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Belgrade Media Report 15 March



Vucic: Merkel is very concerned about Western Balkans (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) after the meeting that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was very concerned with the events in the region of the Western Balkans. “She is concerned about the events in the region. She does not know all of the details, her associates do, but she sees the big picture and recognizes the gist. She is one of the rare European leaders who are deeply worried,” he said. According to Vucic they discussed bilateral relations, attracting investors, regional stability, stressing that the German chancellor was very pleased with Serbia’s economic stability. Vucic said that Serbia’s European path depended on Germany, that our country had a lot to learn from looking at the example of Germany and their winners’ mentality. “Germany is today becoming one of Serbia’s key partners,” Vucic said, adding that the Germans had a much better understanding of the reforms   that the Serbian cabinet had undertaken.  According to him, the number of persons in Serbia employed with German companies is growing daily. Asked whether Merkel had any messages ahead of this week’s summit of Western Balkans prime ministers in Sarajevo he said she told him exactly what to say to Johannes Hahn. “I said – don’t worry, I’ll convey it,” said Vucic, and added that the message concern the development of certain projects with Bosnia, Macedonia, and Albania.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Merkel earlier in the day, Vucic said that Serbia was investing a lot of effort in preservation of regional peace and stability and that the situation in some countries of the Western Balkans was turbulent - while he was confident that peace and stability can be preserved with the help of the EU and Germany. According to the Serbian government, he said that the entire Western Balkan region is seen as the place of future significant growth, while Serbia is on the right track when it comes to the economy.

“We respect the fact that Merkel appreciates our effort and our work, but also the message that we have to do much more. The German chancellor is right when she talks about it, especially when it comes to the rule of law and efficiency of the judicial system, and we expect a lot of support and assistance of Germany and the European Union,” he said, and expressed his gratitude to Merkel for always having understanding for Serbia.


Dacic: Pristina’s decision is illegal and unacceptable (Tanjug)


The decision of the Kosovo government for all immovable property registered in the name of

the Socialist Federal Republic of Serbia (SFRJ), Serbia and the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija to be registered in the name of Kosovo is for Serbia completely illegal, unacceptable and doesn’t have legal significance, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told journalists in Belgrade. “This is yet another unilateral move by Pristina that shows they are not interested in the Brussels dialogue, because we have launched this topic several times, but they never wanted to discuss this,” said Dacic.


Djuric: We will propose that the Serbian government annuls the Kosovo government decision (Beta/RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has stated that he will propose that the government annuls, at the first following session, the decision of the government in Pristina for all immovable property in Kosovo to be registered in the name of the Republic of Kosovo as the owner of this property. “We will propose that the government annuls the unlawful, unconstitutional and illegal decision of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina and the separatist leadership, as it was done in the ‘Trepca’ case,” Djuric told a press conference after the meeting with Serb members of the provincial government, mayors from ten municipalities with a Serb majority, and representatives of the Serb List.  He pointed out that this way they would prevent legal and all other harmful consequences effects on people and property in Kosovo.


Jankovic: Vucic paid the meeting with Merkel with property in Kosovo (Beta)


It is completely obvious that Aleksandar Vucic had paid the election meeting with the smiling German Chancellor Angela Merkel with state property, presidential candidate Sasa Jankovic said, adding this is another recognition of Kosovo’s independence. He told Beta that in the weakened state chain of the Republic of Serbia, Vucic is the weakest link. “Kosovo used a political mechanism for succession of former Yugoslav republics that had done so in a similar manner. However, Kosovo is not a former republic. Secret agreements and negotiations are not conducted when it comes to diplomacy and state, nor will these secret agreements remain secret forever,” concluded Jankovic.


