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Belgrade Media Report 01 March



Vucic: Citizens often see EU as machine for pressure over Kosovo (Beta/B92)


Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic says he is convinced that Serbia will remain firmly on the European path when he leaves the government in a month, two, or three. During his meeting in Belgrade with members of EU's Working Party on Enlargement (COELA) and representatives of the EU Council and the European Commission, Vucic said that Serbia’s strategic goal is EU membership, while maintaining traditionally good relations with friends from the East.

“We invested a lot of effort to maintain peace and stability, and we will continue with that policy, although often not everything is up to us and I hope that others will take care of their political moves in a reasonable way, that we will have greater certainty in the region,” said Vucic, stressing that he sees the region as a new source of European growth. Vucic stressed that he is worried the most about the situation in B&H, and said he was convinced Serbia played a very constructive role and hoped that the court quarrels between the two countries would end and that they would as soon as possible turn to joint projects. Vucic told EU representatives that Serbia finds Chapter 35 on Kosovo to be the most difficult one, and that the country remains committed to EU membership. He said that it was not always easy to convince citizens of the European story - because the public from time to time sees the EU as a kind of machine that exerts a lot of pressure on us because of Kosovo, which has always been the biggest issue for the EU in our region. “From time to time citizens, justly, see that the EU is using its power to exert more pressure on Serbia. I don’t want to complain or cry in front of you, because we know that the accession process is not easy, and it wasn’t for other countries, either. However, unlike others, we have Chapter 35, which is linked to all other chapters,” Vucic said.  He pointed out that Serbia has done a lot in this area, but it is faced with some stupid issues on which there has been insistence. “Thus the story around the bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica was the dumbest I'd ever heard. We did our job and we managed to solve this issue, too. However, they did not want to see the results, and transferred it to another level, with the explanation that it did not concern the state of Serbia, but was a question for the local level,” Vucic explained.


Serbia-Germany relations at very high level (B92/Beta/Tanjug)


Serbia will do everything to preserve peace and stability in the region because it is a condition for progress and new investments. Asked about the situation in the region, Vucic, who spoke in Belgrade on Tuesday during at a joint press conference with Volker Bouffier, Minister-President of the German Federal State Hessen, said that Serbia follows the developments in Macedonia and is not interfering in the internal affairs of that country - something he said was a correct and fair attitude towards our neighbors. “We’ve always had good relations between Belgrade and Skopje, I believe that we will be able to maintain them, but we will not allow anyone to humiliate Serbia,” Vucic said. When it comes to B&H, Vucic said that this was a difficult issue for Serbia and one that he and Bouffier spent the most time today discussing it. “The only thing I promised to him and to citizens of Serbia is that we will do our best to preserve peace and stability in the region, because it is a condition for progress and the arrival of foreign investors,” said Vucic. Bouffier said that the situation in the EU was difficult, while the global policy is changing which is why it is important that Europe is united - something that is impossible without the stabilization of the Western Balkans, in which Serbia plays a central role. He told a joint press conference with Vucic that the EU is incomplete without the countries of the region. “We’re here primarily because Serbia is the key country in the region and because we want to encourage you, the government and citizens, to continue the reform process, and where we can help, we will. We’re not here lecture but to provide concrete support for the purpose of a common future,” said Bouffier.


Dacic on B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia (RTS)


Asked about stance of official Belgrade regarding recent decision of Izetbegovic to launch motion for the revision of the ICJ’s ruling in case of B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia, Serbian Foreign Minister Dacic stated that Serbia wants good relations with its neighbors, including B&H, adding that Serbia warned that unilateral activity of Izetbegovic will undermine relations between two countries. Dacic added that aforementioned decision negatively affected relations in B&H. “We should not be surprised. This is just continuation of politics led by the Izetbegovic family ever since they appeared on the political scene,” emphasized Dacic. He also accused Izetbegovic of advocating unitary B&H in which equality of peoples will be abolished. Dacic wondered why lawsuit was not filed against Croatia and Montenegro, considering the facts Croatian Army participated in war operations in B&H and Montenegro was part of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia against which original lawsuit was filed. “This is evidence that this activity is aimed against Serbia and good relations with Serbs in B&H,” stressed Dacic. He also underlined that according to the ICJ’s Statute and rules, the lawsuit and the revision are two separate processes. Dacic reiterated that this is private lawsuit of Izetbegovic, adding that Bosniak member of B&H Presidency was forced to do this, because otherwise he would lose his position of leader of SDA and Bosniak people. Also, Dacic stressed that Bosniak side in B&H is only one supporting decision to file motion for the revision.


