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Belgrade Media Report 26 September



Belgrade-Pristina dialogue resumes today; Pristina claims +383 code does not belong to Serbia, Belgrade denies (Beta/RTS)

The Belgrade-Pristina expert dialogue will resume today in Brussels on the implementation of the agreement on telecommunications, and the Belgrade delegation will be headed by Marko Djuric. Apart from representatives of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and the Office for Coordinating Affairs in the negotiating process, the delegation also includes representatives of the Trade Ministry, “Telekom Srbija” and the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Post Services (Ratel).

A discussion between officials from Belgrade and Pristina regarding ownership over international dial code +383, which should go to Kosovo, continued over the weekend when Kosovo Minister for Dialogue Edita Tahiri accused the head of Serbian negotiation team

Marko Djuric that he was telling lies when he claimed that this was a number “within Serbian telephone zone”, Belgrade-based electronic media reported. Tahiri said that the EU set a condition to Serbia to send a letter to the International Telephone Union stating that the country would agree that Kosovo should get international access code +383. She added that Djuric should answer why, if this was the case, Austria submitted the request for the Kosovo code instead of Serbia.


Office for Kosovo and Metohija: Instead of code, Tahiri will get a headache (Tanjug)

Pristina would receive a telephone access code for a territorial area within Serbia for usage when and if we should make this decision, not Tahiri or anyone else, Tanjugreported an official view of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. After Tahiri’s statement that Kosovo would get an international telephone access code next week, Serbian government stated that Tahiri would only get a headache again next week in attempt to explain another false promise, unless she would accept to return the property of Telekom Srbija and secure undisturbed functioning of Telekom’s daughter company on the whole territory of Kosovo.

Deputy Head of Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dusan Kozarev later said that it was unnecessary to comment Tahiri’s statements. This would be denied by an official bulletin of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) instead of us or mediator, where, when Serbia should decide, would state everything that we spoke for months and what was agreed in Brussels – not a three-figure country code, but a three-figure geographic area code, Kozarev said.


Drecun: With her pugnacious statements, Tahiri is keeping her position (Tanjug)

The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun says that Edita Tahiri is deceiving the public with her pugnacious statements in order to keep her ministerial position, since her dismissal is drawing close. In regard to her statement, that the EU will assign a dialing code to Kosovo, Drecun explains that the actual truth is that the agreement in Brussel was for that the ITU doesn’t recognize Kosovo as a state and that by no means will it assign it an international dialing code. He adds that this number will be assigned to Serbia for the territory of Kosovo and that Tahir is trying to present this number as a code for a state. Drecun thinks that one can expect a more rational behavior by Pristina in the following period.


Serbia displeased with results of Migration Summit (Beta/RTS)

Serbia cannot be very pleased with the summit on the refugee crisis that was held on Saturday in Vienna, because it did not hear concrete solutions and because there is not united European solution, high-ranking Serbian officials said on Saturday, agencies reported. The prime ministers of Austria, Serbia, Germany, Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Macedonia, and the interior minister of Romania discussed the refugee crisis and the possibilities for further closer coordination of measures, aimed at controlling the external borders of the EU. The summit was also attended by Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU Commissioner on the Refugee Crisis, and EU Council president Donald Tusk. Vucic did not speak to the press after the summit, but Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that the Serbian PM was not especially pleased with what he heard ab the summit in Vienna, because it was confirmed that each EU country has its own position on the migrant crisis. Dacic told a press conference on Saturday that he spoke on the telephone with Vucic and that he said that if there is a repeated activation of the Balkan migrant route, Serbia would have to take certain measures. He added that in Vienna Vucic repeated that Serbia would not build walls, but emphasized that Serbia is becoming the victim of an unbalanced EU policy on the migrant crisis. Dacic said that Serbia is in an unpleasant situation because the countries form northern Europe have stopped the passage of migrants and refugees.


Serbia seeks financial assistance (RTS)

After the summit, Serbian Interior Minister Stefanovic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that Serbia has received by the least funding of all the countries in this part of Europe, and pointed out how little it is and how little is being done and invested in the reduction of the migrant crisis. “We didn’t complain, nor did the PM plead, but we pointed out how little it is and how much Serbia is doing and investing in the migrant crisis being lesser,” Stefanovic said.

