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Belgrade Media Report 6 April 2016



Djuric: Tahiri’s malicious and senseless proposal (Tanjug/RTS)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that Edita Tahiri’s proposal for a demarcation of borders to be discussed in Brussels is a malicious and senseless attempt at scoring easy political points among Kosovo Albanians. Djuric told journalists in Belgrade that the proposal was ridiculous as there was no border between Kosovo and Metohija and Serbia proper, so there cannot be talks on any demarcation. “Only the state of Serbia has its borders, recognized by the United Nations,” Djuric told reporters. “Where is here normalization of relations, where is here any idea on having any kind of reconciliation. On the contrary, this is quarrelsome behavior aimed at scoring easy political points among Kosovo Albanians. This is a path of nonsense,” said Djuric.


Djuric: Political blockade, Belgrade expects assistance from Brussels (Tanjug/RTS)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has stated that during the negotiations in Vienna Pristina was not prone to reaching agreement on the transport of hazardous material and assessed that this is a political blockade that essentially exists only in minds and on paper. Djuric says that Belgrade is not creating obstacles and barriers for normal trade and that the issue of the ban for trucks from Serbia proper should be resolved through dialogue, but that the present situation is damaging, unnecessary and bad for both sides. “In my opinion, all this is unnecessary and destructive,” Djuric told journalists in Belgrade. He notes that Belgrade expects Brussels to create conditions for normal political relations, resumption of talks and resolution of problems. “There is no problem from our side. Simply, we need to calm down separatists,” he said. Asked when the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue would resume, Djuric said that Belgrade was ready to resume dialogue immediately, either in Vienna or in Brussels.


Serbian government not to support Jeremic’s candidacy for UN Secretary General (Danas)

The Serbian government will not support the candidacy of former foreign minister Vuk Jeremic for the post of UN Secretary General, Danasquotes sources close to government. Jeremic is strongly lobbying to get support and is assisted by Russia in that, the sources claim. „Russian officials also strongly lobby for Jeremic. However, on the other hand, we heard from European and US diplomatic sources that there is strong opposition in the West to possible support to nomination of Jeremic, some of them are even appalled by the idea, the sources claim.


Vucic to meet Izetbegovic in Mostar (Politika)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic is set to meet the presiding of the B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic in Mostar on 12 April to discuss issues that remain open between the two countries, Politikareports. In addition to Izetbegovic, Vucic will also meet in Mostar with Dragan Covic and Mladen Ivanic, the Croat and Serb members of the B&H presidency.

“If Vucic’s hand is extended and if he still wants to talk to Bosniacs, we will be here, but we won’t demean ourselves, we will seek justice until the end and this is what may be expected of us”, Izetbegovic declared in reference to the forthcoming visit of the Serbian PM, according to Politika.

Vucic confirmed today he would meet with Izetbegovic in Mostar on 12 April, in an effort to ease tensions and continue talks on the necessity of peace and stability in the region. Vucic told journalists at the Batajnica military airport that he would also meet with the Serb and Croat members of the B&H Presidency, Mladen Ivanic and Dragan Covic, and that they would have a lunch together and separate talks. “I am looking forward to it. We have much to talk about. We all need to ease tensions and continue talks on the necessity of peace and stability in the region,” Vucic said.


Szijjarto at SNS convention in Pancevo: If I were Serb, I would vote for SNS (Tanjug)

If I were a Hungarian living in Serbia, I would vote for the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians, and if I were a Serb, then it would be the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said at an SNS party convention in Pancevo, near Belgrade, in the Serbian language, on Tuesday. Speaking in Serbian and Hungarian, Szijjarto said he had come as a friend of the Serbian prime minister and that today, a Hungarian minister addressing a meeting of a Serbian party could mean only one thing - support. It wasn’t always so. But thanks to the government of Aleksandar Vucic, relations between Serbia and Hungary are now at their highest level in history, said the Hungarian Minister. I came to tell you that Hungary highly appreciates all efforts made by Serbia. Our two countries have recently arrived at a historic trust, Szijjarto said, stressing that the two countries had shown a good example to the entire Europe. We have created such a mutual friendship that each and every Serb and Hungarian had every right to be proud of, said Szijjarto. He said that it was in Hungary’s interest for Serbia to be a strong and respected country, and it was also in the interest of Hungarians who live in this country, who are the strongest link between Serbia and Hungary. “There are few senior officials from other countries that would come to a convention like this to speak so well of somebody’s government,” said SNS leader Aleksandar Vucic, thanking Szijjarto for his visit and support.




