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Belgrade Media Report 11 April 2024



Vucic: Good meeting with OSCE Chiarman Borg (RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced yesterday that he had a good and meaningful meeting with the Chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Head of Diplomacy of Malta Ian Borg, adding that they exchanged opinions on bilateral relations, regional and geopolitical situations, as well as Serbia’s cooperation, and the OSCE and the progress of reform processes in the country. “I underlined the importance of the role of the OSCE in preserving security and stability in Europe and respecting public international law. I warned, on this occasion, about the constant neglect and violation of agreements reached when it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and pointed out the serious consequences of such behavior by Pristina and part of the international community,” wrote Vucic on Instagram. He added that he reiterated that Serbia, “even in these challenging circumstances, acts consistently and responsibly, both in foreign policy frameworks and on the internal level, respecting legislative frameworks, fostering constructive dialogue and protecting its people, national and state interests”.


Brnabic meets with Borg (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic met with OSCE Chairman and Maltese FM Ian Borg in Belgrade on Wednesday. Brnabic informed Borg she had invited all parliamentary parties to another round of discussions on implementation of recommendations by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), scheduled for Thursday. Welcoming Borg to Serbia, Brnabic said she was pleased to have an opportunity to speak with the chairperson of such an important organisation as the OSCE at the very beginning of her tenure as parliament speaker. She noted that, two years ago, the parliament had passed constitutional amendments strengthening judicial independence and that OSCE assistance had been more than valuable in the process. Borg commended Serbia's readiness to cooperate with the OSCE and noted that the country had demonstrated great commitment to that despite numerous challenges.


OSCE reliable partner of Serbian government in further reform process (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbia Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic talked yesterday with Chairperson-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and Minister for Foreign, Trade and European Affairs of Malta Ian Borg. The two officials exchanged opinions about the current situation within the OSCE and the possibilities of overcoming the existing challenges through an essential and constructive dialogue. Dacic reiterated Serbia's readiness to help in reaching a consensus on all issues of importance for the smooth functioning of the Organization, as it has been doing to date. He welcomed the fact that supporting the work of missions on the ground and strengthening their capacities was recognised among the priorities of the current Maltese presidency. In this context, Dacic highlighted the very good multi-decade cooperation that Serbia achieves with the OSCE Mission to Serbia, as well as that we greatly appreciate their support in the comprehensive reform process and expertise in programme areas, such as democratisation and the media, the rule of law, strengthening of human and minority rights, promotion of tolerance and non-discrimination and reform of the security sector. Dacic pointed out the necessity of preserving the status-neutral approach of the OSCE regarding Kosovo and Metohija, which must be respected, not only during meetings of the Organization, but also during the work of missions on the ground, and especially during the visits of OSCE officials to Pristina. Dacic called on the OSCE to maintain its status-neutral position in Kosovo and Metohija as its operations in the territory were a part of a mandate based on UNSCR 1244. Borg highlighted the excellent cooperation that the OSCE Mission to Serbia has achieved with the Serbian government to date, as well as that in the continuation of joint activities, this Mission represents a reliable partner in the further reform process.


Dacic: Eleven years after Brussels deal, Pristina still refusing to form Serb municipalities

Dacic said on Wednesday that, 11 years after the signing of the Brussels agreement, Pristina had still not established a Community of Serb Municipalities. Rather than face pressure over its refusal to meet its commitments, Pristina is being rewarded by the international community, Dacic said at a press conference after a meeting with Ian Borg. "It has been 11 years since I signed the Brussels agreement with Hasim Thaci and Catherine Ashton. However, the Community of Serb Municipalities, which is the main commitment, remains unfulfilled to this day, primarily due to the refusal of the Pristina authorities," Dacic said. Due to a lack of pressure from the international community, Pristina feels no obligation to meet its international commitments, he said. "We will continue to be a constructive factor, but this position is bringing our people in Kosovo and Metohija into a very difficult situation," Dacic said. The EU-facilitated First Agreement on the principles of normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations was signed in Brussels on 19 April 2013.


Brnabic: Opposition MPs showed lack of respect (N1)


Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic said on Thursday that opposition MPs showed a lack of respect by walking out a meeting she chaired. She told reporters that Serbia Against Violence (SPN) MPs showed an “unbelievable lack of respect for parliament as an institution” and everyone else present at the parliament Collegium meeting which was called to discuss ODIHR recommendations on election conditions. Opposition MPs said after they walked out that the meeting was called as a show for the EU, OSCE and US Ambassadors present. Brnabic claimed that the opposition refused to discuss what was on the agenda and insisted on their demand for local elections to be called on the same date across the country. The opposition made 3 demands – all local elections on the same date, a review of the electoral rolls and full access to RTS. The ruling coalition agreed to two but refused to call elections on the same date. Brnabic called Belgrade City Assembly elections for 2 June with the other local elections to be held at different dates. She said that the opposition MPs walked out of the meeting as soon as they said what they came to say and didn’t want to hear any proposals.


Opposition MPs walk out of meeting with Brnabic (N1)


Opposition MPs from the Serbian Against Violence (SPN) coalition walked out of a meeting of the Serbian parliament Collegium chaired by speaker Ana Brnabic on Thursday. The meeting is the third called by Brnabic to discuss ODIHR recommendations on election conditions. The opposition wants all local elections held on the same day which would require amendments to the law on elections along with a review of the electoral rolls and full access to RTS. The authorities have not agreed to hold the local elections on the same day with Brnabic calling the Belgrade City Assembly elections for 2 June. MPs from the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP), Democratic Party (DS), Green-Left Front and Popular Movement of Serbia told reporters that the meeting was a show for guests. The meeting was attended by US Ambassador Christopher Hill, EU Delegation chief Emanuel Giaufret and OSCE Mission chief Jan Braatu. SSP MP Marinika Tepic said they tried to tell the three ambassadors that Brnabic called the third meeting of the Collegium in an effort to lay the blame on the opposition. “Brnabic lied. We were prepared to find solution because we are fighting for elections and these elections will be a farce,” she told reporters. “We can’t take part in the elections before the ODIHR recommendations are implemented,” she said. DS leader Zoran Lutovac said that the authorities are denying that there is a problem with elections or a political crisis. “We are in a deep political crisis,” he said. Green-Left Front MP Biljana Djordjevic said they debunked the authorities’ claim that the opposition is holding up the implementation of ODIHR recommendations. Popular Movement of Serbia MP Miroslav Aleksic said the meeting was planned to discuss the ODIHR recommendations that don’t change anything.


