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Belgrade Media Report 6 March 2024



Vucevic: Some current, some new ministers to be in new government (Tanjug)


Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader Milos Vucevic said on Tuesday the SNS-led Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia Must Not Stop electoral list would inform the Serbian President and the public of its candidate for PM designate in about ten days. "Then, after we get the mandate - that is, after the president determines the PM designate, we will see the composition of the new government. It will definitely be a synergy of politics and expertise - everything that needs to make up the executive authorities and can bring concrete results in carrying out the policy we ran with (in the elections) and won," Vucevic told Tanjug. He said a Leap Into The Future - Serbia 2027 programme should be the backbone of the new government's activities and that the cabinet's makeup would depend on the programme. "The (new) government will have some people who have been in the government and it will surely have ministers who are not ministers today," Vucevic said. He said those who were capable of bringing new energy and the courage to implement all that needed to be done by 2027 could be part of the team. "And, if I may add, those who are firmly patriotic and are looking at only the interests of Serbia," Vucevic said.


Belgium remains committed to supporting Serbia on its path to EU (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Serbia Cathy Buggenhout stated during yesterday's talks that bilateral relations between the two countries are good, and that the meetings of the officials had a positive impact on the continuity of political dialogue. Brnabic expressed gratitude for the good cooperation so far, and conveyed Serbia's determination to further intensify and strengthen bilateral and economic relations with Belgium, as well as expectations for an even greater investment presence of Belgian companies and further investments in various sectors. The meeting also looked at Belgium's support for the European integration process of our country, especially in the context of the Kingdom of Belgium's presidency of the Council of the EU, as well as other geopolitical topics. Agreeing with the Prime Minister, Buggenhout said that Belgium remains committed to supporting and helping Serbia on its way to the EU and implementing reforms, stressing that the good cooperation between the two countries will continue in the future, given that it has produced excellent results to date.


Bakoyani will not give positive stand on membership of so-called Kosovo into CoE until Pristina doesn’t fulfil three conditions (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the permanent delegation of the parliament of Serbia to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Biljana Pantic Pilja stated that the chief reporter for the reception of the so-called Kosovo into the CoE at today's meeting of the Political Committee of the Council of Europe in Paris Dora Bakoyani did not give a positive position, explaining that she will not do so until Pristina fulfills three conditions. “One of them is the verdict of the Constitutional Court in the case of the Visoki Decani monastery, where it insists that the land belonging to it be returned to the monastery. The second is the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities, which was agreed upon a long time ago and which (prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina) Albin Kurti still does not want to form. The third is the expropriation of land in municipalities with a majority Serb population,” Pantic Pilja told Tanjug. She stressed that Dunja Simonovic Bratic and she, who are members of that Political Committee, strongly opposed the reception of the so-called Kosovo to the CoE and reiterated Serbia’s position that it is against the admission of the so-called of Kosovo to the CoE. “Especially bearing in mind that in accordance with the Statute of the CoE, each member must accept the principles of the rule of law and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. This must be accepted by each European country in order to become a member of the CoE, and this is in the case of so-called Kosovo did not happen,” said Pantic Pilja. As she said, they first pointed out that Kosovo is not a state, they referred to UN Resolution 1244, which clearly defines Kosovo and Metohija as an integral part of Serbia, and pointed out that so-called Kosovo does not respect human rights, especially during the regime of the Prime Minister of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti. ​“There was an exodus of the Serb population from Kosovo and Metohija, that 11 percent of Serbs left Kosovo and Metohija, that no one was charged with the attempted murder of two Serb boys that happened last Christmas. We have stated everything that we regularly remind members of the Political Committee about and that we believe the Community of Serb Municipalities is a crucial issue that has not been resolved in the last 10 years,” said Pantic Pilja. She added that Kurti called Dora Bakoyani two days ago to tell her that he plans to soon do everything she demands, just so that so-called Kosovo became a full member of the CoE.


Dacic says coming vote fresh, not repeat elections (N1/Beta)


Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) leader Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday that the coming elections in Belgrade are not a re-run as the opposition claims. Opposition officials said that the coming elections for the Belgrade City Assembly are a repeat of the flawed 17 December elections. Local and international observers reported numerous irregularities during the mid-December vote. Dacic said that the December elections were not flawed adding that the opposition does not want the new vote as soon as possible but is looking for “an alibi for defeat”. He said the new vote should come as soon as possible. According to him, the coming vote is “fresh elections” not a repeat due to election fraud.


Gratitude to Syria for principled and consistent support for Serbia’s preservation of territorial integrity (RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and newly appointed Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic to Serbia Mohammed Haj Ibrahim stated yesterday that the two countries are bound by traditional and sincere friendship, based on mutual understanding and solidarity. In a cordial conversation, it was pointed out that there is a mutual willingness to further strengthen cooperation in areas of common interest. Dacic expressed his gratitude to Syria for its principled and consistent support for the preservation of the territorial integrity of Serbia, according to a statement of the Foreign Ministry.


