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Belgrade Media Report 25 April



Vucic meets with Guterres (NSPM)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met yesterday with the Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres in the United Nations headquarters in New York. “I repeated that Serbia is a serious convicting every crime committed in war conflicts, precisely in accordance with the principles and regulations of the United Nations, which they defined the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes,” Vucic wrote on Instagram.


Vucic from New York: The pressure on small countries is getting stronger; Serbia managed to put a fight (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public from New York. Vucic stated that the pressure on small countries to vote for the Resolution on Srebrenica is becoming increasingly noticeable and stronger. "However, we are a small country and it is not easy for us to stand up to that, but I think that we did a great job for our country in the UN, we fought for our people," said Vucic. He added that many spoke about the need to consider further harmonization of positions, to work on consultations in the future, but that does not depend on them or us, but on the submitter of the Resolution. "After yesterday's meetings with the representatives of the countries of the African and South American and Caribbean groups in the UN, today I informed the countries of the Asia-Pacific group about our fight for truth, law and justice and for the preservation of the libertarian and proud spirit of the Serbian people. I warned of the consequences and the irreparable damage that the adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica can have on the stability and future of the Western Balkans, respect for international public law, but also on the credibility of the UN itself, as a guarantor of peace and legal order in the world," said Vucic. He reminded that when Pristina abolishes the Dinar, then Lajcak says that "neither side is ready to accept a compromise". "We will continue our fight in a difficult day. We are too small for the most powerful Western powers, but you cannot always win the truth by force. It still means something to us," added Vucic. Vucic pointed out that Slovenia leads a disgusting policy towards Serbia and the Serbian people. "I took the fact that I should not come to Slovenia so often as a threat and I will reduce my visits to my friends and family, but if I offended anyone, I want to apologize to the entire public and the people of Slovenia, but not to the politicians from Slovenia. It's terrible that they are sponsoring the resolution on Srebrenica, that they are threatening our territorial integrity? I will call their president to Belgrade and Serbia if I need to apologize once again and say that I was not thinking about the Slovenes and their people," said Vucic. He stated that he also had a bilateral meeting with the representatives of Brazil. "Now we have meetings with Guterres, with Dennis Francis, he is the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations, with the special adviser on the issue of genocide of the United Nations, with the representatives of Mexico on a bilateral meeting. We have dinner with five or six European countries today, which at least we can ask them not to be against us like most others," said Vucic and added that the fact that something is an impossible mission and that something seems impossible to us does not mean that you must not fight. "Because what you protect and defend and what you swore to your people and your citizens is sacred to you, and the most important thing in life for you, and not fear before the force and power of those who are much bigger and stronger. I have to tell you that in all groups there is a huge, huge reservation towards the procedure and the process as defined by some and many of our friends from Islamic countries, even when they vote for, they are not happy because they know that they are hurting a friend and I just want to tell you that I think we have done a lot in this regard and have additionally raised the reputation of Serbia," Vucic said, adding that many countries will abstain from voting on the resolution on Srebrenica. Vucic states that one representative said that it is unbelievable that such a small Serbia managed to stand up in such a way, that everyone in the UN only talks about it, and that on the other hand, all the most powerful and biggest powers in the world are on the other side.


Vucic: They want a collective punishment for the Serbian people. We will fight until the end (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the Chairman of the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations Dennis Francis. Vucic announced on his official Instagram profile and said: "After the meeting with Dennis Francis, who informed us that Germany is by far the most committed to the adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica, we were also informed that the sponsoring countries of the Resolution do not want any postponement of the vote. It is clear that we have only the last preparations left to fight for the honor and image of Serbia. None of the proponents care about the Dayton Agreement, they do not care about stability in our region, the only thing they want is a collective punishment for the Serbian people. We understand the message and will fight to the end."


Vucic apologizes to Slovenians, but not to politicians (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated yesterday that he was sorry if he had insulted the people in Slovenia. but that he would not apologize to Slovenian politicians. “If I have offended anyone, I do apologize to the whole of the Slovenian public but, at the same time, I declare that I will not apologize to the Slovenian politicians, because their policy towards Serbia and the Serbian people is despicable,” Vucic stated in New York. Top Slovenian officials condemned yesterday the statements made by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic about the Slovenians as extremely offensive and demanded an apology, saying that such rhetoric was unbefitting a head of state. The office of Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob has declared that such statements were “unbefitting of a head of state, let alone of the friendly relations between the Slovenians and the Serbs”, the Delo newspaper has reported. Vucic stated in New York on 23 April that the US, Switzerland and Slovenia had “laid a trap” for Serbia on 22 April, by allowing Osmani-Sadriu to bring in rape victims into the UN Security Council’s session about Kosovo. Vucic has stated that Osmani-Sadriu had lied about the women she brought to New York being the employees of her office and that the protocol service had denied them entry upon realizing it, but that “one of the major powers then interfered”. “When the UN Security Council session was delayed, I wondered what that was all about, but then we realized that they had made a deal with the Americans, the Slovenians and the Swiss. One cannot say who was more despicable, the Slovenians or the others. However, we are taking it in our stride because justice and truth are on our side,” Vucic told reporters.


Claims by Slovene Foreign Ministry regarding statement by Serbian President rejected (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated that the charge d’affaires at the Embassy of Serbia in Slovenia rejected the allegations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia regarding the statement of President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, on the occasion of which he was called for a discussion today. “Our charge d’affaires at the Embassy of Serbia in Slovenia rejected the allegations of the Slovene Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the statement of President Aleksandar Vucic. This represents an inversion of reality, because, instead of Slovenia apologising to Serbia for violating our territorial integrity by recognising “Kosovo” and for the United Nations Security Council violating all the rules of attendance at the sessions, allowing Osmani to bring the alleged victims without informing Serbia about it, which has never happened before at the UN, the Slovene officials are asking for an apology that President Vucic expressed his indignation over such a move, which was apparently agreed upon before. I would not like to remind you that Serbia supported Slovenia’s election to the Security Council. Such moves by Slovenia in international organisations damage our bilateral relations, and it is incorrect to shift the responsibility to Serbia, which is only reacting to Slovenia’s moves,” Dacic said.


Momirovic talks with Ambassadors from Islamic countries about pressure exerted on Serbia (Tanjug/RTV)


In the circumstances of great pressure to which Serbia is exposed, we will not bow our heads and choose the path of retreat, Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic said after a working dinner with Ambassadors of Islamic countries in Serbia, held in the Obrenovic Dynasty Villa in Smederevo, said a statement issued by his Ministry. "Although it is difficult to resist pressures coming from the world's most powerful states, we choose to oppose anyone who tries to humiliate Serbia and the Serbian people," said Momirovic. He stressed that in that difficult struggle "we only have our people, international law and friends around the world on our side". "Friends rely on each other and we see today that our sincere friends feel Serbia's concern and see how difficult our position is," Momirovic said.