Purchase of Rafale jets no violation of Serbia's military neutrality – MoD (Tanjug/Beta/Politika)


The Serbian Ministry of Defence dismissed on Wednesday as "extremely unfounded and incompetent" allegations that a purchase of 12 new Rafale multirole fighter jets was a violation of Serbia's military neutrality, and noted that such claims were aimed at generating artificial publicity and deceiving the public. In a statement, the ministry said the Rafale was one of the most advanced aircraft of its kind and that its induction into the arsenal of the Serbian Air Force and Anti-Aircraft Defence would ensure long-term protection of Serbian airspace and contribute to overall security of the country and its citizens. It said Serbia's proclaimed military neutrality pertained, above all, to the country's commitment not to join any existing military alliance and to make all decisions on defence affairs on its own and take full responsibility for them. The state leadership, headed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, has demonstrated a sense of that responsibility on several occasions in the past by striving to provide to the Serbian Armed Forces the most modern arms and equipment available in the global market, it said. In recent years, Serbia has completed a series of purchases of modern aircraft, anti-aircraft missile systems, radars, combat vehicles, electronic systems and other equipment from different countries including Russia, China, the US, Spain and France, it also said. None of those purchases, including the announced purchase of Rafale jets, is, nor can be, an act of disrespect for Serbia's military neutrality, but is exclusively an act of statesmanly, patriotic and professional responsibility for the defence of the country and security of all our citizens, the Ministry said.


Petkovic: Osmani is resorting to lies, she cannot stand Vucic's success in Paris (Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic says that the president of the provisional institutions in Pristina Vjosa Osmani is using "brutal lies" because she cannot bear the success of President Aleksandar Vucic, achieved in Paris. This is how he reacted to Osmani saying that the boycott of the vote on April 21 is "orchestrated from Belgrade". "When she can't stand Vucic's success in Paris, Vjosa Osmani resorts to brutal lies. How come she didn't notice pressure (from Belgrade) when Vucic called on Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to sign a petition for the removal of fake mayors (in northern Kosovo)? As soon as Kurti's deception with the referendum was exposed, Vucic and Serb List are to blame," Petkovic posted on X. The Serb List announced on Monday that it will not participate in the vote for the removal of mayors in four municipalities in the North, claiming that this position is shared by the Serbs in the North.


Greece's position on so-called Kosovo remains unchanged (ANA/Tanjug)


Quoting unnamed diplomatic sources, the Greek news agency ANA reports that Greece's position on Serbia and the so-called Kosovo remains completely unchanged. "There has been no change of attitude, nor do we intend for there to be a change of attitude," the sources were quoted as saying. Speaking about a Council of Europe (CoE) report on the so-called Kosovo's bid for membership in the organisation, the sources said "it has no influence on the Greek diplomatic position towards Serbia and Kosovo, it is an internal matter of the Council of Europe and in any case, it is non-binding". The Committee on Political Affairs of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly adopted in late March a report in which rapporteur Dora Bakoyannis - who comes from Greece - recommended that the so-called Kosovo be admitted to the CoE. In response, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Bakoyannis had abruptly changed her opinion about the so-called Kosovo's membership in the organisation after receiving a phone call. She gave up on the demand that Pristina must first implement a Community of Serb Municipalities, Vucic said. "She abruptly regretted having been very firm and strong and then she remembered that a Community of Serb Municipalities is not important, and then that (land) expropriation is not important either," he said. "I know well who ordered you to give up on principles and to act in that way. Shame on you. Only some of the people in the international arena have a spine, and some people have nothing," Vucic said in a message to Bakoyannis.


OSCE: It's up to voters in northern Kosovo and Metohija to decide whether to cast their ballots (Tanjug)


The OSCE mission in Kosovo and Metohija has issued a statement saying that it will be for voters in each (northern) municipality to decide whether to recall (Albanian) mayors. "Regardless of recent disappointing party political statements discouraging voters from exercising their democratic right, it will be for voters in each municipality to decide whether or not to cast their ballots on the recall of mayors on 21 April," the statement posted on Facebook said, adding: "Participation by all communities in democratic processes and institutions is critical to facilitating normalization". It is also stated that more than 20 percent of registered voters in each of the four multiplicities - Leposavic, Zubin Potok, northern Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvecan - "signed requests to for the recall of mayors as part of a democratic process initiated by voters under Kosovo legislation". OSCE added that "voters have the right to expect that their initiative is responded to in accordance with the relevant legislation". "The Central Election Commission has overseen the process with due regard for the legal framework, and will be well advised to avoid innovative approaches, such as the use of cameras in polling stations, which would require more thorough consideration and proper consultation," said the OSCE. The Serb List announced on Monday that it will not participate in the vote for the removal of mayors in four municipalities in the North, claiming that this position is shared by the Serbs in the North. That decision, Serb List leader Zlatan Elek said, was influenced by the impossible conditions around the entire process, for which he blamed Prime Minister of Pristina's provisional institutions Albin Kurti, stating that Kurti made sure that the referendum would fail. Elek pointed out that impossible procedures are envisaged for the vote that is to be held on 21 April, adding that people are supposed to vote in the presence of cameras, that the voter lists do not reflect the real situation on the ground because the number of voters has increased disproportionately and that even if the mayors are replaced, Albanian councillors would still remain.


