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Belgrade Media Report 21 February



Dacic sends telegram of condolences over death of Churkin (RTS/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic sent to Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov a telegram of condolences over death of Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin. “We were struck by the news of the sudden and untimely death of Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin. Russia has lost its top diplomat and a great patriot, and Serbia lost a sincere friend and a colleague. Ambassador Churkin was an accomplished diplomat and a true representative of the high school of Russian diplomacy. On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and on my own behalf I send my deepest and most sincere condolences to You and colleagues in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and to the family of Churkin words of support and comfort at this difficult time for them,” reads the telegram of condolences of Minister Dacic.


Principled support of Russia in preserving territorial integrity of Serbia (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric expressed his condolences today to Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Serbia Aleksandr Chepurin over death of Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin. Djuric said during the talks with Chepurin that the Russian Federation and world diplomacy lost a great fighter for the respect of international law and the acquis on which the United Nations are based. Serbia is eternally grateful to Ambassador Churkin and the Russian Federation for everything they have done for the protection of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, as well as for the reputation of Serbia and the Serbian people, Djuric said. The interlocutors also spoke about preparations for the next regular meeting of the UN Security Council on Kosovo, as well as on joint action to prevent membership of the self-proclaimed Kosovo in international organizations. Chepurin reiterated the principled position of the Russian Federation on the issue of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, and stressed the readiness of the Russian side to continue to actively support efforts to protect the rights and legitimate interests of Serbia in relation to Kosovo and Metohija. Djuric underlined that it is necessary to enable Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija to form the Community of Serbian municipalities in cooperation with Belgrade as soon as possible, in accordance with the agreements reached in Brussels.


Nikolic gives up on presidential candidacy (RTS/Beta)


Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic gave up on the rerunning in the presidential elections this spring after he met with Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic on Monday for the first time after he last week announced an intention to run for the post.“The President and Prime Minister fully agreed that Serbia is facing serious challenges and tests, which require a joint and comprehensive response by the state leadership. The unity of all state officials in resolving regional problems and avoiding a wide-scale crisis are priorities for both President Nikolic and Prime Minsiter Vucic,” reads the statement. They also coordinated measures and moves regarding the announced B&H genocide lawsuit against Serbia and the defense of vital Serbia’s national interests with regard to the application of the so-called state of Kosovo to UNESCO and the Council of Europe. “They agreed on daily coordination on these key issues for the state of Serbia,” the statement underlined.


Ljajic: At least two years needed to establish grounds for verdict review (Beta)


Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic said that B&H’s decision to appeal against a U.N. court verdict in a genocide and aggression case against Serbia had shifted a misunderstanding to legal grounds, which will have political consequences. “It takes at least two years to find out if grounds for a review exist, and only then can the merits of the case be discussed,” Ljajic explained to reporters in Belgrade. Ljajic said he was not familiar with the new facts that might have emerged since last August, which could be the reason for Bosnia’s move to request a review of its charges against Serbia. The Serbian government official said that three review cases had been launched before the Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ), and all of them were dismissed.


Vladisavljevic: Belgrade responsible, Pristina unprepared for compromise (Tanjug)


Belgrade had a responsible approach in the dialogue with Pristina in order to protect and enable continuation of strengthening of Serbia’s international position, while Pristina was not prepared for a compromise, the Head of the Office for Coordinating Affairs in the negotiating process Dragan Vladisavljevic said at the session of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija. He said that the dialogue with Pristina took place in 2016 with variable intensity and that the dominant topics concerned telecommunications and judiciary. “During this period, the agreement on freedom of movement was reached. However, lack of agreement in regard to the implementation of the agreement on cadaster, for Belgrade essentially important, and Pristina’s unilateral moves in that context are the reason why the range of this part of the dialogue cannot be assessed as satisfactory,” he said. Vladisavljevic noted as an important achievement the agreement on unblocking the process of implementation of the agreement on the bridge, whereby presumptions have been provided for maintaining safety of the Serbs in Kosovska Mitrovica.

Unlike Belgrade, Pristina approached the negotiations without true readiness for a compromise, constantly insisting on status issues, conditionings and without offering concrete solutions. “Pristina’s unilateral approach towards the dialogue reflected in their constant refusing to discuss issues that it considers not to be in its interest, such as the Community of Serb Municipalities, but also property of the Serbian Orthodox Church, rights and freedom of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” he said.