Dacic, Ashton discuss Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received British Baroness Catherine Ashton, a former EU foreign policy and security chief, in Belgrade on Thursday to discuss issues related to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Dacic and Ashton agreed continued dialogue was the only path that would lead to results, the Serbian MFA said in a statement. Dacic noted Serbia's commitment to regional cooperation and informed Ashton of its efforts to preserve peace and stability. Ashton said she was pleased to have an opportunity to visit Belgrade again and speak with Dacic. She noted that Serbia had the key role in the region and said she believed the country's EU membership was a goal to be aspired to.


Serbian peacekeepers in Lebanon under no imminent threat (Politika/Beta)


The Army of Serbia chief-of-staff General Milan Mojsilovic has said that Serbian soldiers serving on a UN peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon were not directly threatened by operations along the border with Israel. "The goals of the UN peacekeeping operation in Lebanon have not changed, but the circumstances under which the international forces perform have. Conflicts in the Gaza Strip have affected the entire Middle East, especially the area of southern Lebanon, where UN peacekeeping forces, including the Army of Serbia contingent, are deployed," Mojsilovic explained in an interview to Politika, specifying that 182 Serbian peacekeepers were currently deployed in Lebanon. According to the Serbian general, they are deployed in four UN bases in two sectors. "The bases have experienced several explosions caused by various types of projectiles in the immediate vicinity, resulting in minor material damage. Although the Serbian deployment zones are exposed to operations almost on a daily basis, no direct security threat or a direct action against the Army of Serbia soldiers have been reported," Mojsilovic stated.


Trilateral meeting of Belgrade, Pristina and EU delegations underway in Brussels (Tanjug)


A trilateral meeting of Belgrade, Pristina and EU delegations is underway in Brussels.

Belgrade's delegation, which includes many experts, is headed by the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic, who is also chief negotiator. The EU delegation is led by special envoy Miroslav Lajcak and Pristina's delegation is headed by Besnik Bislimi. The main topic of the meeting, which began at around 12.30 pm, will again be Pristina's unilateral decision to ban the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities. It is a sixth Brussels meeting on the Dinar ban.


Panel discussion: Serbian, RS authorities spread disinformation on Srebrenica resolution, gathering political points (Beta)


The Srebrenica genocide resolution has limited reach and the current authorities in Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS) have been spreading disinformation about this document for days now, it was assessed on April 24 at the panel discussion titled “Importance of the UN General Assembly’s Srebrenica genocide resolution.” The president of the Movement of Free Citizens Pavle Grbovic assessed during the discussion in the Media Center in Belgrade that “a campaign of disinformation” had been going on about the resolution in Serbia for days now and that the current authorities seized the opportunity and gathered some political points on that issue. In his words, the resolution is important, but it has limited reach. Lawyer Relja Radovic has stated that the politicians had been spreading a false narrative about the events in Srebrenica. “The events in Srebrenica have been the subject of two cases before international courts, and they have made their rulings, so it is not true that the issue is open, as some say. Genocide took place there. Furthermore, it has been found that Serbia was not responsible for genocide, but was responsible for not preventing it,” Radovic said. Almasa Salihovic of the Srebrenica Memorial Center said that the resolution was “important for future generations.” “This resolution is also important globally, but it is more important that it takes root in this region and that young people become aware of what has happened and about how this society can move forward,” she stated.


KFOR Commander: Kosovo situation requires political solution (Beta)


KFOR Commander Ozkan Ulutas said following his visit to the NATO headquarters in Brussels that there can only be a political solution to the current situation – one that acknowledges and respects the rights of all communities living in Kosovo. In a video message forwarded to the media, Ulutas said he had just come back from a “very productive” visit to the NATO headquarters and that this was one of the three main messages “which I heard loud and clear at all of the meetings” in Brussels. “NATO continues to fully support the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and KFOR will continue to play its support role. A lasting political solution depends ultimately on a commitment by all parties to refrain from destabilizing rhetoric and actions, and instead to constructively engage in the EU-facilitated dialogue in good faith,” said Ulutas. He noted that “this is key for lasting security of all people living in Kosovo, for a better future, for generations to come and for regional stability”. The first of the three main messages is that NATO allies and partners fully support KFOR’s daily efforts to ensure a safe and secure environment for all communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement at all times, and impartial, he said. “KFOR remains a fundamental pillar for security across Kosovo and for regional stability,” said Ulutas. He said the second main message is that KFOR is NATO’s longest and now biggest mission, and it represents “a concrete and tangible demonstration of NATO’s steadfast commitment to regional stability”. “We will ensure that our mission remains well resourced and well postured to continue implementing its UN mandate, in close coordination with the Kosovo police and the EU Rule of Law mission,” said Ulutas. He said he spoke at the NATO headquarters with the top NATO civilian and military officials, including Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, and with ambassadors of all countries contributing troops to the KFOR mission. He added that he briefed the North Atlantic Council on the latest security trends across Kosovo and the Western Balkans region and on KFOR’s priorities in the weeks and months to come.


Press release (


As of Tuesday, 23 April, data on the number of voters in each local government unit will be published every month. This is a direct result of the parliamentary dialogue initiated by Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic on the improvement of election conditions and the implementation of ODIHR recommendations. In this way, all citizens of the Republic of Serbia will be able to monitor any changes in the number of voters on the unified electoral roll on a monthly basis in each local self-government unit. This will further increase the transparency and frequency of information, given that until now this data was available every three months. The publication of the exact number of voters in each of the local self-government units was made possible by the adoption of the Instruction amending and modifying to the Instructions on the Implementation of the Law on the Unified Electoral Roll, prepared by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government.


EP adopts most ambitious growth plan for Western Balkans to date (RFE/FoNet)


The European Parliament (EP) on Wednesday adopted the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, the most ambitious financial package ever offered by the EU, totalling six billion Euros. It was supported by 517 MEPs, 56 voted against it and there were 30 abstentions, reported Radio Free Europe. The vote was held just a day before the dissolution of the European Parliament ahead of the European elections due in June. According to the text agreed upon by the European Council and the European Parliament, Western Balkans states will need to meet a set of criteria to utilize the financial assistance package from 2024 to 2027. These criteria include requirements applicable to all countries, such as the rule of law, respect for democratic principles, institutional reforms, and necessary measures to ensure that the funds are not misused. In addition, there are also certain political criteria. There is an “additional condition” for Kosovo and Serbia related to progress in the normalization of relations. The Growth Plan, proposed by the European Commission, aims to double the size of the Western Balkan economies within the next 10 years. The EU’s objective is to stimulate economic growth in the six countries of the region while at the same time aiding the reform process, thereby accelerating the preparation of the region’s countries for EU accession. Out of the total of six million Euros, two billion are in grants and four billion are in concessional loans.




