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Belgrade Media Report 16 February



Sretenje Constitution proclaimed freedom, independence and peacefulness (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said yesterday at the traditional ceremony marking Sretenje in Kragujevac that the Sretenje Constitution proclaimed the fundamental values of our people - freedom, independence and peacefulness. In her speech, Brnabic underlined that the ideas and ideals contained in the Sretenje Constitution resolutely and publicly proclaimed the fundamental values that have been the heritage of the Serbian people for centuries.

Freedom, independence, peacefulness are just some of the ideals skillfully incorporated into the content of the Sretenje Constitution, said Brnabic. The Prime Minister noted that the ceremony is taking place in the historic space of the Old Assembly, where the Sretenje Constitution was proclaimed on this day in 1835, which is the first basic and fundamental legal act of our homeland, a pledge of our statehood and independence, a bulwark of our freedom. Therefore, allow me to share with you the feeling of true honour and responsibility, because I have the opportunity to address all our citizens on the national holiday from this very source of modern Serbian statehood and constitutionalism, said the Prime Minister. She recalled that the Sretenje Constitution was not only the first basic legal act of Serbia, but also one of the most democratic constitutions in Europe at the time. Small in territory, but strong in spirit, freedom, insubordination and vision, the Principality of Serbia gave birth to one of the most significant legal monuments of Europe in the entire 19th century, she stated. Brnabic said that Serbia is among the few countries in the world, if not the only one, that celebrates its national holiday in memory of two first-rate important historical events that took place on the same day, in the same month, in two different years. Therefore, today we celebrate Statehood Day, but also Constitution Day of our fatherland. This year, we are doing it more solemnly, in a more organised way and on a larger scale than ever before, Brnabic pointed out. According to her, at the request and initiative of President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, the government made a decision that starting this year, the national holiday will be marked and celebrated through a whole series of events throughout Serbia, in which a large number of cultural institutions, experts, creators, authorities and security forces are involved. This is a day to be proud of and to be thankful for. This is the day when we point to the glory and duration of our homeland, which is the basic message of this year's unified celebration of the national holiday, the Prime Minister noted. Brnabic pointed out that freedom, sovereignty and independence are not just gifts, but that they are painstakingly won and even more painstakingly kept. She underlined that we live in a time of numerous, very complex, dangerous, security, political, identity and other challenges. Our response to all these challenges is very simple. Our strength lies in our people, unity, harmony and agreement. Only united in our loyalty to the motherland and the readiness to improve, strengthen and enrich it in every aspect of its existence, can we all together ensure a better, safer and happier future for our children, Brnabic concluded. The ceremony marking Sretenje was held in the building of the Old Assembly in Kragujevac, where the Sretenje Constitution was adopted in 1835, in the presence of numerous ministers and representatives of the local self-government.


