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Belgrade Media Report 23 February 2024


Stano: Lajcak invited Belgrade and Pristina to a meeting on February 27, Bisljimi's behaviour is unacceptable (RTS)

European Commission spokesman Peter Stano confirmed that the EU's special envoy for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak invited Belgrade and Pristina to a meeting on February 27 in Brussels to discuss Pristina's decree on the abolition of the dinar. He called the behaviour of Pristina's chief negotiator Besnik Bisljimi "unacceptable" after the accusations he made against Lajcak.


High Representative Josep Borrell met in Munich last week with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Aljbin Kurti, with whom he discussed the abolition of the dinar in Kosovo, Peter Stano announced. "As a result of the meeting, special envoy Miroslav Lajcak invited the two parties to come to Brussels on February 27," Stano said. He noted that Lajcak's invitation letter did not specify who should represent Belgrade and Pristina at the meeting and stated that it was left to the parties to decide on that. "In other words, the EU is trying to help find a solution to a problem that was created by an uncoordinated decision of one party, which was not communicated to the affected population in advance," Stano pointed out.


Stano also responded to Besnik Bisljimi's accusations directed at Lajcak that he violates the principles he set himself, according to which no topic in the dialogue can be on the agenda without prior agreement between the two parties. "We hope that Mr. Bisljimi will appreciate the efforts instead of unfairly accusing EU officials. Such behaviour is unacceptable," Stano said in a written statement.

"The decision on the dinar seriously affected the Kosovo Serbs and other communities"


He reminded that the decision of the so-called CBK has seriously influenced the Kosovo Serbs and other communities throughout Kosovo and Metohija, especially the financial support they receive from Serbia. "The absence of previous consultations means that at this moment there is no alternative, and that this decision has a particularly negative effect on schools and hospitals," warned Stano. He reminded that the EU and its member states were very clear in their reaction to that counterproductive decision and that the issue should be dealt with within the dialogue. He reiterated that the dialogue is the only platform for finding comprehensive and sustainable solutions for issues between Belgrade and Pristina. "The EU, its member states and other international partners have repeated this on countless occasions. The non-constructive attitude of the Kosovo authorities, failure and lack of engagement only further distance Kosovo from its European perspective," Stano pointed out.


Lajcak in Rome about the latest events in Kosovo and the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina (RTS)

The EU special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, announced that he had a series of meetings with Italian officials in Rome about the latest developments in the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, broader regional issues and next steps in the coming months. In a post on Facebook, Miroslav Lajcak stated that yesterday he spoke with the Italian Prime Minister's diplomatic advisor Fabrizio Saggio, the Deputy Secretary General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Carlo Lo Cascio and the Director for the Adriatic and the Balkans Andrea Cascone and announced that today he will discuss the matter with the political leadership of Malta.


"I am grateful for Italy's continued support and close coordination in our joint efforts. I will head from Rome to Malta for another series of important consultations," said Lajcak.


He recalled that earlier this week in Brussels, he exchanged new information about the situation in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Dora Bakoyannis, adding that the "most intense" part of last week was the Munich Security Conference. "I participated in several events focused on the Western Balkans, including a public panel discussion on the future of the Western Balkans, where I highlighted the urgent need for normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia," Lajcak wrote. According to him, the normalization of relations is fundamental for the stability of the region, economic development and progress towards the European Union. The situation in Kosovo and Metohija further worsened after the decree adopted by Pristina's central bank entered into force on February 1, according to which the only currency in which cash payments can be made is the euro, which means a ban on dinars.


Starovic: The situation in Kosovo is very complex, it is high time for the international community to react (RTS)

The situation with the dinar in Kosovo is very complicated and serious and requires an urgent reaction from the international community, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense Nemanja Starovic told RTS, stressing that it is necessary to do so in the days ahead. We see harsh rhetoric from the EU, and especially from the USA, but it is high time that that rhetoric be accompanied by concrete punitive measures and finding ad hoc mechanisms to prevent a humanitarian disaster and enable the distribution of earnings, says Starovic.


The Post Office and Postanska stedionica pay citizens in the north of Kosovo and Metohija money from their stocks, but up to 10,000 dinars. For many of them, it is their only income. State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense Nemanja Starovic told RTS that the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is very complicated, complex and serious and that it requires a very urgent reaction from the international community.


"I mean, above all, of course, the European Union, but also the USA. It is completely clear to everyone today that this is another in a series of unilateral measures. In this particular case, it seems to me to be the most serious in terms of the consequences they cause since in 1999 and 2004," said Starovic. He assessed that the measures have a double goal - to make normal life impossible for the entire Serbian community and to shut down all institutions and institutions that are important for normal daily life and which should represent the basis of the Community of Serbian Municipalities that should be formed. "It is high time for a reaction, because we are no longer talking about months or weeks, but literally about the days that are ahead of us, in order to stop this and to enable the payment of those necessary entitlements, necessary for ordinary people, if you want, the biological survival of our compatriots," said Starovic. He added that they are no longer counting on any political will of Pristina and that they have adopted the pattern of implementing unilateral measures, but that Belgrade expects the measures of the international community.


Starovic also stated that he does not believe that the solution to this problem will be found in the dialogue process between Belgrade and Pristina. "I really believe that unilateral measures must be answered with unilateral measures. I am not talking about Serbia's unilateral measures, because we, the Republic of Serbia, do not have that mechanism of influence on the ground, but the EU and the USA certainly do. We must properly understand what is actually happening "These measures, the attempt to ban, circulate and use the Serbian currency in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, are taken without any existing legal framework," Starovic pointed out.


