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Belgrade Media Report 15 January 2024



Vucic: Kosovo creating a large and illegal army under US patronage; Hopes new government will be formed by March (Beta/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday that Kosovo was creating extremely powerful armed forces, and that the United States were running the operation, contrary to international law and UN Security Council Resolution 1244, underlining that for that reason Serbia had to drastically reinforce its own army. “They plan to have 5,500 professional soldiers in the so-called Kosovo Security Forces by 2027, and 20,000 troops more in military reserves,” Vucic said during a visit to the Operative Center of the Military Intelligence Agency (VBA). The President said that the greatest military assistance to Kosovo had come from the US, Turkey, Germany, Great Britain but neighboring Croatia as well. According to the President, the situation is not at all easy, as Serbia is surrounded by states belonging to the NATO Alliance, whose troops had been deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, too, even though Bosnia is not a NATO member. Vucic said that it was absolutely certain that the presence and actions of various intelligence and other foreign services had been intensified in Serbia, adding that the bulk of state spending would be on the Serbian military this year. Vucic said that he would present a huge development plan for Serbia next week and that he hoped that the country’s next government would be in place by March. The president also said the authorities had responded to every allegation by the opposition that the December elections were rigged and that there were phantom voters and that every voter had to go to a polling station and get their name entered into the voter register. “We will soon present a plan for the future, a Marshall Plan for Serbia or a New Deal of sorts, and a big job will begin for us. Deadlines for the allocation of seats started on Jan. 12, and we have a month to constitute a new parliament, and until May to vote a new government in, but I hope it will be in place in March at the latest,” Vucic said. The Serbian President underlined that he had not been in contact with anyone in the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), or the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), and when their final report on the Serbian polls in December arrived, it would be the duty of the Government of Serbia to implement their recommendations.


Election Commission announces final results of parliamentary elections (Tanjug)


The Election Commission adopted on Friday night the overall report on the final results of the elections held on 17 December, according to which 10 lists enter the Serbian parliament, of which the list “Aleksandar Vucic – Serbia Must Not Stop” won the most mandates – 129, i.e., 1,783,701 votes or 46.75%. The “Serbia Against Violence” list will have 65 parliamentary mandates, with 902,450 votes won, or 23.66% of votes. Next is the list “Ivica Dacic – Prime Minister of Serbia”, which was supported by 249,916 voters, i.e., 6.55%, and they will be represented in the parliament by 18 deputies. The list of the NADA coalition, which was supported by 191,431 voters, or 5.02%, will have 13 parliamentary mandates. Branimir Nestorovic's list “We – the Voice of the People” will have 13 deputies, and 178,830 voters, or 4.69%, voted for it. Five minority lists also enter the parliament. The list of the Association of Vojvodina Hungarians with 64,747 votes, or 1.7% and six seats in the parliament. 29,066 voters, or 0.76%, voted for the list “Usame Zukorlic – United for Justice”, and it will have two parliamentary seats. The list “SDA Sandzak - Dr. Sulejman Ugljanin” won two parliamentary mandates, 21,827 votes, or 0.57%. One mandate was won by the list “Russian Party – Slobodan Nikolic”, for which 11,369 voters voted, or 0.30%. The list “Political Struggle of Albanians Continues – Saip Kamberi”, which was supported by 13,501 voters, i.e., 0.35%, will be represented in the parliament by one deputy. A total of 18 lists participated in the parliamentary elections, eight of whom did not enter the parliament. Voting took place at 8,273 polling stations. Of the 6,500,666 voters registered in the voter register, a total of 3,815,007 or 58.77% voted, the number of invalid ballots was 104,029, and the number of valid ballots was 3,710,978. Summary reports for each polling station on voting results will be published in the Official Gazette. Twenty out of 33 members of the Election Commission voted for the overall report on the final results of the election, while 13 members of the commission were against. The Election Commission has ten days from the adoption of the overall report on the final results of the election to assign mandates to MPs. Mandates are awarded to candidates for deputies according to their order on the election list, starting with the first candidate on the election list and issuing certificates of election as a deputy. Only electoral lists that received at least 3% of the votes from the number of voters who voted can participate in the distribution of mandates, and mandates are distributed by dividing the total number of votes received by the electoral list participating in the distribution of mandates by every number from one to 250. You can view more detailed information on the Election Commission website.


Drecun: Arms supplies to Pristina aimed at completing so-called statehood (Tanjug)


The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary committee on Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Friday the ultimate objective of arms supplies to Pristina was to create the conditions for NATO membership of the so-called Kosovo and complete its so-called statehood.

Commenting on a US State Department decision to approve a sale of Javelin anti-tank missile systems and other military equipment to Pristina in a deal estimated to be worth 75 mln dollars, Drecun told Tanjug the decision was a part of a role the US had long had when it comes to transforming the so-called Kosovo Security Force into "some kind of a Kosovo army". "Provision of arms, equipment and military training - the US is the leader there alongside Turkey, which is also one of the main arms suppliers. Germany and the UK are also involved in that. That should come as no surprise to us at all. It is something the US has been doing continuously and what it will continue to do," Drecun said. He added that, under an agreement, US intelligence services were able to supply intelligence information to Pristina. "Everything that is related to our security forces and the sentiment of the Serbs is being sent to them," Drecun said, noting that, under another agreement with Washington, Pristina was allowed to purchase weapons directly from US arms manufacturers or obtain them through the US Department of Defence. "That is what has been used in recent past," Drecun said, noting that the US had supplied the so-called Kosovo Security Force with hundreds of Humvees and seven light UAVs systems. Commenting on a statement by a representative of the Kosovo Albanian Self-Determination party that the number of Javelins to be acquired from the US was about equal to the number of Serbian tanks, Drecun said it clearly showed "what is being done". "Therefore, the US is arming the future 'Kosovo army' for conflict with our forces," he said. Asked about a statement from Washington that the sale of 246 Javelin missiles will not change the fundamental military balance in the region, Drecun said: "Of course it will change it, given that everyone in Kosovo says the 'Kosovo Security Force' is the successor to the terrorist 'Kosovo Liberation Army'. We know what the objective of the 'Kosovo Liberation Army' is - to create a Greater Albania, and that can put the region in jeopardy."


