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Belgrade Media Report 17 January 2024



Vucic: Pristina’s announced cancellation of Dinar in Kosovo hangs question mark over all processes (TV Pink/Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said yesterday that Pristina's announced cancellation of the dinar in Kosovo "is worrying and calls all processes into question". "The announcement from Pristina that they are ready to consider cancelling payment traffic with Serbia proper, i.e. banning the use of the Dinar, to raid our post offices in the southern Serbian province, not only concerns us, but calls into question all processes, both normalization and dialogue," Vucic told reporters from Serbia in Davos, where he is attending the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting. He added that this would be the key subject of a meeting later in the evening with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien. "As well as who, why and how is arming themselves, what was done in accordance with international law, and what not. It is very important for us to achieve an as high as possible degree of understanding with the US as the world's leading superpower, and we will give it our all," Vucic said. Upon arriving in Davos, Vucic wrote on Instagram that, although he believed 2024 would be hard for the entire world, Serbia would launch the realization of huge "dreams and plans with much hope and enthusiasm," which he would discuss with numerous leaders, investors and businesspeople in the coming days.


Pristina's announcement of suspension of payment transactions calls into question dialogue (TV Prva)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today that Pristina's announcement about the possible cancellation of payment transactions with Serbia proper, as well as the ban on the use of Dinars and potential raids on the Postal Savings Bank, is currently one of the key problems, not only in the further process of normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, but in general for the existence of any dialogue. Brnabic pointed out in a statement for TV Prva that, if such things as the abolition of payment transactions and Dinars are called into question, then the prime minister of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina Albin Kurti is putting everything on the line that there will be no more dialogue. She pointed out that Kurti caused the complete exodus of the Serb and Albanian people from Kosovo and Metohija, which speaks volumes about how good he is not for the Serbs, nor for the Albanians. It is up to us to preserve peace and stability, but also the interests of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, she said.


Brnabic: Political, bilateral ties with Sao Tome and Principe improving steadily (Tanjug/RTV/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday political and bilateral cooperation and mutual understanding between Serbia and Sao Tome and Principe were improving steadily and that the two countries were exchanging visits increasingly frequently. "We have signed several agreements on cooperation, including a framework agreement on cooperation between the two governments," Brnabic told a press conference after a meeting with Sao Tome and Principe Prime Minister Patrice Emery Trovoada. As a friendly country, Serbia has been trying to help Sao Tome and Principe whenever required, Brnabic said, noting that Serbia had aided post-flood recovery in the country with 100,000 dollars in 2022 and donated 100 t of flour and 100 t of edible oil, as well as that it had last year provided humanitarian aid to Sao Tome and Principle in the form of 20 t of seed maize from the Zemun Polje Maize Institute. "That is how additional cooperation is born, and Trovoada will have a meeting with the Zemun Polje Institute during his visit to see how we can provide to Sao Tome and Principe the know-how from our scientific institutes about seed materials, with support from certain organisations such as the UN's FAO programme," she said, adding that this would assist Sao Tome and Principe in developing a more sustainable agriculture and help the good reputation of Serbian institutes spread across the African continent. She said Serbia was one of Europe's leaders in agricultural technology thanks to its BioSense institute for digitalisation in agriculture. "Those are things we want to make available to our partners and use that as a platform to showcase the know-how and technology Serbia and its scientists can provide to countries on other continents to open up markets for our scientific institutes as well as for our businesspeople," Brnabic said. She added that tourism was one of the fastest-growing industries in Sao Tome and Principe.