He pointed out that the money that is being granted not be given only to the nongovernmental sector, because it is not involved in managing the migrant crisis. “For us the migrant crisis has not become a business, we are asking for money for the military and police, for state authorities involved in managing the migrant centers, protecting the borders, etc.” the Minister pointed out.

State Secretary with the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs Nenad Ivanisevic told RTSon Sunday that the Balkan migrant route is not closed, and pointed out that

Serbia needs serious help in order to maintain a humane approach. Ivanisevic pointed out there are already serious expenses in the healthcare system, which cannot be carried out at the reception centers. “We expect very serious talks to start soon. If we want to continue this police, and we want to and you hear the statement by Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic that we will not erect fences and wires, all that costs and we expect a more serious and significant approach by donors,” Ivanisevic said. He pointed out that the number of people staying in camps in Kelebija and Horgos, on the border with Hungary, has been significantly reduced, specifying that there around 100 people there, and that most have gone to the Reception Center in Subotica, where there are between 500 and 600 people at the present.


Dacic: Serbia will not introduce sanctions against Russia (RTS/Beta)

Dacic said that Serbia would not be introducing sanctions against Russia, as this was contrary to Serbia’s interests. “We will not go against our own interest and introduce sanctions against those who support us because those who do not support us are asking us to do so. We may seem naive, but we are not totally stupid. We are the government of the Republic of Serbia, not an anti-Serbian government. Introducing sanctions against Russia goes against Serbian interests, period, and I am sure our entire cabinet thinks so,” Dacic said. Dacic told a news conference in the Foreign Ministry that Serbia’s detractors over the building of South Stream were building North Stream together with Russia. “Does that mean that they are first-class and we second-class citizens?” Dacic asked.


FMs urge development of good Serbia-Turkey-B&H ties (Tanjug)

A trilateral meeting of the foreign ministers of Serbia, Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina was held Friday on the fringes of the general debate of the 71st UN General Assembly session in New York. The ministers agreed that good relations needed to be developed among the three states and that they mutually supported their countries' European integration, particularly noting that strengthening the economic cooperation was a necessity, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. The ministers also backed Turkey’s proposal to work towards implementing projects in the infrastructure, transport, energy, agriculture and tourism sectors. They agreed stability in the region was a key factor for its development. The ministers also agreed that the next trilateral meeting be held in Ankara in October and followed by a business forum in Istanbul.


Lavrov, Dacic meet in New York (Beta)

Serbian and Russian foreign ministers Ivica Dacic and Sergey Lavrov had a fringe meeting during the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly in New York, to discuss Serbian-Russian cooperation and current international issues, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. “The exchange of opinions on key matters to Russian-Serbian cooperation and current international affairs, shows that Russia and Serbia’s positions either overlap or are similar,” said a press release issued after a meeting between the two foreign ministers. The two officials also underlined that the relationship has the characteristics of a strategic partnership. Lavrov and Dacic also discussed upcoming political and economic contacts between Russia andSerbia, the Russian ministry went on to say in the press release.


Nuland, Vucic discuss region, dialogue, investments (Tanjug)

Serbia will have an increasing number of interested US investors if it continues its successful reforms, Victoria Nuland, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, said at a meeting with Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic in New York Friday. Nuland and Vucic met on the fringes of a UN General Assembly session to discuss all political matters significant for the Western Balkans, progress in the dialogue with Pristina and the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Vucic told Nuland Serbia wanted to improve its relations with Croatia in the future, said a statement released by the Serbian government. Vucic thanked Nuland for her serious and responsible engagement in the Balkans.


Sutanovac new President of DS (Beta)

The members of the Democratic Party (DS) on Saturday elected Dragan Sutanovac as president of the DS, in the first direct partisan elections, agencies reported. 60.71 percent of the 18,300 registered DS voting members voted in the elections for the new president and leadership, and

Sutanovac won 59 percent of the votes. The other candidates for DS president were incumbent party president Bojan Pajtic, party official Srboljub Antic, and member of the DS Political Council Zoran Lutovac. Lutovac won 19.8 percent of the votes, Pajtic 16.09 percent, and Antic 5.12 percent. The DS vice president positions will most likely be occupied by Branislav Lecic, Tamara Tripic, Jovan Markovic, Nada Kolundzija, and Igor Salak, according to the preliminary electoral results. Previous DS vice president Natasa Vuckovic is sixth, but not all the votes are in, president of the DS electoral commission Dusan Dincic told Beta. He added that Vuckovic is trailing the fifth-ranking by a very small margin. The official results are expected on Monday. Sutanovac was minister of defense in the Serbian government from 2007 to 2012 and party vice president under party president Boris Tadic.




