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Belgrade Media Report 8 December 2014



Nikolic: They will ask us to recognize Kosovo in order to join EU (Novosti)

Brussels will put Serbia before the choice between Kosovo and Europe, and we have to be ready for that. We need to attain a national consensus on that issue as soon as possible, so it is time that I discuss it with Prime Minister Vucic, Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said in an interview to Novosti. The Serbian President has pointed to the words of EU Commissioner for Neighbors Johannes Hahn, who spoke of the subject, and nobody from the EU has denied it, which means, Nikolic stressed, that Hahn had presented an official position. The President has said he would not be part of a government that would recognize independence of Kosovo and Metohija, or decide on that issue based on the financial gain.


Vucic: Serbia not giving up on EU or on territorial integrity (RTS)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has stated that Serbia will not give up on its European course, nor on its territorial integrity, and added that Serbia will meet its European obligations while cooperating with all of its friends, both in the East and the West. Asked about the opinion of President Tomislav Nikolic that Brussels will stipulate the continuation of Serbia’s European integrations with the recognition of Kosovo independence, Vucic answered that Serbia had been working on its policy for a long time to make it the best and most responsible possible, in the interest of the Serbian people. The Prime Minister has underlined that Serbia is becoming an important factor not just in the region, but in the whole Europe, and it is the result of such a serious and responsible policy.


Dacic: Recognition of Kosovo’s independence absolutely unacceptable for Serbia (Politika/RTS/Tanjug)

“In the official communication with the EU it has never been written or said that Serbia has the obligation to recognize the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo and Metohija,” stated first Deputy Serbian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic. At the regular quarterly press conference he reminded that the president, prime minister and other Serbian officials had pointed countless times that the recognition of the so-called recognition of the southern Serbian province is absolutely unacceptable. “What does stand written in the documents of the EU is the obligation of Serbia to make progress in the dialogue with Pristina,” Dacic emphasized, adding that the dialogue is neutral regarding status. “On the other side, we do have to attain some sort of normalization of the relations and, as written by the EU, some kind of binding agreement in that regard, but not with regard to the status. Serbia has not changed its position on Kosovo, and will not change it, nor has the EU officially asked us to,” Dacic underlined. He has added that Serbia is hosting the politicians from the EU who have various stances in view of Kosovo, but their personal opinions are not what matters. Dacic has pointed that in the EU itself there is no consensus on the subject, because five of the member-states have not recognized the unilateral independence of Kosovo. Speaking of the upcoming chairing of the OSCE, Dacic said nobody is afraid of it and assessed it is a great challenge and responsibility, but also a great chance for Serbia. While stressing that at the recent OSCE ministerial council Serbia received the unanimous support for its presidency, he added our country is expected to be a fair and credible mediator in solving the crisis in Ukraine, in which case our advantage is having the good relations with all of the stake holders in the process. Dacic has noted that he offered Swiss ambassador Heidi Tagliavina to remain the personal envoy of the OSCE chair in the trilateral contact group, also made of the representatives of Ukraine and Russia. “I will visit Russia and Ukraine – Moscow on 19 December and Kiev on 22 December – and possibly Paris on 18 December, and the topic of those talks will be the Serbian presidency of the OSCE,” Dacic announced, stressing that the consultations will be continued, and many teams and individuals will be working on that responsible duty, in order to perform it as successfully as possible.




Djuric: We will not close eyes before pressure (B92)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has stated that Belgrade is negotiating with Pristina because of the desire to have normal and peaceful relations, but it is not ready to close the eyes before the pressure and continual attacks on the interests of the Serb community. Djuric told TV B92 that Belgrade wishes to keep the process of Serbia’s association with the EU as separate as possible from the talks on the normalization of relations with Pristina, while being ready to talk to any legitimately chosen representative of the Kosovo Albanians. He has also noted that the Serbian government is fighting to improve the position and influence of the Serbs in the province, and in line with the Constitution to fight the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo in all national and international forums.