Vucevic: Pristina making survival of Kosovo Serbs impossible (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Tuesday Pristina undeniably continued to exert pressure on Serbs and the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija and was making it impossible for the Serbs to remain and survive there. Asked to comment on reports Pristina is planning to form three assault infantry regiments in 2025, Vucevic responded: "We will see whether they will form the three regiments. Undeniably, they are moving towards forming an armed force of the so-called Kosovo, and it is true the NATO alliance is not involved in that, but NATO member states are." Besides pressure on the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija, there are attacks on churches and monasteries and seizures of property that belongs to Serbia, he said. Vucevic added that Turkey, the US, Germany and the UK were supplying arms to the so-called Kosovo. "All those countries are involved in that in one way or another - with military equipment and arms, training and education or joint exercises, and some are involved in all of those aspects," he said. They will not give up on that, but "we must understand the circumstances we live in and what the security challenges, risks and dangers to Serbia are like", Vucevic said. He reiterated Serbia was committed to peace and was winning in peace.


Brnabic accuses Schieder of violating ODIHR observers’ Code of Conduct (N1/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic accused Andreas Schieder MEP of violating the Code of Conduct for ODIHR election observers and telling untruths, and TV N1 and Nova stations of continuously attacking European Parliament (EP) Standing Rapporteur on Serbia Vladimir Bilcik. “In response to repeated accusations, let me, again, point out very concrete examples of questionable conduct of Schieder,” Brnabic said in a post on X. Recalling Schieder’s media statements on phantom ballots and vote buying, Brnabic said that official records show that the head of the Socialists and Democrats’ group in the European Parliament, who was an observer in the Serbian 17 December elections, visited four polling stations yet did not report any objections or concerns about the election process. “When was he telling the truth – when he subsequently spoke to the media or when he officially stated that he saw no irregularities,” asked Brrnabic. She said Schieder is one of the 475 international observers present during the Serbian elections, and that he “is the only one who openly, and continuously, directly violates the Code of Conduct for ODIHR Observers and its explicit request for observers to refrain from making public comments on electoral processes or their observations”. The Prime Minster did not miss the opportunity to once again mention the TV N1 and Nova stations and accuse them of continuously attacking EP Standing Rapporteur on Serbia Vladimir Bilcik. She accused Schieder of lacking principles and values because he never defended his colleague.


Schieder: Bilcik admitted there were election irregularities (N1)


Andreas Schieder MEP told N1 on Tuesday that European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik had to admit that there was a large number of irregularities in the 17 December elections. Schieder was part of the European Parliament observation mission at the 17 December elections in Serbia. His and the views of the international observers differed from those of Bilcik who downplayed the irregularities and overall election conditions.

Vladimir Bilcik had to admit that there were many irregularities in the end, Schieder said adding Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic were wrong to attack the observers. Those attacks showed that the issues raised were right because there were irregularities, he said. Schieder said Brnabic’s accusations in her letter to the leader of the Party of European Socialists were nonsense and added that he was astounded by the media attacks against him following Vucic’s news conference. According to him, an international investigation into the election irregularities is possible only in cooperation with the Serbian authorities.


Next step for ProGlas: Petition to Constitutional Court to annul elections (N1)


Law School professor and ProGlas initiator Miodrag Jovanovic told N1 that a large number of people responded to this initiative’s call to submit photo and video materials proving election irregularities, specifying that, once processed, the materials will be submitted to the Constitutional Court along with a petition to annul the 17 December election results. He explained that the ProGlas initiative will work with the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) to classify the material and then produce video material, which will speak about the most pronounced forms of election irregularities. “Since the deadline to file a petition with the Constitutional Court is 15 days from the release of the overall election results, our plan is to complete this material in the next ten days,” said Jovanovic. The professor said he expects a swift reaction from the Constitutional Curt despite the fact that there are no deadlines for it to pass a decision, because this is a matter of urgency and requires prompt action. “I cannot predict how the Constitutional Court will react, but this is a matter that, by its nature, must be resolved urgently, not just so we would know where we stand with the election results, but also so we would learn if there are democratic elections in Serbia at all. To that end we will certainly exert some pressure for a decision to be made within a reasonable period of time,” said Jovanovic.