High-ranking B&H delegation holds first meeting with EC after approval of opening of accession negotiations (FTV)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) Chair Borjana Kristo led the B&H delegation at the first introductory meeting of the delegations of B&H and the European Commission (EC) after the opening of accession negotiations. The EC delegation was led by Director General of the General Directorate for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations Gert Jan Koopman. Kristo once again thanked the European Council and the EC for recognizing the efforts and achievements of the B&H CoM and making the decision to open the accession negotiations between B&H and the EU. “This support and recognition are of great importance for the continuation of our work and further progress in achieving our goals”, Kristo noted. She expressed her satisfaction over the fact that a high-quality professional and operational ad-hoc body representing B&H was successfully formed in a very short time. She reminded that the goal of the Wednesday’s meeting was to review the next steps and get additional clarification of the negotiation process, especially the preparation and review of the EU acquis, as well as the review of the negotiation structure in B&H, ahead of the upcoming intergovernmental conference. She emphasized that the process of integration into the EU implies active participation of political representatives in the institutions of B&H, which is why it is crucial to provide space for dialogue and agreement and decision-making in the institutions of B&H, in order to achieve progress on the EU path and improve the stability and prosperity of B&H. Kristo added that B&H's next steps on the EU path will be based on dialogue, compromise and mutual respect, and that the EC expects a quick evaluation of the B&H Integration Program, because feedback is extremely important for the preparation of the next phase of bilateral screening of legislation compliance with the EU acquis.


HR Schmidt reminds of deadline for FB&H authorities to adopt solution for appointment of FB&H government (BHT1)


The OHR issued a statement, which reads: “Nearing the year after the adoption of the Decision on unblocking the Appointment of the government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), High Representative Christian Schmidt reminds that pursuant to his 27 April 2023 decision, the Amendment CXXXI to the Constitution of the Federation, will come in effect on 1st of May without requiring further normative act to ensure its legal effect. The HR calls on political stakeholders to keep this deadline in mind should they have constructive proposals to improve the amendments”. The SDA and the Bosniak Caucus previously proposed to exclude the FB&H House of Peoples from the process of appointment of the FB&H government. The HR mentioned this topic during the lecture held at the University of B&H. The HR stated: “I have heard that there is a proposal of a solution in the parliament. Yes, it would be good to add something in this living document, but everybody should know that if you only complain about others making decisions not contributing on your own in your competence, that this is not convincing. So, let us do this and encourage young people.” On Wednesday, the Bosniak Caucus asked Schmidt to extend this deadline.


Sarrazin: Political crisis in B&H is deep and it affects the region as well; Currently there are no efforts to continue implementation of reform agenda (BNTV)


The special envoy of the German government for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin gave an interview for BNTV, which will be broadcast on Monday, 29 April. BNTV carried Sarrazin’s statements from the interview regarding the crisis in B&H. Sarrazin said that the political crisis in B&H is deep, and it affects the region as well. He said the solution is not in giving in.  Sarrazin was quoted as saying: “I have not left this country yet. On the way, I will think about how I will write and of course it can be seen that this country is in a crisis, appropriate reform efforts have been made, but it can be seen that currently there are no efforts to continue implementation of this reform agenda. I am convinced that the political crises that have emerges will not be solved just by giving in, because I see that otherwise the political crises are intensifying more and more. However, regardless of all that, I will write in the report that we need to identify in which areas we can still continue and cooperate. We always have a great interest in continuing with the implementation of these projects, however, we see this high policy being pursued, especially now by Dodik, i.e. his announcement of secession, and we must in fact justify the trust of the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany, and above all of taxpayers of the Federal Republic of Germany and the loans that should be allocated for implementation of those projects, and the policy being pursued here is not favorable in that direction. So, we are talking about three projects whose implementation deadline has already expired, but I do not see any possibility that the planned fourth project will be implemented as well. I would probably say what we are going to talk about here. That we want to get involved at a regional level and of course we want to get involved for all citizens, regardless of which nation we belong to. However, his policy is completely counterproductive and of course affects the entire region, not only the RS, B&H, but also Croatia and Serbia”. Sarrazin also stated that Resolution on Srebrenica, which will be discussed before UN General Assembly, is not directed against Serbia, RS or any other state, entity or group. “It regards the committed crimes and genocide that happened. It is not only international courts that said this, but also B&H legislation,” said Sarrazin.


Dodik attends Security Forum in Saint Petersburg (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik addressed the 12th International Meeting of High-Ranking Officials Responsible for Security Matters in Saint Petersburg Wednesday and on that occasion, he informed the representatives of more than 130 countries participating in the forum about the dangers and threats that RS and Serbia are exposed to. Dodik said that the RS wants to be part of the solution when it comes to security issues faced by the new multipolar world. Dodik pointed out that the RS and Serbia have been exposed for 30 years to various methods of hybrid war that the representatives of the collective West, led by the US, are waging against the Serb people. “With the aim of abolishing and enslaving the entire Serb people, they break agreements and cheat, rob Serbia of the territory of Kosovo, and the RS of constitutional rights established by international agreement,” Dodik told the Security Forum in Saint Petersburg. Dodik said that the fact that he was the first to speak at the Security Forum in Saint Petersburg and that the RS flag was found among the flags of all other countries in the world shows the visibility of the RS in international circles. The 12th International Meeting of High-Ranking Officials Responsible for Security Matters in Saint Petersburg was opened by Russian President Vladimir Putin who pointed out that one of the most serious threats of the 21st century is terrorism. “The methods of criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated and barbaric. This was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that took place on March 22 in the Moscow region,” Putin said in his address via video link at the Security Forum in Saint Petersburg.

On this occasion, Dodik also stated that the RS was treated with great importance at the forum, and that it is an event that is attended by representatives of the most powerful countries in the world. Dodik said he is proud of the fact that the RS, as well as its flag, was visibly noticed at this forum, and that the goal of coming to the forum itself was fully achieved. Dodik warned about the pressures that, as he noted, the US puts on the RS and constant threats with sanctions that come from the West. The RS President noted that various methods of special hybrid war are persistently used against the RS and Serbia, the entire Serb people, with a clear tendency to continue with the seizure of territory. Dodik pointed out that the RS is under constant sanctions led by the US. Dodik pointed to a global problem in the crisis of supply chains due to politically motivated sanctions. Dodik was quoted as saying: “The RS is directly exposed to this type of risk and is under constant sanctions led by the US. We are doing everything we can to protect ourselves by diversifying our sources of supply”.