Freedom House: Serbia experiences historic decline (N1)


The Freedom House Nations in Transition 2024 said that Serbia experienced a historic decline due to President Aleksandar Vucic’s efforts to consolidate power in 2023.

The report listed Serbia as a Transitional or Hybrid Regime whose democracy score showed the largest decline. According to the report, Serbia’s Independent Media score has also dropped due to the gradual, but overt, dominance of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in media coverage, increasing hostility and financial pressure on independent journalists, and the state’s effective capture of public and private media. The report warned that autocratizing hybrids like Hungary and Serbia are on their way to what Nations in Transit classifies as Semi-Consolidated Authoritarian Regimes. “Key institutions, from the media to the courts, have gone beyond the level of politicization expected under classical definitions of hybrid regimes and are now effectively captured by ruling parties and abused for partisan or personal gain,” it added. “In 2002, democracy scholar Thomas Carothers observed that certain hybrid regimes, like those in this group, suffer from “dominant-power politics,” in which the opposition or civil society has some space to operate, but the ruling political faction is able to prevent any change in leadership. The description applies perfectly to present-day Serbia, where President Vucic’s regime has kept a tight grip on power by rigging electoral processes, dominating both public and private media, brutally smearing opposition members and activists, and cowing municipal governments,” the report said. “The ability of the opposition or civil society to influence the government’s policies is more limited in hybrids with dominant-power politics. These regimes may appear on the surface to simply ignore dissent, but in practice they are likely to repress critics with more covert tactics, such as the smearing, intimidation, and surveillance that Serbian civil society, independent media, and the opposition movement Srbija protiv nasilja (Serbia against Violence) faced during 2023,” it added. Back-to-back mass shootings in May prompted protests throughout the summer, to which the Serbian government responded with rigged snap elections in December, it said.


Lutovac: Opposition asks OSCE to appoint mediator for talks with government (Danas)


DS leader Zoran Lutovac said the opposition has written to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) asking it to appoint a special envoy to mediate in the talks between the Serbian government and the opposition. He told the Danas portal that the opposition’s proposal is based on the idea that, through OSCE mediation in negotiations between the government and the opposition, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) electoral recommendations would be implemented. “The essence of our proposal is that, if you have talks between two sides, neither of them can mediate in the talks, it has to be someone with integrity, someone who enjoys a good reputation with both sides, and that is the OSCE,” said Lutovac. Commenting on the fact that OSCE Chair-in-Office Ian Borg, who is currently visiting Serbia, will not meet with the opposition, Lutovac said that not much is lost by this, because he will be able to learn everything about the elections at his meetings with the civil sector, but also from the letter that the opposition has sent.


NADA coalition won’t attend parliament’s Collegium session (N1/Beta)


A member of the presidency of the New Democratic Party of Serbia Milos Stankovic said that representatives of the NADA coalition decided not to attend the next session of the Collegium of the parliament speaker Ana Brnabic had scheduled for 11 April. Stankovic said in an interview for N1 that after last week’s decision to schedule Belgrade polls for 2 June “it’s too late to discuss elementary election conditions”. “Ana Brnabic and the ruling party cannot be trusted when they say they are truly interested in democratic processes in Serbia. The elections were called last week, and invitations to the Collegium are being sent now. They invited us to talk about election conditions after the election cycle had already begun,” Stankovic said. The opposition politician said that the NADA coalition, which aside from his party includes the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia (POKS), demonstrated an extremely serious constructive approach to the talks on elections, but the authorities have ignored it. “Under such conditions, there will be no elections on 2 June. We are engaging in an active boycott, relying on the broadest population and the support of citizens,” the New Democratic Party of Serbia’s official said.


Soft power against Srebrenica Resolution (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)


Politika argued that the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is getting more and more heated as the start of May is approaching as the moment when the UN General Assembly (UN GA) is expected to vote on Srebrenica Resolution, which was proposed by Germany and Rwanda and sponsored by USA, Turkey, Albania and some other countries. The daily added that many have an impression that lobbying worldwide have already started for this document, the nature of which is interpreted differently by Sarajevo and Banja Luka. Media published the contents of the Resolution, which stipulates the introduction of July 11 as the international day of remembrance of Srebrenica genocide and condemns any kind of denial of it. “The announcement on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s trip to New York for seven days is a signal for some that something, perhaps, can be done in this context or that at least it will be possible to present arguments in favor of postponement of voting, which would create time to explain a wider context of intentions of the western proposers of the Resolution to less interested and less informed countries in the world,” the daily added and noted that the outcome of the voting might be an indicator of the ‘soft power’ of the capital cities in the Balkans. The Bosniak People’s European Alliance (NES) assessed that Vucic is in panic because he is bothered with the fact that the UN GA will most likely adopt the resolution, although such resolution has never been adopted against Germany and genocide committed during the World War II. Politika noted that, even among Bosniaks, there are some voices “that are not pleasant for ears of dominant Sarajevo’s public” including the opinion of Ibran Mustafic, who was a witness of Srebrenica events and a founder of SDA. Mustafic interpreted the resolution as “a new strain on relations and politicizing, which will bring nothing good to this area and to B&H”. The daily reminded that Mustafic is the author of ‘Planned chaos’ book who has been talking for years about the responsibility of (late President of the Republic of B&H) Alija Izetbegovic and (wartime Commander of the Army of the Republic of B&H) Naser Oric for Srebrenica and he described the tragedy in Srebrenica as “an agreed genocide which is being commercialized and manipulated with”. Mustafic said that everyone has to go back to dialogue in turbulent times in order to avoid evil from happening again. “Resolutions such as this disputable one are not mandatory and they are usually used for new spins, various tensions and deepening of crises. The past war would not have happened had it not been imported from outside,” Mustafic said.




