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Belgrade Media Report 19 September



Dacic: Remain consistent in not recognizing Kosovo (RTS)

“We appeal to you to remain consistent in defending the norms of international legal order as regards non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of our southern province and its unilateral attempts of gaining membership in international organizations, such as last year’s UNESCO membership bid, which was rejected thanks to our friends around the world, from Africa to Latin America,” Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in his address to the participants of the 17th Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Venezuela. Serbia is aware many Non-Aligned Movement members are facing various pressures to recognize Kosovo’s independence, Dacic said, thanking those that have remained consistent with the principles of international rule of law in not recognizing it. Dacic recalled that the unilateral declaration of Kosovo’s independence was conducted in violation to the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act and UNSCR 1244 (1999) that guarantees Serbia’s territorial integrity. The Minister said that, by defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Serbia is principally defending international law and the highest authority of the Security Council in maintaining international peace and security. “I underline that support of the international community is crucial for the success of the dialogue conducted between Belgrade and Pristina with EU mediation. Any possible change in the stand of states that don’t recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo would negatively reflect on the constructiveness and readiness of the parties to compromises and implementation of already reached agreements,” said Dacic. “We believe in a lasting, compromise-based solution for the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, along with respecting the legitimate interests of the Albanian, Serbian and other population in the province and full respect of UNSCR 1244, in the interest of regional peace, stability and prosperity. We rely on you, our friends in the common struggle against the policy of unilateralism and forced re-drawing of borders of internationally recognized states.”


Vucic, Dacic to attend UNGA session in New York (Tanjug/RTS)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic will head the Serbian delegation at the 71st UN General Assembly session in New York, which begins on Tuesday. The delegation will also include Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, who will attend many conferences to present Serbia’s positions on key international issues. Dacicss agenda will include taking part in a UN summit on refugees and migrants and several regional conferences, including a working meeting of Western Balkan FMs with EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn and ministerial meetings of the South-East European Cooperation Process and the Central European Initiative, the Foreign Ministry said. The government press office said Vucic would also attend a plenary session on regional cooperation, hosted by former US President Bill Clinton, as well as hold many bilateral meetings with senior officials during the session.


Nikolic: Unacceptable for Europe to close borders to migrants while we remain open (Beta)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said in Bitola that it was unacceptable for Europe to close its borders to migrants while we stay open. After meeting with Macedonian President Gjorgje Ivanov, Nikolic also said that it was unacceptable for Europe to protect its borders in the middle of Europe and that it was duty bound to protect them where they begin. According to a press release issued by the president's office, Nikolic said Belgrade and Skopje would have to solve the migrant issue together, as the hardships that Macedonia is facing with them is immediately transferred over to Serbia. On the topic of relations in the region, Nikolic said someone is obviously leaving Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina far from EU integration, while Serbia is openly told that we have a rival in the integration [process] that will not let us get far. He added that Serbia is on Macedonia’s side in most of the problems that it faces. The President of Serbia also said it was good for citizens and the state for us to govern our countries according to EU rules.


Djordjevic: 7,500 illegal migrants discovered, 50 smugglers arrested (Tanjug/Politika)

In joint actions of military and police in border areas, so far more than 7.500 illegal migrants were discovered, while almost 50 smugglers were arrested, Serbian Defense Minister Zoran Djordjevic said to the reporters on Saturday. “It is a pleasure to see how military and police systems function together excellently, directed towards the same goal,” Djordjevic said after he visited the members of joint forces of military and police in the so-called Sector A, at the border between Serbia and Macedonia. “Soldiers and police officers are here towards Macedonia, but also towards Bulgaria, and they practically closed the border with their activities and disabled the passage for illegal migrants,” Djordjevic boasted and added that military and police were prepared for possible larger pressure of migrants from Bulgaria and Macedonia.


