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Belgrade Media Report 21 March



Vucic, Fleckenstein: Serbia factor of peace in Western Balkans (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Vucic thanked MEP Knut Fleckenstein, who is also Vice President of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, for the support on the European path of Serbia. The two officials also considered the situation in the region, stressing the role of Serbia as a factor of peace and stability in the Western Balkans. Vucic thanked Fleckenstein, who is also Chairman of the Board of the Association of Samaritan workers in Germany, for cooperation of experts and volunteers of this German humanitarian organization with the authorities in Serbia in assisting migrants in our country. He stressed that the Association of Samaritan workers helped build refugee centers in Dimitrovgrad and Subotica and provided other forms of direct assistance to migrants. Fleckenstein praised responsibility and organization with which Serbia addressed the migrant crisis.


Djuric: Serbian state to preserve its institutions in Kosovo and Metohija (Novosti/Beta)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that the Serbian state would preserve its institutions in Kosovo at any cost. The government official said to students of the Belgrade Faculty of Political Science that Serbia would continue to provide financial assistance for the Serbian people, whose survival, as he put it, depends heavily on that assistance. Djuric’s office quoted him as saying that it was very important that as many people in central Serbia were familiar with the details of political developments in Kosovo. Djuric urged the students to visit Kosovo, offering logistics and any other support the Office for Kosovo and Metohija could provide. The Office chief briefed the students on the status of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, explaining to them in what ways Pristina is obstructing the implementation of the agreements reached in Brussels, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija reported in a press release.


Will Serbs in Kosovo vote in presidential elections? (Tanjug/B92)


Kosovo President Hashim Tachi says that Pristina has not yet reached a decision with regard to the elections for the president of Serbia. And although the Kosovo institutions have not yet taken a position on the holding of the Serbian presidential elections in Kosovo, the OSCE have confirmed their readiness to provide technical help to implement them. The Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) decided, during one of its previous sessions, that 90 polling stations in Kosovo and Metohija would be opened for the elections for the president of Serbia, scheduled for 2 April.  Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic said that anything except the holding of the presidential elections in Kosovo would be a bad message. He also recalled that Serbian elections have so far always been held in the territory of Kosovo.


New trial against Ivanovic to open on 24 March (Politika)


A repeated trial proceeding against Oliver Ivanovic, one of the political leaders of the Kosovo Serbs will, at the request of the Court of Appeals in Pristina, begin on 24 March in the court in Kosovska Mitrovica, Politikawrites. Until the summer break, the plan is to lead the court proceedings during the 12 working days in April, May and June, and at the Prosecution’s request, 18 witnesses of the accusation will be heard again; they had already given their testimonies in the first instance proceedings. “We had expected of the Prosecution to propose a lot smaller number of witnesses, bearing in mind that only one has charged Ivanovic, even though his testimony is under suspicion,” Ivanovic’s lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic said.


EC resumes proceedings against Serbia over Russian gas (Beta)


The Secretariat of the Energy Community has announced that it had resumed the proceedings against Serbia over the agreement with Russia on natural gas deliveries, which did not comply with the competition acquis, and that Serbia had two months to correct the irregularities. EurActiv learned at the Secretariat of the Energy Community on 20 March that they had not received any response from the Serbian government, to the Opening Letter, by which the preliminary proceedings were initiated. In the Reasoned Opinion presented to Serbia on

March 16, it was stated that the 2012 agreement with Russia stipulated that the delivered gas was intended solely for the Serbian market, which was against the Energy Community's regulations.


Russian electoral commission to monitor presidential elections in Serbia (Beta/Politika


The Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) announced that the 2 April presidential election in Serbia would be monitored by the Central Electoral Commission of Russia. They will provide two observers for the work of the electoral committees. The associations Crta (Line), Gradjani na Strazi (Citizens’ Watch), CeSID and Yukom have also applied for monitoring the election. The deadline for applications for observing the election expires on 22 March for foreigners, and on 27 March for domestic observers. According to RIK President Vladimir Dimitrijevic says that he is supposed to meet tomorrow with the OSCE Mission representatives.


Two suspects from Kosovo caught smuggling 13 kilos of drugs (Beta)


Two persons from Prizren have been arrested on Serbia’s northern border with Hungary on suspicion that they were trafficking drugs.The police announced on Tuesday that the pair was caught transporting over 13 kilograms of marijuana in a Slovenian license plates car. The drugs were discovered at the Kelebija border crossing on Monday evening. The suspects have been named with their initials and age as L.D. (42) and H.D. (45). They have been detained and will be taken before a prosecutor in the town of Subotica, the police said.