Dveri: Regime accepted seizure of Serbian property (Beta)


Dveri considers that the Serbian Prime Minister accepted the seizure of Serbian property in Kosovo, and in return he received a pat on the back from Angel Merkel. The statement that is a reaction to the announcement of the Pristina authorities to pre-register all immovable property registered in the name of the Socialist Federal Republic of Serbia (SFRJ), Serbia and the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, reads that at issue is a scandalous decision and result of treacherous Brussels agreements, with which Vucic’s regime now, and Tadic’s regime previously, are ensuring the completion of the statehood of so-called Kosovo. The privatization of Serbian public companies in Kosovo has been underway for the past ten years, so this is no surprise, especially if one bears in mind that at they are working on the implementation of Ahtisaari’s destructive plan which was rejected in the United Nations Security Council. “According to the plan of the then mediator in the negotiations Martti Ahtisaari, all immovable and movable property of the former SDRJ or Republic of Serbia, as the legal successor, which is on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, should become the property of Kosovo,” the statement reads. Dveri accuse the Serbian Prime Minister that he had accepted the seizure of Serbian property in Kosovo after he accepted in Brussels the constitutional and legal order of Kosovo and accepted the abolishment of Serbian institutions in Kosovo and Metohija.


Djordjevic receives Scott ahead of Global Coalition meeting (Tanjug/Beta)


Serbian Defense Minister Zoran Djordjevic and US Ambassador Kyle Scott on Tuesday spoke about bilateral defence cooperation ahead of the upcoming ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition against ISIL, to be held in Washington next week. They described as positive the high level of bilateral military cooperation and its impact on overall bilateral relations. Djordjevic and Scott noted the US contribution to modernizing and equipping the Serbian Armed Forces through numerous donations. They also exchanged views on the current political and security situation. Serbia is continuing to pursue a balanced defense policy, constantly working on enhancing and further developing the relations in this field with all states and international organizations, said Djordjevic, who is scheduled to attend the Washington meeting.




Izetbegovic: Covic is provoking the Bosniak side by constantly meeting with Dodik (Hayat)


Commenting on Tuesday’s meeting of Croat member of B&H Presidency and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, Bosniak member of B&H Presidency and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said that Covic’s constant meetings with Dodik will certainly not enable faster solving of issues. “I think that Mr. Covic is actually provoking the Bosniak side by constantly meeting with Dodik, due to which there is no relaxation of relations with the Bosniak side or within B&H,” Izetbegovic noted. Izetbegovic also said that amendments to the Election Law of B&H, in the manner HDZ B&H proposes them, are unacceptable. “Mr. Covic and HDZ B&H used to insist on implementation of “Sejdic-Finci” ruling. Now they have given up on that and they insist only on the segment related to the Croat corps,” Izetbegovic concluded.


Radoncic: Coalition with SDA will be technical; SDA: Radoncic needs to explain (FTV)


FTV carries that the SDA-SBB B&H coalition could fall apart. Namely, relations between the leaders of those two parties, Bakir Izetbegovic and Fahrudin Radoncic, have been bad for some time now, with both Izetbegovic and Radoncic saying that their relations are cold and formal. Radoncic has used the revision of B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia to launch a verbal attack against Izetbegovic. Radoncic went so far as to say that Izetbegovic’s statements regarding the revision should perhaps undergo a psychiatric evaluation. “As far as the coalition and SBB B&H are concerned, the coalition will be technical from now on and we will support only the things that are in the interest of citizens,” Radoncic said. Representatives of SDA, on the other hand, said that Radoncic needs to explain what technical government means, given that next general elections in B&H will be held in a year and a half. SDA Vice-President Sefik Dzaferovic said that he has a feeling that Mr. Radoncic used the situation related to the revision to calculate and politicize. Third coalition partner in the Federation of B&H - HDZ B&H – is yet to take an official position regarding the problems in the coalition. However, HDZ B&H supports SBB B&H. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that distrust in the SDA-SBB B&H-HDZ B&H coalition reached its peak. “SDA, SBB B&H and HDZ B&H have a responsibility in the Federation of B&H for both the executive and legislative authorities. But, I wonder how can we fulfill our obligations if our cooperation is only technical,” Covic underlined.


