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Belgrade Media Report 20 June 2016



Chinese President Xi Jinping pays three-day visit to Serbia (Tanjug/RTS/Beta)

Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a three-day visit to Serbia, from June 17 to June 19, where he signed a statement of comprehensive strategic partnership with his Serbian counterpart, Tomislav Nikolic, in addition to 21 cooperation agreements signed by Chinese and Serbian ministers. During his visit, the Chinese president, together with President Nikolic, laid wreaths at a memorial to the Chinese embassy staff killed in the 1999 bombing of Serbia, and the two presidents also laid a cornerstone for the construction of a Chinese cultural center in Belgrade. At a June 18 meeting, the two presidents agreed that cooperation between the two states was very important, while at a meeting with Serbian Prime Minister-designate Aleksandar Vucic, the importance continuing cooperation was underlined along with tightening bilateral ties. Nikolic decorated his Chinese counterpart with a Medal on Collar, which is issued only to the presidents of states, for, as he said in a press release, extraordinary merits for the Serbian state and people. Xi said he believes that his visit will contribute to further development of relations between the two countries:  "Our idea is that presidents should meet at least once a year, in order to deepen mutual relations concerning the comprehensive aspects, as well as to expand cooperation in military and other fields. China will support Serbia's efforts to join the European Union. China advocates that both sides are equally factors of stability in the international arena. Serbia is on the path of 'One Belt, One Road' and has a significant role in that path. This is a positive platform that will help to strengthen and deepen the relationship between the two nations. Our intention is that relations of strategic partnership between China and Serbia are raised to a higher level," concluded Jinping. The Chinese president met with the Serbian speaker, Maja Gojkovic, saying that cooperation between the two parliaments was an important part of the strategic partnership between China and Serbia. On the last day of his visit to Serbia, Xi Jinping laid a wreath on the Monument to an Unknown Soldier, at Avala Mountain, near Belgrade, where he signed a commemoration book. The Chinese president was welcomed to the wreath-laying ceremony by Minister of Defense Zoran Djordjevic, the Serbian army chief of- staff Ljubisa Dikovic and members of the presidential military office. Together with Nikolic and Vucic, the Chinese President visited the Zelezara Smederevo steel producer on June 19. The Smederevo steel factory was bought by China's Hesteel for EUR46 million. The Chinese president travelled from Belgrade to Warsaw on June 19, starting his visit to Poland. After that he will be visiting Uzbekistan, where the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will meet.


U.S. Embassy hails ratification of EULEX extension deal (Beta)

The U.S. embassy in Pristina welcomes the Kosovo Assembly's decision to ratify a deal extending the mandate of the European Union's rule of law mission EULEX. This is an important step in our common goal of advancing rule of law in Kosovo. This agreement will allow EULEX to continue to assist capacities in the justice sector where needed and help Kosovo build its own, a press release issued on June 17 states. The press release also reads that the U.S. government is proud to continue contributing to the implementation of this important mission through its engaged staff. The Kosovo Assembly adopted a bill on the ratification of the agreement with the EU, which extends the mandate of EULEX by two years. The deal extending EULEX's term until June 15, 2018 received the votes of 84 deputies, while six were against and one abstained.


"It's Russia, not Serbia, standing in way of Kosovo in UN" (Tanjug)

Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj has told the Kosovo Clan TV that Belgrade was not the one standing in the way of "Kosovo's UN membership." Instead, he said, it was Russia's veto. "In the international arena it is impossible to attain UN membership without a peace agreement. Not because of Serbia, but because of the Russian veto," Hoxhaj said, according to Tanjug, and added: "As long as Belgrade has a partner in the (UN) Security Council, we will be forced to reach a legally binding agreement that will allow us to join the UN."


