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Belgrade Media Report 19 February 2024



There is no quorum, a new session is scheduled (Tanjug/B92)


SPS councillor Toma Fila opened the session, it was noted that there was no quorum, because the government councillors did not show up. The new session is scheduled for 1 March. All 43 members of the “Serbia Against Violence” list entered the hall of the City Assembly today, where the inaugural session was to begin. They entered with prominent banners against the alleged election manipulations in the Belgrade elections on 17 December last year. The banners read “Belgrade won’t let you”, “Theft won’t pass” and “You stole the election”. Dobrica Veselinovic and Vladimir Jovanovic, the holders of that list in the Belgrade elections, are present, as well as Mila Popovic and Mica Beric, Tanja Pasic, Milos Pavlovic and others. Radomir Lazovic and Aleksandar Jovanovic Cuta from the mentioned coalition were also present in front of the city parliament building. MPs from the NADA coalition entered the hall of the City Assembly, including the leaders of that coalition, Milos Jovanovic, POKS leader Vojislav Mihajlovic and Vladimir Stimac. Vladimir Obradovic of the SPN said the City Assembly has not been formed, and that the SNS and SPS do not have a majority. “The City Assembly has not been formed, as we had promised it wouldn’t, it was not constituted despite the gross election fraud, they have obviously lost Belgrade, they don’t have a majority,” Obradovic told the media after SPS councilor Toma Fila said the session is being postponed for 1 March due to lack of quorum. Branimir Nestorovic of the We – the Voice of the People said this ticket’s two Belgrade councillors were “defectors” and that it would be good to hold new local elections in Belgrade. Nestorovic said at the Belgrade Assembly that two councillors, whom he did not name, “cut off all contact with us literally after the elections and never got in touch with us again except through the media and social networks”. “I just said that it would be excellent to have new elections so as to teach these defectors about the risk that such actions carry,” said Nestorovic, adding that new elections are the best way to overcome the tensions. Asked to comment on the “election fraud,” Nestorovic said “we cannot prove it, and when we cannot prove something, we don’t talk about it.”


Vucic: We have a majority in Belgrade (TV Prva/Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told TV Prva that there is legally a majority for the constitution of the Belgrade City Assembly. He said that he will wait until 2 and 3 March to see if that majority will also be fully legitimate, and if it is not, then new elections will be held. Vucic said that the representatives of the “We – Voice of the People” list do not want to talk and that they do not understand what the state is. He stressed that there is no pressure and that the will of the citizens will not be stolen during the formation of the government in Belgrade, as he said was the case in 2008. Vucic also said that the election conditions of the ProGlas initiative were announced because the opposition could not defeat him. He said that everything about the voter list is transparent and all information is accessible to everyone. The ProGlas initiative previously stated the necessity of revision and compilation of an accurate voter list as part of the minimum requirements for new elections. Regarding the request that in each subsequent election cycle, the support for the candidacy in the form of citizens’ signatures is notarized, that is, certified by a court, Vucic said that the government would also like to see this implemented. Regarding the request that the names of the electoral lists must not contain the names of those who are not candidates, Vucic said that this once again shows that the opposition cannot defeat him in the elections. The signatories of the ProGlas initiative recently presented the minimum conditions for holding new elections and getting out of the deep political crisis. They include, among other things, the revision and compilation of an accurate voter list and the provision of media pluralism, primarily by the public broadcaster. Vucic said that in Munich he had a meeting with everyone who is important for Serbia. "When I know what the solution will be, I will inform you," commented Vučić on the current situation in Kosovo. "Borrell was shocked yesterday. The day before, Kurti told him that he had given three-month suspensions, as he called it. We are looking for a solution, someone will be invited to Brussels," said Vucic. He pointed out that he will look for a solution. "I don't want to bother people with details. We will search and try to find a solution, people cannot stay hungry and we have to find a way to stay in Kosovo and Metohija," he added.


Vucic’s explains why he didn’t applaud Yulia Navalnaya

Vucic told TV Prva why he did not applaud Julija Navalnya, whose husband died just a few hours before her speech. “Suddenly, a woman sat down next to me, but I had no idea, her badge was turned upside down, and I had no idea who the woman was,” said Vucic. After that, according to Vucic, the news was revealed. “Only then did I realize that it was the woman who had been sitting next to me until then. I would have expressed my condolences, but I would have been wrong because a few minutes later she said that we should not offer her condolences,” said Vucic. He said he believes he behaved adequately. “I didn’t go there to a football match, but to a serious gathering and no one will tell me how to sit or stand,” said Vucic. The news of the death of Aleksey Navalny was announced on Friday, and soon after his wife Yulia spoke at the Munich Security Conference. Vucic was sitting in the first row and did not join in the applause. Instead, he was seen adjusting his headphones for simultaneous translation, and then he continued to stand. Vucic said that Belgrade’s position in relation to Moscow will be more difficult after the death of the Russian opposition leader and that the situation should be viewed in the context of Russia’s progress in Ukraine and the US presidential elections, but he rejected the possibility of imposing sanctions on Russia. “In Munich we saw a cheerleading approach, counting and calculating how to defeat the enemy, and not a long-term view of the future”, Vucic told TV Prva. Vucic emphasized that he was “horrified” when he heard the news of Navalny’s death. “Now it’s not a matter of pressure for us to impose sanctions on Russia, people know that’s not possible,” said Vucic. “We have to be focused on the goals we set for ourselves with the development plan until 2027. It is such a serious plan and program and it must not be forgotten even for one day. We have to work hard to fulfill it, to attract investors, encourage domestic entrepreneurial spirit, without increasing the rate of public debt in gross national income. We have to do all that, and ensure security, stability and peace,” said Vucic.


Stefanovic responds to Vucic’s statement: You don’t have a majority in Belgrade (N1)


After Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday that there is a majority for forming the Belgrade City Assembly, the deputy leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice Borko Stefanovic issued a statement stressing that this is not true. “You don’t have any kind of majority, not even a legal one, much less a legitimate one. You did not legally acquire mandates because you stole the elections. Due to the importation of phantom voters, payment for votes and voter blackmail, as well as the unprecedented expropriation of the media in Serbia, your councilors do not have mandates, but are only the product of the appropriation of the will of the people. You cannot have a legitimate government because, in addition to stealing the elections, you are trying to buy the councillors who presented themselves as the opposition and thus steal the majority in the city assembly,” Stefanovic stated. He argued that, since the majority of citizens did not vote for the government, even under such circumstances, buying councillors cannot create a legitimate government. “Even in the conditions of election theft, your SNS, SRS and SPS received 17,000 votes less than in 2022, and the parties that make up our coalition, Serbia against violence, received 30,000 more votes. You will not get away with stealing the election,” Stefanovic wrote.


Vucic: We are ready to accept ODIHR and OSCE recommendations regarding elections (Beta/FoNet)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the recommendations of the ODIHR and the OSCE regarding the elections in Serbia were also discussed at the meetings during the Munich Security Conference. In Munich, Vucic told journalists from Serbia that at those meetings he reiterated his position that Serbia is always ready to discuss this issue and that it respects the recommendations from the international organisations. “It was done, I would say, in a very civilized way, in contrast to some batterers who think that the way they can behave towards Serbia the way they behave in their own homes,” Vucic said. Vucic posted on Instagram that he told Jan Borg, the chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), that the December elections in Serbia were “democratic and transparent” and that he is eagerly awaiting the final report of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. rights (ODIHR) on those elections. He stated that he “once again called on the Serbian government to seriously consider all the recommendations of the ODIHR and the OSCE for future elections” and pointed out that “the cooperation with this organization so far has been exceptional and significant for the reform path of Serbia, on which we are still working seriously”. Vucic also spoke with the EU Special Representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak and the EU High Representative Josep Borrell. “The main topic was Kosovo and Metohija and Kurti’s attempt to carry out the ethnic cleansing of Serbs in silence,“ said Vucic on Instagram. Vucic added that he does not expect the EU to “use real mechanisms to force Kurti to give up his daily provocations and attacks on Serbs”.


Declaration of “independence of Kosovo” unilateral, illegal act (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic pointed out on Saturday that 17 February is the day when the international legal order was destroyed, thereby asking what Pristina is celebrating and what the countries that recognised the unilaterally proclaimed independence of the so-called Kosovo, which was declared legally null and void by the Serbian parliament, congratulate them on. "Today, 17 February, is the day when the international legal order was destroyed and when the policy of double standards in the interpretation of principle of protecting the territorial integrity of internationally recognised states, members of the United Nations, was made official." It is an attempt to legalise the centuries-old ethnic cleansing of the Serbian people, whose state was created in Kosovo and Metohija. 109 countries out of a total of 193 UN members, that have not recognised this unilateral and illegal act, are aware of this. Serbia is committed to peace and dialogue, but will never recognise the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo and thus it defends the basic principles of international law. At the same time, just as we respect the territorial integrity of all countries in the world, we expect everyone to respect the territorial integrity of Serbia as well, in accordance with Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council," Dacic said in a statement.


Vucevic: Serbia managed to return topic of Kosovo and Metohija to the UN (RTS)


Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric said that Serbia achieved an important diplomatic success in the United Nations Security Council and that we are one step closer to the international isolation of Pristina. “After a long, long time, Serbia managed to return the topic of Kosovo and Metohija to the United Nations, i.e. President Vucic presented in a very well-argued manner everything that is happening chronologically in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, primarily in terms of terror against Serbs, i.e. the creation of conditions for the impossible survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Milos Vucevic told RTS. He added that Albin Kurti spoke “nonsense without any counterargument”. “And that is one form of Serbia’s political success, diplomatic success. We should not expect anything revolutionary in the sense of changing the policy of the countries that recognized so-called Kosovo’s independence, but it is very important that the world public and Serbia, first of all, repeat all those things that concern the position of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, with arguments, persistently and patiently,” said Vucevic. He says that the political battle will continue. “It will not stop and don’t expect that something can be solved overnight, but it is important that we are persistent, that we have faith, that we have wisdom, that we know how to protect in very, very difficult conditions and circumstances, geopolitical, political, our national and state interests, above all to protect the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Vucevic. He also pointed out that no one has a dilemma anymore as to who is the cause of the chaos and everything that is happening in Kosovo and Metohija. “It is the little tyrant Albin Kurti, the one who is doing all this by leading the administration of Pristina,” said Vucevic.


