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Belgrade Media Report 20 February



Serbia to keep rejecting anti-Russian sanctions despite Western pressure — Vucic (TASS/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic intends to maintain the independent policy on rejection of anti-Russian sanctions despite the colossal Western pressure, he said in an exclusive interview with TASS Director General Andrey Kondrashov. "When the conflict in Ukraine started, I said that I don’t know how the events would unfold. And then we made a decision to condemn the conflict at the state level, just like everyone else, but we said that it is our position not to impose sanctions [against Russia]. I said it back then, because we know from our own experience what it feels like when sanctions are being imposed against us. We have a friendly nation, and it would have been unfair to do so to the Russian people," Vucic pointed out. "But I have told the Serbs that I cannot guarantee that, because I don’t know what all this pressure will be like in the future. I was unwilling to play a hero for a day or two and then change my decision. But the fact that I say 'I don’t know,' and when I say 'I don’t know' - my word costs more than someone else’s firm promise," the head of state noted. "Two years have passed [since the beginning of the special military operation.] Serbia is the only European country that has not imposed any sanctions. You have many friends in all European countries, and all of them have imposed sanctions against Russia. Some would say that it is the central authority that has imposed them and that they are against them; some would say that they have imposed sanctions against you but they help you in other matters. The small Serbia is the only country that has not imposed any sanctions," Vucic underscored, adding that "sanctions against Russia are the main topic" at every international event attended by the Serbian leader. "We do not beat our breast or anything, but, as you can see, my answer will be the same in the future, that we will try to defend our position for as long as possible. We have been able to do that for two years already. I don’t know if we will keep doing that, but I hope for it," the head of state concluded. After the beginning of the special military operation, Vucic said in his address to the nation that Serbia supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but will not impose sanctions against Russia. He announced that the republic temporarily suspended all military and police exercise with foreign partners. Vucic noted that Serbia considers Russia and Ukraine brotherly nations and regrets the events in Eastern Europe. He also announced that Belgrade is ready to provide humanitarian aid to Kiev.


Vucic thanks Tokayev for Kazakhstan's stance on Serbia's territorial integrity (TanjugRTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke by phone with Kazakh President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev on Tuesday, thanking him for Kazakhstan's principled stance on the territorial integrity of Serbia and noting a joint commitment to respect the norms of international public law. The two presidents also discussed all matters of mutual importance, in particular, bilateral and economic relations, cooperation in the energy, infrastructure, military industry and agriculture sectors, as well as the current geopolitical situation, the press office of the President of Serbia said in a statement. They agreed for a joint committee on bilateral cooperation to meet as soon as possible to make more concrete the cooperation in areas of mutual importance.


Dacic: Inadmissibility of so-called Kosovo's request for CoE membership (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday in a meeting with Head of the Council of Europe Mission to Serbia Janos Babic that our country is dedicated and persistent in applying the values of this organization. Dacic congratulated Babic on taking office and expressed his satisfaction with the support that the Council of Europe has been providing to Serbia for over 20 years. He repeated our views on the inadmissibility of the so-called Kosovo's request for membership in the Council of Europe, and expressed his gratitude to all member states that showed understanding for Serbia's views. The head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade noted that the goal is to continue existing and start new projects in Serbia during his mandate, with the support of this organisation.


Brnabic: I see no victory in postponement of Belgrade city assembly session (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Monday she saw no victory in a postponement of the constitutive session of the Belgrade city assembly as the opposition had merely wasted the people's time. "Their (the opposition's) victories are always associated with losses for citizens and the people. I see no victory in the postponement of the constitutive session and the fact there was no rush to form the authorities in an important local self-government unit, or any local self-government unit. I see no victory in wasting the time of the whole city and all the people who voted for any political option," Brnabic told reporters in Nis. She said she found it incredible the only policy of the opposition and the Serbia Against Violence coalition was one of violence. "Their name is Serbia Against Violence and their only policy is violence, and they have demonstrated that in the national parliament and in the (Belgrade) city assembly," Brnabic said. She noted that opposition representatives had no plan or any idea whatsoever except blockades, chaos and violence. "I want to say again with full responsibility that we who were on the Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia Must Not Stop electoral list or the Belgrade Must Not Stop list did not steal a single vote. There was no electoral fraud," Brnabic said. She said there were several fundamental indicators that there had been no electoral fraud, including, above all, that the opposition had first "waited to see the electoral results". "When they saw that they did not win or that they do not have a majority, they started shouting 'It was a fraud!'" Brnabic said.