Sattler discusses European path and progress of B&H with HDZ B&H leader Covic in Mostar (BHT1/FTV)


EU Special Representative (EUSR) and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler met with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic in Mostar on Wednesday. On this occasion, Sattler and Covic discussed the European path and progress of B&H. In a post on social media X, Covic provided a comment on the meeting, which reads: “We discussed a number of topics related to our European path, functioning and progress. Reform laws, especially the Election Law, must progress. A stable political dialogue of local participants is crucial for positive momentum.” FTV carries that Sattler and Covic discussed the further progress of B&H on the path of the EU integration, the strengthening of democratic institutions and the improvement of political stability and economic prosperity in B&H.


Dodik meets with French senators in Paris: If Schmidt intervenes in relation to property, RS will declare independence (RTRS/O Kanal/BHT1)


RS President Milorad Dodik conveyed to the French senators in Paris that Christian Schmidt, who has no legitimacy and legality, is trying to model the constitutional order in B&H, and that the RS, if Schmidt intervenes in relation to property, will have no other choice but to defend its status by declaring its independence. To the group of French senators, friends of the Balkans, as the RS President called them, Dodik conveyed the well-known views of the RS. Dodik assessed the Paris meeting as very good and said the senators understood all he was conveying. The connection of the French state and people with Serbs is illustrated by the monument dedicated to the kings Peter the First Karadjordjevic and King Alexander the Unifier, on which Dodik laid wreaths. From this place, Dodik reminded of the immeasurable sacrifice and contribution of the Serb people on the way to freedom during the World War I. Although the earlier relations with France have faded, this is, he says, an opportunity for their political leaders to remember their shared glorious days, but also the role of this country when it comes to the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. “It would be good if, from the point of view of objectivity and not any fan relationship, France would return to that area, to clearly point out the need for the European integration, but not to just blindly follow the violation of the rule of law, that is, the Dayton Peace Agreement, and to try together with everyone in the Balkans, and us Serbs, to restore the primacy of respect for international law,” Dodik pointed out. President Dodik, who during his working visit to the French capital leads the RS delegation, attended a round table discussion of representatives of the Serb diaspora in France in the ceremonial hall of the City Administration. “We presented our visions, how we see things, and said that B&H should return to the Constitution and stop interventionism and for foreigners to withdraw. France played a positive role. We know that in the international negotiation process related to Schmidt's intention to make the last decisions, France was against it and we appreciate that, but its opposition was not enough,” Dodik said. Dodik posted this on his account on the X platform. "We talked to people who want to hear it, which is not very common. I am grateful to this group of senators, who are from different political parties, because they wanted to hear about the situation and had a certain opinion about it. They will soon come to B&H will talk with other factors there as well," Dodik stated ". Dodik also stated that he is convinced that with this visit he will achieve the desired effect. He said that intervention in the B&H Election Law is unacceptable and that it will block the further process in B&H until the Law is withdrawn from the Parliamentary Assembly. According to him, if this does not happen, the RS will pass its own laws and continue in accordance with the Constitution and the B&H Election Law, which stipulates that the CEC only conducts elections for members of the B&H Presidency and the B&H House of Representatives.


RS opposition favors Schmidt’s election law over RS election law (ATV/RTRS/Nova BH)


ATV carries that the RS opposition prefers the election law imposed by the illegitimate foreigner Christian Schmidt over the RS election law. ATV reporter noted that this conclusion can be made following the remarks made by opposition leaders, despite the RS election law not being written or adopted in the RS parliament. ATV reporter remarks that the Honorary President of PDP Mladen Ivanic appeared on FB&H media and called on all members of the RS opposition to not support the RS election law and not participate in the elections if they are held under the new law, as it would give the law legitimacy. Leader of SDS Milan Milicevic said that SDS will not support the draft or the final version of the RS election law. When the ATV reporter asked Milicevic if they prefer Schmidt's election law over the RS election law, Milicevic responded that he did not say that and that SDS will participate in the elections, under whatever law is enforced at the time. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic took Ivanic’s call with some reservations, despite Ivanic being his political mentor, and said that he would like to read the text of the law before making any decisions. ATV reporter remarks that People’s Front leader Jelena Trivic, who is not over her election loss from 2022, said that Schmidt's imposition was caused by a lack of agreement in the state coalition. "Do not direct any questions about Schmidt’s imposition to me. Those questions should be directed to Milorad Dodik and Dragan Covic,” said Trivic while addressing the press. The leader of the List for Justice and Order Nebojsa Vukanovic called the RS parliament session, during which MPs will discuss the RS election law, a “coup”. He noted that if the RS election law is adopted it could cause polarization in the RS, as municipalities could have two heads of municipalities, one elected based on Schmidt’s law and the other based Dodik’s law. ATV reporter comments that Dodik already called on the opposition to participate in the creation of the text of the RS election law, but that they showed in their responses that they are not ready to take over the responsibility of defending the RS. Drasko Stanivukovic, PDP member and party candidate for the Banja Luka Mayor, said that he would not comment this matter at this moment. Nova BH carries that Milicevic said that his party will not support the RS election law. Milicevic argued that the RS election law or changes to the B&H Election Law imposed by Schmidt do not guarantee values which this party advocates. Milicevic also said that at the meeting of the RS opposition held on Wednesday, the electoral law and other current topics were discussed, on which the opposition is divided. "In my opinion, the opposition must and should participate in the elections, because otherwise it would be a surrender to the SNSD, which is our political enemy," Milicevic said. When asked under which law he will go to the elections, the one imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt or the one that, according to the government's announcements, will be passed, Milicevic answered: "We do not accept any imposition of laws, but we still do not have a law at the level of RS... What is certain is that we will go to the elections."