Dodik on Srebrenica resolution: There are constant attempts to impose universal guilt to Serbs (Nova BH)


Following Security Forum in St. Petersburg, RS President Milorad Dodik told RTRS that there are constant attempts to impose universal guilt to Serbs, adding that adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica could create problems in B&H. “We will continue to talk to individual representatives of the states, such as India. We will try to point out the fact of abuse, which is carried through the countries of the remaining West, which gathers USA, UK and which 29 years after, are trying to resurface the topic about alleged genocide in Srebrenica,” said Dodik. He added that they are trying to push through this discussion in the UN General Assembly, in order to label a people as genocidal one. “It is a defeating fact for us that Germany is a sponsor of these documents. The country, which committed mass crimes against several peoples- Serbs, Jews, Russians, Roma… Today, they want to “cleanse” this situation and to slam the Serbs with universal guilt. There is no single factual reason for this, except of methodology which they advocate, led by the U.S.,” said Dodik. He reminded that lead authorities, dealing with the issue of genocide, holocaust, say that this genocide did not happen: “I think that over 40 UN member states will be against the resolution on Srebrenica. Together with Serbia, up to 70 states will abstain. When add the number of those against and who will abstain, they do not have even simple majority, but they change rules then, when it suits them, and only pro and contra is relevant.”  Dodik concluded: “I deem that people understand that this resolution will create issues in B&H, which will not be easy to overcome and reconcile relations between peoples.”  Dodik pointed out that if the resolution on Srebrenica is adopted, it will cause numerous problems within B&H that will be hard to overcome. “Any kind of political qualifications, such as this, will lead to a total standstill in B&H, that is, I believe that after that B&H will make no sense. Of course, big powers, such as America, will try to keep it by force, but even that has its expiration date," Dodik emphasized. Dodik said that what he assesses at the moment is that there are a greater number of those in favor of the Resolution but added that the outcome is still uncertain.


Kosarac on ‘Srebrenica resolution’: They will have to take the responsibility for disrespecting of constitutional competencies and Dayton structure of B&H, with which they brought in question survival of this country (RTRS)


Posting on his Instagram, Deputy Chair of Council of Ministers, Stasa Kosarac, said on Wednesday that Srebrenica resolution represents continuation of a policy based on lies and manipulation, which will return like a boomerang to the heads of those who created it and those who sponsor it. "A hundred times repeated lie will not become a truth, even if this shameful pamphlet is adopted. Unilateral, unconstitutional and illegal activities of Bosniak political factor will have immense consequences for B&H. They have opened the Pandora’s Box, and they will have to take the responsibility for disrespecting of constitutional competencies and Dayton structure of B&H, with which they brought in question survival of this country,” wrote Kosarac. He underscored that the goal of this “infamous document” are not international law, peace and reconciliation, or even empathy for the victims. “This is a weapon in organized fight of Bosniak politics and collective West against RS, Serbia and Serb people. However, they have to know that those who live by the sword, die by the sword,” wrote Kosarac. He stressed that the victim will be B&H because it cannot function in society where the narrative is based on the lies, and it cannot survive abandoning of constitutional and Dayton framework. Kosarac noted that “the final nail in the coffin” of B&H is the Resolution, which is wandering around the East River. “Serb people will not accept the burden which is not theirs despite of the intentions to demonize us and label us as genocidal. A horrible crime happened in Srebrenica, which we condemn, mourning for all the victims,” ends Kosarac, reminding that intellectuals and “lead authorities for Holocaust and genocide” have concluded that term genocide cannot be used in regard to Srebrenica.


Dodik comments State Department’s Report on Human Rights in 2023: USA wants to maintain negative narrative on RS (RTRS)


Commenting US State Department’s Report on Human Rights in 2023 where RS “is once again blamed for causing ethnic intolerance”, Dodik told media: “I do not hate anyone, not Bosniaks, Muslims or Croats, I am engaged in politics protecting the interests of the RS as it is written in the International Agreement and the Constitution.” “They persistently want to maintain a negative narrative on the RS, they talk about crime, corruption, without mentioning the FB&H anywhere, despite of all the events that are happening there, only the story about the RS and Milorad Dodik remains,” said Dodik. Reminding of State Department’s hypocrisy, Dodik further stated: “This is an old stunt of these imperialists, especially the Americans. The hypocrisy of the State Department is that it does not mention anywhere that the atmosphere regarding the EU was destroyed by their high representative, they of course, protect him, not a word was said about that anywhere, and they are trying to demand obedience and submission from us.” He stated that he is very proud of his team of people who suffer unjustified disqualification, sanctions and all those ugly words that can be heard from individuals, some quasi-analysts and paid Islamic lobbyists around the world, who try to maintain the narrative of the "bad" RS which should be pushed to cornet, abolished, punished, it should disappear, and its people should be punished. According to ATV, the RS has traditionally been the culprit for all the bad things and Dodik again bothers them. In his reaction, Dodik told media in Saint Petersburg that the US State Department talks about crime and corruption, but nowhere do they mention the other entity in which someone is arrested every now and then. Dodik said that the best example of hypocrisy is their silence to the fact that, as the RS President claims, the good atmosphere around the EU path was destroyed by "their fake High Representative (HR)”. Dodik noted: “In the conditions when in the FB&H they arrest the president of the Court (of B&H, Ranko Debevec), the former Director of the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H (Osman Mehmedagic) for everything that we have been saying for years that is criminal and represents a violation of the law, when you have the arrested representatives of police agencies, and they persistently want to keep only a negative narrative on the RS.”


Niksic on project of ‘Southern Interconnection’: Conditions are being set (Oslobodjenje)


Ahead of opening of Neum Energy Forum on Wednesday, FB&H Prime Minister Nermin Niksic addressed the attendees and media. He thanked numerous officials from the international community who attended and said that it would seem that they are making more effort to accomplish everything that domestic leaders took over as their obligation, than the domestic official themselves. He noted that many of domestic officials did not attend and did not respond the call to talk today.  “You see that a significant number has not responded exactly because of these policies. Government is aware of all the promises it made at the beginning of the mandate toward the citizens, and we will do everything to get to new laws at the state level because this is our obligation. We cannot continue like this,” said Niksic. He noted that the issue of ‘Southern Interconnection’ is politicized and that conditions are being set about this: “It is my desire to manage to maintain unity within Government. It seems to me we are closer than before when it comes to issue of this Law, but we cannot wait forever. We will quickly take a stance to get to the solution for the citizens, to secure another source of supply, not to depend of single gas supply.” Niksic said that the necessary solutions for B&H and its citizens will soon have to be reached to ensure that B&H has another source of natural gas so that it does not depend on only one source. Niksic stated: “Here you cannot, (with) any topic, like this one, which should be an exclusively professional topic, exclusively to be dealt with by the profession and people who understand it, escape from its politicization, escape from the fact that we find some divisions in everything, we find some opportunities, we find some personal interests where everyone holds their own positions. The FB&H government is aware of the challenges we have, aware of our promises, aware of what we have undertaken as obligations, both towards the international community, and certainly, towards all citizens. We will do everything to try to reach these laws at the state level”.