Inzko: Seselj can visit if he has citizenship (Vijesti)

There is a decision of 1998 by the then high representative for B&H by which the SRS leader Vojislav Seselj is banned from entering this country, but he cannot be denied entry if it turns out that he also has B&H citizenship, the current High Representative for B&H Valentin Inzko said. The decision on the ban of entry was brought by the then high representative Carlos Westendorp, and it was later confirmed by Paddy Ashdown when he held the same position, and it is still in force, Inzko told Vijesti.


Mektic: Seselj probably holds dual citizenship (

B&H Security Minister Dragan Mektic says there is a possibility to prohibit the SRS leader Vojislav Seselj from entering B&H, but that it depends on the assessment by the Intelligence and Security Agency of B&H (OSA). “There is a possibility to ban Seselj from entering the country, but there may not be a need for that. Allegedly, since 1998 there has been a decision by the high representative Carlos Westendorp, but that information is still in the process of verification,” Mektic said. On the other side, information is also being verified about whether Seselj holds B&H citizenship. If that is confirmed, no service or ministry can ban him to enter B&H. “We are still waiting for official confirmation, but it is very likely that Seselj holds B&H citizenship,” Mektic said.


Covic: No problems between SDA and HDZ concerning Mostar (Srna/Fena)

The leader of the HDZ B&H Dragan Covic said that there are no problems between the SDA and the HDZ concerning Mostar and that he believes that elections in this city will be held in October. Covic said that the leader of the Alliance for a Better Future for B&H (SBB) Fahrudin Radoncic does not call into the question the partnership of his party with the HDZ and the SDA at all levels.


B&H Presidency holds session (

At the session held yesterday, the B&H Presidency of B&H reached a Decision on accepting the Paris Agreement with the Framework Convention of the United Nations on Climate Change, the Presidency stated. Furthermore, the Presidency accepted the invitation by the Secretary General of the UN for participation at the ceremony of signing of the Paris Agreement which is to be held in New York on 22 April. The B&H Delegation at the signing ceremony will be led by the Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic, who will sign this agreement by the powers of the B&H Presidency. The Presidency also approved the Memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the field of youth between the B&H Council of Ministers and the Qatar government, and the Agreement on operational and strategic cooperation between B&H and EUROPOL. The Presidency also supported the Initiative for organization and execution of the international drill “Reaction to disasters in B&H in the period 2016-2017”. Moreover, the Presidency ratified the Framework agreement on loan between the Council of Europe Developmental Bank and B&H LD 1836 (2014) – the Loan for social housing program in B&H, in the Republika Srpska, implemented by the Investment-development bank of Republika Srpska, as well as the protocol on cooperation in searching for missing persons between the B&H Council of Ministers and Serbian government.


Novalic presented overview of the work of FB&H government (

For the first time after the war, one government seriously approached the problem of youth unemployment and collected around 6.5 thousand applications with a program worth 50 million BAM, distributed through cantonal employment services, the Prime Minister of FB&H Fadil Novalic said. He assessed that the government of FB&H was very devoted in its work in the past year, in accordance with its constitutional jurisdictions and obligations. Special reference was made to the implementation of tasks from the Reform Agenda adopted on 27 July 2015. The Reform Agenda defines the main plans of the B&H Council of Ministers and entity governments for social-economic reforms.In the period from 31 March 2015 until 1 April 2016 the FB&H government defined and sent to parliamentary proceedings 24 draft laws and 60 proposals of laws, of which 23 were referred to regular procedure, 24 to emergency procedure, and 13 to summary proceedings. Novalic pointed out that the government adopted a number of regulations of vital importance to the FB&H in the field of creating better social conditions, stating that it is about limiting the growth of public administration and public spending through the moratorium on recruitment.


Galijasevic: Mahmuljin case filed as war crime of genocide (Srna)

The Sakib Mahmuljin et al. case in 2012 was filed by the B&H Prosecutor’s Office as the case of the war crime of genocide, in keeping with the orders of the ICTY, counter-terrorism expert Dzevad Galijasevic told Srna.“465 soldiers and civilians were killed, and more than 22,000 Serbian civilians were expelled from their homes,” he said. Vozuca was attacked by mujahedeen, NATO and units of the 2nd and 3rd Corps with more than 23,000 soldiers of the so-called B&H Army. The area they attacked had fewer residents than soldiers who attacked it. Somewhat more than 4,000 soldiers were defending the Serb positions. “Even though the first ritual slaughters were conducted in Tesanj under the auspices of then police chief Semsudin Mehmedovic, these crimes were committed en mass in Vozuca and on Mount Ozren under the umbrella of Sefik Dzaferovic, the then head of the Zenica Public Safety Centre and the present Deputy Chairman of the B&H House of Representatives, and Sakib Mahmuljin, the commander of the 3rd Corps of the so-called B&H Army,” Galijasevic said. He said that mass crimes committed on Mount Ozren by mujahedeen and terrorists are monstrous and brutal. These crimes have been proven and solved by the ICTY during the trials of the commander of the so-called B&H Army Rasim Delic, the chief of staff of the B&H Army Enver Hadzihasanovic, and the commander of the 7th Muslim Brigade, Amir Kubura. Galijasevic says that the killings of 92 persons have been proven, and that the killings of 187 soldiers and civilians, the disappearance of 132 persons, the rape of three women, torture and abuse in the Music School in Zenica, the Zenica Correctional Facility, in the Jablanica Elementary School in Tesanj, in Orasac, and brutal beheading of prisoners of war on Mount Ozren and in Central Bosnia have been examined during these trials.

