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Belgrade Media Report 16 September 2014



New Brussels round by November (Novosti)

The outgoing EU High Representative Catherine Ashton is planning to gather Belgrade and Pristina representatives before her mandate expires, during the month of October, Novosti has learned. However, the realization of this plan will depend on whether Pristina will receive a new government before 1 November, when Ashton will be replaced by Federica Mogherini. Regardless of the exact date of the meeting, the agenda of the next 24th round of the dialogue between Belgrade, Pristina and Brussels is already “nominated”. According to Novosti, apart from talks on the implementation of the Brussels agreement, the Serbian side will insist on opening other unresolved issues such as private and state property in Kosovo and Metohija, re-examination of disputable privatizations, fate of missing and displaced persons…On the other side, Pristina insists on its representation in international institutions. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic tells Novosti that Belgrade is fully ready to resume the dialogue: “We expect a new meeting at the top political level when the government in Pristina is formed and when Federica Mogherini takes over the post of the EU High Representative, at the latest. Apart from the formation of the Union of Serb Municipalities, absolute priority for Belgrade is to launch several topics in the dialogue. These are property, privatization, distribution of inherited debts, the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church…According to the Chairperson of the Serbian parliament Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun, the most rational thing would be to open in the dialogue new topics parallel to completing old obligations: “Most of the year passed without progress over the elections, and time should not be wasted any further, so, while the old topics are being completed, new issues should be placed on the table, including security, i.e. threat from radical Islam. Drecun assesses that the dynamics of the normalization process will largely depend on Pristina, which has been sending an extreme stand that all reached agreements should be re-examined, but he still believes that following the formation of the Kosovo government passions will calm down and that more rational opinions will follow.


Ugljanin uniting Islamic community (Novosti)

President of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) Sulejman Ugljanin announced in Novi Pazar after a meeting with representatives of two divided Islamic groups Adem Zilkic and Hasib Suljevic, officials of the Islamic community of Serbia and Melvud Dudic and Muarem Zukorlic, heads of the Islamic community in Serbia, that the Islamic community is “practically united”, that “they have only two treasuries” and that they expect the first results of negotiations in October. “We have extraordinary cooperation, they are serious, educated and smart people and undisputed religious authorities and I believe it will be one Islamic community,” Ugljanin pointed out.


Attempts to form a Sandzak army via Facebook (Novosti)

Page “Armies of Sandzak” has appeared on Facebook, immediately after some of the Sandzak internet portals have reported about it too. “I invite every Sandzak male (from the) aged 15 to join the defense of the city, because our minister Alayhi wasallam (Islamic: Peace be upon him), fought for the first time at the age of 15”, it is written in an open call on this Facebook page.

Administrator of this Facebook page has placed the emblem of the army, which resembles the emblem of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) with a message “Our Bosniak brothers, the army of the republic of Sandzak must be formed at once in order to preserve territory of Sandzak and the safety of its citizens. Chetniks are ready to attack Novi Pazar and they publicly call for it. We are calling to form the army of republic of Sandzak. We call for every individual and every group to arm themselves as much as they can!” The Facebook page got substantial number of supporters, mainly Bosniaks from Sandzak and diaspora, who also call for forming the army.

This Facebook page and the call for forming the army could be a provocation of a single person, but it could be a serious threat of serious and extreme groups. From Sarajevo “sheik” Abdulmelik Basic who is a former member of Bosnian mujahedeens send a message to “Chetniks”: “If you only touch Sandzak, Drina (river) won’t be green but red colored, and Priboj (the city) will be a Proboj (analogy to military breach)”.


Dodik: Russian protection of Dayton peace agreement of great importance (Politika)

The President of the Repubika Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik has stated that Russia’s politics in regard to the RS prove to be objective and useful and that Russia’s protection of the Dayton peace agreement is of great importance. “Their protection of international positions and of the Dayton peace agreement has been of great importance in the past too, based on that we have been able to form our internal politics”, said Dodik who is visiting Moscow together with the RS Prime minister Zeljka Cvijanovic. “We are proud of the fact that Russia has accepted partnership with the RS at the highest possible level and with its modest potentials,” he stated during his visit and meetings with President Putin. “Further developments in Ukraine are of great interest for us, because it is obviously reflecting on our position.” Dodik expresses strong support for Russia’s attempts to defend its national and state interests, the same way Russia has always supported the Dayton peace agreement position. He stated that the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov has recently objectively talked about it.




Dodik: RS will defend itself with political means  (Politika’s correspondent in Sarajevo)

The Republika Srpska (RS) will not fight, but will defend and strengthen itself by political means, the candidate of the SNSD-DNS-SP for RS President Milorad Dodik said in East Sarajevo. “My and SNSD politics are that RS is less an entity, and more a country. Always and only the RS, because only a strong RS can provide us with lives here,” said Dodik, who is also the leader of the SNSD, at the debate in a crowded sports center Slavija. He said he would never accept that someone does not like the RS because it is difficult and that “it is important to stay on our feet. I know we don’t live well, but I don’t want that to be the reason why you don’t like the RS”. Dodik said that the citizens of East Sarajevo deserve more, because they endured more than anyone in the RS. “The RS has to respect the suffering and strength of the people here," said Dodik. Talking about his opponents, Dodik said that his policy is not a policy of hate speech. Urging people to vote for SNSD and their candidates, Dodik said that the most powerful weapon of the time is a vote in the elections and that the power is gained at the elections. Candidate of the SNSD-DNP-SP coalition for a member of the B&H Presidency from the RS Zeljka Cvijanovic told East Sarajevo residents that she is going to Sarajevo to fulfill her mission because the voice of the RS needs to be heard and respected. She urged voters to vote for President Dodik, because he is a leader who knows where and how to start and end certain processes. Cvijanovic emphasized that no one, except Dodik, is able to complete the process started in the previous period. “People will choose us because they recognize that we are the guardians of the RS and that all we did was with a purpose of strengthening the RS,” said Cvijanovic.


