity of the region. The interlocutors noted that Montenegro and the United Kingdom are intensively developing defense cooperation, both bilaterally and as dedicated NATO allies, which contributes to strengthening joint capacities for successfully facing numerous challenges in a complex geopolitical environment. In the end, President Milatovic thanked the British envoy for the overall support of the UK in terms of reforming and strengthening the Montenegrin defense system and assessed that the visit is an additional impulse in the further strengthening of ties between the two countries.


Krapovic with Lord Peach: Montenegro is a reliable partner in preserving the security of the Western Balkans (CdM)


Defense Minister Dragan Krapovic spoke in Podgorica with Lord Stuart Peach, the British Prime Minister's special envoy for the Western Balkans, who is visiting Montenegro. The interlocutors confirmed the commitment of the two countries not only to the intensification of bilateral defense cooperation, but also to preserving the security of the Western Balkans, as well as mutual contribution to the collective security system within the Alliance. Krapovic informed the guest that the main foreign policy goals of the 44th government of Montenegro are the fulfilment of priorities from the NATO Agenda, the continuation of reforms aimed at achieving membership in the EU, which implies the alignment of foreign and security policy with its policies, and the preservation of good neighborly relations. He emphasized that Montenegro continuously promotes the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the Western Balkans, bearing in mind the geostrategic importance of the region for the stability of the European community. Minister Krapovic emphasized the importance of the support provided by the United Kingdom to Montenegro on its Atlantic route, especially in terms of modernization and improvement of the capacities of the Army of Montenegro, which continued at the level of the alliance of the two countries within the Alliance. He emphasized that Montenegro and the United Kingdom have established and developed successful defense cooperation, which is evidenced and confirmed by the high level of implementation of planned annual activities. Minister Krapovic informed Lord Peach about the priorities for the development of the defense sector in Montenegro, as well as the challenges we face in that domain. Lord Peach emphasized the necessity of unified action by NATO allies, harmonization of positions in the field of defense and adherence to common values in terms of security and foreign policy and expressed satisfaction at the confirmation of Montenegro's commitment to implementing the reforms necessary for the continuation of the European path. He emphasized the United Kingdom's commitment to improving cooperation between the two countries in the field of defense, with the aim of modernizing the entire defense system of Montenegro and training it to respond to modern security challenges, as well as its commitment to the development of security in the Western Balkans region.


Spajic with Peach: The government has good results, stay the course (CdM)


The government already has good results, but it is important to stay on that course and preserve political stability, said the British Prime Minister's special envoy for the Western Balkans, Lord Stuart Peach, during a meeting with Prime Minister Milojko Spajic. "Prime Minister Spajic informed Lord Peach of the government's plans for the year 2024 with reference to the activities during the first two months of the mandate", his Cabinet announced. Spajic said that in just two months, his government had laid good foundations for the year 2024 and emphasized that he believes that they have reason to be optimistic about the realization of our goals, first of all improving the standards of citizens, progress in terms of European integration, strengthening the rule of law and further economic development. "Continuing the fight against corruption and organized crime, strengthening the capacity to fight against disinformation and highly professional institutions are strategically important for the development of Montenegro and its European perspective." The government already has good results, it is necessary to maintain the current course", said Lord Peach. The meeting discussed the situation in the region, and Lord Peach pointed out the importance of continuity of regional stability, and he especially emphasized the importance of stability in Montenegro in order to ensure the necessary reforms.


Ambassadors of the EU member states: The results of the government are obvious, the holding of the Intergovernmental Conference is possible at the end of January (CdM)


The results of the government of Montenegro at the beginning of the mandate are obvious, and the holding of the Intergovernmental Conference can be expected at the end of January, is the message of the meeting of the Prime Minister Milojko Spajic with the ambassadors of the member states of the EU, organized by the EU Delegation in Podgorica. Spajic presented the results of the government's work and reminded that at the very beginning of the mandate, the broadest social agreement for holding the Population Census was reached. He also pointed to the government's efforts to avoid the inclusion of Montenegro on the MONEYVAL Gray List and said that the adoption of the fiscally responsible Budget for 2024 is one of the most significant results in the first two months of the mandate. "Above all, it is important to highlight the exceptional cooperation with the Parliament, thanks to which we made progress in Chapters 23 and 24, which Montenegro has been waiting for a long time. A lot of effort has been invested, and that is why today we are talking about closing the negotiation chapters soon. This is what our citizens expect", said the Prime Minister. In the context of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU, Belgian Ambassador Kati Bugeno briefly presented the program and priorities of the presidency. She welcomed the government's results and said that the capital for progress on the path of further integration had been achieved. During her presentation, the Ambassador of the EU in Montenegro, Oana-Cristina Popa, referred to the recent visit of the Prime Minister to Brussels and assessed it as a success. The EU Ambassador encouraged the government to continue the positive trend of reforms from the European agenda, especially in key areas of the rule of law. She welcomed Montenegro's compliance with the foreign and security policy of the EU. Spajic expressed his belief that in the coming days Montenegro will be ready to deliver new results, and that the government insists on strengthening the rule of law as a basic prerequisite for further social and economic development. The ambassadors of the member states of the EU welcomed the appointment of the chief negotiator of Montenegro with the EU and assessed that it is another good step in the direction of dynamizing the European agenda of Montenegro.