Fila: We have a majority in Belgrade, but didn’t want to form city government (TV Nova/Beta)


The Socialist Party of Serbia candidate for Belgrade mayor in the December elections and a famous attorney Toma Fila said today that his and the Serbian Progressive Party together “have more than 56 aldermen”, which represented a necessary majority to take control of the city, but added that they “did not want to form a government” yesterday. The constitutive session of the Belgrade City Assembly, initially scheduled for 19 February has been pushed back until 1 March, as the aldermen of the Socialists and the Progressives decided not to enter the hall leaving the body without the necessary quorum.  Fila, who is presiding over the City Assembly as the oldest alderman, told TV Nova that support to forming a new city government had been confirmed by four aldermen who had run in elections with other tickets, but he did not disclose their names.  Fila noted that “taking two aldermen from here, and two from there” would cast a shadow over a new city government, fostering suspicions that the aldermen had been bought. Fila also said that the Progressives and the Socialists, who together had 54 aldermen in the 110-seat City Assembly, wanted the entire ticket We - The Voice of the People to back a future city government as it would give it full legitimacy. “It is why the formation of a city government has been postponed for ten days for to once again try to persuade (We - The Voice of the People ticket leader Branimir) Nestorovic to provide their backing,” Fila said.


Sapic: Belgrade city assembly to be inaugurated by 3 March, if there’s no majority, new elections follow (Beta)


The head of the Belgrade Provisional Authority Aleksandar Sapic said yesterday that, if within the next ten days the Aleksandar Jerkovic – We, The Voice of the People group failed to offer "a clear stance" regarding the formation of a ruling coalition in the capital, new local elections would be called. Sapic, a Serbian Progressive Party official, said that that March 3 was the final deadline for the inauguration of the Belgrade City Assembly, and if the deadline was missed, the Serbian speaker had the right to call new local elections within 45 to 60 days. Sapic underscored that Belgrade needed a "legal, legitimate, and stable government". The outgoing mayor said that most likely, in two to three months, when a fresh election was completed, if held, political parties would "find themselves in a similar situation" and therefore, "the main question in the next campaign will be which group you will ally with".


Andjelkovic: Vucic ready to bargain to avoid international investigation (Beta)


Dragomir Andjelkovic, a political analyst, said yesterday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was ready to bargain with the opposition and EU about forming the Belgrade city government to avoid an international investigation into the irregularities of the December 2023 elections. Commenting on the postponement of the inaugural session of the City of Belgrade Assembly, Andjelkovic told Beta that Vucic would have no trouble in assembling a majority when you count the party switchers among the We - The Voice of the People councillors, but that forming an illegal majority would just double his problems. "If the [Serbian Progressive Party] were to form the city government with the party switchers from the opposition, there would be mass protests by Belgraders and a lot of pressure from abroad. Vucic is turning the formation of the city government into political theater to send a message to both the opposition and the EU that he is ready to talk about a new Belgrade election if the demand for an international investigation into the irregularities recorded at the December elections is abandoned," the analyst believes. The announcement of an international investigation demanded by the European Parliament is the greatest problem currently facing the Vucic regime, and the opposition must not accept any deals with Vucic, he believes, but organize new protests. Branimir Nestorovic, leader of the We - The Voice of Serbia ticket, yesterday said two Belgrade councillors from the ticket had gone "rogue" and said it would be good if new elections were held in the capital.


Stano: New round of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue not yet in sight (Beta)


A spokesperson for the European Commission (EC) Peter Stano said yesterday that, at this point, the EU was unable to announce a new round of top-level Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. "We don't have anything on the basis of which we could announce a high-level dialogue," he said, referring to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s statement that he expected an invitation to travel to Brussels in the following days, hoping for a solution regarding Pristina's decision to ban the use of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo. Stano responded to a request by the Beta to explain whether Vucic’s statement, in view of his talks in Munich with European High Representative Josep Borrell and Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak, could mean that a new round of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue might be expected soon. Borrell's lead spokesman also told Beta that he was unable to comment on what the Serbian president had in mind when, after the talks with Borrell and Lajcak, he said that it seemed to him "that the EU either does not have, or does not want to use any mechanisms against Pristina, which is doing everything in its power to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of Serbs".


Wang: China to continue to support Serbia in safeguarding its sovereignty (Xinhua/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Chinese FM Wang Yi says China will continue to firmly support Serbia in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. Wang said this after a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference (MSC).

This will not only consolidate the "ironclad friendship" between China and Serbia, but also "oppose separatist acts, safeguard the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and defend international equity and justice," China's Xinhua news agency quoted Wang as saying.