Mali: Belgrade city elections are most important so far (TV Prva)


Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali said today that the upcoming Belgrade city-level elections, in his opinion, are probably the most important ones in Serbia's recent history, because "the direction in which Belgrade will develop is very important, and the way Belgraders see further development of their city, but also of the country". Appearing on TV Prva, Mali said it is especially important that there is leadership unity at the level of the local self-government and the Republic, because, "it cannot be done otherwise". "Therefore, we work together, we solve problems together, we deal with and invest in all those big projects that are important for all local governments together, for the whole of Serbia, not only for the city of Belgrade. Just imagine what it would look like if there was no communication between the city's leadership in Belgrade and the Serbian government. There would be no growth, no projects, no progress for Belgrade," said Mali. He added that it is very important to show unity and harmony, and that there is vertical integration, cooperation and togetherness between the city of Belgrade and Serbia in terms of projects, since that this is the only way we can move forward. "I am sure that the voters will recognize that, as they have already recognized our policy, and that we will achieve a better result than in the previous elections," Mali said. Speaking about the opposition, Mali said that they have no policies or program except hateful words aimed at Aleksandar Vucic and his family, as well as that Belgraders could not hear anything useful from the opposition during the campaign. "Their desire is only for Dragan Djilas to come to power, in whatever way, despite the majority will of the people and citizens of Serbia and the citizens in Belgrade not wanting them. They need someone else to bring them to power. I said it - solely for their own petty interests, especially those of Dragan Djilas," said Mali. He believes that it would be good if the elections were to be held as soon as possible. "It is a good decision to repeat the vote in Belgrade, let's compete again, see how and what the citizens will say. We are coming out again with concrete programs, we talked about EXPO, 'Serbia - Leap into the Future 2027'. We will also talk in this campaign about the concrete problems of the citizens, about how we will solve them, how the whole of Serbia, how Belgrade will move forward," Mali said. He added that during the SNS campaign, he will also talk about investments in infrastructure, building sewage networks, healthcare, education, kindergartens, landscaping of parks and everything else that is important for the daily life of the citizens in Belgrade. When asked about the ban on payments in Serbian Dinars in Kosovo and Metohija, Mali said that they are trying every day to find a solution and solve the problem caused by Albin Kurti. "It is a big problem for our citizens in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, but we will not give up on finding a solution. We have to ensure normal life to those citizens there, but that is only one part of the pressure that you can see," said Mali. According to him, the situation in the world is changing and Serbia is facing many challenges, starting with Kosovo and Metohija, regional challenges, pressure related to the conflict in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. "What we need today, as never before and never more than now, is unity, harmony, that is, to preserve our Serbia as an independent, sovereign state, and on the other hand, to do everything to continue growth and for the citizens to be improving their standard of living year after year," said the Minister.


Lazovic says opposition should run in Belgrade elections in two columns (N1)


Opposition Green-Left Front MP Radomir Lazovic said he believes the opposition should fight for changes in the electoral conditions and participate in the repeated Belgrade elections.

He voiced his opinion that the opposition should run in the elections in two columns, so all opposition-oriented voters would be given a choice. “The next thing on the table are electoral conditions. The date isn’t that important. As far as we are concerned, the date is not the problem, but whether electoral conditions can be improved by then,” Lazovic told N1. Lazovic said the Serbia Against Violence coalition, that the Green-Left Front is a member of, achieved great success in the December elections, and that there is no need to change a team that did good work. Leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Dragan Djilas has proposed a wide opposition front, yet Lazovic believes that the opposition should unite in a way that will enable victory. He said he thinks the opposition should run in elections in two columns, adding that he is ready to talk about this and see if that it is the best way to go. Noting that victory was stolen from the opposition in the December elections, Lazovic said the main thing now is to lead the society out of the current crisis, which can be done by admitting election fraud. “He (Aleksandar Vucic) has already admitted that election fraud took place. We have managed to make them repeat the elections that were marred by irregularities. To say, in spite of everything, that there was election fraud. Let’s now make them change the electoral conditions,” said Lazovic, explaining that, as so far, this can only be achieved by applying pressure. “Let us try to bring the society out of the crisis, so we arrive at what would be fair electoral conditions. The (ruling) Serbian Progressive Party will not enable us to do this, we have to force them for this to happen. We have a plan on how to do this. Professors and experts have prepared a plan,” Lazovic told N1.


Salaries paid into the account, dinars still missing (RTS)


About 200 employees, among them the workers of PUC "Vodovod and Standard", due to Pristina's decision, did not pick up their salaries today. The Republic of Serbia paid their salaries, but in Postanska stedionica, due to the decision of the Central Bank of Pristina, there were no Dinars. Sladjana Milenkovic, one of those gathered in front of the bank, said that she was outraged by the decision of the Pristina authorities, which greatly complicates everyday life. "It makes life difficult for us, we can't raise our salaries. Not everyone can go to central Serbia for their salary. There are elderly and sick people. I once managed to withdraw 10,000 dinars at the counter here, but even that is limited," Sladjana Milenkovic said. Aleksa Radosavljevic, an employee of the PUC "Vodovod - Ibar", assessed the current situation as very difficult and unenviable, given that he cannot pick up the paid personal income due to the lack of Dinars. "Very difficult situation. I am an employee of PUK Vodovod - Ibar. We work 24 hours a day, we are at the service of citizens of all nationalities. Our income has been paid, but there is no money in the banks, people are forced to go to central Serbia, Raska, Novi Pazar, Kraljevo, to raise personal income. It's a very difficult situation and at the crossing of the Jarinje there is a big line, waiting for two or three hours," said Radosavljevic. At the counters of the Postanska stedionica bank, only 10,000 Dinars are paid out from the stock, which is not enough to survive the day, points out the employee of PUK "Standard" who was waiting in line to collect his earned salary. "We have children, we have families, we can't withdraw money at all, we can do something with 10,000 Dinars, but it will be soon used up, we have to wait again tomorrow," he said. The so-called Central Bank of Kosovo issued a decree prohibiting the use of Dinars in the province from 1 February, and the authorities in Pristina had previously, without any explanation, prohibited the transport of dinars to the vault located in Leposavic on two occasions.


E-services for citizens as part of Open Balkans initiative available from 5 March (Tanjug)


The Ministry of Information and Telecommunications stated that a single labour market of the Open Balkans Initiative, whose members are Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia, started operating on 1 March, while electronic services are available from 5 March to citizens of these countries as part of this initiative on the eGovernment portal. The service “My Open Balkans Identification Number” will be available to citizens of Serbia only, who have an electronic identity on portal, with which they access the eGovernment portal.