Ceremony for the Statehood Day: Vucic presented medals to deserving individuals (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic presented awards to deserving individuals and institutions on the occasion of the Statehood Day of Serbia. At the beginning of his address, President of Serbia stated that Sretenje is the most important date in the religious, political, cultural and historical calendar of Serbia. "For us, Sretenje is a red letter. We started, did, and finished a lot of things for Sretenje. The loudest and clearest message from Moricevic and Jarudji was that fines cannot be given, nor can cruelty and injustice be tolerated. And the fight against cruelty and injustice, and when we talk about it, we are talking about the two most important events in the founding of the modern Serbian state," said Vucic and added: "The first is the liberating revolution, the second is the organization and organization of the state. At the same time, one and the other are closely connected, they depend on each other and condition each other. But today, before I hand over the awards to you, I will point out the most important connection between to them. That connection is the people, those who had the strength to carry out both great tasks, even at the cost of their own sacrifice. Those whose dreams were so big that they had to be realized. Serbia today is nothing but the negation of the fire that burned in them. A natural and great continuation of those longings they had. The history is very clear here. We can imagine everything, plan everything to the smallest detail, calculate, but without people, without that ardor that can only exist in them , without their readiness, strength, faith, no work can be not only completed, but also started in the right way. Radojkovic... All of them are not only worthy eternal fathers of this state and this nation, but the best example of great faith and power". Vucic pointed out that the First Serbian Uprising and the Constitution of Sretenje are the results of long-term historical processes. "During which, amidst the great misfortunes of stratification and displacement, one nation managed to survive and to preserve and develop that spirit from which the best human revolutionary material is born. Centuries before, Serbia was a land without people. Part of the people went to the sea and the Venetians, part crossed two great rivers in two great migrations and fell under the authority and protection of the Austro-Hungarian Caesars. Those who remained fought for what was left of them, the patriarchal community, for their faith and for surrendering to the once-glorious Nemanjic state," he said. "We must not forget that most important detail. The people, our brave people, the Serbian peasant and his strength. And Karadjordje, a man from a poor family who grew up, studied, fought, became a boss and began to dream of a Serbian state for all of us. And he never forgot where he came from. Between the first and second meeting in Orasac, he visited literally the entire Serbia of that time on foot, step by step. He entered every village, every house, talked to every householder, heard their wishes, asked what was needed. Radovan Samardzic, who wrote about it, says that before the Karadjordje uprising, he knew three basic needs of the Serbs: to know the moral order and relationships between people, to keep what was inherited and accept the new after checking, that decisions are not made arbitrarily, but always by agreement, because others also have brains. It was on that matrix that Karadjordje led the fight for freedom and set out to create a state," stated Vucic. "Without that man, without his dream, his faith and will, we wouldn't exist today either. Just as we wouldn't exist without another great personality, with a small growth that continued Karadjordje's dream. Milos Obrenovic is known to us, mainly through flaws that we heard about and without knowing much about everything. He, like Karadjordje, is reproached for the predominance, self-righteousness, it is talked about how they were wicked and dangerous, and it is forgotten how much of what they wore was imposed by time itself, circumstances, the history they lived and created in. They built a state in the shadow of three great empires, Turkey, Austria-Hungary and Russia, in Karadjordje's time France also had a great influence, each of which saw Serbia only as a province that should serve exclusively for their interests. They had to satisfy other people's needs, but also the needs of their own people, the one that was formed for centuries in conspiracy and resistance to every government, including the one that was theirs. A people that preferred to go to war, than pay taxes and was resistant to any type of organization, except for the one in your house. And all this is difficult for anyone else to be able to endure and solve, except for that cunning, illiterate, pig trader Milos Obrenovic. He built Serbia in every possible way. Its autonomy first, and then the state. And he heard the people in all that, he understood the weight and he felt the spirit of that time. From there, in that small, half-liberated, mostly illiterate Serbia, the Constitution of Sretenje was born, one of the first in all of Europe. The Constitution that abolished slavery. The constitution that demarcated power. The constitution that established that everyone is equal before the law. People, great people from Milos to Dimitrije Davidovic to Mile Radojkovic brought it," said Vucic and added: "Allow me to say something in front of you that I did not write down. Have we repaid all those people? Have we always been fair to them? How did Karadjordje end up? How did the exile end? Did their successors fare better? Those who left us created a standing army, we called those who built our railway the greatest traitors. Those who saved Hilandar and returned it from the Bulgarians to our Serbian hands, we killed lustfully and said that it was the greatest, bravest deed the Serbs could do. We never knew how to speak well about another, in the 20th century, Alexander, who was brutally murdered. We didn't even give him a street. Here in our Belgrade, I hope not for long, we have a street of the assassins of King Alexander. We just don't have a street of King Alexander. In his time, here where you are sitting, this building was built. Trifle. For us Serbs, obviously, not enough". Vučić stated that today we look at the pictures of Karadjordje and Milos on an equal footing, and that we had together busts of Milos and Karadjordje, which were executed in 1905. "It is today in the Patriarchate. Please, let's find a way to return it to the Serbian race, to all citizens of Serbia. These are our great men. Both of them," said Vucic. Vucic stated that Serbs do not like to be slaves and love their freedom more than anything. "A Serb will not serve anyone except his family, his citizens," said the President of Serbia.


Fight for freedom of Serbian people still ongoing (RTS/RTV)


The envoy of the President of Serbia, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Milos Vucevic said yesterday in Orasac that the beauty and greatness of our past was proven when the First Serbian Uprising began on 15 February 1804, and when at Sretenje in 1835, the Constitution of Sretenje was adopted. Speaking at the Central State Ceremony marking the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia, Vucevic said that one of the basic circumstances that form the personality of every person, their present and their future, is actually their past.

The past of one's family, the past of their ancestors, their people. That past represents an invisible, but very strong foundation. A landmark on how to move forward, a guide and an inspiration to remember who we are and what we are, pointed out Vucevic. He said that it is the spirit of past times and a living memory of what marks us and makes us who we are.