B&H HoP’s work blocked (BHT1)


BHT1 analyzed the blockade of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) that has lasted since the session that was interrupted by the Bosniak Caucus’ delegates, who left the session due to SDS’ proposal of the Law on the B&H Constitutional Court (CC). If the Bosniak delegates continue to boycott the sessions, there will be no quorum for work of the B&H HoP. This means that everything that should be adopted by the B&H HoP will be blocked, and that the work of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will be partly blocked too. People and Justice (NiP) leader and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic assessed that there have been different turbulence on the political scene, particularly due to moves of RS politicians. “The reactions to (High Representative Christian) Schmidt’s imposed amendments of the technical part of the Election Law have been causing turbulence. However, this is nothing unprecedented in B&H”, added Konakovic. Speaker of the B&H HoP Kemal Ademovic (NiP) confirmed that “there is a sort of a blockade of the HoP’s work”, and added that there can be no session without quorum. SNSD’s delegate in the B&H HoP Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac accused the Bosniak delegates of consciously making obstruction. “What lies behind this? A scene was made, to create scenario that is favorable for imposing the law, despite the stance of institutions and representatives of the RS in that regard”, Novakovic-Bursac noted. She concluded that the aim was to deepen the crisis. On the other hand, DF’s delegate in the B&H HoP Dzenan Djonlagic blames HDZ B&H for obstructions, adding that the main issue lies in HDZ B&H’s opposing the Election Law amendments, without changing the manner of election of the B&H Presidency. “SNSD blocked everything in cooperation with SNSD”, he added.


Draft resolution on genocide in Srebrenica published (FTV)


FTV reports that the draft resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, which will be discussed by the UN General Assembly in the coming days, has finally been made public. The resolution emphasizes the verdict of the International Court in The Hague, which clearly stated that genocide was committed against Bosniaks in Srebrenica in 1995. The proponents of the resolution are Germany and Rwanda, and the US, Chile, New Zealand, Malaysia, Jordan, Turkey, Slovenia, Albania, France, Italy, Ireland, Liechtenstein, BiH, the Netherlands and Finland are sponsors. However, as FTV noted, the most important part are the conclusions of the resolution, of which there are seven in total. FTV conveyed the seven conclusions of the resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica. “The General Assembly decides to declare July 11 as the International Day of Remembrance of the Genocide in Srebrenica, which will be celebrated every year. Unreservedly condemns any denial of the genocide in Srebrenica and calls on member states to preserve established facts, including those through the education system, in order to prevent revisionism and the occurrence of genocide in the future. Unreservedly condemns actions that glorify those convicted of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, including those responsible for the genocide in Srebrenica. Emphasizes the importance of completing the process of finding and identifying the remaining victims of the genocide in Srebrenica. Calls on all states to fully comply with their obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as applicable in international customary law on the prevention and punishment of genocide. Asks the Secretary General to establish an information program called ‘Genocide in Srebrenica and the UN’ starting with activities for the 30th anniversary in 2025. Invites all member states, organizations of the UN system, other international and regional organizations and civil society, including NGOs, to celebrate the International Day, including special activities in memory of the victims of the 1995 genocide in Srebrenica,” the conclusions of the resolution read.


Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center announces that it will use all resources to advocate adoption of resolution on genocide in Srebrenica in UN (FTV)


The Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center announced that it will use all resources to advocate adoption of the resolution on genocide in Srebrenica in the UN. The Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center confirmed that their team sent the information to all embassies and international missions in charge of B&H, and requested that all efforts be made so that accurate and true information reaches the decision makers from these countries in the United Nations. At the same time, harsh condemnations of the resolution can be heard from the RS and Serbia. The RS and Serbia claim that the resolution stigmatizes the entire Serb people. However, as FTV stressed, the draft resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, into which the public had an insight, does not mention the RS or Serbia anywhere.


Dodik: By pushing the resolution on Srebrenica, Bosniak politicians will destroy any possibility of agreement with Serbs (AJB/TV Russia 24)


RS President Milorad Dodik wrote a post on X, regarding the Resolution on the Srebrenica Genocide in the UN General Assembly. Dodik wrote: “By pushing the resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly, Bosniak politicians in B&H will permanently destroy any possibility of an agreement with Serbs.” He noted: “With the complete abuse and privatization of institutions by Bosniaks, they show that B&H cannot survive this fraud in relation to Srebrenica…Everything related to Srebrenica is a political project that should permanently mark the Serb people.” Dodik also gave a statement to TV Russia 24 and said that the Resolution was proposed by Germany “which carried out genocide against Serbs” and added that the West is talking about reconciliation while “presenting lies that were invented for the sake of propaganda.” Dodik went on to say that the RS established a commission of international experts, with Israeli Gideon Greiff at the helm, and their first conclusion “was that there was no genocide.” “There was a crime, 3,741 Bosniaks were killed,” Dodik said and reminded that, at the same time, 2,500 Serbs too were killed in the area yet nobody claimed that this was genocide.