Dacic: SPC must work with the Vatican (TV Pink)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic assessed last night that it is necessary to clearly state whether Kosovo and Metohija is a national project or not and said that it is important for the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) to work on its relationship with the Vatican because, as he stated, it is in Serbia’s interest that the Pope be on our side. “We all have to decide with ourselves whether Kosovo and Metohija is our national project or not, not only the President or the Foreign Ministry can participate in it,” Dacic told TV Pink, where he also talked about arming Kosovo with Javelin missiles, which is, as he emphasized, contrary to Resolution 1244 and a move that does not contribute to peace, which is harmful and counterproductive.

Dacic reminded that Kosovo has had informal ties with the Vatican for some time. “I think it’s time for the SPC to work on that first,” said Dacic and recalled that the former president of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic invited the Pope to Serbia, but the invitation was cancelled at the request of some bishops. “Does it matter to us that the Vatican recognizes Kosovo or not, ... will we do something or will we continue to be in some trenches that are not practical for us. It is in our interest that the Pope be on our side as he was around Stepinac,” Dacic said and emphasized that it is not simple whether the Vatican will recognize Kosovo or not, because it is known how much of the world is under the influence of the Vatican. Everything that is happening related to the arming of Pristina has nothing to do with the US relationship with Serbia, but rather the strategic interests for Kosovo to be independent. “We have a deeper problem, here we are talking about the strategic interests of so-called Kosovo being independent, which we oppose. We have to be sharp, firm and wise and realistic in international circumstances,” said Dacic and emphasized that Serbia should continue arming itself. He emphasized that, first of all, we should define that there are countries with which we share the same views on the issue of our territorial integrity and sovereignty, and we should preserve the closest possible relationship with them at all costs. On the other hand, he says, there are a number of countries that have recognized Kosovo, but are not actively working on promoting their independence, and there is a third number of countries that have recognized and are still actively working on their promotion, and in this case even in their arming. “We are also trying to look for some common interests with them, and that is, first of all, peace and stability. We have to preserve relations with the countries that are the strongest. We cannot break diplomatic relations because of this now. But they should all know that we condemn what they’re doing. We think it’s not good, we think it’s not conducive to peace, we think it’s harmful, we think it’s counterproductive, and we think it’s an example of complete double standards,” said Dacic.


Ambassador Avramovic: The Vatican’s position on Kosovo and Metohija unchanged (Tanjug/RTS)


The position of the Vatican on the status of so-called Kosovo has absolutely remained unchanged, Serbian Ambassador to the Holy See Sima Avramovic pointed out for Tanjug. Regarding the statement of the Pristina’s President of the provisional institutions Vjosa Osmani, about the opening of a “Special Mission” of so-called of Kosovo at the Holy See, Sima Avramovic assessed that this statement is pompous and that it is about the opening of a liaison office of so-called Kosovo at the Holy See. According to him, the Serbian Embassy held talks with high-ranking officials of the Vatican about this several times during last year, and then it was explained to Serbia that it was about a “Liaison Office”. “It was made clear to us that this is a ‘liaison office’ for so-called Kosovo, which will be opened at the Holy See, and which also exists in other countries that have not recognized so-called Kosovo. It should be pointed out that there is the ‘liaison officer’ has no diplomat status, nor will she/he enjoy diplomatic immunity and privileges at the Holy See,” Avramovic emphasized.


Radosavljevic: West will never admit the truth about Racak (RTS)


There were no civilians in Racak, and a terrorist group that posed a great threat to both civilians and the police was liquidated in a police operation. Everyone knows the truth about Racak, but the West will never admit that the police action was legitimate, retired police general Goran Radosavljevic told RTS this morning. Speaking about the action in Racak, the retired police general says that the action itself was planned based on operational data and events on the ground. “The action was prepared for a long time, that village was ethnically pure, there were no Serbs in it, but we had enough information to carry out the action. We observed the village, and we knew that there were no civilians in it, but that there were only terrorists in one house and in the school in the village of Racak. They were expecting our arrival, but they didn’t know when,” said Radosavljevic. The fact that the police did not secure the scene, he claims, did not affect the action itself. “As for the consequences, the FRY would have been bombed even without it. It is only one of the omissions that the place was not secured, the police left the village, and I cannot claim who is responsible. In the operation itself, a large terrorist group was liquidated which posed a threat to both civilians and the police who were moving on the road to Urosevac,” said the former police general. According to him, the head of the verification mission William Walker entered Racak with the terrorists during the night, where they brought bodies from other locations. “It was clear to us that it was a set-up that would result in the bombing of the country, but that was already expected. Everyone knows the truth from the first day, however, the West will never admit that the police action was legitimate. We were not afraid even then not even after, because we knew we were working for our country,” retired police general Goran Radosavljevic told RTS.


Romano: NATO not involved in Javelin sale (Beta)


The head of NATO’s liaison office in Belgrade Brigadier General Giampiero Romano said on Monday that the Alliance has nothing do with the sale of Javelin missiles to Kosovo. The Pentagon announced plans to sell Javelin anti-armor missiles to Pristina last week, drawing fierce reactions from Belgrade. Romano told a debate on Serbia’s relations with the Alliance that NATO does not sell weapons adding that states have the right to do so. He said that KFOR is sticking to its mandate and maintaining neutrality.


More than a thousand professors and university associates express support for the student protests in Serbia (N1)


More than a thousand professors and associates from the University of Serbia have signed their support for the student protests that are being organized due to alleged election irregularities that were observed in the elections held on 17 December. “Whoever steals elections steals the future. Falsification of voter lists, registration of illegal residences and election engineering are a scandalous attempt by the government to take away our country once again, but this time taking away much more – common sense and the last remnants of self-respect. If we allow this election theft, we will be humiliated and subdued, we will show that we do not have the strength to fight for ourselves and our children. That’s why we stand with our students who defend the basic right of citizens on the streets of Belgrade – the right to choose,” stated the signatories of the support for students. The professors stated that they teach their students to be free citizens, to think for themselves and to fight for a better society. “That’s why we are with them now. That’s why we ask that the elections held on 17 December be annulled, that the voter lists be edited and that the elections be repeated under equal conditions. These demands must not be abandoned! If we give up, these will be the last elections in Serbia,” the signatories emphasized.