Serbian government offers guarantees for Oliver Ivanovic (RTS/Tanjug/Beta)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that the government gave the EULEX mission in Kosovo and Metohija guarantees for SDP leader Oliver Ivanovic in the case of repeated proceedings against him that he will be available to judicial authorities. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric, on behalf of the government of the Republic of Serbia sent a letter to Head of the EULEX mission Alexandra Papadopulo urging that Oliver Ivanovic be allowed to defend himself from liberty. Without prejudice to the principle of independence of the judiciary, please take immediate measures within your jurisdiction in order to free Oliver Ivanovic from detention on remand, said Djuric.


Tachi calls Russia to recognize Kosovo and make it easy on Serbia (B92/RTK/Tanjug)


Hashim Tachi has asked Moscow to see beyond Serbia’s interests when it considers its relations with Kosovo and - not to compare them with Crimea. According to Tanjug, this has been reported on Monday by RTK. “Russia should recognize Kosovo and in that way ease the burden that Serbia carries,” Tachi told a meeting of European parliamentary foreign affairs committees taking place in Pristina. He also called on the remaining EU countries that have not done so to recognize Kosovo. According to Tachi - the proclamation of independence of Kosovo was not unilateral - instead, he explained, it was coordinated with international partners.


Serbia-EU intergovernmental conference scheduled for 27 February (RTS/Tanjug)


The next Serbia-EU intergovernmental conference will be held in Brussels on Monday, 27 February.The Maltese EU Presidency officially confirmed this to Tanjug. Serbia is expected to open, and also temporarily close, Chapter 26 on education and culture, for which the 28 EU member states have already given the green light. It will be known after working groups and permanent representatives meet on Tuesday and Wednesday what other chapters will be opened during the conference. European sources note that the EU External Service forwarded to EU member states on Friday the report on the course of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue before giving consent for opening new chapters. RTS learns that, in case of a positive assessment on the course of the dialogue, it is more likely that Chapter 20 on industrial policy will be opened along with Chapter 26, while consent for Chapter 29 on customs union will perhaps take some additional time. Chapter 29 is considered to be more complex compared to Chapter 20 as it contains more common EU legislature, which extends time for decision-making in the communication among the capitals of the member states and their representatives in Brussels, EU sources report.




SzP concludes there will be no parliamentary majority at state level in case that revision of B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia is launched (BNTV)


Leaders of the Alliance for Changes (SzP) discussed the issue of the revision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)’s ruling, in the case of B&H’s lawsuit for genocide against Serbia, at a meeting held in Sarajevo on Monday. Representatives of Serbs in joint institutions of B&H also attended the meeting. Members of the SzP stated that leader of SDA and Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic has several days to give up on the idea to file the motion for the revision, or else the state-level coalition will no longer exist. Besides, representatives of the SzP announced that they will file criminal reports against all persons, who violated B&H Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement.

Chairman of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic announced that he will call for a special session of B&H Presidency on Thursday, as “the last attempt to return decision-making process within legal institutions”. He explained that the main topic of the session will be the question whether B&H supports the idea to launch the revision or not. Ivanic assessed: “I find the session extremely important, bearing in mind that permanent political stability and functioning of institutions in B&H, will depend on this”. Deputy Speaker of B&H House of Representatives Mladen Bosic (SDS) warned that Izetbegovic violated the DPA and the Constitution, by attempts to make the decision on informal meetings. Bosic: “We must protect the integrity of the DPA, or else we enter into long-lasting crisis and instability”. Leader of SDA Vukota Govedarica announced that the outcome of the special session of the Presidency on Thursday will pave the way for their next moves. Govedarica said that in the case of submitting of the motion for the revision, the state-level parliamentary majority will no longer exist. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic said that the situation is very serious which requires wise, serious and strong reaction which will demonstrate absolute unity among members of the SzP.

Leader of NDP Dragan Cavic said that the SzP did not want this situation and that they aimed to direct their attention to socioeconomic reforms, but added that Izetbegovic obviously wants crisis in B&H. The leaders of SDS, PDP and NDP requested that the announced session of the RS Assembly should be postponed until the extraordinary session of the B&H Presidency is over. If Izetbegovic keeps insisting that the motion for revision of the lawsuit should be filed “in an illegitimate and illegal way,” he will be the only one to be blamed for the loss of parliamentary majority at the level of B&H, they warned.