Nesic: Helez is fascinated by Dodik and he is trying to imitate him, no decisions on NATO integration can be made without RS (Glas Srpske)


The daily carried an interview with B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic who commented the recent statements of B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez about B&H’s NATO integration and his statements questioning the legitimacy of Nesic’s appointment and RS President Milorad Dodik’s election. Nesic said that Helez is almost not worthy of a serious comment. He reminded that Helez voted for appointment of B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) members to verified Dodik’ victory in the last general election “So Dodik is the President of Srpska in line with the laws of this country and decisions of the CEC. With this statement, he did not contest the legality of Dodik’s election, but he accused the CEC, B&H Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of B&H of illegal work”, said Nesic. He also commented Helez’s accusation that he and Dodik harbor “aggressor values”, noting that he was a child during the war while Helez was a military officer. Speaking about Helez’s statements about NATO integration, Nesic said that Helez is trying to impose himself as the leader of Bosniaks. In his opinion, Helez is fascinated with Dodik and he is constantly trying to imitate him. Nesic underlined that there are Serb representatives in state institutions, as well as mechanisms for protection of the RS’ interests. He also noted that any further progress towards NATO membership would require the approval of B&H Presidency and entity majority in B&H parliament. Nesic underlined that the Dayton Peace Agreement guarantees the RS’s right to participate in the decision-making process. Asked to comment the work of B&H Council of Ministers, Nesic said that the Council does not represent a coalition, but it is rather a body composed of representatives of entities and peoples. “It is good when we have a shared interest, such as the EU membership, where we achieved a high level of consensus resulting in opening of accession negotiations”, Nesic noted. Speaking about the security situation in B&H, Nesic said that security measures have been increased all over Europe, including B&H.


Helez answers Nesic: Be happy if RS survives at all (


Commenting the statement of B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic, B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez stated that “Russian military camps” were dismantled the moment he started to talk about them and when he submitted information and evidence about their existence to the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. “They collected their things and left over the Drina River, where they belong to. US government in its Budget provided BAM 80 million and will fully finance procurement of US helicopters BELL 412. Production of drones is in the final phase and our country will have them and export them. And to have them, for heaven’s forbid situations,” said Helez. He noted that RS political representatives often call for peaceful dissolution and added that these desires will remain nothing but “unfulfilled dreams”. “B&H is a state with thousands of years of existence. Much stronger politicians in the past tried to conquer our country and they failed. Hence, an illegal RS President Milorad Dodik and his errand-boy Nesic will not succeed either. Every attempt of RS secession will result in RS abolition,” said Helez. He further noted that after adoption of Srebrenica Resolution in the UN, he deems it is time for B&H to reexamine its internal organization. “We are telling the illegal RS President Dodik and his errand-boy Nesic, but also all politicians who share stances of these two, to be happy if RS gulag, created on genocide and other the most atrocious war crimes, survives at all. This is definitely the chance for the world to show all secessionists and criminals in the world that border cannot be changed by weapon, murders, persecutions, creating new internal organizations or new political system in internationally recognized states,” said Helez. The Minister stated that the agreement, united and equal voting right for everyone in the state, rule of the majority with respecting of rights of others and those who are different, equal rights and freedoms for all, as it is the case in other democratic states, are the only way in which state can be organized and in which it can function. “Nesic, I no longer want to debate with you, this is beneath my level. You and representatives of ‘fifth-column’ media, who passionately support you in heinous attacks and insults against state of B&H and its institutions, can only suffer and grieve because B&H is a stable, indestructible state and proud mother of all peoples and citizens who live in it for centuries and who love it,” ends Helez.


Zvizdic announces arrival of NATO battalion as support to EUFOR (Avaz)


Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic posted on his X that NATO is sending a battalion of reserve forces, as support to EUFOR Althea Mission in B&H. “A long expected and strategically extremely important decision for extinguishing of secessionist and irredentist ideas and preserving of peace and stability,” Zvizdic wrote. The article reminded that Zvizdic earlier called on NATO to deploy their troops because of “latest warmongering statements of RS President Milorad Dodik”.


Anonymous NATO officials confirms: NATO troops to arrive in B&H (


A NATO official, who wanted to remain anonymous, told that A contingent of their soldiers will be engaged in B&H. “NATO and the EU have a long-standing cooperation in B&H, but also in the region of entire Western Balkans. NATO welcomed temporary engagement of their strategic forces in B&H, as support to peacekeeping operation under leadership of the EU. EUFOR has the key role in maintaining of stable and safe environment, with assistance and support of NATO, based on the Agreement ‘Berlin Plus’,” the source told Portal’s collocutor did not want to speak about additional details: “For all further comments, address the EUFOR.”


Zvizdic’s announcement denied: NATO battalion is not coming to B&H ( did a research and learns that the statement of deputy speaker of the B&H House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic about the arrival of NATO troops is not true. wrote that an unnamed source from the B&H Presidency, B&H Defense Ministry and NATO confirmed to them that no NATO battalion is arriving. They noted that only presence of EUFOR troops is allowed in B&H. wrote that it is not NATO troops, but EUFOR reserve units from France that are arriving to B&H.


Mitsotakis to Spajic: Montenegro a bright spot in WB, EU must value your results (CdM)


“Montenegro is a bright spot in the Western Balkans. The EU must value your indisputable results and respond to them adequately. In a short time, you have done much more than other countries in this process”, said Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis at a meeting with PM of Montenegro Milojko Spajic, who is on a working visit to Greece. At the meeting, during which economic cooperation was one of the most important topics, it was assessed that the strengthening of traffic connections was a mutual priority and that it was necessary to work intensively in this context. Montenegro has the potential to brand itself even more strongly as an investment destination, and in this sense, it is necessary to cooperate more closely with existing investors who are the best ambassadors in this regard, they agreed. After emerging from the crisis, Greek businessmen are even more interested in participating in international tenders and direct investments in the Western Balkans, whose opportunities, as announced by the Prime Minister of Greece, they know well. Spajic informed Mitsotakis about the government’s activities on the plan of reforms and said that in the last six months, the position of Montenegro had changed significantly in favour of a certain European perspective.


