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Belgrade Media Report 13 February



Vucic: Greek companies, financial institutions welcome in Serbia (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday Greek companies were welcome in Serbia, and called on Greek financial institutions, banks in particular, to renew their interest in the Serbian market. Speaking at the opening of a Serbia-Greece business forum at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade - also attended by Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis - Vucic said the two countries were connected by emotions and true friendship and that the Serbs loved Greece. He also noted that future relations called for a rational approach and that he believed many things could be achieved by joining forces. "We will have to work more and fight for every Greek and Serbian company alike and fight to enter the Greek market in various fields but attract as many Greek companies as possible. That is why it is no coincidence I asked PM Mitsotakis today to also ask Greek financial institutions, Greek banks in particular, to again show interest in the Serbian market - even though I know this is a matter of market-based business operations - because Serbia is different today," Vucic noted. "We will guarantee full legal, political and any other form of certainty and we are confident that financial data about the state of Serbia's public finances speak strongly enough of our permanent commitment to keep that strong enough," Vucic said. "I want to say to all representatives of Greek companies: You are welcome in Serbia," he said. Mitsotakis said he was confident Greek companies would become a part of the success the Serbian economy would achieve in pursuit of its ambitious goals set for the period until 2027. "Our attendance at this forum is proof that the friendship between Serbia and Greece is firmly rooted and that we have an opportunity to make a major leap in our economic relations. The volume of our bilateral goods trade is 750 million Euros, and we can do a lot better," Mitsotakis said, urging Greek companies to pay close attention the great progress achieved by Serbia in recent years. "Serbia has ambitious plans - it wants to achieve a GDP of 100 billion Dollars by 2027. This is about infrastructure construction, energy, waste management. I am confident Greek companies will be a part of the success to be achieved by the Serbian economy," he noted.


IMF Managing Director praises Serbia’s fiscal policy (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced yesterday in Dubai, where she is attending the World Governments Summit 2024, that she had an excellent meeting with Managing Director of the IMF Kristalina Georgieva, during which she pointed out that Serbia expects GDP growth of 3.5%, which will provide a good basis for continued growth of the domestic economy. Brnabic stated that she also discussed artificial intelligence with the IMF Managing Director, considering that in the future, countries that deal with its development will have a significant advantage over others. It is encouraging to hear Georgieva’s praise of our fiscal policy. We will continue to work on the overall development of our economy and the strengthening of the living standards of all our citizens, in a stable and sustainable manner, Brnabic said.


Drecun: Reaction of countries that can influence Pristina crucial (TV Prva)


The outgoing head of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Tuesday the countries that were able to influence Pristina's behaviour had already responded to the question of whether they would stop its moves. "In the beginning, no one stopped Pristina from halting transports of goods from central Serbia to the territory of Kosovo and Metohija," Drecun told TV Prva. "It was a unilateral measure and the excuse for it was the arrest of three of their police officers who had purportedly gone to pick mushrooms and then crossed the administrative line, but when they were released, the measure was not lifted, but remained in force. All other measures Pristina has taken show it is creating unbearable living conditions for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija," Drecun said. He said Pristina's most recent move, a ban on the Serbian Dinar, made it clear the Serbs would not be able to survive as they depended on financial support from the Serbian budget. "The crucial thing here is the reaction from countries that can influence Pristina's behaviour and that have control over Kosovo and Metohija - they are the leading Western states and, unfortunately, they have said Kurti has the right to make such a decision but that its implementation must be delayed for a while, which will bring no substantial change," Drecun said.


Elek: Serbs sent a message they are against Pristina's decisions, primarily regarding the banning of the Dinar (RTS)


The leader of the Serb List Zlatan Elek says that during the people's rally held on Monday in Kosovska Mitrovica, the Serbs sent a message that they are absolutely against all decisions of the authorities of the provisional institutions in Pristina. This primarily concerns the move to ban the Serbian Dinar and payment transactions in dinars in Kosovo and Metohija. "This kind of decision by the authorities in Pristina puts the Serbs in an almost completely unbearable position. The goal of the prime minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti and his government is a complete exodus of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, from these areas," Elek told RTS. He stressed that the Serbs showed what they think about that decision yesterday at the rally, which he said was attended by between 6,000 and 7,000 Serbs. Elek stated that all the decisions of Kurti and his government are directly targeting the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija.