He stated that they are in direct opposition to the principles of the Ahtisaari plan, which Pristina applies unilaterally, but also to the Brussels and Ohrid agreements. "We see, at least at the level of a very harsh rhetoric from the direction of the EU, especially from the direction of the USA, that we have serious condemnations of these measures. But I repeat, it is high time that this harsh rhetoric is accompanied by concrete punitive measures, on the one hand, and then by finding some kind of realistic ad hoc mechanisms that would prevent a humanitarian disaster and enable the distribution of wages, social assistance and everything," emphasized Nemanja Starovic.


He also referred to the role of KFOR. "Personally, I believe that there is always a KFOR mission in the last instance on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, that their responsibilities are clear, that they cannot stand aside and passively observe the humanitarian disaster unfolding before their eyes, and in the end, they can be the ones who will ensure the distribution of the dinar currency and the operation of the Post Office and Postanska Stedionica," said Starovic.


Speaking about Lajcak's invitation to Brussels on February 27, Starovic said that the holding of that meeting is under a big question mark and that Besnik Bisljimi does not want to discuss the dinar issue at all. "Of course, we will try to use this opportunity to appeal to the European mediators, to the international community as a whole, to urgently, I repeat, we are talking about days, not weeks and months, find certain practical solutions, but as I told them a few minutes ago, I am personally very sceptical that a solution to this very serious problem can be found in that format of the Brussels dialogue, because it did not even arise from the dialogue process," said Starovic.


Protest of healthcare workers in Gracanica due to the ban on the use of dinars (RTS)

As a sign of protest because the decision of the central bank of Pristina from February 1 prevented the circulation of dinars in Kosovo and Metohija, several hundred health workers from central Kosovo protested in Gracanica.


The decision of the government in Pristina to ban the use of dinars in Kosovo and Metohija affects all institutions financed by the Republic of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija, especially health care institutions, and the endangered work of health care institutions is a direct blow to the citizens, it was said at the protest meeting. "We do not engage in any illegal activities, but we provide health care to all patients regardless of nationality, which is our imperative and we have not left anyone without it. Pristina's decision to ban the use of dinars affects not only us, but also our patients and all citizens" said the doctor of the Health Center in Gracnica, Dalibor Stojanovic. Emphasizing that Pristina's decision to ban the use of dinars endangers the existence and survival of Serbs in these areas, Dr Zorica Jovanic appealed for reason and called on the international community to react. "This is a subtle game of the big ones, and we can't do anything, but let's sit down and agree on what we should do to each other in order to continue living in peace," Jovanic said. Workers of health centers and clinics, as well as hospitals in Gracanica and Laplje Selo, tried to withdraw their salaries at the ATM in front of the Post Office in that place, but again there was no money.


KFOR: We are committed to the efforts of the international community for permanent security in Kosovo (RTS)

KFOR is committed to the efforts of the international community for permanent security throughout Kosovo and Metohija and the region, said the commander of the peacekeeping mission of NATO forces in Kosovo, Major General Ozkan Ulutas, at a meeting with representatives of the EU, member states of the Union and EULEX.


At the meeting of KFOR with the head of the EU Office in Pristina, Tomas Szunyog, the ambassadors of the EU member states and the head of EULEX, Major General Giovanni Pietro Barbano, opinions were exchanged on several topics. "Including KFOR's activities, KFOR's cooperation with the Kosovo Police and EULEX and its ongoing security efforts in support of the EU-mediated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina," stated KFOR's statement on Facebook on the occasion of the meeting.


Ulutas emphasized the unwavering commitment of KFOR to support all efforts of the international community for stability and security in Kosovo and for peace in the region.

"KFOR continues to implement its mandate, based on the Security Council Resolution, to provide a safe environment for all communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement, at any time and in an impartial manner," announced the NATO mission in the province.


Defense Minister says Serbia holds cooperation with the U.S. in high regard (Beta)

In a meeting with representatives of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Belgrade on Feb. 22, Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said that Belgrade highly appreciated cooperation with the U.S., according to a release from his office. Vucevic also said that further development of bilateral military cooperation with the U.S. was continuing, adding that partnership relations with all relevant international factors were being built, while taking into account Serbia’s national interests, says the release. The minister stressed that Serbia remained “a responsible and credible” partner, and reiterated that, in line with its clear political orientation, it would preserve its military neutrality. Vucevic also said that Serbia was principled in advocating the sovereignty of every country and was committed to the principles of territorial integrity and political independence.

Ukrainian Ambassador: Society in Serbia not capable of objectively looking at war in Ukraine due to Russian propaganda (Beta)


Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Volodymyr Tolkach said on Feb. 22 that Serbian society was incapable of objectively viewing all the aspects of the war in Ukraine because it was being subjected to Russian propaganda. "Unfortunately, I can say that today we have the

problem of information wars. Society in Serbia cannot objectively see the entire tragedy of what is happening in Ukraine, because there is a lot of Russian propaganda in your country. The Russians are spreading disinformation, but the local media are reporting it. In that sense, the citizens of Serbia have a different picture of what is really happening on the ground," Tolkach told the Voice of America in an interview. He added that, even so, there had been progress and that he hoped that the Serbian Cabinet would take a step "in the right direction" with regard to potentially introducing sanctions against Russia, whereby Serbia would be helping not just Ukraine, but all of Europe. The ambassador reiterated that his country needed help "from the entire democratic world" in the form of tanks, weapons and ammunition to preserve the lives of its soldiers. He also called on citizens to attend a Solidarity March in Pionirski Park in Belgrade at 1 p.m. on Feb. 24.