According to him, the beauty and greatness of our past was witnessed once again on this same holy day of the Feast of the Holy Encounter. Then in 1835, when we again created a people's state, a state tailored to all citizens, we were the first in Europe to abolish slavery and feudalism with the Constitution, we wrote the Constitution that has remained a symbol of democracy to this day, which proclaimed the rights and freedoms of all citizens, the independence of the system, freedom of movement and settlement, the inviolability of the apartment and the equality of all, regardless of religion and nation, Vucevic pointed out. The Deputy Prime Minister stated that he has the honor to wish all citizens of Serbia and all Serbs, no matter where they live, a happy Statehood Day on behalf of President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic. First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic pointed out that in 1804, the most prominent people among the Serbs made one of the most important decisions in Serbian history and started the fight for freedom in Orasac. The First Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that in these 220 years, the Serbian people had to defend their freedom and independence countless times. In the Second Serbian Uprising, as well as in the Balkan Wars, the First and Second World Wars, and the wars of the nineties, we defended freedom, not only with weapons but also with the first Constitution, which is also celebrated today, said the First Deputy Prime Minister. Dacic pointed out that the Serbian uprising, which the great historian and friend of Vuk Karadzic Leopold von Ranke called the Serbian Revolution, changed this part of the world. He recalled that Serbia under Milos Obrenovic was among the first twenty countries in the world to adopt a modern Constitution, and the first country in Europe after France to abolish feudalism and slavery. According to Dacic, Serbia today wants to be worthy of their patriotic and human greatness. Dacic emphasised that Serbia still has to defend the same values to whose defence the great men of the First Serbian Uprising rose. It is the life in peace and freedom for our people. This is our national integrity and independence. This is our path, which we have chosen to follow for 220 years, said Dacic. He recalled that the position of the Serbian people in the 19th century was difficult, and that Victor Hugo also wondered about the terrible crimes in Kosovo and Metohija - emphasising that a nation is being killed in the heart of Europe. They want to kill a small nation again in front of the eyes of the whole world, he said and underlined that today Serbia knows very well what it needs to preserve and how to go through the trials it faces. The great men of the First Serbian Uprising taught us well how to do that, with their courage and their vision of a modern and free Serbia, Dacic said. There are two great lessons of today - heroism whose only limit is reason and wisdom. That is why today we need a heroic policy, but also a wise one, which will help us achieve our national interests with as few victims as possible for our people and our country, Dacic said. President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated that our ancestors gathered at this place 220 years ago and set out on the road to freedom. Dodik thanked President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic for the fact that Serbia and Republika Srpska celebrate all their important holidays together. I am pleased that we always meet on important days. People in Republika Srpska celebrate this day and no one can forbid it. Serbs showed with their voice 220 years ago that they exist. The Serbian world should come together and hold on to our identity and not allow anyone to dispute it, said Dodik. The President of Republika Srpska recalled that there were 146 rebellions for the liberation from Dahije. We in Republika Srpska want a strong and stable Serbia, because without it we are exposed like clay pigeons. It is natural that Republika Srpska and Serbia strive for unity, we are one nation, we want to have as many unique projects as possible, the President of Republika Srpska underlined. Dodik noted that the peaceful and developed Serbia built by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is what the Serbs need. May Serbia be strong and eternal, long live the Serbian people and Republika Srpska, Dodik stated.


Vucic: Meeting with Cameron good, useful (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron in Munich on Friday. In a post on Instagram, Vucic wrote the meeting had been good and very useful and that they had also discussed the situation in the Western Balkans. "Speaking about Serbia's plans for growth in the years to come as well as about the hosting of the EXPO 2027 fair, I especially stressed the significance of economic cooperation, investments and trade relations between our country and the UK," Vucic wrote. He added that they had exchanged views on all important current foreign policy and security policy challenges as well as the situation in the Western Balkan region. Vucic is in Munich for the 60th Munich Security Conference. He also met with EU Budget Commissioner Johannes Hahn.


Vucevic: Kurti creating impossible conditions for survival of Kosovo Serbs (TV Prva/RTV)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Friday Pristina's PM Albin Kurti was creating impossible conditions for a survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. The situation in Kosovo and Metohija is very difficult and it is a delusion that Kurti has suspended a decision to ban the Serbian Dinar, Vucevic said in an appearance on TV Prva. "Kurti has even said something that sounds like mockery: 'I have not banned the Dinar - you are just not allowed to buy anything and not allowed to use it.' He is very creative in his terror against the Serbs. He is creating impossible conditions for a survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija," Vucevic said. Kurti's agenda is that Serbs cannot survive in Kosovo and Metohija, he said. "With devilish cunningness, he says he will address them in the Serbian language and communicate with them better. He will explain to us in Serbian that we do not need health centres and that he can get us arrested wherever he wants and ban us from having everything any people can have and expect. Only the Serbs are banned from having that in the 21st century. Essentially, no one in Europe is condemning that, except in some protocolar statements," Vucevic said. He also said an initiative to reinstate compulsory military service in Serbia was not related to Kosovo and Metohija but to national defence.


Office for KiM: devastating that crime Livadice is a closed case (Office for Kosovo and Metohija)


On the occasion of 23 years since one of the most monstrous terrorist attacks was committed on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, in which 12 Serbs died and 43 were injured, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that it is devastating that the crime in Livadice is a closed case. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija recalls that the Nis Express bus, which was blown up 23 years ago in Livadice, near Podujevo, contained displaced Serbs who, accompanied by KFOR soldiers, were going to Gracanica to mark the Memorial Day. Among the 12 dead was a two-year-old child. “Even after more than two decades, neither the immediate perpetrators nor their orderers were held accountable for this crime, which, among other things, testifies to the complete inability and lack of interest of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina to face the crimes committed in the name of so-called independent Kosovo, but also to the passivity of the international community,” said the statement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. It is emphasized that the fact that this case is closed is devastating. “But, that the only suspect Florim Ejupi, who was sentenced to 40 years in prison in the first-instance proceedings, the so-called Supreme Court of Kosovo acquitted in 2009, due to lack of evidence,” the announcement states. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija reminds that the crime in Livadice took place in the presence of international security forces and that this is precisely why it represents a defeat for the international community in Kosovo and Metohija. “Which proved to be insufficient to ensure safety for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, but also justice for all victims. We remind you that it is still not known who killed Serbian children in Gorazdevac, 14 harvesters in Stari Gracko, the Stolic family in Obilic, who almost daily burns and demolishes Serbian houses and desecrates churches and monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija...,” the announcement states. ​ It is emphasized that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are still second-class citizens and are exposed to various forms of discrimination, pressure and intimidation - with the aim of their expulsion. The international community and Pristina are requested to reopen investigations into all crimes against the Serb people and other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija. “Because until this is done, Kosovo and Metohija will be a haven and a safe zone for villains and terrorists. And the Serbian government will never stop seeking justice for the victims of this and other monstrous crimes committed throughout the province,” the Office says.