Zeman: Recognition of so-called Kosovo is a disgrace and dangerous precedent (Tanjug/NovostiVoice of Europe)


Former Czech president Milos Zeman has said that by recognizing so-called Kosovo the West set a dangerous precedent and assessed that this move was a "disgrace". In his opening address at a conference entitled, "Violations of international law in Kosovo and Ukraine," held in Prague, Zeman strongly criticized recognition of so-called of Kosovo, condemning that act as support for "a state linked with mafia structures, and with repression of the Serb minority". Zeman repeated that recognition of Kosovo "sets a dangerous precedent" because with it "big powers impose their will on small states and recklessly change existing borders", reported Voice of Europe. He called for consistency in international standards, comparing NATO's intervention in Serbia, and Russia's actions in Ukraine. "We won't make the world a better place if we close our eyes to problems and pretend they don't exist or have disappeared. The cases of Kosovo and Ukraine teach us how superpowers can be intransigent when it comes to their interests. I think it's important not to give up faced with a great power, to persevere and try to correct the very painful injustices," stressed Zeman. The conference was organized by the Institute for Geostrategic Studies Geopolitikon in Prague and brought together prominent politicians and officials, while the organizer, political scientist Milutin Iljic, said that NATO's role regarding Kosovo and Metohija opened a Pandora's box.


Silent rally in front of Russian Embassy following death of Aleksey Navalny (Beta)


Several dozen citizens assembled for a protest in front of the Russian Embassy in Belgrade after the news that Russian opposition leader Aleksey Navalny had died in prison. The rally in front of the embassy was very quiet as people, visibly shaken and in tears, placed flowers in front of a photograph of Navalny, hugged each other and grieved together. Among those assembled in front of the embassy there were refugees from Russia. Those present said Navalny was "the last hope" that Russia could be a free and normal country. Belgraders also lit candles and left flowers and messages in remembrance of Navalny at Trg Republike Square on Saturday. The name Navalny was written in chalk at Trg Republike, and those assembled also used chalk to write messages in Russian, Ukrainian, English, Serbian and other languages. The messages mostly accuse Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian state of being behind Navalny's death.




Munich Security Conference (Glas Srpske/Dnevni avaz/Nova BH/BHT1)


Addressing the Munich Security Conference, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen stated that the wants to see the Western Balkan states and Ukraine “enter the European family they belong to”. She underlined that the EU integration process is extremely important and that there can no longer be any “grey zones” in Europe. “Europe was built on democratic values, and it represents a peace project that is unique in the world”, von der Leyen noted. Meanwhile, High Representative Christian Schmidt met with former HR Miroslav Lajcak on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference. Lajcak posted about the meeting on his X: “I also met with High Representative Christian Schmidt on the margins of MSC 2024 to exchange views on regional developments and the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Agreed that B&H must use unique momentum to advance on its EU path.” Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency, Denis Becirovic, spoke at the 60th Munich Security Conference on Sunday as a keynote speaker at a panel discussion entitled ‘Enlargement in the service of protections: removing gray areas in the European neighborhood’. During his presentation on the panel, Becirovic pointed out that geopolitical circumstances clearly suggest that the accelerated integration of the Western Balkan countries into the EU and NATO is the most effective way for them to get out of the gray zone. In this context, he emphasized that it is of great importance that the European Council decides in March to open negotiations between B&H and the EU. "That would be an extremely positive signal, but also one of the concrete steps in the direction of leaving the gray areas,", said Becirovic. Becirovic assessed that the NATO membership is a serious guarantee for security and that NATO enlargement means suppression of grey zones at the same time, stressing that completion of the process of NATO enlargement to the Western Balkans represents an investment in collective stability and safety. Becirovic pointed out that NATO membership is the only serious guarantee of security. B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Elmedin Konakovic, regarding the Munich Security Conference, stated that he is pleased with the work done at the Munich Security Conference. Commenting on the possibility of opening B&H’s EU accession negotiation process in March, Konakovic stated that if B&H adopts the Law on Conflict of Interests, the package of reforms of the B&H Election Law regarding the integrity of the election process, and the Law on the Courts of B&H, he would be very optimistic and confident for the March deadline. Konakovic also spoke about the Munich Security Conference for BHT1. He said that topics about Ukraine and Gaza dominated, and that B&H officials managed to hold a large number of meetings with decision-makers within the EU on the sidelines of the conference, from who they expect a positive decision in March. Konakovic pointed out that they used the opportunity to meet some colleagues from distant parts of the world, and to exchange experiences with them. He said that there were very good and positive reactions to the last events in B&H, to the adoption of the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism, the beginning of negotiations with Frontex, and that there were still a few not so big steps left so that with optimism we could wait for the decision in March. The B&H Presidency Chair Zeljko Komsic spoke on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference with UK Special Envoy for Western Balkans Stuart Peach. The topic of the conversation was primarily about fulfilling the remaining reforms necessary for opening of negotiations on B&H's membership in the EU, regional challenges and preventing the negative influence of the Russian Federation on the stability and Euro-Atlantic integration of the countries of the region. In this context, Komsic and Peach agreed on the necessity of urgent energy diversification, i.e. reducing dependence on Russian gas through the implementation of the Southern Interconnection project. Investing in the security and defense structures of B&H was assessed as extremely important, and the continuous support of the UK to B&H was confirmed. Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo took part in the 60th Munich Security Conference during which she met, among others, with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. Kristo stressed importance of cooperation with the European partners and the continuous support of the EU Member States. She stressed that the B&H House of Peoples adopted the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism. Daily further reads that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt also took part in the Munich Conference. Asked by Ambassador Nedim Makarevic where and how he plans to integrate B&H into the EU and NATO and how he, in the capacity of the HR, can contribute to accelerating the process, Schmidt replied by saying he does all he can that NATO is more present in B&H, the proof of which visits of senior NATO officials to B&H. Asked how he plans to go against the secessionist narrative from Republika Srpska (RS), Schmidt said the issue is clear and that US F-16 fighters did not fly over the RS without a reason. In a brief statement regarding the Election Law of B&H, the HR reiterated that a solution must be found, that the situation is not simple, that the political ambiance is not best and that a compromise will be identified soon.