Prime Minister of Ireland: Montenegro is at the head of the column, our ambition is to be the first next member of the EU (CdM)


In relation to the enlargement policy of the EU, Ireland stands for the regatta principle. It is necessary to look at each country in the context of achievements and delivered results. Montenegro is definitely at the head of the column and our ambition is to become the next member, said the Prime Minister of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, who is on his first official visit to Montenegro. Prime Minister Milojko Spajic met with the Prime Minister of Ireland in Villa "Gorica" and on that occasion said that the government is firmly committed to the European perspective of Montenegro. "Through the prism of the adoption of the highest European standards, we are implementing reforms in terms of European integration and strengthening the quality of life of our citizens," said Spajic. He informed the Prime Minister of Ireland about the results achieved by the government in just two months of mandate, as well as about the plan to improve the standards of citizens, which, as he said, has already started with the implementation of the first phase by increasing the minimum pensions, and whose full implementation is expected within the stipulated deadlines. The interlocutors also assessed that the bilateral relations between Montenegro and Ireland are good and as such were further strengthened by the first official visit of the Irish Prime Minister to Montenegro. "Our meeting is a good impetus for further joint cooperation. I believe that we will continue to strengthen the relations between our countries and within the EU", said Varadkar. As assessed, there is significant room for improvement of economic activities. On this line, the two countries must strengthen the contractual base and work on better connectivity in the form of establishing a direct airline between Ireland and Montenegro, the interlocutors agreed.


MFA proposes updated Law on Restrictive Measures to include US, UK legal acts as basis for sanctions (MIA)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is starting a public debate on proposed amendments to the Law on Restrictive Measures, which would introduce US and UK legal acts as a basis for local courts to order legal sanctions be levied against individuals and companies, the country's top diplomat Bujar Osmani told reporters Thursday. "The Law on Restrictive Measures regulates imposing, modifying and terminating restrictive measures," FM Osmani said, adding that the basis for those sanctions until now were United Nations Security Council resolutions, EU legal acts, decisions of several international organizations the country was a member of, and requests of other countries' competent authorities regarding terrorism and weapons proliferation. "What we propose in these amendments to the Law," Osmani said, "is to add the legal acts of the United States and the legal acts of the United Kingdom as a basis for imposing restrictive measures in the state." Osmani said besides international security and democracy threats, the updated law would sanction corruption, abuse of office and hybrid threats. Also, he said, after receiving evidence of such wrongdoing, the Prosecutor's Office would need to immediately launch an investigation and if the probe led to charges being filed in a court of law, the updated Law on Restrictive Measures would temporarily prevent the individual from holding public office or the company from participating in public procurement. The US Department of State recently added on its "blacklist" several more familiar names: Former Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Kocho Angjushev, businessmen Orce Kamchev and Sergey Samsonenko, Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko. They joined fugitive former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and the convicted former head of the country's Administration for Security and Counterintelligence Sasho Mijalkov. US Ambassador Angela Aggeler, following Angjushev's corruption designation, said this was further proof the United States will continue to sanction corrupt actors in the country, regardless of their position, political affiliation, or timing of the abuses. "More designations will be coming, but the fact is that our efforts and our sanctions cannot fix North Macedonia’s epidemic of corruption. Ultimately, it is up to the officials and citizens of this country to demand accountability and change," she said at the time. In November, the government announced it was working on an initiative to change legislation related to sanctions so that the scope could be expanded to include US sanctioned persons in addition to UN and EU decisions. Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Good Governance Policies Slavica Grkovska told reporters in late December the government was creating legal conditions for sanctioning any individuals blacklisted by other countries in relation to corruption, organized crime, terrorism, and hybrid threats.