Nikolic discussed cooperation with Chinese official (Beta)


Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic and a deputy to the secretary-general of the government of China's Shaanxi province, Zhang Xiaoning, agreed in Belgrade, on Feb. 28, that a comprehensive strategic partnership linked the two states. President Nikolic said that Chinese President Xi Jinping's friendly attitude toward Serbia, and their personal friendship, opened a new chapter in the Serbian-Chinese relations, adding that he would continue to insist that all state agreements be implemented in full, the Presidency of Serbia reported.


Mogherini arriving to the Balkans to amortize tensions (Politika)


EU High Representative Federica Mogherini will start her four-day tour in the region today and this will be an opportunity to send encouraging signals to the Western Balkans states in view of their EU paths. Mogherini will pay visits to Tirana, Sarajevo, Pristina, Belgrade, Podgorica and Skopje. Her talks with state officials, representatives of governments, political parties and parliaments are taking place at the peak of political tensions throughout the region. Not only is continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue nowhere in sight, but Macedonia has been shaken by the political crisis related to the formation of the government, and B&H has been announcing filing of the request for revision of B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia for genocide. On top of all of this, EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn has announced that the Western Balkans will be discussed at the upcoming session of the European Council on 9, 10 March. Bearing these circumstances in mind, Dragan Djukanovic from the Center for Foreign Policy believes that Mogherini’s visit was motivated by the intention of Brussels to prevent potential problems which might appear in the region “It seems to me that the visit should amortize certain tensions, primarily related to the revision of B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia. Also, the EU has realized that it must also react in view of the fictions in Macedonia,” says Djukanovic. He thinks that the range of this visit could have double significance. “Firstly, to point out that the Western Balkans countries have a clear European perspective, but also that open and bilateral issues must be resolved without mutual blackmails within the European process,” he underlined.


McAllister: Resolution on Serbia due after elections (Tanjug/RTS)


The vote on a European Parliament (EP) resolution on Serbia has been postponed - most likely until late April - due to a policy of non-interference in the upcoming elections in Serbia, rapporteur David McAllister, who also chairs the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), announced Tuesday. A vote on the resolution had been scheduled for an EP session next month after AFET passed a report on Serbia on Monday, McAllister told Tanjug.

AFET passed with an overwhelming majority on Tuesday a report on Serbia urging the EU to open new chapters in the accession talks with the country, calling on Belgrade to focus on rule of law reforms and normalization of relations with Kosovo. Rapporteur David McAllister’s draft report, which includes compromise amendments tabled by MEPs, was passed with 55 votes to 2.


Gojkovic: I will slate presidential elections on Thursday (Tanjug/Beta)


Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic has stated that she will slate presidential elections tomorrow at 1p.m. Gojkovic told journalists in parliament that she will also announce the date of the presidential elections tomorrow. She also said that the parliament would be interrupted until the end of the elections. “I stand behind this decision to make a break in the work. This is something that is good for Serbia’s stability,” she said. The first session of the regular spring session started today and lasted for only half an hour, while the agenda was being established. Gojkovic then ordered a break at the request of the ruling parties in order to consult with them, but also to head for consultations in the Serbian government.