Dacic thanks Ambassador for Egypt's understanding regarding Kosovo issue (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received Egyptian Ambassador to Serbia Bassel Salah on Wednesday, thanking him for Egypt's high degree of understanding regarding the Kosovo issue. The parties agreed that bilateral relations were developing successfully based on traditional friendship between the two countries and peoples and that a historic visit to Serbia by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in 2022 had made a special contribution to that.

They noted a mutual readiness to continue a developed political dialogue, including high- and top-level visits.


Kosovo Serb detained, beaten by Pristina's police (Tanjug)


A Kosovo Serb man had to seek medical attention on Wednesday night after being detained and beaten by the so-called Kosovo Police. Pristina's regional deputy police chief for northern Kosovo and Metohija said the man, identified by the initials I.M., had been detained for allegedly "obstructing an on-duty officer" and released after questioning. In a statement to Tanjug, the man, a resident of the Kajkovo village near Leposavic, northern Kosovo and Metohija, said a patrol of the so-called Kosovo Police had pulled him over on a trunk road to Leposavic and beaten him, after which he had to seek medical attention at the Leposavic health centre. He said his son had been with him at the time of his detention.


ProGlas publishes conditions needed to resolve post-election crisis (N1)


The ProGlas non-partisan initiative released a list of minimum conditions needed to resolve the political crisis in Serbia following the 17 December elections. ProGlas (pro-vote in Serbian) held a news conference at which initiative member Appeals Court Judge Miodrag Majic said that accountability is another condition to resolve the crisis. “Without accountability for what happened and the situation we are in, we can’t move forward and things like this will happen again,” he said. Law Professor Miodrag Jovanovic said that the minimum conditions needed to organize future elections are a review of the electoral roll, allowing only notaries public and courts to verify signatures in support of election tickets, not allowing the names of people not running for election on tickets, media pluralism and accountability under the law. Jovanovic said that an independent commission of local and international experts needs to be formed to review the electoral rolls in line with international standards and ODIHR recommendations along with the introduction of a mechanism to ensure the integrity of the electoral rolls. He recalled that municipal notaries were responsible for most of the forged signatures in support of election tickets. He appealed to the Notary Public Chamber to revoke the licenses of those notaries public who are found to have verified fake signatures. Jovanovic explained that the demand for a ban on including the name of people who are not running for election stems from what he said was a nonsense situation in which a large part of the electorate believed that the Serbian President was running for office in mid-December because his coalition’s election ticket was named after him. The professor said that specific measures have to be taken to secure media pluralism, that is access to the media for various political options along with balanced reporting. “The media scene is a catastrophe and does not secure the minimum of equality for political players,” he said. He said that timely and unbiased accountability has to be established before the law both in earlier and future elections. Jovanovic said that ProGlas insists on these conditions in principle but that the fight is up to political players.




Orasac: Serbia marks Statehood Day; Dodik attends ceremony (ATV/RTRS)


Serbia celebrated on Thursday the Serbian Statehood Day and the anniversary of the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire in 1804 and the confirmation of the first Constitution of the Principality of Serbia in 1835. The central ceremony was held in Orasac and numerous Serbian officials and officials from the RS attended the event. RS President Milorad Dodik said that Serbia celebrates the Serbian Statehood Day as well as the RS and not one can ban it to the RS. Dodik stated that today, they celebrate unity. Dodik also addressed attendees of the ceremony by saying that they should gather in the Serb world adding that the Serb people should never allow to anyone to dispute this to them. Dodik said that he is convinced that unity of the Serb people is indestructible, adding that he is happy to see the commitment of the Serbian leadership to strengthen their army. Dodik added that he wants to support efforts of Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Ministers, calling everyone to gather on this day. Dodik underlined: “Long live Serbia, to be strong and eternal, long live the Serb people, long live the RS!” Statehood Day was observed in Serbia by series of events, including ones held in Orasac, Oplenac, Kragujevac and Belgrade. While addressing participants of central event celebrating the Statehood Day of Serbia held in Orasac, Minister of Defense of Serbia Milos Vucevic said that Serbia is dream about freedom and equality. Dodik underlined that stable and strong Serbia is wish of Serbs from the RS. He reminded that Serbs in B&H raised more than 146 uprisings in fight for liberation from Ottomans. Dodik underlined that this is evidence about unity of Serb people. He stressed that this is why gathering of Serbs is necessary for stronger Serbia, the RS and Serb people. The RS President emphasized that in regards to value system, Serbs should be gathered around Serb World and preserve their identity, language, script, nationality and religion. Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic underlined that Serbia still has to defend freedom, peace, territorial integrity and independence. He stressed that unity of Serb people is necessary now more than ever. Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabic addressed participants of Statehood Day academy held in Kragujevac stated that response of Serbia to all contemporary challenges is in unity and harmony of Serb people. Reporter noted that on the occasion of the Statehood Day of Serbia, officials of Serbia and the RS laid down flowers and wreaths to monuments for those who were defending Serbia in the past.


