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Belgrade Media Report 10 March



Vucic and Bogdanov on further strategic partnership (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic met today with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Mikhail Bogdanov, with whom he discussed further development of strategic partnership. The Prime Minister and Minister Bogdanov agreed that the continuity of meetings of senior officials of the two countries significantly contributes to political relations and all-round cooperation. Vucic expressed his gratitude to the Russian official for the consistent support of the Russian Federation to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, which comes to the fore through the concerted effort in international organizations. Vucic said that Serbia remains committed to dialogue as a way of resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija by diplomatic and peaceful means. He presented Bogdanov the security opportunities and challenges in the Western Balkans, such as the announcement of the formation of so-called Army of Kosovo contrary to the provisions of the Brussels agreement, but stressed the strong commitment of Serbia to the policy of peace, stability and cooperation in the region. Also, through its foreign policy activities, Serbia is committed to peaceful resolution of the regional crises, taking into account the interests of all parties, Vucic said. Bogdanov said that the Russian Federation does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but added that any instability in the Western Balkans is a bad influence on the international situation, and therefore Russia shares concern and support to the policy of Serbia.


Eritrean Foreign Minister meets with Nikolic, Vucic (Beta)


Foreign Minister of Eritrea Osman Saleh Mohammed met with President Nikolic and Prime Minister Vucic on the third day of his official visit to Serbia. President Nikolic said that Serbia was firmly devoted to full membership in the EU but that it wanted to strengthen its friendship from the time of its membership in the Non-Aligned Movement. At the meeting with Eritrea's foreign minister, he said that Serbia especially appreciated the country’s principled stance on not recognizing Kosovo and Metohija and for voting against Kosovo becoming a member of UNESCO. A statement said that Nikolic decorated President Isaias Afwerki as a token of gratitude and friendship.

During a meeting between Vucic and Osman Saleh, the participants said that signing an agreement on economic cooperation offered possibilities for cooperation in the areas of agriculture, tourism, mining, the processing industries, IT and other areas. The Serbian government said that the two interlocutors had agreed that this would help the activities of the Eritrean government aimed at stabilizing its economic conditions and ensure Eritrea's economic progress.


Nikolic: Arguments of the Serbian side legally grounded (Politika)


President Nikolic said that the ICJ decision was absolutely correct because any other solution would seriously jeopardize the functioning of B&H as a state and additionally contribute to the unnecessary raising of tensions in the relations with Serbia, which no one needs now or ever.

Nikolic believes that the Serbian side in B&H reacted in the right way showing great political maturity and responsibility to the future of the region. “It is obvious that arguments of the Serbian side were legally and factually founded and the result is such a decision of

ICJ,” Nikolic concluded.


National Security Council of Serbia to meet on 13 March because of Pristina’s decision (RTS)


Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic will call on Monday, 13 March, a meeting of the National Security Council because of the request of the Kosovo Assembly to suspend the dialogue in Brussels, Nikolic’s cabinet said. As it was explained, Nikolic will also convene a meeting because of obvious determination of Pristina’s administration to unlawfully continue, despite the opposition of the international community, with formation of the “so-called army of Kosovo” and thus deliberately and knowingly undermine peace and stability in the region.

Nikolic made a decision to convene the meeting of the National Security Council so that all the options could be considered in the newly arisen circumstances and that these values could be preserved in the best possible way, the press release reads.


Djuric: Pristina looking for excuses for ending dialogue (Tanjug)


Serbia is surprised by the Kosovo Assembly’s resolution on ending the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said Thursday. He said that following the resolution of the Kosovo Assembly it became clear that the authorities in Pristina were looking for an excuse, by raising tensions in the past months, to stop normalization of the relations and the dialogue with Serbs and Belgrade. Djuric said that Belgrade remained committed to the talks as a way for resolving disputes and adjustment of interests with the Albanian political representatives. However, after the public declaration of the Kosovo Assembly on the call for an open dialogue and an utterly wrong and illegal attempt to establish the so-called Kosovo Army, it is clear that not all actors in the dialogue are truly committed to stability and peace, Djuric warned. The Kosovo Assembly has adopted a resolution demanding the unconditional release of former KLA commander Ramush Haradinaj and interruption of dialogue with Belgrade until the request is fulfilled. The resolution states that Haradinaj’s acquittal is a primary obligation, and that the provincial government wants the EU to force Serbia to cancel all warrants and indictments against Kosovo Albanians.