Foreigners see B&H as their colony (Politika)


Politika carries a lengthy interview with Security Minister in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers, Nenad Nesic. At the beginning of the interview, Nesic addressed the recent incidents, “expressions of hatred, spreading of fear and warmongering rhetoric”, which could be seen in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) in the last couple of days, stressing that this is completely unacceptable and demands an urgent action. He underlined that Bosniak parties, and the international community have to publicly condemn this barbarism, adding that setting of Republika Srpska (RS) flag on fire in Zenica is the most horrible threat and FB&H Interior Minister Ramo Isak has to react immediately. Nesic continued and said that demands for removing of “a Serb national flag” from the Church in Konjic represents violation of religious freedoms and constituent status of Serb people in the FB&H, which represents a criminal offense. Mentioning other incidents in the FB&H, Nesic noted that he is proud of spirit of tolerance and freedom that Serb people in the RS nurtures, noting that on the other side Bosniaks in the FB&H do not allow displaying of “national and religious flags” even during the religious holidays, while in the RS, during the entire years, flags of B&H and of Islamic Community are displayed on mosques in the RS. Asked about flying-over of US jets over Banja Luka on 9 January, Nesic sarcastically comments that there was a joint military exercise between NATO and B&H Armed Forces, which “do not possess even a model plane”. He underlined that the B&H Presidency is a supreme commander of the B&H AF and they reach all decisions in this sector through consensus, but this time there was no decision of the Presidency nor anyone asked for their approval. “It is clear that this is a matter of intimidation, pressure and demonstration of force. I do not understand what they hoped to achieve. However, they obviously do not understand that identity and someone’s feelings cannot be overpowered by low-flying bombers, we survived many evils, but we protected the identity,” said Nesic. The author noted that as one of the reasons for this “alleged military exercise”, some mentioned certain secessionist activities, asking if RS authorities ask western representatives for evidence for qualifications about alleged secessionism. Nesic explained that it is senseless to ask any kind of evidence from those who fabricate them. “They simply see B&H as their protectorate, as a colony and if you say that it is a sovereign state and that those living in it should make decisions, you get from that side these fabricated lies. It is the most normal thing here for embassies to write laws, issue directives to authorities what to do and how. When you stand against this and say you have to serve your people and your country, then you get the answer that they protect interests of their states…In this moment, B&H is the least free state in the world. The RS, no matter how absurd it is, fights for freedom and sovereignty of B&H and this is a source of all pressures against it,” said Nesic. Asked about his often warnings coming from religious facilities, Nesic noted that current Head of Islamic Community, Reis Husein Kavazovic, did a good thing with closing down of numerous para-jamaats, which spread radicalism. He noted that he regrets that the IZ B&H has never commented and distanced itself from statements of some of their imams, who are spreading warmongering statements. Nesic noted that the inter-religious dialogue in B&H is in complete standstill. Nesic criticizes statements of Defense Minister Zukan Helez regarding security and noted that Helez is an unserious man who leads populistic policy. He noted that despite the incidents, the security situation in B&H is no worse than ten years ago and he deems that organized crime, drug smuggling and money laundering are the biggest security challenges in B&H and the region. Asked about announced changes of B&H Election Law, introducing of new technologies and threats of Christian Schmidt that he will impose the Law, Nesic said that RS representatives never opposed the agreement about the Election Law and introducing of new technologies. He noted that there is an issue within the FB&H regarding the election of a Croat member of the B&H Presidency, which is why HDZ B&H did not accept the changes which regard the integrity of the election process. Nesic underscored that the stance of all parties from the RS is clear, and they will not accept any imposed legislation by Schmidt, even if it was the law on declaring the RS independence. “Schmidt has no legitimacy or legality because he was not appointed by a resolution of the UN Security Council, as it was determined by Annex X of the DPA. There is an issue of the Constitutional Court of B&H and the fact that Bosniak politicians do not want to forsake the foreign judges because such Court is their instrument for devastation of the Dayton Agreement and undermining of constitutional organization for the sake of B&H centralization. When you put all this together, Schmidt and the Constitutional Court, you see how much B&H is a country where there is no shred of the rule of law or of sovereignty,” said Nesic. Asked about an epilogue of the case against RS President Milorad Dodik before the Court of B&H, Nesic noted that this is a true drama, where the RS President is accused by Christian Schmidt because he executed his constitutional obligation and signed the decree on promulgation of the law. Nesic stressed that since the 13th century there was no case in Europe where an individual enacted the laws, underlining that the UN Charter, which is incorporated in the Constitution of B&H and which underlines an equal principle of sovereignty among UN members, bans the state of protectorate and interfering of the UN and other countries into internal issues of UN members. The Minister stressed that B&H has its own institutions and only they can enact the laws. He reminded that Annex X of the Dayton Agreement prescribes that the High Representative is appointed by the UN SC Resolution and the RS Constitution imperatively prescribes that the RS President signs the decree promulgating the law and if Dodik fails to do so, he would commit a criminal offense. “Neither the High Representative, nor Schmidt are institutions of constitutional order, nor the Constitution and the DPA recognize the possibility for him to intervene in a legislation process. And he intervened and suspended both legislation and executive power,” said Nesic. He noted that if B&H were a sovereign country, the Court of B&H would do the only possible thing and protected the constitutional obligation of the RS President to promulgate the law and it would dispute the legitimacy of Schmidt. Nesic concluded that if judge is courageous enough to protect basic principles of the rule of law, the acquittal will be the only possible solution, meaning “goodbye to Schmidt”. “However, as Schmidt has already suspended executive and legislation power, it will be no surprise if he suspends the judicial power. In this case, he will cause the crisis of uncertain outcome and he will still have to leave because of unseen destabilization of the country,” ends Nesic.