The movement We - the Voice of the People fell apart: Nestorovic made a decision (B92)

Yesterday, February 20, Branimir Nestorovic and Aleksandar Pavic demonstratively left the movement "We – the Voice of the People". As stated in the announcement, they left the movement after certain misunderstandings among the members of the leadership. We quote the announcement in its entirety:


"During the transformation process of the movement 'We, the Voice of the People', certain misunderstandings occurred within the leadership, the group of seven founders, and Dr. Branimir Nestorovic and Aleksandar Pavic demonstratively left the We - Voice of the People Movement yesterday, on February 20, 2024 In the shadow of misunderstandings and insinuations against some of the founders, Dr Branimir Nestorovic then ultimately demanded that he be the president of that party, even though it was agreed to remain with the original principle of collective leadership consisting of seven founders. At the vote, that ultimatum of Dr Nestorovic was not supported by the majority of the founders, and he then demonstratively left the Movement, followed by Aleksandar Pavic.


The movement, however, continues with its planned work and transformation into a political party. It will be managed by the Council of the Movement, which consists of five founders, Prof. Sinisa Ljepojevic. Dr Mitar Kovac, Prof. Dr Jovan Janjic, Branko Pavlovic and Dragan Stanojevic, Therefore, in the work of the Movement, everything remains as before, and the planned goals are achieved. In other words, the attempt to break the movement failed and the work continues without those who tried to break it. Time will show what were the real motives and goals of breaking the Movement".



Bosnia and Herzegovina


EU Delegation on Dodik’s meeting with Putin: Maintaining close ties with Russia and Belarus is incompatible with the European path (Oslobodjenje)

In a statement for ‘Oslobodjenje’, the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) commented Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik’s visit to Russia and his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Russia's unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine, carried out with the support of Belarus, represents a gross violation of international law and fundamental human values, and threatens European and global security and stability. Two years of ab illegal, unjustified, full-scale invasion of Ukraine caused enormous suffering, first of all to those killed, wounded and traumatized in Ukraine, but also to people around the world, including B&H, due to rising food and energy prices and increased global instability. The regimes of Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko are not only a threat to stability and peace in the entire world, but also to the security and freedom of their own citizens, and the recent, shocking deaths of political prisoners Alexei Navalny in Russia and Ihar Lednik in Belarus have indicated the rise of systemic repression in those countries. The European Union has agreed 13 sweeping, unprecedented sanctions packages in response to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. At the highest level, it was clearly stated that maintaining close ties with Russia and Belarus is incompatible with the European path. B&H, as a country with a clear and credible European perspective, is expected to align its foreign, security and trade policies with the policies of the European Union”, the EU Delegation stated.


RS officials welcome Dodik's meeting with Putin as very significant for RS (Glas Srpske)

The meeting of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik with Russian President Vladimir Putin was welcomed by many RS officials.  Deputy Chair of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Stasa Kosarac stated that the RS is proud of RS President Milorad Dodik and friendly relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia. Kosarac assessed that the meeting of Dodik with Putin in Kazan is “the best proof of correctness of President Dodik’s policy to build friendly and partner relations and to strengthen economic cooperation with Russia”. Kosarac also said that the meeting of Dodik with Putin was certainly one of the most important events for the RS and preservation of its constitutional position and he argued that this was not aimed against anyone in B&H. As for the comment of Christian Schmidt, Kosarac stated: “Of course, usual critics spoke up immediately, and the first one of them was notorious liar Christian Schmidt with his incoherent statements and standard nonsense”.


Head of the Serb Caucus in B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Milan Petkovic stated that the meeting is very significant not only for the RS, but also for B&H, because one of the major global powers is standing up to protect the Dayton Peace Agreement and one of its main principles stipulating that property belongs to the entities. He argued that Russia is one of the guarantors of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and it is only natural that the RS President visits Russia at a moment when the Agreement is in danger. SNSD’s representative in B&H HoR Milorad Kojic stated that Dodik’s visits to Belarus and Russia prove that the RS has many friends in the world and that there are many statesmen willing to protect Serb interests in B&H. SNSD’s Miroslav Vujicic stated that it is very important for the RS to have the support of powerful friends such as Moscow. He expressed hope that Dodik’s visit to Russia will have not only political, but also economic benefits.


Member of the RS National Assembly Srdjan Mazalica stated that Putin has been continuously giving the RS great significance. In his opinion, Putin recognizes and appreciates the RS and Dodik’s opposing to the neoliberal and globalist pressure targeting the culture, identity, freedom and interests of the freedom-loving peoples. Mazalica noted that Putin and Dodik always have meetings seated at small tables, which indicates closeness and trust. RS Minister of Trade and Tourism Denis Sulic stated Dodik’s visits to Russia and Belarus, as well as the upcoming visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban show that the RS’s voice can be heard far, and that the RS is recognized by world leaders. RS National Assembly Speaker Nenad Stevandic stated that the medal awarded to Dodik by Putin represents a sign of traditionally good relations between Serbs and Russians, as well as Dodik’s personal strength to pursue independent policies in difficult times.


Dodik: I hope RS will get opportunity to obtain observer status in BRICS (RTRS)

On the last day of his visit to Russia on Thursday, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik told ‘Russian Gazette’ that BRICS is interesting to Serbs, and he hopes that, in the future, the RS will have the opportunity to obtain a status of an observer in this organization. Dodik explained that BRICS proposes a new format of cooperation between states and peoples, discovers a new market, ideas, access to advanced technologies from other parts of the world, which is why it is interesting to Serbs. Dodik also stated for ‘Russian Gazette’ that there is a stereotype in the West about BRICS, which is supported by Bosniaks, Western allies in Sarajevo, who veto initiatives that are important for the RS.