Brezovica tourist center development deal voided (Beta)

A deal with the French-Andorran consortium MDP Consulting Compagnie des Alpes on a public-private partnership which would include investing in the development of the Brezovica tourist center was voided on June 17 for failure to meet terms. According to a Kosovo government press release, the decision, made by the responsible body, is fully aligned with the terms of the agreement on partnership and Kosovo legislation. The cabinet added that it was fully committed to executing the Brezovica development project in the months to come. The project to develop Brezovica is of strategic importance to Kosovo and the local community, and the government is confident that the world standard tourist center will soon live up to its full potential with help from international investors. In the first project development stage, the French consortium was supposed to secure EUR160 million in investment, but failed to do so, which resulted in the deal defaulting.


Pastor: SNS, SPS and SVM to form Vojvodina Government (Tanjug)

The Government of Serbia's Vojvodina province will be formed by the coalitions led by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (SVM), while all other parties have declared that they want to be in the opposition, said the Vojvodina assembly speaker Istvan Pastor. Pastor said this after completing consultations with representatives of all political groups in the assembly. "What is very important is that all groups honored the invitation to discussions and that the discussions were fair and focused on substance," Pastor told reporters. He said that he expects the bodies of the Vojvodina assembly to be constituted at the session he has scheduled for Monday and that another session would be held on the same day to elect the province's prime minister. "I expect the SNS to officially put forward by Monday its candidate for the Prime-Minister-designate of the province, whom I will then put forward to assembly members," Pastor said. According to reports, this alliance between the parties led by Aleksandar Vucic and Ivica Dacic in Vojvodina could be an indicator of their continued cooperation at the state level.


Serbian PM, Croatian President to sign declaration (Tanjug, RTS)

Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic and Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic will sign a declaration on improving relations and resolving outstanding issues. This has been seen as "the first very important step forward after a long period of cooled relations between the two countries." Vucic and Grabar Kitarovic first met on the bridge on the Danube on the Bogojevo-Erdut border crossing, and then visited the birth house of Milutin Milankovic in Dalj where they together unveiled a bust of the Serb mathematician and astronomer. After that, they will come to Serbia and visit the the House of Culture Matija Gubec in Donji Tavankut. In the afternoon Vucic and Grabar Kitarovic are planned to sign the declaration in the City Hall in Subotica, northern Serbia. This will be the first visit of Grabar Kitarovic to Serbia - and will not be an official, but a working visit. It will also be her third meeting with Vucic since she took office in February 2015. Croatian agency Hina said that both sides wish to "draw the line and move forward in relations between the two countries." The declaration, as stated, concerns minority issues, and those related to missing persons, borders and succession. Citing sources from Zagreb, Hina has reported that this meeting represents "a strong expression of the political will, that was agreed on in direct communication between the two cabinets, without any intermediary activity of any party." "The fact that the declaration will be signed by the president of one country and the prime minister of another stems from the fact it was concluded that Vucic is the real leader on the Serbian side who has the power to finally start addressing the specific problems," said the agency. Ahead of his trip to Croatia today, Vucic spoke for that country's state broadcaster HRT to say the signing of the declaration will be "the first step in the thawing relations between Croatia and Serbia". "I think we have achieved a great result. The agreement deals with essential, serious, strategic issues for Serbia and Croatia. We should try to talk more with each other, show greater respect for each other," said Vucic. At the same time, Grabar Kitarovic spoke for Serbia's state broadcaster RTS to say there was "a genuine willingness on both sides to move forward in resolving outstanding issues" and that she and Vucic "want their meeting to be truly historic." "This is not yet another protocol meeting. Our goal is not only that it is recorded on paper, or to send a message to the international community that we had met. After all, the meeting with Vucic on Monday was not encouraged by the international community, but is motivated by a mutual desire to make concrete steps in bringing the two countries closer," said she.