HR Schmidt, Covic discuss current political developments (


High Representative Christian Schmidt met on Saturday with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, discussing current political issues. With this meeting, Schmidt continues intensive talks with politicians in B&H. Schmidt described the meeting as constructive. “Constructive exchange with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic on political developments in B&H and necessary legislation related to EU priorities, with emphasis on election integrity, rule of law, and enabling B&H to officially launch membership negotiations with the EU this spring,” reads OHR statement. "Two days ago, the High Representative held a meeting with representatives of the Troika. The meeting was attended by NiP President Elmedin Konakovic, NS President Edin Forto and Sasa Magazinovic on behalf of SDP. And then they discussed the current political processes in B&H with a special focus on the integrity of elections, laws related to EU priorities, the rule of law, and key reforms in order for B&H to officially start negotiations on EU membership," OHR said.


Dodik warns that B&H’s path to join EU will be over if changes of Law on Elections are imposed (O Kanal/Nova BH)


O Kanal carries that RS President Milorad Dodik commented on the stance of the EU with regard to imposing technical changes to the B&H Election Law by High Representative Christian Schmidt, in his post at X platform. “The EU cannot demand democratic standards from B&H and then applaud its colonial status. The attitude of the EU towards Schmidt will show how they treat B&H. If they accept the imposition, it means that the European path is over, and that B&H is becoming a black hole on the map of Europe. If they accept that as something that is normal in B&H, but something that is unthinkable in their own countries, it will clearly say that B&H is not a country, but an experiment”, read Dodik’s X post. Nova BH carries that B&H authorities expect the EU to start the accession negotiations with B&H in March. Dodik warned that B&H’s path to join the EU will be over if HR Schmidt imposes changes to the B&H Election Law and the EU accepts this. According to the presenter, such an approach raises a question whether or not Dodik is truly prepared to block B&H’s path to join the EU if the international community takes a firm and more decisive stance regarding Dodik’s actions. To remind, SDA’s proposal of technical changes to the Election Law was recently adopted by the House of Representatives of B&H (B&H HoR), but without support of SNSD and HDZ B&H representatives and it is unclear if the proposal will be adopted by the House of Peoples of B&H (B&H HoP) as well. Schmidt reminded that in case changes of the Law on Elections are not adopted, the HR has the authority and competences to impose changes. The reporter pointed out that Dodik did not clarify if SNSD will deliberately block B&H’s path to join if changes to the B&H election Law are imposed or he simply made a conclusion that B&H cannot join the EU unless the Office of High Representative (OHR) is shut down. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) commented on a social network that the RS is undoubtedly in favor of the European integration, but the RS will not allow foreign officials or anyone else to devise solutions that are not in the best interest of the RS and the Serb people. Kosarac argued that as long as the EU keeps quiet about the fact that an unelected foreigner is imposing decision in B&H, it cannot expect B&H to advance towards the EU.


Murphy reminds of consequences of secession, emphasizes that Schmidt is the legitimate HR in B&H (O Kanal)


O Kanal carries comments that US Ambassador in B&H Michael Murphy gave regarding secession of RS from B&H, the constant talk of secession by RS President Milorad Dodik and legitimacy of High Representative Christian Schmidt in B&H. Murphy said that the US has previously had a very clear stance on secession in B&H and respecting of the Dayton Peace Agreement, adding: “We sent a clear signal of our commitment to B&H and its territorial integrity.” Murphy noted that Dodik must remember that there will be clear consequences of secession and added that if Dodik thinks otherwise he is very wrong. Murphy also emphasized that Schmidt is the legitimate High Representative in B&H despite claims from the RS and added that there were numerous issues in the last election in B&H, specifically pointing out the election of Dodik as the RS President.


Murphy underlines necessity to solve issue of Election Law and noted earlier parties were not were not interested in facing problems of election integrity; If Mr. Dodik thinks he can split this country without consequences, then he is wrong (Hayat)