"China cherishes its solid friendship and mutual trust with Serbia, and stands ready to strengthen high-level exchanges and plan for future cooperation with Serbia, take China-Serbia relations to new heights, and open a new chapter of solidarity and cooperation between the two countries," he also said. "China-Serbia relations have withstood the tests of drastic international changes and forged a sincere and profound friendship," he said. "China firmly believes that President Aleksandar Vucic will lead the Serbian people to make greater achievements on the path to national development and revitalisation," said Wang, who conveyed to Vucic the greetings of Chinese President Xi Jinping. Wang said the robust Sino-Serbian cooperation was in line with "the long-term interests of both sides" and noted that a country, no matter big or small, could win reputation and respect from all parties in the international community as long as it maintained a "firm and unyielding character". In a post on Instagram, Vucic wrote Saturday's meeting with Wang had also addressed bilateral relations and economic cooperation between Serbia and China and reconfirmed the "steely friendship between the two states and peoples". "I informed him of the degree of threat to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and the worsening living conditions in Serbia's southern province," Vucic noted.




Dodik meets with Lukashenko in Minsk: Belarus is always ready to support the RS (RTRS)


At the meeting of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and the Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik held in Minsk on Monday, it was confirmed that Belarus is always ready to support the RS. Lukashenko was quoted as saying: “Only courage, perseverance and freedom can determine the future of a nation and region, and this is exactly what I see in the policy of the President of the RS, Milorad Dodik”. Reporter commented that this extremely important conversation in Minsk was an opportunity to discuss, in addition to political and geopolitical topics, economy and medicine, which are, as the reporter said, very developed in Belarus and which are made available to the citizens of the RS. Dodik pointed out to Lukashenko the complex political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Reporter added that Lukashenko understands the position of the RS and its political representatives who are suffering from the pressures of the collective West, as Lukashenko is a leader of a country that is exposed to pressure and sanctions. Dodik stated: “President Lukashenko is familiar with the details, one of the few leaders who is familiar with the details, and there is a good intention to understand and help in the specific situation. Therefore, a successful meeting. We will continue working”. Belarus will be happy to help with everything it can produce and the RS needs, Lukashenko said. What is also very important for the RS is the open political support of official Minsk, added the reporter. Lukashenko was quoted as saying: “We are carefully monitoring the situation in the Balkans. You know my attitude towards all the events that happened. Yugoslavia was broken up, you know my attitude in the most difficult times during the bombing, you also know about my relationship with B&H. We know that it is not easy for you now and only strength, unfortunately, means something today. And your power and courage mean a lot. You stand firm on the defense of the Orthodox people. We have confidence in you and also, you can count on us”. Belarus was one of the few countries that the Serb people could count on even during the bombing in the 1990s, commented the reporter. Dodik said that Lukashenko bravely came to Belgrade during the time when the Serb people were bombed in 1999 to express support to the Serb people. Dodik said they will never forget this. Dodik commented on the visit: “Here you meet friends, those who understand you, who observe the statuses in an almost identical way at the regional and global level, who are dedicated to peace and only want to live peacefully, progress and preserve their sovereignty and their freedom. And that is what we do too”. Dodik and Lukashenko agreed on the procurement of electric busses, agricultural machines, equipment and other goods produced in Belarus in the amount of USD 10 million in total. Lukashenko offered Dodik generous support of his country for the RS in the field of technology, industry, economy, agriculture and health. He thanked Dodik for the RS’ support and the fact that B&H has not supported imposing of sanctions on Belarus owing to the RS’ firm stance. Lukashenko said that he is aware of the RS’ consistent policy and stance in B&H and that Dodik is the one who has built such reputation. Dodik stated after the meeting with Lukashenko that the meeting has been anticipated for a long time with a wish to confirm gratitude for Lukashenko’s understanding for the Serb people, adding that Lukashenko is one of the rare leaders who fully understands the situation on the global plans and in the Western Balkan region and he has good intention to help the RS. According to Dodik, Lukashenko is “a living legend on the political stage who can witness today difficult times the Serb, Russian and Belarus peoples went through.” He noted that the RS and Belarus have continuous friendly relations and cooperation that will be continued.


Dodik meets Golovchenko in Minsk; Golovchenko announces Belarus will assist development of RS (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik met with Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko in Minsk on Monday. “In these difficult times, we have an excellent cooperation. You came to Belarus at the helm of a very representative delegation, and this speaks volumes about your interest to cooperate with us”, Golovchenko said during the meeting. Golovchenko pointed out that Belarus is willing to assist development of RS. “We already have concrete directions for our possible cooperation. It is agricultural equipment, and we will make those deliveries despite of difficulties in logistics”, Golovchenko said. Golovchenko also stated that this visit represents a new encouragement for development of relations. “We know very well how much attention you are paying to development of economy of the RS. We can say that you are achieving very good results despite of cataclysms in the European continent. Of course, Belarus as a country with powerful industry is willing to give its contribution to your development”, Golovchenko said and added that Belarus is aware of the fact that B&H did not impose sanctions against Belarus thanks to the RS. Dodik also met with Belarussian Foreign Minister Sergey Aleinik on in Minsk on Sunday evening. They confirmed that it is a joint interest to intensify a whole set of bilateral relations. The talked about intensifying of cooperation in various areas, including industry, education, healthcare sector, science, technology etc. The focus of the meeting was on the international agenda, including regional security.