RS Government adopts information on implementation of mutual cooperation in field of agriculture between RS and Belarus (ATV)

Republika Srpska (RS) Government adopted the information on the implementation of mutual cooperation in the field of agriculture between the RS and Belarus at a session held on Thursday. The RS Government tasked the RS Ministry of Finance and the RS Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management with providing financial resources and undertaking activities to pass the necessary by-laws to provide support to agricultural producers for the procurement of agricultural machinery produced in Belarus.


Viskovic: Serb people will never forget what Churkin did in UN SC for Serb people when he vetoed UK resolution according to which Serbs are genocidal people (RTRS)

Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic attended a reception organized by the Russian Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday evening on the occasion of the Russian holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Viskovic stated that Serb people will never forget their friends and what the Russian diplomat Vitaly Churkin did in the UN Security Council (UN SC) for the Serb people when he vetoed the UK resolution that – as RTRS carried – “the Serbs are a genocidal people”. "We never forget and appreciate every support that is given to us in crucial moments, and that has always been from Russia, throughout our history," Viskovic was quoted as saying.


Magazinovic to pay visit to Ukraine (Dnevni avaz)

Chair of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Parliament’s Delegation to Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE), Sasa Magazinovic (SDP) will pay a visit to Ukraine on March 23 and 24. Magazinovic will visit Kyiv upon the invite of Chair of Ukrainian Delegation to PACE, Mariia Mezentseva. The visit is organized on the occasion of second anniversary since beginning of Russian invasion. During the visit, Magazinovic is scheduled to meet senior officials of Government and Parliament.


FM Konakovic holds series of meetings on sidelines of New Delhi conference, EU path of B&H focus of meetings (Dnevni avaz)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Foreign Minister (FM) Elmedin Konakovic held several meetings on February 21 and 22 on the sidelines of conference in New Delhi (‘Raisina Dialogue’ geopolitical and geoeconomics conference), as he met with Danish PM Lars Lokke Rasmussen, Dutch FM Hanke Bruins Slot and Lithuanian FM Gabrielius Landsbergis. During the meeting with Rasmussen, Konakovic welcomed Denmark’s decision to re-open Danish Embassy in B&H and help efforts that will lead to B&H joining the EU.


Konakovic also said he hopes the European Council will decide to open the accession negotiations in March and that authorities in B&H are doing everything to meet the conditions and make progress in terms of adoption of reform laws. During meeting with FM Slot, Konakovic thanked the Netherlands for support on granting the status of EU candidate to B&H, stressing that B&H does everything to make progress in adoption of reform laws. He stressed that B&H’s foreign policy is fully aligned with the EU common foreign and security policy.


FM Konakovic once again commended Dutch renewed participation in the EUFOR-Althea Mission. During meeting with FM Landsbergis, the two Ministers talked about B&H’s continuous dedication to improving cooperation in the region by means of intensification of political dialogue and all forms of regional cooperation. Political relations between B&H and Lithuania were assessed as good and friendly, without open issues. Konakovic expressed gratitude to Lithuania for its support to B&H’s European integration, expressing hope the support will not be withheld in March of 2024, which is crucial for B&H.


New York Times on moves of Covic, Dodik in relation to gas supply of B&H (N1, Jutarnji list)

The New York Times’ published an article on moves of leader of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Dragan Covic and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik reporting that they do not contribute to integration of B&H in the EU. The ‘New York Times’ paid special emphasis to construction of the Southern Interconnection by saying that this project – aimed to reduce dependence of B&H on the Russian gas, was stopped because of ethnic disagreements. According to the ‘New York Times’, Covic wants the project to be under control of a company that Croats will run, and he wants the company to be formed in Mostar – an ethnically-mixed city that has been a bastion of Croat chauvinism for already a long time.


‘The New York Times’ also stated that Dodik, as a regular visitor of Russia and as someone who meets Russian President Vladimir Putin pushes a separate project of pipeline that would increase gas supply from Russia. According to ‘The New York Times’, although the country has no territorial pretensions towards B&H and other Balkan countries, its main goal is to prevent their integration with the West. The article also emphasized that this project would “seriously reduce Moscow's influence in a very unstable region”.


The New York Times also notes that as the US struggles to contain crises in the Middle East and Ukraine, it is also grappling with the stalemate in the Balkans over a gas pipeline in B&H, an issue fraught with high geopolitical stakes. The daily carries the New York Times article. The article reminding that James O’Brien, the Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, visited Sarajevo this month as part of U.S. efforts to get the pipeline from Croatia moving, jolt politicians out of their domestic feuds and blunt Russian influence. “This is a vulnerability that has to be closed”, O’Brien said. The squabbling over the pipeline within B&H prompted an unusually blunt intervention last month by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. In letters to the Foreign Ministers of B&H and Croatia, Blinken denounced Covic for obstructing “a critical project.” His demands for a new, ethnically Croat company, he said, “are duplicative, economically unviable and put the entire project at risk.” “Such obvious corruption and self-dealing could jeopardize” B&H’s hopes of one day joining the European Union”, Blinken added.