He said that Dr. Branko Sikanic, a Serb from Prnjavor who passed the hell of the mujahedeen detention camp, Croat Luka Babic, many Bosniak security officers, political analysts and officers of whom particularly important are Izet Karahasanovic, Zakir Alispahic, Salih Spahic, Ferid Buljubasic, Mesud Sadinlija, Sead Zeric, Muhamed Omerasevic, Fadil Alihodzic and Dzemal Vuckovic, testified of these crimes before the ICTY. Galijasevic said that their testimonies and thousands of pages of evidence and documents about these crimes are a tragic confirmation that the judicial system does not exist in B&H, that the law and morals do not exist, that the B&H Court and Prosecutor’s Office do not punish criminals, extremists and radicals, nor do they solve their crimes, but that they are here to punish Serbs and write a false history of the past war on orders of the western services. “They are here to create an Islamic state in the Balkans under the excuse of a functional B&H, more precisely of a unitary state without a visible role of Serbs and Croats in it,” Galijasevic said. He said that “by its attitude towards war crimes committed by mujahedeen, organized crime and terrorism, the SDA showed that it does not think about the state, that it does not abide by state regulations, that it hates its peoples and that it is the main culprit for ugly identification of the whole Bosniak people with terrorism and extremism.”

The SDA, Galijasevic says, suffocated security agencies, destroyed the judicial system, preventing it to function and punish war criminals, soldiers of the Islamic State and Al Qaeda in B&H, and is thus creating conditions for new, planned crimes of terrorists, exactly in the way Alija Izetbegovic announced after Vozuca, while addressing soldiers who took part in the attack on this part of Mount Ozren. “In Vozuca, you broke the backbone of Chetniks, our enemy, you showed the path on which we will continue to move forward and you gave a model for the fight, how we can continue to break this backbone in order to liberate B&H. Thank you, soldiers, for this on behalf of our people who will not forget that which you have done.” Galijasevic said that the policy of crime which was founded and marked by Alija Izetbegovic is still active in the policy of his son, his political and biological successor, Bakir Izetbegovic. “B&H is a servant of western powers, a protectorate, and it has not an independent judiciary; if not so, these crimes would have been punished regardless of geo-political interests of western powers. Until then, they are great crimes, a warning and a shame of the whole state,” Galijasevic said.

On 8 December 2015, the B&H Court imposed restrictive measures on Mahmuljin, and on 31 December, it confirmed an indictment charging him with war crimes against prisoners of war, war crimes against the wounded and sick and war crimes against civilians. At a hearing on 4 February, Mahmuljin pleaded not guilty. The main hearing was held on 23 March and the trial should resume today before the B&H Court.




Serbia to Sell Steel Plant to Chinese Hebei as Elections Loom (Bloomberg, by Gordana Filipovic, Misha Savic, 5 April 2016)

Serbia will sell its sole steelmaker Zelezara Smederevo to China’s Hebei Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. taking the sole offer for its money-losing plant to save 5,000 jobs as the government seeks re-election this month. The Shijiazhuang, China-based company offered 46 million euros ($52 million) for Zelezara and may invest more than 300 million euros in upgrades over unspecified period of time, including in production of galvanized and automotive-grade steel, Serbia’s Economy Ministry said in an e-mailed statement Tuesday. “The intention is to reach maximum capacity of 2.1 million tons” a year, the Serb government said after unveiling Hebei’s offer. Only one of Zelezara’s two blast furnaces has been in use since U.S. Steel Corp. sold it back to the state in 2012. The transaction was agreed before early general elections planned for April 24, which Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic sees as a chance to win a fresh four-year term. He pledged to continue with economic overhaul agreed with the International Monetary Fund, implementing measures to axe thousands of jobs in the public sector and sell or close unprofitable state-owned companies.

EU, Aid

Serbia, which Vucic plans to prepare for the European Union membership by 2020, will proceed with the sale at a time of global steel market slump, as China, the world’s biggest producer, expands exports to compensate for faltering demand at home amid the worst economic slowdown in a generation. Increased exports have tightened competition abroad, and India’s Tata Steel Ltd. said it’s planning to sell its U.K. plants. Zelezara Smederevo, which ended 2014 with a 11.5 billion dinar ($107 million) loss, continues to receive state aid this year with the government setting aside $34 million, contrary to its commitments to the EU which ban aid to Zelezara from February 2015. The plant has been run by Netherlands-registered HPK Engineering BV, after previous attempts to sell it failed.