The “Approval for Free Access to the Labour Market” service will also be available, intended for citizens of Albania and North Macedonia who have an electronic identity on their national eGovernment portal and have been assigned an Open Balkans identification number. Citizens of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia who want to get a job in one of the member countries of the Open Balkans Initiative or who have already found an employer need to have an electronic identity on their national eGovernment portal, and then create an Open Balkans identification number in a few steps. The user will be immediately assigned the Open Balkans identification number, and he or she will also receive a certificate of the assigned identification number in the form of an electronic document to his or her e-mail address. After that, the user can access the portal of the eGovernment of the country in which he or she intends to be employed and apply for free access to the labour market. The country of destination makes a final decision after a check-up, and no later than within 30 days from the date of submission of the application. After obtaining the approval, the user can get employed, under the same conditions as a local citizen of the country, for up to two years, and after the expiration of this period, he or she can extend the approval, which is also an approval for residence and work.


4,536 refugees, migrants transit Serbia since start of year (Beta)


There are 1,059 persons currently accommodated in the reception and asylum centers in Serbia, while 4,536 migrants have transited Serbia since the start of the year, the commissioner for refugees and migration Natasa Stanisavljevic stated yesterday. The Commissariat for Refugees and Migration announced that, during a meeting with the Ambassador of Belgium Cathy Buggenhout, Stanisavljevic said that this number was almost 43 percent lower than last year’s, when 7,957 migrants were in transit. Stanisavljevic said that the Commissariat would continue to implement measures aimed at securing adequate support and a humane approach to migrants in Serbia’s territory. Buggenhout said that cooperation in the fight against illegal migration would continue and that Serbia was an important partner in that field. The meeting was also attended by Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic and Ambassadors Anke Konrad of Germany, Luca Gori of Italy, Andreas Fotiou of Cyprus, Petko Doykov of Bulgaria, Michal Pavuk of Slovakia, Christian Ebner of Austria, and the deputy head of the EU Delegation to Belgrade Plamena Halacheva.




Baerbock meets Konakovic, she calls on B&H leaders to adopt remaining reform laws necessary for B&H’s further progress on this path (O Kanal)


German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock started the second day of her visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Tuesday. She met with B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic. The previous day, she visited the B&H Presidency, and early on Tuesday she had a meeting with High Representative Christian Schmidt. The German Minister pointed out that the adopted laws were key topics, as well as those that should be adopted. "The law on conflict of interest was one of the key topics during the talks with the members of the B&H Presidency, from our perspective it is important for ordinary people. The whole EU lives on the idea of strengthening people. It is especially important for us to fight against corruption. We want B&H to join the EU as a whole. You experienced here in the most brutal way that the greatest misfortune for people is the violent change of the border. All forces from one country are needed for this. That is why it is important for us to emphasize that the secessionist ambitions that want to put stones on this road will not pass," said Baerbock. She added that it is not only about the European path, but also about growth and investment, but that it is important for investors that there is political stability and that the country follows European values. She particularly emphasized the importance of adopting a package of measures for the integrity of the election process. "It would be a great shame if the High Representative, using the Bonn powers, had to impose an election law that has already been prepared, instead of the politicians continuing the momentum and reaching an agreement. I hereby appeal to those responsible, especially in Banja Luka, to walk together on the European road," added Baerbock. When asked whether Germany and France have the same views on the Western Balkans, Baerbock said that the two countries strongly support the same views. "Expansion is a geopolitical necessity. We are convinced that it will strengthen Europe, if we receive the six countries of the Western Balkans, because there will be no more gray areas in Europe. This will show that we stand together in our diversity, which is the strength of Europe," said Baerbock. Baerbock called for the adoption of technical amendments to the Election Law, stressing that local communities are important for democracy and local elections. Konakovic’s meeting with the delegation of the German Foreign Ministry, as Baerbock pointed out, is not accidental because it happens when B&H is at a crossroads, that is, when the opening of negotiations for B&H's accession to the EU is approaching. "The European Commission will submit a report on this this month. Together, we want to do everything in order to walk on the European path. Progress on the path of enlargement is possible if one reform after another is carried out. The Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest is important to us. It is especially crucial in the context of corruption, everything that is not healthy for a society, that we fight against it, so that it leads to the rule of law," Baerbock said. For Germany, she said, it is also crucial that B&H as a whole country enters the EU. "Forcibly changing the border is not good for people. This has brought so much suffering on our continent and the world. This is what I tell other candidates. We will clearly name the secessionist fantasies. Only a united B&H can join the EU. I talked about this with a Serb member of the B&H Presidency (Zeljka Cvijanovic)," said Baerbock.


Konakovic addresses press conference following meeting with Barebock (FTV)


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elmedin Konakovic, held a meeting with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in Sarajevo on Tuesday, where it was concluded that Germany's support is important on European path of B&H, and that B&H must join the EU as a whole. The Ministers pointed out that Germany is B&H's largest foreign trade partner and investor. "On the list of the most important economic collaborators of B&H, Germany has been at the very top for many years. The scope of our economic exchange reflects our good ties in the best way, which shows that we annually export more than 3 billion worth of goods from B&H to Germany," said Konakovic after the meeting. He says that the opportunity for B&H to open negotiations with the EU can truly be called historic. "The specific offers from the EU that we have regarding integration into the European market are examples of the EU opening its doors wide at the moment. We will continue to work on not so easy negotiations and finish our obligations. We have to pass several more important laws. This shows our determination to continue our European path," stated Konakovic. He said to the German Foreign Minister that B&H especially shows its willingness to deal with corruption. "The facts that the former director of OSA and the president of the Court of B&H and the convicted Prime Minister of FBiH are in prison show the level of corruption that has existed in B&H for many years, but this time the system shows its readiness to deal with the highest officials in our country and its determination to corruption will start to be solved in an adequate way," said Konakovic. Konakovic also said that the visit of the German Minister is an important message to the citizens of B&H and that it marks the continuation of good cooperation between the two countries. "The EU very different approach to the issue of enlargement itself provided an opportunity for the B&H authorities to catch that European train. The specific offers that we have on the EU's table regarding the integration of our market into the large European market, a large package of support or aid to the Western Balkans are examples that the EU is really opening its doors wide at the moment and I hope that my colleagues, above all we who make up the government at the B&H level, continue with these not-so-easy reforms, agreements and compromises, but still, for the sake of the interests of all the people in B&H, complete their obligations to the end. Regardless of the current momentum, we have the obligation to adopt several more important laws from these 14 priorities, or these eight after obtaining candidate status," said Konakovic.