Joksimovic welcomes political will to open a path to Serbian-Croatian dialog (Beta)

A meeting between Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitanovic and Serbian Prime Minister designate Aleksandar Vucic gives hope that controversial issues will be resolved through talks and not before the international arbitration court, Foreign Policy Center President Aleksandra Joksimovic said on June 19. Joksimovic said in her interview with the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation (RTS) that the Vucic- Kitarovic meeting was the first positive sign in the process of relaxing the relationship between the two states, which had been radicalized in a Croatian election campaign centered on Serbs. "In the wake of serious instability in Croatia and the fall of the Croatian cabinet, this is a good time to talk and relax relations, so that we can start resolving open issues," Joksimovic said, adding that "it is a truly welcome idea that political will can pave the way to a dialog" Joksimovic expects the initiative and the meeting to spark hopes that the next election campaign might be different, and that controversial issues can be resolved through bilateral talks. "I believe the public is well prepared, that the key political actors are positive and that the political tensions in Croatia will dwindle and that the Serbs will be left out political campaigns, the Foreign Policy Center president said. Joksimovic described the upcoming meeting between the Serbian prime minister and the Croatian President as the first positive sign in the relationship between the two states, given the fact that Serbia and the Serbs were the central theme in Croatia's recent vote.


Around on thousand protesters gather at Novi Sad counter-rally (VIP)

A rally of support to the new management of Radio and Television of Vojvodina (RTV), a form of counter-rally to gatherings against the change in that media house, was held in Novi Sad on Saturday, with the participation of around 1000 citizens, in an informal but clear organization of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). Speakers supported changes at RTV and the appointment of new management, insisting that “everything has to be resolved within the institutions of the system, not on the street”. Protesters carried banners containing slogans against opposition leaders, as well as against those taking part in protests in Belgrade and in Novi Sad, brandishing a particularly offensive slogan: “Give Dad the Duck, and Maybe also to Mum” (in local urban slang, the duck is a synonym for the penis). Participants at the rally included high SNS officials Bratislav Gasic, Milos Vucevic, as well as brother of Prime Minister designate Andrej Vucic. Formally, this counter-protest was organized by seven almost completely unknown NGOs, some of which were founded only days before to holding of the rally. Still, it was clear that the SNS is behind the whole thing after these newly created organizations placed very expensive ads in pro-government daily newspapers Informer and Vecernje Novosti. At the end, it all became quite obvious when instructions for the organization of the rally, jointly with a list of slogans and sequence of speakers were sent to new RTV editors by e-mail from the office of Novi Sad mayor Vucevic (SNS Vice-President).


European Commission monitoring Vojvodina RTV changes with concern (Beta)

European Commission (EC) spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic said on June 17 that the EC was monitoring the changes in Vojvodina's public broadcaster RTV closely and with concern. She told BETA that she wanted to stress RTV's great responsibility as a public broadcaster. RTV has the responsibility of ensuring the fulfillment of the highest standards in preserving of the public interest, of guaranteeing quality and diversity of its programming and ensuring the impartiality of its editorial policy, according to the principle of independence contained in the 2014 Law on public media services, Kocijancic said. She added that, additionally, RTV had a great responsibility in meeting the legitimate expectations of ethnic minorities when it came to broadcasting in minority languages. In addition, we remind of the importance of creating a favorable environment in Serbia where the freedom of expression can be exercised without disrupting the strengthening of the independence of the Regulatory Electronic Media Organ, with a view to better support for editorial independence and securing suitable funding for public broadcasting and independence, the spokeswoman of the EC said. The new RTV board of directors has dismissed program director Slobodan Arezina, which was followed by the resignations of CEO Srdjan Mihajlovic and TV First Program editor Marjana Jovic. Shortly afterwards, the new acting management of the provincial public broadcaster removed 14 news editors and hosts, sparking a reaction and public letters of protest -- the last of which were signed by more than 100 RTV employees. Journalists have come together in the Support RTV Movement, which has organized three, large-scale civil protests in front of the public broadcaster's buildings, demanding resignations from the board of directors, organizing public debates about the provincial public broadcaster and demanding the reinstatement of their colleagues.




President of the RS Milorad Dodik met with Chinese President Xi Jinping (RTRS)

President of Republika Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Belgrade on Saturday evening. Dodik and Jinping expressed mutual respect and desire for cooperation between China and the RS to continue. Following his meeting with the Chinese President, Dodik attended a formal dinner in the building of the Serbian Presidency which was organized by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic in Jinping’s honor. Dodik said that Jinping’s visit to Serbia is “of great importance to entire Serb people, and therefore to the RS as well”.