Zenovic: Most of commitments from EU agenda must be completed by next year end (MINA)


The government plans to complete most of the obligations within the European agenda by the end of next year, said the chief negotiator of Montenegro with the EU Predrag Zenovic at the presentation of the draft EU Accession Program of Montenegro, 2024 – 2027. It is the umbrella strategic document of the European integration process of Montenegro that defines the scope and pace of the reforms needed for alignment with the EU legal acquis. At the round table in Podgorica, Zenovic said that in the Q4 of last year, the drafting of the named document began, in order to harmonize that document with the new EU acquis, as well as the pace of the adoption of national legislative and strategic documents. As he stated, the first stage of drafting included a detailed analysis of almost 5,000 acts adopted by the EU from October 2021 to October 2023, i.e. assessment of relevance in terms of transposing those acts into national legislation.


PM’s Cabinet: Abazovic’s govt. illegally spent €350,000 on lobbying (CdM)


Prime Minister Milojko Spajic’s cabinet sent a letter to the president of the National Council for the Fight against Corruption Momo Koprivica, claiming that the government led by Dritan Abazovic illegally spent €350,000 on lobbying. CdM reported on this at the end of December 2022. Spajic’s Cabinet delivered to Koprivica the documentation related to the signing of the agreement on the use of lobbying services between the government of Montenegro and the company Bipartizan Solutions Inc. from Washington. “After reviewing the submitted documentation, we believe that the provisions of numerous positive legal regulations have been violated”, the letter, which the CdM had access to, reads. It is emphasized that a review of the documentation states that the engagement letter in question was concluded between Bipartizan Solutions Inc. from Washington and Dritan Abazovic, on 13 December 2022, on behalf of the government of Montenegro, and for the conclusion of which the legal transaction was not previously given its consent. It was assessed that in the case of the procurement of a service it was necessary to apply the Law on Public Procurement, which was not done in this case.


Dimitrievski: Macedonia needs unifier as president (MIA)


We will conduct a positive campaign, work on uniting the Macedonian people as a whole. Our goal is not to divide the citizens on political, religious or any other grounds, our goal is to unite them, ZNAM Movement presidential candidate Maksim Dimitrievski told a rally on Wednesday in Shtip. In his address, on the occasion of the opening of the first ZNAM’s election headquarters in Shtip, he noted that there are about 1.5 million citizens in this country, but as he said, we are too few and it is enough for the citizens to divide. “Macedonia needs unification, Macedonia needs a president who will be a unifier of the Macedonians and all the ethnic communities in the country. On this occasion, I would like to congratulate today's great holiday of Kurban Bayram to all members of the Islamic faith,” Dimitrievski said. He underscored that ZNAM is a new political entity, which was created by and needs to work for the citizens, and that it is something new on the Macedonian political scene. “We are witnessing how some leave, others come who are even worse than those who left, and after four or eight years, the same ones who left before come again and become even worse and worse, and the people are trampled to the bottom of society,” Dimitrievski noted. He announced that in the coming period, his members and he as president will try to visit every citizen and family. Dimitrievski said that the citizens of Macedonia deserve a better tomorrow. The presidential candidate Dimitrievski tonight asked the citizens of Shtip for their support to be the future president of Macedonia, because as he said, he will be the president of all citizens. He announced that in the first 100 days of president’s mandate, he will propose a national strategy to fight political corruption, because the main corruption is in politics. Dimitrievski emphasized that he will also propose constitutional amendments, in order to prevent any amnesty for corrupt politicians. Earlier on Wednesday, Dimitrievski also met the locals of Lozovo and Sveti Nikole.


Siljanovska Davkova: Expertise and competence can lead the country out of chaos (MIA)


Expertise and competence can pull the country out of the chaos, anarchy, and depression we find ourselves in. Awards and recognitions will be granted to those who inspire, the best, the most diligent, and then all young people here will aspire to progress, to learn. To halt the exodus, to convince the best to be with us, to stand by us, said VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, at Wednesday’s rally in Strumica. Geographically, historically, culturally, we have always been a part of the EU, of Europe. We expected and believed that the formation of the European Community would lead to the formation of a family that would be an important factor in shaping world politics, an important player in globalization, inspiring with its standards. And therefore, when assessing who is for the EU and who is against, don't trust empty words. Actions are needed. Good education, good healthcare, good social protection, good cultural policy,” Siljanovska Davkova said. She announced the reinstatement of the people's offices, which were opened by the former president, Gjorge Ivanov. According to her, politics is not about embedding oneself in it to take what belongs to the people and to Macedonia. "Politics is about preserving goods, advancing them, upgrading them, and opening pathways to prosperity. That's how you become a European, not by catching the last train when there are no trains, no tracks, no railways, but plenty of employees, and exceptionally well-paid ones,” she said. At the rally in Strumica, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, and the list principal in the fourth election district, Aleksandar Nikoloski, spoke.VMRO-DPMNE and the coalition previously held rallies in Vasilevo, Bosilovo, and Radovish.


Pendarovski: We’ll defeat Mickoski in the first round of elections (MIA)