EU: Transforming KSF into army only with consent of all communities (Beta)


The EU fully shares the stand of NATO and the U.S. that the transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into armed forces could only be accomplished through constitutional changes, and particularly pointed out that this had to be done with the consent of all communities in Kosovo. The spokesperson in the European Commission, Maja Kocijancic, explained this on March 9 in a statement delivered to Beta in Brussels. She said that the EU was closely monitoring the issue of the transformation of the KSF and that it had to be done in the way that would include everyone within a multiethnic process that would secure the consent of all the communities in Kosovo.

NATO officials in Brussels reiterated their serious concerns over the intention of the authorities in Pristina to transform the KSF into armed forces without constitutional amendments, which the General Secretary of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, had already stated in telephone conversations with the president and premier of Kosovo, Hashim Tachi and Isa Mustafa. Beta learned this at the NATO headquarters in connection with the Kosovo authorities’ announcement that the Kosovo government is determined for Kosovo to have its army within the constitutional solutions, with support and in coordination with strategic partners - the U.S. and NATO.


Brende urges Kosovo to refrain from forming armed force (Tanjug/B92)


Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende has urged Kosovo authorities to refrain from transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into an armed force without a constitutional change and an inclusive political process, Tanjug reports. “Regional stability and cooperation is a prerequisite for deeper integration. Normalization of the relations with Serbia will have our full support,” Brende said in a statement published on the website of the Norwegian embassy in Belgrade. “Norway will remain a partner in Kosovo´s efforts for reforms and Euro-Atlantic integration,” he said.


Lisovoy: ZSO meeds to be formed as soon as possible (Tanjug/Telegrafi


The Head of the Russian Office in Kosovo Andrey Lisovoy has stated that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) needs to be formed as soon as possible and with full understanding between the participating sides. “It is not good that four years have passed, and nothing was done on this issue,” said Lisovoy. Speaking at a conference on cooperation between municipalities that was held in Kosovska Mitrovica, he said that cooperation between municipalities in Kosovo must not be politicized. He pointed out that Kosovska Mitrovica is the “gate of Kosovo, while the success of Kosovska Mitrovica is also Kosovo’s success.


Jeremic’s candidacy for Serbian President proclaimed (Beta)


The Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) proclaimed Vuk Jeremic for the candidate for Serbian President. Jeremic’s candidacy was proposed by the citizens group “We must do better” that collected 14.360 valid signatures. RIK established that the representative of the proposers of Vuk Jeremic, Vesna Ciric and her deputy Iva Djindjic Cosic, will join this body’s extended composition.




ICJ rejects motion for revision of lawsuit against Serbia (FTV)


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague denied the motion for revision of the ruling in the case of B&H genocide lawsuit against Serbia, according to the letter that members of the B&H Presidency received from ICJ Registrar Philippe Couvreur on Thursday. The letter reads that the views of the members of the B&H Presidency were considered in accordance with the rules. “The Court properly considered the opinion of the members of the Presidency, which they expressed in their letters. The Court found that contents of these letters suggest that no decision was made by competent bodies on behalf of B&H as a state, with regard to the motion for revision of the ruling from February 26, 2007 in the case of implementation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (B&H vs. Serbia). Therefore, we cannot do anything with regard to the document entitled “Motion for revision of the ruling from February 26, 2007 in the case of implementation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (B&H vs. Serbia)” reads the letter. The ICJ’s decision is final and definitely puts an end to this process. President of the ICJ Ronny Abraham addressed the public on Thursday evening with a letter which refers to the motion for revision of the ruling. Abraham said that the ICJ informed lawyer Sakib Softic that he is not considered an agent of B&H before the ICJ in May last year. Namely, Softic addressed the ICJ in May 25, 2016 asking whether his appointment as B&H’s agent before the ICJ in this case, dating from 2002, is still valid and whether he can file the motion, a day after, Softic received negative response from the ICJ.