Izetbegovic says SzP behaves like advocate of Milosevic’s reign (FTV)


A session of SDA Collegium was held in Sarajevo on Monday. Following the session, party leader Bakir Izetbegovic addressed media regarding the conclusions adopted at Monday’s meeting of senior officials of the Alliance for Changes (SzP), according to which in the case the request for the revision of the ICJ’s ruling in the case of B&H lawsuit against Serbia is submitted, the majority in B&H parliament will cease to exist and authorities at B&H level will be working in technical mandate. Izetbegovic wondered why SzP decided to defend what regime of (former Serbian President) Slobodan Milosevic did two decades ago. “Why do they care about Serbia? They are citizens of B&H. Why they have been attempting to ban us from coming closer to justice and truth,” asked Izetbegovic. Talking about the announcement of Chairman of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic regarding holding of a special session of B&H Presidency dedicated to issue of the revision on Thursday, Izetbegovic said that such session will not be held this week. Asked whether he is planning to attend special session of B&H Presidency dedicated to aforementioned issue, Izetbegovic said that he will attend such session only if the issue of revision is treated properly “because one decision of B&H Presidency can be abolished only by a new decision, and not by any conclusions.” The leader of SDA added that in case Ivanic is ready to propose adoption of the decision abolishing the earlier decision of B&H Presidency related to the lawsuit against Serbia, he will attend the special session.


Cvijanovic: Revision of lawsuit vs. Serbia illegitimate and private, Izetbegovic is trying to endanger stability (FTV)


RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic commented on Monday the announced request for revision of B&H genocide lawsuit against Serbia and said, among other things, that it is not legitimate and no formal conditions to submit such request were met. Cvijanovic added that the decision was adopted in non-institutional way and no consensus on this issue was reached within B&H. “According to information we got from some people well-informed about these procedures, it has no chance to be discussed,” explained Cvijanovic. Cvijanovic assessed that the announced revision of the ruling is “illegitimate and private”. She explained that there was no consensus in B&H for the motion to be filed, which is why she thinks there is no chance it will be considered at all. According to Cvijanovic, Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic is deliberately trying to provoke a crisis that would endanger stability, by autocratic behavior without consent of the institutions or other two constituent peoples in B&H. She added that the RS Government does not have the right mechanisms to respond to such intentions except for confrontation with political arguments, stressing that everything has its price, including such behavior.


OHR, OSCE express concerns about situation in B&H after announcement of revision of lawsuit vs. Serbia (N1)


The announcement of revision of the ruling in the case of B&H genocide lawsuit against Serbia before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague has continued to spark fierce reactions in B&H. The international community and representatives of official Brussels are closely observing the political situation in the country after the announcement of revision of the ruling. Representatives of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) expressed concerns over negative political consequences that could arise from the motion for revision of the ruling. Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Jonathan Moore told N1 that there are too many political tensions in B&H and called on political leaders to be responsible. He said that they should do their job, for which they are very well paid, in the best interest of citizens of B&H and not only in accordance with their political interests. “All democratically elected officials should have in mind not only their party positions but also the destiny of this country, as well as the opportunities for positive steps on the path towards integration,” Moore stressed. The EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H still has not taken an official stance about this issue. The EUD to B&H is expected to take a stance in the upcoming days, given the fact that B&H’s progress on the path towards the EU might be slowed down in case of a loss of parliamentary majority at the state level.


Croatia supports Kosovo’s territorial integrity - Grabar-Kitarovic (Hina)


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic on Monday expressed the support to Kosovo’s territorial integrity and Euro-Atlantic aspirations during her talks with the visiting Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj. The two officials agreed that Croatia-Kosovo relations were excellent, according to a press release from the Office of the President. Earlier on Monday, Hoxhaj was received by his Croatian counterpart Davor Ivo Stier and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic.


President wants to recall politically appointed ambassadors (Nova TV)


President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said that many politically appointed Croatian ambassadors were not carrying out state policies but that she could not replace them without the government to appoint career diplomats who would fight for Croatia's interests. “Unfortunately, our diplomacy has been stagnating, it is still governed by old principles, there are many ambassadors who were appointed politically and who do not implement the state policy but a policy that no longer exists,” Grabar-Kitarovic said in an interview with Nova TV. “Some ambassadors’ efficiency is very low... some work contrary to the state policy, some are stuck in times when Croatia was a candidate for membership in the EU and NATO,” she added. Asked why she did not recall them, she said that she had sent them a message but that she could not do anything in that regard without the government. “I cannot recall them on my own, it is a constitutional process,” said the President, who defines the country’s foreign policy together with the Prime Minister. She said that talks on the matter were under way between her office and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and that she believed solutions for a large number of ambassadorial positions, including the one in Washington, would be found. She expressed satisfaction with the work of Foreign Minister Davor Ivo Stier, saying that ambassadors were finally getting instructions on what state policies were.