Koenig: EU expects B&H to fully align with EU foreign policy and restrictive measures, which includes sanctions against Russia (Nezavisne)


The EU Delegation to B&H told the daily that the EU expects B&H to align with its policy of restrictive measures, including the sanctions against Russia. EU Delegation's Spokesperson Ferdinand Koenig stated that B&H fully respects the EU's foreign policy, but this is not the case when it comes to sanctions. “Alignment with EU sanctions is still a matter of political dispute, which caused significant disturbances in their implementation, including the non-implementation of the ban on flight from Russia or broadcasting of media sponsored by the Russian state”, Koenig noted. He reminded that during her last visit to B&H, President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen welcomed B&H’s full alignment with the EU foreign and security policy. This alignment means that B&H fully agrees with the stances of the EU during voting in the UN General Assembly, decisions of the European Foreign Affairs Council or joint statements of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and EU member states, Koenig explained. “The EU expects B&H, as a candidate state, to secure full implementation of the restrictive measures of the EU. Also, it is necessary that B&H makes additional effort to close off its space to foreign influence and information manipulation, and to join more international treaties and regimes, such as the armament control regimes”, said Koenig. The daily notes that although B&H does not officially apply the restrictive measures against Russian nationals, there have been cases of Russian citizens being denied entry to B&H because they are on the EU sanctions list. According to B&H Border Police, 1,654 Russian nationals entered B&H by 2022, and 944 left B&H. Entry was denied to 24 Russian citizens. The daily also notes that Serbia also has not aligned with the EU restrictive measures, explaining that it is still in the process of integration and that it still has time to align with the EU policies.


RS delegation led by Dodik visits Belarus, announces greater cooperation of RS and Belarus; Dodik: RS prevented B&H to introduce sanctions against Belarus (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) delegation led by RS President Milorad Dodik confirmed in Minsk on Sunday that the RS and Belarus are establishing greater cooperation. The RS delegation emphasized the importance of the RS not imposing sanctions on Belarus. An agreement on cooperation in the field of healthcare was signed, and the procurement of new electric buses and equipment for farmers was agreed upon. The visit of the delegation of the RS to Belarus is aimed at establishing better cooperation in many areas and to mutual benefit. During the visit to the state institution Minsk Scientific Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantation and Hematology, an agreement on cooperation between the RS Ministry of Healthcare and Social Welfare and the Healthcare Committee of Belarus was signed. RS Minister of Healthcare and Social Welfare Alen Seranic, who signed the agreement, announced the improvement of cooperation in the field of transplantation, as well as the education of healthcare workers from the RS. According to Dodik, the RS’ opposition to B&H imposing sanctions on Belarus also contributed to the good cooperation between the official Banja Luka and Minsk. Despite Western sanctions, Belarus' progress is visible. “I want to say that Belarus has been unfairly treated and sanctioned by Western countries and that the RS, which is part of B&H, did not allow B&H to formally impose sanctions on Belarus. Really, when you come here, you see that this is a well-organized, well-functioning country”, noted Dodik.  Dodik added that the RS already has contacts and reports, and 21 patients from the RS underwent successful surgery in Belarus. “Various organ transplants were performed. Another 28 patients are waiting to come here and indergo this treatment, which, as you could hear, is one of the best in the world”, added Dodik. There should be Belarusian-made electric buses on the roads of the RS soon. This was agreed upon during a tour of the holding company ‘Belkom-munmash’, which is engaged in the production of transport vehicles, buses and trams. “We will make some agreements with them regarding the procurement of these ecological buses where we will try to donate in the cities of the RS by the President of the Republic and the Government so that they will be used to transport students to these health institutions and students of course. We will see, we will create that project”, added Dodik. Cooperation in the field of agriculture has also been intensified. In an interview that RTRS broadcast on Sunday evening after the news, Dodik announced he will discuss cooperation in all fields with the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko on Monday. “We will talk about bilateral cooperation. President Lukashenko has led the country for over 20 years in very challenging times and difficult conditions. However, what we saw here in Minsk did not leave us indifferent, because it is one of the cleanest cities we have seen”, stressed Dodik. Dodik said that Lukashenko's view on the conflict in Ukraine will be the primary interest of the talks. He concluded: “Belarus borders Ukraine and we know that the Minsk agreements were signed here.”