Vukanovic: By meeting with Lukashenko and lower-level officials, Dodik is attempting to show that all doors, in the East and the West are still open to him (Nova BH)


Leader of the list ‘For Justice and Order’ Nebojsa Vukanovic stated that RS President Milorad Dodik’s visit to Belarus has a hidden motive, adding that it is interesting Dodik still has not met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Vukanovic emphasized that Dodik is not as welcome to Russia as he used to be since he joined the EU policy and sanctions it has been imposing against Russia. He described Dodik’s relations with Moscow as cold. He went on to saying that by meeting with Lukashenko and lower-level officials, Dodik is attempting to show that all doors, in the East and the West are still open to him. Reporter noted that many European officials have been warning that B&H cannot be sitting on two chairs if it wants progress in process of the EU integration.


Zvizdic: Dodik's visit to Belarus is latest example of paradox in which one is standing up for European values, while at same time visiting president who rules his country in anti-democratic way (BHT1)


BHT1 reports that the visit of the RS delegation to Belarus, especially the meeting between President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and RS President Milorad Dodik in Minsk, attracted the attention of the public. BHT1 noted that the visit of the RS delegation to Belarus caused reactions of B&H MPs, who consider this visit to be a complete paradox at the time when one is talking about B&H and its European path. Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic pointed out that Dodik's visit to Belarus is the latest example of a paradox in which one is standing up for European values, while at the same time visiting a president who rules his country in an undemocratic way. “Mr. Dodik is a fan of such autocratic regimes. He announced that he will go to the Kremlin after Lukashenko, and it is from Minsk that he informs us on a daily basis that he is the biggest supporter of the EU integration, while making economic and other cooperation with a man who is one of the big supporters of what is currently happening in Ukraine,” Zvizdic said.


Konakovic: President Erdogan is true friend of B&H (Anadolu/Slobodna Bosna)


B&H Foreign Minister (FM) Elmedin Konakovic stated in an interview with Anadolu news agency that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a true friend of B&H. Konakovic said he believes that ‘we’ have completely opened the door for the EU integration in last several months, which are at this moment very important for B&H. “That is why the EU is discussing all six countries from the Balkans as potential members, future EU members, so it will be the main priority”, said Konakovic. Answering questions regarding relations between B&H and Turkey, Konakovic underlined that Turkey is one of most important partners of B&H, in terms of the foreign policy. “We have excellent relations. Without open issues that we need to resolve (…) We see Turkey as really important, not just partner, we see Turkey as our friend”, said Konakovic. Asked to comment on his relation with RS President Milorad Dodik, Konakovic replied by saying that Dodik is the RS President and that any form of dialogue can help, especially now when somebody should soften up relations among people in B&H “because we still remember some open wounds from the last war”. Konakovic stressed that Turkey is an important partner for the whole region. He added: “I believe that Turkish authorities, Turkey and especially President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are true friends of B&H and such sort of communication with all legal representatives can be helpful, especially, perhaps, in the field of the NATO integration that all of us in B&H view in the same way. For this reason, I consider Turkey an important partner for the whole region of the Western Balkans, and especially for B&H.” Konakovic also said that there also are good relations between Serbia and Turkey and that Turkey invests a lot in Serbia. He concluded: “We consider Turkey our friend. I believe that their relations with all Western Balkans countries can be helpful, and they can help stabilization of all situations in the Western Balkans.” Konakovic argues that the EU has changed its own approach in regard to the EU enlargement, noting that this, unfortunately, happened after the aggression against Ukraine. He added: “They have realized that security and stability of this region, as well as of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, are really important for the EU. This illustrates how important the EU is for us in terms of economy, and it means that this is the main priority in terms of B&H foreign policy. Now we are in the middle of adoption of some important laws. We have to use a chance to become a full EU member, to integrate our market in a unified European market, which is probably the only chance for our economy to be more developed and much stronger.”


Munich Security Conference: HR Schmidt underlines necessity for B&H to prioritize its Euro-Atlantic integration efforts (BHRT)


BHRT carried a statement issued by the OHR, which reads that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt emphasized the critical importance of B&H’s reform-oriented engagement with the European Union during his participation at the Munich Security Conference. HR Schmidt underlined the necessity for B&H to prioritize its Euro-Atlantic integration efforts to foster stability, security, and progress in the country and the region. Participating in the Conference, HR Schmidt engaged in discussions on advancing the reform processes in B&H. In this context, he met with foreign ministers of EU member states and transatlantic partners, senior EU and NATO officials, Commander of the Allied Joint Force Command Naples Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, and UK Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Sir Stuart Peach. “Engagement on Euro-Atlantic integration is crucial for B&H’s future,” stated HR Schmidt. “It is essential for the country to actively pursue reforms and strengthen its ties with the EU to ensure stability and prosperity for its citizens”, the HR added. HR Schmidt highlighted that ensuring electoral integrity is essential for creating a stable and secure political environment conducive for further development and progress of the country. “Election integrity is fundamental for building trust and confidence in the political system. This needs to be done soon so that the improved rules can be effective already for the Municipal Elections in October 2024,” concluded High Representative Schmidt.


Kristo to meet with EU GAC members in Brussels (BHRT/Nova BH)


BHRT reports that the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) has issued a statement, announcing that CoM Chairwoman Borjana Kristo will meet members of the EU General Affairs Council (GAC) in Brussels on Tuesday. The meeting will be hosted by European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi and Austrian Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution Karolina Edstadler. After meeting with the GAC members, Kristo will have a bilateral meeting with Commissioner Varhelyi. Nova BH reports that these meetings take place in a period when B&H works on reforms necessary to get green light from Brussels for opening of EU accession negotiations.


Konakovic meets with B&H EU Ambassadors to discuss lobbying for opening of accession negotiations between B&H and EU (Dnevni avaz)


B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic held an online meeting on Monday with B&H ambassadors in EU member states and Head of B&H Mission to the EU to discuss lobbying for opening of accession negotiations between B&H and EU. The ambassadors informed Konakovic about their activities regarding lobbying, advocacy and promotion of information about B&H's progress on the EU path in the member states of the Union. Konakovic emphasized that this is the last round of talks on the very important European path for B&H, ahead of the March Report of the European Commission, in which the progress achieved by B&H should be recognized, followed by a recommendation to the European Council to make the decision on the opening of accession negotiations with B&H. He expressed the hope that in the upcoming weeks, all activities will be focused on the long-awaited goal in the process of European integration. Konakovic informed the ambassadors about his meetings at the highest political level with the ministers of foreign affairs of the EU member states and the President of the European Commission, and instructed the ambassadors to make additional efforts in the host countries so that the position of the European Council in March would be positive for B&H.


Dodik: I have strong impression that coalition partners in the FB&H will lose this chance of B&H on the EU path; This time, RS will not take role of culprit (ATV)


RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said in his interview to ATV that the EU is no longer a privilege, and the RS should think about what could be a new economic concept, stressing that through various systems the EU has enslaved the RS because it has bought its banks and thus started controlling the economic system. Dodik added that banks have given loans to domestic brokers to buy cheap the RS companies. Speaking about the current political situation in B&H, Dodik stated that B&H might be ahead of the last chance to become a normal democratic country. He noted that he has strong impression that the coalition partners in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) will lose this chance of B&H on the EU path, stressing that this time the RS will not take a role of a culprit. Dodik warned that there are continuous pressures on the RS, reminding that even in a situation when none of the laws from the EU agenda was not passed without support of the parties gathered around the SNSD-led ruling coalition in the RS – “there are still accusations that we failed to do something”.


Kovacevic: If Schmidt imposes changes to B&H Election Law, RS will immediately pass its own Election Law (RTRS)


According to the Serb delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Radovan Kovacevic, if the German citizen, as Kovacevic said, Christian Schmidt (High Representative to B&H) imposes changes to the B&H Election Law, RS will immediately pass its own election law. Kovacevic emphasized that the imposition of the Election Law would mean the end of the European path of B&H. He also said that the parties that make up the authorities at the B&H level are looking for a solution to the Election Law and they believe that a solution will be reached very quickly that will be good for everyone in the RS and the FB&H. Kovacevic stated: “If someone now wants to bring B&H to a situation where it is no longer possible to hold elections in B&H, then they should support Christian Schmidt so that he imposes any solutions. We believe that B&H, in which an unelected foreigner without any mandate can impose any laws, is not a B&H that can go towards the EU, that can go towards anything other than its own disappearance”.