Lavrov: We have nothing to do with the coup (RTCG)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov declared unfounded the accusations that his country was involved in the attempted coup on the day of the October parliamentary elections in Montenegro.   "This is on a par of other accusations on our expense. That includes hacker attacks in Western countries and our alleged involvement in election campaigns in many countries, as well as links of Donald Trump with Russian special services. There were many more, but none of these claims has nothing to do with the facts,” Lavrov said.


Mandic: Prosecution Office works in favor of DPS (RTCG)


One of the leaders of the Democratic Front Andrija Mandic denied the accusations that he was part of an organized criminal group preparing terrorist attack in Montenegro on the day of parliamentary elections. Mandic said it was a staged process that aims to strengthen the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), and weaken opposition, that is the DF. He said that he warned the Chief Special Prosecutor Milivoj Katnic that he was, as he said, on very slippery terrain when he entered the process of proving and binding false coup for DF. Mandic said that he wished the case was concluded as soon as possible and that no one from the DF had anything to do with the case.


Ahmeti negotiates with Zaev, Sella prepares body for new law on Albanian language (


While DUI and SDSM rapidly negotiate on the signatures that Zaev should receive to become the mandate holder, Zijadin Sella of the Alliance for Albanians announces that they shall set up a body which should draft a law on the use of the Albanian language. Zijadin Sella made clear that the new draft law must come from this body and that it would take a constitutional change. Albanian parties have contradictory positions about the constitutional changes. DUI Spokesman Bujar Osmani, previous weekend reported that the draft law on the language does not deviate from the Constitution, which is completely contrary to what was written in the platform where a change of the Constitution and the establishment of Albanian language as an official were required. “Achieving full linguistic equality, the use of the Albanian language in all levels of government and a guarantee of its implementation as a fundamental and constitutional right. Constitution should specify that the Macedonian language and the Cyrillic alphabet and the Albanian language and its alphabet are official languages ​​in the country,” the platform of DUI, BESA and Alliance of Albanians said.

It becomes clear that the DUI’s proposals largely concern the Constitution and that Zaev is not ready for such a thing because he knows that without the support of the VMRO-DPMNE MPs this is not able to be adopted in the Assembly. BESA movement, which is also a signatory to the platform, on the other hand refuses any meeting with the DUI. They say that some political parties of Albanians pocketed the platform and wish to ascribe the merit for themselves.


Osmani: The official use of the Albanian language is a condition without which we don’t want to negotiate at all (META)


At DUI’s headquarters a meeting between DUI’s leader Ali Ahmeti and the party’s vice presidents was held. The meeting was also attended by the party’s presidency and according to spokesperson Bujar Osmani, it was talked about current issues for receiving the mandate for the new government, a decision that has to be made by the party’s central presidency. As was said by Osmani, the party’s highest executive body will be summoned when the party’s working groups will have adjusted materials, regarding the issues and proposals that DUI has set as conditions without which it won’t negotiate. “One of those conditions is the official use of the Albanian language, a proposal that was submitted to DUI, and it doesn’t represent a starting position for the negotiations, but a condition without which the negotiations cannot happen. This text cannot be a subject for negotiations or to be narrowed by a single letter, and that is the optimum that is predicted by the Framework agreement. Therefore, the text is not a subject to negotiating, but whether it is acceptable or not – said Osmani. He said that regarding the points in the Albanian platform, for which a change in the Constitution is predicted, it is necessary that a Macedonian – Albanian dialogue should be started. “The platform that was made helped to accomplish an inner Albanian consensus, in order for the Macedonian – Albanian dialogue to commence. The change of the Constitution demands that all parliamentary parties to be involved because, in order for the Constitution to be changed, a two-thirds majority is necessary,” said Osmani.


Baily: USAID isn’t working against the government and new elections don’t guarantee new results (META)


The U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia, Jess Baily, in an interview for Sitel TV said that USAID is not working against the government, that it is necessary that SPO’s mandate is prolonged, and that new elections most probably wouldn’t provide any new results. “The idea that USAID is working on bringing down the Government is simply not true. The grants aren’t meant for supporting a certain ideology or a political party, or anything similar. It’s about creating conditions for an active and healthy democracy,” said Baily. According to the U.S Ambassador, when the agreement for forming the Special Public Prosecution was signed, no one was aware of the wealth of material that this institution will be facing, and that the international community is striving to prolong the mandate. When asked to announce his opinion about the platform of the Albanian parties, Baily said that he has no opinion, because as a foreign factor they aren’t interested in any platform but they are focused on the reforms in Macedonia and the returning of the state towards its Euro-Atlantic path.