Session of B&H HoP postponed due to lack of quorum (BN TV)


A session of the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H, which was supposed to be held on Monday, was postponed due to lack of quorum, i.e. due to the failure of three Serb delegates to attend the session. Delegates Nebojsa Radmanovic (SNSD), Sredoje Novic (SNSD) and Dragutin Rodic (DNS) informed the Secretary of the B&H HoP that they will not attend the session, but they did not state the reason why they will not attend it. However, according to BNTV, Radmanovic, Novic and Rodic are putting into practice one of the twelve conclusions of the Republika Srpska (RS) Assembly which called on representatives of the RS in the B&H joint institutions to use all legal and political means at their disposal to prevent adoption of any kind of decisions until vital issues of the RS are solved, such as the issue of the Court of B&H and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and the issue of state property.

Speaker of the B&H HoP Barisa Colak said that it remains to be seen whether this is a one-time thing or something that could be worrying, noting that if such practice continues, that could block the work of the B&H HoP. It is uncertain when SNSD and DNS delegates will stop blocking the work of the B&H HoP. However, one thing is certain, according to the Rules of Procedure they cannot be sanctioned for not attending sessions. According to unofficial information, Radmanovic, Novic and Rodic did not show up at the session due to filing of the motion for revision of B&H’s genocide lawsuit against Serbia, insisting also on resolving the issue of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and work of foreign judges at the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. Softic told reporters that the fact that none of the delegates from the Serb Caucus who did not show up at the session failed to inform Colak about their intention shows that there are deep political reasons behind such behavior. “The Bosniak Caucus held a meeting on Monday morning and decided not to accept any kind of ultimatums when it comes to holding of the sessions in the upcoming period,” Softic stressed.

SDA issued a press release saying that if someone has decided to block the state institutions, they should be aware of the fact that they are also endangering the position of the RS.

The Office of the High Representative (OHR) stated that the stance of the ICJ is clear, adding that there will be no revision of the ruling that caused the political crisis in the first place. “We are calling on all parties to once again constructively engage in the work of the institutions so that B&H could move on as soon as possible.”


Covic: Political situation in B&H is concerning (FTV)


The Presidency of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) held a session in Mostar on Monday. Addressing a press conference after the session, HDZ B&H leader and Croat member of B&H Presidency Dragan Covic stated that it is evident that there is a serious crisis in functioning of authorities at all levels in B&H. Covic announced that representatives of HNS in state-level institutions in B&H will continue working for the sake of “saving the project of B&H, its Euro-Atlantic path, and avoiding a deadlock”. Covic emphasized the importance of preventing a deadlock that could result in blockades of B&H institutions and last until the next general elections. Covic deems that elections will not take place before October 2018, stressing that authorities need to be functional and try to meet the set plans until the elections. Covic announced that Croat parties will launch several initiatives at the entity and state level by the end of April in order to start addressing problems.


Ivanic: Bosniak-Croat relations in Federation of B&H are creating crisis in B&H (Srna)


Chairman of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic stated that relations between Bosniaks and Croats in the Federation of B&H are creating crisis in B&H. “It is our motive that B&H is Dayton-based and stable, because we preserve our own institutions within its framework,” stressed Ivanic. He also said that PDP has entered the phase of stabilization and preparations for the next election. Ivanic emphasized that he preserved dignity of a Serb soldier in B&H Armed Forces at the event organized on occasion of the RS Day. He added it was proven with the case of the request for revision of the ICJ’s ruling in case against Serbia that interest of the RS can be defended peacefully, silently, patiently and with positive effect.


Prosecutor’s Office of B&H receives criminal reports filed by NDP against Softic and Izetbegovic (TV1)


The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has received criminal reports filed by NDP against former B&H’s agent before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Sakib Softic and Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic. The reports were filed due to reasonable doubt that Softic and Izetbegovic committed criminal acts by carrying out an attempt to file a motion for revision of the ICJ’s 2007 ruling in the case of B&H’s genocide lawsuit against Serbia. NDP deems that Softic committed a criminal offense of false representation and unauthorized performing of official act without institutional authorization, while Izetbegovic committed a criminal offense of office abuse.


Crnadak: Commission for investigating case of opening of ICJ’s letter to Ivanic continues its work (EuroBlic)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Igor Crnadak stated that the commission in charge of investigating the case of opening of the letter which the International Court of Justice (ICJ) sent to B&H Presidency Chair Mladen Ivanic will continue its work. The ICJ recently delivered letters to each of B&H Presidency members with regard to the request for revision of B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia via B&H Embassy to Netherlands, but only the letter to Ivanic was delivered in an open envelope.


Former ICTY Prosecutor requested one million EUR to work on revision of ICJ’s ruling in case of B&H’s lawsuit against Serbia (Glas Srpske)


Former International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Prosecutor Geoffrey Nice and his team of lawyers asked for one million EUR for six months of work on preparing request for revision of the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) ruling in the case of B&H genocide lawsuit against Serbia. According to daily, Nice’s team failed to reach an agreement on cooperation with the team in charge of preparing request for revision, but correspondence with former B&H’s agent before the ICJ Sakib Softic was constant during 2016. Nevenka-Nena Tromp sent several e-mails to Softic’s team on Nice’s behalf in 2016, offering their services during the process of preparing motion for revision. Furthermore, according to daily, Tromp and Nice wrote to Softic once again on 3 August 2016, saying that revision should be initiated, otherwise someone might conclude that Bosniaks are satisfied with the 2007 ruling and that they have decided not to appeal the verdict. They underlined, however, that it is difficult to predict the outcome of revision request.


Citizen of Montenegro arrested for war crimes in Croatia (Hina)


Former Yugoslav Navy captain Cedomir Borojevic has been placed in investigative prison in Split on suspicion that he ordered an artillery attack on Sibenik in September 1991. Borojevic was arrested at the Karasovici border crossing between Croatia and Montenegro on March 16. Prosecutors requested 30-day investigative detention, citing a risk of flight, but Split County Court investigating Judge Davor Svalina granted the defense motion for bail on Sunday. The prosecution announced an appeal against the bail ruling, and Borojevic will remain in custody pending completion of the appeal process or bail payment. Borojevic is suspected of war crimes against civilians and violations of the Geneva conventions. "He conveyed an order to his crew to attack the city of Sibenik without selecting targets, by firing all weapons available at civilian buildings and civilians with the aim of intimidating them, destroying their property and occupying the city. They opened fire from a boat using 40mm Bofors guns and 20mm heavy machineguns, firing at civilian buildings," the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office (DORH) said in a statement, adding that the attack had threatened human lives and caused extensive damage to residential and commercial properties.


Coalition can be terminated (Dan)


In the way the coalition agreement with the Democratic Party of Socialists was reached, it can be terminated in the same way, the president of the Bosniak Party Rafet Husovic said. In an interview with daily Dan, Husovic pointed out that during the replacement procedure in the case of Adnan Muhovic, who is the president of Parliament of Petnjica, the Rules of the Statute and other legal acts were violated although the Bosniak party sought to reach a compromise.

"In the same way that the coalition agreement was reached, it can be terminated. Personally, I feel bitterness about the termination of the coalition in Petnjica, because I am the main culprit for its constitution in 2013. However, it is obvious that the coalition and the parliamentary majority are changing both on the local and state level, and that's perfectly legitimate," said Husovic. A few days ago a prominent official of BS Orhan Sahmanovic was sentenced to one year prison. Husovic believes that Sahmanovic was imposed draconian punishment.


Russian influence without long term consequence (RTCG)


Johannes Hahn, the European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations assessed that the situation in the Western Balkans was fragile. He said that long term solution was possible only in international context that is within the EU. Regarding the resistance to further enlargement of the EU, Hahn says that majority of the citizens of the members states is reserved, and that is why it is important to persuade them that a new member would not be a burden or problem, but benefit.  Countries that strive to join the EU, according to him, must meet the prerequisites, the legal system must work, they have to become more attractive as places for investment. The economies of the potential member states should be a key factor. “That is why we have proposed a common market for the region of the Western Balkans, with free flow of goods and services, the mutual recognition of certificates. This would be relatively easy to implement, without having to change contracts, and would be the first step towards the European common market,” Hahn is convinced. He noted Russian influence in the region, especially when it comes to geo-strategic development. He mentioned Montenegro’s accession to NATO, which is not well received in Russia. “They’re trying to create some problems, but it won’t have long-term consequences, because 70 percent of investments in the region comes from the EU, and there will be more,” underscores Hahn.