99.79% of citizens in RS support January 9 as RS Day (Srna)

Republika Srpska (RS) Commission for Implementation of referendum stated (presumably around 2200 hours) that they processed 71.09% of polling stations, where 425,715 people voted and which showed that 99.79% voted in favor of marking January 9th as RS Day. Commission President Sinisa Karan said that 100% of citizens in Berkovici, Istocno Sarajevo, Krupa na Uni, Kupres, Osmaci, Kalinovik, Petrovac, Rudo and Cajnice supported January 9 as RS Day. “According to registered dynamics of receiving of results, we expect turnout in the referendum to be between 59 and 60 percent”, said Karan. He repeated that the referendum was held without incidents. Karan also announced that press conference to present final results of the referendum, will be held on Monday in the RS National Assembly.


Dodik addresses media: this day will enter RS history (

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik addressed the media on Sunday night and said that referendum was successfully completed and that it was not organized out of spite, adding that the RS voted for referendum and demonstrated political capacity and will and it did not want to insult anyone. Dodik further stressed that RS authority will react to every attempt of humiliation with referendum. “Referendum was carried out in the RS for the first time after Dayton and it was carried out with success and this is the legal right that we have. I thank all political factors and individuals who assisted in holding of the referendum. There was also a certain number of Bosniaks in the RS, who did not support the referendum, but we are not mad- that is their civic right,” said Dodik. He said that turnout was sufficient and there was small number of those who voted against January 9.  “This day will enter RS history and many will call on this day as an example of determination of an organized, procedural and political ambient. Constitutional Court of B&H said that Article 3 needs to be implanted, but it did not say in which way, so now we know that January 9 confirmed that people do not want to give up the RS. None of current or future politicians will be able to ignore what the people voted today”, said Dodik. Among other things, Dodik said that he is not afraid of possible arrests, noting that organizing of referendum in the RS carried no criminal liability. Asked by reporter if he is afraid of reaction of Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, being that constitutional order was breached with the referendum, Dodik said: “Referendum is treated solely as story about Dodik. Naturally, I am not afraid, but I am proud that other leaders in the RS were in this with me. Mladen Ivanic and Branislav Borenovic and Mladen Bosic. You will see no fear in me. I am very interested to see in which way those who think that they can react in some way, will react,” said Dodik. He repeated there is no criminal liability. “They would have to arrest the entire RSNA and of course they cannot do that,” said Dodik. Article reds that in one moment, Dodik lost his temper and after one reporter asked him if referendum on Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will be organized, Dodik briefly said: “What do you care?”. To second question “When?”, he briefly said “You’ll hear about it”.


Izetbegovic: Referendum on RS Day is blatant example of violation of DPA, Criminal Code of B&H and B&H CC's decisions, it is matter of time when IC will react (TV1)

Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Bakir Izetbegovic said that the referendum on the Republika Srpska (RS) Day is blatant example of violation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), the Criminal Code of B&H and the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H. Izetbegovic deems that it is a matter of time when the international community will react but it is not sure in which form this reaction will come. “I think that Dodik is leading himself and those around him to isolation,” Izetbegovic stated. Izetbegovic argued that sanctions will be introduced gradually but Dodik cannot behave in such manner towards the US, the EU, the Venice Commission, the Constitutional Court of B&H, the Office of High Representative and the Peace Implementation Council and expect to avoid consequences. Izetbegovic added that constitutional and legal arrangement of B&H, as well as the authority of the international community will be defended. According to Izetbegovic, Serbs are being defiant yet again, reminding that their defiance is what led to the war in the former Yugoslavia 20 years ago. Izetbegovic said that he believes that reactions of the international community will come gradually.