According to Baily, if new elections are carried out quickly, as VMRO-DPMNE wants, it won’t guarantee a solution for the political crisis, since no one can guarantee different results from the elections on 11 December. “It is not up to me to decide which option is the real one. The political parties have to do that. Any kind of decision, whether they would opt for a wider coalition or new elections will demand a support from 61 MP. As a friend, I can stress that any new elections don’t necessarily mean that they would bring any different results. A few days ago, Telma TV broadcasted the results from the polls that showed that the citizens aren’t interested in new elections. I think that the challenge lies in how to govern with the results we already have and to see where that will lead us. I don’t know how it would turn out, but the decision depends on the parliament,” said the U.S. Ambassador.

Antonio Miloshoski, member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee, said that it is becoming clear that Macedonia needs to hold new elections, in which the citizens will be able to make a better informed decision on the inter-ethnic issues that were raised after the December 11th elections. Miloshoski said that this is the only way to shorten the political crisis and uncertainty. Miloshoski also over-ruled another call by Ambassador Baily, to extend the mandate of the Special Prosecutor's Office. Miloshoski said that all parties agreed on the SPO time-frame and the final, 18 months long term was proposed by the US Embassy and other international mediators. According to Miloshoski, the SPO has done nothing to dispel the impression that it is a partisan outfit loyal to SDSM.


Fleckenstein: Opposition always fears the electoral irregularities (AND/Deutsche Welle)


Rapporteur for Albania in the European Parliament (EP), Knut Fleckenstein, declared that June 18 elections are a crucial moment for negotiations opening. During an interview given on Monday to Deutsche Welle he underlined that this is the main purpose of his visit to Tirana, which is related to the elections, judicial reform and the EP resolution for Albania. “All the participants in the June 18 parliamentary elections should be perfectly aware of the fact that any irregularity during this process would generate problems in the negotiations opening process. Thus, it depends on the pairs’ willingness to respect the game rules known on European scale for fair and free elections,” said Fleckenstein. He considered more than normal opposition’s fear for irregularities during the electoral process. “Such fear is always part of opposition’s psychology ahead of an electoral process. I will assess the realistic basis of this fear during my visit to Albania.


DP urges SP allies to join opposition’s protest (ADN)


Democrats require a reaction from the biggest ally of the ruling coalition, Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) for their protests. After the leader of the Unity for Human Rights Party (UHRP), Vangjel Dule, former ally of the ruling coalition, who declared that this protest is for free and fair elections and anyone who will leave this government is welcome, former leader of DP, Sali Berisha even the democrat Aldo Bumci urges for SMI reaction.“Anyone who will join the cause for free and fair elections is welcome. Free and fair elections are inevitable. Rama should leave. We urge anyone to join us, Mr. Blushi, PJIU, everyone,” stated Bumci.


Italian Ambassador visits opposition tents in boulevard (ADN)


Italian Ambassador to Albania, Alberto Cutillo, visited on Monday the tents in Boulevard where opposition is protesting since Saturday for free and fair elections and a caretaker government. For few minutes, Ambassador Cutillo talked with the protesters, Democrat MP, Oerd Bylykbashi and the adviser for entrepreneurship of the leader of the opposition, Roberto Caparrotta. During his short visit, Ambassador Cutillo expressed his support on the protest and described his cause as a right one. He also evaluated the development of the protest peacefully.




Montenegro's ex-PM accuses Russia of "destructive" politics (Associated Press, by Predrag Milic, 21 February 2017)


Montenegro's former prime minister has accused Russia of "destructive" politics in the Balkans following what the country says was a thwarted attempt to overthrow its pro-Western government. Milo Djukanovic, who stepped down after the alleged pro-Russian plot in October to prevent the small Balkan country from joining NATO, said that Moscow "harnessed a lot of destructive material toward Montenegro." Montenegro is now "in the line" of Moscow's attempts to expand its influence in the war-torn Balkans, and pro-Russian opposition parties were ready to use "bloodshed and a coup" to come to install a pro-Kremlin government, Djukanovic said late Monday while addressing his Socialist Democratic Party youth in the second-largest town of Niksic ahead of local elections. "A new, puppet government would only serve Moscow's interests, which wants to send a message to Europe and NATO that they cannot expand in the Balkans without their (Moscow's) consent," said Djukanovic, who brought the country to the threshold of NATO membership.