The US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy gave an interview for Hayat. Murphy was asked to comment whether he believes that changes to B&H Election Law will be passed by the B&H parliament or imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt. Murphy said that he would not try to predict the future. He pointed out that the OSCE gave their recommendations for the elections. It can be seen in surveys that the citizens are increasingly discouraged, and they want their vote to be counted the way they cast it, added Murphy. He was quoted as saying: “We have been engaged in the past, trying to help the negotiations between the parties to solve these problems. The problem we had was that the parties themselves were not interested in facing these problems of election integrity. Maybe there is a reason why they do not want to deal with it because they benefit from a system that is not as clear and transparent as it should be. Many years have passed since it was talked about. They were not ready to solve it themselves, and actually I do not know if they are ready to solve that problem even now. I would say no. We have a High Representative who cares about B&H, about strengthening democracy. He sees the problem. He said clearly what his expectation is, actually that the parties should do it, or he will have to do it. I do not know what he will do, we will see that in the future, but one needs to act to solve this long-standing issue, problem, as part of the citizens' democratic right. The US supports that.” When asked to comment on the RS politicians who announce their own election law and election commission, Murphy commented that this reflects the reluctance of the RS authorities and RS President Milorad Dodik to make the elections transparent and fair. Murphy pointed out that there was a lot of fraud in the last elections, especially in connection with the election of Dodik to the post of the RS President. Murphy was quoted as saying: “There are many people who question the legitimacy of the outcome of those elections. There is a reason for that. For me, it is quite ironic that Dodik likes to talk about the legitimacy of Mr. Schmidt, which is very clear. You have it in black and white that he is legitimate. In fact, the highest illegitimacy in the country is above the position of Mr. Dodik”. The reporter commented that Dodik threatens with secession in case that Schmidt imposes any decision regarding state property, and asked Murphy what would happen if Dodik embarked on such an adventure. Murphy was quoted as saying: “You see, we have been very clear in the past about any attempts to dismantle the country or the Dayton Peace Agreement. We spoke clearly about that. We used the means we have at our disposal, such as sanctions, in order to hold responsible those who engaged in anti-Dayton activities, threatened secession or other things as we hear from Mr. Dodik and those around him, and they fall into that category. We sent a clear signal of our commitment to B&H and its territorial integrity. Last week we had certain joint military activities with the B&H Armed Forces. (Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State) Jim O'Brien was very clear, there is no place for secession, nor for the RS to act in that direction. If Mr. Dodik thinks he can split this country without consequences, then he is wrong”. Murphy also said that B&H and the Western Balkans are on the list of US priorities. As a message to B&H citizens, Murphy said the US is with them. Murphy was quoted as saying: “We will not leave B&H and turn our backs on it. We are with you and share common values related to democracy, economy, security, stability and the Euro-Atlantic future of this country, and together we will continue to be with you on that path.” Asked to comment on the celebration of the RS Day in Banja Luka, and whether he expects a reaction from the B&H Prosecutor’s Office, Murphy pointed out that it is reasonable for the citizens of B&H to expect law enforcement institutions to investigate alleged criminal activity and punish those who have broken the law for not acting in accordance with the law. Murphy was quoted as saying: “It is clear that the celebration of the RS Day, January 9, is unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court issued its verdict several years ago. The court did not say that RS Day cannot be celebrated per se, but specifically in connection with that date. That is the first thing I wanted to hear. The second thing I want to hear is the Constitution of B&H, Article 3 is very clear. All entities, so both entities, regardless of whether it is the RS or the FB&H, are obliged to work in accordance with the decisions of B&H institutions, which includes the final binding judgments of the Constitutional Court, regardless of whether they like them or not. It is the rule of law. Those are the facts. That is the law. That is what it is all about. It is not about anyone's opinion. One of the first times when we issued sanctions for Mr. Dodik was precisely because he violated the ruling of the Constitutional Court of B&H regarding this holiday.” The reporter pointed out that the security was threatened ahead of the celebration of the RS Day on 9 January and that there have been attacks on Bosniak returnees to the RS. The reporter added that it seems that Dodik often lashes out at Murphy, the US Embassy and the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt. When asked how he views at it all, Murphy said he does not take Dodik's insults seriously, and that the insults are an attempt to divert attention from Dodik’s failures in the RS. “Regardless of what Dodik says, my job is to implement our policy here. We spoke about it in the first question. The president sent me here to do that job, which is to protect the sovereignty, territorial integrity, multi-ethnic character of B&H, to work for the authorities to be responsible, functional, efficient, to lead the country towards the EU. It is the mission, it is in the interest of the US and in the interest of these people in this country. They say they want that. I am sure I am doing a good job if Dodik complains about what I am doing.” The reporter added that they often receive messages from the US Embassy that it fully supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. The reporter asked Murphy how to prove it to the citizens, in addition to all these things they discussed so far. Murphy talked about the engagement of the US in B&H in the past. He was quoted as saying: “It is the intervention that ended the terrible war. 20,000 young women and men have come here to serve in keeping the peace and protecting the peace. We invested in the rebuilding of this country, in physical infrastructure, schools, roads. We helped build state institutions that are of key importance for B&H's path to the Euro-Atlantic institutions, the B&H Armed Forces, the Intelligence Service, Indirect Taxation Authority. And all this lasted for years. Our support is in strengthening the democratic system in this country, helping the economy in its development, prosperity and fighting corruption in the last few years. I published that, in the last year, millions of USD were given to help the B&H Armed Forces. We have started new programs that help local communities, i.e. municipalities, in better providing services to its citizens, new programs to improve the economy, so that people living in cities and other local communities will make the decision to stay in B&H and build their future here. I think that all this engagement in previous years, and all that we are doing now, shows our commitment to B&H and its territorial integrity, sovereignty and multi-ethnic character. These are concrete, specific activities that my government has undertaken to help the citizens of this country”.


Dodik on Murphy’s disputing RS Day: We will never give up on celebration of 9 January as RS Day (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that everything unconstitutional and anti-Dayton in B&H has been imposed by a part of the international community led by US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. “Michael Murphy’s narrative about constitutionality and legitimacy in B&H is a circus show for the idle ones”, Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik underscored that the RS Day was marked with dignity this year and a clear message was conveyed that no one will tell the RS what it can or cannot celebrate. “We will never give up on celebrating 9 January, the RS Day. We once again marked it with dignity this year. We are grateful to all friends who were with us. We conveyed a clear message that no one else, neither Muslims not foreigners, will decide what we can and cannot celebrate. If we agreed to that, we would give up on us and on the RS’’, wrote Dodik on his Instagram account. Dodik argued that a part of the international community led by US Ambassador Murphy imposed everything that is anti-Dayton and unconstitutional. Dodik reminded that voters directly elected him in line with the Constitution of B&H, while pointing out that the procedure of the appointment of Schmidt was not carried out at all. Dodik said: “The Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement stipulates that the HR in B&H is being appointed at the proposal of sides in the UN Security Council (UNSC). Maybe Murphy can lobby statements in the State Department against me as well, even an award from his president, but he cannot lobby a decision in the UN SC when it comes to his trainee Christian Schmidt.”


Islamic theologian Ceman shocks public in RS by calling for war and slaughter of Serb population; No reaction from FB&H and international community; RS requests B&H Prosecutor’s Office to prosecute Ceman (ATV)