RSNA to discuss date of special session of RSNA dedicated to Census (Hayat)

A session of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Collegium will be held in Banja Luka on Monday. Members of the RSNA Collegium will discuss the date of a special session of the RSNA at which MPs will discuss the Information on adoption of single methodology of processing of data of the 2013 Population and Housing Census in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Earlier, politicians from Republika Srpska (RS) announced the possibility that the RS Institute of Statistics could publish its own census results and that Serb representatives in the B&H Agency for Statistics could withdraw from this institution. Daily Dnevni list reads it could be known as early as Tuesday whether the representatives of the RS in the Statistics Agency of B&H will withdraw from the Agency and whether the Statistics Institute of RS will publish census results for the RS. Namely, daily reminds that the SNSD, DNS, SP and SDS caucuses in the RSNA and MP in the RSNA Ilija Stevancevic have requested special session of the RSNA dedicated to census. Daily argues one could expect the RSNA will make concrete moves because both SNSD and Alliance for Changes’ parties are determined that the Statistics Institute of RS should publish census results for the RS only.


Those who signed census gave reason for new Serb-Bosniak conflict (Dnevni avaz, N1)

Serb delegate in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples Ognjen Tadic (SDS) stated on Sunday for N1 that the problem with publication of census results is producing an unnecessary conflict and that the RS will publish its own results. “The ones who signed this methodology gave a reason for a new conflict between Serbs and Bosniaks. It goes in favor to Bosniaks because in that way their number in the RS would be higher than it really is. Mr. (B&H Presidency member (Mladen) Ivanic tried to find a way out of this situation, so he demanded that the RS publishes its own results. We expect the RS National Assembly to give answer to this issue and that results of census that are correct are announced. This all was arranged by someone whose goal is to demolish the Council of Ministers in some new Bosniak-Serb conflict”, warned Tadic. He further noted that the ones who advocate this country the most have the most trouble with such arrangement of B&H. “What Ivanic is talking about is mistrust. It is necessary to observe this provocation with the census methodology more rationally in interest of B&H. Those who advocate B&H the most have a problem with the way B&H is”, Tadic emphasized. In the end, he concluded it is possible to move on if police and judicial institutions do their job. Commenting the problem of Bosniak pupils and their parents in the RS, who are disputed their right to Bosnian language, he said that those children are pushed as soldiers into a conflict with the RS. Tadic wonders why this is a daily topic and why hatred is being produced as soon as it is gone.


Kovacevic: Inzko’s letter re ownership over state property that is no longer banned is attempt to seize part of RS territory (RTRS)

Gvozden Sarac – reminded that along with the population census, the state property is the most important political issue when it comes to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (B&H) future. A letter that High Representative Valentin Inzko has sent to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H and the Commission for State Property says that B&H institutions only can have at disposal the state property that is no longer under ban. Deputy Minister of Justice of the RS and member of the B&H Commission for State Property Nikola Kovacevic told RTRS that this statement represents an attempt to seize part of the RS territory. He warned that Inzko ignored entity institutions in his letter. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) explained that Inzko’s recommendation that the property which is no longer under disposal ban actually belongs to the state is based on the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H from 2012. Kovacevic said that Inzko wrongly interpreted the decision of B&H CC. “I could not believe that the HR can write such a letter. He wrote that the property which is no longer under ban belongs to B&H and that authorized bodies of B&H only can have that property at disposal”, Kovacevic stated. Reported commented that Inzko managed to make a decade-long dispute between B&H and the RS regarding the ownership over the state property in the territory of the RS even more complicated, adding that it is not a coincidence that his letter arrived in B&H CoM only a week after the ban on disposition over the property of the former military barracks ‘Luka Lukalovic’ was removed in favor of the city of Trebinje, as well as the ban on disposition over the land in Teslic with 800 houses constructed on it in favor of displaced Serbs. Furthermore, reporter reminded that Inzko believes these decisions to remove the property disposal ban have no effects when it comes to ownership rights. Reporter argued that B&H CC’s decision only disputes the right of the RS to pass the law on status of the state property in the territory of the RS, but it does not prejudice the status of that property. Sarac concluded that B&H CoM works in a synchronized manner with the OHR in order to “seize part of the territory of the RS”. He added that such plan is also proven by the latest conclusion of the B&H CoM which says that all decisions of the competent Commission for State Property should be delivered to the Public Attorney’s Office of B&H and the Ministry of Finance of B&H for registration of the property on B&H, noting that entity institutions were completely ignored in this case.