Constitutional court of B&H to declare 1 March invalid holiday (Srna)


Speaker of the Republika Srpska (RS) Assembly Nedeljko Cubrilovic expects the Constitutional Court of B&H to act principally in accordance with the Constitution of B&H and to declare March first invalid holiday, which is celebrated only in one part of B&H, inhabited predominantly by Bosniak population. Cubrilovic has pointed out that the celebration of March 1 as the so-called B&H Independence Day is historical forgery, which the RS Assembly members pointed out in the appeal to the Constitutional Court of B&H that was filed four months ago, but has not yet been reviewed. “As cited in the appeal, March One does not reflect the will of all constituent peoples in B&H, because the 1992 B&H independence referendum was passed by outvoting of Serbs, which led to a civil war,” said Cubrilovic.


Probe needed into illegal opening of letter (Srna)


The Chair of the Presidency of B&H Mladen Ivanic resents the fact that someone opened before him an envelope containing a letter of the International Court of Justice in The Hague sent to Ivanic last week and says that investigative bodies should deal with the matter. Ivanic said he had previously warned the B&H Ambassador in the Netherlands Mirsada Colakovic that no one should open his envelope, given the lack of trust. “This goes beyond all reasonable actions. The only letter that was opened is mine, but the letters sent to the other two members of the Presidency were not. This is what parallelism in the work of the institutions of B&H and their abuse creates,” Ivanic told a special press conference in Sarajevo on Tuesday. He appealed to all reasonable people in the country to finally realize where the policy of institutional abuse in B&H leads.  “This means rape of the Serbs and Serb representatives in the institutions of B&H,” said Ivanic. According to him, it is absolutely clear that the Bosniak member of the Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic had seen his open letter, which Ivanic qualified as scandalous and inadmissible. “Such things go beyond the line of normality. I won’t deal with this anymore. Let investigative bodies do that,” said Ivanic. Commenting on observed irregularities in handling the mail addressed to the Presidency of B&H, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the letter addressed to Ivanic was opened and ordered appropriate internal procedures in order to define who within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and B&H Embassy in The Hague was responsible.


Softic said in 2013 he is no B&H agent before ICJ (Vecernji list)


Sakib Softic stated for FTV back in 2013 that he is a professor at the University of Sarajevo and former agent of Bosnia and Herzegovina (before the International Court (ICJ) of Justice in The Hague). Daily notes that the issue of Softic’s legitimacy before the ICJ has become highly politicized issue, arguing that the ICJ’s Statute and other acts in B&H do not define how the agent is appointed and to what term in office.


B&H CoM continues normal functioning despite crisis (TV1)


Despite the crisis that emerged following submission of a motion for revision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)’s ruling in the case B&H vs. Serbia’, B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) held a regular session in Sarajevo on Tuesday and thereby continued normal functioning. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak (PDP) was the only Serb minister who did not attend this week’s session. However, his absence was justified i.e. he was on an official trip abroad. B&H ministers from SDS underscored that the CoM is not in any kind of technical mandate. Deputy Chairman of B&H CoM and B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic (SDS) said that relations among parliamentary parties in B&H are very complex and under strong influence of recent events. However, Sarovic dismissed the possibility that Serb representatives could leave the state-level institutions. According to Sarovic, interests of the RS and B&H should be defended through work within the institutions. He announced that the current convocation of B&H CoM will continue working together on fulfilling the European requirements. B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic (SDS) stated that he will support any stance of SDS and Alliance for Changes (SzP) when it comes to functioning of B&H authorities. MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Momcilo Novakovic (NDP) said that the B&H CoM is functioning but without the support of state-level parliamentary majority.