Session of HNS Presidency in Mostar; HNS calls on political leaders for dialogue and compromise (FTV)


The eighth session of the Presidency of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) was held in Mostar on Monday, where the current political situation in B&H, activities related to changes in electoral legislation and the opening of the negotiation process with the EU were discussed. HNS officials called on political leaders for dialogue and compromise, as well as respect for the constitutional architecture of B&H and the rights of the three constituent peoples, adding that the cooperation of legitimate representatives of all three peoples is a prerequisite for all decisions that will enable the opening of negotiations with the EU in March. The expectation was expressed that political leaders would reach an agreement as soon as possible and the remaining reform laws would be adopted, which will help B&H to open negotiations with the EU in March. HNS officials emphasized that the adoption of the Law on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism, at the B&H House of Peoples on February 16, was an important step towards a European B&H, adding that Croat officials played a key role in the process. The adoption of amendments to the B&H Election Law was highlighted as key, by the HNS leadership, as it would stabilize the internal political dialogue and restore mutual trust, primarily in the FB&H, which was damaged by the destructive practice of over-voting the Croat people. “By rejecting constructive and constitutionally based solutions under the guise of urgently needed constitutional changes, the resolution of one of the most important internal issues is being postponed and avoided,” said the HNS leadership.


Covic says issue of Election Law of B&H is priority in terms of B&H’s European path, Bosniak people must be discouraged from voting for Croat member of B&H Presidency (


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic was a guest of the podcast, on which occasion he said that it is necessary to change the Election Law of B&H in order to discourage the Bosniak people to vote for a member of B&H Presidency from ranks of the Croat people. Covic added that the issue of the Election Law of B&H is the priority in terms of B&H’s European path, and he reminded that this was already agreed upon in past. “We said six months after the formation of the authorities. I think it is high time. What we are asking for is the bare minimum. It is necessary to somewhat eliminate desire of the more numerous people to elect or vote for the Croat member of the Presidency in 2026. This is a very symbolic change. It is three amendments on how to discourage the Bosniak people to deliberately vote for the Croat member of B&H Presidency. Anyone normal would accept this”, Covic added. Covic argued that the status quo is still the most favourable option for Bosniaks in the FB&H both when it comes to the Constitutional Court (CC) and Election Law: “It was also in terms of this law on anti-money laundering, but we somehow completed it in the House of Peoples. I believe we will complete this too in the last week”.


Eleven riotous revolutionaries insulted the Prime Minister and the Croatian Democratic Union (HRT)


The Croatian parliament speaker Gordan Jandrokovic on Monday called the protest of opposition parties on St. Mark’s Square two days ago a pro-Russian rally, where "eleven riotous revolutionaries insulted the prime minister and the governing party". “On Saturday, we heard eleven riotous revolutionaries who insulted, spoke angrily, and made serious insults at the expense of the governing majority, the Prime Minister and the Croatian Democratic Union, now the other side will be heard,” Gordan Jandroković told the media ahead of the session of the wider Croatian Democratic Union presidency, commenting on Saturday's protest on St. Mark's Square. Jandrokovic agreed with Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic that it was a pro-Russian rally. “There were people there like Katarina Peovic, who openly speaks against the West, the NATO alliance, against private property. I find it interesting that you don't ask Zurovec and Nadji, who strongly support private ownership and private initiative, how they see themselves in cooperation with such a retrograde politician,” he said. “As for parliamentary elections, they will be announced "when the time comes,” said Jandrokovic.


Croatia’s FM: Putin must show readiness for dialogue for war in Ukraine to end (Hina)


We want to avoid a war with Russia, but it is difficult to say until when the conflict in Ukraine will last before we see signs of Russia's withdrawal and readiness for a compromise, Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said on Sunday. “War must be avoided, we are all working on that. We must not allow an escalation,” Grlic Radman told reporters at a security conference in Munich. “Until we see signs of Russia’s withdrawal, of its readiness for dialogue and a compromise, it is difficult to say how long this will last. We must work on bringing the conflict to an end, so Putin finally realises aggression is not the path to peace,” said the minister. Grlic Radman believes NATO and the EU should strengthen their defence capacity and be ready for any type of crisis. “Now everything is at stake because of Russia which did not have any reason to launch aggression against a sovereign country,” said Grlic Radman, adding that the West should build partnership with China, which continues to have good relations with Moscow two years since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “If the adversary is an economic one, it should not cause new divisions. We need as many allies as possible in the fight against the Russian aggression,” said Grlic Radman.