Miscevic: Confusion about EU will not affect Serbia’s reforms (Tanjug)

The big confusion about Europe’s future will not obstruct internal changes and reforms in Serbia, Serbia’s chief EU negotiator Tanja Miscevic said. “A healthy debate on Europe’s future only helps our integration process,” Miscevic said, responding to a reporter's question about the Bratislava summit, a framework for a new Europe and their impact on Serbia’s European integration. The confusion about what will happen to Europe is really big, but there is no such confusion in Serbia, she said. “We want to take part in all discussions on the future of Europe. Europe is our environment today, a place we aspire to be in and a place where we will be a full member tomorrow. We are very interested in what it will be like, but this will in no way obstruct our internal changes and reforms and our discussions about what needs to be done,” she said.


Convincing SNS victory at elections in Bela Palanka municipality (RTS)

The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) won convincingly at local elections in the small and poor municipality of Bela Palanka in the southeast of the country, winning by unofficial preliminary results more than 76% of the votes cast, RTS reported. The Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) won 13% of the vote but it wasn’t clear whether the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) would cross the required threshold to win seats on the local council, the RTSsaid quoting SNS election staff data. The elections were boycotted by the main opposition parties. The semblance of an alternative to the ruling parties was created by obscure election lists whose names included parts of the names of the real opposition parties confusing the voters. The Social Democrat Party (SDS, headed by former Serbian President Boris Tadic, won the elections in that municipality in April but the SNS filed a large number of objections and complaints which led to the vote being annulled. Fresh elections were very hard to organization up to the moment when, for reasons unknown, the entire SDS municipal branch crossed over to the SNS. That was when the elections were called and practically the same people won but now on Vucic’s SNS election list.




B&H CC rejects RSNA’s appeal for review of B&H CC’s decision on January 9 as RS Day (BHT1)

At its plenary session held in Sarajevo on Saturday, Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H adopted a measure by which it temporary suspends the decision on the referendum in Republika Srpska (RS). The B&H CC also rejected the appeal filed by the RS National Assembly (RSNA) for review of the B&H CC’s decision on January 9 as the RS Day, by which it was confirmed that January 9 as the RS day is considered to be unconstitutional. B&H CC explained that there are no justified reasons for accepting the RSNA’s appeal for review of the B&H CC’s decision from November 26, 2015 when January 9 as the RS Day was declared unconstitutional and therefore the appeal was rejected. B&H CC also said that the RSNA’s appeal did not include any new facts that could possibly influence B&H CC to pass different decision in this case. When it comes to the motion filed by B&H officials asking B&H CC to pass a temporary measure on the referendum on the RS Day, B&H CC stated that in this phase of the process there are sufficient reasons indicating that implementation of the referendum prior to the B&H CC’s decision on the motions filed in this particular case would have serious and irreversible detrimental consequences, primarily when it comes to implementation of the B&H CC’s decision. Given the fact that activities on organization and implementation of the referendum on the RS Day are underway in the RS, B&H CC believes that this could have serious consequences on implementation of its decision, undisturbed and efficient work of B&H CC in this case, as well as on the constitutional organization of B&H. “B&H CC believes that protection of the constitutional organization, B&H’s stability and undisturbed work of B&H CC in this case is in the interest of all sides in this process. The provisional ban on holding of the referendum on the RS Day, until B&H CC passes the final decision on the motions filed in this case, is not against the aforementioned interests but it directly contributes them. Therefore, B&H CC passed the measure that provisionally bans holding of the referendum”, B&H CC said in a statement published after the session. The reporter commented that by rejecting the RSNA’s appeal, B&H CC remained persistent in the decision passed on November 26, 2015 when January 9 as the RS Day was declared unconstitutional. The reporter reminded that nobody actually now dares to explain the conclusions B&H CC’s passed at Saturday’s session given the rather unpopular and common practice in B&H to disrespect B&H CC’s decisions. According to unofficial information, seven judges – Bosniak, Croat and foreign ones – voted against the appeal filed by the RSNA, while two Serb judges voted in favor of it. These seven judges also voted in favor of the provisional measure to ban the referendum, while Serb judges voted against it.