US Embassy: Covic’s public display of support for convicted war criminal is anathema to European values (Dnevni avaz)


US Embassy to B&H criticized HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, after he decided to publicly honour Valentin Coric, convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity, at a book promotion in Mostar on Friday. “Two days ago, Dragan Covic proudly boasted about his commitment to “building a European B&H for all”. Dragan Covic chose to publicly honour convicted war criminal Valentin Coric, one of the infamous “Herceg-Bosna Six” convicted by the ICTY for war crimes and crimes against humanity, at a book promotion event in Mostar. Mr. Covic’s public display of support for a convicted war criminal is anathema to the European values he purports to represent and claims to support.  Public support for and the glorification of convicted war criminals most certainly has no place in a “European B&H for all.” Dragan Covic’s proud participation in an event honouring a person responsible for so many horrible crimes is shameful.  The fact that the event was held in one of the City of Mostar’s allegedly joint cultural institutions adds insult to the victims’ injury. Leaders who profess a commitment to European values should lead by example, not by honouring war criminals and reopening old wounds,” reads Embassy’s statement.


B&H House of Peoples adopts Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism (BHT1)


The B&H House of Peoples (HoP) unanimously adopted the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism on Friday. According to BHT1, with adoption of the law, B&H wants to improve capacities for more efficient fight against money laundering to the benefit of the business community and citizens of B&H. The law in question is one of 14 key priorities from the European Commission’s Opinion, noted the presenter. The deputy speaker of the B&H HoP Nikola Spiric (SNSD) said that a doomsday atmosphere was created in B&H as if something difficult would happen, while Spiric thinks that an adoption of a law in the parliament should be a normal occurrence. The reporter pointed out that this day was an important day for making a step forward to get closer to opening negotiations with the EU. The adoption of this law was also important because it was the last chance for B&H to avoid being put on the gray list of the Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL). B&H HoP Speaker Kemal Ademovic (NiP) said: “This law is one of MONEYVAL's demands, whose experts, or committee members, have been in B&H since Monday, the 12th of this month, and they have been monitoring the fulfilment of the conditions, including the adoption of this law, because that is what they asked us to do.” The SNSD's conclusion was also adopted, which tasked the secretaries of both Houses to correct technical errors, which, as SNSD said, there are many in the law, so that it would not cause different interpretations in its application. Spiric stated: “In this way (we) today sent a message to the partners who are negotiating on other laws, so, it is the law on conflict of interest, the law on the court, the election law, to ensure the movement towards consensus and the adoption of those legal projects in order to meet the requirements of the recommendations of the European Commission.” The deputy speaker of the B&H HoP Dragan Covic (HDZ B&H) sent a message to the media to participate in creating a positive atmosphere and to take care how they represent B&H in public, especially when the most difficult issues come to the table, added the reporter. Covic said: “Without this harmony, it will be difficult for someone else to open the doors of the EU for us. I am confident that there will be no shortage of wisdom in the next seven to 10 days to complete this entire business as planned.” The Delegate of the Bosniak Caucus in the B&H HoP from SDA Safet Softic emphasized that the session on Friday was initiated by, as Softic said, an opposition caucus in the B&H HoP, in order to make or encourage the parliamentary majority to call a session, so B&H can avoid MONEYVAL’s gray list. European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi posted on 'X' welcoming the adoption of Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism. “Today another positive development in B&H. The adoption of the Law on anti-money laundering is another important step toward implementing the 14 key priorities. Work is progressing as we are preparing for the March EU Council,” wrote Varhelyi. Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler also welcomed adoption of the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism. “Crucial milestone before the March European Council. A number of key reforms, including the Law on Conflict of Interest and Law on Courts remain. Important to keep up the momentum!”, Sattler posted on X. BHT1 reported that EUD welcomed adoption of the Law. US Embassy to B&H issued a statement, posted on X, welcoming the adoption of Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism. “We welcome the adoption of the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism as well as the consensus and unity demonstrated today in the B&H House of Peoples. This is a critical step to ensure the integrity of the financial sector in B&H.  It also moves B&H further along its path toward meeting the European Union’s requirements for opening accession negotiations.  We hope the leaders of B&H will build on this momentum to accomplish the additional steps needed to build a common future inside the Euro-Atlantic family of nations,” reads Embassy’s statement. OSCE Mission to B&H welcomed the adoption of the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism, stating that this legislation is of vital importance for more efficient fight against organized crime, corruption and terrorism. In statement to, during the last couple of years the OSCE Mission in B&H provided strong support to working groups of the Council of Ministers, tasked to draft key policies and legal documents in sector of fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism. “Series of key documents have been adopted, including amendment to Risk Assessment from Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism, accompanying Action Plan and new Strategy of B&H for Prevention and Fight Against Terrorism, Risk Assessment from Organized Crime and Strategy to Fight Organized Crime. All these documents were drafted with high level of dedication of great number of institutions, at all authority levels, with praiseworthy leadership role of the B&H Security Ministry,” reads OSCE statement with Ambassador Brian Aggeler at helm. OSCE stated that the Working Group for drafting new Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism, was efficient and constructive in finding of the solutions, which resulted in a law, which is greatly harmonized with recommendations of The Financial Action Task Force (FATF). “Such positive outcome contributes to both political and economic prosperity of B&H, which benefits citizens and businesses in B&H,” the OSCE concluded.