Serbia Against Violence coalition stages protest in downtown Belgrade (Beta)


A protest organized by the Serbia Against Violence coalition in front of the seat of the Republic Electoral Commission across from the Serbian Presidency began at 6 p.m. The coalition claims that the December elections were irregular and is asking for a repeat. The coalition also marked the sixth anniversary of the murder of Freedom, Democracy, Justice civic initiative leader Oliver Ivanovic (1953-2018). Serbia Against Violence ticket lead candidate Marinika Tepic addressed the protesters from a stage that was set up in front of the Republic Electoral Commission and said that she and the ticket's other candidates would not continue a hunger strike, because they had achieved their objective. "Today not just Europe, but the entire planet knows that we caught the thieves red-handed," she said. Democratic Party Vice President Dragana Rakic said that she expected European Parliament members to support all citizens protesting in Serbia during an upcoming debate on electoral irregularities in Serbia. "We are fighting to achieve the same conditions for elections that citizens in EU countries have," Rakic said.


Citizens begin collecting signatures calling for sacking of mayor of northern Kosovska Mitrovica (RTS)


In Kosovska Mitrovica, the collection of signatures for the removal of the mayor of North Mitrovica Erden Atic began this morning at 9 am. A large number of citizens are arriving at a sports arena in Kosovska Mitrovica to sign the petition, and according to Sanja Krtinic from a citizens' initiative, it is expected that the required 20 percent of signatures from the total number of registered voters in this municipality will be reached by tomorrow at the latest. "We need to collect 3,640 signatures and my estimate is that if we don't do it today, we will certainly do it tomorrow," Krtinic pointed out. She added that citizens in Kosovska Mitrovica have been waiting for a year to replace the illegitimately installed mayor. "We in this city have been waiting for a year to replace a mayor who was elected completely illegitimately and does not represent the interests of our people and other communities living here in Kosovska Mitrovica," Krtinic said. In northern Kosovska Mitrovica, Leposavic and Zubin Potok, those behind the petitions have until 22 January to collect the necessary signatures, while in Zvecan the deadline is five days longer. An administrative directive passed last year states that 20 percent of registered voters must sign the petition. If the signatures are confirmed of at least 20 percent of registered voters, then at least 50 percent must turn out and vote for the removal of the mayors.




Norwegian Ambassador in center of scandal; He informed Helez that RS prepares secession and did not promise NATO assistance; Diplomats from other Embassies reacted and begged Helez not to speak about this (


After contacted Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Defense Minister Zukan Helez asking him if it is true that Norway Ambassador to B&H Olav Reinertsen told him last week that Republika Srpska (RS) is planning the secession and that he cannot expect big assistance from the West, to which Helez briefly answered in a text message “I do not want to talk about this, this is not for public.” “He did not say it exactly like that,” said Helez, but did not want to tell what the Norway Ambassador exactly told him. The article noted that the webpage of the Defense Ministry has an information that Helez met Ambassador Reinertsen on 12 January, discussing bilateral military cooperation and engagement of the Norwegian Embassy as a NATO contact point Embassy, as well as about political developments in B&H.  However, according to information that came in possession of, Minister Helez was visibly disappointed after the meeting with the Norway Ambassador, as according to information, the Ambassador reacted very mildly to the story about RS secession, even though Norway is the NATO contact point Embassy. That evening Helez was a guest at Face TV and according to officials of another Embassy, a NATO member state, waited for Helez in front of Face TV building warning him not to present information in public regarding the meeting with Ambassador Reinertsen and telling him that B&H can expect NATO support in case of the RS secession. The article reads that Minister Helez obeyed and did not mention this matter in his interview to Face TV and when asked about this matter by on Wednesday, he refused to comment. Four days later, Ambassador Reinertsen went to Banja Luka to meet RS President Milorad Dodik. Following the meeting with Ambassador Reinertsen, Dodik stated that during the meeting, he expressed full dedication of RS institutions to an internal dialogue, preservation of peace and stability. Dodik said that he also repeated a clear stance that the RS rejected all activities of Christian Schmidt, underscoring that the issue of property is solved by the Dayton Agreement and belongs to the entities.