Without consent inside EU on Serbia’s further progress in EU integration (Novosti)

Serbia will not open the first negotiating chapter in December, and it will have to wait for a new opportunity in the course of next year. Novosti has learned from well-informed sources at EU headquarters that this topic has already been removed from the agenda. “There is no consensus among member-states of the European Union on the right time for the official start of negotiations between Serbia and the organization. More patience will be needed,” a highly ranked source in the EU administration tells Novosti. Decisions on the opening of chapters are made on three levels - after diplomatic experts of EU member-states agree on a technical level, the question shifts to the ambassadors of the 28 countries that sit within the Coreper framework. The final position is presented by the foreign ministers to the Council of Ministers. Novosti has learned that the process halted in the first phase, at the technical level. “After several attempts to make progress, this important issue of the opening of the first negotiating chapter with Serbia is off the agenda because it has become apparent that there is no political consensus,” says this source. Germany is obstructing this, although the majority of EU members were ready to send a positive signal to Serbia. The opening of the first chapter will therefore have to wait until 2015. At the moment, the Germans are requesting further progress in the relations with Pristina. However, resumption of the dialogue is not possible since there is no valid collocutor on the other side, so it turns out that Serbia is practically a hostage to the formation of the new government in Pristina. The first working draft conclusion for the upcoming Council of Ministers, scheduled for 16 and 17 December, and the European Council that will follow on 18 and 19 December, which also contains the report on the progress of the candidate countries, but, for the time being it doesn’t mention the opening of chapters this year, confirm that Serbia will have to wait.




Niksic: SDP does not want and should not be part of the government until the next elections (Oslobodjenje)

The new president of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) Nermin Niksic after winning the early Congress elections announced the fight for a new and better SDP. In an interview for Focus Niksic has rejected accusations of directing the congress, any fraud, and Illegitimacy of the election. He also spoke about unifying the leftist option in B&H, changes in the SDP, offers to enter into power... “The SDP does not want and should not be part of the government until the next election. Citizens have given legitimacy to other options, and it should be respected. The parties that won the largest bloc of votes have an obligation to work and meet what was promised, the SDP will act as opposition but the responsible opposition our actions will be based on concrete projects and criticism, not roadblocks and setbacks,” said Niksic. Talking about how he sees the SDP in the future, Niksic said that he sees it as a party that will lead the B&H in to the NATO and the EU membership , as a party that will gather citizens from throughout B&H and the members which will be measured and judged only by their work and abilities. “My goal is to make the SDP party which will bind to all those who see B&H arranged based on the principles ZAVNOB&H(The State Anti-fascist Council for the National Liberation of Bosnia and Herzegovina), which do not necessarily need and do not need to be a member of the SDP. Therefore, the SDP should be a party that will defend the idea of social justice and equality, and that will gather around him all who think so without having to be part of all members of this party,” said Niksic. “My goal is to make the SDP to be the party that would attract all of those who see B&H as a country which is based on ZAVNOB&H principles, who do not necessarily need to be members of the SDP. Therefore, the SDP should be a party that would defend the idea of social justice and equality, and that would gather around all of those who think the same without having to be a member of the party,” said Niksic.


Ivo Tadic: Niksic as SDP president represents deep political division (Fena)

Ivo Tadic (HDZ B&H), delegate from the Croat caucus in the current session of the House of Peoples of Federation of B&H, told Fena that he sees the election of Nermin Niksic as the SDP president at yesterday’s extraordinary congress in Sarajevo as a deep political division. “The way he led the SDP B&H has nothing in common with social democracy, and it is obvious that the electoral body punished the SDP as a political party,” said Tadic. Considering that just after holding the congress the SDP is entering a serious crisis, Tadic said that this is a matter that should exclusively concern people in the SDP B&H. At the SDP congress, Nermin Niksic was elected the new president of the party. In relation of opposing candidate Selim Beslagic, who won 224 votes in the second round, Niksic received 233 votes. The other candidates who campaigned for this function were Besima Boric, Mirko Pejanovic, and Svetozar Pudaric.


Attempt to kill the B&H State Prosecutor (BHRT)

Unknown perpetrators attempted to kill the prosecutor of the B&H State Prosecutor’s Office Diana Kajmakovic, the chief prosecutor in the case against the criminal organization led by Ziijad Turkovic, reports BHRT. Unknown person, or more of them, has cut the cables of the braking system on the car of the State Prosecutor, which almost led to a tragic outcome.

After the police conducted an investigation in front of the building where the Prosecutor lives, the car was taken for the expert analysis. The public statement from the B&H Prosecutor’s Office reads that the intensive activities for the identification and apprehension of the perpetrators have been taken, and that the comprehensive police investigation has been ordered.

“The Prosecutor’s Office will be rigorous to any attempts of threatening the security of the Prosecutors or their family members,” the statement said. The Prosecutor’s Office message for the citizens and the public is that the office is going to continue the fight against the organized crime in which there are no untouchables, and that no attacks and intimidation will stop, nor affect the investigations and cases on which they work.