HR Inzko: PIC should consider possible removal of Dodik from post of RS President (Dnevni avaz)

High Representative Valentin Inzko stated on Sunday that he thinks the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) should consider possible removal of Milorad Dodik from post of the Republika Srpska (RS) President now that illegal and unconstitutional referendum on the Day of the RS has been held. Asked if he will use his powers to remove Dodik, Inzko replied that this used to be often practice especially during the term of former High Representative Paddy Ashdown. “The Peace Implementation Council should check if Milorad Dodik crossed the red line,” he added. Commenting the increased Dodik’s influence owing to referendum, Inzko said that Dodik definitely did increase his influence. However, he reiterated that this referendum is unconstitutional and illegal. “In major part of the world’s countries decisions of constitutional courts are final and binding”, he concluded. Inzko further noted that this referendum sends a horrible message which means presence of anarchy. He stressed that Dodik’s announcement for referendum on secession is unacceptable.


US State Department: Organizers of referendum are endangering stability and they will suffer consequences (Dnevni avaz)

Commenting the referendum on Republika Srpska (RS) Day which was held on Sunday, unnamed representative of US State Department stated that the referendum on RS Day represents a direct violation of the decision of B&H’s highest judicial authority and waste of valuable resources. The US State Department official reminded that all decisions of B&H Constitutional Court are part of the Annex 4 of Dayton Peace Agreement, and as such, they are final and binding and they must be respected. “Those who undermine Dayton institutions must be held responsible for their destabilizing actions,” the official stated. The official also warned that without a functional legal framework and stability, B&H is facing the impossible.


Political leaders from Federation of B&H agree that referendum on RS Day is biggest attack on stability and sovereignty of B&H and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H is obliged to react (TV1)

TV1 carried that political leaders from the Federation of B&H agree that the referendum on the Republika Srpska (RS) Day is the biggest attack on stability and sovereignty of B&H and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H is obliged to react. SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic said that the referendum organized by RS President Milorad Dodik is against the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Radoncic reminded that the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC) are final and binding. Radoncic argued that Dodik have lit matches in an attempt to cause great fire and explosion but this will not happen and Dodik's fingers will be burned by these matches. Radoncic warned that Dodik may suffer a political accident and disappear while B&H will survive whatsoever. The reporter quoted HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic as saying that too much attention was given to the referendum and it will be forgotten in few days. Radoncic also said that Dodik will not stop them. “B&H will not disappear... I perceive this kind of survey and populism in the RS as a passing event, because already on Monday and Tuesday, citizens will ask Mr. Dodik why they are hungry,” Radoncic underlined.


Ivanic: If sanctions for Dodik are introduced, it will only make him stronger (Dnevni avaz)

B&H Presidency member Mladen Ivanic stated in an interview for the daily that he declared in referendum in Republika Srpska (RS) on Sunday, because he accepts decisions of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) and, according to his assessments, only the RSNA could have passed a decision on cancelling the referendum. He further noted that he is not sure if sanctions for the RS will follow now, but he deems that it would give strength to RS President Milorad Dodik. Asked what follows next, Ivanic replied: “It is quite clear that session of the RSNA will take place on October 11th, that the Law on Holidays of the RS will be amended, that the 9th of January will remain a holiday, and that a word - either statehood, or freedom, or independence, or something similar will be probably added, and that, as far as I understood the National Assembly’s Collegium, the stance - that the ones who do not want to celebrate it are allowed not to celebrate it, will be inserted”. Ivanic deems that this is how this entire story about the referendum will end up and that this will be the end to unnecessary tensions that were raised. Asked who will benefit the most from the referendum, he replied that the plan was that Dodik and (B&H Presidency Chairman) Bakir Izetbegovic benefit the most. “Initial plan was that we are against it, so that we are proclaimed ‘Bakir’s Serbs’, but it did not work out. We stood firmly behind the right of Serb people to celebrate January 9th and this is how the attempt failed, so that I do not think that the authorities won anything by holding the referendum when it comes to local elections”, underlined Ivanic. Commenting a possibility of introduction of sanctions for the RS, which was announced by High Representative Valentin Inzko these days, Ivanic said he does not see a reason why someone would call him for responsibility, adding that he is a citizen of the RS who accepts the RSNA’s decision. “…but if someone calls me for responsibility, let me see that. As far as I am concerned, if this happens what I said would happen in the RSNA, I see no reason or need for sanctions, was not that what we wanted, did not we want the law to be changed and adjusted to request of the Constitutional Court of B&H. If sanctions for Dodik are introduced, that will only make him stronger, just like Bakir Izetbegovic makes Dodik stronger with this appeal,” Ivanic emphasized. Responding to the author’s remark that the CC B&H passed a temporary ban on halting all referendum-related activities, Ivanic said that only the RSNA could have passed this decision and nobody else. Asked if the referendum held on Sunday could be introduction to referendum on secession of the RS, he replied that a referendum on secession of the RS would be such adventure that he would not participate in. “I do not believe in that and I think that is not going to happen, at least not as long as this current team representing the RS is active in politics”, he concluded. As for effect of current situation on further European path of B&H, Ivanic stressed that the positive assessment of B&H’s application for the EU membership is the most positive event in B&H over the past ten years and that it was undeservingly overshadowed by the story of referendum. “I am deeply convinced that the questions we will receive will draw attention from unnecessary conflicts that Mr. Izetbegovic caused by his appeal and will turn us to the matters we can reach consent on. I am convinced it is in interest of all of us to go towards the EU and I will do everything to make it that way,” Ivanic concluded.