US Ambassador to B&H: Washington cares a lot about B&H (Dnevni avaz)

The US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Maureen Cormack stated in a lengthy interview for the daily, commenting the issue of publication of census results, that, as far as the US citizens are concerned, B&H is a country that needs normalization of presence on the international scene, that the EU and other partners worked with B&H in order to attract investors, but that they need to know how many citizens B&H has, what is its economy, how large is agricultural and energy sector, etc. “We must know number of unemployed persons, their regional distribution, etc. This is why the census is important. I hope it would be possible indeed to depoliticize this. That is, actually, review of citizens in this country, information that everyone needs to move this country forward”, she explained. Cormack expressed hope that politicians will find a way to overcome this problem together, emphasizing that this is a statistic task that needs to be respected. She also reminded of statements by the EUROSTAT and the International Monitoring Operation (IMO), which warned that it is necessary to obey the international methodology conditions.


Izetbegovic: OHR led us to this situation in Mostar (Dnevni list)

The SDA President Bakir Izetbegovic said that he, unfortunately, does not expect that (local) elections in Mostar will take place. Izetbegovic noted he believes the international community should help, arguing it is the OHR, “which led us to this situation with imposition of the Statute of City of Mostar, with its interventions, and then left us somewhere in the middle, with this decision of the Constitutional Court (of B&H), which could bring in question position of the Bosniaks after everything they went through in Mostar”. “(…) Regarding a way this could be done, the OHR could perhaps tell us it gives us two more years and that we have elections in line with the old model”, said Izetbegovic.


Ivanic: I do not believe Covic and Izetbegovic agreed on Mostar (Dnevni list)

The member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Mladen Ivanic said that he feels sorry because he thinks that the B&H will lag behind on its European path, arguing it all started with Mostar, as if somebody wanted to draw the RS into the story and divert attention from the fact the issue of Mostar has not been agreed upon. “There have been constant claims that an agreement is close, but no agreement was reached. Foreign colleagues tell me they have a feeling leaders of HDZ B&H and SDA (Dragan) Covic and (Bakir) Izetbegovic have reached an agreement but did not convince their people in Mostar. I simply cannot believe in that knowing their authority in the parties they lead. I think we should not have these small games in which we say one thing in public and we do the opposite (…)”, said Ivanic. He also noted that ideas proposed by the Coordination of Serb Associations of Mostar are good, arguing he is not sure that the authorities in Banja Luke will support the ideas “because that solution would prevent what SDA and HDZwant”.


Moore: I am not exerting pressure over B&H institutions (Nezavisne novine)