Dodik: If they continue to break up Dayton, they will get an independent RS and disintegrated FB&H (ATV)


“If they continue to break up Dayton, they will get an independent RS and a broken, dysfunctional Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H). This is our answer to all those who threaten with attacks on the RS”, said RS President Milorad Dodik in a post on X platform. “That some unnamed foreigner is talking about how the meeting of political leaders, which should be a normal course for agreements and solving all issues, is 'D-Day'. And it will be 'D-Day' if someone dares to cross the borders and implement a scenario that opens up space for him to impose something. The RS has given a clear answer in all its previous actions, and we are ready for that 'D-Day' that (Christian) Schmidt talks about”, Dodik wrote on social media. Dodik also stated that decisions on all processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) can only be made by elected representatives of the people with legitimacy.


Ljubic, Bunoza claim ruling in Ljubic case was not implemented (


HMS reminded of the announcement of High Representative Christian Schmidt that he might again intervene and impose so-called technical changes of the Election Law of B&H unless political representatives reach an agreement and it also reminded that Schmidt met with (Croat member of B&H Presidency) Zeljko Komsic on Monday and, according to Komsic’s Cabinet, they agreed that the ruling in Ljubic case was implemented by Schmidt’s intervention in the election night of 2 October 2022. Appellant Bozo Ljubic disagreed with this and told RTV HB that “it is scandalous Schmidt even met with Komsic because he usurped the position of the Croat member of B&H Presidency thanks to votes of Bosniaks. He is using every opportunity to act in an anti-Croat manner when it comes to any issue. By meeting him, Schmidt showed a blatant disrespect for the Croat people too. He surely knows that Komsic described him as, I will quote him, ‘a disoriented clown’ in an interview from September last year. After all of that, Schmidt shows lack of self-respect”, Ljubic stated. As for the interpretation that Ljubic ruling was implemented, Ljubic said that this is the worst kind of cynicism. “Namely, it is clear from the decision of the Constitutional Court that only the parliament is in charge of the implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court, and it failed to do so, which is something the Constitutional Court confirmed on several occasions”, Ljubic pointed out. Former President of the Constitutional Court Mato Tadic too disagreed with such interpretation and HMS reminded that Tadic told RTV HB on 26 April 2023, that the ruling was not implemented. Minister of Justice of B&H Davor Bunoza told RTV HB that “the Constitutional Court in fact set the principle of constituent status in the FB&H and, in the context of the House of People, this can be achieved only if filling in of the House of People was done based on clearly defined criteria that need to result in as full as possible representation of each of the three constituent people in the FB&H. Therefore, this is the key matter that needs to be achieved in order to even talk about whether the decision in Bozo Ljubic case was implemented”. Ljubic said that the FB&H is consisted of cantons as federal units but the House of People is not the house of federal units, but it is the house of constituent peoples: “What do we have nowadays in the House of Peoples based on Schmidt’s intervention? There is Berina Fejzic instead of Edin Fejzic in the Croat Caucus from Gorazde. Therefore, Gorazde – where 24 people of Croat ethnicity live – has one delegate in the House of Peoples just like Posavina Canton where more than 33,000 Croats live. If Schmidt indeed agreed with Komsic that the decision in ‘Ljubic’ case was implemented, then he must have not been informed, or perhaps even disoriented, on the case. For as long as people like Komsic are sitting in the Presidency, this ruling shall not be deemed as implemented”, Ljubic concluded.


Komsic assesses that it is hard to expect change of stances of B&H politicians re B&H Election Law (FTV)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic commented on changes to the B&H Election Law. Asked to comment on calls from the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to carry out technical chances to the B&H Election Law, Komsic assessed that it is hard to expect change of stances of B&H politicians and according to reporter, this is why Komsic accepts the intervention of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. Komsic stated: “"Obviously, we cannot come to an agreement on improving the election process in a way that it is less burdened by frauds and thefts. It is clear to me that both Milorad Dodik and the opposition from RS, will not support it each for their own reasons. This is not suitable for (leader of HDZ B&H Dragan) Covic because he is afraid that Schmidt will do it without imposing changes to the Election Law that he and Zagreb are interested it, and that is this so-called legitimate representation. It turns out that only we, in this part of B&H, i.e. in the FB&H, have benefits of that.” Talking about announcement of Schmidt that he will impose decision on the integrity of the election process in case local leaders fail to adopt the changes, Komsic said if it is about technical changes “that will prevent election frauds, by introducing new technologies, then it is OK”. According to Komsic, a local agreement about it cannot be reached and that it is clear that the RS will not support it, both Dodik and the opposition, each for reasons of their own. “Maybe somebody naïve expected the opposition will be in favor of it, but they will not be because they are afraid not to give Schmidt the legitimacy with such action”, said Komsic.