OHR, OSCE say everyone in B&H must respect ICJ decision (Oslobodjenje)


The Office of the High Representative commented a decision of the International Court of Justice to reject a motion for revision of a ruling in the case of B&H lawsuit against Serbia for aggression and genocide, and it repeated its previous stance on this issue. “As we said before, the ICJ in The Hague is the one who decides on the revision motion,” stated OHR Spokesperson Ljiljana Radetic briefly. Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Jonathan Moore told that the survivors and victims of war in B&H did not get justice because they did not even have the option of justice. “We were clear the motion for revision will not be successful,” said Moore and underlined that now everyone must respect the ICJ decision.


Izetbegovic: ICJ made political decision by rejecting revision (Hayat)


Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic organized a press conference, at which he addressed media and expressed discontent with the aforementioned decision of the ICJ. He also described the decision of the ICJ as political and not legal one. Izetbegovic underlined that the ICJ requested a joint stance of all three members of B&H Presidency regarding the revision, despite the fact the court was aware there is no joint stance of members of B&H Presidency regarding this issue. “It is cynicism to request the approval to continue the process from those who publicly oppose continuation of the process, those who are undeniably in conflict of interest when it comes to relation between justice and atrocities committed by Serb side against Bosniaks in the period of Slobodan Milosevic’s regime”, explained Izetbegovic. He underscored that the ICJ’s ruling in the case of B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia passed in 2007 does not reflect a role of Serbia and Milosevic’s regime in genocide and ethnic cleansing committed across B&H. The Bosniak member of B&H Presidency underlined that he will discuss further activities regarding this issue with B&H experts which were involved in preparing thee motion for the revision. He also said that it is possible crisis in B&H institutions caused by the decision to file the motion for the revision will calm down. He also stated that Bosniaks should not apologize to anyone, because they were victims during the last war in B&H. “I am deeply offended and hurt with this (decision of the ICJ)”, explained Izetbegovic. Asked to comment allegations by SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic and Civic Alliance’s Emir Suljagic that he is the main culprit for the failure, Izetbegovic replied that he does not care about their opinion, because they are not relevant persons to teach him lessons.


Crnadak and Ivanic: This is victory of Dayton B&H (BNTV)


Chairman of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak commented the decision of the ICJ at an extraordinary press conference. Among other things, Ivanic said that this decision of the ICJ is expected, because no institution of B&H adopted the decision to file the motion for the revision. Ivanic emphasized that the decision of the ICJ showed that non-institutional activities will achieve no results, as well as that name of B&H cannot be used on behalf of one people only. Ivanic also stated that it is necessary to resolve the issue of parallelism in institutions of B&H. He reminded that example of this is situation in which the Bosniak member of B&H Presidency was issuing orders to a Bosniak ambassador and that some were opening letters addressed to him. “I will request resolving of this issue because there must not be parallel institutions or non-institutional activities,” explained the Chairman of B&H Presidency. Also, Crnadak stressed that this is great victory of “Dayton B&H.” He added that this is also victory of law over politics, because some wanted to use great political pressure to achieve victory over law. “This is also victory of facts. Because, it turned out that the ICJ had to tell us what we have been claiming for weeks and months – competent institutions did not adopt the decision about the revision and about authorization of an agent,” underlined the B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Covic: I am sorry we played with B&H and showed it is not functioning (TV1)


Croat member of B&H Presidency Dragan Covic confirmed in Mostar on Thursday that he received the decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), in regards with rejection of the revision of the lawsuit. He said he is sorry because they played with B&H and showed that its system is not functioning. Covic stressed that this situation has weakened the reputation of B&H and added that the decision will cause a lot of press conferences, especially by Serbs.


Dodik: ICJ’s decision was as expected (TV1)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated on Thursday that the decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to reject the revision of the lawsuit against Serbia was expected. “We all knew that it would happen and I think that even Bakir Izetbegovic thought that way. But it is not good because a new practice has been introduced, by which one people decide for all,” he said. According to Dodik, ICJ is aware of issues of relations in B&H, therefore it expedited the procedure. “In any case, only one problem was solved, but the main one remains – misuse of authorization in the name of B&H,” he said. Dodik called on the Prosecutor’s Office of RS, since he does not trust to state judiciary, to launch a criminal procedure against Sakib Softic for false representation.