Moore: There were neither conditions nor evidence for revision of ruling (Glas Srpske)


Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Jonathan Moore said that the OSCE Mission to B&H expected request for revision of ruling in the case of B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia to be rejected by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and they believed victims should be clearly told that conditions have not been met for successful revision. However, some institutions and individuals decided to act differently, Moore said. “We have raised the issue of legitimacy of Sakib Softic, and we were also asking about evidence - because of the fact that no one has ever seen new evidence, at least not publicly. We have also talked about the fact that four requests for revision have been submitted in the past, and not a single one of them has been accepted,” Moore said. Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H reminded that the ICJ eventually ruled that request for revision was not submitted on behalf of B&H. “The Registry and the President of the Court have rejected this request and now we have to move on and be aware that many challenges are ahead of B&H”, Moore said. He added that he completely understands frustrations of victims “who have not been given enough justice, who still seek justice and will continue seeking it”. “That is not a political issue but a matter of justice, but it is clear that those people were misused for political reasons,” Moore concluded.


RS CoP rejects veto filed by Bosniak Caucus on referendum on RS Day, Bosniak Caucus launches procedure for protection of VNI on all items of agenda (RTRS)


The Council of Peoples (CoP) of Republika Srpska (RS) held a session in Banja Luka on Tuesday, but failed to reach an agreement on launching a procedure for the protection of vital national interest of Bosniaks regarding the decision of the National Assembly of the RS (RSNA) to declare the results of the referendum on the Day of the RS, to dissolve the RS Referendum Commission, the law on elementary education of the RS and regarding a conclusion on the motion for the revision of the ruling in case of B&H lawsuit against Serbia before the international Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. The Bosniak Caucus in this institution launched the procedure for the protection of vital national interest on all items that were on Tuesday’s agenda. When it comes to the revision of the lawsuit, the Bosniak Caucus underlined that this issue does not fall under RSNA’s competences, but under those of the joint institutions. Commenting on the issue, Vice President of the RS CoP from rank of Bosniaks Kemo Camdzija underscored that the RSNA cannot attempt to change the Dayton Peace Accords by saying that the High Representative and the foreign judges in the Constitutional Court of B&H (CC B&H) need to leave. The Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP pointed out that, by passing a number of conclusions, the RSNA MPs attempted to deny genocide and conceal crimes. The statements of the Bosniak Caucus sparked negative reactions among Serb members of RS CoP. SNSD MP in the RS Igor Zunic deemed that the explanation provided by Bosniaks in the RS CoP was brazen and untrue. Reporter noted that, given that the RS CoP rejected the veto filed by the Bosniak Caucus and failed to reach consent on other issues, all materials will be forwarded to the Joint Commission of the RSNA and the RS CoP. RS CoP Speaker Nada Tesanovic confirmed that the RS CoP also failed to reach a consent on other issues related to the referendum and announced that these issues will be discussed by the Joint Commission of the RS CoP and the RSNA.


Protests until the solution of the crisis (RTCG)


The protests are the only way to resolve the current political crisis in Montenegro, said DF official Predrag Bulatovic. He said that this political alliance strongly supports the full unity of the opposition. "Whatever the opposition arranges, no matter what the decision will be, it will be the right one. Elections in Niksic showed that," Bulatovic said, adding that the boycott would not have succeeded if it were not for the unity of the opposition. Bulatovic said that in the coming days Herceg Novi will be an important issue that the opposition will discuss about. "Whatever they decide it will be victory of opposition," Bulatovic is sure, stating that the differences over Herceg Novi have to be discussed at the table. Bulatovic said that the boycott of parliament gave results but that it was not enough now. He pointed out that he will also consult the rest of the opposition in order to organize protests, stating that they will not make unilateral moves. Bulatovic said he did not rule out the possibility of local or some other protests. "We will not have an understanding for certain opposition entities justifying their non-participation in the protests by some reasons that we cannot understand. Nothing is more important than to remove the regime of Milo Djukanovic," said Bulatovic.


Mandic and Radunovic gave up evidentiary hearing: We want a decision as soon as possible (CDM)


Democratic Front (DF) officials, Andrija Mandic and Slaven Radunovic, gave up further evidentiary hearing in order for the court to make a decision as soon as possible. Mandic and Radunovic have been charged with calling for violent change of the constitutional order at the protests on 24 October last year. “In order for the court’s decision to be made as soon as possible, we gave up proposing witnesses. We think that everything is quite clear in our case,” Mandic told reporters. He called in mind that they had one witness, former Parliament speaker Ranko Krivokapic, who had given a statement. “He told the truth regarding our communication that evening. There are recordings, there are our statements. I must tell you that both of us are very proud of our speeches that night. We think that they were fully in line with the given situation,” said Mandic. Slaven Radunovic said that it would be good if a verdict was issued as soon as possible. “Thus, we could enter solving the other problem imposed to DF in a similar way,” said Radunovic.