Palace of Republic illuminated in colors of Serbian flag; Flags of Serbia and RS displayed across RS (RTRS)


On the occasion of the Statehood Day of Serbia, the Palace of the Republic in Banja Luka has been illuminated in colors of Serbian flag. The statement from the Cabinet of the RS President underlined importance of joint celebration of important holidays in the RS and Serbia, because Serb identity has been nourished in this way. Premises of the City Administration of Banja Luka have been illuminated in colors of Serbian flag as well. Reporter commented that citizens from the RS conveyed message that all Serbs celebrate the Statehood Day of Serbia, because they are all connected through same religion and homeland their forefathers fought for. RTRS carries opinion poll among citizens of the RS where majority stated that relations between the RS and Serbia should be additionally strengthened. Some underlined that all Serbs are same people and that if Serbia is strong, the RS is strong as well.


Sattler in Banja Luka: Changes to B&H Election Law are one of key priorities; B&H needs compromise at this moment (ATV)


Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) Johann Sattler said in Banja Luka on Thursday that changes to the B&H Election Law are one of the key priorities when it comes to the EU path and he called on B&H politicians and institutions to do what it takes by 21 March, when the EU will decide about the accession (Note: Sattler paid a visit to IDDEEA on Thursday and he held a press conference on the topic of digital transformation in B&H together with IDDEEA Director Almir Badnjevic and B&H Minister of Traffic and Communications Edin Forto). Sattler said that he does not think that all disputable issues related to the election process can be solved within the next two weeks especially a part which refers to the Constitution, but he added that there can be work on integrity of the election process which is important for citizens. Asked why the RS is accused of inhibiting the EU path when messages from the RS are clear, Sattler refused to answer, noted ATV and added that he was not clear either when he was asked is it normal for any ambassador to address media like the UK Ambassador to B&H did with ATV. Sattler stated that he is not able to comment on work of other ambassadors as he does not see his role and his task in B&H in this way. Sattler added that he is there to help as much as he can, while the EU helped, is helping and will continue to help B&H and this implies their engagement in terms of media and media area. Sattler also reminded that they have been supporting issues that include media freedom.


US Embassy: Mr. Dodik continues to practice policy of blockade and blackmail while seeking to blame others for lack of progress (Avaz)


The US Embassy in B&H posted a statement on X regarding latest statements of RS President Milorad Dodik. The statement reads: “Milorad Dodik claims that he is “ready for the EU,” but his embrace of Vladimir Putin and Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, his anti-Dayton rhetoric and actions, and his attacks on the state-level institutions necessary to navigate B&H’s journey to Euro-Atlantic integration belie Mr. Dodik’s claim. B&H’s integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions requires the collective efforts of all political stakeholders.  Instead of engaging in good faith negotiations with his coalition governing partners, Mr. Dodik continues to practice a policy of blockade and blackmail while seeking to blame others for a lack of progress. The 1+3 conditions laid out by the EU are clear and easy to understand.  The standards required to meet them are straightforward and simple.  The question for Mr. Dodik is whether he is prepared to do the work necessary to fulfill these conditions, work that could and should have been completed months ago.  Thus far, the answer is ‘no’.  Mr. Dodik’s ultimatums do not constitute good faith engagement with his coalition partners, and they do not reflect a genuine commitment to the EU.  The principal roadblock to a European future for B&H is Mr. Dodik and his destructive politics.  He now wants to escape accountability for his actions, but if B&H does not take another step forward in March, it is clear where the blame will lie: with Mr. Dodik.”


Dodik: Murphy lives in parallel universe (RTRS)