Fascist graffiti on Serbian Church property in Croatia (Glas Srpske)

Ustasha graffiti have been painted on the building of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) parish center in Vinkovci, Croatia. The hate speech graffiti, featuring death threats (“Kill the Serb”), the Ustasha symbol, the letter “U”, and the Ustasha greeting, (“Za dom spremni” – “For homeland ready”) were discovered on the building on Sunday, the SPC Osijek and Baranja Eparchy said.

The Ustasha regime was in power in the World War 2-era Nazi-allied entity known as the Independent State of Croatia (NDH). The eparchy said the incident represented “orchestrated lynching ongoing for the past 20 days”, aimed against the Church and its priests, and was “continued persecution of the Christian Orthodox faith and everything that is Serb in eastern Croatia”. A statement added that “a democratically enlightened Croat” left their feces on the altar of the Church of St. Procopius in Rajevo Selo several days ago. “Just days later, another incident occurred with very familiar messages from recent times, when the exodus of 200,000 Serbs from Croatia started, along with the stamping out the use of the Serbian Cyrillic script and the destruction of the SPC property,” said the statement, quoted by the Glas Srpske newspaper.


The IMF representatives today with the Federation’s officials regarding the stand-by arrangement (Oslobodjenje)

Representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will meet today in Sarajevo with the Federation Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in regard to the eight quarterly review of the IV stand-by arrangement which Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has signed with the IMF – the news has been confirmed to Fena by the Federation Ministry of Finance. The allocation of new credit tranche of the arrangement depends on the conclusion of the regular quarterly review.

The IMF's officials Ron van Roode, head of mission for B&H, and the Resident Representative Ruben Atoyan, regarding the same issue, spoke in Banja Luka at Friday with the Prime Minister of RS Zeljka Cvijanovic. The meeting was also attended by the entity Finance Minister Zoran Tegeltija. They focused on activities in preparation of documents “Economic policy and budget for 2015” that the new RS government immediately after the formation could include in the proposal and adoption. In regard to the budget of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2015, the current Federal government approved it on 29th of October and forwarded it to the parliamentary procedure. The budget is proposed in the amount of KM 2,345,247,169, which is 130.3 million or 5.3 percent less compared to this year's budget. The final word about the budget should be given by the Federation parliament, in the present circumstances there will be some delay because the House of Peoples was not constituted by the end of the last session.




Serbia has no alternative for south stream gas pipeline: FM (Shanghai Daily, 7 December 2014)

BELGRADE -- Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said Sunday that it would be very harmful for Serbia if South Stream was not to be constructed at all, as Serbia would not have a secure supply route for importing gas.

Dacic said at a press conference that "it would be really harmful if the South Stream project was not to be realized at all, because that way Serbia would be left without an alternative route for importing gas."

"The only direction from which we get gas is from Russia, across Ukraine. And you see that often this can be a route that can be interrupted - as it happened before."

Talking about the pipeline that is about to be built between Serbia and Bulgaria, he explained that Serbia has no alternative and that the 120 million euros (147 million U.S. dollars) worth gas pipeline that will be constructed between Serbia and Bulgaria is just an interconnection, partly financed by EU.

"This second project, I have signed it with Bulgarian PM of the time (December 2012), Boyko Borisov, this is not an alternative. EU has this concept of making various rings, interconnections. This will be interconnection between Serbia and Bulgaria, but it cannot be a substitution for the South Stream," Dacic said.


South Stream to split Europe (Pravda.Ru, by Lyuba Lulko, 8 December 2014)

Russia's decision to cancel the South Stream project triggered strong reactions in Serbia and Bulgaria. The Serbian President accused Russia of betraying common interests. And the Bulgarian Prime Minister got offended that Russian Federation set him up. Grievance is a primitive way of education. And a completely different subject needs to be chosen. Let's see what is happening behind the curtain of big time politics.

Current situation is more than just unpleasant for Europe. It has yet again been taken hostage of the Ukrainian pipeline, and if Ukraine suddenly decides to blackmail Europeans with it (for example, blowing up the pipeline and repairing it for a long time) then they will be expecting a cold winter. And Ukraine has things to bargain for, for example, credits being just promised but not granted, or weapons.