Dodik: There will be no postponement of referendum (FTV)

FTV carried reactions of Republika Srpska (RS) officials to Saturday’s decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, banning holding of the referendum on the Day of the RS. RS President Milorad Dodik said that there will be no postponement of the referendum, adding that he did not expect the B&H CC to react in a different way. Dodik stressed that the B&H CC cannot suspend the decision of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) on holding of the referendum on the Day of the RS and that the RSNA is the only one that can suspend this decision. At SNSD’s election rally which took place at the same time as Saturday’s plenary session of the B&H CC, Dodik announced that the referendum will be held. “Not even five ambassadors could convince me otherwise. I and (RS Prime Minister) Zeljka (Cvijanovic) met with the ambassadors and I told them that I know that they came to convince me not to hold the referendum. And I told them that we will not do such a thing,” Dodik underlined.


Reactions of the RS officials to the B&H CC’s decision (Dnevni avaz/EuroBlic)

In a statement, SNSD Vice-president Radovan Viskovic commented the latest decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H with regards to the Republika Srpska (RS) Day referendum, saying it was the best possible decision. “I feared the Constitutional Court could annul its original decision and make it a done deal for the RS, as they could say there are no longer arguments for holding of the referendum. Basically, this decision suits me and we will have the referendum on September 25,” said Viskovic. Leader of SDS Mladen Bosic deems that the decisions of B&H CC are in accordance with previous practice of passing decision to detriment of Serb people. He added that all this will cause a serious and dangerous situation created by irresponsible politicians. “This is direct consequence of game between Bakir Izetbegovic and Milorad Dodik,” underlined Bosic, adding that two leaders are not taking care of interests of citizens but of their individual interests. Vice President of SDS Ognjen Tadic said that the B&H CC has remained consistent in its inconsistency when protection of B&H constitutionality is in question and it again abused rules in order to pass another political decision. He added that it is not realistic to expect that the RS Assembly gives up on the referendum and probably huge resistance of RS’ citizens can be expected. NDP leader Dragan Cavic stated for the daily that the decision is completely expected. He also said that it is clear that the B&H CC implemented SDA’s decision. He added that SzP will not give up on the referendum and that it must be held. He also noted that the B&H CC involved in political processes and it will suffer consequences of it. He added that there will not be security related problems. He explained that the day after the referendum will be the same as the previous one. PDP’s Igor Crnadak underscored that the most important for him is to continue with celebrating of the RS’ Day. He added that it would useful that leading people of the RS have additional consultations with Serbia. Crnadak reminded that the RS Assembly adopted earlier decision to organize the referendum on B&H judiciary, which was never implemented.


Reactions of the Federation officials to the B&H CC’s decision (BHT1)

B&H Presidency Chairman Bakir Izetbegovic said that B&H CC demonstrated principality through its decision and it consistently followed the legal criteria in protection of B&H Constitution, the constitutional-legal organization and the rule of law in B&H. He assessed that this is in the best interest of all peoples in B&H, reminding that officials of all institutions in B&H have the constitutional obligation to respect B&H CC’s decisions as final and binding. Izetbegovic stated that RS President Milorad Dodik might be facing a prison sentence of six months to five years in prison, unless he gives up on the announced referendum. “I hope Dodik will give up because, after the CC B&H’s decision to introduce a provisional measure, further referendum activities would undoubtedly imply a violation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and a criminal offense of refusing to implement the decisions of the CC B&H, which might be sanctioned in line with the Article 239 of the Criminal Code of B&H”, Izetbegovic said. B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Deputy Speaker Sefik Dzaferovic stated that the decision was expected and it is clear that there are no new circumstances based on which B&H CC should have reviewed its decision from November 2015 when January 9 as the RS Day was declared unconstitutional. “It is also clear that scheduling of the referendum on the issue on which B&H CC already ruled further undermines B&H CC’s decision, which is why I find Saturday’s decision of B&H CC expected and logical,” Dzaferovic concluded. To remind, in August this year Dzaferovic filed a motion with B&H CC for resolving of the constitutional-legal dispute between the RS and B&H due to the RSNA’s decision on holding of the referendum on the RS Day, jointly with B&H Presidency Chairman Bakir Izetbegovic and B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Speaker Safet Softic. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Dragan Covic called for the situation to be calmed down. “In my opinion, it would not be good to create further political tensions over something that does not deserve any kind of political tension. Who am I and who are we to comment on decisions of this institution? If we start doing that, we will get anarchy and we do not need that,” Covic explained.