Commenting the statement issued by the US Embassy to B&H, RS President Milorad Dodik posted on X: “I am glad to hear that Murphy is alive. I was starting to worry, he was absent for days. He issued a statement this morning proving he lives in a parallel universe, completely separated from the reality in which B&H lives. This is not healthy. I am reading Ambassador Murphy’s statement and the question that raises is: “You wanted something? (and it is not your concern)”. With each of their statements, the US Embassy, its exponents and supporters, confirm how much in fact they care for maintaining a colonial status of B&H.” He further comments: Dear gentlemen, behind the keyboards, the questions you ask are of no concern for you”. “We are talking about the EU integration, to which Serb people is dedicated and about which we talk with EU institutions and their representatives here. Can you maintain modicum of decorum in humiliating an entire continent, by interfering into the matters that are absolutely are not your concern? However, the true intention of this address is conveying a message that there will be nothing of the European path of B&H, but also of the attempt to shift the blame on me and the RS. There is a glorious movie replica: “Not going to fly, Dino!” Well, not going to fly, Murphy! Almost all priorities that the EU sent before B&H and which we carried out, we carried out by staff from the RS. This is underscored by the European officials and the senior officials of administration in Brussels. The fact that you do not see that, drunken by hatred toward me and Srpska, is not my problem,” said Dodik. He stressed that Serbs are a European people, who were always part of Europe and honestly want to be part of the EU. “Your disputing means nothing to us. We never conditioned or blackmailed anyone, that is your pattern. We only insisted on respecting of the Constitution, Dayton Agreement and meeting all conditions that Europe set before us. What is disputable there? The RS and I, are maximally involved in agreement, the problem is that partners that we should talk to are excluded. You excluded them and want to negotiate instead of them. Bosniak citizens also see this. This is why this fraud will not pass. You will not accuse me or the RS of failure,” wrote Dodik. He noted that in case B&H does not get a date for opening of the accession talks, the sole culprits will be “You and Your players, whom you did not allow to make a step forward”. “I have obligation to see and cooperate with everyone, assessing the interests of the voters I represent. This is how I asses that there is no reason for me not to meet and deepen relations with Russian President. There are no big secrets here- we extend a hand toward everyone who respects our right to decide about ourselves. The Russian Federation never even tried to be a factor of divisions in B&H, let alone to interfere in our European integration or laws,” Dodik wrote. He noted that there is no reason for them to wage wars over “our backs”. “Do not ask from people in Trebinje to agree to what people in Texas would not. We can be your partners when you decide to help searching the solution, not sabotaging them. You have your own concerns these days, you confuse Mexico with Egypt and it would seem you have the power to talk to late presidents of France. On behalf of B&H, I kindly ask you to pay attention to what you are signing these days. Perhaps you want to introduce some new circle of senseless sanctions to Moscow and you get to confuse it with Mostar,” ends Dodik.


Russian Embassy: We are not interested in opinion of US Embassy with regard to European perspectives of B&H (Srna)


The Russian Embassy to B&H commented on the “accusations of the US Embassy to B&H presented against RS President Milorad Dodik”. Their statement reads that they are not interested in the opinion of the US Embassy to B&H with regard to European perspectives of B&H and they sent the message that EU representatives should be concerned about this. The press release also reads: “The Russian Federation, as a guarantor of the DPA, stands for developing of friendly and mutually useful relations with B&H, which certainly also refers to friendly relations with the RS.”


DPS, SD, DUA and HGI press criminal charges against Mandic, BS refused to do it (CdM)


The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), the Social Democrats (SD), the Democratic Union of Albanians (DUA) and the Croatian Civic Initiative (HGI) have filed criminal charges against the parliament speaker and the leader of the New Serbian Democracy Andrija Mandic on suspicion of having committed the criminal offense of abuse of office. The criminal complaint was signed by the MPs of DPS, SD, HGI and DUA. However, Bosniak Party (BS) refused to do it. President of DPS caucus Andrija Nikolic announced at today’s press conference that Mandic, as the parliament speaker, displayed a flag of a foreign country in his cabinet, and the dignitaries with whom he arranged meetings were not representatives of Serbia. He emphasized that the mayor of Pljevlja, Dario Vranes was doing what his boss – Andrija Mandic was doing. SD MP Branislav Nenezic said that part of the ruling majority, headed by the Europe Now Movement (PES), the Albanian Forum and the Democrats, should say whether they support the violation of the Constitution by displaying the flag of another country in the parliament. The criminal complaint was signed by the MPs of DPS, SD, HGI and DUA, which speaks volumes of its credibility, Nenezic stressed. When asked if they had discussed the matter with the Bosniak Party, Andrija Nikolic told reporters that they had offered BS colleagues to sign it, but that they had decided not to sign the complaint against Mandic. “The Bosniak party refused to sign the criminal complaint. We offered them to sign the complaint, but they informed us last night that they would not do it. Why, you should ask them”, answered Nikolic. Nikolic also pointed out that if Vranes remained in the position of the mayor of Pljevlja, then Spajic, Milatovic and Becic would be worse than him.


PES Pljevlja: Dario Vranes obliged to solve accumulated problems and stop creating unnecessary crises and tensions (CdM)


Since the Municipality of Pljevlja does not have the authority to celebrate the holidays of other countries, not even our neighbouring and dear Serbia, we expect Pljevlja mayor Dario Vranes to respect this principle and legal obligation, said Pljevlja’s Europe Now Movement (PES). As someone who is the mayor of Pljevlja, he has an obligation to focus on solving accumulated local problems in our city and to stop creating unnecessary crises and tensions, with the purpose of making petty political points, PES Pjevlja added. This is another in a series of decisions that the mayor makes without consulting the coalition partners, which threatens to cause a serious crisis in the local government, PES noted. The mayor’s arbitrariness largely contradicts the fact that his political party also works at the state level, which shows that he does not even respect the politics of the entity he currently represents, PES Pljevlja pointed out. Therefore, if these individual gaffes continue, it is logical that all the consequences for the political crisis in Pljevlja will be borne by the one who thinks he can rule alone, without cooperation with the other coalition partners. “On the occasion of the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia, we take the opportunity to wish all the citizens of the Republic of Serbia happy Statehood Day”, PES Plevlja concluded.