Russians interfered to stop road to NATO (RTCG)


Montenegrin Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic said that Russia interfered in the election process in Montenegro with a desire to thwart the entry of our country into NATO. He said that Russia's interference in the electoral processes of other countries is now a topic that is mentioned almost on a daily basis in the pages of the world media, as well as through the statements of officials of various countries. Darmanovic explained that this interference is being implemented through cyber-attacks, powerful propaganda, generous financial helping of the parties that oppose NATO or the EU, intelligence work. "In accordance with the doctrine of hybrid warfare, such actions are not conducted by official Russian institutions, so the Moscow generally can say that they are not behind such actions, nor they are familiar with them," said Darmanovic.


SDSM: Ivanov should stop stalling and immediately hand over the mandate (Meta)


We call on Ivanov to stop stalling in an attempt to save Gruevski and the leadership of the VMRO-DPMNE of responsibility for crime and fraud, and to immediately give the mandate in order for a pro-reform government to be formed, reads the reaction by SDSM after Ivanov’s cabinet released a statement saying “the obstacles in awarding the mandate still exist.” “The only obstacles in the Republic of Macedonia are Gjorge Ivanov and Nikola Gruevski. The large majority of the 700.000 voters chose change, justice, unity and the program of the new government will make that possible”, says the reaction from SDSM. Ivanov’s cabinet told the state news agency MIA that the president maintains his position from his address to the citizens of Macedonia on 1 March 2017.


MFA: Statements with incendiary rhetoric are not in the spirit of European values (Meta)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the statement by Albanian MP, Mesila Doda, in which during her visit to Debar, she said that Macedonia does not exist and that it is an old Albanian province and is called Illyria. “The MFA of the Republic of Macedonia condemns public appearances with offensive and incendiary rhetoric of officials from the Republic of Albania, referring to Macedonia. Irresponsible statements made by public figures whose function requires and involves responsibility for their public expressed attitudes, is not in the spirit of good neighborly relations and declared commitment to friendship and cooperation between the two countries and especially not in the spirit of European values, ” said the reaction from the Macedonian Foreign Ministry. The Ministry expects officials from neighboring countries to refrain from rekindling tensions in the region and recommended that it would be more useful if their energy was directed towards more constructive proposals and initiatives – which would strengthen cooperation and the trust between the two countries, improve the standard of living and would speed up European integration.


SDSM condemns provocative rhetoric by Albanian MP Mesila Doda (Meta)


SDSM condemned the statement made by Albanian MP, Mesila Doda during a visit to Debar. She stated that Macedonia does not exist and that it is an old Albanian province and is called Illyria. “We condemn the provocative rhetoric in the statement made by Albanian MP, Mesila Doda, while referring to the Republic of Macedonia, which is not in the spirit of good neighborly relations and mutual respect between two neighboring countries,” reads the reaction from SDSM. According to the party, such public events work in favor only for those who create divisions and work to encourage discord and intolerance, contrary to European values, which we strive to achieve.


Basha with Russian Ambassador: Further collaboration needed (ADN)


The leader of the opposition, Lulzim Basha, had a meeting on Tuesday with the Russian Ambassador in Tirana, Aleksander Karpushin in DP headquarter. Their conversation was focused on the tense political situation, opposition protest for free and fair elections and further collaboration between the two countries. Ambassador Karpushin underlined that Russia evaluates that there are unexploited opportunities to increase the economical collaboration between Albania and Russia. He expressed confidence that a strong impetus to the bilateral economic exchanges will give the meeting in Tirana in April between the co-heads of Russia and Albania on Trade and Economy.