In an interview to daily, Head of OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Jonathan Moore noted that recommendations regarding the work on war crimes cases are made with a goal to improve work of the judiciary and not to exert pressure. Asked about key results of the analysis, Moore said that OSCE Mission is often asked to provide information and analysis regarding processing of war crimes and such requests come for all sides with an aim to get a general image about capacities of domestic judicial institutions for processing war crimes in a manner which respects interests of victims and the inductees and which is in line with international standards. Because of this, OSCE in cooperation with HJPC and in coordination with ICTY Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz and UK Embassy hired Judge Joanna Korner to draft such an analysis. Moore explained that Korner visited B&H on two occasions and talked to prosecutors, judges and others in order to draft such an analysis, which would provide proposals for improving of processing of war crimes at B&H level. Moore thanked judge Korner for her engagement, noting that the analysis contains concrete recommendations. “The goal of the analysis was to establish areas which hinder carrying out of State Strategy for Processing War Crimes and give recommendations which are deem to be able to lead to improving of work of Prosecutor’s Office and Court of B&H. Recommendations that were made, regarding the concrete issues in sectors of managing and court practice, with a goal of improving of standards of management, cooperation and establishing of adequate goals,” said Moore. Asked to comment negative reactions, Moore stressed that OSCE has had full cooperation of the HJPC and he reminded that OSCE Mission is monitoring processing of war crimes since 1996 within the mandate awarded to it by the Dayton Agreement. In 2003 the Mission developed system of monitoring of court proceedings and in November 2006, the HJPC issued an opinion recognizing role of the OSCE in monitoring of criminal proceedings, stressing that OSCE officials should have full and unlimited access to all documents. Further on, Moore noted, OSCE organized trainings and carried out other activities aimed towards strengthening of capacities and training of the staff and provided expert assistance. “Nobody is ever fully content by every pronounced sentence and acquittal or verdict. However, it is up to institutions including HJPC, Prosecutor’s Office and Court of B&H to react to the report and carry out recommendations from it, if they want. I trust that after reading the analysis and recommendations, the public will see that these are well intended recommendations for improving of judiciary system in B&H,” said Moore. Asked if report can be understood as criticism or form of pressure, Moore said that focus is on processing of war crimes which already are competed and they never asked for “insight into live cases” or information about them. He noted that Prosecutor has great responsibility who to indict and who not, and OSCE never interfered in work of the Prosecutor’s Office or any other judicial institutions. “As I said, it is up to judicial institutions to react, to accept recommendations of judge Korner or to reject them, they have right to do that. We cannot impose anything, nor are any deadlines given. I want to stress out that I deeply respect B&H judicial institutions and they truly carry huge responsibility. I am naturally aware that they also have other obligations, priorities. It is up to them to decide how to react,” said Moore. Asked about accusations of him being involved in attempts to influence work of Prosecutor’s Office in other cases and that this report is “revenge”, Moore said that OSCE’s work in judiciary is financed by funds of the EU, USA, UK, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, Italy and Austria in close coordination with ICTY and stakeholders are very well informed about OSCE work and activities. “OSCE Mission, or I personally, never interfered in work of judicial institutions nor tried to exert pressure over any institutions in B&H,” said Moore.  After author insisted for Moore to comment, he only said that he cannot comment such allegations and everyone should do their work.


Parliament dissolved with 137 votes for (Hina)

The Croatian parliament on Monday passed a decision on its self-dissolution to take effect on July 15, with 137 MPs voting in favor of the decision. Two MPs voted against and one abstained.

On July 15, constitutional deadlines for a snap parliamentary election start running. Under the Constitution, the election must be held within a minimum 30 days and a maximum 60 days from the parliament's dissolution. The decision on the date of the election is to be made by President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, who after last week's consultations with representatives of parliamentary parties said almost all parties were agreed that the election should be held in early September.


Djukanovic: DPS showed superiority by inviting the opposition (RTCG)

Democratic Party of Socialists DPS is so superior that it invited parties to enter the Government, although they have failed to gain this right in the elections, said leader of DPS, Milo Djukanovic. He spoke at the Congress of Council of Youth of DPS, saying that this event is being held in a year of celebration of ten years of independence, a thousand years of nation, and quarter century of his party, “just a few months before an important political challenged, regular parliamentary elections”. “We have all the reasons to be proud of DPS. Montenegro has saved its peace during the war and strengthened its multiethnic relations, by preserving stability and respecting strict European rules”, Djukanovic said, RTCG reported. He reminded that Montenegro is on the brink of joining NATO. “No one can say when will EU expand, but when it does, I am certain Montenegro will be first to join”, Djukanovic added. According to him, DPS widened its political coalition by expending the front dedicated to Montenegro’s development. “We have created the foundation for a new system of values. What used to be violence in Montenegro is today turned to peace and stability. We have become the most developed economy in Western Balkan”, he said. Djukanovic believes that challenged Montenegro is facing are best solved by fresh and creative solutions, that can be offered by this generation, “as his generation did 25 years ago”. “The challenges of a time behind us were those of war and peace, economic sustainability, independence. Now we work to create a better life”. Democratic Party of Socialists DPS is so superior that it invited parties to enter the Government, although they have failed to gain this right in the elections, he said. “We said, enter the Government, kill your doubts of electoral system. DPS always put country’s interests first, although it could have damaged our party goals”, he added. “We know that power corrupts, but we do not hide our issues, we talk about them.” President of the Council Nikola Pesic said that their organization contributed in the activities done by the Government. He said that they have more than 15 thousand members. “We have more young members than some parties do voters” President of Youth in the Bosnian Party Sead Sahman said that the youth must contribute to the processes that will include our country in global contemporary streams. “We want to see Montenegro in the company of developed countries”, Sahman said. Social-Democrats youth President Ahmed Zajmovic said that their cooperation with DPS is good at all levels. Dusan Petrovic of Union of Independent Social-Democrats of B&H said that Montenegro and Republika Srpska (RS) must have stronger relationship.