Becirovic: Baerbock expressed strong support to B&H’s sovereignty and independence, she clearly marked politicians who do not act in line with Dayton Peace Agreement (Dnevni list)


B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic welcomed German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock during her visit to B&H Presidency, emphasizing that her visit is very important and that it represents another indicator of Germany’s strong support to the state of B&H. He emphasized that B&H has defined foreign policy goals – EU and NATO membership. Therefore, he added, it would be essential for the European Council to approve the opening of accession negotiations with B&H this month. He added: “Adoption of the decision on the beginning of the negotiations would be stimulating for B&H on its path to the EU membership, but also big encouragement for citizens of our country.” Becirovic also stated that he informed Baerbock about the anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional actions of RS officials. “As long as they endanger peace in B&H, it is important that we have strong cooperation of the IC and B&H bodies in stopping of a separatist policy,” Becirovic emphasized. Becirovic further said that he referred to close and various economic, political, cultural and other relations of B&H and Germany. He also stressed that Germany is one of the most important foreign trade partners of B&H and an additional increase of trade exchange between the two countries was registered in the last years. “It is very important that German Foreign Minister Baerbock firmly and without reserve expressed support to B&H’s independence and sovereignty, pointing out to the danger of policies which advocate for change of borders in Europe. It is especially noteworthy that Baerbock is extremely well-informed about the developments in our country and that she clearly marked the politicians who do not act in line with the Dayton Peace Agreement,” Becirovic concluded.


Schmidt meets Baerbock: It is crucial to adopt package of measures for integrity of election process (FTV/Hayat)


High Representative Christian Schmidt met with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in Sarajevo on Tuesday. "Excellent meeting with Minister Baerbock. The High Representative expressed his gratitude for the continuous support of Germany and B&H and the work of the OHR," the OHR said. Schmidt especially thanked Minister Baerbock for her assessment that "it is of crucial importance to adopt a package of measures for the integrity of the election process now". "We will continue to work together towards achieving lasting peace and stability in B&H and the Western Balkans region. The rule of law must be at the center of all efforts," Schmidt said. Baerbock used the opportunity to call B&H lawmakers to adopt technical changes to the Election Law. She pointed out it would be a great shame if those changes were imposed by Schmidt. Schmidt thanked Baerbock for saying this. Hayat noted that one can conclude, after Baerbock’s comments after the meeting with Schmidt, there will be no imposition of technical changes to the B&H Election Law.


RS officials: Schmidt has nothing to do with European path of B&H (O Kanal/RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik commented on the High Representative Christian Schmidt. He called him a fake High Representative, a tourist. Dodik commented on Schmidt on platform X on Tuesday: "There is no European path to B&H with a fake Schmidt. And it is so clear. There is no progress on this path if some dubious and illegal types in the OHR impose decisions, either on elections or in relation to legislation. Please continue, but the RS will not participate in this farce. We do not want to be part of the story in which the fake Schmidt and the OHR promote the European path. We have so much dignity, and we know our way if nothing comes of the European one." Dodik said that Schmidt has nothing to do with the EU path of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and that he would not even have it if he was legal. He pointed out that it is obvious that HR Schmidt has nothing better to do, and that he is destroying himself with every statement he makes. Deputy Chair of the B&H Council of Ministers Stasa Kosarac posted on his IG on Tuesday noting that the fact that “half of a building in Sarajevo is applauding nonsense of illegal Christian Schmidt, does not mean that he has legitimacy and right to interfere in B&H internal matters.” “As for Srpska, he is a paper dragon, and with each of his stated nonsense he proves that only stupidity, as a global occurrence, has not bypassed him.” Kosarac stressed that the OHR has nothing to do with the EU path of B&H, and “occupier and forger Schmidt” least of all. “On the path to the EU, the OHR is mentioned exclusively in the context of urgent closing down of this institution. Christian Schmidt is the main obstacle both to the European path and every perspective for B&H to become functional. Every solution he would eventually impose would distance us not only from the EU but would additionally aggravate internal relations and in the end, it would distance RS even more from B&H,” wrote Kosarac. He noted that this is something that Bosniak structures should take in consideration, as they benevolently and humbly support Schmidt violence over B&H sovereignty. “The only possible contribution of illegitimate Schmidt to stabilization of situation in B&H and EU path is to pack his suitcases as soon as possible and leave this country, where he is not welcomed. Security Minister in Council of Ministers, Nenad Nesic issued a press statement and stated that those who try in line with Christian Schmidt’s laws can call themselves nothing but a tourist agency: “As Security Minister of this country, as someone who took an oath to protect it and make it safe from all forms of danger, I am obligated to say that never and nowhere any normal country and normal people wanted to have a foreigner tailoring their destiny.” He stressed that only B&H has a tourist from Germany, who wants to impose laws, impose the rules and to try and sue and determine which policy is the right one and which is not. “And some shortsightedly believe that this is good for them and for B&H. Everywhere in the world, my colleagues’ job is to make sure that foreigners have no saying how things will go in their country. Everywhere, except in B&H it would seem. Everywhere in the world, people build bridges toward foreigners in mutual interest, on equal grounds. As a foreigner, he logically more loves some other country and some other interest than our own,” said Nesic. He stressed that this is why it is high time for partners from Sarajevo to declare on everything: “Do you prefer B&H, or you prefer Schmidt. Do tell, is the ego of a foreigner and second of his feather stronger than the Constitution and agreement of three peoples?” Nesic further asks whether the Court of B&H is dedicated to the law or the will of a tourist: “The Court, which by the tourist’s order summons the RS President to its chambers, can call itself nothing but a tourist agency. Maybe some of you do not like political stances of Milorad Dodik, or my own, but we are B&H, and we are those making decisions and those who decide about it and the same goes for all the people who support us. Or someone thinks that B&H is Schmidt’s? If luck would have it, even those who do not like us would see that they will live with us today and tomorrow and not with Schmidt, just as we lived together before others interfered.” He concluded that some may believe it is legitimate to trust in arbitrariness of foreigners, but then it is not normal for them to be ministers: “Serbs have not and will never give up on their faith in freedom and their determination to give all they have for the justice and dreams. We care to share B&H with the others based on these principles. However, for the start, things have to be clear- the Court should try by the laws adopted exclusively by the parliamentarians and tourists to get their wishes fulfilled in tourist agencies.”