Radoncic calls on Izetbegovic to resign (Klix)


SBB leader Fahrudin Radoncic commented the information that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) informed Sakib Softic that he does not have legitimate authorization to represent B&H already in May 2016. Radoncic called on SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic to step down from the post of B&H Presidency member. Radoncic noted that he added the meeting on revision of lawsuit against Serbia which was held in February in Sarajevo, but nobody mentioned the fact that Softic is no longer authorized agent of B&H before ICJ. “Mr. Izetbegovic hid that from all of us who attended the meeting in the City Hall in a morally and politically unacceptable way. Also, he very precisely said that Softic’s legitimacy cannot be disputed in any way, and that a new session of B&H Presidency on this matter is not necessary at all,” said Radoncic. He accused Izetbegovic of manipulating other Bosniak officials, victims and the entire general public, and concluded that there is only one possible outcome – Izetbegovic’s resignation.


Dodik: Formation of Kosovo Army is threat for entire region (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said over phone that formation of an army of the self-proclaimed Kosovo represents a threat for the entire region, especially due to the current situation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). According to Dodik, the region should be demilitarized and not additionally militarized. Dodik added that if the US and NATO support formation of the Kosovo Army, this will only strengthen aspirations in the RS to return to the original principles from the Dayton Peace Agreement and formation of the RS Army.


Two-day meeting of EU leader commences in Brussels: EU has to get more involved in region of Western Balkans (Oslobodjenje)


At the two-day meeting of EU leaders commenced on Brussels on Thursday, leaders of the EU will discuss migrant crisis and economic issues, such as single European market, economic growth and creation of new jobs, as well as joint foreign and defense policies, and the situation in the Western Balkans. Despite strong opposition from Poland, Donald Tusk was reelected President of the European Council during the first day of the meeting. On the eve of the meeting, the Foreign Affairs Council - chaired by High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini - discussed the situation in the Western Balkans, and participants unanimously concluded that the EU has to get more involved in the region. European foreign affairs ministers concluded that the fact EU had focused on some other issues resulted in aggravation of stability in the Western Balkans’ countries, as well as of their mutual relations. Prior to the meeting of EU leaders, Mogherini said that she will inform prime ministers and presidents of the EU Member States about three important issues – EU’s migration policy, joint European defense and security policy and the situation in the Western Balkans. Tusk stated late on Thursday evening that tensions and divisions in the Western Balkans “have gotten out of control”, partially because of “unhealthy influence from outside of the region”; he also said that the region of Western Balkans is of vital interest for Europe. Furthermore, Tusk said that he will propose to leaders to take actions, including creation of strategies. President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that it has to be clear that the region of Western Balkans has “undivided European prospect”. Daily reported that the second day of the meeting will be dedicated to preparations for marking of the 60th anniversary of the EU. Main ceremony will be organized in Rome on 25 March, when declaration that should contain the guidelines for development of the EU in the upcoming period is expected to be published.


Croatian FM says there’s no reason for anyone in Bosnia to revel in ICJ decision (Hina)


There is no reason for anyone in B&H to revel in the rejection of the request to revise the 2007 ruling clearing Serbia of responsibility for genocide, Croatia's Foreign and European Affairs Minister Davor Ivo Stier said on Thursday and called on officials in B&H to turn toward the European and Euro-Atlantic path and reforms and that Croatia would support them in that.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday turned down a request for revision of its 2007 ruling which cleared Serbia of responsibility for genocide committed in B&H. From the very start, Zagreb has been saying that B&H has the right to use all international legal instruments but that that must be done through its institutions and in line with the constitutional principle of the equality of all three constituent peoples, Stier said. The lack of respect for that constitutional principle and institutional procedure is the reason why the revision request was rejected, Stier said on the margins of a conference organized by the ministry and the German Hanns Seidel Foundation in Zagreb. The request was unilaterally submitted by the Bosniak side and no formal decision on it was made by any government authority in B&H.