Montenegro to join EU through urgent procedure? (Dnevne novine)


Montenegrin could be accepted into the EU through an urgent procedure. This could imply the reduction of the current projection for accession in five years to three or even two years, Dnevne Novine newspaper learns from several sources within the EU administration. The idea, first initiated by the Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, has been brought up again after the last Thursday’s European Parliament’s (EP) session. That’s when MEP’s said that Montenegro was displaying readiness to become an EU member through daily reforms. They pointed out the great Russia’s influence on the processes in Montenegro and urged the competent authorities in the country to examine the Russian meddling in the October elections as soon as possible. The seriousness of the Russian influence is proven by the fact that Montenegro has never stood better in international relations than in recent months, but there are forces in the country openly tending to confrontation and destabilization.

A few days ago in Sarajevo Prime Minister Dusko Markovic said that an urgent response was needed and that the EU and not someone else should be present on the Balkans. Markovic added that he sometimes gets the impression that there is prevailing opinion that the enlargement process will take place, albeit slowly and routinely, regardless of turbulence in the European Union and despite the strong influence of the so-called third parties in the Western Balkans and finally, despite the strengthening of anti-European forces in the region. “My belief is that the Western Balkans cannot join the EU slowly or routinely,” said Markovic.

He expressed the hope that, despite its challenges, Europe will step up its presence in the region and that the enlargement process will be slowed down for formal, bureaucratic or any other reasons that are not substantive, but that the EU will rather promote a well done job in every state in the negotiating process, thus keeping its doors open for the Western Balkans.


Vote for demarcation (RTCG)


Kosovo President Hashim Tachi has called on coalition partners to convince their MPs to vote in favor of ratifying an agreement on border demarcation with Montenegro. Tachi stressed that delaying the ratification would put off the visa liberalization process and the process of NATO integration and ‘undermine’ Kosovo’s EU future. The Agreement for the Border Demarcation between Kosovo and Montenegro was signed by Tachi and his Montenegro counterpart Igor Luksic in 2015. The agreement is expected to be ratified by the assemblies of both respective countries in order for it to be implemented and come into force. Montenegro has repeatedly stressed that Podgorica has honored its side of the deal.


SDSM refuses proposal for early elections, wants to form a government (MIA)


SDSM spokesman Petre Shilegov said that Macedonia does not need new elections, and that the party expects that the Parliament will be constituted as soon as possible to vote on a new government. “We had elections and the majority of the voters said they want change. A new majority is formed in the parliament. President Ivanov has no right to defy the Constitution,” Shilegov said. President Gjorge Ivanov refused to give SDSM the mandate to form a Government with three smaller parties that represent ethnic Albanians after SDSM leader Zoran Zaev agreed to the Tirana platform, which Ivanov finds unconstitutional. VMRO-DPMNE, which narrowly won the elections, calls for a new vote, citing high disapproval ratings of the Tirana platform among SDSM voters, and saying it was only presented to the voters after the election was over. Shilegov said that the party expects that the visit of European Commissioner Johannes Hahn on Tuesday will reiterate the position of EU diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini, that Ivanov should give Zaev the mandate. Shilegov also blamed President Ivanov and VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski of rhetoric of political violence and called for a condemnation from the Union. Shilegov also warned high school principals against allowing students to leave classes on Tuesday and attend protests. After three weeks of daily rallies by the association For a United Macedonia, a particularly large wave of rallies against the Tirana platform is expected on Tuesday.


Brussels will not comment on “Gruevski’s platform”: We haven’t seen it and we won’t speculate (Meta)


The European Commission does not want to comment on the demands made by VMRO-DPMNE to the European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn. “We will not speculate or comment on any party programme. We expect a swift formation of a new government committed to implement overdue reforms. We will continue to insist on the implementation of all parts of the Przino agreement and the Urgent Reform Priorities. All this is essential in order to bring the country back onto its EU path that its citizens want and deserve,” EU sources told Meta. “We haven’t seen it, and anyway we won’t speculate on it,” EU told Meta.


President Ivanov extends gratitude for Hungary’s initiative on rejecting so-called ‘Tirana platform’ (MIA)


President Gjorge Ivanov extended gratitude to Hungary over its request to the EU Council to reject and condemn the so-called ‘Tirana platform’. Ivanov and his Hungarian counterpart Janos Ader discussed Monday in Budapest on the political crisis in Macedonia and possible solution for its settlement. Speaking at a joint press conference with his host, Ivanov said that interference of other country by designing the platform had made the situation in Macedonia more complicated. The platform, he said, covers issues that have been already resolved by the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the Constitution. Our expectations for this platform of foreign country to be condemned and rejected have not been realized thus far and we fear that more states may apply this precedent of exerting pressure, as it has been already the case lately in other countries, Ivanov said. He called for urgent completion of the parliament’s constitutive session and election of the Speaker, so that the country could function properly. In this respect Ivanov said the parliamentary majority should revoke the ‘Tirana platform’ in order to obtain the mandate for forming a new government that would start dealing with all challenges.