Bushati - Alfano: Judicial reform key on EU integration (ADN)


Italy will continue to be an advocate for Albania on its road to integration. The message was given on Tuesday by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Angelino Alfano who is in an official visit in Albania. During the meeting with his counterpart, Ditmir Bushati, Alfano appreciated the efforts of Albanian Government to realize all the necessary reforms. From his side, Minister Bushati thanked Italy for the support to Albania on the integration process.

"Judicial Reform, especially Vetting Law, are the key for the opening of the accession negotiations with the EU. We have voted the constitutional changes and judicial reform and I want to underline that there is no turn back," said Bushati.




Merkel Praises Serbia's Handling Of Migrants Taking Balkan Route To EU (RFE/RL, 15 March 2017)


German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised Serbia for its role in helping deal with Europe's migration crisis as she met with Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic in Berlin on March 14. Merkel applauded Serbia for taking in asylum seekers, and added that Germany "doesn't want to leave Serbia alone." "Unfortunately it's not as if there is no more illegal migration on the so-called Balkan route," Merkel said. Vucic, whose country currently hosts about 7,500 refugees, thanked Merkel for Germany's support providing Serbia with equipment and police. "We want to continue with what we are doing, we want to show our solidarity as well as our humanity," Vucic said. A year ago, the Balkan migration route -- which runs through Serbia, Macedonia, and Croatia from Greece and Turkey -- was officially closed, although some migrants continue to try to get through. Some 525 kilometers of fencing has now been installed to stop migrants moving through the area. In 2015, at the height of the migration crisis, Germany took in a record 890,000 migrants, most arriving via the Balkan route.


Italian minister wants EU to affirm support for Balkans (Associated Press, by Llazar Semini, 14 March 2017)


TIRANA, Albania (AP) — Italy's foreign minister is urging the European Union to send a strong message of commitment to western Balkan countries to help counter the nationalist rhetoric of some leaders in the region. Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano on Tuesday was in Albania as part of preparations for a summit of some EU and western Balkan nations to be held in Trieste, Italy on July 12. Launched by German Chancellor Angela Merkel four years ago, the so-called Berlin process each year gives leaders in the western Balkans a chance to discuss joint projects or platforms with help from the EU. Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo are at different stages of being integrated into the bloc. Domestic politics and tense relations in the region have been obstacles in the process. "Due to that situation the EU should reaffirm its role as a main partner in the region and send a strong and concrete message of cooperation and commitment to all the western Balkan countries," Alfano said. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini toured the region earlier this month, trying to reassure Balkan countries that the EU remains open to enlarging despite discord in the 28-nation bloc.

Alfano said both the western Balkan countries and the rest of Europe would benefit from cooperation. "The EU is not at an easy moment. But it is the most achieved institutional and political experiment of the world history," he said. "There is no other case where people at war, with millions of people dead, in a few decades achieve freedom, democracy, well-being and turn into the second industrial power in the world."


Russia: Commission should play a more positive role in the Western Balkans (EurActiv, by Georgi Gotev)


Speaking to, Russia’s Ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, criticised the European Commission’s handling of the crises in Macedonia and Kosovo, and regretted the “hysteria” over alleged Russian interference in Montenegro.


On Macedonia

Speaking about the political crisis in Macedonia, Chizhov criticised the Commission’s support for a government which would be put in place in exchange for accepting the so-called “Albanian platform”. On 1 March, Macedonia’s President Gjorge Ivanov refused to allow a coalition of Social Democrats and parties representing the country’s big ethnic Albanian minority to form a government because of their pledge to allow wider official use of the Albanian language.