Escobar: Unilateral moves will have consequences (Tanjug)


US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar said today that country is completely clear that there should be no unilateral moves, and that such moves would have consequences. Speaking for Tanjug, regarding Pristina's decision to postpone the implementation of the so-called central bank of Kosovo's ban on the use of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija, he pointed out that these issues should be communicated with deadlines that do not affect the population. "We are ready to help solve the problem, but Belgrade and Pristina must return to dialogue and respect existing agreements," he said. According to him, many of these issues could be solved by establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). When asked whether "the address to turn to for assistance to the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is in Brussels or in Washington" Escobar said that the US fully supports the dialogue under the auspices of the EU, and is making every effort in order for it to continue, as well as that the dialogue is the only channel for solving "bilateral" issues. "Our technical support, our economic support, and our political influence are behind it, because at the end of the day, our greatest aspiration is for Kosovo and Serbia to join the EU. And in the meantime, to develop peaceful, productive and efficient bilateral relations," Escobar said. Referring to Serbia's upcoming Statehood Day holiday, Escobar said that he wishes for "continued development of friendship between our two countries". "We've done a lot in the past three years with Marko Djuric here and we want to continue. He has done a lot for Serbia and we will miss him," said Escobar, who was a guest at a reception organized by the Serbian Embassy in Washington to mark Statehood Day, 15 February.


Schieder: EU seriously weighing how to set up independent inquiry into Serbian elections (Nova/Beta)


Andreas Schieder, a member of the European Parliament and one of the international observers who followed the December 2023 elections in Serbia, said yesterday that he had received "clear signals" that the European Commission and European Council had taken the EP's resolution on the Serbian elections seriously and were weighing how to organize an independent investigation. Schieder told that all recent claims by the Serbian authorities, which have been using the terms traitors and the fifth column for the opposition, and compared the EU's demands with an ultimatum, pointed to the regime in Belgrade being nervous. Calling the comparisons laughable, Schieder said the EP's resolution was adopted for the benefit of Serbia and its citizens, a fact the regime was trying to ignore. He went on to say that the outcry from the Serbian regime showed the topic to be an important one and the questions raised about it sound, stressing that they would not be reacting so "hysterically" otherwise.


Bujanovac makes Mayor of Tirana honorary citizens, Ministry approval pending (Bujanovacke/Beta)


The ethnic Albanian majority in the city assembly of Bujanovac voted yesterday to make Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj an honorary citizen of the town, though the Serb councillors did not attend the session, saying legal procedure had not been followed and that the reason for the decision is to score political points ahead of a local election, the Bujanovacke portal reported. Before the vote on the decision, Bujanovac Mayor Nagip Arifi and his associates held up Veliaj's contribution to the Bujanovac municipality and the Albanian population, especially Tirana's donation of EUR550,000 to build a gymnasium in a Bujanovac school. Though it has been voted in, the Bujanovac city assembly's decision is not effective without agreement from the Serbian Ministry of State Administration and Local Government.




B&H officially starts negotiations with FRONTEX (RTRS)

RTRS reports that B&H has officially started negotiations with FRONTEX, which is yet another step on the path towards the EU. After establishing operational cooperation with EUROPOL, this agreement is the next important step for B&H in integration into common European security space, said B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic. He added that there is no collective European security without B&H, and its place is in the EU. “Today is a great day for the Ministry of Security. We are fulfilling one of the obligations on the European path, and we are starting negotiations with FRONTEX. This does not mean that B&H is starting cooperation with one European institution, but that we are part of the common and collective European security”, Nesic told a press conference. Deputy Director General for Home Affairs at the European Commission Olivier Onidi said they are faced with strong pressure from migration. “We should work together on how to protect ourselves”, Onidi added. Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler expects three laws, important on B&H’s EU path, to be adopted soon. Sattler said he expects the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism to be adopted during current week.

Nesic, Culum meet MONEYVAL Committee delegation ( carries that a MONEYVAL Committee delegation has started its visit to B&H on Monday with an introductory meeting opened by B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic and MONEYVAL Deputy Executive Secretary Andrew Lebrun. Nesic informed participants of the meeting about the measures which were taken in a previous period, where Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism, adopted by the B&H Council of Ministers and sent to a further procedure, is the most important one. Nesic said: “We want to especially stress that our activities and efforts are directed on removing of threats and risks, which were recognized as such in all relevant assessments. First of all, I refer to threats of organized crime and mutual interaction of corruption and organized crime, which represent one of the most dominant factors that endanger growth and economic stability of B&H. We claim that the B&H Ministry of Security is a leader in reform processes, accomplishing of tasks and improving the legal framework in the area of prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorist activities, since it has met its goals and obligations in terms of harmonization and drafting of regulations relevant for this area.” Culum explained SIPA’s role when it comes to B&H’s alignment with international standards in field of fight against money laundering and financing of terrorist activities.