Rakocevic: Everyone should take a polygraph test to determine who is giving away secret information (CdM)


After the closed session of the parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, secret information was leaked to the public. The Committee filed a criminal complaint against an unknown person. Criminologist and professor of the Faculty of Law Velimir Rakocevic has told CdM that, after these events, he would offer a polygraph test in order to determine who gave the secret information away. The president of the named parliamentary committee Miodrag Lakovic said something similar at the last Committee session. Rakocevic states that after the events at the session, it can be concluded that many are not up to the task. He warns that the disclosure of classified information is among the most serious crimes. Rakocevic notes that another important thing is the presentation of data taken out of context. The question arises, he says, whether the Committee members are up to the task. A polygraph would remove certain doubts. Order should be established, so that anyone who violates the law is held accountable. After all the events, the accusations presented at the Committee session, Rakocevic points out that everything leads to the conclusion that we all lose in this way and that the only ones who can be happy are the perpetrators of criminal activities when they see how the state functions. Speaking for CdM about the accusations presented at the open Committee session, Rakocevic underlines that everyone must know who they hang out with, talk to, especially high-ranking public officials, because nothing can amnesty them if they have contacts with people from the criminal milieu.


Nebojsa Rodic – new diplomat, same dangerous narrative (Pobjeda)


“The relationship between Montenegro and Serbia is a brotherly relationship between people, nations and citizens who live on both sides of the border. There is no force that can tear one nation apart, there is no force that can divide one nation, there is no force that will be stronger than the will of the people and the will of the citizens”, said the newly-appointed Ambassador of Serbia Nebojsa Rodic during yesterday’s celebration of the Constitution Day and Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia in Podgorica, Pobjeda reports. Rodic said that in front of the Karadjordje’s monument in the center of Podgorica, beginning his address with the words: “May God help you, brothers and sisters”, to which he received the answer: “May God help you too”. He said he was privileged to be able to speak as the ambassador of the Republic of Serbia and thanked the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic for making him being able to represent him and Serbia in, as he said, “proud, dear to us, indivisible Montenegro”. He recalled in detail the 220 years since the First Serbian Uprising, the adoption of the first Serbian Constitution in 1835 and the religious holiday of Meeting of the Lord and said that “friendship between the people living in Montenegro and Serbia lives forever”.


Election campaign for 8 May parliamentary elections to begin on 18 April (MIA)


Election campaign for the 8 May parliamentary elections will begin on 18 April and finish on 6 May, said the State Election Commission (SEC). The SEC has adopted a schedule, according to which the election campaign begins 20 days ahead of Election Day.  Results of public opinions polls related to participants in the electoral process are published five days ahead of Election Day at the latest. Election participants should submit lists of MP candidates by 2 April, i.e. 35 days before Election Day. The public inspection of the Voter Register begins on 28 February and ends on 18 March. Media outlets and web-portals are obliged to register in SEC if they release paid political advertising for participants in the election campaign. Otherwise, they are not entitled to use funds for paid political advertising provided from the national budget.


Election campaign for 24 April presidential polls to begin on 4 April (MIA)


Election campaign for the 24 April presidential elections will begin on 4 April and finish on 22 April, said the State Election Commission (SEC). The SEC has adopted a schedule, according to which the election campaign begins 20 days ahead of Election Day. Results of public opinions polls related to participants in the electoral process are published five days ahead of Election Day at the latest. Election participants should submit lists of presidential candidates by 19 March, i.e. 35 days before Election Day. The collection of signatures for the presidential elections begins on 23 February and ends on 8 March. Presidential hopefuls must collect 10,000 signatures from citizens who are part of the Voter Register. The public inspection of the Voter Register begins on 28 February and ends on 18 March. Media outlets and web-portals are obliged to register in SEC if they release paid political advertising for participants in the election campaign. Otherwise, they are not entitled to use funds for paid political advertising provided from the national budget.


Xhaferi says 'not feeling the need' to comment decisions of political parties (MIA)


Caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi said Thursday he did not feel the need to comment decisions of political parties on candidates for the upcoming presidential elections. "I do not feel the need to comment on decisions of political parties, and therefore any comment on my part is unnecessary," Xhaferi told reporters when quizzed about the presidential candidacy of Arben Taravari. Asked if DUI would have its own presidential candidate, the caretaker PM said journalists should address the question to the party. "I am Prime Minister and represent the government, not DUI," said Xhaferi.