Dodik: SDS once again proven to be inferior and lenient when it comes to Bosniak policy (BNTV/RTRS)


In a statement to RTRS, RS President Milorad Dodik said that SDS has once again proven to be inferior and lenient when it comes to the Bosniak policy, given that its ministers still decided to attend the session of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) in Sarajevo on Tuesday. He explained that the institutions were not supposed to be blocked in the first place; instead, it would only be a strategy to make sure the stances of Serb representatives are respected. However, it is well-known that SDS’ policy does not serve the interests of the RS but only the interests of some political groups gathered around Mirko Sarovic and Mladen Bosic, Dodik argued. He added that even the policy of Vukota Govedarica, as a new leader of SDS, is aimed at justifying the acts and intentions of Sarovic and Bosic. Dodik stressed that Serb ministers were supposed to demand establishing of the Coordination Mechanism and to abandon B&H CoM if their demand is rejected. He said that remark that he and SNSD wanted to use SDS for protection of personal interests in regards with state judiciary is wrong, and stressed that he is not afraid of anything.


They seek guarantees for repeating the elections (Pobjeda)


Civic opposition has not officially responded to the initiative of the Democratic Front for the meeting at the level of the leaders of the opposition at which the common conditions for negotiations with the Democratic Party of Socialist on returning to parliament would be defined, learns Pobjeda. Invitation was sent by the Democratic Front on Friday and it asked for a unique response of the opposition to the current political situation as well as the response to an earlier offer of Prime Minister Dusko Markovic on returning to the parliament.

Candidate for President of GP URA and member of that party Dritan Abazovic did not want to comment on the DF invitation in a statement for Pobjeda, but at the same time he requested the commitment from the DPS that parliamentary elections would be repeated. “If the DPS wants a dialogue with the opposition we will accept it, but on condition that we get firm guarantees that parliamentary elections will be repeated no later than the presidential, as well as that repeat of elections in Niksic to be part of this package,” Abazovic told Pobjeda. Commenting on the statement by the political director of DPS Tarzan Milosevic that the DPS is ready for talks with the opposition, he said that dialogue should be initiated in relation to the preparation of early elections. According to him, elections in Niksic also need to be a part of the ‘package’ which refers to the repeat of the parliamentary elections, because, he said, they make the electoral process pointless in the way they were designed. Earlier aligned stance of opposition parties was that it would be best to call for early parliamentary elections simultaneously with the presidential in 2018. If the DPS is not ready to go to early parliamentary elections, then there is no basis to open any dialogue, concluded Abazovic.


Montenegro to make decisions on its own (RTCG)


Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic had talks in Brussels with EU Commissioner for Enlargement Johannes Hahn who repeated that he did not support opposition boycott, adding that the Parliament was the place where political dialogue should be maintained. Hahn said that interference of external factors in the internal affairs of Montenegro, which should make decisions on its own, was unacceptable. He also said that he was supporting the European path of Montenegro, but that he was expecting us to fulfill rest of the obligations as defined by the European Union. In his address to the delegates of the Foreign Policy Committee of the European Parliament, Darmanovic said that the last parliamentary elections demonstrated the priorities of our country’s foreign policy again. He stressed that the political divisions were also encouraged by interference of foreign factors. Foreign Minister said that he was expecting easing of tensions after the accession of Montenegro to NATO, and emphasized that the trial of suspects for attempted terrorist attack on 16 October would be public. He stated that the investigation in this case leads to the Russian intelligence service.


Macedonia rises: Massive gatherings in Prilep, Kicevo, Kumanovo (


Besides in Skopje, on Tuesday large protests were held in Prilep, Kicevo, Stip and Kumanovo. The message was clear, Macedonia must rise up and clearly state that the state and its citizens will defend it against those who want to tear it apart and down. One country, one language, one Macedonia, Prilep said on Tuesday. Citizens massively supported initiative “For Joint Macedonia” and say they will not allow country to be destroyed. “For Joint Macedonia” on Tuesday at the plateau in front of Culture House in Kicevo held peaceful protest to call for understanding, not of division, of growth, not stagnation, opening, not closing. On behalf of citizens, all party turmoil and disagreement needs to stop, as was pointed out to accomplish the purpose for which we all strive – Macedonia to remain unitary, sovereign and independent. “We believe that only this way we will have a better and more prosperous life. We are ashamed of all the scenarios that we've heard of in the last period and we want to stop them, considering that the anti-Macedonian strategy is against all of us who live here. This is the country of all and we will be a country for all the people, and we should leave it to our children the same way it was left to us by our ancestors,” organizers said.