In a letter sent to Council President Donald Tusk ahead of the 9-10 March EU summit, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov warns against attempts by Western powers to impose on his country a political platform “written in Tirana”. The Russian diplomat slammed both Council President Donald Tusk and Neighbourhood Commissioner Johannes Hahn. He said: “When I read statements by high officials of the EU, including Council President Donald Tusk himself, mentioning outside interference in Macedonia, I take it as an expression of self-criticism on his part. When Commissioner Hahn is addressing the Macedonian president, telling him he should not interfere in the constitutional process of his country – I ask, ‘Isn’t the president the head of state and the guarantor of the constitution?'” Chizov made reference to the Ohrid agreement of 13 August 2001 between the government of Macedonia and ethnic Albanian representatives which put an end to the conflict between the ethnic Albanian ‘National Liberation Army’ and Macedonian security forces. The agreement included provisions for altering the official languages of the country, with any language spoken by over 20% of the population becoming co-official with the Macedonian language on a municipal level. “The Ohrid agreement was brokered by nobody else but my good old friend Javier Solana, and I pointed out to him then the possible dangers of that agreement, which fixed a quota for Albanian representation. Actually, I asked him if he would follow this example in the Baltics, but didn’t get much of an answer,” Chizhov said. The Rusian diplomat said that Albanian parties were “summoned to Tirana, to the office of the Albanian prime minister”, and “signed what is now referred to as the Albanian platform, which would expand the rights of the Albanian minority to a level on par with what in other countries is part of a federal structure”. “The leader of the opposition Zoran Zaev accepted this platform, which is contrary to the Macedonian constitution. The EU neglected all this, saying (that) this coalition has 67 seats out of 120, so he should be prime minister and let the process go in that direction. Which of course President Ivanov could not accept. The EU should have played a more positive role, rather than a detrimental one,” Chizhov said. The leader of Macedonia’s Social Democrats said yesterday (23 February) he expected to be able to form a new government in March, having found an agreement with the biggest Albanian party over a law backing broader use of their language in the country.


On Serbia-Kosovo

Serbian and Kosovar leaders agreed to continue talks after a meeting in Brussels on Tuesday (24 January). EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said normalising relations was vital for the two countries but her guests only succeeded in antagonising the two sides. He made reference to the bridge over the river Ibar in the town of Mitrovica which has become a symbol of the divisions between Albanians on the south side and Serbs in the north. Following the North Kosovo crisis, in 2013, the Serb-majority municipality of North Mitrovica was created, dividing the city into two administrative units, both operating within Kosovo’s legal framework.

“When the story of the so-called amphitheatre in Mitrovica unfolded [the local Serbs built a concrete structure in the form of an amphitheatre to prevent vehicles from crossing the bridge], and Pristina went ballistic, demanding it should be removed. The EU intervened, and they made the Serbs agree that they would demolish the amphitheatre and that in exchange the Kosovars would remove their special forces from the southern end of that bridge. But what about the obligation of Pristina to create an assembly of Serb municipalities? Not only the Kosovars but also the EU is not referring to it anymore,” the diplomat stated.


On Montenegro:

Since the 16 October election, when 20 people were arrested for planning to carry out a coup d’état, tensions have built up in the small Western Balkan country. According to the British press, quoting Whitehall sources, the coup to attack Montenegro’s parliament and kill pro-Western leader was directed by Russian intelligence officers with the support and blessing of Moscow to sabotage the country’s plan to join NATO. Montenegro, which broke away from a union with Serbia to become independent in 2006, has been engulfed in a coup drama since the 16 October general election when authorities arrested 20 Serbians accused of planning armed attacks against government institutions. “Regrettably, in Montenegro an anti-Russian hysteria is taking place, supported by the US and by some EU member states. The so-called coup attempt allegation has never been substantiated, and even less the alleged Russian link,” he said.

Asked about the names of two Russian citizens been named by the special prosecutor in charge of investigating the coup attempt, Chizhov said: “But who are they? Has somebody seen them?” He added: “This is not serious. Yes, we are against Montenegro’s NATO accession. We consider it detrimental to the effort of enhancing security of Europe. This is an attempt to respond to security challenges of the 21st century by the means of the mid-20th century.” He added that regarding Montenegro’s EU accession Russia had no objections. “You want into the EU? Here is one more headache for the EU,” he said.


Politicians and analysts comment the changes in Rama’s cabinet (IBNA, by Edison Kurani, 15 March 2017)


In the recent days, politics and public opinion have focused on the changes taken place in Prime Minister Edi Rama’s cabinet. Politicians and analysts offer their insights on these movements and the causes in this IBNA forum

“A meeting to honor those who left”

Prominent columnist and opinion maker, Ylli Dylgjeri believes that the four ministers who have left must be respected for the contributions given during these years.