Chairwoman Kristo meets COMEUFOR Sticz, discuss cooperation between B&H and EUFOR, EU path of B&H (Vecernji list)

Vecernji list reports that Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Borjana Kristo, met with newly appointed Commander of EUFOR in B&H Major General Laszlo Sticz in Sarajevo on Thursday to talk about the cooperation between the institutions of B&H and EUFOR. Kristo used the meeting with the EUFOR Commander as an opportunity to stress the strategic importance of the European path of B&H, focusing on the need for dialogue and compromise. Kristo informed Major General Sticz about priorities in the work of the B&H CoM, stressing that B&H has made a significant step forward on the European path, and that she expects positive reactions from Brussels and an exact date for the opening of (accession) negotiations with the EU. She emphasized that due to the constitutional structure and in accordance with the competences of all levels of authorities, this process requires compromise and full political consensus of all three constituent peoples.


The CoM Chairwoman further said that the work of the B&H CoM, in accordance with its competences, remains focused on fulfilling the remaining conditions from the Opinion of the European Commission and reaching an agreement on all the key issues of that process. During the meeting, mutual satisfaction was expressed with the cooperation of local authorities at all levels and EUFOR, and the importance of cooperation with the local population was emphasized. Kristo thanked EUFOR for the continuous support they provide to the authorities in B&H in building peace and stability, support to the Armed Forces of B&H, as well as their undoubted support for the European perspective of B&H. She added that the institutions of B&H and EUFOR have the same goal, which is a stable, sustainable, peaceful and multi-ethnic B&H, a state of three equal constituent peoples and all others who live in it, which cooperates with its neighbors on the principles of mutual dialogue and respect. Kristo wished Major General Sticz successful leadership of the EUFOR forces during his stay in B&H.




Croatian parliament debates motion to dissolve parliament until wee hours (Hina)


The Croatian parliament ended its debate on a motion by the opposition party SDP, which called for the dissolution of parliament and the calling of new elections, at around 5 a.m. on Thursday. In the debate, which lasted more than 14 hours, the ruling HDZ party rejected the opposition’s call for immediate elections and declared that the elections would take place within the time limit and at the time decided by the parliamentary majority. “We all know that this is an election year, so why are we discussing the dissolution of parliament today?” said HDZ MP Zeljko Reiner.


Reiner: Opportunity for another opposition campaign rally

Parliament is a political stage, our debates are being watched and for the opposition this is an opportunity for another election rally, said Reiner, who considers the proposal to dissolve parliament to be the least reasonable of all the opposition’s interpellations and substitute motions. Opposition MPs repeated the accusations against the HDZ, the government and the prime minister that they had levelled in recent days and weeks, pointing to numerous scandals involving former HDZ ministers and officials as well as a number of local civil servants. Scandals occur almost constantly, in the seven years of Andrej Plenkovic’s government no serious reform has been carried out and every day the HDZ is in power is a day lost, opposition MPs said.


In these seven years, 220,000 people have left the country, 750,000 have been pushed to the brink of poverty, 50,000 pensioners have had their bank accounts frozen and the only constant in the government’s tenure is a decline in purchasing power and living standards, as well as social and economic inequality, said SDP MP Sabina Glasovac.


Vidovic: Every day of election postponement is one day too many

Majda Buric (HDZ) has a different view of the past seven years of the government’s term in office. “During this time, the government has ensured full European integration and what Croatia’s first president Franjo Tudjman started, Plenkovic has completed in the spirit of modern sovereignism,” said Buric. She pointed out that Croatia is one of the fastest growing economies in the EU and has the highest credit rating ever, as well as stable finances.


Cynicism, a sense of powerlessness, aversion to politics, the lowest level of social trust – this is what the ruling party has brought to the citizens, so every day of postponement is one day too many, said Davorko Vidovic from the opposition Social Democrats. Every day that the current government is in office is a day of material and spiritual damage for Croatia, said Nino Raspudic from the opposition party Most, who said that the sophisticated corruption structure of the HDZ is like an octopus. “An octopus not only has many limbs with that it can crawl to any place, but it also shoots ink when it wants to confuse its enemies, and this is exactly what you can observe in the ranks of the HDZ,” Raspudic said.


Messages from citizens

MPs from the opposition party Mozemo read out messages sent to them by citizens via social networks about the reasons why elections should be called and the HDZ should be replaced. Sandra Bencic mentioned, among other things, employment based on political and party affiliation and the promotion of the worst workers. In addition to the HDZ, its policies should also be replaced, said Katarina Peovic (RF), noting that what the government considered its great successes were based on the manipulation of statistics.


The opposition also criticised the prime minister for his refusal to say when the elections will take place. Opposition party MP Most Marin Miletic labelled this as arrogance and Bencic said that the HDZ would have dissolved parliament if they had been sure of their victory. It is expected that 76 MPs will vote in favour of the SDP’s motion and the dissolution of parliament, but it is unlikely that any of the MPs from the parliamentary majority will vote in favour.


Plenkovic on elections: I don't understand why the fuss, they will happen when they happen (HRT)


After the Government session, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic commented on the opposition's allegations that the date of parliamentary elections is being hidden like a snake's legs and that he would have already announced them if he was sure of his victory. “That is really a ridiculous thesis that I don't know who is interested anymore. The opposition does its job all the time, we have been in government for eight years, we have trust, and the opposition must do anything to make people see they exist. All they do is make up, manufacture crises. They throw mud at the Government through two theses, one is that everyone who is in the Croatian Democratic Union is a criminal, a thief and corrupt. The second framework of those on the right, is that we are traitors, Yugoslavs, Brussels governors who are evil because they are in coalition with minorities, including Serbians among others. These are the only two political innovations that our opposition, left or far right, has placed in the political media space. Their strategy is no longer limited to confronting arguments,” said Andrej Plenkovic.