DPS to be divided after the election (Radio Petnjica)

The Social Democratic Party (SDP) today is at least two times stronger than on the eve of the congress, when the schism occurred, said the leader of that party, Ranko Krivokapic. He believes that the division of the DPS after the election is inevitable, and says that the SDP will give a hand to the fair part of DPS. We are twice stronger, and this happened thanked to the DPS which divided us. I mean they did not divide us, directors and officials went, but they are not the bigger part of the party, most of the party voted in Congress to win the DPS and betrayal. DPS for the first time openly financed the betrayal in the party, they bribed ministers and MPs of the SDP. The DPS succeeded to clean our party, to get rid of those who have fallen in the government, " Krivokapic said in an interview with Radio Petnjica.


NATO is the highlight of Montenegrin independence (RTCG)

Deputies of the Parliament of Montenegro today continued their discussion on the resolution on support for NATO membership. Parliament should declare on the document today. Draft resolution, submitted by the deputies of the Democratic Party of Socialists, the Positive Montenegro, the Social Democrats, the Liberal Party and minority parties. Luigj Skrelja from the DPS said that NATO membership is a guarantee that a country has a stable area for the foreign investments. "Therefore, every country has the prerequisites for rapid economic development. The expansion of NATO is response of democratic world to the challenges of the new age," he said in Parliament. The deputy of the SDP, Draginja Vuksanovic is confident that Montenegro will join NATO. "Montenegro has to join NATO. I believe that this resolution, which was once in Parliament, perhaps should not be here again, unless there was an intention to activate new divisions. I believe that the intention of those divisions was not to think about deciding on this in a referendum, because this will not be decided in a referendum" said Vuksanovic. She pointed out that the deputies were representatives of the people, stating that nevertheless every citizen has the right to believe in something. "I do not want to intervene into someone's attitude. However, I want to say to those who are against NATO membership, that joining the alliance puts a crown on independent Montenegro. Then finally, after many centuries, the boundaries of Montenegro will be firmly established and preserved. There will be no place for the old or new ideologies, warmongering policies, wars for peace and there will be no place for corruption and crime", Vuksanovic is convinced. Milos Konatar of the Civic Movement URA said that they absolutely support Montenegro's membership in NATO, saying that there is nothing controversial about it. "Our position is that this is the best framework for Montenegro and its citizens. However, what is disputed is that today we are talking about this resolution, and we have already discussed it less than a year ago. “ The DF deputy, Predrag Bulatovic, ironically said that NATO is a democratic institution which, he said, was responsible for the deaths of more than 30 million people, while independent deputy, Jelisava Kalezic, stressed that NATO was a "well-organized multinational company that seeks new building sites.” The DF's deputy Janko Vucinic said that if our country joined NATO without a referendum, "half of Montenegro will get out in front of the Parliament, Government and other institutions." Then you’ll have to get out in front of the nation and no fences, stun grenades, tear gas, no rubber bullets will not save you in this case," he said.