Referendum successful in every way - congratulations to citizens (Srna)

Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic has said that she is proud because the first referendum in Republika Srpska is successful in every way and that the citizens recognized the importance of this day.  “We have shown the capability of being able to hold it. Bravo RS, bravo RS citizens and let’s move on," Cvijanovic told the reporters in Banja Luka. She has congratulated the citizens for exercising their duty in today’s referendum, and added that the judiciary, legislative and executive authorities in RS will do theirs. Cvijanovic has expressed satisfaction since there was no a single incident registered in the referendum. "This was the day when RS demonstrated democratic capacity and provided such a turnout and peaceful and tolerant voting of citizens,” said Cvijanovic. The RS Prime Minister has announced that the Law on Public Holidays could be reviewed on 11 October, when the session of the National Assembly should be held. Cvijanovic has said that the session of the RS National Assembly’s Collegium is scheduled for the next week, adding that, according to the procedure, it is necessary for the government to adopted amendments to the law and submits them to the parliamentary procedure. “I believe that formally, there will be no problems in terms of deadlines,” said Cvijanovic. She has said that the paragraph 1, article 5 of the Law on RS Holidays will be deleted, which removes the obligation to celebrate RS Day for those who cannot identify with that holiday. “We believe that this meets what is required of us, but we are open to all suggestions. We have six months to define relevant legal acts after the finalization of the formal and procedural parts,” said Cvijanovic. If anyone feared of criminal justice sphere and sanctions in RS, the referendum would not be held today. “It is impossible to achieve cohesion in this country and preserve whatever we already have if we persecute or disrespect each other. If we resolve issues through the courts, I do not believe in the future of this country, but believe if we learn to respect each other and solve things through the dialogue,” said Cvijanovic. Commenting on possible actions of the B&H Constitutional Court, Cvijanovic stated that it is always difficult to predict how this court will act, taking into account the international judges sitting there. “We are familiar with the practice of this court. The thing that terrifies me as the citizen of RS and Europe is what an Austrian judge, who previously sat there, said; that this court was harmonizing all its decisions with the High Representative in B&H. It is devastating for Justice. B&H must not be a kind of an experiment, which allows things that are not permitted anywhere else,” Cvijanovic said.


Oreskovic: Cooperation with Serbia in tackling refugee crisis excellent (Hina)

Croatia cooperates excellently with Serbia in efforts to solve the refugee crisis and is prepared for a scenario of opening a new route of migration via B&H, although this is not very likely, Croatia's caretaker Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic said in Vienna on Saturday after a summit meeting of leaders of countries along the Balkan migration route. "Despite tensions that are talked about, we cooperate with Serbia excellently. Cooperation on the ground is excellent," the Croatian premier told the press after the summit organized by Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern. Croatia is ready for each option, Oreskovic said in a comment on a possibility that the route of irregular migrants be shifted through B&H. He however believes that this is only a speculative possibility. He reiterated that the summit meeting called for stepping up the control of the European Union's external borders. "In pursuit of this goal, we have agreed that the capacities of Frontex should be enhanced," Oreskovic said. Frontex helps border authorities from different EU countries work together. Frontex’s full title is the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union. The agency was set up in 2004 to reinforce and streamline cooperation between national border authorities.