Ashdown: Attempt to separate RS from B&H would result in fierce response (Hina)

It is not possible to compare Scottish independence referendum and secessionist plans mentioned by President of the Republika Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik as these are two completely different situations. It is absolutely certain that the attempt to separate the RS from B&H would result in “fierce response”, stated former international community’s high representative in B&H Paddy Ashdown. “It is not surprising that those who wish disintegration of B&H are willing to risk this hardly established peace and are desperate to find the role model and justification for their activities” points out Ashdown. He reminded that the West has taken the obligation of preserving sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, and that is “carved in stone” as part of the Dayton peace agreement. “Disintegration of B&H is possible only on the grounds of internal agreement and with the approval of the international community,” concluded Ashdown.


Croatia opening doors for seasonal workers from B&H (Nezavisne novine)

Seasonal workers from B&H should receive “open doors” for employment in neighboring Croatia within a month. It is expected that an agreement on employment of domestic workers in the neighboring state will be signed by then, writes Nezavisne novine. This kind of international agreement is going to be beneficial for an extremely high number of illegal workers from B&H that will now receive an official employment status. Director of the Agency for Employment and Recruitment in B&H Adnan Delic has confirmed the information.




Parts of East Serbia Cut off in New Balkan Flood (ABC News, 15 September 2014)
New floods in the Balkans isolated parts of eastern Serbia on Monday as swollen rivers swept away roads and bridges, cutting power supplies and phone lines.
Emergency measures have been declared in the hardest-hit municipalities where heavy rains caused rivers to burst banks and surge into villages, flooding homes and streets.
Police used boats to take out more than 300 people from a flooded area along the Danube. Additional emergency crews were sent to the region as rainy weather was expected to continue overnight, police said.
A total of 15 villages are in danger in the Kladovo region, near the boundary with Romania, where main roads connecting the area with the rest of Serbia have been either flooded or destroyed by the surging waters.
Some 20 people, who were stuck earlier Monday in the Podvrska village, have been plucked out after they climbed to higher floors of their houses. Police did not report any casualties.
Two people died in floods in Slovenia last weekend, while hundreds were forced out of homes in Croatia. Authorities there said that two-thirds of the country were in danger of flooding.
More than 50 people died in record Balkan floods in May, which hit Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia, flooding entire towns and causing hundreds of landslides.

Egyptians return to Kosovo after 15 years of displacement (Xinhua, 16 September 2014)
Local and international officials handed over on Monday keys to new constructed houses for 12 Egyptian families that returned to Kosovo after 15 years of displacement.
Displaced families were living since 1999 in difficult conditions in Konik camp of Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. On Monday they restarted their lives in a joint locality in the vicinity of Klina municipality, central Kosovo.
"The construction of this neighborhood is another milestone in our joint efforts to close Konik and Suto Orizare camps and provide for return and reintegration of those who lived there for so long under very difficult living conditions," said Christof Stock, Head of Cooperation of EU Office in Kosovo.
"Coming back is not only about the roof above our heads, it is also about an understanding neighborhood, about the attitude of the local authorities and the returnees' welfare," said Stock.
The project is being implemented by EU Office in partnership with the department of community and returns, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Klina Municipality. To help those just returned families the institutions will provide return package to help them integrate into their new houses.
The process of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian returnees is a broad project that aims to bring back to Kosovo displaced families of these communities displaced in Montenegro and Macedonia. So far the total number of families resettled by this project reaches 38. Twenty-two other families are planned to return over this and next year.
Kosovo, a Serbian province, unilaterally declared independence in 2008. Serbia refuses to recognize Kosovo as an independent country.

American judge of Kosovo's Constitutional Court resigns (Xinhua, 16 September 2014)
American judge of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, Robert Carolan, stepped down on Monday, shortly after he publicly showed his disagreement on a court decision.
The President of the Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani, confirmed Carolan's resignation by stressing that he has been "informed by Judge Carolan of his decision which he said was made for personal reasons and he will not be any longer a judge with the Constitutional Court of Kosovo".
Local media reported that Carolan resigned from his post in the Court following some recent decisions in which he disagreed with the majority of the judges.
The most recent case was related to the election of the Kosovo Assembly speaker.
The leader of the opposition bloc, Isa Mustafa was elected Speaker of the Assembly with a majority on July 17, but the Court ruled that Mustafa's election was unconstitutional and dismissed him.
Judge Carolan had a different opinion on that case and publicly stated that the verdict was wrong.
Out of nine members of the Constitutional Court six are local, while three are internationals - including Carolan.
Their mandate started after Kosovo unilaterally declared independence in February 2008 but expired on Aug. 31, and due to lack of established assembly and government the renewal of their mandate is pending.
But, the impact of frequent disagreements with his colleagues is the most likely reason behind Carlon's decision not to wait for an extension of the mandate.
Head of EU Office and EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar expressed his appreciation for Carolan's contribution to the work of the Constitutional Court.
He added that he respects his decision not to continue service to Kosovo and international community.
"EULEX will soon start with the procedure of appointing a new international member of the Court in accordance with the exchange of letters, as ratified in Kosovo Assembly in April 2014," said Zbogar.


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Media summaries are produced for the internal use of the United Nations Office in Belgrade, UNMIK and UNHQ. The contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership.