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Belgrade Media Report 16 June 2016



Djuric: Brussels must react to preserve credibility (RTS/Tanjug)

Brussels must react to Pristina’s attempts to set conditions for the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said. After the most recent statements by Pristina officials, I think that it is necessary that officials of the international community - the EU - react. A reaction is necessary to preserve the credibility of the dialogue process itself because such statements and announcements do not only ridicule the signatures and the word of Pristina officials, but also the top EU officials in whose attendance the agreements were reached, Djuric noted. However, Kosovo Serbs have no reason for concern, Djuric said. Serbia will continue to be there and help, we will be present through our institutions and nothing will change, Djuric stressed.


Dittmann, Moro hope Chapters 23, 24 will be opened soon (Tanjug)

The German and French Ambassadors to Serbia, Axel Dittmann and Christine Moro respectively, voiced hope that negotiating Chapters 23 and 24 in Serbia’s EU accession talks will be opened soon, but declined to speculate whether this will happen by the end of June. Speaking to reporters, Dittmann said that he is confident that the chapters will be opened in the near future.
We are finalizing our dialogues in Brussels and I am very optimistic about it happening soon - those are two very significant chapters and I believe that we will see a new dynamics in the accession process, Dittmann said. When asked if the chapters will be opened by the end of June, Dittmann declined to specify a date, but added that the chapters are very likely to be opened soon and that the outcome of the UK’s referendum on leaving the EU will have no effect on this.
Moro said that she shares Germany’s support for opening the chapters soon, adding that they are the core of reforms in Serbia. We believe that continuing those reforms is very important - we are working very strongly with partners to achieve the results in the soonest possible future, Moro said.


Dacic vehemently condemns EP’s Stepinac exhibition (Tanjug)
Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on Wednesday vehemently condemned the opening of an exhibition and a conference titled “Croatian Saint, Cardinal Stepinac” in the European Parliament. “It is incomprehensible that, in the center of the European Union, exhibitions are opened to commemorate someone who took part in a pogrom against thousands of Serbs, Jews and other non-Croats and was sentenced in his own country to 16 years in prison and loss of civil and political rights for a period of three years,” Dacic noted in a written statement. The exhibition is an attempt to clear Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac of responsibility and rehabilitate the Ustasha movement, which is not a step towards reconciliation or the truth, Dacic wrote. “On the contrary, it is just deepening the divisions. We are witnessing today that the world is facing an attempt to revise history and relativize victories and defeats and crimes and punishments. As a victim of such attempts at international level, Serbia is obliged to fight a revision of history and a relativization of historical facts,” Dacic added.


Miscevic believes EU-Serbia relations have not deteriorated (RTV)

The Head of Serbia’s negotiating team with the EU Tanja Miscevic believes that the EU-Serbia relations have not deteriorated over the past days. She notes there are realistic chances for Chapters 23 and 24 to be opened by the end of the month, although she also points to the possibility for this decision to be postponed until July or October. Reacting to repeated speculations that Serbia would not be able to join the EU without recognizing Kosovo, Miscevic points out that “international organizations are not the ones that recognize or do not recognize somebody’s independence, but that this is done by sovereign states”. “Even if it wanted, the EU could not do so, since there is no consensus among the member states regarding this issue. There are no signals that there will be a consensus, since the states that do not recognize independence of Kosovo are not doing so not over the love towards Serbia or hatred towards Kosovo, but because this is their lasting commitment,” stressed Miscevic.


Serbian, Bosnian defense minister on cooperation and migrant crisis (Beta)

The defense ministers of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zoran Djordjevic and Marina Pendes, had talks in Belgrade about the improvement of already good cooperation, and about the migrant crisis, the Defense Ministry of Serbia has stated. Djordjevic and Pendes also discussed the political and security situation in the region. The two ministers concurred that current security challenges, including the migrant crisis, impose the need for joint action and a unified response from the entire international community.


Enduring Friendship and True Partnership (Politika, author text by Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China)

I will be paying a state visit to the Republic of Serbia at the invitation of President Tomislav Nikolic. I am delighted to visit this friendly, beautiful and legendary country in the season of blooming flowers. I look forward to renewing friendship and exploring future cooperation with President Nikolic and other Serbian leaders with a view to taking the strategic partnership between our two countries to a new high.

With a long history and a splendid culture, Serbia is an important country in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in general and the Balkans in particular. For centuries, Serbia has been a place where civilizations of the East and West meet, interact and together bring about major progress in human civilization. It is also on this land that the hard-working and brave Serbian people have left a heroic epic in their fight for national independence and freedom and written an inspiring chapter in pursuit of a happier life.

In the 1940s, the Chinese and the Yugoslavians fought gallantly against Fascist aggression on the Eastern and Western fronts and went on to achieve national liberation and freedom. In the early 1950s, China and the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia established diplomatic relations, opening a new chapter of friendship and cooperation between the Chinese people and the Serbian people. The ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius said, one should befriend those with virtues. Over the past six decades and more, the profound friendship and special bond between our peoples have defied the passage of time and the long distance between us to become even stronger.

A Serbian proverb goes, “prijatelj je plod vremena” (friends are the fruits of time). We will never forget this: Famous movies like Walter Defends Sarajevo and Bridge once inspired the patriotic ardor of many Chinese, and to this day, Bella ciao is still widely heard in China; and in the 1980s, when China was in a crucial period of reform and opening-up, the successful experience of the Serbian people served as valuable reference for China.

Neither will we forget this: When the Chinese county of Wenchuan was hit by a massive earthquake in 2008, Serbia offered speedy assistance to China and provided a large amount of relief supplies to the people in the affected areas; and in September 2015, President Nikolic went to Beijing for the commemorative events marking the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, sending a strong message of our two countries' commitment to upholding the post-war international order, safeguarding world peace and building a better future for mankind.

We will never forget that China-Serbia relations have been defined by mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual support and win-win cooperation. No matter how the international situation changes and how our countries develop and transform, we have always shown full understanding and respect for each other's choices of development path, given each other firm support on issues concerning core interests and major concerns, and remained committed to deepening our political trust and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Today, our traditional friendship has gained fresh vitality, and the bilateral ties have grown in breadth and depth. In recent years, President Nikolic and I had a number of meetings and reached important agreement on consolidating traditional friendship, deepening political trust and advancing mutually beneficial cooperation. In 2009, our two countries established a strategic partnership, the first of its kind between a CEE country and China. In 2013, President Nikolic and I signed a joint statement on deepening China-Serbia strategic partnership, further enhancing the strategic significance of our relations.

Both bilaterally and within the frameworks of the Belt and Road Initiative (the Initiative of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road) and China-CEEC cooperation, practical cooperation between our two countries is making breakthroughs and yielding more results than in other parts of Central and Eastern Europe. We have signed an MOU on jointly developing the Belt and Road. With the implementation of such major projects as the Belgrade-Budapest Railway, the Mihajlo Pupin Bridge, the E763 Motorway, the expansion and upgrading of Kostolac Power Plant, and the acquisition of the Smederevo steel mill by Hebei Iron and Steel Group, our cooperation on major projects is making heartening and sweeping progress, delivering economic and social benefits and a positive impact on the entire Central and Eastern European region.

There are closer exchanges between our peoples, sound cooperation in culture, education and science and technology, and regular inter-party and sub-national interactions. We have signed an agreement on setting up culture centers in each other's countries; the University of Belgrade and the University of Novi Sad have opened Confucius Institutes; the Chinese language is now taught on a pilot basis in more than 100 middle and primary schools in Serbia; and construction will soon start for the China Culture Center in Belgrade. All these represent new avenues of communication between our peoples.

The Serbian people believe that “prvo skoci, pa reci hop” (walk the walk, then talk the talk) while the Chinese people believe that actions speak louder than words. China attaches great importance to its relations with Serbia and values the profound tradition of China-Serbia friendship. China is ready to tap the potential of win-win cooperation by utilizing our complementarity so as to achieve steady and sustained growth of our relations. The purpose of my upcoming visit to Serbia is to engage deeply and extensively with our Serbian friends to explore concrete actions that can bring our countries and peoples closer together and ensure a lasting friendship and true partnership.

We need to focus on the long term and always respect, trust and understand each other. We should firmly support each other on issues concerning our core interests and major concerns and work for a more strategic and comprehensive relationship. China respects the Serbian people's independent choice of development path as well as Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and understands Serbia's efforts toward EU membership.

We need to stay committed to pursuing win-win results and common development. China will share its development fruits and opportunities with Serbia, and work with Serbia to explore and strengthen alignment of our respective development strategies in a bid to expand converging interests, scale up trade and investment, especially in context of the Belt and Road Initiative and China-CEEC cooperation, further tap cooperation potential and facilitate greater cooperation on major projects in order to make China-Serbia cooperation a shining example for China-CEEC cooperation and bring real benefits to our two peoples.

We need to further cement popular support for the bilateral relations. It is important for us to make the most of the reservoir of traditional friendship and find new ways and means to increase exchanges and cooperation in education, culture and tourism so that this friendship will be passed on from generation to generation.

We need to maintain close communication and coordination in international affairs. Our two sides should work in concert at the UN and other international organizations and institutions and take care of each other's concerns on major international and regional issues. China looks forward to working with Serbia to make due contribution to regional stability, world peace and the common development and prosperity of mankind.

I am fully convinced that with our joint efforts, the strategic partnership between China and Serbia will grow from strength to strength.




Emergency session of the B&H PA on population census ended without conclusions reached (Srna)

Yesterday’s emergency session of the House of Representatives of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly (PA) on population census issue has been ended without conclusions reached. Director of the Agency for Statistics of B&H, Velimir Jukic, has said that the methodology of census data processing should have been passed at the beginning of the process. Chairman of the House of Representatives of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly Mladen Bosic has said that summoning Director Jukic for hearing at the B&H Prosecutor’s Office in connection with the population census before the legal deadline for the publication of population census results, clearly shows the existence of political and judicial pressure, and called Jukic to withdraw the decision. The political leaders in Republika Srpska (RS) need to stand united to protect the jeopardized interests of the Serbs in B&H, said Nebojsa Radmanovic, the vice-president of the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD).


Zvizdic – Hahn: Doors of the EU are open for B&H (Fena/Patira)

B&H Presidency Chairman Bakir Izetbegovic received the European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn and discussed the progress of B&H in the process of European integration. Izetbegovic told Hahn that intensive work was being done to implement the Reform Agenda at all levels of authority in B&H, and that the authorities were committed to continuing the ongoing reformatory processes and were working to meet B&H’s remaining obligations. He further briefed the Commissioner on the agreement reached in adjusting the SAA in the part on trade, and about the Presidency receiving a report. Izetbegovic added that preparations were under way to release the results of the B&H population census. Hahn said B&H could realistically get candidate status by the end of 2017 if it solves the issue of adjusting the stabilization and association agreement, by harmonizing the system of coordination and making progress in reforms. According to Sarajevo media, Hahn told B&H Presidency Chairman Bakir Izetbegovic, that he expected Bosnia to resolve the issues as soon as possible, so he could give a positive report for the country to the Foreign Affairs Council when he returns to Brussels. The Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic also met with Hahn in Sarajevo. They discussed the remaining conditions that B&H needs to fulfill in order to get the EU questionnaire as soon as possible. Zvizdic said that European integrations are key priority for B&H. He introduced Hahn with the dynamics and level of realization of agreed measures. He said that the final version of text of Coordination mechanisms is in the final stages, and that the B&H Council of Ministers adopted a report on the completion of negotiations regarding adaptation of the SAA, which is forwarded to the B&H Presidency. Commissioner Hahn praised our progress. He said that the door of the EU was open to B&H and that he hoped that B&H would receive a questionnaire in time of the presidency of the Slovak Republic over the EU. Zvizdic and Commissioner Hahn expressed the hope that everyone in B&H will show responsibility in order to complete the remaining requirements of the EU as soon as possible. Special Representative of EU and Head of the EU Mission in B&H, Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, also attended the meeting.


Sarovic confirmed: Adoption of the SAA by year’s end (Patria)

The B&H Council of Ministers adopted the report submitted by Hamdo Tinjak, head of the negotiating team of B&H for the completion of negotiations regarding the adaptation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, with accompanying conclusions and next steps. Salko Sokolovic, delegate in the House of Representatives of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly, asked the relevant minister to update the delegates about the development of the process. “Media report that the attitudes were adjusted, but without a final agreement. Adjustment of this agreement is a precondition for the credibility of the request for membership in the EU. What were our requests, requests of the European Commission, which compromises have been made and when can we expect a final answer,” Sokolovic said. Mirko Sarovic, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H, stated that negotiations are not being led by the Ministry but by a negotiating team, and that the negotiations are being led for three years. “There were four rounds in the continuation of the process, and four more rounds earlier. That is a total of eight rounds of negotiations. Negotiations have been recently completed with an exchange of offers by EU and B&H. Those are not classic negotiations with shaking hands and giving contents. This is giving offers and entering a very complex system. Everything that B&H requested and that has a chance for approval must be approved by all members of the EU and the entire process should be completed by the end of this year, precisely because of the complexity of this process, Sarovic said. Sarovic said that the offer by B&H is in accordance with the country’s position, and the first next steps are to put everything in one document and initial it. Dragan Covic, leader of HDZ and member of the B&H Presidency, announced the adjustment of the SAA for July, which opposes the statement of Mirko Sarovic.


Denying Bosnian language means denying Dayton Peace Accord (Patria)

The RS government denies “Bosnian language” even though the Dayton Peace Accord which RS officials like to call upon as that is their guarantee of survival of this entity, was signed in Bosnian, Serb and Croat languages. The document was signed on 14 December 1995 by President of RB&H Alija Izetbegovic, President of Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic and President of Republic Croatia Franjo Tudjman. Journalist and political analyst Mirnes Kovac told Patria that Dayton Peace Accord was signed in Bosnian language. Therefore, those who deny Bosnian language, also deny the Dayton Accord. “Shall we abolish Dayton? Then we go back to the square one and get to lose so much: the peace, the RS, the future and progress for all people in B&H,” Kovac said. On the other hand, the B&H Constitutional Court also confirmed that the constitutional right of Bosniak people is to name its language any way they wish. Any deviation in practice would mean violation of the B&H Constitution, but also that of Constitution of RS. Also, the B&H Constitutional Court has inter alia stipulated that the B&H Constitution does not stipulate that names of languages spoken by constitutional peoples have to be tied to the name of constitutional people. This regulation does not give any right to the RS government to determine the name of the language spoken by Bosniaks opposite of their constitutional right to name their language any way they want. The name of the language cannot be subject to linguistic rules either, as the constitutional right to the name of language cannot be separated from the language content, standards etc. The disputed regulation does not prevent either Bosniaks or anyone else to name their language as they wish. Therefore, this concept of disputed regulation follows the position that the B&H Constitution gives the rights to all the constitutional people, including Bosniaks to name their language as they wish.


The 24th anniversary of the killings and expulsion of Serbs from the Neretva river valley marked (Srna)

Flowers were thrown into the Buna River near Mostar and a memorial service was held in the Old Church in Mostar to mark the 24th anniversary of the killings of 30 Serbian civilians and soldiers in this community and the deaths of 386 Serbs from the Neretva River valley, who were killed in mid-June, 1992. Soldiers of the Croatian Defense Council, the Croatian armed forces and the Croatian Army expelled Serbs from the Neretva River valley in June of that year. The President of the Nevesinje Municipal Organization of Families of Captured and Killed Soldiers and Missing Civilians, Aljonka Dzeletovic, says that a horrific crime was committed on June 14, 15 and 16, 1992, against all Serbs who were found there – some in their homes, some on military assignment. “The fate of 85 persons is still unknown and they are listed as missing. We have 54 bodies in the memorial ossuary in Nevesinje which need to be identified. Their fate is not known because of obstructions by the bodies at the B&H level dealing with this issue, primarily by the Missing Persons Institute, which is the most responsible for this idleness,” Dzeletovic has said. Eighteen civilians and 12 soldiers were killed in Buna on this day, and the bodies of ten persons have not yet been found. “There are rumors that a grave in which they were buried is known, but the prosecutor’s office has not given the order to open the grave because they do not want victims to be found. There are witnesses who say that Serbian victims from Buna were buried under a monument to Croatian soldiers in Buna,” Dzeletovic says. Momcilo Medan, whose son was killed on this day in Buna, does not believe that those responsible for this crime will ever be punished because, he says, no one has yet even raised the issue of responsibility. Slavica Slavic, who has been searching for her brother Sinisa Maric for 24 years now, says that they found only one of his bones which they buried in Nevesinje. “As far as Buna is concerned, there is a video recording of their killings. Anyone can see this video recording, but no one has yet answered for this crime,” Slavic says. The Nevesinje Municipal Organization of Families of Killed and Captured Soldiers and Missing Civilians has organized the marking of the 24th anniversary of the killings of Serbs and the ceremony was attended by families of those killed, representatives of the Pale, Sokolac, Rogatica and Gacko veterans’ organizations, representatives of the Republika Srpska Red Cross, and representatives of the Nevesinje and Istocno Sarajevo Municipalities. The St. Trinity Cathedral in Mostar was burned down on this day. The Zitomislic Monastery and all other Serbian churches and thousands of Serbian homes were also burned down in June of that year.


Karamarko resigns as First Deputy PM (Hina)

Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) chief Tomislav Karamarko on Wednesday announced that he was resigning as First Deputy Prime Minister, and once again called on Deputy Prime Minister Bozo Petrov and Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic to step down as well. Karamarko told a news conference in the HDZ headquarters that parliament would decide on the HDZ-sponsored motion for Oreskovic’s impeachment on Thursday after which, he claims, the HDZ would start working on government reshuffle. He said that the current government crisis was unbearable to watch. Commenting on the decision of the Conflict of Interest Commission that he was in a conflict of interests, Karamarko said the decision was “half-grotesque” saying that it seemed to him that he was sanctioned for committing “a verbal offence”. He also said the decision was made under pressure, announcing he would appeal to the Administrative Court.


Oreskovic calls for defusing tensions (Hina)

Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic on Wednesday called on the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ)-led coalition and the Bridge party to invest additional efforts to overcome differences and defuse tensions, expressing hope that his cabinet would resume implementing changes after the stabilization of the situation. The non-partisan premier held a brief news conference on Wednesday afternoon after his two deputies, the HDZ chief Tomislav Karamarko, and the Bridge leader, Bozo Petrov, also addressed the press, the former in the HDZ main offices, and the latter in the government building. Karamarko announced his decision to step down as Deputy Prime Minister, while Petrov said he was ready to resign if this was necessary to preserve the cabinet led by PM Oreskovic. In his brief address Oreskovic recalled that earlier in the day the Conflict of Interest Commission ruled that Karamarko had been caught in a conflict of interest with regard to his suggestions that Croatia should withdraw from the arbitration with MOL over INA and that this conflict of interest stemmed from the fact that Karamarko’s wife and his friend Josip Petrovic, a lobbyist for MOL, had business relations. Oreskovic called on all stakeholders in the (political) process to demonstrate maximum efforts to overcome differences. Oreskovic requested reporters that no questions be asked, explaining that he tomorrow he would answer questions in the parliament. He referred to the fact that Karamarko’s HDZ party insists on a vote of no-confidence in him and that this item is very likely to be discussed by the 151-seat legislature on Thursday. The HDZ-sponsored motion had been triggered off by Oreskovic’s recent call on Karamarko to step down, and after that the HDZ leadership said that Oreskovic no longer enjoyed their confidence.


Petrov: Bridge has not changed its stance (Hina)

The preservation of the incumbent government, led by Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic, or a new parliamentary election, and he urged the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) presidency to show responsibility toward Croatian citizens. “We (in the Bridge party) haven't changed our stance and for us there are only two possible options - either a government with Oreskovic at its helm or a new election. I am prepared to resign, (as deputy prime minister) should HDZ request that as a price for Oreskovic to stay,” Petrov told a press conference adding that Bridge members were not interested in positions. Asked whether Bridge lawmakers would support SDP leader Zoran Milanovic’s motion to dissolve parliament, in the scenario that the HDZ doesn’t withdraw its motion to impeach the prime minister, Petrov said that all 12 Bridge deputies have defined their signatures, should the party’s National Council make such a decision. Petrov called on the HDZ to show responsibility toward Croatian citizens. “I appeal for wisdom and responsibility of all members in the HDZ Presidency and partners in the Patriotic Coalition and then all deputies in parliament to show that they care for Croatian citizens who have the perception that the government is not doing its job. That is because from the start this government was not given a proper chance,” Petrov said. He added that he would not like anyone to privatize any party. “There is still 24 hours and I hope that wisdom and responsibility will prevail,” he said alluding to the situation in the HDZ. “Certain individuals in my opinion, do not represent the stance and opinions of HDZ. They made some hasty moves and they are faced with the responsibility of whether this government will be given a proper opportunity or whether we will go to an early election,” Petrov said.


SNP to submit resolution on NATO referendum (CDM)

The Socialist People’s Party’s (SNP) caucus will submit resolution on holding a national referendum on Montenegro’s membership in NATO to the parliamentary procedure. “Aware of the responsibility of the moment and the need to democratically resolve the situation in Montenegro after receiving invitation to join NATO military alliance, we believe that this issue should be resolved in a fair and free referendum,” SNP stated. The SNP’s caucus also said that calling the referendum would create a room for a constructive debate in public (which is currently missing) on the financial cost of joining and non-joining NATO, the political and military commitments arising from potential membership and the advantages and disadvantages of membership in the alliance.


Macedonia: Coup case resumes in Court (

The Coup case in which one of the suspects is SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, will resume in court. The proceedings were stopped after President Gjorge Ivanov decided to abolish all politicians. The Appellate Court has accepted the attorneys' appeals of the four suspects against the ruling to stop the proceeding and bring the case back for trial. The Appellate court ruled that the Criminal court did not break the laws when it made the verdict to stop the procedure for the case, because at the time when the verdict was reached the President's declaration for pardons still existed. Main suspect in the Coup case is former counter intelligence official Zoran Verusevski, and the case is led by the Special Prosecutor’s Office.


Crisis in Macedonia to be resolved institutionally, says Russian Ambassador (MIA)

The solution to the crisis in Macedonia should be found by its citizens within the existing legal system and democratic institutions, said Russian Ambassador Oleg Shcherbak in his address at a reception on Russia Day, held in Skopje. “We sincerely wish friendly Macedonia, which is currently undergoing a difficult period, to overcome political problems as soon as possible. We are convinced that the people of Macedonia will not allow the country to be pushed into chaos, to destroy the foundations of its statehood and stability. We believe that the crisis solution should be found by the country's citizens within the existing legal system and democratic institutions. Enhancement of peace and stability in the region is unthinkable without an independent, sovereign and prosperous Macedonia,” said Shcherbak. In the attendance of government ministers, NGOs, business community, religious leaders, diplomatic corps, as well as members of the Russian community in Macedonia, Ambassador Shcherbak stressed that Russia is open for partnership guided by the principles of mutual respect and equal cooperation with all countries, including the Republic of Macedonia. “Russian­-Macedonian relations go beyond the political context, they are based on close friendship and spiritual ties that link our nations throughout centuries. Our cooperation has enhanced in recent years and has great potential for further growth,” underlined Shcherbak.




China to strengthen partnership with Serbia (CCTV, 16 June 2016)

China's President Xi Jinping is set to begin a three-day visit to Serbia. This will mark the first state visit to the country by China's top leader since Serbia gained independence. The country's Deputy Prime Minister, who is also its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic tells CCTV that China-Serbia ties have been growing during their long-term friendship. China and Serbia have long held a strategic partnership. The upcoming visit of President Xi will mark the beginning of more comprehensive bilateral ties between the two nations. "It is Serbia's honor to become China's strategic partner. In many ways Serbia cannot be named in the same way with China, but our friendship is incomparable. This is proved through years of experience. We will move a step further to upgrade our relationship. This is important to both Serbia and China. President Xi's visit will be a symbolic moment in our strategic relationship," Dacic said. Dacic says Serbia is China's most reliable partner in Southeastern Europe, and maybe in all of Europe. People from the two countries have had a long history of working together. Both China and Serbia insist on having an independent and peaceful diplomatic policy. On the international stage, they believe in peaceful development. On issues concerning state sovereignty, both countries hold firm to protect every inch of land. "We both have a deep understanding on sovereignty. We thank the Chinese government's support to Serbia regarding Kosovo. At the same time, the Serbian government and people will not change their stance on the 'One China' claim," Dacic said. China backs Serbia's position regarding Kosovo. China always believes that a plan acceptable to both Serbia and Kosovo through negotiations is the best way to resolve this issue. China is calling upon Serbia and Kosovo to continue negotiations for a proper resolution to safeguard peace and stability of the Balkan region. "We have been proud to tell others that the Serbian people are Chinese people's friends. This is well-known on the international stage. Our country is small. China has 1.3 billion people, while we only have 10 million. But we have a great potential for further cooperation," Dacic said. The People's Republic of China is the most important trading partner for the Republic of Serbia in Asia. More economic cooperation will help provide a brighter future for both sides. "I hope we can work together in more areas, like culture, education, science, sports and in the medical field. But the most important is economy. President Xi's visit shows that China values working with Serbia. During his visit, there will be more contracts signed. We will release a joint declaration, and our relations will upgrade into a comprehensive strategic partnership. Let's look forward to it," Dacic said.


Balkans Look to NATO as Russia’s Influence Wanes (Voice of America, by Daniel Schearf, 15 June 2016)

MOSCOW—As NATO defense ministers meeting in Brussels discuss efforts to deter Russian aggression, rising tensions not seen since the Cold War will be on the minds of central and eastern European foreign ministers gathering Thursday in the former Yugoslavia. The agenda of the annual meeting of the Central European Initiative (CEI) in Banja Luka aims to focus on Europe’s migration crisis as well as business, transportation, and energy issues. But the 18-member state group is expected also to discuss plans by some Balkan nations to join NATO, the Euro-Atlantic military alliance whose expansion Russia has deemed a threat to its security.

NATO foreign ministers in May signed the Accession Protocol for CEI member Montenegro, paving the way for Podgorica to become the defense alliance’s 29th member as soon as July.

Bosnia and Herzegovina and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are also pursuing NATO membership, while Russia’s strongest ally in the region, Serbia, is so far remaining neutral. Albania and Croatia became NATO members in 2009.

Pushed towards NATO

NATO expansion in the region underscores Balkan security concerns but also Moscow’s waning influence in the former zone of Soviet influence. “For Russia it's something like a very telling signal... that it's losing it's traditional influence it had lost with many countries in eastern and central Europe,” says Moscow State University's Institute of International Relations’ Viktor Mizin. “And, now it's the turn of [the] Balkans,” he adds. While all the Balkan countries looking to join NATO began their efforts years ago, Russia’s aggression in Ukraine has only spurred the drive toward NATO, says Alexander Golts, a Moscow-based independent military analyst and visiting researcher at Uppsula University in Sweden. “And, I think it’s a clear [example] of Russian ‘successes’ in foreign policy when the most closest allies to Russia are trying to escape from it as soon as possible,” he tells VOA’s Moscow Bureau via Skype. “Of course, it’s the result of Russia’s ‘successes’ in Ukraine and Crimea,” he adds. Russia’s 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula and ongoing military support for rebels in eastern Ukraine sparked calls for stronger deterrence in NATO’s eastern European members. NATO ministers Tuesday agreed to station four battalions on a rotational basis to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

Russia responded with snap, nationwide military exercises. Last May, Russia stationed three military divisions on its western border. “There is no doubt that the expansion of NATO in the Balkans will worsen already strained relations between Russia and the military alliance,” says expert for the Russian International Affairs Council Ilya Kravchenko.

Montenegro, last straw?

Moscow has threatened economic and diplomatic retaliation if Montenegro joins the alliance and is likely to step up its media propaganda to the region as well. ​“In response to NATO’s expansion in the Balkan region, the Kremlin will try to manipulate Serbian populations in Montenegro or Macedonia, reviving their discontent against the government,” says Kravchenko. Economic “punishment” is quite likely, he says. “In fact, Russian officials can impose measures that will result in tourism decrease in these former Yugoslav republics. We already know how it works in the cases of Egypt or Turkey,” says Kravchenko. But while Russian aggression is an expressed concern among some in the Balkans, it is not the main reason they want to join NATO. Joining NATO is seen as a step toward eventual membership in the European Union, says Mizin. “But I think, unlike for example Poland or the Baltic states where the political class, the elites really felt themselves threatened or just bullied by Moscow, I think in the Balkans it's more, if you wish, cynical because they are expecting probably more subsidies, more money from NATO. Pretty much like they are expecting on the economic dimension from the European Union,” adds Mizin. But, joining NATO is not just about money and economics for the Balkans, says Golts. “Joining NATO is very important step showing that these countries are ready to be robust members of [the] Euro-Atlantic community, that they understand and accept all rules, they accept the idea of superiority of the law, they accept the idea of division of powers within society, they accept the idea of elections without any limitations,” he said. The Central European Initiative was founded in 1989 to support European integration. Its 18 member states include a number of NATO and EU countries as well as Ukraine.