Konakovic at Energy Summit: I hope for bold and quick solutions (


Addressing Energy Summit in Neum on Wednesday, B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic said that B&H, as a country which exports electricity, must do everything to use its energy potential and resources in order to maintain its position in the market. He warned of the increasing challenges faced by local authorities, given the fact that most electricity in B&H is produced from fossil fuels. "We have to harmonize our legislation with international and European legislation, all because of the fact that energy production in B&H is still largely based on so-called black electricity, which produces certain environmental problems. Considering the administrative procedures of the European Union, it is very important to urgently harmonize and strengthen the potential of renewable energy sources and thus, figuratively speaking, move from one track to another, which I consider a serious challenge for the authorities in B&H," Konakovic said. He thanked FB&H Prime Minister Nermin Niksic and FB&H Minister of Energy Vedran Lakic putting this topic as a priority at the FB&H level and for the fact that some of the laws have already been adopted at the entity level aimed to improve the energy sector. "This is also an important area in part of our accession processes to the EU. B&H and its economy still have a competitive price of electricity, and we should do everything so that our entrepreneurs remain, in some way, privileged compared to the competition," said Konakovic. He added that summits and expert conventions, such as this one in Neum, will offer certain solutions that will enable maximum utilization of domestic potential. "In addition to electricity, we are also focusing on some other topics, such as the Southern Interconnection. I hope for bold and quick solutions," Konakovic concluded. Konakovic pointed out that B&H must harmonize its legislation with the world and European legislation, “and all because of the fact that energy production in B&H is still largely based on black energy or energy that produces certain environmental problems.”


Russian Embassy to B&H: It is difficult to imagine more unprofessional and politicized claim than that of Konakovic about Russia at Neum Energy Forum (ATV)


The Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement on Wednesday following the statements of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic at the Energy Forum in Neum. Namely, Konakovic said: "Russia's aggression against Ukraine has devastated the energy market.” In its reaction, the Russian Embassy stated that it is difficult to imagine a more unprofessional and politicized claim. The Embassy added that, according to their knowledge, the B&H Presidency did not issue official statements regarding Russia's “special military operation in Ukraine”. The statement further reads: “That is why we consider the qualifications that Minister Konakovic put forward, which even the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev avoids, to be his personal opinion made under the influence of his Anglo-Saxon mentors.”


Ambassador Murphy: FB&H government should adopt the Law on Southern Interconnection (Dnevni avaz)


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy called on local politicians into quick action in order to secure energy independence and stability of B&H. Addressing the Energy Summit in Neum on Wednesday Ambassador Murphy said the time is running out for implementation of key reforms, which are necessary to fix years of bad management, corruption and neglect, which have left the B&H energy sector in terrible state, full of weaknesses and dysfunctional.  The Ambassador warned that postponement of adoption of regulations, corruption, dependence on the Russian gas, obsolete infrastructure and future coal taxes are some of challenges threatening the country’s energy security. He added by saying that B&H must urgently diversify natural gas supply sources in order to avoid the Russian energy pressure over Europe. “In order to make it possible, the FB&H government should adopt the Law on Southern Interconnection and apply for funds for financing of the project because the opportunity for construction of new gas infrastructure is lost”, said Ambassador Murphy. Murphy underlined the necessity of overall reforms at the state level, based on clear technical and economic principles, which instruct transparency, efficiency and secure implementable regulations. “Safe energy sector can be foundation of stable and prosperous economy and society. B&H can achieve this safety before it is too late, if its leaders dedicate to urgent activities, integrity, cooperation and carrying out of politics which puts citizens on the first place. The clock is ticking, now is the time to act.” Murphy was quoted as saying: “We want the FB&H government to pass the law on South Interconnection and to apply for the project funding before the window to build new gas infrastructure closes forever. Politicians who look after their own interests must get out of the way of this project, which has brought consensus and will provide an alternative source of natural gas, bring new, high-paying jobs and revitalize the Herzegovinian region and support economic growth throughout the FB&H”.


Ambassador Fitschen: Germany dedicated to help B&H to move away from fossil fuels (


German Ambassador to B&H Thomas Fitschen said in his address at the Neum Energy Forum on Wednesday that Germany is dedicated to helping B&H, as well as the countries in the region, to achieve climate goals and to move away from fossil fuels. He reminded that the German government has launched a regional climate partnership between Germany and the six countries of the Western Balkan region, which includes significant funds of up to EUD 1.5 billion by 2030."The purpose of the partnership is to bring the region closer to achieving the European and Paris climate goals, to implement the EU's Green Agenda for the Western Balkans and to support the European integration process of B&H in the field of energy and climate policy. I am convinced that this cooperation between Germany and B&H brings enormous benefits the economy and the people of the entire B&H", said Fitschen. Ambassador reminded that the country's energy transition is key for joining the European Union and for economic growth, noting that meeting sustainability requirements is also key for access to European markets, because the availability of clean energy is a main criteria for German companies that want to establish business in B&H. "For B&H, this is a challenge and an opportunity. Germany will support your country in these efforts, but it is up to the state to act," Ambassador Fitschen said.


Reilly: B&H has many potentials, and they should be properly utilized (FTV)


British Ambassador to B&H Julian Reilly addressed the summit in Neum on Wednesday and pointed out that B&H has many potentials, and they should be properly utilized. Reilly also said that B&H is a country rich in natural energy sources, including hydro, solar, geothermal and wind potential. “UK-backed research shows how municipalities and local communities can harness their own renewable energy potential, attract funding and become energy independent,” Reilly emphasized.