Dodik: EU made it clear they support domestic solutions, ‘Troika’ is unprepared for European story (RTRS)


Posting on his X account, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the EU conveyed a clear message they support dialogue and domestic solutions, which “we” welcomed, because that is the only way for B&H to start functioning. “We thoroughly analysed everything that was said and agreed in last couple of days. The conclusion is that ‘Troika’ has no solution or program and that their representatives are completely lost and unprepared for continuation of European story. Besides the narrative, which benefits no one, that the RS is to be blamed for everything, we have not heard what exactly the issue with proposed solutions is except that the Americans do not like them, and they have nothing to do with European path,” wrote Dodik. He repeated that B&H can build its status only based on the agreement of all representatives of the peoples, respecting the Cand laws. “This status hit the rock bottom under the influence of foreign factor and this status can be repaired only through domestic solutions,” Dodik wrote. He argues that it is high time for ruling parties to take over responsibility: “This is what the EU and all foreign embassies constantly tell us in their statements. I agree, the time has come, which is why any interference from outside it out of questions. ‘Troika’ should think whether they will withdraw under pressure of Americans. They broke our institutions, enabled criminal activities in the places which should represent the highest judicial bodies, and now those Americans once again lecture us how and what to do.” He explained what Americans are doing in B&H. “First time by enabling forming of judicial institutions in unconstitutional manner, and second time when they installed into these institutions the people with suspicious past and questionable moral. We see results of their meddling in unconstitutional court. Even little children are aware why they launched the process against me. Everyone knows. Tomorrow they can know on anyone’s doors and say this is ours. They are used that their violence and monstrosities are now questioned, and this is the force that the RS knows well, but will not allow it to win. We cannot and we will not allow them to decide instead of us,” said Dodik. He stressed that nobody has right to step away from this fight. “All their lies will not cover up what they are doing. Everyone know they never helped anyone if some of their interests was in question. They are taking side of Bosniaks, because they are easy to control. They will drain them like a lemon as well, and in the end present them like radical Islamists. It is clear that radical Islamic formations exist in B&H, which has support within Islamic Community. By not solving this issue, the entire B&H is exposed to danger,” wrote Dodik. He said that someone has interest in keeping things silent regarding this issue, which harms all other Muslims who live in B&H. “Because they do not sanction criminals, the entire people are labelled as such, and this is the problem that representatives of Bosniaks will have to face in the future. We listened for these messages from Europe. When things are carefully read, it is clear that it is easier to say that RS is to be blamed, than that there is fear from B&H, which is haven for Islamic extremists,” ends Dodik.


Stevandic meets Sattler; OHR to be turned in EU Office (Nezavisne)


RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic met with the Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler, on which occasion Stevandic stated that it is necessary to fulfil 14 key priorities as soon as possible, including closing down of the OHR, which needs to be turned into the EU Office. Stevandic said that EU office should supervise and support accession process, which would result in reducing of political tensions within B&H. He noted that the RS is democratic society, which adopts its laws in the parliament and will not allow any imposing form the outside or any interfering with its legislation process. Statement issued by the RS parliament reads that Stevandic deems that respecting of Dayton Principle of agreement of two entities and three peoples, without interfering of the international community, is the only foundation for accurate political activities within B&H. Meeting was also attended by Head of Banja Luka Regional Office Simone Guerrini and during the meeting the stance was reiterated that RS institutions, together with EU representatives, remain dedicated to EU integration of B&H. Stevandic stressed that currently this process is in the standstill because of the presence of the illegal high representative, who by imposing of his decisions, slows down the process of EU integration and acts anti-democratic and anti-European. Statement concluded that officials underline that there is a good and open communication and that there is a will to discuss all issues. Stevandic said that B&H is unjustifiably held in front of the EU doors, stressing that B&H deserved to enter the EU, as this would be good for stability of the Balkans and relations between the peoples in B&H. “Serbs who advocate peace, politically and legally advocate that this process is not halted,” said Stevandic.