We will defeat Mickoski in the first round, there will be no need for a second round, presidential candidate supported by SDSM and the coalition Stevo Pendarovski told a rally in Kavadarci late on Wednesday. “Mickoski's candidate for president does not know her country. Let me not bring you back to scenes from five years ago, said Pendarovski, referring to the event from the previous elections, when she got the name of the city wrong, and addressing the present citizens of Tikvesh region, as part of the then election campaign,” Pendarovski said. “In the past five years, I've travelled precisely 80 thousand kilometers with my colleagues. There isn't a single municipality or inhabited place where I haven't been. And in my office, open to everyone, 4,500 people have entered. The office must not be isolated only for the elite,” he emphasized. When asked about speculation by the opposition on social media about boycotting the second round, Pendarovski stated that such speculations arose after Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE observed the large turnout of citizens at events organized by SDSM during the campaign. “In several discussions with high diplomatic representatives in Skopje, he himself announces the boycott. He calls it a silent boycott, saying, "It's essential to see what we will do in the parliamentary elections, and the presidential ones may even fail." Because it's clear to him that the work there is finished even before 8 May,” Pendarovski pointed out. He discussed the achieved results in the past period and the priorities for the future. “Unlike the previous regime, even active officials from our political structure, who faced the face of justice, are now in detention or prison. There must be a complete and thorough change of the real hindrances, so that everyone gets what they deserve if they break the law. This includes judges and prosecutors who, under the influence of certain centers of political and especially economic power, did not judge according to the constitution and law and international agreements. Instead, they judged selectively. Therefore, many criminals who deserve to be behind bars are not there because they corrupt those judges and prosecutors,” he said. Therefore, he noted, this political structure, of which he himself is a part, proposes a comprehensive and thorough vetting and verification of the assets of all judges and prosecutors to see who among them has disproportionately increased wealth. However, he conveyed, it will begin with the politicians. "I assure you that their presidential candidate won't pass such vetting. Because in the early nineties, they violated the embargo imposed by the United Nations against the former Yugoslavia and have disproportionately increased wealth," Pendarovski underlined. Pendarovski stated that the largest opposition party, by blocking constitutional changes, isolated the country. If citizens support the current political lineup, he guarantees full EU membership, as they claim, well before the end of this decade. "If on April 24 and on May 8, this political structure earns your trust, we guarantee that we will become full-fledged members of the EU well before the end of this decade. With that, the economic development of Macedonia will advance much faster than before," Pendarovski said. Earlier on Wednesday, Pendarovski met the locals of Demir Kapija, Gradsko, Rosoman and Negotino.


Mickoski: I'll accept TV duel with Pendarovski when he becomes SDSM president (MIA)


I have no issue with duels and debates. However, for Stevo to earn the privilege of engaging in a duel and debating, first, after losing the elections on 8 May, he needs to gain the trust of the delegates from SDSM and become the president of SDSM, and SDSM the largest opposition party, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, said in response to Pendarovski's invitation for a televised duel with him. He added that if he didn't lie again when Pendarovski said if he was no longer president that he would also move out of Macedonia. However, he indicated that they will forgive him, as he is the president-elect for the SDSM presidency. Mickoski stated, 'Then, we can sit down and debate with the future prime minister of Macedonia and discuss the state of affairs in the country'. According to him, for Stevo Pendarovski to attain that honor and role, he first needs to cease playing the Balkan macho man, stop insulting a lady with great credibility and authority like Professor Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, and admit that he did see her and apologize for the insults.


Happy Fitr Bajram/ Head of Muslim Community: May the world find peace and tolerance prevail (Radio Tirana)


All Muslim believers celebrate Eid al-Fitr. The head of the Muslim Community of Albania, Bujar Spahia, wished all Muslim believers more goodness, prosperity, and love in their lives. After the prayer at Skanderbeg Square, Spahia called for peace and tolerance to prevail among humanity. "Happy Eid al-Fitr, may this festival be a joyous one. May peace, kindness, and prosperity reign in our families. Our prayers go for a better and prosperous Albania. I pray to God that our decisions bring prosperity, and peace and justice to the world. Today we have the right to rejoice and celebrate and share this goodness and prosperity that God has given us after this dedication, to share it with our families and society. Happy Eid al-Fitr to the Albanians and peoples around the world," Spahia said. Muslim believers celebrate Eid al-Fitr today after 30 days of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. According to the Muslim faith, on this day, Allah rewards believers for all their sacrifices during the month of Ramadan. On this auspicious day, the Albanian Radio Television wishes all Muslim believers Happy Eid al-Fitr.


Begaj congratulates Eid al-Fitr from Elbasan: Let's inherit religious harmony among generations (Radio Tirana)


President of the Republic of Albania Bajram Begaj visited the Balliu Mosque in Elbasan, where he wished all Muslim believers the happy Eid al-Fitr. During the visit to the mosque of Ballia, Begaj met with the mufti of Elbasan, Agim Duka, expressing mutual wishes for more prosperity and peace among Albanians. For the media, President Begaj said that Albanians must inherit the religious harmony that they have as a great human value. "I chose to be in Elbasan to wish all Muslim believers a happy Eid al-Fitr. After a magnificent month of Ramadan, the [Muslim] believers with their prayers are closer to God and will be worthy citizens of their family and society. I am in the wonderful mosque of Elbasan, rebuilt in the same place where in 1608 Hasan Balliu built it for the first time, though destroyed in 1967, thanks to God it was rebuilt again in the same place. Here, believers live in complete religious harmony as in the whole country, it is a great human value that we must preserve and inherit. I wish goodness and prosperity for all Albanians and believers," said Begaj. In this visit, the head of state was presented by the imam of the mosque with a Qaba Qu’ran that is given to world dignitaries. The Balliu Mosque is a cultural and religious jewel, where today it welcomed the faithful for the prayer.


Wisner: Celebrating 15 Years as NATO Allies: Stronger and more united than ever (Radio Tirana)


The Charge d'Affaires at the Embassy of the United States of America in Tirana David Wisner together with President Bajram Begaj, the Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Arben Kingji and the brave men and women of the Albanian Armed Forces attended in Zall-Herr the ceremony held within the framework of the 15th anniversary of Albania's membership in NATO. The event reaffirmed the common commitment to peace, freedom and security. Echoing the words of President George W. Bush, Wisner emphasized the enduring strength of the Alliance. “The enduring strength of the NATO alliance is a testament to the enduring power of freedom... this Alliance will lead the way to a safer and more hopeful world. ... I hope your children always honor the battles you faced. May the stories of Albania be light for those who remain in the darkness of tyranny. And I hope that your example will help them towards a brighter day.”