Spasovski - Paschall: Joint efforts towards a visa-free regime (MIA)


Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski met in Washington with Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs at US Department of Homeland Security, Robert Paschall, the Ministry of Interior said in a press release. Minister Spasovski thanked the United States for its support and assistance to North Macedonia, including from the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice and State Department, especially through the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP), and emphasized that the meeting is a symbol of the strengthened partnership and cooperation between both countries in area of internal security. "Our commitment to strengthening internal security is essential to protecting our citizens and preserving democratic values. Therefore, it is important to carry out joint trainings, information exchange and joint operations, in the form of a Memorandum of Cooperation to significantly contribute in dealing with transnational crime, terrorism, cyber threats and other security challenges," stressed Spasovski and added that US expertise, resources and experience are invaluable in improving the capabilities of law enforcement agencies and the cooperation between both countries. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Paschall said that the United States values its partnership with North Macedonia. "We appreciate your efforts as a country, and you are one of the top 10 countries that cooperate with the United States in the fight against terrorism, which is important for the security of all citizens," Pascall noted. Interlocutors discussed the US Visa Waiver Program and illegal migration and border security that are extremely important for the visa-free regime. Talks concluded that we should make it possible for all law-abiding citizens to travel without any concerns, and difficult and impossible for the others, the press release reads.


Peleshi: We are sending troops to the NATO mission in the Aegean Sea (Radio Tirana)


After the meeting of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi, announced today that Albania will send 22 soldiers and the ship 'Illyria' to the NATO mission in the Aegean Sea. "The decision made today in the Council of Ministers was to dispatch a mission comprising 22 military personnel and a ship of the 'Illyria' class to the NATO mission in the Aegean Sea. This marks a significant contribution from Albania within the framework of international operations, primarily under NATO, but also encompassing the EU and the UN," stated Peleshi. The Minister noted that "we are actively engaged in various missions, including KFOR with the largest presence in Kosovo, a year-long deployment in Bulgaria with a platoon, an offer to send over 100 soldiers to Romania to strengthen NATO's eastern wing, a continuous presence in Latvia for seven years, and missions in Iraq, Egypt, Sinai, and South Sudan. Now, we are adding another mission, bringing the total to around 8 active missions in which we participate actively." Peleshi emphasized that "our commitment to these NATO missions transforms us into not only beneficiaries of security but also contributors to peace and security."


Albania-Kosovo Railway, Spiropali: Strategic Project as another step in development for the Northern Capital (Radio Tirana)


During the beginning-of-the-year meeting on the government's priorities for 2024, Minister for Relations with the parliament, Elisa Spiropali, emphasized the focus on transforming Albania into the leader of the region in all fields. Spiropali declared in a social media post, "At the beginning-of-the-year meeting to discuss priorities for 2024 in the parliament, government, and party, as well as during the extended government cabinet session, there were discussions focused on accelerating progress toward the objective of restoring Albania as a leader in the region across all fields. We are delighted to share that the Durres-Pristina railway, a strategic project agreed upon in principle by both Ministries of Infrastructure, is planned to pass through Shkodra." The political leader of the Shkoder district, Spiropali, expressed that this strategic project, agreed upon in principle by both the Ministries of Infrastructure in the governments of Albania and Kosovo, will contribute to another phase of development for the northern capital.


Agreement with UNDP signed, with a focus on strengthening disaster protection capacities (Radio Tirana)


Agreement with UNDP signed, with a focus on strengthening disaster protection capacities. The focus of the funding agreement signed between the National Civil Protection Agency and UNDP Albania is on strengthening the National System for disaster risk management. According to an announcement published on social networks, the agreement aims to enhance the capacities of civil defense throughout the country. This will be achieved through staff training, preparedness for civil emergencies, and raising awareness among all civil defense actors. “The National Civil Defense Agency (AKMC) has signed a financing agreement with UNDP Albania. This agreement aims to strengthen the financial resources of the program "RESEAL - Strengthening Regenerative Skills" and marks an important step toward further enhancing the national system for the management of disaster risk and civil protection,” as stated in the announcement. The announcement also mentions the two officials who signed the agreement. Haki Cako, General Director of the AKMC, stated, "This financing from the Albanian government is a clear proof of our commitment to building a safer Albania and being prepared for any challenge." Monica Merino, the permanent representative of UNDP, emphasized that “Albania has taken extraordinary steps forward in strengthening disaster protection capabilities. This progress is attributed to the dedicated work of all the structures coordinated by the National Civil Protection Agency.” The continuation of this strategic partnership aims to further enhance civil defense capacities throughout the country, encompassing staff training, preparedness for civil emergencies, and awareness among all civil defense actors. “The project 'Strengthening Regenerative Skills in Albania - RESEAL,' financially supported by the governments of Sweden and Portugal, has been in progress since 2020, aiming to increase Albania's capacities to cope with natural disasters, " the announcement concludes.