Lekic: If there is no referendum, I will advocate not entering NATO (Atlas TV)

Demos leader Miodrag Lekic has announced that, if there is no referendum on Montenegro’s membership in NATO, he will be strongly against the accession to the alliance. “That would be a deal among international and local hustlers who will try to circumvent the democratic achievements of the Western countries and it would be very doubtful thing”, Lekic said appearing on the Atlas TV. However, Lekic did not want to say what would be his position if the referendum was called – whether he would call on citizens to vote for or against. As he said, he does not want to fall into the trap to announce his position on this point, pointing out that it is the fifteenth item in the Key coalition’s campaign. He said that the Key’s program stated that the decision on NATO membership must be taken in a referendum, regardless of the fact that constituents (Demos, URA, and SNP) have different positions on the issue. He added that the issue of Montenegro’s accession to NATO is not finished, although the government, particularly PM Milo Djukanovic who participated in the UN General Assembly session, wants to present the issue as done deal. Lekic reiterated that Montenegro could avoid imposing sanctions against Russia since it is not an EU member state, not only for historical but also for economic reasons. He added that Russia, the EU and the US would re-establish their relations at the end and that Montenegro would remain as collateral damage.


Mustafa: We are gathering the votes need for ratifying Agreement on demarcation (Pobjeda)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa spoke to Pobjeda daily saying that they are working on ratifying the Agreement with Montenegro, and he expressed his expectation that they will gather enough votes to pass the Agreement on demarcation in the Parliament. "We are now discussing this matter with people in the field, who are opposed to it. We are trying to resolve the issue with the opposition,” Mustafa said in New York, attending the 71st session of UN General Assembly. “The ratification will be revisited in the Parliament. We will gather the necessary votes by then,” Prime Minister of Kosovo said. Mustafa believes relations between Kosovo and Montenegro are very good. “We had Montenegro’s support in all our processes so far. Now we have the power to resolve this issue and we are working on it. I think we will resolve the matter. Montenegro did its part. We have no objections to Montenegro’s behavior in this process. It is now an interior matter of Kosovo,” Mustafa said.


Macedonia is part of solution to Europe’s migrant crisis, PM tells Vienna Summit (MIA)

The Balkan migrant route must remain shut, it was concluded Saturday at the summit on migration along the Balkan route in Vienna, which brought together prime ministers from nine countries, including Macedonia, MIA reported from the Austrian capital. According to Austria’s Chancellor Christian Kern, who hosted the event, three key points had been agreed during the summit, i.e. strengthening and full protection of the EU’s external borders, full implementation of the EU-­Turkey deal and the adoption of an identical agreement, like the one between the Union and Turkey, with African countries, including Mali, Senegal, Egypt, and other sources of illegal migration. All the countries represented at the summit have presented their positions, according to Macedonian PM Emil Dimitriev. Macedonia, he said, has clearly noted that it expects a clear and precise agreement to be made by the EU countries, which will be implemented by the country since it aspires to join the EU. “The Republic of Macedonia is simply part of the solution to the (migrant) crisis, because it is part of the Balkan route. I expect the EU to do its best in terms of prevention of another influx and also in terms of its communications with Turkey and those countries that are considered potential source of migration. If there a surge of migrants, we (Macedonia) will act accordingly,” Dimitriev told MIA. He said he told the summit that Macedonia was expecting its institutions, namely the army and police, to be financially supported while tackling the migrant crisis at home. “Financial aid for Macedonia is absolutely necessary. All of our activities so far have been carried out with funds from our budget, and the costs have burdened the budget. I urged support to be approved swiftly and to be proportional to the costs already made and to be addressed to the governmental institutions and NGOs at the forefront of this crisis,” Dimitriev stated. The Premier said up to 200 illegal attempts to cross the border were thwarted in Macedonia on daily basis. “This means that migrants are still crossing borders and in the future we must focus more and launch better actions, not only the EU candidate countries, but also the EU members,” noted Dimitriev. Speaking at the summit, PM Dimitriev urged clear policy to be established instead of ‘tossing the issue from one border to another’. “Whether it is going to be a policy of readmission, i.e. return of the migrants to the countries they came from, or a policy of prevention, it is up to the key EU members to decide,” the Macedonian PM stressed.