But after praising the ministers the same way Rama praised them, Dylgjeri added in irony the reasons why they must be honored: “This is an excellent occasion to honor the four ministers in a commemorating event, which may be organized in a state institution hall. The public must welcome this human contact. These are new forms which must be encouraged. The former ministers deserve more”.

Nobody can understand Rama’s actions

Opinion maker Andi Bejtja says that what’s happening with the movements in the government is a “triptych dilemma” because according to him, this is a chaotic movement that nobody understands.

“When you regard the government as a club of friends, the people don’t understand what you’re doing, friends do not understand, international community doesn’t understand and government allies do not understand”.

Meanwhile, commenting Rama’s joke “who laughs last, laughs longer”, he adds: “I understand the expression who laughs last, laughs longer, but in this case, it doesn’t make any difference even if you laugh first”.

Braçe targets Basha

The socialist MP, Erion Braçe criticizes the stance of the opposition leader about the changes in the government cabinet. Braçe says that the democrat leader had long targeted the former minister of Interior, Sajmir Tahiri. Braçe tells Basha that he must be prepared as he may face prison.

Braçe accuses Basha for the killing of four protesters in the left wing opposition protest on 21 January 2011.

Therefore, he launches a warning against him: “Killings cannot be redeemed by anything, besides prison!”

The party stands above Albania?

Columnist Endira Bushati says that Tahiri’s removal had been decided three weeks ago, although it was only recently made public by Rama.

Meanwhile, she criticized the fact that according to her, Rama removed “successful ministers for the sake of the party”.

“The Prime Minister declared that if he was removing ministers who had undertaken ‘unprecedented reforms in the past 25 years’ and that ‘nobody thought possible up until three years ago’… They had to be at the party’s service…”, Mrs. Bushati says.

Meanwhile, she adds: “By removing the most successful government minister to mobilize him in the electoral campaign, the government once again manifests its will to ‘strengthen’ the state. It sacrifices a minister of the Republic to serve the Party. This means that the Party stands above Albania!

“Foreign pressure made Tahiri leave”

Prominent democrat activist, Kreshnik Bozho suggests that “the pressure of foreign secret services enabled Tahiri’s removal”.

Meanwhile, he says that “the removal of other ministers was made to veer off the attention of public opinion from this serious event”.

For Mr. Bozho, the situation in the country is “alarming”. “With this arrogant behavior with power and extreme abuse every hour, day and years, it’s no surprise that we would have this painful product for all of us”, he adds.

Rama fears Tahiri

Democrat MP and former minister of Education, Myqerem Tafaj says that “Rama fears Tahiri” and raises a question: “When has it ever happened for the Prime Minister to be pressured by the ministers? Is this war not similar to gang wars?”.

Tafaj predicts fresh developments. According to him, Tahiri’s removal, which was accompanied with the removal of three other ministers, will be followed in the days to come by Edi Rama’s departure.

Former PM Berisha scans the new names

Former Prime Minister and current democrat MP, Sali Berisha, scans the new government ministers.

He says that the new minister of Interior, Fatmir Xhafaj and his family are involved in drug traffic, as his brother, Agron “is an international drug trafficker, sentenced in Italy, Venezuela and Ecuador”.

According to Berisha, Xhafaj has been appointed in this post in order to secure the traffic of heavy drugs in Albania.

The new minister of Health, former director of Tirana Hospital, is considered by Berisha as the main assistant of the discharged ministers Ilir Beqaj, in a series of tenders, where, according to the former PM, there’s been a lot of misuse with public funds.

Berisha also comments the minster of Social Affairs, Olta Xhaçka, recalling the fact that according to him, she was an important part of the former notorious financial Ponzi scheme of Shemsije Kadria from 1996 until 1997.

Meanwhile, Berisha says that former deputy mayor of Tirana, the socialist MP, Eduard Shalsi, who is becoming minister of Local Government, has been involved in embezzlement. Berisha also cites a statement that Mr. Shalsi made several years ago on TV, saying that “we will not steal as openly as the democrats”.

“Ilir Meta as a key factor”

Publicist Fatos Lubonja says that Tahiri’s removal has mainly come as a result of Ilir Meta.