When asked about a coalition with the Homeland Movement, he said he knew nothing about it. “Yesterday was my daughter's birthday, so I spent time with her. I don't deal with gossip,” he answered.


When asked when the elections will be held, he said when they happen, they happen. “Everything is on time, I don't see why there's any fuss. Did we get elections in four years? Is there any valid reason to shorten the mandate because the opposition wants it? I travel a lot and know many colleagues who are involved in politics in other countries, and I have yet to see the parliamentary majority adapt to the wishes of the opposition. This is not anocracy, a dictatorship, or an authoritarian approach; these are the normal rules of the game of parliamentary democracy in democratic countries. They will happen when they happen. They will be within the legal deadline, they will certainly not be behind the legal deadline,” said Prime Minister Plenkovic.


The Prime Minister assessed that the Government, which passed eight decrees regulating workplaces and coefficients for the calculation of salaries in state and public services, has made a historic reform of the salary system, weighing 1.63 billion euros. “The whole package is worth 1.63 billion euros because we have to add up our advance payment, that is, the temporary supplement from June last year, then add 300 million euros for a five percent increase in the base, then 17 million euros for the Christmas bonus, 25 million for the Easter bonus. We made a historic reform of the salary system in the state and public services. The goal is to contribute to the economic and social standard of the 244,000 employees. It is about a reform that was not done in one day but over several years, and all departments worked on it,” said the Prime Minister.


However, part of the union of educators still expresses dissatisfaction. “Those are only two trade unions from the domain of education and science that were the most vocal, and the others have no reason to be dissatisfied. Neither do the representatives of these two unions, because the increase in coefficients applies to everyone. I think that this reform, when viewed calmly and without emotion, is a great contribution to the material, economic and social status of employees,” he emphasized. “So far, no government has embarked on such an effort to reduce the number of jobs, to start equalizing jobs and for such a large salary increase, because it is extremely delicate. We understand the message of interrelationships, of different sectors; who has a little more, who has a little less, and the public does not see the forest of supplements that existed, but was not visible at first,” he pointed out.




Gjeloshaj: Those not ready to respect agreement won’t be part of Government (RTCG)


The final decision on the Government reshuffle, which is provided for in the coalition agreement, is up to the Prime Minister, the leader of the Albanian Forum and Minister of Economic Development Nik Gjeloshaj has said in a statement to the RTCG portal. He expects that after half a year of the Government’s work, the effects will be analysed to if any changes are needed. He emphasizes that whoever is not ready to respect, and work based on the principles of the agreement, will not be part of the Government.


Gjeloshaj adds that the reshuffle is provided for in the agreement and is clearly defined, and the final decision will be made by Prime Minister Milojko Spajic. He recalls that the speed of the government reshuffle depends on the implementation of the signed agreement. When asked about the support of the For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) coalition for the Bosniak Party (BS) to enter the government, Gjeloshaj notes that BS did not enter the government because of ZBCG, and we now see that ZBCG supports its entry. Gjeloshaj considers the position of Democratic Montenegro, which opposes the entry of BS into the Government, legitimate.


Nurkovic: Spajic-Ibrahimovic communication exists (TV E)


It cannot be said for sure whether the Bosniak Party (BS) will be part of Milojko Spajic’s government, said BS MP Mirsad Nurkovic as a guest on E TV. “Whether someone will be part of a reshuffled government in the future or not, it really cannot be said for sure tonight, today and these days”, Nurkovic stressed, among other things. “Currently, we are at the level of some indications that something like that can happen, however, whether it will enter the government or not is a matter of circumstances at the given moment and, as I said, a matter of whether certain agreements will be reached or not”, Nurkovic pointed out.


When asked if BS recently had negotiations with someone from the Government, Nurkovic said that the Montenegrin public probably knew that Ervin Ibrahimovic, as the BS leader, had been communicating with Milojko Spajic, as the leader of the Europe Now Movement, for a long time. Nurkovic sees no reason why part of the public was surprised by BS’s decision not to sign the criminal complaint filed by DPS, SD, HGI and DUA against Parliament Speaker Andrija Mandic for displaying the flag of another country. He stated that the authorities in Montenegro, which should take care of the legality and implementation of the Constitution and law and order, are aware of all this and that it was expected that they would react without the act of signing or writing any criminal report.


Consultations on foreign policy have begun: the selection of ambassadors must be a quality and professional process (CDM)


The selection of ambassadors must be a high-quality and professional process, and the goal of the Government and the President of the State is that the personnel solutions are those that will represent the interests of Montenegro in other countries in a quality manner, this is the conclusion of the consultation on foreign policy held today by the President of the State Jakov Milatovic, Prime Minister Milojko Spajic and Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanovic.


"Continuation of the discussion and decision-making on this topic will follow in the further procedure, after a detailed introduction to the President of the State with the presented proposals", it was announced from the cabinet of the Government and the President of Montenegro. We remind you that the consultations of the President with representatives of the Government are of vital importance for the foreign policy of Montenegro, especially bearing in mind that it is necessary to further accelerate the process of EU integration, strengthen the position in the NATO alliance and intensify regional cooperation. Also, one of the topics of the consultations was the coordination of institutions in the coming period when it comes to external goals and international events. At the meeting, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was tasked with preparing information about Montenegro's candidacy for a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in 2026 and 2027.