OHR reaction to the B&H CC’s decision (BHT1)

Commenting on the decision passed by the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) said in a statement that the High Representative (HR) calls on the RS authorities to refrain from holding of the referendum that has no legal grounds and would directly violate B&H CC’s decision. “This is no longer a matter of the RS holidays but it represents direct disputing of the state-level judiciary. As the final authority for implementation of the civilian aspect of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), the HR reiterates that B&H CC is the cornerstone of Annex 4 to the DPA and is the key to its implementation. Challenging its authority by holding of the referendum would be a direct and serious violation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP), which would affect stability of the country,” the statement reads. The HR also called on all parties to respect the decision passed by B&H CC, to refrain from further escalation and to focus on matters of vital importance for the country and its citizens.


Mogherini, Hahn reaction to the B&H CC’s decision (Dnevni avaz)

With regard to the decision passed by the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H on Saturday regarding the RS referendum issue, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn issued a joint statement which reads: “The CC did not re-examine the decision on the RS’ Day and it adopted a temporary measure by which it temporary suspends holding of the referendum in the RS. We encourage B&H institutions to resolve this issue and respect rule of law through established legal processes and existing constitutional framework a through a constructive dialogue.” They stress that all sides must refrain from activities that might lead to escalation of the situation. It was also stated: “B&H has started with reforms necessary for resolving of economic and social challenges that B&H is facing with and which are crucial for progress of the country on the EU road. The issue of the RS Day should not divert attention from this extremely important job.”


US Embassy to B&H reaction to the B&H CC’s decision (BHT1)

The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement with regard to Saturday’s decision of B&H Constitutional Court (CC) concerning the RS Day referendum. The Embassy called on the RS leadership to refrain from holding the referendum on the Republika Srpska (RS) Day because that would be direct violation of the CC’s decision. The Embassy warned that failure to respect the court decision would undermine the rule of law, place the RS into isolation and insecurity and directly challenge the state judiciary. According to the Embassy, such politics are not in the interest of B&H citizens and which also includes citizens of the RS. The Embassy emphasized that continuation of activities related to the referendum would represent a threat to the rule of law and therefore a threat to stability, security and prosperity of the country. The Embassy noted that the US and the international community (IC) invested a lot in peace, stability and prosperity of B&H. “We will not accept attempts to obstruct the Dayton Peace Agreement,” reads the Embassy’s statement.


Russian Embassy to B&H reaction to the B&H CC’s decision (RTRS)

Ambassador of Russian Federation to B&H Petr Ivantsov expressed on Sunday disappointment with decision of Constitutional Court of B&H to reject request of Republika Srpska (RS) to review its decision concerning the Day of the RS and with one banning holding of the referendum in the RS. Ivantsov stressed that this decision will not contribute to decreasing of tensions in B&H. “On the opposite, it deepens political crisis. Instead of dialogue and compromise, Banja Luka is only one requested concessions,” stated Ivantsov. Russian Ambassador also announced that he will discuss aforementioned decision of B&H CC with the RS leadership, as well as with partners from the international community in B&H. TV1 claims that Ivantsov will meet with the leadership of the RS in Banja Luka on Monday while meetings with Russia’s partners from the international community will probably be held in the coming days.


SNSD halts campaign for local elections in order to focus on campaign for referendum on RS Day (FTV)

SNSD announced on Sunday that it will halt its campaign for upcoming local elections in order to focus on the campaign for the referendum on the Republika Srpska (RS) Day. SNSD claims that all media space reserved for the party will be put at disposal of the RS Commission for Implementation of Referendum. SNSD called on all RS citizens to take part in the referendum. SNSD also expressed expectations that other parties and independent candidates will halt their election campaign and focus on the campaign for the referendum. President of the RS and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik confirmed this information to the media. Representatives of SNSD also stressed that all advertisement capacities of this party will be ceded to the RS Commission for Implementation of the Referendum. The President of the RS once again reiterated that the referendum will be held as planned and called on the citizens in this entity to vote on September 25. Opposition parties rejected this proposal because they believe that the referendum and local elections are two separate political events. NDP leader Dragan Cavic stated over the phone that his party proposed that the referendum should be held after the local elections because the referendum will now be exploited for election purposes.