The protocol in our parliament until 25 May (Pobjeda)


Montenegro would be able to ratify the Protocol of Accession to NATO until the next summit on 25 May, when it would participate in it as a full 29th member of the Alliance, said national coordinator for NATO Dragan Pejanovic to Pobjeda daily. He reminded that the accession protocol on Montenegro’s membership in NATO was so far confirmed by 25 Member States in their parliaments. “The ratification procedure in the remaining three countries is in progress. We expect national procedures in the US, Spain and the Netherlands to be ended soon, when Montenegro too will complete its part of the job. I believe that the entire process will be completed until the next NATO summit, to be held on 25 May in Brussels, when Montenegro would took part as a full 29th member of NATO,” said Pejanovic. Prime Minister Dusko Markovic said that the parliament can ratify the accession protocol on Montenegro’s membership in NATO even before this process is completed by the remaining three Member States.


EP: Europe will be more stable with Montenegro in NATO (Dnevne novine)


In a publication on Montenegro, Velina Lilyanova from the European Parliament’s (EP) research department said the country was still the leader in the region, with all the negotiation chapters with the EU opened and on the way to become a NATO member. She said that Montenegro still had to make improvements to the efficiency of its reforms in key areas. Lilyanova says that there is a fragmented political scene in the country, but commended “the government of electoral trust” formed ahead of elections in October 2016, because the government has thus shown willingness to make compromise. According to her, generally regular and competitive elections were marred by some irregularities and a coup attempt organized by Russia. The EU calls for quick investigation of this case. Legislative and institutional reforms are well under way and progress has been made almost all basic areas. Freedom of expression represents a problem area with no success made, Lilyanova says in the report. As for the economy, the expert notes that Montenegro is moderately prepared, but recommends curbing current expenditures and improving revenue collection. She calls in mind that on 28 February 2017, the Committee on Foreign Affairs adopted the resolution on Montenegro, which welcomes its steady progress.


Opposition to hold a joint protest in Niksic today (CDM)


Democratic Front (DF), the Democrats, Demos, Socialist People’s Party (SNP) and URA Civic Movement, will hold a joint protest rally today against, as they put it, introducing a single-party system in Niksic. “The single-party elections in Niksic, scheduled for 12 March, are a mere farce, contrary to the principles of the constitutional and legal order. They lack logic and legitimacy and open possibility for an unacceptable attack on the principle of voting secrecy,” the statement said. Despite the indisputable and recognized agenda and methodology differences, all opposition political parties are interested in organizing free, democratic and fair elections, maintaining multiparty system and establishing the rule of law. Opposition parties agree that it is unacceptable and unsustainable to introduce what they see as a one-party system in Niksic in the twenty-first century, suspend the right of citizens to democracy and turn elections into a farce at the expense of all citizens. Only DPS and the Social Democrats (SD) participate in local elections in Niksic. The opposition decided to boycott the elections because the Parliament of Montenegro (which the opposition is boycotting as well) lifted the immunity to DF MPs Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic. The MPs are suspected of participating in planning state coup in Montenegro on 16 October. Mandic and Knezevic denied that claiming that was a setup by “Milo Djukanovic’s regime”.


German diplomat calls on President Ivanov to give Zaev the mandate (MIA)


German diplomatic envoy for the Balkans and Turkey Christian Hellbach called on Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov to give the mandate to form a Government to SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, and also said he sees nothing wrong with the thorny issue of the Tirana platform.

“My visit serves to underline that Germany cares about your future. Germany reaffirms its commitment to support your country on its way towards NATO and the EU. For this to become possible, the swift formation of a government along the results of the recent elections dedicated to implement the Urgent Reform Priorities is needed. We are confident that the President will have the wisdom to respect the results of the recent elections and allow the majority in parliament to form a government as soon as possible,” Hellbach said in a press statement. Asked by a journalist if he sees anything wrong with the Tirana platform, Hellbach shortly replied “no”. The German diplomat also called on all political parties to refrain from raising tensions and negative rhetoric toward NGO groups or international community representatives and to support the work of the Special Prosecutor.