Homeland Movement and the HDZ hold talks on forming a new government (HRT)


After Tuesday’s meeting with the 'Rivers of Justice' coalition and MOST, the Homeland Movement, which won a crucial fourteen seats in parliament, met on Wednesday with the relative winner of the election, the HDZ, for the first round of negotiations on forming a new parliamentary majority and government. Speaking after Wednesday’s initial meeting Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister and HDZ Vice-president, Ivan Anusic, said that the talks were moving in a positive direction: "The talks are proceeding as we planned, affirmative and constructive. The next meeting will be held at the end of this week, or on Monday at the latest. And we're moving towards a final agreement in terms of constituting the 11th convocation of parliament and forming the new government." After the talks, the Homeland Movement issued a statement, emphasizing that they exchanged their views on a number of issues and discussed possible ideas and solutions. They added however, that they would not betray the voters' trust and would adhere to their campaign promises. "We held negotiations with the SDP, MOST, the Croatian Sovereignists and the HDZ. All of the talks were held in a very constructive tone. The Homeland Movement reiterated its position that it cannot be part of a majority that would include the SDSS and Mozemo. We will not abandon that position in the negotiations. (...) The negotiations will continue in the coming days." After meeting with representatives from the Homeland Movement on Tuesday, the 'Rivers of Justice' coalition met today. The leaders of the parties in the SDP-led coalition are still hopeful that in the end they will manage to establish a new parliamentary majority. The leader of the DO & SIP Party, Dalija Oreskovic: "I think we all need to talk because it's not over yet. We'll see how the political situation will unwind." "Hope springs eternal. I think there is a chance so long as everyone stands firm on everything we have been saying throughout the campaign and the past four years in the opposition," added HSS Party President Kreso Beljak. For her part GLAS Party President Anka Mrak-Taritas said the focus now is on negotiations with interested parties: "This stage is now over, and we're moving on to consultations. Serious people sit down, agree and search for the best possible solutions. And after all is said and done the dead will be counted."


SEC publishes candidate slates for EP elections (HRT)


After months of unofficial campaigning, official campaigning has begun for European elections to be held on 9 June, namely, the State Election Commission (SEC) published a summary list of valid slates on its website on Wednesday afternoon, marking the start of official campaigning. 25 slates will compete for 12 seats in European Parliament, 23 party slates and two independent ones, the total received by the SEC, with 300 candidates' names on them. Compared to the 2019 elections, there are fewer slates and candidates, at the time 33 slates and 396 candidates competed for the favor of voters. All of them can officially present themselves to voters for 44 days, until Friday, 7 June, at midnight, when the two-day moratorium on campaigning begins. Unlike the recent parliamentary elections, where the law did not prescribe a penalty for breaking the moratorium, in the European elections this violation is punishable by a fine. A person, including citizens, who violate the moratorium could lose 398 euros, an election candidate from 1,327 to 3,981 euros, and a legal entity, for example a political party, from 13,272 to 66,361 euros. In addition to the slates of political parties and coalitions, HDZ, Most, Mozemo, DP, SDP and others, two independents, current MEP Ladislav Ilcic and influencer Nina Skocak, will compete for a seat in European Parliament, for which each had to collect 5000 signatures. HDZ's slate is led by Andrej Plenkovic, Most's Bozo Petrov, DP's Ivan Penava, SDP's coalition Biljana Borzan, etc. Participants in the European elections may not spend more than 530,891 euros in advertising per slate. In addition to their own funds, they can also finance the campaign with donations; people can donate up to 3,981 euros to a political party and an independent slate, and legal entities can donate up to 26,544 euros. The elections in June will be the fourth European elections for Croatia. The first were held on 14 April 2013, before the official entry into the EU, on July 1 of that year. At that time, 12 representatives were elected, and their mandate lasted only one year, because the following year, in 2014, regular European elections were held. The last European elections were held in May 2019.


Picula: When the country meets the conditions of the policy not to delay accession (RTCG)


The European Parliament will vote on the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, an instrument worth six billion euros. During the debate, co-rapporteur Tonino Picula pointed out that harmonization with the EU's foreign and security policy is one of the most important components of this mechanism, which brings two billion euros in the form of grants and four in the form of loans. "Each candidate country should be evaluated on its own merits, our fundamental values such as the rule of law and democratic standards must be the pillar of our assessment of whether the country is ready to join the EU. Building bridges, tunnels and highways is good, but respect for fundamental values must be a prerequisite for that. The EU is more than an economic community, it is a community of values and shared risks. The moment when the candidate country fulfills all the criteria, the political prerequisites should not delay the accession", said Tonino Picula. The European Commissioner for Equality Elena Dali said that every government in the Western Balkans is currently preparing a reform agenda that should specify the list of priority reforms. "We have made significant progress in developing those agendas together with our partners. They are working hard to finalize them", Dali said. Members of the European Parliament approved the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans with 517 votes in favor, 56 against and 30 abstentions. The fund is designed to support internal reforms in the countries of the Western Balkans, providing certain benefits of EU membership even before EU accession. It will provide up to six billion euros by 2027. The European Parliament's special rapporteur for Montenegro, Tonino Picula, believes that one of the countries of the Western Balkans can be a new member of the EU. "The package is clear evidence that the EU considers the countries of the Western Balkans to be its partners, and in the next mandate of the European Parliament, it is likely that some of them, if they take advantage of the opportunity, may become members of the European Union," said the special rapporteur of the European Parliament for Montenegro, Tonino Picula, for TVCG. During the debate, the co-rapporteur Tonino Picula pointed out that harmonization with the EU's foreign and security policy is one of the most important components of this mechanism, which brings two billion euros in the form of grants and four in the form of loans.


Mogherini with Milatovic: EU doors were not so open before, today they are, I share the frustration due to the too long accession process (Antena M)


The former head of the European diplomatic mission Federica Mogherini, who came to Montenegro in the capacity of rector of the European College, said that she shares the frustration due to the too long duration of the integration process of Montenegro into the EU. The President of the State Jakov Milatovic talks with the rector of the College of Europe, Federica Mogherini, on the topic "The European perspective of Montenegro". The event is held in the Blue Hall in the building of the Rectorate of the University of Montenegro. Mogherini is the former high representative of the EU for foreign and security policy and the former head of Italian diplomacy. "I share the frustration when it comes to the length of the EU accession process, and I think that something like that can lead to a loss of hope or a loss of credibility." Simply, there is no end in sight to the process, but it is also true that in recent years, many things that were considered impossible by the EU have happened," Mogherini points out. However, she adds, it is necessary to maintain enthusiasm and continue working. "The most important thing is the process itself and the results of that process. What I see is different, although I am not the most qualified to say how much the position of Montenegro has changed compared to five or six years ago, I will leave that to you, but I can tell you what has changed in the EU compared to the earlier period. I think that we are facing a radical change of attitudes when it comes to enlargement, and Montenegro, since it has always been a leader, and is also a NATO ally, has harmonized its foreign policy, in this geopolitical time, that is one of the most important elements, according to in my opinion, to achieve progress. The doors of the EU were not so open before, but today they are", said Mogherini. She adds that her frustration regarding our region in the context of joining the EU was related to the lack of awareness to move forward. "But also, the fact that some of the member states doubted the possibility of accepting new members. It was just a different time, we had the migrant crisis, Brexit, we had Trump. In this way, we betrayed the legitimate expectations of countries that were doing their job. At that time, we lacked collective leadership and then we did not understand what everyone in the EU understands today, which is that it is not in the interest of the Western Balkans to join the EU. but that it is the interest of the EU. The war in Ukraine should have happened in order for the European leaders to realize this, Mogherini pointed out. She says that despite the challenging times, she never felt that there was a real separation from the European perspective in the WB region. "I never doubted that the main goals of the Western Balkan six are EU membership. Now, for the first time, we have a collective understanding of the EU to start with the integration of the region and that this is the interest of the EU, not humanitarian aid from its side, she concluded.