The reporter notes that a scandalous speech of an Islamic theologian Mithad Ceman has shocked the public in RS and goes on to say that at a lecture in Vogosca, Ceman called for a war in B&H and for slaughter of the Serb population. ATV carries video of Ceman's speech in which he says: “You should know that the next slaughter of Chetniks will be worse than the previous ones. You should get ready for that 100 per cent. That is why we live in this state with ‘nijet’ (Intention, decision and strong will)”. He went on to say that those who are not capable of doing so, they should “go to Germany” as soon as possible, “so that we can know who we can count on”, noting that his “nijet” is to wait for when “I will need to fight Chetniks and Ustasha (members) again”. ATV reports that commenting on this, Dean of the Faculty of Security Sciences at the University of Banja Luka Predrag Ceranic said that Ceman’s speech has elements of a criminal offence ‘inciting racial and religious hatred and intolerance’. “All those madmen from the FB&H who invoke war day and night are the biggest enemies to all citizens of B&H. As if they have been selected in the competition for the worst”, wrote RSNA Speaker Nenad Stevandic on X platform. ATV reports that the RS has requested the B&H Prosecutor’s Office to prosecute Ceman to prevent spreading radicalism, hatred toward the Serbs and undermining security. At the same time, there has been no reaction from the FB&H, the Islamic Community (IZ) in B&H and the international community (IC). The reporter notes that this is not the first time to hear such threats of “the other entity”, increasingly frequent after the celebration of the RS Day. Commenting on the issue, security expert Dzevad Galijasevic said for ATV via video link: “Spread of radical ideologies and religious hatred is job for the (B&H) Prosecutor’s Office, the Court of B&H, security agencies. Actually, there has never been a consequent ban in B&H on such radical ideologies. Individual organizations have never been banned. Not individual, there are over 1,500 of them in B&H.” The RS government has requested an urgent reaction by relevant institutions and the Serb representatives in “the joint institutions of B&H” have also warned of the issue. In an interview for ATV, Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sanja Vulic said no one from the international community has reacted. “There is no reaction by the US Embassy (to B&H). (US Ambassador Michael) Murphy pretends he did not hear or see that. The OSCE and other organizations from the part of the IC – not to even mention embassies – they all ‘wisely keep silent’ as if it did not happen. And if some of the Serb associations, such as some of our RS Army associations, said something similar in the media, they would then say: We condemn all warmongering rhetoric”. The reporter notes that Ceman’s speech is only one in a series of threats to the Serbs and reminds of a group of young people setting the RS flag on fire in Zenica on 9 January, and the RS flags being replaced by “wartime flags of the so-called RB&H Army” in the FB&H, and concludes by saying that relevant authorities from the FB&H have failed to react to any of the incidents. Condemnations came from the RS due to radicalism and targeting of Serbs. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic condemned the scandalous speech of Ceman and requested an immediate reaction from the competent institutions in order to stop this and all other similar outpourings of hatred towards one of the constituent peoples as soon as possible. “I believe that without the urgent reaction of the competent institutions and the court prosecution of Mithad Ceman, as well as all others who, like him, call for new wars and murders, we will not be able to talk about coexistence and tolerance in the society and to build B&H as an equal community of all who live in it”, Viskovic was quoted as saying. Neither the Islamic Community (IZ) in B&H nor the international community, nor Sarajevo's political scene, distanced themselves from Ceman's warmongering views. For B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic this is confirmation that these circles encourage radicalization in B&H. “Spreading hatred and calling for war are criminal offenses and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H must act according to their official duties and in this way send a message that those who spread warmongering policies will not be tolerated and will not go unpunished”, Nesic emphasized in a telephone statement.


Milanovic: Majority of Serb people support Dodik’s stances on secession (Slobodna Dalmacija)


During the handover ceremony for the Commander of Croatian Navy, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented the most prominent political developments in Croatia. Asked by the media about the recent flying-over of NATO airplanes over B&H, during the marking of RS Day, Milanovic said that this is targeted. He noted that they arrived through Croatian airspace, without anyone knowing anything about that, which he considers to be highly problematic. “Althea Mission provides security in B&H, they fly over Croatia, because that is convenient for them. They can fly over Montenegro, but it is more convenient over Croatia. We have demanded on several occasion to be included in Althea, but when the Mission started, we were not member of NATO or of the EU, so we could not be. In the meantime, we became members of NATO and EU, but not Althea, because we are suspicious,” said Milanovic. He argues that it is ridiculous that countries, such as Turkey can be part of Althea, but Croatia, which is signatory of Dayton Agreement, cannot. Milanovic deems that majority of Serb population shares Milorad Dodik’s stances about secession and drew a parallel with the situation that Croatia was in 1991. Milanovic noted that one of people deserving for existence of the RS is Franjo Tudjman who signed it.  Milanovic said that Dodik is authentic representative of his people, adding that Serbs have identity and pride. “Serbs are real, this is a people which has identity and price. Also, interests which sometime oppose our own. What will we do now, stop talking or talk only when it suits Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic,” said Milanovic. Commenting situation in B&H, Milanovic said: “In a way this means nothing for us. On the other side, everything that concerns status of Croats in B&H very much concerns us…


Croatian Foreign, Defence ministers: We support Croats, Montenegro’s EU path (Hina)


Croatia's Defence Minister Ivan Anusic and Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said in Tivat on Saturday that Croatia supported Montenegro on its EU path and that the Croatian government supported Croats in Montenegro and wished them a successful coexistence with Montenegrins. The two ministers were attending an event celebrating Croatian People Day, organised by the Croatian National Council of Montenegro (HNV). “We care about a pro-European Montenegro. We care about our neighbours. Croatia has no hidden agenda, we wish to help Montenegro,” said Grlic Radman. Anusic, speaking as the prime minister’s envoy, said that “no government has been helping Croats outside Croatia like the incumbent one. We stand by you and it’s not just lip service. A hand has been extended to Montenegro on its EU journey. The cultural heritage of Croats in Montenegro is great, it’s simply unbelievable. That should be appreciated and protected. May the Croats here live together with the Montenegrins in prosperity.” Croatian People Day recognises that the Croatian people is native here, its centuries-long culture and tradition, and its undivided belonging to the Catholic Church, said Zvonimir Dekovic, president of the HNV. Croats in Montenegro are “a fact which no longer needs to be explained to anyone,” said Adrijan Vuksanovic, president of the Croatian Civic Initiative party and a member of the Montenegrin parliament. “We are not prisoners of the past. Once, it was impossible for the Croatian flag to be hoisted in Tivat and Kotor along with the Montenegrin flag. Today, it’s a reality… we achieved that politically and it benefits both Croats and Montenegro. Today, we have parliamentary status. But we weren’t alone before either. No Croatian government has done more for the Croatian people in Montenegro like the incumbent one. Not only have we survived, we are back on the main stage.” Grlic Radman also met with Montenegrin Foreign Minister Filip Ivanovic. They discussed many outstanding issues between the two countries, he said in Kotor. “We talked about Prevlaka, the land border is clear based on the Badinter Commission… We want to talk about the sea border and are waiting for Montenegro to appoint the commission members so we can talk about that problem,” Grlic Radman told Hina. Regarding the Jadran training ship, he said it was Croatian and that when the former Yugoslavia broke up, it was undergoing maintenance in Tivat and stayed there. “We consider it stolen property and demand that it be returned to its main port of Split. If we can’t solve this bilaterally and by agreement, we can consider involving an international tribunal.” Grlic Radman went on to say that it was unacceptable of the Kotar municipal assembly to name a sports facility after Zoran Gopcevic because of the many disturbing testimonies of his treatment of Croatian prisoners in the former Morinj POW camp. “We congratulated Montenegro on facing the past and for us, the (memorial) plaque in Morinj and its inscription are very important and we believe that… it should stay there.” Anusic cancelled Saturday’s meeting with Montenegrin Defence Minister Dragan Krapovic because his statements on the Morinj plaque and the ownership of the Jadran ship “are totally opposite to Croatia’s positions and leave no room for talks.” Krapovic said recently it was a mistake to install the memorial plaque and that its inscription, that events there were “a consequence of the Greater Serbia aggression”, did not correspond to the facts. He said that what happened at Morinj was a consequence of the war in the former Yugoslavia and that the plaque should be changed. Krapovic also said the Montenegrin government was not willing to negotiate the ownership of the Jadran and that Croatia had no right to claim it.