According to Lubonja, using the crisis caused by the opposition’s tent, Meta is aiming to come out as the savior, as it was the case with the Reform in Justice.

Lubonja comments the declaration made by the minister of Integration, who comes from the ranks of SMI, Klajda Gjosha, immediately after Tahiri’s removal, saying that Meta must be the future Prime Minister.

“Tahiri’s removal must be seen as the removal of a man who has been used and could be used more against SMI led by Ilir Meta”, Mr. Lubonja says.

“Rama between three fires”

Writer and analyst, Preç Zogaj believes that Rama finds himself between three fires: opposition, Meta and the international community. “Finding himself between three fires, Rama had to do something to put out one or two of the fires”, Zogaj says about the removal of several ministers.

For Mr. Zogaj, the removal of the minister of Interior should have been accompanied with Rama’s departure. “It’s absurd for the Prime Minister to remove his cabinet and to hold on to his post”.

Zogaj urges Rama to leave his post, in order to deescalate the “crisis”. “The Prime Minister’s move to deescalate the crisis and the vetting process would need to be encouraged and supported. Historically, although crises have been a moment of shock, they have also proven to be a moment when politicians have the opportunity to offer the best solutions”.


World Bank approves $100mn loan for Albania (World Bulletin, 15 March 2017)


The World Bank said it has approved a loan of $100mn (94 million euro) aimed at strengthening the resilience of the banking sector and the regulation and supervision of non-bank financial institutions in Albania.

The World Bank has given Albania a $100mn loan to support state budget, as a reward for fulfilling 10 conditions required to empower the country’s financial system. “These measures will provide the right environment for banking and non-banking institutions to expand crediting on the private sector thus giving a stimulus for an economic growth”, World Bank said in its press release. Approval for a new bankruptcy law was part of the 10 point list, as well as state extraordinary intervention on the banking sector and changes on civic procedure code. These measures are expected to further lower bad loans and avoid potential banking crises. Laws for strengthening supervision on investments fund guarantying citizens savings were also part of the conditions as the World Bank stated a strong financial system is key to lower risks for the economy and support its growth. The Financial Sector Development Policy Loan (DPL) to Albania is a fixed spread IBRD loan with an eight-year grace period and repayment of 31 years, the World Bank said in a press release published on its website late on Monday.

The new loan builds on the work and results of previous World Bank policy-based lending operations that have supported a wide range of reforms to restore the country's macro-financial stability, rekindle economic growth, improve management of public finances, and reform pension and energy sectors. "The reforms supported by this operation aim at addressing the current vulnerabilities of the financial sector and enhancing its resilience," said Ellen Goldstein, World Bank country director for the Western Balkans. "These reforms will enable the right environment for banks and nonbank financial institutions to expand credit to the private sector, which in turn will boost economic growth." The loan operation envisages three key points: adopting policy measures to reduce NPLs and enhance the financial safety net; strengthening regulation, supervision, and resolution regime of banks and savings and credit associations (SCAs); and strengthening the regulation and supervision of investment funds. "The actions undertaken by the government and the financial sector authorities supported by the new operation include significant improvements in the legal framework, such as a new Bankruptcy Law, a Bank Resolution Law, a new law on Savings and Credit Associations, and amendments to the Law on Audit, the Deposit Insurance Law, Collective Investments Undertaking Law, the Civil Procedure Code, and the Private Bailiffs’ Law," the World Bank said. "Some of these key reforms were part of the National Action Plan for the Reduction of NPLs, endorsed by the government and the Bank of Albania".

"These reforms not only mitigate the risks faced currently by the banking sector, but also introduce important changes that will have a long-term benefit for businesses and lending activities in the country," according to Michael Edwards, World Bank task team leader of the project. "The new bankruptcy law, for instance, is expected to substantially improve the effectiveness and speed of handling insolvency cases, and also establish credible restrictions for problematic borrowers," he added. The 2008 global financial crisis slowed down Albania's economic growth significantly and increased vulnerabilities in the financial system through the rapid escalation in public debt and arrears and sharp increase of the percentage of bad loans in the banking sector. The government reacted by starting significant legal, regulatory, and supervisory reforms to lower risks in the financial sector.