Later on the portal A1’s crew was attacked and beaten during the protest organized by the civil initiative “For United Macedonia.” Five persons who took part in the protests, at the end of the gathering, attacked the cameraman and the journalist while they were professionally reporting about the event. Due to their injuries both men were transferred to the Emergency center. A1on will file charges against the organizer and will seek compensation for the damage caused by violent and primitive behavior” announced A1.


US calls on leaders to form a new government without further delay (META)


The US State Department announced that the US, together with NATO and EU, has been closely monitoring the process of forming the government in Macedonia after the parliamentary elections which were held on the 11th of December 2016. “The United States calls on Macedonia’s leaders to form a new government without further delay, in a manner consistent with the constitution and Macedonia’s aspirations to join the European Union and NATO. The formation of a new government committed to rule of law and implementing needed reforms will help end a political crisis that has severely hindered the country’s democratic and economic development and Euro-Atlantic integration,” said the announcement. The State Department urged the political parties to put the interests of the state and the citizens first. “The United States urges all parties to put the interest of Macedonia and its citizens above all else, to work together constructively, and to fully implement all of their commitments under the Przino agreement” said the announcement.


European Parliament demands a transparent transition of power and population census (META)


With 54 votes “for” and 8 “against,” the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (AFET) adopted the draft – resolution for the advancement of the Republic of Macedonia in its European integrations during 2016.Previously, the Euro-MPs had adjusted 28 compromised amendments and today they adopted them all. All of them contain terms such as “Macedonia,” “Macedonian,” including a prediction that the Macedonian state will receive a new government, and therefore a “transparent transition” is asked for. An amendment was also accepted with which the euro MPs expect a “formation of a new, stable, and responsible government and a transparent transition, in accordance with the constitutional and legal demands and procedures.” The European Parliament is “concerned regarding the signals that are coming from civil organizations that refer to the deterioration of the climate they work in and is concerned about the radical public attacks of civil organizations and foreign representatives by politicians and media” said the proposal-resolution. EP recognizes and encourages the important role the civil organizations have for monitoring, supporting and promoting the democratic values, including the election process and securing the checking and the balance, was said in the content of the draft resolution. The opening of the accession negotiations for Macedonia with EU instead of “unconditionally” as was demanded previously, now is conditioned with a compromising amendment of the Resolution which said, “The opening of the negotiations for membership should guarantee the fulfillment of the necessary conditions.” The European Parliament’s resolutions have no legal standing, but have an advisory role and may not be taken into account by other institutions and members of EU.


SDSM leader Zaev meets Chinese Ambassador Lixian (MIA)


SDMS leader Zoran Zaev met Tuesday with the new Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Macedonia Yin Lixian and informed her on current political developments in the country underlining his expectations that President Gjorge Ivanov will soon award him the mandate to form a new government. Future Government of Macedonia will be reform one. We are prepared to implement all necessary reforms related to the economic progress of the citizens and the state as well as to provide independent institutions, fully independent judiciary and independent media. Our goals are providing quality life for all citizens and opening prospects for progress and development of Macedonia, Zaev underlined, SDSM said in a press release. The support of majority of citizens on the concept of unity in Macedonia at the elections was positively assessed at the meeting because only unity and not divisions would bring good future to all citizens of Macedonia.


US Embassy welcomes Prenga’s departure from parliament (ADN)


The US Embassy welcomed on Tuesday former parliamentarian Armando Prenga’s departure from the parliament. In a short press statement, this embassy underlines that all those with criminal records have no place in the parliament, courts, government, or municipalities of a NATO member country that aspires to join the EU.  “We encourage the Albanian people and Albanian institutions to be vigilant in preventing criminals from becoming candidates in the June 18 elections. Albanians deserve to have a clean political and judicial system, free from the influence of organized crime and corruption,” underlines the statement.