Eleven parties from the left organize protest in Zagreb (HRT)


"Enough is enough! Let's go to elections," said the leaders of 11 parties on the left that held a protest at St. Mark's Square in Zagreb on Saturday. Numerous citizens gathered at the protest, and the reason for the gathering was the appointment of Ivan Turudic as the chief state attorney. In addition to opposing his appointment, calls to stay in Croatia, messages against corruption and employment with the help of party ID cards could also be heard. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that primitive and vulgar messages could be heard. Let's go to elections, enough of the Croatian Democratic Union's tyranny, lies and corruption - were also some of the messages that could be heard at the protest of 11 parties on the left at St. Mark's Square. Protesters started gathering in the square and the surrounding streets already in the morning. “This election of Turudic is a simple pigsty. That is simply not done in any democratic state,” one protestor had to say. The first to address the crowd was Sandra Bencic from the Mozemo party. “For of all of us here, and all those that wanted to come but couldn't, for all of them, don't go to Germany, don't go to Ireland, go to the polls so that only those leave, who need to leave. You are not those that need to leave, the ones that need to leave are Andrej Plenkovic and his Croatian Democratic Union, A.P. leave!” said Bencic. Split mayor and leader of the Center party, Ivica Puljak, called for the beginning of a new era in Croatia.n“In which the same laws rule, in which justness applies to all, and that is why I propose a radical but necessary measure. I propose that after the elections we introduce a law, by which every party that is convicted for corruption and crime be banned and disbanded,” said Puljak. Dalija Oreskovic from the Party with a First and Last Name also conveyed messages against the Croatian Democratic Union and corruption. “A.P. doesn't want anyone in this country to ever dare to question, report and fight anymore. And that is why I call on you to all whistle as loudly and strongly as possible to show that we still haven't been conquered,” said Oreskovic. “We must not accept and settle with being led on our knees into autocracy, into destruction and into totalitarianism,” said the president of the Social Democrats, Davorko Vidovic. The leader of the Croatian Peasant Party Kreso Beljak was particularly harsh towards Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. “This mafia boss, this Plenkushenko, this foster child, took billions from us, he took the judiciary, and wants to take Croatia from us, but we won't let him, because this is enough, enough of the Croatian Democratic Union forever. To hell with that band of thieves!,” said Beljak. The last to speak at the protest was the head of the Social Democratic Party, Pedja Grbin, who was satisfied with the turnout. “Zagreb and Croatian conveyed two messages in Zagreb today. The first is enough of corruption, enough of lies, enough of thievery, and enough of the Croatian Democratic Union. The second, perhaps more important; a better Croatia is possible and it is beginning to be created today. The protest ended and now we will talk with our colleagues who lead these 11 parties that organized today's protest, because Croatia can and must do better, and our obligation is to do everything we can for this to truly happen,” said Grbin.

The protest passed peacefully, without incident. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic commented on the protest in Zagreb saying that primitive and vulgar messages could be heard that are the fruit of President Zoran Milanović's style, which has lowered the level of political dialog. “This was a gathering of the radical left which has been in the opposition for eight years. I don't know how many of them there were, the messages were obviously vulgar and primitive, which are in essence the fruit of Milanovic's style of primitivism and savagery that lowered the culture of political dialog, which he initiated more than four years ago, and now every nobody thinks they can insult everyone with the harshest disqualifications,” said the Prime Minister. Plenkovic concluded that it was a pro-Russian gathering.


Council of the EU: Montenegro stands out in the region, managed to progress (RTCG)


Slovenia requested that an additional item on the agenda of the session of the EU Council for Foreign Affairs be a review of positive developments in Montenegro. This is stated in the document of the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, which was forwarded to the delegations of the member states. It was indicated that the Slovenian delegation will highlight the positive developments in Montenegro. "Ensuring stability in the Western Balkans remains a key focus of European foreign and security policy and strategy. Despite ongoing challenges, the EU must persist in strengthening its engagement in the region. Among the countries in the region, Montenegro stands out, which, under the current government, managed to progress in all aspects of its cooperation in the region and with the EU in a short period of time", the document states. According to reports, the Council for Foreign Affairs, chaired by High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Josep Borrell, will start today.


Milatovic with Murphy: The presence of the USA is a key factor of stability in the Western Balkans (CdM)


At the beginning of the second day of the Munich Security Conference, President Jakov Milatovic met with US Senator Chris Murphy. "During the conversation, a strong commitment to strengthening the ties between the USA and Montenegro was highlighted, with the message that the presence of the United States of America is a key factor of stability in our region", announced Milatovic's Cabinet. The president, among others, had productive meetings with the presidents of Latvia and Lithuania, as well as the special envoy of Great Britain for the Western Balkans, Stuart Peach. "At the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Hakan Fidan, it was agreed that President Milatovic will soon visit Ankara at the invitation of Turkish President Erdogan, as well as the signing of a strategic agreement on cooperation, which is a confirmation of the good relations between the two countries," the statement added. The Turkish side expressed concern over the non-extradition of their citizen Binali Camgoz, accused of serious crimes in the field of organized crime.