Europe's reaction to South Stream closure

Europe's reaction to the cancellation of the South Stream project can be figuratively divided into three blocs. The first are sure that it is Putin's tactical move in the war of sanctions, and the day will come when it is possible to return to the South Stream project. For example, Austrian Minister for Economic Affairs Raynhold Mitterlener stated that Austria didn't doubt that the South Stream would be constructed. The Minister pointed out that he learnt Gazprom plans from the media and asked Russia for explanations. The Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said that "Russia had the right to make such decision on the South Stream project. Hungary acknowledges this step". Sure thing it acknowledged it, Gazprom has the controlling block of stock and legally everything is legitimate.

The second say that it is good that President Putin refused - this points to the fact that there is rule of law and competition in Europe, and it is excellent that it didn't yield to Moscow's pressure. That said they are trying to assure that losses are not that high. Especially Bulgarian experts and politicians are making the maximum effort. They are talking of the fact that if Moscow were constructing the South Stream pipeline in accordance with European legislation, namely the Third Energy Package (under which it has to give 50% of the pipeline's capacity) then Bulgaria would have removed all barriers long ago.

Bulgarians not only defend but also attack. "Bulgaria's revenue from the South Stream is not guaranteed since there was no agreement for revenues signed only expenses on the project, - the Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev said. - We want an agreement that will clearly fix percentage of profits. We do not know what Bulgaria will benefit from the South Stream project. If someone knows then let's specify the numbers."

"Someone" knows, Mr. President, for example, former Minister of Energy Rumen Ovcharov who was closely engaged in the project as part of the former Oresharski's government. According to him, losses may reach 750 mln. USD per year as a result of refusing to implement the South Stream project.

The Bulgarian government is lying

"Let's put it bluntly, the Bulgarian government is just lying, - research scientist at the Centre for the study of the Balkan crisis of the Slavic Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anna Filimonova told Pravda.Ru. - Agreements on the South Stream were signed long before the Third Energy Package was adopted. The law has no retroactive effect. It is possible that Russia would not be planning the South Stream project if it had known of the Third Energy Package. There is a confusion of notions and chaos in heads. And now Russia has cornered them so much that they do not even have reasonable arguments to explain their actions which to be frank look more like an insane asylum."

Serbia that accused Russia of betrayal stands apart among the countries that responded to the cancellation of the South Stream project. "Serbia has been investing in this project for seven years, we have done a big job and did not abandon the South Stream project even in the most difficult times," Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić said.

"We cannot be left without energy carriers. Russia owes us this much, because we are suffering a lot for Russia," Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said and demanded explanations from Russia.

"Tomislav Nikolic's statement is very surprising since it was Vučić's government (both represent the governing Serbian Progressive Party) to refuse to sign the final agreement on the South Stream in October 2014 when Vladimir Putin visited Belgrade, Anna Filimonova said. - Therefore, Nikolic's statement is provocative and does not reflect the truth." Serbians probably thought that having invited Putin to a special event and refused to impose sanctions (for their own good), they can enjoy an unlimited credit of trust on the Russia's part and ask for any support under this pretext. But let's see what is happening behind the curtain.

"Multiple claims, reproaches, threats on the issue of Serbian oil industry privatization are currently addressed to Gazprom, Anna Filimonova said. Vučić initiated reconsideration of Serbian oil industry privatization, the same claims are raised against Srbijagas that was supposed to have a big part in the South Stream project. In particular, today the newspaper "Courier" in Serbia was published with the heading that it was a thievish privatization and Russia owes Serbia some unbelievable money for this privatization, and in fact Serbia must take everything back."

Brussels to suffer huge losses because of South Stream project

Yes, Brussels has not made Belgrade to cave in in terms of sanctions, but it was not because it could not, but because it did not try to. Bulgaria was the key entry point of the South Stream pipeline, so they confined themselves to putting pressure on Sofia. The result is sad. "With the South Stream project cancelled Serbia suffers huge losses from geopolitical ones to purely economic. It is thrown back to the far fringes of European development, it will not be able to become an energy hub and will never speak with Europe as equals," Anna Filimonova said.

According to the expert, economic losses are more than impressive. "It is 500 million dollars for gas transit, and several thousand jobs, and 5 billion direct and indirect investments, in other words the South Stream project was essentially Serbia's most successful project for the past 14 years.

There is no cheering people in the streets of Sofia today, but let's remember how President Plevneliev cared about "liberation from dependence on Russia". What Bulgarians achieved?