Salkic: SDA files criminal charges against Dodik and others regarding RS Day celebration (N1)


SDA has filed criminal charges against the RS President Milorad Dodik and other accomplices in the organization of celebrating the unconstitutional and illegal day of the RS on 9 January, announced Ramiz Salkic, a Bosniak representative in the RS. parliament Salkic pointed out that they expect the B&H Prosecutor's Office to investigate all who participated in celebrating the unconstitutional holiday. Salkic stated: “Milorad Dodik, as the elected president of the RS, in cooperation with other unidentified persons, in the period before 9 January 2024, made public appearances, undertook a number of measures and actions, prepared the celebration of the unconstitutional Day of the RS entity on January 8 and 9, 2024. For the organization of this celebration, he used his official position, illegally hired manpower and material resources and attended a series of events by which he showed disrespect for the final and binding judgments of the Constitutional Court of B&H, thereby committing a criminal offense”. Salkic said that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has been ignoring for a longer period of time the fact that authorities of the RS led by Dodik disrespect official decisions, directly confronting them. Addressing a press conference in Banja Luka on Tuesday, Salkic said that bearing in mind another ongoing proceeding against Dodik before the Court of B&H for failure to implement decisions of the High Representative, he believes that Dodik should be detained and thus, prevented from committing new crimes. Salkic reminded that there is an ongoing criminal proceeding before the Court of B&H against Dodik due to failure to implement decisions of the High Representative. Salkic believes that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H should request custody for Dodik. He adds that Dodik must be prevented from making new criminal acts, and that “there is justifiable concern that he could destroy, conceal, change or forge evidence and traces, connected to the criminal proceeding, while he is free”. Salkic reminded that Dodik presided over the first meeting of the committee for the celebration of the Day of the RS, where the committee for the celebration of the Day of the RS was formed, the program was adopted, and working groups were formed for the preparation and realization of the celebration of 9 January as the Day of the RS. “Then it was decided that the central events on the occasion of the celebration of the unconstitutional Day of the RS will be held on Trg Krajine, an official solemn ceremony in the Sports Hall ‘Borik’ and a formal reception in the Administrative Center of the government of the RS. Also, at that time, local communities were ordered to ensure the celebration of the Day of the RS at the level of cities, municipalities and Brcko District,” Salkic told a press conference on Tuesday. Meanwhile, B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez posted on his Facebook, announcing that he will file criminal report against RS President Milorad Dodik because of marking of the unconstitutional RS Day. Helez stressed that after consulting the top lawyers, three criminal reports are prepared: against Dodik, Deputy Defense Minister Aleksandar Goganovic and Colonel of B&H AF Milan Damjanic. He concluded that criminal reports are prepared and will be filed on Thursday at 11:00 hrs.


Croatia, Italy and Slovenia discuss illegal migration (HRT)