Djukanovic: I don’t believe that Montenegrins living in Montenegro today are so different from those who defended their freedom, honour, dignity and state for a thousand years (Antena M)


In the last almost four years, Montenegro has been going through a stormy experience of a change of government, but despite everything, on the eve of the “coming of age” of the restoration of statehood, “to me, Montenegro today really looks like an 18-year-old youth with a good future ahead of it”, says Milo Djukanovic in an interview for Antena M. The former Montenegrin president and prime minister believes that in the previous period a very solid foundation of the architecture of modern Montenegro was laid, including: restored independence, multi-ethnic democracy, awareness of economic self-sustainability and orientation to the western cultural circle. Thanks to that, he is convinced, “the cities are still firmly in the hands of Montenegro”. Djukanovic draws attention to “the lack of identification of the citizens of Montenegro with their country and their national interests”. He sees the cause in understanding politics as the ability to manipulate people. When asked whether the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe and the resolution on Srebrenica, which should be adopted in the UN, was the moment when at least part of the government would start to take off the European mask, Djukanovic said that the vote in the PS SE showed “that there is no real homogenization in the ranks of creators and implementers of state policy in Montenegro”. Djukanovic also commented on the policy of “western partners” towards Montenegro and the region. “They see very well what is happening here, but they do not pay the necessary attention to it. I understand, they have much more important priorities than Montenegro and the Western Balkans, but that does not excuse them for the wrong policies they initiate or support when it comes to the European perspective of our region”, he said.


State Department: Accepting the facts moves the region toward reconciliation (VoA/MINA)


The USA believes that it is important to commemorate the genocide in Srebrenica, bearing in mind the new denials of genocide heard in the countries of the Western Balkans, the State Department announced, adding that accepting the facts moves the region towards reconciliation. The State Department announced that the USA is proud to sponsor the Draft Resolution on Genocide, which was presented by Rwanda, Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus commemorating the genocide committed in Srebrenica in 1995. "The appropriate commemoration of that crime, as well as the memory of thousands of those who lost their lives at that time, are in line with the earlier efforts of the United Nations to recognize and commemorate other cases of genocide," states the State Department's response to Voice of America's inquiry. It was also pointed out that the International Criminal Court, as well as the International Court of Justice in The Hague, confirmed the fact that genocide was committed in Srebrenica. The State Department stated that the US supported previous resolutions confirming genocide in other situations around the world, which were confirmed by international courts. "The commemoration of historical truths and the acceptance of facts starts the region on the path of reconciliation. Bearing in mind the new denials of genocide that have been heard in the countries of the Western Balkans, the US believes that it is important to commemorate the genocide in Srebrenica in this way," states the State Department's response. The State Department also said that the resolution is not directed against any country, nor does it impose collective responsibility on any specific ethnic group.


Strikovic: Voting for the resolution on Srebrenica is a humanitarian and state obligation (CdM)


Government cannot be preserved by avoiding universal themes. Not voting for such a resolution would be a stone around the neck of a country that wants an accelerated path to the EU, and voting is a humanitarian and state obligation that is much more important than the short-term interests of certain parties of a parliamentary majority, announced SDP Vice President Adnan Strikovic. "Either by voting, we will stand with the NATO and EU partners, or with those who in 30 years have traveled a very short way from inspirers to deniers of genocide," said Strikovic.


SEC: Siljanovska-Davkova - 36.99%, Pendarovski - 18,18% (MIA)


State Election Commission (SEC) preliminary results from 50.86 percent of polling stations show that VMRO-DPMNE candidate Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova is leading with 36.99 percent of votes, ahead of SDSM's Stevo Pendarovski with 18.18 percent. DUI's Bujar Osmani is third with 16.44 percent, followed by Arben Taravari - 12.11 percent, Maksim Dimitrievski - 7.87 percent, Levica's Biljana Vankovska - 4.38 percent, and GROM's Stevcho Jakimovski - 1 percent.  The candidate who garners more than 50 percent of votes from the registered voters, i.e. 907,159 votes, is elected president in the first round. Otherwise, a runoff is held in a fortnight, including the two candidates who received most votes in the first round. In the runoff, the candidate who receives the majority of votes is the winner, provided turnout exceeds 40 percent, namely 725,727 voters. The entire procedure is repeated if none of the candidates receives the required number of votes.


Mickoski: Best result for VMRO-DPMNE as opposition, yellow card for authorities, red must follow (MIA)


Today the people showed they love Macedonia. I promised we would win by a margin of at least 100,000 votes and we are winning by more than 170,000. This is VMRO-DPMNE's best result when in opposition, this is a yellow card for the government and the red must follow, said party leader Hristijan Mickoski after the first round of the presidential elections that sees their candidate Gordana Siljanovska Davkova in the lead. "I promised a lot of things and they all materialized. I was attacked, even from the inside, I was threatened, they tried to divide us, divide Macedonia and its people. They used past VMRO-DPMNE structures, but we persevered because we believed and because you were with us. Thank you, people of Macedonia," Mickoski told a press conference. He said this is a big win for the Macedonian people, and the message is that the country is not afraid and is going back into the people's hands. "Macedonia showed today it is stronger than crime and corruption and that people are determined," added Mickoski. He said results are satisfactory but noted that the job is not done. "Numbers are showing that the authorities are going down. This is VMRO-DPMNE's best result when in opposition. Over 600,000 people voted against the authorities. This is a revolution of the people of Macedonia. Nevertheless, the job is not done, and the authorities are not naive. The first round is the yellow card, but the red card must follow on May 8. We need a convincing result, a clear win over this criminal and corrupt government," said Mickoski. Mickoski said that prior to the press conference he talked to Arben Taravari, the presidential candidate of the ethnic Albanian opposition, congratulating him on the result and wishing him success in the upcoming parliamentary elections and "the future government in Macedonia". "Macedonia will mobilize all capacities - the best Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Roma, Serbs, Vlachs, Bosniaks. This is your country, it is time to get it back in your hands so we can write a new history to be proud of. Let's not allow DUI to succeed in its intentions in the runoff. Therefore, I call on you to come out and vote for Macedonia to be proud again and yours again," said Mickoski.