Joanikije: I am convinced that Rodic will make a full contribution to improving relations between Montenegro and Serbia (CDM)


Metropolitan Joanikije of the Montenegrin littoral hosted the newly appointed ambassador of Serbia to Montenegro, Nebojsa Rodic, in the Metropolitan City of Cetinje. "On Thursday, February 22, 2024, Metropolitan Joanikije of Montenegro and the Coast received the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Montenegro Mr. Nebojsa Rodic", it was stated on the metropolitan's website. Joanikije, as stated in the metropolitan announcement, expressed his belief that "the ambassador will give his full contribution to the improvement of relations between Montenegro and Serbia" and in this sense wished him full success in his work.

Hrebickova & Herasymenko: Russia mustn’t win the war, we owe a debt of gratitude to Montenegro (CDM) By: Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Montenegro Janina Hrebickova and Ambassador of Ukraine to Montenegro Oleh Herasimenko


February 24 will mark two years since Russia launched an all-out invasion of Ukraine. This moment shook our belief that a large, open war in Europe was no longer conceivable.


From day one of Russia’s all-out armed invasion of Ukraine, this war has been about two things: Ukraine’s willingness to fight, and Ukraine’s partners’ willingness to support this fight. In the two years that have passed, the Ukrainian army has shown the ability to inflict huge losses on the aggressor, and even to force it to flee. Adequately equipped, Ukrainian defenders can destroy Russian occupation forces. The resilience of Ukraine remains unchanged. The West must be ready to give Ukraine what it needs to win.


At the same time, the leaders and politicians of a number of European countries make statements about the real possibility of extending Russian armed aggression to other neighboring countries. We must emphasize that such statements were not created on an empty basis. Currently, the Russian Federation is betting on the so-called “long game” in its war. The Kremlin is deliberately wearing down Europe in order to force it to make concessions. First of all, at the expense of Ukraine. Both its territorial and political characters. And then – to concessions at the expense of other countries.


It is quite obvious that this presents an immediate and completely understandable threat to the entire European security architecture, the whole of Europe and the Euro-Atlantic community. Moreover, there is currently an increase in military aid to Russia from its partners, primarily North Korea and Iran. The transfer of missile weapons by North Korea to the Russian Federation is a direct violation of relevant UN resolutions.


It should be noted that the main instrument for preventing war – the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe – actually ceased to operate due to the final withdrawal of the Russian Federation from that Treaty on 7 November 2023. Therefore, thanks to the Russian imperialist aggression against Ukraine, the danger of a major war on the territory of the European continent has become real again.


At the cost of enormous efforts and sacrifices, Ukraine took the brunt of the Russian invader and persevered, continuing the bitter struggle for survival. Some politicians, who are trying to impose on us the narrative of “Ukrainian war fatigue”, should remember that, while our European partners provide financial assistance to Ukraine, the Ukrainian people pay for the defence of independence, freedom and democratic European values with their own blood.


Given this circumstance, those citizens who are still hesitating about the usefulness of providing financial and military aid to Ukraine should understand that now it is much more profitable to support the Ukrainian army than to experience a direct military threat from an aggressive Russia.


The Czech Republic is one of the main supporters of Ukraine at the bilateral level and within international organizations. In addition to ongoing political and security support, it advocates the continuation of emergency humanitarian and stabilization aid. It knows that Ukraine defends not only itself, but also all of us in the Czech Republic, Europe and the entire democratic world. For the Czech Republic, Russia represents a fundamental threat to security, freedom and democracy, as well as to anchoring in transatlantic structures.


In addition, the Czech Republic received one of the largest numbers of Ukrainian citizens (primarily children, women and the elderly) who were forced to flee from Russian aggression. In this sense, the Czech Republic is quite close to Montenegro. As we know, since the beginning of Russian armed aggression, millions of Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homes. Over 380,000 Ukrainians found shelter in the Czech Republic alone. They quickly became an active part of Czech society, and more than 100,000 of them work in the Czech Republic today, so no one has to worry that the Czech Republic is helping them at the expense of its citizens.


As a responsible member of NATO, the Czech Republic ensures the security of its allies, supports Ukraine as long as it is necessary and strives to conduct a common policy within the EU and NATO towards Russian aggression against Ukraine. The Czech Republic pursues such a policy not only to protect the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, but also in the interest of an international order based on clear rules.


The International Criminal Court is investigating the situation in Ukraine, focusing on war crimes and crimes against humanity within its jurisdiction. The Czech Republic also supports the initiative to establish a special tribunal for the crime of aggression committed by the highest representatives of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. The Czech Republic also strongly supports the sanctions against Russia, which are unprecedented in terms of speed of adoption, breadth of scope, impact on Russia and number of participants. Sanctions against the Russian Federation must be strengthened until Russia ends its aggression against Ukraine.


Putin started this war and can end it immediately. But Putin is not going for peace. Russia occupies large areas of Ukraine, continues its daily barbaric attacks on infrastructure and civilian targets.


Therefore, in this war, which will obviously not end soon, Ukraine will need further consistent support from all partners. If we are really interested in preserving and strengthening the security architecture in Europe, then we have no right to waste precious time discussing the expediency or impracticality of military aid to Ukraine, whose population shows daily what the struggle for freedom, independence and democratic values means in a practical dimension. We cannot agree with the argument relating to the so-called “war fatigue”, especially considering the previous war experience.


It is obvious that the Russian aggression against Ukraine is significantly different from other previous conflicts. Ukraine does not need “nation-building” or the conviction that freedom is worth fighting for. Ukrainians are ready to fight for freedom until the end. For our freedom and yours. What the Western partners are doing in Ukraine is not “financing the war”, but preventing the genocide of the Ukrainian people and the global defeat of freedom and democracy.