VMRO-DPMNE Gruevski, German diplomat Hellbach discuss political developments (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski, accompanied by his closest associates, and Christian Hellbach, special envoy of Germany’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Southeastern Europe, discussed Thursday in Skopje on political developments in Macedonia, including the Tirana platform. German Ambassador to Macedonia Christine Althauser was also present at the meeting, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release. The Tirana platform appears in a rather difficult time, VMRO-DPMNE told the high guest, as now the majority of Macedonians “feel that someone else from a neighboring country is tailoring their future.” “Even those who voted for SDSM consider themselves deceived, as they didn’t vote for the post-election designed platform,” VMRO-DPMNE officials told Hellbach. They also notified that VMRO-DPMNE-DUI post-election talks only tackled a possibility for advancing the usage of the Albanian language in municipalities where Albanians make up over 20 per cent of the population. Obviously DUI got a better offer from SDSM, as this party accepted the wide-scope Tirana platform. VMRO-DPMNE notified the platform and breaching of the basic principle, built-in Macedonia's democratic society, for the winners of Macedonian and Alban political parties to form a governing coalition, as main problems. VMRO-DPMNE also referred to the Special Prosecutor's Office (SPO), saying that SDSM political team is part of the SPO, wishing to bring as many as possible charges against VMRO-DPMNE officials without any evidence in order to discredit the party.


DUI leader Ahmeti meets German diplomat Hellbach (MIA)


DUI leader Ali Ahmeti met Thursday with Christian Hellbach, special envoy of the German Foreign Ministry for Southeast Europe and Turkey, to discuss current developments after the December 11 elections and the political situation in the country, as well as ways to find a way out of the political and institutional impasse. At the meeting, with German Ambassador Christine Althauser also in attendance, Ahmeti said the party insisted on completing the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, systematic reforms and Euro-Atlantic integration all the while underlying the party’s role that contributed to credible elections being organized, DUI said in a press release. “Ahmeti noted the elections had been scheduled to settle the crisis, they had not been intended to extend or deepen the crisis,” read the press release. On his part, Hellbach said Germany had an understanding for Ahmeti’s decision and noted that Berlin was extending support for Macedonia integrated in Euro-Atlantic structures and a country with effective systematic reforms.  DUI’s leader told the German envoy that efforts were being made to unblock the Parliament allowing institutions to start to function. “President Gjorge Ivanov’s rationale is groundless because the joint statement is, in fact, a summary of the election programs of the Albanian parliamentary parties and the document in no way threatens the constitutional order of Macedonia,” Ahmeti said.


Time to end political stalemate, says OSCE Secretary General Zannier after visiting Skopje (MIA)


OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier expressed concern about the latest developments in Macedonia as he concluded Thursday his visit to the country, calling on political leaders to put an end to the protracted political crisis in the interest of all citizens. “Ending the political stalemate and restoring political stability must be the top priority. The key to the solution lies in the hands of the political actors who need to rise to the challenge and resolve the crisis for the benefit of all citizens,” said Zannier. He noted that the results of the December 2016 elections provided a solid basis for forming a government and called for the Assembly to begin its work, in line with democratic principles and in compliance with the rule of law, the OSCE Mission to Skopje said in press release. Zannier condemned recent inflammatory messages and incidents that could lead to a deterioration of inter-ethnic relations and emphasized that the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA) was of key importance for the protection and advancement of communities’ rights.  Meeting with representatives of civil society organizations, he emphasized their important role in promoting a democratic society and expressed his concerns about reports of pressure.


SDSM Zaev meets Zannier (MIA)


SDSM leader Zoran Zaev and OSCE Secretary General Zannier discussed Thursday in Skopje on the political developments in Macedonia, the party said in a press release. The will of majority of Macedonia's citizens, expressed at the elections, has been undermined by the constitutional crisis, provoked by the decision of President Gjorge Ivanov to withhold the government-formation mandate in spite of the support of 67 MPs, Zaev told Zannier. Zaev urged the President to revoke his 'unconstitutional decision' and entrust the SDSM leader with the mandate for setting up the new Macedonia's government. The civic concept citizens voted for is a driving power for Macedonia's progress and a guarantee of its unitary status, Zaev said.