The interior ministers of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia held their second trilateral meeting on the issue of illegal migration and Italy and Slovenia's decision to reintroduce border controls, in Buzet on Tuesday. Croatian Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said after the meeting that everything agreed to at the first meeting in Italy three months ago, such as joint police patrols and the exchange of information, had been put into practice. He also claimed that Italy and Slovenia’s decision to reintroduce border controls within the Schengen Area has not affected citizens: "With pleasure we have concluded here today that in spite of the reintroduction of internal border controls as a result of the attack on Israel that raised security levels throughout Europe, this was not felt by the citizens of our three countries to a degree that would affect their day-to-day activities in terms of border crossings, especially in those areas at the borders." Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi agreed with this assessment: "I would like to point out that our police have arrested 76 people, 52 of them for inciting illegal migration. We are glad that, on the one hand, we have discovered that path and that we have started these activities, without affecting relations between our countries." Finally, Slovenian Interior Minister Bostjan Poklukar said that the joint police work and information sharing is producing results: "The Western Balkan migrant route was very active last year, the Slovenian police detained more than 60 thousand people who came to our country, these are very high numbers that require joint actions." Their next meeting will be held in March in Slovenia.


Spajic in Davos: The government is determined to fulfill all requirements as soon as possible in order for Montenegro to become the first next member of the EU (CdM)


Prime Minister Milojko Spajic is participating in the 54th annual session of the World Economic Forum in Davos, where he spoke on a panel entitled "The Business Case for EU Enlargement". The Prime Minister said that Montenegro is fully committed to fulfilling the conditions for membership in the EU. "The process of integration is a cohesive factor in our society, and we view integration into the EU in the context of deep economic integration that will enable the transformation of our economy and significantly improve the quality of life of our citizens," he pointed out. He said that the government is committed to preserving political stability, continuing constructive and inclusive dialogue and implementing key economic policies. Along these lines, the Growth Plan as a line of support for the EU is of great importance for the continuation of overall reforms. "We are determined to build responsible, independent and transparent institutions," he pointed out. Looking at the economic and financial conditions, the Prime Minister assessed that Montenegro is largely ready for membership and that the government is determined to fulfill all the requirements from the integration process as soon as possible in order for Montenegro to become the first next member of the EU.


Gorcevic with Gerasimenko: Montenegro strongly supports Ukraine on the way to the EU (CdM)


In Montenegro, you have a sincere friend who will continue to be with you and strongly supports Ukraine in achieving its key foreign policy goals. You can count on our rich experience in the negotiation process and all kinds of help in accession negotiations, said Minister of European Affairs Maida Gorcevic in a conversation with Ambassador of Ukraine Oleg Gerasimenko. As reported by the MEP, the minister welcomed the opening of Ukraine's accession negotiations with the EU and pointed out that they can count on the full support of Montenegro on that path. "Our government, the Ministry of European Affairs and the negotiating structure are at your disposal to transfer knowledge, experience and expertise from the accession process. Count on our full support, so that you can fulfill your obligations on the road to EU membership as quickly and as efficiently as possible," said Gorcevic. It is reported that Ambassador Gerasimenko expressed his gratitude for the selfless support that Montenegro has been providing to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian aggression, at the political, technical and humanitarian levels. They also added that he welcomed Montenegro's progress in the EU accession process. "Your progress on the European road is also our progress. The acceleration of the process of accession of Montenegro to the EU is good for Ukraine and the countries of the region, but also for the EU itself. We know that you have a lot of work ahead of you, but we believe that Montenegro can fulfill all demanding obligations and become the next member of the EU," said Gerasimenko.


President Pendarovski meets Latvian counterpart Rinkevics in Davos (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Tuesday with Latvian counterpart Edgars Rinkevics at the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, expressing satisfaction from bilateral relations and commitment for further enhancement of political dialogue. President Pendarovski said Latvia is North Macedonia's important partner, valuing the Baltic state's support in realization of the country's strategic objectives, including its EU membership aspirations. Pendarovski and Rinkevics exchanged opinions on developments in the broader region related to the Russian aggression in Ukraine, the President's Office said in a press release. In this regard, interlocutors discussed the ongoing deployment of North Macedonia Army troops within the NATO Enhanced Forward Presence in Latvia.