Spajic – O’Brien: Montenegro is future Europe’s Singapore (CdM)


The strategic and economic partnership with the United States is of great importance for the desired development of the economy of Montenegro. This is the message from the meeting between Prime Minister Milojko Spajic and US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien. The economic dialogues, which started today, as promised, will contribute to the intensification of cooperation and a greater number of investments from the USA. “For Montenegro, this is one of the key moments, when we begin to fulfil our promise that Montenegro will be the Singapore of Europe. The focus was on the economy and that was the main topic of our meeting. Montenegro without the American economy, which amounts to 25 trillion euros, can hardly fulfil all these ambitious goals that we have set for ourselves. These talks are the beginning after which we expect American companies to be much more interested in investments”, said Spajic. According to him, the Growth Plan is one of the most important things for Montenegro, which was presented this year, because through economic integration, our market will grow from €500,000 to a market of half a billion. “This is a message to investors as well. We have prepared a large number of reforms that we will implement in order to get closer to the single European market. It is closely watched by Washington, as well as our European path. I presented our plans about having another Inter-governmental Conference during the Belgian Presidency of the EU, with which we will open the possibility to close chapters this year”, Spajic added. The first step towards that goal could be membership in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), followed by numerous reforms that are being prepared to remove business barriers. The US Assistant Secretary of State also emphasized the importance of the Growth Plan in terms of strengthening the interest of investors from the United States of America, stressing that economic meetings were very important in showing Montenegrin potential. He apostrophized that Montenegro would have great support from the United States on the EU path and that it was important to end that process effectively. During the meeting, there was talk about the planned pace of road infrastructure development, the possibilities of the Port of Bar and the need to improve Montenegrin airports. It was concluded that there was a lot of room for much better cooperation in the field of tourism.


Spajic: We want BS in government, I’m convinced no one will have anything against it (CdM)


Prime Minister Milojko Spajic has said that he does not know why anyone would have anything against the entry of the Bosniak Party (BS) into the government. “I think that the Bosniak Party is one of the largest, if not the largest, representative of the Bosniak people in Montenegro. I said that a long time ago, I always see them as partners and as someone we definitely want involved in all decision-making levers”, Spajic has told reporters at the Villa Gorica, after a meeting with the United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O’Brien. Even today, he adds, we have people from BS in the system. “We didn’t want to replace them, we wanted to cooperate with them as deeply as possible. I am convinced that no one will have anything against it, I don’t know why anyone would”, Spajic has said. He has also announced that the ambassadors will be appointed very soon in consultation with President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic.


Vucurovic: ZBCG has nothing against entry of BS into Government (Gradska TV)


The For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) coalition has nothing against the Bosniak Party (BS) being part of the government, NSD MP Jovan Vucurovic has told Gradska TV. The government reshuffle, which will include the parties of the former DF, as stated by Vucurovic, will most likely take place in two phases. “May and September, or June and September”. ZBCG finds it most important for NSD and DNP to be part of the government”, Vucurovic has pointed out. Speaking about the strike of education workers, Vucurovic has stressed that he expects an agreement between the Trade Union and the government. He has added that ZBCG urges them to sit at the table and come to an agreement. The increase in food prices, Vucurovic has emphasized, is not accompanied by an increase in salaries. He says that the ZBCG coalition, when it enters the government, will try to deal with “rampant prices”.


Nenezic- Gerasimenko: Bar extends a hand of solidarity to Ukraine, launched initiatives to support the Ukrainian diaspora and refugees (CdM)


The President of the Municipal Assembly of Bar and a member of the Montenegrin parliament Branislav Nenezic met with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Montenegro Oleg Gerasimenko during his official visit to the Embassy of Ukraine in Montenegro, which had additional significance because it was held on the second anniversary of the beginning of the war that affected Ukraine. it was announced from the Municipality of Bar. "During the constructive and substantive meeting, solidarity and support for the people of Ukraine in their struggle to preserve territorial integrity was emphasized. "And in addition, the possibilities of a model of support for the Ukrainian diaspora located in Bar were also considered," the announcement states. One of the key topics was, as pointed out, the possibility of starting weekend schools in the mother tongue for children from the Ukrainian diaspora. Nenezic and Gerasimenko emphasized the important role that citizens and the municipality of Bar play in providing various types of support to refugees from Ukraine, confirming their commitment to humanitarian aid and solidarity. "Also, they discussed the economic and tourist potential of Bar, highlighting it as an interesting and attractive destination that can contribute to strengthening the ties between the two countries. Various forms of cooperation and support at all levels were the focus of the discussion, exploring ways in which the Bar can continue to provide support to Ukraine," the statement said. The meeting also discussed the importance of international cooperation and exchange of experiences in the fields of education, culture, tourism and economy. The need to strengthen economic ties, especially in the tourism, agriculture and technology sectors, was emphasized, which could result in joint projects and investments that would benefit both countries. Gerasimenko gave full support to Montenegro on its way to the EU. The interlocutors expressed the hope that such meetings will contribute to the deepening of friendship and cooperation between Montenegro and Ukraine, and that the initiatives launched during this visit will be implemented in the near future, bringing concrete benefits for the citizens of both nations. "Nenezic, as a sign of good will and desire to strengthen ties, sent an official invitation to Oleg Gerasimenko to visit Bar, emphasizing the openness and readiness of this municipality for further cooperation and assistance," the announcement concludes.