Gruevski: VMRO-DPMNE is always with people, SPO has become coalition partner of SDSM (

VMRO-DPMNE marked its 26th anniversary before a number of guests and party leaders at the Museum of Macedonian Struggle. Leader Nikola Gruevski pointed that he has always been with the people and he has been fighting for the people, unlike SDSM which have always hoped for help from outside. The celebration began with Andrijana Janevska singing the Macedonian national anthem, and ended with the shouts “Nobody can touch you Nikola” echoing from the Stone Bridge. He said that he did not want to sound like the party has always been ideal and infallible. And that some steps have not disappointed at least some people, and sometimes even the majority. “We are all just people, people who work hard, but make mistakes too. There is not a person that works and makes no mistakes. And I hope to God, there comes a day when SDSM comes to rule again, regardless of whether it is by foreign support, or domestic, but to work a lot, do at least half of what we do,” Nikola Gruevski said. Unfortunately, Gruevski said, during the period they did rule, and in the past and recently when they got their two ministers and three alternate deputies, we did not see they do or create anything, we did not see them solving problems. They were focused on themselves and with a destructive matrix wanted to damage us, and cannot see that by that, they inflict damage on Macedonia, and the people. And they cannot see that is additionally creates their bad image before the people. “Now they are trying to take over by making these destructive scenarios. We know what they did last year. What they brought the country to, asking for early elections, thinking that if someone from outside has enabled them to twist people’s minds by created materials, that with such fraud they will rule the country. But the people have recognized the lies, the game, did not gave them their trust. The fact is, there a many modern methods for research and evaluation of the citizens’ trust in political parties and politicians, and when they saw they did not make it, they created a bunch of problems to postpone the elections they demanded. And now what? They have no program, no ideas. They are waiting to be told what is next, and they are waiting on SPO to change people’s minds through unprofessional and politically motivated working,” Gruevski said.




Early Vote Looms in Croatia as Lawmakers Dissolve Parliament (AP)

Croatian lawmakers voted Monday to dissolve Parliament, paving the way for early elections after the government fell in a no-confidence vote last week. The vote was 137 in favor of dissolving Parliament, two against and one abstention. Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic and his government fell on Thursday after weeks of political deadlock that has stalled much-needed economic reform in the newest European Union member state. Croatia joined the EU in 2013 after fighting a war for independence from Yugoslavia in the 1990s. The ruling right-wing Croatian Democratic Union, which brought Oreskovic to power in January but later turned against him, wanted to form a new government with a new prime minister. Opposition parties, however, collected enough votes in the parliament for the dissolution and the holding of early elections. The move takes effect on July 15, and the snap election could be held in early September. Darko Milinovic, from the Croatian Democratic Union — known as HDZ — said Croatia's president will formally set the vote after the summer holiday season. Milinovic said the HDZ will hold a meeting later Monday to discuss further moves. He suggested the party leader, Tomislav Karamarko, will resign his post. "We made the decision, the elections are next," Milinovic said. "I think the current president of the party will make a decision that will make the Croatian Democratic Union a favorite at the upcoming election." Former Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said the parliamentary decision to dissolve means the defeat of the conservative government and HDZ. Kosor said "one period has ended, what remains is the damage done by this government."


Serbian Billionaire Miroslav Miskovic Jailed for Tax Evasion (AP)

One of the richest businessmen in the Balkans was sentenced to five years in prison for tax evasion Monday. Miroslav Miskovic was once among the most influential people in Serbia with close political ties. He was found guilty by the anti-graft court for helping his son Marko evade paying some 3 million euros ($3.4 million) in taxes linked to his road construction business. Judges also fined the elder Miskovic 65,000 euros. Marko Miskovic has already been sentenced to 3.5 years for the same offense. Miroslav Miskovic, 70, created a business empire under the rule of late strongman Slobodan Milosevic in the 1990s. Miskovic is the owner of Delta Holding, one of the biggest companies in the region. The company has retail, real estate, insurance and agriculture businesses in Serbia and elsewhere in the Balkans. In 2007, his wealth was estimated at $2 billion but is believed to have grown since. When Miskovic was arrested in December 2012, populist Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said it demonstrated that no one was untouchable in the anti-corruption sweep. Miskovic was released from detention months later after posting a record 12 million-euro bail. The businessman denies the charges and his lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic said they planned to appeal the verdict.