Baerbock comments her visits to B&H and Montenegro, reminds EU made promise to six countries in region more than 20 years ago (


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Annalena Baerbock visited Montenegro and B&H after which she posted a comment on Instagram on her visit and situation in these two countries. Baerbock wrote that the Western Balkans is in the center of Europe and reminded that the EU made a promise to six countries in the region, more than 20 years ago, that they will become members of the community if they fulfill requirements. “There is no more time to waste. This requires more reforms in fight against corruption and organized crimes. However, the support of us from the EU is needed as well. We wish to extend the helping hand to Montenegro and B&H so that these countries can make the next step in the reform. So that the admission to the EU does not remain just a hazy dream, but become the reality”, Baerbock noted. Baerbock also assessed that citizens who want the EU are the biggest wealth and they want to enable their country and society for the EU. “There are still many reform steps that need to be made. Unity and courage that overcome internal political divisions and thinking within boundaries of ethnic groups is needed for this. This is what I had a chance to hear in many of my talks during the past two days in Podgorica and Sarajevo”, Baerbock noted and concluded that the exchange with the Western Balkans countries will continue: “My today’s (Tuesday) visit to Sarajevo surely was not the last because I again drank water from a drinking fountain near Beg’s Mosque in Bascarsija. The saying goes that whoever drinks water from this drinking fountain will return to Sarajevo”.


Dodik: It is good that people come to B&H with some prejudice like this Baerbock comes (RTRS)


Commenting on the visit of German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that anyone with good intentions is welcomed. He added: “It is good that everyone comes. However, it is not good if they come with some prejudice like this Baerbock comes. She thinks it is enough that she is a German and that she comes here to lecture us about what she thinks, what we should do, how we are doing, this or that, dirty or evil, while she is a saint who is making us a special favor in this direction. Therefore, I believe that everything about the negotiation status for B&H is over. Bearing in mind contacts that I have, with many other ministers, this is a done deal. Now, they need some (people) to blame in terms when they attack the RS. She came without saying good day and she already begun to attack the RS and she said that she came to fight for rule of the law. What law? Above (High Representative Christian) Schmidt who has no right to be here and you want to say you have good intentions to us? You do not have. You lie when you say you stopped projects. You just complicate things for us.” In a post on X, Dodik wrote that more than three decades ago, European leaders significantly contributed to disintegration of this region, with many sufferings and victims. “I expect today’s European leaders to support our dedication for integration with other countries of Europe,” said Dodik. He said that it is fair for Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats to live again in the EU without borders and barriers. “With huge effort of the RS, B&H made more than ever effort toward making accelerate progress on the EU path. In case the EU demonstrates the vision, it will reward these efforts and accelerate the entire process of integration of the Western Balkans. In case if determines toward our progress, it shows that vision of founder of this major economy and peace project is alive in it. In case it opts for further blockades, it no longer has vision, but it is the instrument in geopolitical games, which it is already paying dearly,” Dodik wrote. He welcomed good messages coming from the EU, from Foreign Ministers of Italy, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia, who call for opening of accession talks in a way that helps internal matters. Dodik further reminded that German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is currently visiting B&H, noting it is good that clear messages were conveyed that future of all Western Balkans countries is in the EU. “Consequences of a long-term dirty campaign against us can still be felt in her statements. Let me reiterate once again: the RS, with the fact that it asks for respecting of the Constitution and Dayton Agreement, as well as international law, is not a factor of disturbance, but of B&H’s survival. And this is message from Banja Luka to all European officials,” wrote Dodik. He underlined that without the RS, B&H does not exist: “The EU cannot be complete without B&H and the RS, because we can function only like the EU. We are a paradigm of the EU in small space. We can be a successful project based on economic and democratic coexistence of different interests, that constantly find compromises and, in this way, go into the future. The RS strives toward this, as the biggest national interest, because the end of the path in the EU is the end of borders between Serbs, but also other peoples in the Balkans.”