President Ivanov discussed need to reject Tirana platform with Zannier (MIA)


Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov met with OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier on Thursday to discuss the political situation and the difficult coalition making process. President Ivanov told Zannier about his positions and the reasons that led him to withhold giving the mandate to form a government to SDSM party leader Zoran Zaev. “President Ivanov said that ther are legal and political aspects which represent a problem, but also a pre-condition to leave the crisis. Regarding the legal issues that affect giving the mandate, it was told that they are easy to overcome. But, as for the political aspect, President Ivanov said that he remains on his position that the Tirana platform should be condemned and rejected, as should be the interference in the internal affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, which don’t help efforts to build good neighborly relations and maintain regional stability,” a press release from President Ivanov's office informed.

According to the press release, Secretary General Zannier expressed his concern for the inter-ethnic tensions, and appealed to constructive steps to overcome the crisis. “He agreed with President Ivanov that regional leaders should refrain from damaging rhetoric,” the press release adds.


Swift elections will solve crisis, VMRO-DPMNE officials tell Zannier (Republika)


A VMRO-DPMNE delegation, led by party leader Nikola Gruevski, held a meeting Thursday with OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier. At the meeting, the OSCE head reiterated his clear views regarding current issues, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release. “On its part, VMRO-DPMNE expressed dissatisfaction with the Tirana Platform, drafted under the auspices of a neighboring country, which is perceived as an attempt to re-negotiate the Ohrid Framework Agreement. The platform failed to win the trust of the citizens at the December elections," stated the press release. At the meeting, the VMRO-DPMNE officials said the principle of a coalition between the winner in the Macedonian bloc and the winner of the Albanian bloc in elections had been violated. "It is a principle that has been strongly championed by DUI and by the international community. The violation of this principle indicates that the majority of Macedonians are excluded from the decision-making process,” the press release said. The only way out of the crisis, it added, is to organize early parliamentary elections as soon as possible in parallel with the local elections, in which the citizens would be given the chance to elect programs presented upfront. VMRO-DPMNE, it was stressed, advocates for a multi-ethnic and a civic country in which the rights of all communities will be equally respected. “We do not stand for a bi-national country that is being promoted through the Tirana platform and the parties that have adopted it. It is believed it could lead to the country being federalized, which could, in turn, provoke fresh tensions.” As regards the issue of civil society, the VMRO-DPMNE officials said much of the civil organizations in Macedonia were funded by the same source, i.e. US billionaire George Soros. “These funds are mostly awarded for the same political goals of the same political ideology, thus preventing the civil sector from exercising pluralism. The de-Sorosization process, fronted by VMRO-DPMNE, aims at, first and foremost, more funds being planned by the government for non-governmental organizations, so that they should not be depended on only one source,” stated the press release.


US Mission to OSCE: We are disappointed in Ivanov, we ask that he reconsiders his decision (Meta)


The United States was disappointed that President Ivanov declined to offer the opportunity to form a new government to representatives who have a clear parliamentary majority, and he was asked to reconsider him decision, reads the statement from a speech by the Head of the US Mission to the OSCE, Kate Burns on the political situation in Macedonia. “Together with our NATO allies and EU partners, the United States has been closely following the process of government formation in Macedonia triggered by the 11 December 2016 parliamentary elections. The United States was disappointed that President Ivanov declined to offer the opportunity to form a new government to representatives who have a clear parliamentary majority. We believe this action was inconsistent with OSCE commitments, basic democratic principles, and the rule of law, which are core values of this Organization”, said the statement from the US Mission to OSCE. As a strategic partner and friend of Macedonia, and with full respect for its sovereignty and unity, stresses the statement, the US Mission to OSCE urges President Ivanov to reconsider his decision. “We also urge the government, political leaders, and parties to refrain from attacks on civil society organizations and to help provide the conditions and support for independent voices and institutions to perform their work. At the same time, we urge Macedonia’s neighbors to exercise restraint and be constructive at this moment of heightened political sensitivity in the country,” emphasized the US Mission to OSCE. The United States calls on all parties to put the interests of Macedonia and its citizens above all else, to work together constructively, and to fully implement all the commitments under the Przino Agreement.