Iran, Serbia Opt for Broadening of Bilateral Ties (FNA, 17 September 2016)

TEHRAN - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Serbian Deputy Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic in a meeting in Margarita Island, Venezuela, on Saturday underlined the need for the further expansion of mutual cooperation. During the meeting on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) meeting in Venezuela, Zarif and Dacic explored avenues for bolstering and reinvigorating bilateral ties in different areas. "The Islamic Republic of Iran considers no limit for the expansion of relations with Serbia," Zarif said. The Serbian deputy foreign minister, for his part, said that his country is eager to broaden relations with Iran. In mid-April, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a meeting with his Serbian counterpart Tomislav Nikolić underlined the necessity for all countries to cooperate in the campaign against terrorism. "Spread of violence and terrorism is a major problem for the region and the world," Rouhani said during the meeting in Tehran. He referred to attempts by certain countries to link terrorism to religion, and said, "The divine religions, specially Islam, promote mercy and brotherhood among human beings and they oppose terrorism and all should grow united in the fight against terrorism." Elsewhere, Rouhani pointed to Tehran and Belgrade's extensive capacities and potentials, and said they should be used to further develop mutual cooperation and meet the two nations' interests.


Top NATO Chief Says Balkans Threatened by Islamic Terrorism, Russian Influence (Sputnik, 19 September 2016)

Chairman of NATO Military Committee General Petr Pavel has claimed at the alliance’s conference in Croatia that the Balkans are “far from stable,” saying that the region is both threatened by Islamic terrorism and Russian influence. Pavel, who became the first committee chief from the former Eastern bloc, said that the military alliance should be able to deter opponents and defend the members of NATO, Croatian HINA news agency reported.

"NATO must have the ability, strength and resources to distract opponents and defend its members against any threat," he said at a press briefing in Split on Saturday following a conference of the Military Committee of NATO. The conference, held September 16-18, was attended by the Chiefs of Defense Staffs of the NATO member countries, two strategic commanders of the alliance and a representative from Montenegro, which has gotten an invitation to join the bloc. This is a regular meeting of the NATO’s top military brass that aims to resolve ongoing problems that the bloc faces. According to Pavel, Europe, which is struggling to deal with the massive migrant inflow, may be facing a new problem in the Balkans — terrorism and Russia’s influence. "The situation in the Balkans is far from stable and we are all aware than the Western Balkans are still a potential source of conflict. Balkans is threatened by Islamic terrorism and by the Russian influence," he stressed. Talking on the Islamic threat, Pavel said that NATO “should play greater role in the fight against terrorism,” especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina which could become a hotbed for terrorism impacting both Europe and the US. “Our interest is that Bosnia and Herzegovina won’t turn into a haven for terrorism, and if necessary we [NATO] should take measures in this regard," he stressed, adding that the EU managed to tackle the inflow of migrants through the Balkan route. The general said that NATO should remain flexible in this new political environment, specifying in particular that cooperation with Moscow shouldn’t be ruled out. Such Balkan nations as Albania, Slovenia and Croatia are current members of NATO. In May, Montenegro signed a protocol for joining the bloc, which is now being ratified by all the alliance’s members. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a NATO membership candidate. However, Republika Srpska, a part of the federative nation, opposes integration to the bloc. On February 12, the Serbian Parliament ratified a document on diplomatic immunity for NATO representatives in the country that once suffered under the bombs of the defense alliance’s jets. In March 2015, NATO and Serbia signed a document called Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP), which suggests technical cooperation between the sides, joint military drills, and creation of positive image of the alliance in Serbia.