Vulic to Baerbock: RS is factor that wants to fulfill all condition and B&H to become EU member; Kovacevic criticizes Baerbock’s statements (ATV/RTRS)


Head of SNSD Caucus in B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Sanja Vulic called on German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock to use her influence if her intentions towards B&H are friendly and stop any impositions by High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt, because this represents, Vulic pointed out, the collapse of all agreements in B&H, which are very difficult to achieve. Vulic said that she reminded Baerbock that she was coming to B&H in 2022 when she said that B&H is in great danger and that because of RS President Milorad Dodik and the RS, destabilization threatens B&H, and that B&H has a great possibility of being the third front in the world. Vulic pointed out that she told Baerbock that there was no destabilization, and that the RS is a factor that wants to fulfill all the conditions and for B&H to get the status of an EU member. Vulic commented that this annoyed Baerbock. She concluded that Baerbock came to B&H because of the pre-election campaign and that she does not care about the people of B&H. Vulic said that she reminded Baerbock that Schmidt is missing legitimacy and that he is a disturbing factor in B&H, while she responded by saying that if they do not want Schmidt, then they should secure two-thirds majority and change the Constitution of B&H. According to Vulic, this shows that Baerbock knows nothing about B&H. SNSD MP Radovan Kovacevic stated that Baerbock said on Tuesday that it is better that the B&H Parliament adopts some laws than for the High Representative to impose that. He argued that this is not normal, and these are not European values of sincere support to the EU path of B&H. Officials from the RS warned that because of lack of interest of partners from the Federation of B&H (FB&H)., they missed the opportunity to address all 14 priorities of the European Commission as a single package. Deputy Chairman of the B&H CoM Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) said that harmonization of a new law on prevention of conflict of interest is underway and that all remarks of the RS will be respected.


Schallenberg: We want EU Council to finally give green light for opening accession talks (Radio Sarajevo)


Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria Alexander Schallenberg paid a visit to B&H on 4 March together with Deputy President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy Antonio Tajani. Following the meeting with B&H Foreign Minister, Schallenberg posted on his X: “Thank you for the warm welcome in Sarajevo, Elmedin Konakovic. It is crunch-time! B&H has to be part of the EU and we want the EU Council to finally give green light for opening accession talks. But there is still work to be done- reforms cannot be imposed from the outside.”


As date for the elections begins to take shape, parties ramp up their messaging (HRT)


Although no official date has been set for the upcoming parliamentary election, Croatia's political parties are ramping up their campaign messaging as an election window begins to form. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said Monday that Parliament would be dissolved by March 22 at the latest, setting the stage for the election in April or May. On Tuesday, the announcement sparked a flurry of reactions and campaign messaging in the Sabor. The opposition claims the PM's opting for an earlier date than he had previously hinted means he is getting nervous about his party's chances, while the HDZ is confident they will again be able to form a stable majority and government. Ivana Kekin of Mozemo says the PM should be concerned. "Plenkovic is a bit nervous because his term is up and he's right to worry because he's about to lose,” said Kekin. Less than a week ago the HDZ-led majority refused to go along with the opposition's motion to dissolve parliament, SDP MP Sinisa Hajdas Doncic reminded the chamber. "What difference do these 10 days, two weeks make? Or are they just jerking us around,” said Hajdas Doncic, earning a warning about inappropriate language from Speaker Jandrokovic. While waiting for the final decision on a date to come down the pike, the opposition is working on their strategy to unseat the HDZ from power. The SDP invited for talks 9 parties from the left and center. SDP MP Sabina Glasovac says a fragmented left would not necessarily lose but it would make the path to victory more difficult. "It would make the road much harder to achieving our goal: preventing the HDZ form being able to form the next government and allowing the liberal left to usher in the changes this country needs so badly,” said Glasovac. Davor Nadji represents the coalition comprising Focus, the Reformists, the IDS and the PGS. "We believe that the moderate left and the liberal center should run in the election together,” he said. Mozemo! will not bet taking part in talks for a national coalition. They have opted for a polka-dot alliance with the SDP, underscores Mozemo leader Sandra Bencic. "We will be attending the second part of the meeting which will address organizing and mobilizing citizens to get out the vote,” she said. On the right, Most and the Sovereigntist reached a deal long ago to run together. They will present their candidate for prime minister next week. They have not revealed any names, but Sovereigntist Marijan Pavlicek did say he or she would be from Most. The HDZ will be running in the election with their current coalition partners, says Deputy PM Branko Bacic. "We are confident we will again be able to form a stable ruling majority and a well-functioning new government in the next term,” said Bacic. Asked about a definitive date for the dissolution of the Sabor, Bacic said the chamber still had several laws to work through and a package of economic and energy price measures.


Ukraine must emerge victorious from the war with Russia (MINA)