"There will be no Russia in Bulgaria. But now Turkey will be in Bulgaria - Bulgaria's main adversary, Anna Filimonova noted. - Turkey has a rather aggressive foreign policy, aimed directly at expanding its influence in the Balkans. And the weak small Bulgaria that reduced itself to a position of a mere nobody in the European political arena, will have no leverage against Turkey. The Bulgarian elite does not know what national interests are and how to stand up for their sovereignty. For example, yesterday one Bulgarian high official clearly stated that they had no illusions - EU assigns Bulgaria to be a peripheral resort. In other words, it makes it clear that EU is depriving the country of any potential development. These are deadly words. In other words, he makes it clear that EU is depriving the country of any potential development".

According to Anna Filimonova, it is possible to return to the South Stream project but on one condition: when there are clear agreements with the parties and guarantees that these agreements will be fulfilled. "Earlier we could afford the risk of construction prior to obtaining approvals from EU regarding the Third Energy Package," the political analyst clarifies. It is quite another story now: sirs, if you want to get back to this issue, then go to Brussels and reach agreements yourselves. In terms of Brussels, Russia washes its hands and walks away.

Probably Serbians and Bulgarians need to understand that Russia needs allies but not temporary ones, not weathercocks that think of justice only when it is beneficial for them. Russia has its own interests and they may not coincide with interests of Serbia and Bulgaria. Aside from economic interest, there is a political one - to split Europe so that it rises against Brussels and Washington, why not - one good turn deserves another.


EU urges Russia to let Bosnia join the bloc (AP, by Aida Cerkez, 5 December 2014)

Johannes Hahn European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations speaks during a press conference in Sarajevo on Friday Dec. 5, 2014. Federica Mogherini accompanied by Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations is on a one day visit to Bosnia to discuss reforms in Bosnia for EU integration.

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina — The European Union urged Russia on Friday to leave the Balkans out of its dispute with the bloc over Ukraine, and let the region proceed on its path toward EU and NATO memberships.

Moscow has said that because of its strained relations with the West, it no longer supports Bosnia's membership efforts and that there is no consensus in Bosnia over the issue.

The country's Bosniacs and Croats tend to look westward, but Bosnian Serbs maintain close ties with Russia, object NATO membership and have obstructed EU-requested reforms.

After meetings on Friday with Bosnia's leaders in Sarajevo, Federica Mogherini, the European Union's chief foreign affairs official, said her overall impression is that "the people of Bosnia-Herzegovina are more than ready to have the country moving toward the European Union," and that Russia's disputes with the EU should not interfere with this process.

There are "tensions" between Europe and Russia, she said, but both sides should "find ways of cooperation and not confrontation."

"And for sure it would be a good idea to keep the western Balkans out of this kind of dynamics," Mogherini added.

For the first time in 14 years, Russia last month abstained from the vote when the U.N. Security Council extended the mandate of the EU-led military presence in Bosnia because the declaration mentioned the country's European and NATO future too often.

"We did not want the resolution to be used as an instrument to advance objectives that we were not part of and that is Bosnia-Herzegovina becoming part of NATO," or the European Union, Russia's ambassador to Bosnia, Petr Ivancov, told the Associated Press in an interview. Bosnians should decide themselves, but "there is clearly a lack of consensus in Bosnia-Herzegovina with regard to its Euro-Atlantic future," he said.

Mogherini denied those claims and said all of Bosnia's political leaders on Friday showed the political will to proceed with the EU reforms.


Bosnian police prevents attempt on world-acclaimed filmmaker Emir Kusturica – newspaper (TASS, 7 December 2014)

BELGRADE. Bosnia’s police have prevented an assassination attempt on world-acclaimed Serbian filmmaker Emir Kustirica, the Serbian newspaper Alo! said on Sunday.

According to the newspaper, the attempt was plotted by the Avengers, a Bosnian Serb paramilitary group. Several days ago, fifteen members of this organization were arrested in Bosnia-Herzegovina over involvement in war crimes of the early 1990s.

The newspaper said citing a source close to the investigation that the police had learnt about the attempt on the filmmaker from wiretapping of telephone conversation of the Avengers members. One of the reasons behind their hostility towards Kusturica was said to be his close relations with Milorad Dodik, the President of the Republika Srpska entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Kusturica refused to comment on this information, the newspaper said.

Emir Kusturica is a Serbian fim director, Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres and winner of two Palmes D'or at Cannes Film Festival.