Russian officials have recently named Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro as Moscow's sphere of interest in the Balkans, saying they should not join NATO. The former Yugoslav republics were never part of the Soviet bloc and officially all of them want to join the European Union. Montenegro's prosecutors have accused Russia and its secret service operatives of plotting the election-day coup attempt that included alleged plans to kill Djukanovic and take over parliament. Some 20 people — including two Russians — have been accused of taking part.

The Kremlin has repeatedly denied involvement in the plot. But it has openly supported nationalist parties and groups opposed to Montenegro's NATO membership.


Associated Press writer Dusan Stojanovic contributed from Belgrade, Serbia.


Macedonia Albanians Squabble Over Joint Platform (BIRN, by Semra Musai, 21 February 2017)


The 'joint platform' of Macedonian Albanians - which is a prerequisite for any of them joining a new government - risks coming apart as the signatory parties argue over its terms.

The ethnic Albanian parties involved in organizing a planned roundtable of Albanian leaders, which is designed to oversee fulfillment of the objectives of the parties' joint declaration, have traded blamed over its failure to take shape. Only Ali Ahmeti, leader of the Democratic Union for Integration, DUI, and the parties that make up the Alliance for Albanians showed up at the meeting on Saturday initiated by Ziadin Sela, head of the Movement for Reforms - Democratic Parties of Albanians. Another party, Besa, said that the meeting was not held in the spirit of the joint declaration and the timing was wrong. Sela and Ahmeti said it was crucial for Albanians to take a united stance on a proposed law extending official use of the Albanian language, which the parties have set as a condition for their participation in any new Macedonian government.

But, in a sign of growing friction between them, Besa has accused both the DUI and Alliance for Albanians of trying to score political points ahead of looming local elections. “Regarding the Albanian parties' roundtable, we have made clear that we will not accept a meeting initiated by the leader of DUI," Besa told BIRN referring to Ahmeti. "He is responsible for Besa losing two MPs' seats [in the December 11 elections] that went to [Macedonia's main ruling party] VMRO DPMNE, a party that has implemented anti-Albanian policies for 15 years," it said. "That’s why he has no legitimacy to represent the Albanians and is not fit to convoke a meeting of Albanian parties in Macedonia,” Besa told BIRN. Besa said it is also not planning to delegate two representatives to the commission, as agreed at Saturday’s leaders' meeting, which would coordinate the Albanian parties' final proposals on a new language law. “Unless there is an initiative to convoke the roundtable as we agreed, it will not be organized ever,” Besa said, decisively. The second largest party in the ethnic Albanian bloc after the DUI denied claims that it was turning its back on its obligations as signatory party, and said it would support all the points of the document once they come to parliament. The Movement for Reforms - DPA said Besa's no-show on Saturday was a bad sign and in contradiction to the spirit of the declaration. “Nevertheless, we will try to implement it in the best way possible,” Emir Fejzullahu, spokesperson of the Movement for Reforms, told BIRN.

On Saturday, the various parties representing ethnic Albanians in Macedonia harmonized their stances on the proposed Law on Albanian Language that aims to make the Albanian language official throughout the country. It is currently official only in those municipalities where Albanians make up over 20 per cent of the population. The 20 seats won by ethnic Albanian parties in the 120-seat parliament are a decisive factor in the formation of a new government in Macedonia. In last year's tightly fought general election, neither of the main parties, VMRO DPMNE, nor the Social Democrats, SDSM, won decisively enough to assemble a majority of 61 MPs. The DUI was previously in coalition with VMRO DPMNE and won 10 seats in the election. This time, however, like the other Albanian parties, it is conditioning support for a new government on adoption of the Albanian platform and, most importantly, on adoption of a law on the Albanian language. However, some political analysts fear that the document that was called “historic” and signed after the elections with the facilitation of the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, risks failing. They also worry that the ethnic Albanian parties are also passing up an opportunity to cooperate with Macedonian parties in advancing Albanian rights. “No one wants to vote for a new law on the Albanian language before the new government is constituted," political analyst Albert Musliu, told BIRN. Musliu thinks the parties' inconsistent behaviour may reflect their internal calculations on how best to position themselves ahead of the local elections due in May.

Besides the language issue, the joint declaration of the Albanian parties also demands equal economic and social development for all of Macedonia's regions, a new ministry to supervise this development, as well as investigative commissions and independent international bodies engaging in important court cases in which ethnic Albanians are involved.