Ukraine must emerge victorious from the war with Russia and be firmly and unequivocally supported by all free democratic societies, said the panel discussion organized by the Atlantic Alliance of Montenegro. Ukrainian Ambassador to Montenegro Oleh Herasymenko, at the panel discussion Challenges and opportunities for peace in Ukraine: Euro-Atlantic perspective, said that more and more European leaders realize that Russia must be defeated in order to prevent a much bigger catastrophe in Europe. "Ukraine hopes to become part of the European family." The times ahead of us are difficult, and our country has gone through the most difficult period of its history," said Herasymenko. He pointed out that Ukrainians know what they are fighting for. "For us, there can be no talk of a truce, we have to fight in order to survive," added Herasymenko. According to him, the Kremlin's appetites go beyond the borders of Ukraine and Russia is now openly saying so. Herasymenko said that if Ukraine falls, NATO will be at war with Russia. The Russians, he said, use blackmail, including those related to the use of nuclear weapons. Herasymenko said that Europe and the Euro-Atlantic community as a whole must not allow such blackmail and added that Russia is a global problem. He said that Russian aggression is the greatest threat to European security and international peace, adding that this was stated in the declaration signed in Tirana. Ukrainians, as Herasymenko emphasized, want peace more than any other nation, but they will not accept any offer to surrender or cede their country under the guise of peace. "Not because it would be a futile price that we pay for ten years, but because we would have to pay a much higher price later," said Herasymenko. He said that Ukraine received the political support of Montenegro and that this support was characteristic of all governments and political leaders in the past few years. "We witnessed significant technical-military and humanitarian support. It is important to point out that Ukrainians received all possible support from the competent authorities in Montenegro, they saw solidarity in action, messages of peace and they live safely in Montenegro," Herasymenko emphasized. The Ambassador of the United States of America in Montenegro, Judy Rising Reinke, when asked if the end of the war is in sight, answered that the end will come and that it will be an end in which Ukraine will win. She said that the goals of Russian President Vladimir Putin have not changed. "His goal is to destroy Ukraine and its identity." He will not stop, I think that Herasymenko clearly said that if Putin wins in Ukraine, Europe will be the next victim," said Reising Reinke. She said that the Charter of the United Nations was violated by Russia. "The principles on which we live have all been destroyed by Putin," added Reising Reinke. According to her, the goals of the Kremlin have not changed, neither has Ukrainian courage, but Europe has. "Ukraine is fighting on behalf of all of us and we are with Ukraine, it is not alone." Russia is hunted, he is recognized as an aggressor by most free nations. The world is united in its point of view here," said Rising Reinke. When asked how safe the Western Balkans is, she replied that the countries of the region are only as safe as they are aware of the threat. Defense Minister Dragan Krapovic believes that security conditions and architecture in Europe and the world have changed significantly after Russia's aggression against Ukraine. "That brutal and illegal aggression, which claimed a huge number of lives, closed the door to dialogue and put NATO to the test of unity and determination more than ever before, in the 75 years of that alliance," Krapovic said. As he pointed out, Ukraine must emerge victorious from the war and must be firmly and unequivocally supported by all free democratic societies in the world. Krapovic said that, in order to achieve peace, it is first necessary to sit down at the table and negotiate a permanent and sustainable peace. "Of course, they repeat in Ukraine, and that is completely justified, that that country cannot do something like that at the moment when its territories are occupied, and that in large part." I would say that this attitude is justified," said Krapovic. He said that it is very difficult to predict how long the war will last. "The ball is in our court, I mean NATO and the EU." "Unity and determination to support the improvement of Ukrainian capacities in every segment, above all the military, is the first task of all members of the NATO alliance," emphasized Krapovic. He said that the most important thing is the continuation of political, financial and humanitarian support to Ukraine. "It is important to maintain a degree of unity when it comes to the attitude towards Russia and the restrictive measures that the EU directs towards Russia, as a measure of deterrence and a clear demonstration that such a violation of international law will not be accepted by the free world," Krapovic said. He said that it is necessary for all NATO member states to work much harder in terms of strengthening their own capacities, especially when it comes to the military industry and the overall economy. As he pointed out, the only guarantee of permanent stability in the Western Balkans is the complete and unequivocal integration of the entire region into the EU. The President of the Atlantic Alliance of Montenegro, Milica Pejanovic Djurisic, said that since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there has been an aggression against the sovereignty of a country and an attack on the fundamental values of peace, freedom and democracy. "We also witnessed the incredible courage of the Ukrainian army, the unwavering determination of its leaders and the desire of the Ukrainian people for freedom, independence and justice," said Pejanovic Djurisic. She stated that large-scale war operations brought great suffering and losses, that cities were destroyed, lives were lost, and the population was displaced. The international community, as Pejanovic Djurisic said, shows a high degree of solidarity in providing assistance and support to Ukraine and its people. "Entering the third year of aggression against Ukraine has shown that Russia, unfortunately, is successfully adapting to the new circumstances, as well as finding new channels for hybrid action," said Pejanovic Djurisic. At the same time, as she added, it became completely obvious that the goal remained the same as before the start of the aggression - to undermine Western democratic values and NATO. Pejanovic Djurisic said that the Kremlin is trying to cause divisions, both in the EU and among the transatlantic partners, in order to put them in a situation to make concessions at the expense of Ukraine, both territorially and politically. "With a certain war fatigue and the strengthening of populist forces throughout Europe, there is a permanent attempt to question the degree of cohesion when it comes to aid to Ukraine," stated Pejanovic Djurisic. She said that, however, it is shown that such an approach does not produce the desired results. "After two years, the awareness that the aggression against Ukraine is not just an attack on one country is increasingly present and the support does not lose its intensity," said Pejanovic Djurisic. She added that every crisis is an opportunity for strengthening and new alliances. "Thus, the Ukrainian crisis has shown that Western democracies, with certain efforts and will, can move away from economic dependence on autocratic regimes in Moscow and Beijing," said Pejanovic Djurisic. As she said, when it comes to the Western Balkans and Montenegro, the war in Ukraine unequivocally showed a high degree of sensitivity to international security upheavals and challenges. "All the recognized negative consequences of Russian aggression are strongly reflected on our region, which has once again proven to be a suitable ground for the spread of Russian influence," added Pejanovic Djurisic. The President of the European Movement of Montenegro, Momcilo Radulovic, when asked whether it is more realistic for the war to end or expand, answered that at the moment it is very difficult to talk about when it will end. "First of all, because there is a whole series of unknowns in front of us at this moment," added Radulovic. He said that the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, lives in the past and is living the dream of his youth. "He said that, but unfortunately the West didn't listen well," Radulovic said. He said that it is necessary to return to the language of facts, stating that estimates are that the war costs Ukraine between 200 and 250 million Dollars per day. "If we really want to help Ukraine, then we must raise the figure of aid to that country to a significantly higher level, estimates are that this level cannot be below 800 million per day," said Radulovic. On the other hand, as he said, Russia invests significantly larger funds. "The lucky thing is that Russia is definitely not what the Soviet Union used to be, the effectiveness of the Russian military is nowhere near what we imagined." So even those enormous resources do not give Russia the possibility of further significant progress," said Radulovic. He emphasized that everything must be done to significantly increase aid to Ukraine. "We all have to learn lessons, and it seems to me that the West has not learned them," said Radulovic. He stated that the process of reducing dependence on Russian oil and gas did not start in 2014, but only in 2022. "That is a problem, because if it had started in 2014, the negative effect would have been significantly smaller, and Russia would have suffered greater losses," added Radulovic.