Avramovska Madikj – Malenica: Croatia to aid North Macedonia’s Euro-integration path (MIA)


Croatia is a good example to follow in terms of the fulfilment of specific obligations in the judiciary important for the country’s accession in the EU, concluded Deputy Minister of Justice Viktorija Avramovska-Madikj and the Croatian Minister of Justice and Public Administration, Ivan Malenica, at a bilateral meeting Monday in Zagreb. According to a press release from the Justice Ministry, Avramovska-Madikj and Malenica reaffirmed the fact that Croatia will aid the country’s Euro-integration path. “Chapter 23 is one of the most extensive and complex chapters, while the pace and duration of negotiations in this area directly impacts the progress of the negotiating process. The dialogue between the two countries will continue with the goal of finding solutions based on the European values,” said the Ministry in the press release. In Zagreb, the Deputy Minister of Justice also held a meeting with the Moldovan Justice Minister, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, during which they discussed the European path that lies ahead of the two countries. According to the press release, Moldova and North Macedonia will intensify their mutual cooperation and exchange experiences in the field of judiciary in order to ensure swifter EU accessions. “Madikj invited Moraru to pay an official visit to the Ministry and hold a joint workshop alongside representatives of the two ministries, during which they would exchange experiences,” said the Justice Ministry in the press release.


Marichikj – Verola: Italian support for North Macedonia’s progress on EU path (MIA)


North Macedonia is continuing its commitment to European integration, with significant progress after the successful realization of the screening process, motivated by the Growth Plan as a strategy aimed at accelerating economic convergence with the EU countries, concluded Deputy Prime Minister for European affairs Bojan Marichikj and the Director General for Europe and International Trade Policy at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Nicola Verola, at a meeting Monday, according to press release from the Secretariat for European Affairs. At the meeting, Marichikj highlighted the importance of regional cooperation with the Western Balkans for successful strategic planning of the Growth Plan and implementation of reforms in the country. “For us, it is important that we stay on the European course considering the momentum that we have and which the EU offers as an opportunity,” said Marichikj. Verola underscored Italy’s support for North Macedonia’s progress on the path to the EU, noting the positive signals sent by Italy within the EU over the country and the Western Balkans, so that they can become a part of the European family, said the Secretariat. “Both sides agreed that this opportunity is a real and attainable goal for North Macedonia to become a full-fledged member of the EU. The importance of using the opportunity was highlighted at the meeting, in view of the benefits that the country would receive by becoming a part of the Union,” said the Secretariat. At the meeting, Marichikj affirmed the significance of the long-standing cooperation between the two countries and voice gratitude to Italy for its support for North Macedonia’s EU accession. The meeting was also attended by Andrea Cascone, representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy, alongside the Italian Ambassador to North Macedonia, Andrea Silvestri and Mario De Rosa, the charge d’affaires at the Embassy.


OSCE, a comprehensive support for the Constitutional Court of Albania (Radio Tirana)


The OSCE presence in Tirana expresses its commitment to a comprehensive support for the Albanian Constitutional Court. The President of the Constitutional Court Holta Zacaj received in an official meeting in the premises of this court, the acting head of the OSCE Presence in Albania Clarisse Pasztory, who was accompanied by Cailean Maclean, head of the Legal Office and Luljeta Krasniqi, the local Legal Advisor. Zacaj thanked the OSCE for the cooperation, noting that one of the most recent and successful achievements of this cooperation is the drafting of the Guide for the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court, a document that aims to increase transparency and accessibility in constitutional Justice, as well as jurisprudential consistency in the judicial decision-making of the Constitutional Court, in order to strengthen the rule of law and the protection of human rights and freedoms in Albania. In the announcement of the Constitutional Court, it is stated that both parties pointed out the organization of the activity for the presentation of this guide on February 21, 2024, as this document will serve not only the Constitutional Court, but also lawyers, legal practitioners and law scholars to effectively recognize and refer to the jurisprudence of this court. On the other hand, Pasztory expressed the commitment to the continuation of this cooperation and the readiness of her contribution for an even more comprehensive support for the Constitutional Court of Albania.