Kovachevski: Caretaker gov't procedure by end of next week (MIA)


The procedure for election of the caretaker government will take place by the end of next week, in line with the legal deadlines, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Tuesday. Earlier, PM Kovachevski met with parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi, who is to be elected caretaker PM, and SDSM whip Jovan Mitrevski, who will replace Xhaferi in the post, over the procedures related to the resignations and elections of the speaker and the caretaker government. He said that SDSM has launched the procedure of nominating presidential and MP candidates, first in the local offices, then municipal organizations and finally to the party's executive and central boards. The PM confirmed he has communicated with VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, noting that not all meetings take place in conference rooms and "many aspects can be agreed over the phone". "There is communication, we know each other, we lead the two biggest political parties in the country, and I believe these technical things can be done in such a way," added Kovachevski.


Osmani: Government approves amendments to law on restrictive measures to include US and UK blacklists as grounds for sanctions (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani has said in a Facebook post that the government approved Tuesday amendments to the Law on Restrictive Measures by including US and UK blacklists as grounds for sanctioning by institutions in North Macedonia. FM Osmani told a press briefing last week that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is starting a public debate on proposed amendments to the Law on Restrictive Measures, which would introduce US and UK legal acts as a basis for local courts to order legal sanctions be levied against individuals and companies. "The Law on Restrictive Measures regulates imposing, modifying and terminating restrictive measures," FM Osmani said, adding that the basis for those sanctions until now were United Nations Security Council resolutions, EU legal acts, decisions of several international organizations the country was a member of, and requests of other countries' competent authorities regarding terrorism and weapons proliferation. "What we propose in these amendments to the Law," Osmani said, "is to add the legal acts of the United States and the legal acts of the United Kingdom as a basis for imposing restrictive measures in the state." Osmani said besides international security and democracy threats, the updated law would sanction corruption, abuse of office and hybrid threats. Also, he said, after receiving evidence of such wrongdoing, the Prosecutor's Office would need to immediately launch an investigation and if the probe led to charges being filed in a court of law, the updated Law on Restrictive Measures would temporarily prevent the individual from holding public office or the company from participating in public procurement. The US Department of State recently added on its "blacklist" several more familiar names: Former Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Kocho Angjushev, businessmen Orce Kamchev and Sergey Samsonenko, Struga Mayor Ramiz Merko. They joined fugitive former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and the convicted former head of the country's Administration for Security and Counterintelligence Sasho Mijalkov.


Osmani welcomes Hasani: Kosovo and Albania, common goals and harmonized strategies (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, hosted the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, Igli Hasani. In addition to discussing the latest political and security developments, they emphasized the need for ongoing interstate coordination in external politics. President Osmani stated that Albania has been a steadfast supporter of Kosovo throughout challenging periods for its people, including the process of state formation and building. The Office of the President of Kosovo announced today that Osmani expressed gratitude to Minister Hasani and the Albanian state for their continuous support. During the meeting with Minister Hasani, President Osmani emphasized that Kosovo still requires Albania's support in the international arena, particularly in organizations where it is not currently represented. President Osmani highlighted that beyond the historical connection of the strategic partnership, Kosovo and Albania must share common goals and harmonized strategies in the interest of both countries. President Osmani underlined that the continuous goal is the strengthening of the state of Kosovo and the consolidation of its international position, which also requires the ongoing support of Albania. President Osmani emphasized, "Kosovo's position in the international arena requires the continuous contribution of Albania's foreign policy." She further highlighted that for Kosovo, Albania is not only a strategic partner but also a state with which it shares fraternal ties, both cultural and national. In this context, President Osmani and Minister Hasani also discussed coordination on the issue of new recognitions, inclusion in the Partnership for Peace as a preliminary step to NATO membership, and involvement in other international organizations. In relation to recent developments in the political and security situation, President Osmani stressed that Kosovo's institutions are committed to coordinating and cooperating with international partners and friendly countries in the region to address security challenges. President Osmani elaborated that the recent developments in the north of Kosovo and the hostile actions of Serbia and its leadership require increased commitment and attention from the international community, as well as from the countries in the region, to maintain peace and stability. Minister Hasani expressed gratitude for the hospitality of the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, in a post on social networks. "We discussed the deepening of our bilateral cooperation and the current situation in the region. I assured President Osmani that Albania is, and will always continue to be, the most vocal supporter of Kosovo in all international forums and organizations," remarked Hasani.