Resolving the political crisis, the statement goes on to say, can only come through adherence to Macedonia’s laws and international obligations, and respect for the will of the people freely expressed through democratic processes including on the basis of the results of the December 2016 elections, and in a spirit of inclusiveness and inter-ethnic cooperation.

The statement by Burns comes at the same time of the visit of the OSCE General Secretary, Lamberto Zannier to Macedonia and his meetings with leaders from the state and politics in the country.


Bojko Noev: Macedonia must urgently ask for a preventive and stabilizing mission from the EU (Meta)


Macedonia must urgently ask for a preventive and a stabilizing mission from the European Union in the country, said the former Minister of Defense and Ambassador of Bulgaria in NATO, Belgium, and Luxemburg, Bojko Noev, in an interview for the Bulgarian news agency “Fokus”. The letter from President Gjorge Ivanov addressed to the European Union, USA, NATO and Turkey is seen by Noev as a “sort of SOS signal sent to the international community that the ship in Skopje is sinking”. “It’s a dramatic admission that the country is on the edge of lawlessness. The political crisis, which we have been observing for a while, has escalated to a condition where the Republic of Macedonia is basically losing its sovereignty,” said Noev. When asked whether the reasons for the situation are external, as Ivanov claims in the letter, Noev says that the reasons in most part are inner and are not simple. “To put it simply, the current ruling elite harness the entire power of the state and society and built it on a fictional false past instead of building a future for its citizens.  The ruling elite has left everything to sink because of the inferiority complex, geopolitical short-sightedness, provincialism and personal greed. That weakened and additionally has divided the country and today we see the results. Of course, there are external reasons, which are of second degree. If you are strong from the inside, no one can scare you from the outside,” said Noev, who was a Minister of Defense of Bulgaria during the conflict in Macedonia in 2001.


Albanian parliament welcomes the resolution for the release of Haradinaj (ADN)


Parliament welcomed and fully supported on Thursday the approval by the Kosovo Parliament of a resolution that demands former-Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj release. “I welcomed in the name of Parliament the resolution approved by Kosovo Parliament that demands the unconditioned release of Ramush Haradinaj,” said Meta, speaking at the end of the parliamentary session. The resolution approved by the Kosovo Parliament was an initiative of Haradinaj’s political force, Kosovo Future Alliance (KFA). This resolution demands the immediate interruption of talks with Serbia until Haradinaj is released by the French authorities.


Electoral reform, ad hoc commission deadline postponed (ADN)


Another month for politicians to realize the electoral reform as the parliament postponed on Thursday by a month the deadline of the Ad Hoc Commission on Electoral Reform. The postponement request had been submitted by the Socialist MP, Taulant Balla in quality of commission’s co-chair. Postponement decision was approved only with majority’s vote due to the opposition’s boycott of the parliament. This decision comes only three months before the Parliamentary Elections of 18 June.




Kosovo is Being Assisted in Creating a National Army: By Whom and Why? (Sputnik, 10 March 2017)


In an interview with Sputnik Serbia, Milovan Drecun, chairman of the Serbian parliament's Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, said NATO is behind Kosovo's push to create its own army.

In an interview with Sputnik Serbia, Milovan Drecun, chairman of the Serbian parliament's Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, specifically underscored the importance of adhering to a relevant UN resolution on the issue. "A KFOR mission and NATO should respect UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which does not stipulate creating Kosovo's army. Meanwhile, relevant preparations have taken place for several years now, with NATO instructors training Kosovo soldiers. Actually, NATO created this army, which is why it's clear that Thaci [should] avoid making steps that would be out of line with the position of NATO and the most influential members of the alliance," Drecun said. He added that "NATO and the US are trying to give a kind of legitimacy to Kosovo's move [to create its army], because even for them it is unacceptable that the Serbs, the second most influential national community in the province, were excluded from this process." Drecun also said that Kosovo Serbs and Belgrade should [be engaged in] more diplomatic efforts within the UN, the EU and NATO in a bid to prevent Thaci from implementing his plans. "It is necessary to point out to everyone that the [possible] Kosovo national army would become an additional destabilizing factor in the already destabilized situation," Drecun stressed.