Grlic Radman: We care about pro-European Montenegro (RTCG)


For the second year in a row, 13 January was marked - the Day of the Croatian People in Montenegro. The ceremonial academy, meetings, thanks to friends, reminders of tradition, but also the plans of the least numerous national communities in Montenegro, were the topics of many meetings between Croatian and Montenegrin officials yesterday. "We care about good neighborly relations, we care about Montenegro, about pro-European Montenegro. Croatia no longer needs anything. We have fulfilled everything, we have achieved everything. We have nothing hidden in our pockets, we have no hidden agenda. We want to help Montenegro. And we have been doing it for all these 34 years. The memories are painful, what Dubrovnik suffered, what Konavle suffered, everyone learned something", Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said at the ceremony. And the Minister of Defense of that country, Ivan Anusic, said that Croatia is offering an outstretched hand to Montenegro on its way to the EU. "We know that with the entry of Montenegro into European integration, it will be easier for you to achieve functionality, work and live here," said Anusic. The day of the Croatian people is celebrated on 13 January, because that day is known as the day of the transfer of the power of Saint Tripun to Kotor in 809, known as Karike, and a solemn holy mass was held in the cathedral on that occasion. "With this ceremony, in a magnificent way, we are framing a day dedicated to the Croatian people in Montenegro, their autochthonousness in this region, their centuries-old culture and tradition, and their undivided belonging to the Catholic Church among Croats," said Zvonimir Dekovic, president of the Croatian National Council (HNV). "The future belongs to those who remember their past the longest. We remember our past, and the culture of memory goes back to 13 January 809 as the deepest position in our centuries-old, autochthonous existence. Croats in Montenegro are a fact that no longer needs to be explained to anyone," said Adrijan Vuksanovic, HGI deputy in the parliament of Montenegro. In Tivat and Kotor, where most members of the Croatian nationality live, on the occasion of the Day of the Croatian Nation, Montenegrin and Croatian flags were displayed. The President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, congratulated the Croatian People's Day.


Atlantic alliance: Krapovic continued to relativize malignant influences in Montenegro (MINA)


Defense Minister Dragan Krapovic's statement that there is no interference and malignant influence from Serbia in Montenegro is a continuation of his relativization of the malignant influences that Montenegro is facing, the Atlantic Alliance (ASCG) said. They said this in response to Krapovic's claims that there is no interference and malignant influence from Serbia in Montenegro and that there is no equality sign between the interference coming from Russia and Serbia. As stated by the ASCG, such a claim by Krapovic could be attributed to political and intelligence ignorance, as it does not come from the minister whose portfolio includes the Intelligence and Security Directorate and who is a member of the National Security Council. "In this way, Krapovic's statement represents a continuation of his relativization of foreign interference and malignant foreign influences that Montenegro is facing, and it is a practice of relativization that was intensified during the minority government of Dritan Abazovic," ASCG said in its response. As they said, Krapovic is also aware that this is an indefensible thesis and irresponsible practice of the highest state officials, directly responsible for the safety and stability of society and the political system in Montenegro. "Since immediately after the assessment that there is no malignant influence coming from Serbia, he admitted that Serbia is not achieving its ambitions "in one part" in a legitimate way and that it has a large number of problems coming from there," ASCG added. They pointed out that Krapovic, however, insisted that he did not detect "any excessive hostility towards Montenegro" in Serbia. The ASCG assessed that the general comment by Krapovic, who lightly proclaims a "political" resolution of the European Parliament, which clearly indicates the concern of European officials due to the attempts of the Orthodox Church in Serbia, Montenegro and B&H, especially in RS, to promote Russia as a protector of traditional family values and strengthens relations between the state and the Church. "Describing in this way the observation of the Western partners, which, as a minister in a country that is a candidate for membership in the European Union, should be carefully read and understood, Minister Krapovic passed over the fact that the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) was an active participant in all election processes in Montenegro and additionally actively participated in the population census campaign", ASCG said. As they stated, Krapovic emphasized that he was not abolishing the entire Serbian Orthodox Church, but only "the activities of four dioceses" in Montenegro. The ASCG added that Krapovic seems to have forgotten that the seat of those dioceses is also in Belgrade. "The connection between the SPC and the Orthodox brotherhoods Michael's Choir, Stupovi, Zavjetnici Tvrdos Niksic, is visible after the Russian aggression against Ukraine, when it was these actors who were the bearers of the activities of rallies and gatherings in support of Russia in Montenegro," the ASCG emphasized. As they said, those organizations closely cooperate with the Serbian Orthodox Church and actively coordinate pro-Russian and anti-Western activities on the territory of Montenegro. The ASCG assessed that Krapovic looked worryingly lightly at the influence exerted through the media. "Although, as a long-time MP and Minister of Defense, he should be aware that it is not only about the media and portals that "take statements and distort them, take them out of context", but about the entire media system under the direct control of the regime in Belgrade," he says. are in reaction. It is stated that these media, which through their branches in Montenegro, have been targeting the citizens of Montenegro with unprofessional reporting for more than a decade. "These media are especially active during important socio-political events in Montenegro - let's just remember the so-called Battle for Niksic and the aggressive media campaign that came from Serbia during the local elections in Niksic in March 2021," the response added. The ASCG also recalled the campaign denying Montenegrin nationality, statehood and independence, which was intensified before the beginning of the census in Montenegro. They emphasized that foreign interference coming from Serbia is manifested through political parties and political leaders. According to them, the latest confirmation of that thesis, and there have been many in the past five years, could be seen through the presence of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Andrija Mandic, at the party celebration of the Serbian Progressive Party's election victory. "Serbia has earmarked significant sums of money for the establishment and operation of organizations with a Serbian sign, which often and openly articulate the desire to eliminate civil, multi-ethnic and European Montenegro," ASCG said. They stated that one of such larger projects, in which the government of Serbia invested EUR 3.4 million, was the construction of the Serbian House in Podgorica, which is home to numerous (para)media and similar organizations that openly implement this agenda. The ASCG said that they hope that Krapovic will base his future public appearances and statements about malignant and external influences on facts, and not on political assessments, which he was entitled to as a deputy and vice president of Democratic Montenegro. "As Minister of Defense, Krapovic must get used to the special obligation he has towards the state of Montenegro and its interests, citizens, and partners who work in the interest of its European and Euro-Atlantic future and must take responsibility for developing a strategy for the protection of Montenegro's national interests and security," ASCG concluded.