Hasani: Albania and Kosovo at the forefront of regional cooperation efforts (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, is continuing his 3-day regional tour today, which includes visits to Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. At the beginning of this tour, Hasani was received by his counterpart in Kosovo, Donika Gervalla-Schwarz. During a joint press conference with Gervalla, Minister Hasani expressed that "the liberalization of visas is a very positive step for Kosovo and the region." "The purpose of the regional tour is to exchange ideas on the work we need to undertake for the well-being of the region," stated Hasani, who added, "the region is facing more threats today than at any other time in the last decade." Hasani strongly condemned the attack on the Kosovo Police in the north of the country, emphasizing that "this attack is a threat to the security and stability of our entire region.” He underlined, “The perpetrators must be held accountable and brought to justice soon." Speaking about cooperation for the future of the region, Hasani emphasized that Albania and Kosovo are at the heart of this effort. "Kosovo's membership in NATO is a top priority during the Albanian presidency of the US-Adriatic Charter," reaffirmed Hasani, adding that "regional integration into the EU is the only way to guarantee peace and stability in the Balkan Peninsula." Hasani highlighted, "We are ready to assist Kosovo by sharing our experience and expertise." He stressed, "The acceptance of the proposal on October 21 is an important step forward for Kosovo." He pointed out that the focus of the talks was the implementation of agreements signed within the framework of G2Gs. Moreover, Hasani underlined, "Increasing joint representation remains of national importance," as he praised the facilitation of cross-border traffic.


Hasani on the attack in Kosovo: No more armies should be brought to the border of the neighbor (Radio Tirana)


Minister of Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, is continuing his tour in the region and is currently in Kosovo, where he held a joint press conference with his counterpart, Donika Gervalla. In his speech, when asked about the risk of further attacks in the north of Kosovo, Hasani emphasized Albania's unconditional support. Additionally, he conveyed a message to Serbia, stating that it is no longer the time to bring the neighbor's army to the border. "Kosovo has an eternal and indisputable ally, which is Albania; in any case, Albania will stand beside Pristina and all the Albanians of Kosovo. We closely monitor the developments at the border of Kosovo. We appeal to all actors and factors in the 21st century: refrain from deploying armies to the border. No one should continue this game, which is ridiculous, considering that we all acknowledge that the greatest guarantee for the integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Kosovo is NATO, of which Albania is also a part," emphasized Hasani. In regard to the attack in Banjska, Hasani stated the need for bringing the perpetrators and organizers to justice and holding them accountable. He further called on international partners to actively promote the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. "The purpose of this tour is to exchange ideas on the collective efforts required for the betterment of the region. The region is currently facing a precarious moment, with security and stability under greater threat than ever before. The attack in the north of Kosovo was a criminal act and a serious threat to the security and stability of our region. The individuals responsible for this act must be held accountable and brought to justice, as it is necessary to prevent further escalations. All agreements and commitments must be promptly implemented. We call on our partners to actively support and advance the dialogue," declared Hasani. The Albanian chief diplomat also informed that he discussed with Gervalla the advancement of the common agenda of the two countries. Hasani stated that Kosovo's membership in NATO is the main priority of the Albanian presidency of the Adriatic Charter. "We also discussed how we will advance our common agenda. Kosovo's NATO membership remains a top priority for the Albanian presidency of the Adriatic Charter throughout 2024. Regarding EU integration, this is a key focus that Albania emphasizes in meetings with our partners. The full integration of the region into the EU is seen as the only way to establish lasting peace in the area," highlighted Hasani. "We are ready to help and support Kosovo in the integration process by sharing our experience. We have agreed on the importance of increasing joint diplomatic representation and further promoting and intensifying work for the Albanian diaspora around the world. In line with these ideas discussed, as part of the structuring of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, we will soon establish a special directorate dedicated to coordinating work with the Albanian factor in the region," remarked Hasani.