Ivanovic and Rodic: Montenegro and Serbia to strengthen political dialogue based on mutual respect (CdM)


Montenegro and Serbia should strengthen their traditionally friendly bilateral relations and political dialogue, based on the principles of mutual respect, with the belief that by appointing an ambassador, the further development of cooperation will go on an upward trajectory, it was said during the meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanovic and the Ambassador to Montenegro Nebojsa Rodic. "Both sides assessed that areas of special interest are economic cooperation and infrastructure development, with the aim of better regional connectivity and joint contribution to the faster integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union, which is the foreign policy goal of both countries. Bearing in mind that Serbia is one of the largest trade partners of Montenegro, the interlocutors referred to the importance of establishing a direct payment system, which enabled faster and more practical financial transactions between the citizens and businesses of the two countries", the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. The interlocutors also exchanged opinions on other important topics in the domain of bilateral relations and current regional circumstances.


Osmani: Electing country’s president in parliament would be an added value (TV Telma)


Foreign Minister and DUI’s presidential candidate Bujar Osmani told TV Telma in an interview Tuesday that the seriousness of his candidacy was the reason for the party to have its own candidate at the presidential elections for the first time. “No political party has a candidate with so much experience, both domestic and international. I am talking about leading domestic institutions and leading a big international organization. That’s why DUI believed that the seriousness of the candidacy requires that a serious attempt be made to break all taboos or stereotypes regarding the election of a president, and to ask the citizens of all ethnicities to make a decision based on quality, and not only based on ethnicity,” said Osmani asked if his presidential bid comes after the opposition coalition of the parties of ethnic Albanians nominated Arben Taravari as its presidential candidate and after the failure of talks for a joint candidate with another political party. Osmani stated that some of the topics in his campaign will include the amendments to the Constitution in order to include the Bulgarians, since, he said, without opening negotiation chapters the country won’t be able to make a significant leap forward in the Euro-integration process, but he also said he would focus on the issue of electing the country’s president in the parliament. “Regarding the second topic, this is a topic which I will promote in order to seek support from the citizens for the idea. And I think that the more I speak with citizens from various ethnic communities, they’re all talking about how paradoxical it is to elect a president at direct elections with limited authorizations in a parliamentary system,” said Osmani. He added that this issue has been a part of DUI’s party platform since 2006. “That’s why we haven’t participated in this process for 15 years. We boycotted, demanding a consensual president in 2014. Then we had a consensual candidate. So, not only did DUI promote the idea, but it actively worked to promote it and it will remain a central topic for the party at the parliamentary elections,” said Osmani adding that the election of president in the parliament would be “an added value”.


Union of Kosovo-Albania energy markets (Radio Tirana)


Kosovo and Albania together will be part of an important energy and regional bloc of economic, political, and geopolitical significance. This statement was made at the official ceremony organized by the Kosovo Operator of the Transmission System and Electricity Market (KOSTT) on behalf of the Albanian Electricity Exchange (ALPEX). The event marked the functionalization of the One Day Ahead Market for the Bidding Area of Kosovo and the Union of Kosovo-Albania Electricity Markets. Prime Minister Albin Kurti described this as a historic moment for the energy sector of both countries. He emphasized that this development would play a significant role in economic development and bring about greater transparency in the energy sector. He emphasized that deepening cross-border cooperation is one of the best methods to address the challenges and difficulties in the energy sector. Kurti also highlighted that the common market creates new business opportunities. He described the merger of the Kosovo-Albania electricity markets as a strategic step towards a more efficient energy ecosystem. Speaking about the importance of this event, the head of Kosovo government emphasized that through this cooperation, a more favorable environment for attracting foreign investments will be created. Moreover, he mentioned the last energy crisis, noting that it has not gone to waste. According to him, the lessons and experience gained from the crisis are now turning into cooperation and new opportunities. The Minister of Economy of Kosovo, Artane Rizvanolli, stated that it has always been a permanent historical aspiration of Kosovo to conduct politics in the energy sector in a way that recognizes and appreciates this complementarity and develops it even further. The chief executive of KOSTT, Evetar Zeqiri, emphasized the importance of this union, noting that it would not have been achieved without the far-sighted vision of both governments and the endless support of the respective ministries of the two countries. He mentioned that this agreement is the epilogue of a reform process of over two decades in the energy sector. The director of the USAID mission in Kosovo, Eileen Devitt, and the ambassador of Albania in Kosovo, Petrit Malaj, also participated in this ceremony.


Albania in the weapons industry is welcomed by Kosovo: Important and opportunity for cooperation (ANA/Radio Tirana)


The possibility of Albania's return to the weapons industry is seen positively by Kosovo, even as a concrete opportunity to cooperate with Albania in the field. Kosovo Minister of Defense Ejup Maqedonci, in an interview for the Albanian News Agency, said that investment in this industry is very necessary, while underscoring that the possibility of cooperation with the Minister of Defense of Albania, Niko Peleshi, will be discussed too. "We welcome any development of the Defense industry in the Republic of Albania", points out Maqedonci. "We in Kosovo are building the concept of the Defense industry and I hope that the two Ministers of Defense will deepen cooperation in this aspect, especially at a time when there is a lack of ammunition in the stocks of very big NATO countries as a result of recent wars and it is necessary and indispensable," said Maqedonci.