Tensions Rise as Macedonia Protests Continue (BIRN, by Sinisa Jakov Marusic, 28 February 2017)


Protests held by supporters of the former ruling party – VMRO DPMNE – against a possible new coalition government in Macedonia are set to continue, amid fears rallies will become increasingly violent.

Supporters of Macedonia’s former ruling party, VMRO DPMNE, took to the streets for a second day on Tuesday to protest against a possible new coalition government following the December 11 general election. Demonstrators claim the potential coalition between the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, SDSM, and ethnic Albanian parties will endanger ethnic Macedonian interests. The protests – organised by the newly-formed Civic Initiative for a United Macedonia – began on Monday in the capital. Thousands attended Tuesday’s rally in Skopje and there were also protests in several other Macedonian towns including Bitola, Prilep, Kicevo, Kumanovo and Stip. The Skopje rally was marred by violence as two journalists from the A1on news outlet - cameraman Vladimir Zelceski and journalist Aleksandar Todevski – were physically attacked while reporting on the protests. "Participants at the protest attacked the reporters from behind, throwing punches towards their heads and kicking them. They have taken their camera, thrown it to the ground and started kicking it, managing to completely destroy it," A1on editor-in-chief Predrag Petrovic said. "Medical emergency [workers] were called right away and at the moment the two reporters are at the urgent medical centre where they are being examined." Photo-journalists at the scene managed to take pictures of the alleged attackers leaving the spot, and of the two reporters lying on the ground. Violence fears The protest organisers have pledged to continue demonstrations on Wednesday afternoon, despite fears rallies – which have been increasingly nationalist in tone - could be marred by further violence. The rally in Skopje, attended among others by prominent members and supporters of the conservative VMRO DPMNE party, as well as by heads of various state enterprises, began in front of the government building. Protesters waving flags and placards reading ‘Freedom or Death’ - the credo of the historic Ottoman-era Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, VMRO - then marched to the front of the VMRO DPMNE party headquarters in central Skopje where they called on the party leadership, as well as other parties, to join them. "The time for [the] defence of a unitary and united Macedonia is now. Let's defend Macedonia, the way our ancestors left it to us,” the prominent actor Vanco Petrusevski told the crowd. VMRO DPMNE has been in power since 2006 but could now find itself on the opposition benches after the SDSM leader, Zoran Zaev, announced he had secured the support of a majority in parliament. He is waiting for the president to award him with the mandate to form a new government after submitting proof of his parliamentary majority on Monday. However, the demonstrators accuse Zaev of betraying Macedonian interests by striking a deal on a number of ethnic Albanian demands – such as passing a new language law extending recognition of Albanian as an official language throughout the country - in return for support to form a new coalition government. Plea to stop ‘nationalist chanting’ Tuesday’s Skopje rally ended outside the Macedonian Parliament, where one of the organisers, Boris Damovski, appealed to the crowd to stop using "chauvinist and nationalist chants" during the rally. He said that at Monday's first rally in Skopje there were some nationalistic chants but that "they were few". Meanwhile, as Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov is expected to hand over the mandate to Zaev on Wednesday and ethnic tension in the country is mounting, the US State Department issued a press release on Tuesday calling on "Macedonia’s leaders to form a new government without further delay”. Insisting only a new government could end Macedonia’s deep political crisis, the US urged "all parties to put the interests of Macedonia and its citizens above all else”. Macedonia has not yet formed a new government despite holding the general election more than two months ago. The vote ended in a near-tie between VMRO DPMNE and the SDSM. The continuing political crisis in Macedonia revolves around opposition claims that VMRO DPMNE president and former PM Nikola Gruevski ordered the illegal surveillance of some 20,000 people, including his own ministers. The SDSM started releasing batches of covertly recorded tapes in early 2015 that they claim contain incriminating evidence about many senior officials. Gruevski denied the charge and insisted the tapes were “fabricated” by unnamed foreign intelligence services and given to the opposition to destabilise the country.