Bosnians' Illegal Weapons Endanger its Security (BIRN, by Rodolfo Toe, 6 April 2016)

Security expert says huge quantity of illegal firearms held in the country represents a threat to Bosnia's security - and to the security of other countries as well.

Bosnians possess a worrying quantity of firearms, which potentially pose a threat to the country's security, a Bosnian arms expert told BIRN on Tuesday. “There are at least 750,000 illegal firearms in Bosnia ... which basically means that statistically at least 20 per cent of Bosnian residents are armed,” Armin Krzalic, director of the Center for Security Studies in Sarajevo, said.

Krzalic said these weapons represent a danger for several reasons. “First, they are often old and not reliable ; second, they are often stored in places which are not secured, where – for instance – children might find them; third, they are fueling the black market and organised crime,” Krzalic argued. Although 750,000 firearms sounds a huge quantity for a country with less than 4 million inhabitants, another 350,000 firearms should be included in the total. These are legally declared weapons held by hunters, local N1 television reported on Tuesday. According to Krzalic, the main problem for the authorities remains tracking the illegal weapons, which “are used in 95 per cent of recorded crimes”, he noted. In their latest conflict assessment for Bosnia, published in 2015, the UN noted that illegally acquired weapons and ammunitions from Bosnia have also entered Western Europe, notably the UK, Scandinavia and France, endangering the security of other countries as well. Experts say the authorities might work better also on controlling licenses and on the sale of legal firearms, noting that problems exist especially in the medical checks which are performed before they issue a license. “Although Bosnian laws are good, the medical controls are often not undertaken properly… people often obtain a license, or its renewal, after inadequate checks on their physical and psychological state,” Krzalic noted. According to the UN, another problem is that civilian possession of firearms is currently regulated by each of Bosnia's two entities and, within the Federation entity, by each of its constituent cantons. “The monitoring of weapons in Bosnia could be done better by creating a central database, which would incorporate information on legal and illegal weapons in the country,” the UN noted.


Goran Hadzic War Crimes Trial Postponed Indefinitely (BIRN, by Ivana Nikolic, 6 April 2016)

The UN-backed war crimes court in The Hague has decided to postpone proceedings against former Croatian Serb leader Goran Hadzic indefinitely because he has cancer and is too ill to continue his trial.

The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, ICTY, said on Tuesday that it has decided to suspend the Hadzic proceedings indefinitely because a decline in the wartime Croatian Serb leader’s health means he is now unfit to stand trial. “The trial chamber… finds that, on a balance of probabilities, Hadzic is no longer able to effectively exercise his fair trial rights, even with the assistance of counsel, to such a degree that he is able to meaningfully participate in his trial,” the ICTY trial chamber said in a motion. “The trial chamber… considers that an indefinite stay of proceedings will more than adequately serve the interests of justice in this case,” it added. The ICTY initially suspended the trial last October for three months. The decision to suspend it indefinitely was made on March 24 but only made public on Tuesday. Hadzic was provisionally released in April 2015. Last June, his defence team asked the ICTY to stop or suspend the trial, arguing that he did not have long to live. The prosecution however asked for the trial to be resumed whether or not the defendant was present in court. He has been ordered by the court to remain in the northern Serbian city of Novi Sad, where he is being treated, and surrender his passport to the interior ministry. He is forbidden to contact witnesses, victims or the media. The wartime Croatian Serb leader is facing 14 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity over his alleged involvement in the forced removal and murder of thousands of non-Serb civilians from Croatia between 1991 and 1993. Hadzic was president of the self-proclaimed Serbian Autonomous District of Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem and subsequently President of the Republic of Serbian Krajina - both unrecognised Serb-controlled areas within Croatia. He is charged with persecution on political, racial or religious grounds, extermination, murder, imprisonment, and torture. The prosecution also accuses him of deportation, forcible transfer, wanton destruction and plunder of public or private property. It alleges he was part of a joint criminal enterprise whose purpose was “the permanent removal of a majority of the Croat and other non-Serb population from a large part of the territory of Republic of Croatia”. Among the others participants in the alleged joint criminal enterprise are former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, the leader of rebel Croatian Serbs, Milan Martic, Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj, warlord Zeljko Raznatovic, alias Arkan, as well as former Serbian security chiefs Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic. Goran Hadzic was the last ICTY fugitive to be arrested. He was caught in Serbia in 2011 after spending seven years on the run. His trial started in October 2012. The prosecution had already presented its evidence, and Hadzic had just started his defence when he was diagnosed with cancer in 2014.