B&H CoM’s European Integration Collegium adopts model for adoption of EU integration program of B&H (N1)

The European Integration Collegium of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) adopted the Program for Integration of B&H into the EU, which fulfills one of the key preconditions of the EU in continuation of the integration process. The 6th session of the European Integration Collegium was chaired by Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM), Borjana Kristo. The Collegium received the Information on the records of members of working groups for European integration and tasked the Directorate for European Integration (DEI) to submit to the B&H CoM changes to the Decision on the Coordination System of the European Integration Process in B&H in order to simplify and speed up the procedures in that area.

Coordination Board for Public Administration Reform established (Nezavisne)

The inaugural session of the Coordination Board for Public Administration Reform chaired by B&H Council of Ministers Chair Borjana Kristo was held in Sarajevo on Monday. The Coordination Board adopted the Rules of Procedure and appointed Ranka Papovic as Board’s Secretary. The Board also acknowledged the information on the current state of the reform process and gave its full support to the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Public Administration Reform and accompanying Action Plans, plans for implementation of the 14 Key Priorities defined by the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s Membership Application and recommendations of the Special Group for Public Administration Reform. The Council of Ministers, the RS government, the FB&H government and the Brcko District government have been invited to appoint their members of the Coordination Board which is established by the Joint Platform on principles and implementation of the public administration reform. The governments were also invited to secure financial support and strengthen the capacity of public administrator coordinators as soon as possible. The Coordination Board also expressed its support to the regular monitoring and reporting on implementation of the Strategic Framework. Coordinators from all levels of authorities have been urged to set priorities, review and update the action plans by the second quarter of 2024 latest. The Board also expressed its support to reactivation of the Public Administration Reform Fund. Coordinators from the entities and Brcko District, as well as the Office of the Public Administrator Reform Coordinator, have been tasked with talking to the active donors in B&H in order to secure new investments and establish an efficient coordination mechanism for relations with donors.

HNS: Part of text of changes to Election Law already has ‘green light’ from Constitutional Court of B&H (Dnevni list)

The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) has stated that activities on adoption of changes to the Election Law have intensified within which, apart from changes/amendments to the so-called ‘integrity of election process’ and the way of appointment of members of the Central Election Commission of B&H, the way of election of Croat member of the Presidency of B&H should be changed in a way that would prevent more numerical Bosniak electorate to elect Croat member of the Presidency. According to the HNS, it would be in line with the principle of legitimate political representation, which the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H dealt with in the decision ‘U-23/14 i.e. in the Ljubic case. HNS further stated that HNS President Dragan Covic has submitted ‘The Troika’ representatives a proposal of changes of election of B&H Presidency members in the FB&H, which stipulates additional criteria for election of the Croat member of the Presidency. Namely, the criteria in question stipulates that a candidate, apart from securing most votes, would have to win in at least one canton with Croat majority. HNS further stated that some Bosniak representatives, both from SDA and some members of ‘The Troika’ want to condition the way of election of the Croat member with constitutional changes. HNS stressed that their proposal dealing with the change to way of election of B&H Presidency members has already been given ‘the green light’ by the CC of B&H. Namely, HNS reminds that the B&H House of Peoples adopted changes and amendments to the Election Law in April of 2022 and that the Bosniak Caucus in the B&H HoP invoked the vital national interest (VNI) clause. HNS stressed that the CC of B&H discussed the Bosniak Caucus’ request on 26 May 2022 and concluded that changes to the Election Law adopted on 22 April did not violate the Bosniak VNI.

Genocide in Gaza is not committed by Jews but by Israeli government (Avaz)

Dnevni Avaz carries an exclusive interview with Secretary-General of the Muslim World League Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, who first expressed how happy he is to visit B&H. Al-Issa stressed that B&H is a symbol of positive differences, multi-ethnicity, multi-religious and multi-cultural diversity. He stressed: “We are truly proud of B&H”, noting that after all atrocities of the war, B&H managed to overcome this and turn toward the future. Al-Issa stressed that everyone should be working in the best interest of the state, expressing optimism that B&H is on the doorstep of “shining future”. He talked about the true meaning of Islam, noting that it is their talks to promote values of Islam and answers to questions and “misconceptions” spread by the extremists and those who have no clue. Al-Issa also commented the war in Gaza, stressing there is no doubt we all are witnessing new genocide, but he was adamant that it is not Jews, but Israeli government who are behind this.

Mandic: Montenegro wishes to join the EU a.s.a.p., new generation of politicians can do it (RTCG)

In a statement for RTCG, Montenegro parliament speaker Andrija Mandic has assessed that he had important meetings earlier today in Brussels, presenting to European partners the achievements of this parliament’s convocation, achieved for a quite short period of time. “I also talked to the President of the European Council and managed to convey all the messages of the Montenegrin politicians – that Montenegro strives to join the EU as soon as possible, that we’ve achieved results and delivered them to the Montenegrin people first. I think that they got them very well,” Mandic has noted. According to him, it’s necessary to introduce reforms and adopt a whole range of various laws needed for the accession to the EU.

Milovic: I’ll ask Becic, Saranovic and Brdjanin who permitted Sukovic to reveal information from my private life (CdM)

Minister of Justice Andrej Milovic has stated today that he will ask Deputy Prime Minister and coordinator of all security services Aleksa Becic, Minister of Internal Affairs Danilo Saranovic and Director of the Police Diorectorate Zoran Brdjanin who gave permission to Chief of Special Police Department Predrag Sukovic to reveal information from his private life. “My team is working on the documents: did they give permission to Sukovic to reveal information from my private life and say if he got permission from his superiors. This is what I will ask Becic, Saranovic and Brdjanin. I have to protect my personality, privacy and integrity”, Milovic said at a working breakfast with journalists. Milovic claims that it is clear that he is being followed by two to three teams. He said that Cetinje was the city with the largest number of persons of interest. “Cetinje is the city with the largest number of persons of interest. Each of us meets with persons of interest every day. A person of interest does not mean that he/she is a criminal. It’s a scandalous story that is intruding on my private life. My advice as the Minister of Justice to you is to move freely and meet people. It is important whether you have criminal activity or not,” Milovic said among other things. “Our European path depends on Chapter 23, and the working groups have increased the pace of work. We need to adopt the Judicial Reform Strategy. The Working Group for the urgent relocation of Special State Prosecutor’s Office and Special Police Department to the old government building has been formed. One of the ideas is for the old government building to be the seat of special judicial institutions”, Milovic pointed out at today’s working breakfast. He recalled that it was planned for the Judicial District to be located at Zabjelo in Podgorica, and that almost all judicial institutions should be located there.


President Pendarovski meets British Ambassador Lawson (MIA)

President Stevo Pendarovski met Monday with British Ambassador to North Macedonia Matthew Lawson discussing bilateral ties and cooperation, current developments and challenges in the region, while expressing satisfaction with the development of mutual ties, characterized by friendship, mutual trust and firm partnership. Interlocutors exchanged opinions and information on current issues with North Macedonia's EU integration process, countries' cooperation and functioning within NATO, and bilateral issues of mutual interest, the President's Office said in a press release. President Pendarovski expressed his assurance that the United Kingdom will continue with concrete support and assistance in the realization of North Macedonia's strategic priorities, and thanked for the continuous support on key issues since the country's independence.


Hasani: Albania joins allies in the Security Council to contribute to peace efforts (Radio Tirana)

The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs organized today the closing meeting titled "Albania in the Security Council: Contribution to Global Peace and Security During the Most Challenging Times." This meeting took place on the occasion of the conclusion of Albania's mandate in the Security Council. During his speech, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, remarked that, "Our foreign service has garnered both internal and external respect for its performance." "We have successfully executed one of the most demanding tasks in foreign policy," highlighted Hasani as he expressed gratitude to the allied countries with which, he stated, "we joined efforts for the benefit of peace." "We worked diligently for the advancement of the women's agenda for peace and security," stated Hasani, emphasizing that "at the center of our efforts was full respect for international law." Hasani remarked that Albania's mandate in the Security Council coincided with a particularly challenging period for the world. Addressing the Russian aggression in Ukraine, Hasani underscored that "Albania demonstrated its willingness to contribute" while serving on the Security Council. "As a co-sponsor with the US on Ukraine, we strongly defended the cause of freedom," stated Hasani, while stressing that "every effort for peace is the best investment for the future." "Albania has borne this in mind every single day throughout its tenure in the Security Council," underlined Hasani.