Obviously, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the future world order is being decided on the battlefield in Ukraine. And Ukraine should not be alone in this fierce struggle. That is why, thanks to the sincere support, primarily military and technical, of friends and allies like the Czech Republic, the Ukrainian people continue their struggle and believe in the inevitability of their victory. In the inevitability of the triumph of freedom over tyranny.


North Macedonia


ELECTIONS 2024 / Collection of signatures for presidential candidates begins (MIA)

The period for collection of signatures for presidential candidates begins on Friday and will last until March 8, as per the State Election Commission (SEC) schedule. A day ahead of the start of collecting signatures for candidates for President and Members of Parliament, the country's largest political parties announced the presidential candidates who are expected to receive their support at party conventions scheduled for early March. In his bid for a second presidential term, President Stevo Pendarovski has received the support of the SDSM leadership, and VMRO-DPMNE will back MP Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, their candidate in the 2019 presidential election as well.SDSM on Wednesday said they would present the decision to back Pendarovski before the members of the party's Executive and Central Boards in the coming days. Meetings with coalition partners are already planned for the next days, and the official nominating convention will be held on March 3. "Pendarovski is the winning candidate, with the greatest coalition capacity, who strongly shares a vision for the country's European future together with SDSM and the parties of the progressive, democratic bloc. In his current term, he restored the integrity and credibility of the institution of the President and showed what it means to be a President for all citizens," SDSM said.


Siljanovska-Davkova was the only one who applied to VMRO-DPMNE's open call for President of the country, the party said Wednesday. Delegates at a nominating convention scheduled for March 2, 2024, will be deciding on her bid. She teaches Constitutional Law and Political System at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. She is UN expert for elections and Vice-President of the Group of Independent Experts for Local Self-Government in the Council of Europe and a member of the Venice Commission.


DUI has still not announced who they will support, although current foreign minister Bujar Osmani is rumoured to be a potential candidate. DUI's leader Ali Ahmeti said he would share important news on Thursday, scheduling a press conference at the party's headquarters in Mala Recica at 1 pm. GROM leader and Karposh Mayor Stevcho Jakimovski will run for President backed by his party, according to a media statement given after Wednesday's session of GROM's Central Board.



Earlier, the European Alliance for Change announced that their candidate would be Arben Taravari, the leader of the Alliance for Albanians. He said he would seek the support of the Albanians and DUI. "My partners and I aim for the future opening of the Constitution to include three elements: Including Bulgarians and other minorities in the Constitution; second, removing the '20 percent' wording about the Albanian language; third, electing a president in Parliament and no longer in elections. This is the big news. In this way, in the future, the political forces representing the two largest nationalities together in the Parliament will decide on the distribution of the three highest state functions," Taravari said about his presidential platform.

Professor Biljana Vankovska will be Levica's presidential candidate. Velo Markovski, who first announced his presidential bid several months ago, will also be collecting signatures. Kumanovo mayor Maksim Dimitrievski's ZNAM Movement is also expected to announce their presidential candidate later on Thursday.


Collecting signatures for presidential candidates begins Feb. 23 and ends on March 8, according to the State Election Commission. If the candidate is backed by a group of voters, they need to collect at least 10,000 signatures of registered voters. If the candidate is backed by MPs, they need to collect at least 30 signatures of MPs. The candidates need to submit their bids to the SEC by March 19 at midnight. The deadline is the same for both the presidential and the parliamentary election. The presidential election is on April 24, and the parliamentary election will be held on May 8.




The passing of the agreement on immigrants, Rama: Albania shared the burden that Europe must bear united (Radio Tirana)


After the Albanian Assembly passed the agreement between Albania and Italy, commonly known as the ‘the agreement on immigrants”, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama reacted.

The head of the Albanian government writes that Albania agreed to share a burden that Europe must bear united as a family. "No country can solve such a challenge alone", he wrote, while adding that "only a stronger, braver and more sovereign Europe, loyal to itself can".b"Today the Assembly [of Albania] ratified the cooperation agreement against illegal migration between Albania and Italy. Albania is standing together with Italy by choosing to act as an EU member state and agreeing to share a burden that Europe must bear united as one family in the face of a bold challenge that transcends traditional leftist and rightist divisions.bWorking together to find the right answers, instead of using this issue as fuel for political infighting that only increases anxiety among the people of our common continent and makes our collective future more uncertain. No country can solve such a challenge alone, no rhetoric or quick fix can change its magnitude, and no old glories or past ways of thinking can provide an escape from facing what is coming from all fronts. Only a stronger, braver and more sovereign Europe, loyal to itself can do it," writes Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in his reaction.


The first in the region in regards to the amount of protected areas, fully converged with the EU idea (Radio Tirana)


"Albania is the first in the region in terms of the number of protected areas," was the statement of Prime Minister Edi Rama, referring to the law passed today by the Assembly of Albania on the Protected Areas. The head of the government stated that the amended law on Protected Areas reinforces the government ambitious path for sustainable development. Rama says that over the last 10 years, there has been an exemplary progress to the protection of biodiversity. "Complete convergence with the European Union! With the vision of Albania 2030 and the unwavering will to make this country a tourist destination of the highest level in the Mediterranean, we have made over the last 10 years an exemplary progress to the protection of biodiversity and today we are the first in the region in regards to the amount of areas protected. Today's amendments reinforce the basis of our ambitious path for sustainable development in harmony with the amazing beauty of Albania," writes Rama on the social network. The parliamentary majority passed today by 74 votes in favor the law on Protected Areas.