Ader said the talks with Ivanov showed him that the Macedonian President was doing his best to find a solution in line with his oath as the Head of State and the country’s constitution, saying that it would be the only acceptable solution. At their meeting, Ivan and Ader also tackled the developments in the region, the bilateral relations, as well as the possibility of second migration wave. “The support, friendship and solidarity between Hungary and Macedonia could serve as an example how one EU member should treat a candidate country,” Ivanov said.

Ader on his part pointed out that the time had come for EU to launch the accession talks with Macedonia after the false promises to that effect for the last 10 years. Ivanov called on the EU and NATO to clearly review the situation in Macedonia and the region and in these difficult moments send a strong message for our European and Euro-Atlantic prospect. The deadlock of Macedonia’s EU-integration process has been rather frustrating for the citizens of the country, he added.


Hahn will not meet with “For a United Macedonia”, nor is there confirmation for Ivanov (Meta)


The European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn will not be meeting with representatives from “For a United Macedonia, stated EC spokesperson, Maja Kocijancic. “As I already said on Friday, Commissioner Hahn will be meeting with political representatives. It is true that there were other requests as well, and very often when he travels to the country, we try to meet as many interlocutors as possible, including the civil society, but this time the Commissioner will meet with political representatives, as the agenda doesn’t allow for more,” said Kocijancic. Hahn’s complete agenda is still unknown; it is expected to be clarified later on. Meta news agency has discovered that there is still no confirmation on whether Hahn will meet with President Gjorge Ivanov. Representatives from the initiative “For a United Macedonia” asked the European Commissioner for a meeting during his visit to Macedonia, adding that no one is “is allowed, or can ignore 200.000 citizens who are protesting everyday”. “We call on Mr Hahn to meet with us, so we can present our goals and requests which are not nonnegotiable. Ignoring our requests will only create additional risks. If the EU respects civil societies then they need to demonstrate it with declarations, not empty phrases, and they should take specific action, and for starter, they should meet with us. If Hahn ignores us, we will consider that as a dishonest attitude and not a good display of well intentions from the EU to the Republic of Macedonia,” said Igor Durlovski, a member of the initiative.


Macedonia should remain on its EU and NATO path: French Ambassador (MIA)


Macedonia should remain on the path to EU and NATO, and this requires a responsible government that will be able to make decisions and carry out reforms, as well as politicians with a sense of common interest for the country, French Ambassador Christian Timonier stated Monday. It is expected a government to be formed and it is important this decision to be made quickly since the country cannot wait too long. There are economic and political challenges everyone expects a strong Macedonia. EU Commissioner Hahn is to visit Skopje and we hope to find good and practical solution towards current slowdown in government formation, Timonier said. Pointing out that everyone expects strong Macedonia which will be respected for its territorial integrity, sovereignty and its unity and from this viewpoint France as other European countries will always be on its side. I consider that today’s politicians will be at the level of their predecessors throughout history who showed how working together can be possible and by sacrificing for the common good helped in creating this country, Timonier underlined. Asked whether Tirana platform should be withdrawn, given that a large majority of Macedonians oppose it, Timonier did not give his opinion on the matter.


Xharra: The crisis in Macedonia is a result of the clash between Russia and the West (


The situation in Macedonia is a result of the conflict between West and Russia, concludes journalist and editor in chief of Zeri, Arbana Xharra in her commentary published at “”

Xharra thinks that Albanians, with the help of their Western allies, regardless if they are an important part of the electorate in Macedonia, are being used by Macedonian politicians. She says that Gruevski’s opinion is nothing new to them whereas Zoran Zaev, she says that he manipulates the Albanians by pretending that he respects their rights and that he wants to implement them. According to her, Zaev’s only goal is to gain the support of the Albanians in order to win over Gruevski. When it comes to the EU’s influence to resolve the crisis, the author finds the EU incapable of dealing with Ivanov. She explains that this situation is also due to a lack of intervention from Washington that resulted as a consequence of the transition of power in the USA as well as due to the demonization that VMRO DPMNE made of the foreign diplomatic corps in Skopje. Xharra remarks that Russia is using the vacuum from the international presence in order to impose itself as an influential force in the region. Before the arrival of the EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations, Xharra is raising the question whether Brussels will offer a solution or it will decide that this is a mission impossible for the EU and that it will leave the situation on the mercy of global geopolitical clashes