Kasami: Worth It coalition winner of these elections (MIA)


The ethnic Albanian opposition thanked late Wednesday the voters who supported their presidential candidate Arben Taravari, while expecting to beat DUI at the 8 May parliamentary elections. "Worth It is the winner of these elections and DUI has more votes because of the citizens who needed their money. Worth It is the legitimate representative of Albanians, whereas DUI has finally lost its legitimacy among Albanians. That is why we will win on May 8. It is important to highlight the fact that the results mean there is not much difference in MP seats and that is why we will win on 8 May," said Besa leader Bilal Kasami. Presidential candidate Arben Taravari said the difference is about 3,000-4,000 votes in the election districts dominated by ethnic Albanians, namely first, second and sixth. He said they have not decided who to support in the runoff.


Pendarovski: Result not one we expected, not giving up (MIA)


The result is not the one we expected, the difference will be about 130,000 votes. We expected a smaller margin but tomorrow is a new day, and as of tomorrow we will meet with citizens again and start from zero, said SDSM presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski after the first round of the presidential elections late on Wednesday. "We are starting from zero. As was the case in the past 20 days, my task will be to promote the concept I deeply believe in - an integrated state, without divisions. I encourage the citizens who did not go out in the first round to vote in the runoff. I expect a larger turnout and an even bigger number recognizing the concept of a democratic, prosperous state, equal with all other nations," said Pendarovski. Pendarovski added he would not seek for any agreement with other entities over a so-called mechanical transfer of votes. "I do not believe in this concept. I have never seen citizens as an amorphous mass that will be told to transfer its votes. I will reject any attempt to offer citizens' votes," said Pendarovski. The SDSM candidate said he would present his concept and the country's future development before citizens. "We will not give up, the citizens' response was great, I expect all ethnic communities and social structures to support my concept," added Pendarovski.


Kovachevski: Heavy blow for country's European prospects, not late to change course (MIA)


SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski said late on Wednesday he hoped for better results but accepted the people's message, while hoping for better results in the presidential runoff. "We hope for better results but it is clear that people have punished us, and we accept this. This is a heavy blow for Macedonia's European prospects, but it is still not too late to change course. We will not give up on Macedonia's European future. We know that people are tired of the European path, we know that the EU has not delivered on its promises, but there is no other option for the country than to be part of the EU," Kovachevski told a press conference. He said it is time to put all differences aside and urged citizens to unite around the idea of the country's European future, "because if the country misses this opportunity, it will need a lot more time to get back on the European track". "We are aware the citizens are very disappointed, but we still have a couple of weeks, we will be working on getting the support for a European Macedonia. We will not bow our heads, we will continue to fight until we win. Let me tell Stevo Pendarovski, this is our joint struggle, we will fight shoulder to shoulder, because this is the most important battle for a European Macedonia," said Kovachevski. Asked if he was planning to resign from the party leadership, Kovachevski said he expected much better results in the runoff, since citizens' votes split among seven presidential candidates in the first round. "I have never shunned from responsibility, and we will decide what happens in the party after the elections. We are not taking part in these elections just for the sake of participating but to win," underlined Kovachevski.


Hasani in Zagreb: EU membership, the only future for Albania (Radio Tirana)


Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani, speaking today from Zagreb, Croatia, where he is on an official visit, stated that maximum effort should be made for the entire Western Balkans to become part of the European Union as soon as possible. During a joint press conference with his Croatian counterpart, Gordan Grlic-Radman, in response to journalists' interest, Hasani reiterated that the future of the region lies in the EU. "There is only one future for Albania, membership in the EU. The government, the political factor, and the entire Albanian society have no doubt about this future, and we can be among the unique cases where the entire political spectrum is pro-European," said Hasani. "Just as for NATO membership, which has the same support, both today and 15 years ago. We will continue to implement reforms as if we were joining tomorrow. We believe that we should make maximum efforts for the entire Western Balkans to become part of the European Union as soon as possible," Minister Hasani said. "We will support European political forces, which, as in the case of North Macedonia tomorrow, have been called to elections. Because the future of our region is the EU, and in this vision, we have the support of EU member states, led by Croatia," Hasani added. Minister Hasani is conducting an official visit to Croatia. Earlier, Minister Hasani met with the Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic. Furthermore, Albania's top diplomat held a meeting and a press conference with Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman. Minister Hasani will also participate in the opening of the photo exhibition "Albanians in Croatia." This is Minister Hasani's first official visit to Zagreb.


Hasani meets the Croatian President, joint efforts for security and stability in the region (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani was received in a meeting in Zagreb, Croatia, by President Zoran Milanovic. In a post on social networks, Hasani shared moments from the meeting with President Milanovic. Hasani said that during the meeting we discussed the political dialogue between our countries, emphasizing the importance of continuous cooperation on regional and global issues. "Amidst the geopolitical dynamics, we expressed our joint efforts for security and stability in the region, based on the principles of good neighborliness and inclusiveness," Hasani underscored.


Tabaku in the Austrian parliament, discussions on European integration (Radio Tirana)


The Chairwoman of the Integration Committee in the Assembly of Albania, member of, Jorida Tabaku, DP in opposition MP, during a visit to Vienna, held meetings with representatives from the European Affairs Committee of both chambers of the Austrian parliament. In a post on social networks, Tabaku said that he and the representatives of the European Affairs Commission discussed the process of European integration with a focus on the fight against corruption. Tabaku announced that they also discussed the construction of a system that fights corruption, which should come from the parliament. "Now we have to start the battle to prevent corruption through the institutions and the parliament is the only way that this battle can be done," said Tabaku.


Balla in Abu Dhabi: Task Force on cooperation in the field of police and security (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Interior, Taulant Balla, has conducted an official visit to Abu Dhabi, where the focus of the meetings has been precisely on enhancing cooperation between the two countries in the field of security and police to combat organized crime. Balla stated that an agreement has been reached between the two countries to establish a Task Force between the two Ministries of Interior in the field of police. The Minister was welcomed to the meeting by the President of the United Arab Emirates, Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and also held meetings with his counterpart and other officials of the United Arab Emirates. "I am honored by the friendship and hospitality at the Qasr Al Bah Majlis by His Highness the President of the United Arab Emirates, Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, to whom I conveyed the greetings of Prime Minister Edi Rama and wishes for the continuous prosperity of the Emirates and its people. His Highness the President of UAE expressed his best regards to the Prime Minister and wishes that the progress of our country and people continues. The meeting focused on the relations between our two countries and the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the fields of police and security. Opportunities to benefit from the expertise and experience of the UAE in these areas were discussed within the framework of the Agreement between Albania and the UAE, as well as the Task Force for Cooperation agreed upon between the two Interior Ministers," Balla wrote.