Spasovski – O'Brien in Washington: Next period crucial for North Macedonia's future direction (MIA)


Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski on an official visit to Washington met with Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien, discussing US support for the Interior Ministry and the state in general, progress in the fight against corruption, and US list of sanctions. According to an official press release, the Ministry of Interior has made significant progress in promoting the rule of law and the fight against corruption through training programs, joint operations, and unit modernization, Spasovski said at the meeting. "Success in this fight is possible only with institutions acting with integrity, professionally and non-selectively, especially in the area of justice," Spasovski added. Sharing statistical figures on the results achieved in the fight against corruption, Spasovski said that in 2023 alone, the police discovered over 64 cases of corruption, 121 crimes and 178 perpetrators, causing losses of over 350 million denars. "The investigative capacity of the police in 2021 increased by as much as 50 percent," the interior minister said. "At the same time, I would like to point out that since I have been at the helm of the Interior Ministry, the Suppression of Organized and Serious Crimes Department has filed 44 criminal charges against 170 individuals and two legal entities for the crime of abuse of office between 2017 and 2023." Minister Spasovski stressed that all directives and persons on the list of US sanctions will be introduced in the local legislation so they can be banned from participating in public procurement, running for public office or holding a government post. Spasovski also told O'Brien about the state's coordinating body for analysing and strengthening legislation against corruption and organized crime, which discussed heightening restrictive measures in light of the United States of America's corruption-related designations. They also spoke about the recent proposal on amending the Law on Restrictive Measures to include US legal acts as basis for sanctions. "In the implementation of this law's measures," the interior minister said, "the Interior Ministry will use its international cooperation channels, primarily Interpol, Europol, Southeast European Law Enforcement Center, etc., through which it will make it possible to obtain necessary information to serve as well as to exercise its authority according to the Law on Criminal Procedure and the Criminal Code." US Assistant Secretary O'Brien said these were important steps the Interior Ministry and the government of the Republic of North Macedonia were taking in the fight against corruption and organized crime. Spasovski and O'Brian also agreed there was no alternative to the country's European path and that the period that follows would be crucial for the Republic of North Macedonia. In forming a caretaker government ahead, the elections, the upcoming challenges, they said, were key for the direction the country would take next.


Spasovski – McClain in Washington: We cherish excellent cooperation, work on improvements (MIA)


Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski on a visit to Washington met with Congresswoman Lisa McClain, Co-Chair of the Congressional Macedonian Caucus, according to an official press release. Expressing gratitude to Congresswoman McClain on behalf of himself and the government for the efforts of the Congressional Macedonian Caucus, Minister Spasovski said Americans of Macedonian origin were successfully integrated into American social life and had equal civil and religious freedoms and human rights. North Macedonia, Spasovski said, strived to adopt and improve on this model, creating a society where everyone would have equal opportunities for success. "We are proud to say that this two-way cultural and social exchange has enriched and improved experiencing life both in the Republic of North Macedonia and in the United States of America, creating bridges of understanding and cooperation that transcend geographical distance and unite communities through shared goals and values," Spasovski said at the meeting. He also asked for support for the visa liberalization process for the Republic of North Macedonia and for the adoption of the Western Balkans Democracy and Prosperity Act. Congresswoman McClain reaffirmed the excellent cooperation and relations with the Macedonian community in the United States. On Spasovski's proposed initiatives for support, McClain said she was happy to help strengthen the cooperation between the two friendly countries.


Negotiations with the EU/Gjoni: 2024 finds us prepared for opening judicial system and administration chapters (Radio Tirana)


The year 2024 finds Albania more prepared on the road to membership in the EU. Etilda Gjonaj, Member of Parliament of Albania, through a post on social networks, has recalled the path followed by our country within the process of integration into the EU. "Albania's steps towards the EU. The year 2023 was a very important year with positive achievements in terms of the European integration of Albania. The European Council welcomed the progress that Albania has made in several reforms, including the successful completion of the "screening" process, writes Gjonaj. "The year 2024 finds us prepared for the opening of Cluster I - "Fundamentals", which includes chapters on the judicial system, fundamental rights, anti-corruption, the rule of law and public administration!", underlines Gjonaj.


Albania-EU/ High-level agreement on the transport network in our country ratified (Radio Tirana)


The high-level agreement between the Republic of Albania and the EU for the indicative maps of the trans-European transport network in Albania is ratified. The Republic of Albania and the EU, underscoring the great importance they attach to the expansion of the trans-European transport network in Albania as part of the enlargement policy; considering that the indicative maps of the trans-European transport network also extended to Albania, aim at guaranteeing the coherence between the trans-European transport network of the EU and the transport network of Albania. "Albania and the EU aim to promote the proper planning and development of a sustainable and resource-efficient transport link between the EU and Albania, as well as facilitate the recognition of common infrastructure priorities between the EU and Albania", reads the agreement. Through this agreement, it is intended to facilitate the development of the current transport network. The two sides agreed to accept the adapted indicative maps of the transport infrastructure network in Albania, attached to the current high-level agreement. "This high-level agreement does not create, nor is it intended to create, rights or obligations under international or domestic law," the agreement reads.