Basha threatens PM: Resign or you will end like Mussolini! (ADN)


The leader of Democratic Party (DP), Lulzim Basha urged one more time on Monday the Prime Minister, Edi Rama to step down while expressing the opposition’s determination to resist until his resignation and the establishment of a caretaker government. Referring to the protesters gathered inside the tent pitched since more than a month in front of Premier’s office he defined them as missionaries of peace. “PM Rama should be perfectly aware of the fact that we are here to save his skin, avoiding him an end like that of Mussolini. These people are the missionaries of peace, because we want to lower in maximum the costs of your departure for the country. Otherwise next 18 February would find him in Lana River not in his office. But we are here as patriots, determined to guarantee free and fair elections in Albania and country’s European integration,” said Basha.




In Serbian election, the comedy candidate is no joke (Reuters, by Matt Robinson, 21 March 2017)

MLADENOVAC, Serbia - It started as a joke, a way to poke fun at a discredited political class in elections last year for the local assembly in this rundown town in central Serbia. Communications student Luka Maksimovic, 25, donned a white suit and loafers, an over-sized gold watch and gaudy ring, and rode a horse-drawn carriage through the streets of Mladenovac, promising jobs and cash to anyone who would give him their vote. He assumed the guise of the worst kind of politician – a sleazy fraudster he duly christened Ljubisa 'Beli' Preletacevic.

Beli means white in Serbian, while Preletacevic denotes somebody who switches political party for personal gain. Spreading the word on Youtube and Facebook, his party won 20 percent of the vote. "We were just fooling around," Maksimovic said. But Serbia's political establishment isn't laughing anymore. With a presidential election due on April 2, an opinion poll published on Monday has Maksimovic's alter ego coming second, albeit far behind the overwhelming favourite, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic. Such a result - barely a week after Maksimovic entered the race - represents a damning indictment of Serbia's beleaguered mainstream opposition and sends a worrying message to the ruling Progressive Party about the depth of popular disenchantment in this impoverished corner of Europe. A pony-tailed pretender with little in the way of a political programme besides bucking the status quo, Maksimovic is the Balkan incarnation of an anti-establishment movement sweeping the West. "In every election the world over there are people who believe there is no point voting," said political analyst Vojislav Zanetic. "For those kinds of people, someone who is making a joke out of the options open to the average voter is himself the ideal option for those kinds of people." "Every country that feels the bitter taste of economic crisis, globalisation, transition from communism to pseudo-capitalism ... is ripe for such a person," he said.



Although Maksimovic has clearly captured the imagination of Serbs angry about endemic graft and low living standards, Prime Minister Vucic seems assured of winning the election by a big margin, possibly avoiding a run-off. His Progressive Party faces little real challenge for power, thanks in large part to Vucic's personal popularity as a firm hand in a troubled region. Monday's poll, produced by Ipsos Strategic Marketing and published by the Serbian daily Blic, saw Vucic taking 53 percent of the vote, with Maksimovic second on just 11 percent. At the cafe of Maksimovic's father, which doubles as his campaign headquarters, locals pose for pictures with the beaming candidate. Maksimovic's campaign videos are a hit on social media; Preletacevic riding a horse, doing push-ups like Rocky, clutching a curtain rail as if it were Gandalf's magic staff in The Lord of the Rings. But Maksimovic insists it's not only about the laughs. Ten of his party's 12 councillors in the Mladenovac assembly are serious people, he said, excluding himself and his sidekick. "We're the biggest opposition in Mladenovac," he said, citing his party's success in having the town's poor quality water supply declared unfit for consumption and efforts to improve transparency in how public money is spent. Politicians in Serbia, he said, are "dirty, corrupt", and it is time "at least to try to do something to change that". Sasa Papic, a 42-year-old railway worker in Mladenovac, said the movement could lift turnout among younger voters who might otherwise stay at home. "He doesn't have to win - it's enough if he kills that perception that it is shameful to be involved in politics. All the smart people have avoided politics." Zanetic, the political analyst, said it remained to be seen whether Maksimovic could maintain the momentum.

"Who knows how desperate and angry people are, how revolted they are by what's currently on offer," he said. Maksimovic, who has ambitions to become a television presenter, said he just hoped to pass his exams in time. "I'm going to be president and won't have finished university," he fretted.