SDSM to nominate own presidential candidate (MIA)


SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski has told MIA that the party's presidential candidate will share the European values and not spread divisions on any grounds, noting that incumbent President Stevo Pendarovski has been doing an excellent job over the past five years. "I would not promote anyone at this time, considering it is neither statutory nor ethical. There are many questions regarding the possibility of President Pendarovski running for a second term. I can say that he has been doing an excellent job over the past five years, promoting the same values that SDSM and its coalition have been committed to," says Kovachevski.  On the profile of their presidential candidate, the SDSM leader says the person should share the European values and completion of the country's European integration process by 2030, a person not sowing divisions among citizens on any grounds. "I believe SDSM is the only party that can produce such a candidate, as confirmed by the other candidates nominated by the party who went on to become heads of state. We are a coalition with the largest number of parties, which will resume the policy of good-neighborly relations, excellent interethnic relations in the country, and excellent relations with our strategic partners - US, EU and United Kingdom," adds Kovachevski. The SDSM leader says the party will nominate its own presidential candidate, supported by many coalition partners.


Albania completes the mission in the Security Council, Rama: Gratitude for the invaluable support of the USA (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama expressed gratitude for the appreciation that the United States showed towards our country during the mission as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. During the joint press conference with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Rama highlighted the successful conclusion of Albania's mission in the Security Council. "I am very pleased that this visit coincides with the conclusion of Albania's mission in the Security Council, and I expressed to the Secretary of State, besides thanking for the unparalleled support we received from the US and the US mission to the UN for our presence in the Council and for the success of our mission in the two years we served as a non-permanent member in the SC, also gratitude for the poignant message publicly conveyed by the US Ambassador to the United Nations," said Rama. The Prime Minister expressed appreciation for the high regard shown by the US for the Albanian mission, for the extremely positive words shared with the public about how Albania represented itself. "But more than that, how it represented this community of nations and states that stand together for values and principles that are non-negotiable for us," said Rama.


Rama: The USA has a direct interest in Albania and Kosovo, without it there would be no independent state of Kosovo (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama declared at a joint conference with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the United States has shown direct interest in Albania's integration into the EU and the stability of the state of Kosovo. "I am pleased that this visit coincides with the conclusion of Albania's mission as part of the Security Council as a permanent member. I want to thank the Secretary of State for a support that is talked about little and seen little but is continuous and beneficial for Albania's progress in the EU integration process. This is a process from which we and our European allies benefit. We appreciate the ongoing interest of the State Department and the fact that the Secretary, in meetings with European allies, does not fail to emphasize to push forward the process of EU membership of the Western Balkans as a strategic interest of the United States," said Prime Minister Rama. He also emphasized that without the United States, there would be no independent Kosovo, while stressing that American interest in Kosovo and Albania is a top priority. "It is good for Albanians not to forget that without the United States, Kosovo would not have an independent state and that the interest of the United States in the progress in Albania and Kosovo is not a secondary interest, this interest is not separated  from ours in Albania and Kosovo. We feel bad whenever we see steps backward and we are aware of the difficulty of dialogue and aware of the tragedy not far away for those living in Kosovo," stated the head of the Albanian government at the joint conference with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.


Rama-Blinken: Your visit in times of turmoil, an important sign of friendship and partnership (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama emphasized that the visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Tirana is a very important sign of friendship, as well as partnership with the United States. During the joint press conference with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, Rama expressed that "it is always a day marked with special significance in the history of Albania's international relations, the day when a Secretary of State visits our country." "In our account, you are the sixth, but this time we have a special appreciation for this visit as we are very aware of the very troubled times not only within the borders of Europe, but also in other strategically important areas in the world where they live and consequently for the particular burden of your agenda. The fact that you found time and deemed it necessary to stop in Tirana is a very important sign of friendship for us, as well as an appreciation of this friendship, this partnership, and certainly this region," said Rama. "We are very honored today by the visit of the Secretary of State and likewise, I can say without any diplomatic embellishment or protocol that I am very pleased with the open, deep conversation, and the level of interaction and understanding between us," said Rama.


Blinken: Albania the strongest supporter for Ukraine, Rama an exceptional partner for the USA (Radio Tirana)


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during the press conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama, emphasized Albania's strong role and Prime Minister Rama's personal support for Ukraine. After thanking for the hospitality today in Tirana, he emphasized the fact that Albania is one of the 10 countries, in terms of population, that supports Ukraine and its resistance against Russian aggression the most. "Rama is an exceptional partner for the United States. This partnership is stronger than ever before. We are on a two-way street where both countries benefit. Albania is a key ally in NATO. We have talked about Ukraine and have been together in the Security Council. We have also discussed the challenges we face. Albania has been a strong supporter of Ukraine. It was the first to raise its hand for aid to Ukraine. It is one of the 10 countries that contribute the most, in terms of population, to Ukraine. Albanian troops help curb Russian aggression in the eastern flank of NATO. We have a steadfast commitment to help each other. Our alliance is stronger. Albania is doing its part and fulfilling its obligations to NATO," said Blinken.