FM Kotzias: Only Greece and Macedonia should discuss name issue (MIA)

The name issue is going to be discussed following the upcoming elections in Macedonia, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said in an interview with Kathimerini daily. “I assume there will be encouragement to settle the name dispute after the election process is concluded in Macedonia and the December 11 elections. Consequently, after the elections, this issue should be subject to consultations between the two foreign ministries and it should not be left to third parties to resolve it. And with assistance, of course, provided by UN mediator Matthew Nimetz,” said Kotzias. Also, he mentioned the confidence building measures between the countries. Asked whether the measures were bringing the countries closer to a name solution, the Minister replied: “We’ll see.” “But, you should know that the confidence building measures have helped a lot to change the perception of Greece in Skopje, that we want to break up this country,” Kotzias said reiterating that Greece wanted to see Macedonia persevere, which is why he vetoed the EU’s proposal to impose sanctions on the country. “The problem is that the godfather of this country had made a mistake regarding the name,” the Greek Minister said.




Presentation of the publication “European Parliament and Serbia” (European Western Balkans, 26 September 2016)

BELGRADE – On Tuesday, September 20, Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Centre for Contemporary Politics organized a presentation of the publication “European Parliament and Serbia” in the National Assembly of Serbia. The publication shows the work of European Parliament and its role in the accession talks with Serbia and it is primarily intended for both decision-makers, Serbian MPs, as well as the representatives of the media and civil society.

During the presentation of the publication the speakers were Maja Gojković, President of the National Assembly of Serbia, David McAlister, European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia, Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes, Head of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Belgrade and author of the publication Nemanja Todorović Štiplija, President of Centre for Contemporary Politics and Editor-in-Chief of the portal European Western Balkans. National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojković said the publication “European Parliament and Serbia” would be useful for Serbian MPs both in their day-to-day work and their contact with citizens. Gojković spoke about the message McAllister wrote in the publication and the comparison he drew between Serbia and a train deciding on its own speed and time of arrival in Brussels as its last stop. “My message is that the journey will be short, safe and steady and I call on Brussels to brace itself for the train named Serbia,” Gojković said. EP Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister said Serbia was firmly on the EU membership path and that Serbian PM clearly laid that out in his programme, adding that the challenge of accession could not be overcome without Parliament’s contribution. He pointed out that parliaments generally were of great importance and that any democratic society was identified by independent and free parliaments that were grounded in political reality. “They are the heart of the democracy. The European Parliament will monitor Serbia as it meets the requirements,” McAllister said and stressed that the building of the European Parliament in Strasbourg had enough room for Serbian counterparts. “I am looking forward to that day,” he said, adding that the EU enlargement policy remains in force despite the challenges posed by the UK’s decision to leave the EU. “The opening of chapters 23 and 24 was a major step forward and now the homework must be done – implementation of necessary reform, meeting the requirements. I believe we are about the see the opening of further chapters, I believe Serbia is ready to open chapter 5,” EP Rapporteur for Serbia said. Head of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Belgrade, Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes said that Serbia and Europe are concepts that belong to each other. Beckmann-Dierkes recalled the speech of Winston Churchill after the World War II, who invited all to build Europe, a better future and identity, adding that now is the opportunity to remember it. “Europe, with all its values, represents a great attractive community for all”, he pointed out. Nemanja Todorović Štiplija, President of the Centre of Contemporary politics, reminds that this organization has been monitoring the integration process, the work of the Committee for the European Integration and the EU Delegation in the past two years. “Throughout the cooperation with various bodies in the National Assembly of Serbia, with MPs and the media, in the past two years we came up with the idea to make a guide that would clarify the place of the European Parliament in the institutional framework of the European Union, as well as the place of national parliaments in the process of accession to the EU”, Štiplija highlighted. According to him, the guide is intended for the MPs, the media and all those who would like to understand Europe and its institutions better, which is why it also includes a review of the EU institutional framework. Štiplija added that it is very important for the EU to spread information about the work of the European institutions, as well as to strengthen those institutional capacities of Serbia who are in contact with the EU ones.