Spajic and Abazovic express deepest condolences to the Navalny family (CdM)


The Prime Minister of Montenegro Milojko Spajic sent his condolences to the family of the Russian opposition leader Aleksey Navalny, who died. "On my own behalf, as well as on behalf of the government of Montenegro, I express my deepest condolences to the Navalny family," Spajic wrote in a post on the X network. Navalny died in correctional colony number 3 in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District at the age of 48. He will be remembered as one of the biggest critics of the Kremlin, as well as of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Meanwhile, Dritan Abazovic, president of the Civic Movement URA said that the entire democratic world is appalled by the news of the death of Aleksey Navalny, adding that Navalny, bravely fighting for a freer, better and more solidary society, made a sacrifice for the democratization of Russia and set an example of consistency in that mission. regardless of difficult socio-political circumstances. Abazovic indicated that Montenegro, as a member of NATO and the first next member of the EU, will continue to promote Euro-Atlantic values, respecting human rights and freedoms as the greatest pledge of the modern era.


Western Balkans should be at a table with the EU, not with the right to vote, but as part of the same family (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, present at the Security Conference in Munich, discussing in the panel on "The Western Balkans and current issues, the common perspective and the future of global security in a time of challenges", said that the Western Balkans is part of the EU map, but integration with other bodies of the European family lacks. He also said that the countries of the Western Balkans should first of all accomplish own tasks, in order to be the same as other EU countries. "I think, first of all, that we should not have dates in our minds. We have been through a trauma with these dates, wedding arrangements, but the bride never came, but a letter came, which was the progress report where they told us we love you, but keep working because we are not ready. Firstly, no date, as it has to do with us bot with them. And there is no rush, we guys are not looking to get in there, but to start the membership talks, because we want to learn and negotiations are the most productive transfer of knowledge to become a functional country with functional institutions, and then we will be part [of the EU] when we are ready," said Rama. "We should not rush, but we should do our job to have our countries like theirs, and then they will decide when we will enter," he continued. Rama added that there is another side of the coin. "But something in between is what has started, the New Growth Plan, more money for us in the region and then the space to integrate into the common European market and security. We should all be together, why not be at the same table, and so on. And why not let us be everywhere in the corridors, in the European Parliament, in the Committees, in the Council, not as members with the right to vote, but as part of the same family. It's a bit like going to your fiancée’s house, they let you in, you're a member of the family, and of course you have to leave in the evening, but you come back tomorrow. That's pretty much how I see it, and there are good signs that this is changing. Then, I don't know because what is happening with Ukraine, what is happening in general is sad. It should [take place], not by us, because we have said for a long time that the entry of the Western Balkans is not enlargement. I don't have to enlarge if I want my stomach to function along with the rest of my body. I need to have this stomach function the same as the rest of the body," said Albanian Prime Minister in an analogical speech. Rama underscored that the Western Balkans is within the borders of the EU. "The European Union is the only reality in the history of geography and maps with an external border and an internal border and we are within the internal border, so they cannot get rid of us. So, we are there or we will use it to digest better, otherwise we will have then indigestion and then the body will collapse and then there comes a point when one explodes from a collapse," the Prime Minister emphasized.


Munich Security Conference, Hasani: To increase the efforts for the EU integration of the Western Balkans (Radio Tirana)


Albanian chief-diplomat, Igli Hasani, after meeting his other countries counterparts during the Munich Security Conference, said that the focus of the talks was exactly the efforts that the EU and the Western Balkans should make in the field of security, at a time when the situation is not quiet at all, from the war in Ukraine to the tensions in the Middle East. Minister Hasani said that during the discussions in the conference, it was given priority to the EU integration of the Western Balkans as a key point for stability in Europe. "At the Security Conference in Munich I met with my counterparts from Bulgaria - Mariya Gabriel, Kosovo Donika Gervalla - Schwarz, Malta - Ian Borg, Croatia - Grlic Radman, Georgia - Ilia Darchiashvili, Moldova - Mihai Popșoi, Bosnia-Herzegovina Elmedin Konakovic, Bavaria-Eric Beißëenger, German Foreign Minister Susanne Baumann, Britain's special envoy for the Western Balkans, Lord Stuart Peach and the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee in the British Parliament, Alicia Kearns. We discussed our bilateral agenda, with a focus on speeding up the European integration process of the Western Balkans and our joint efforts for security and lasting peace under the current global challenges," Hasani writes. The Munich Security Conference (MSC), the most important global meeting of politicians and security policy experts, began on February 17 with the participation of dozens of heads of state, government and ministers. Prime Minister Edi Rama was also present at this conference, who stated among others that the EU needs to increase investments in the field of security.


Peleshi to the Montenegrin counterpart: Regional cooperation is the foundation of stability (Radio Tirana)


During his stay in Munich, as part of the Munich Security Conference, Albanian Defense Minister Niko Peleshi met also his counterpart from Montenegro Dragan Krapovic. Peleshi wrote that the meeting emphasized that the regional security comes only through membership in NATO and the EU of the entire region. "With the Montenegrin counterpart Dragan Krapovic, we discussed the close cooperation between Albania and Montenegro in the field of Security and Defense," writes Peleshi. "Not only as NATO partners, but also as neighboring countries with a common vision and goal, we agreed that regional cooperation is the foundation of the stability and development of the Western Balkans," stated the Minister of Defense of Albania. "Membership in NATO and the EU is the only way to the security of all countries in the region. Cooperation and solidarity are the quintessence of our path to a safe and stable environment for all the countries of the region," Peleshi concludes his post, while sharing photos from the meeting.