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Belgrade Media Report 13 April



Gabriel to Vucic: Normalization of relations with Pristina unavoidable condition for Serbia’s EU accession (RTS/Beta/Politika)


The dialogue on the normalization of relations with Pristina was interrupted not by initiative of Serbia, whose leadership in the previous period was pulling moves that requested courage,

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday at a press conference with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel. “Three days ago, I asked for the resumption of the dialogue with Pristina in Brussels, because there is nothing more important than the talks, regardless of the fact that the relations are not easy, not to speak of other things that occurred in the meantime and that left serious consequences in our relations,” Vucic said. When asked how long the EU would tolerate Pristina when refusing dialogue with Belgrade, as well as how long Serbia would be offering the dialogue, Vucic said that this dialogue was not an easy or simple theme for Serbia at all. He emphasized that the relationship with Kosovo was one of the most visible problems on Serbia’s path towards the EU membership. Gabriel said that the normalization of relations with Pristina was an unavoidable condition for Serbia’s accession to the EU and that it should be understood. He elaborated that the EU had the experience that when such problems were not resolved to the extent they could, and then they lasted subsequently, after the accession of these countries. Gabriel emphasized that the clear election victory carried a great responsibility for Vucic, to the reform process, and “for the further development of relations with Kosovo.” Despite all EU demands, Serbia remains on the course of European integration primarily thanks to the efforts of the government headed by Aleksandar Vucic, Gabriel said. Gabriel said that this is the consequence of the fact that the government has presented EU demands not as something imposed on it but as standards in the interest of the country and its citizens. He congratulated Vucic on the clear victory at the presidential elections and added that this carries a special responsibility. Vucic said that Germany always offered full support to the stability of the entire Western Balkans region. “Even in hard times, Serbia managed to preserve peace and stability with the help of the support it received from the German government. We will continue that policy because it is of great significance for Serbia,” Vucic said.


Dacic, Gabriel: Improvement of overall cooperation with Germany (Beta/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with his German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel and both agreed that relations between their two countries were very good, to which in-depth dialog at a high level and successful cooperation in all areas had contributed, the Serbian Foreign Ministry announced. They particularly stressed the importance of economic cooperation and the fact that Germany was one of the biggest investors in Serbia, and that the volume of foreign trade had reached 4 billion Euros last year. Dacic underlined that Serbia wants to improve its overall cooperation with Germany, both in the sphere of politics, as well as in the economy.  Recalling that Serbia, as a reliable and responsible partner, offers an important contribution to the stability and strengthening of cooperation in the region, Dacic highlighted Serbia’s commitment to the continuation of constructive policy to that end. Dacic expressed gratitude for Germany’s support to the process of European integration of Serbia, which remains one of the key foreign policy priorities of Serbia.


Nikolic receives Zhang (Tanjug/Novosti/Politika)


Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic received Zhang Chunxian, a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, in Belgrade on Wednesday. They expressed satisfaction with bilateral cooperation to date, and the hope their countries would succeed in implementing a large number of economic projects in the period to come. Nikolic announced that Serbia would soon present a prospect with projects that will be offered to foreign investors, and told his guest that China should certainly recognize the mutual interest in them. Zhang said that Serbia is today a country which China views with great confidence and that plays a significant role in the future economic development of this part of Europe. He assessed that, especially after Nikolic’s visit to China, where he clearly demonstrated that the friendship between the two nations was “made of steel”, the interest of China’s companies to further cooperation with Serbia would be huge.


Monument to philosopher Confucius unveiled in Belgrade (Tanjug)


Belgrade Mayor Sinisa Mali and Zhang Chunxian unveiled a monument to the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius on the Square of Serbian-Chinese Friendship in Belgrade, the location where the former Chinese Embassy was bombed by NATO in 1999. They said the monument celebrated the sincere and unbreakable friendship between the two nations.


Mihajlovic: Government has no jurisdiction over any of protesters’ demands (Politika/Beta)


Serbian Deputy prime Minister and member of the presidency of the Serbian Progressive

Party, Zorana Mihajlovic, has stated that the government had no jurisdiction over any of the demands of the demonstrators, who have been protesting in a number of cities in Serbia for several days, now. She wrote that the demand for the replacement of the editors and heads of RTS was in the jurisdiction of the Managing Board of RTS which appointed them, and that the replacement of the members of REM was in the jurisdiction of Parliament, which appointed them and could dismiss them.

Commenting on the demand for the dismissal of parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic, she said she was also appointed by the Parliament and not the government, and that the demands for the annulment of the doctoral theses of Nebojsa Stefanovic and Sinisa Mali were under the jurisdiction of the relevant faculties, not the government.

As for demands for the dismissal of members of the Republic Electoral Commission, she said that this was also in parliament's jurisdiction, and that the updating of the list of voters and voting in the diaspora was the job of the Republic Electoral Commission.


Threats should be taken seriously (Politika)


Security experts assess for Politika that the threatening statements by Daut Haradinaj should be taken seriously. Professor at the Belgrade Security faculty Zoran Dragisic warns that the Haradinaj brothers have proven over the past 20 years that they are ready to implement threats into action, but that one should not overestimate or underestimate the power of this criminal group. “They cannot completely ethnically cleanse Kosovo, since they have no capacity to do something like that. But they are surely capable of exerting terrorist attacks, murders and expulsions of a number of people and they are known for this and have experience. They can attack Serb enclaves and inflict serious damage by murdering many people and burning many Serb houses,” says Dragisic. The Serbs and international military forces in Kosovo, who know very well what the Haradinaj brothers did during and after the war, should be aware of this scenario.

Former head of the Military-Security Agency Momir Stojanovic points out that in 1998 and 1999 dozens of members of Serbian security services were killed, because of which they received the Metohija district for “war merits” during the criminal zoning of the province. “They are undisputed leaders whom everybody fears on the territory of the municipalities of Djakovica, Pec and Decani. I am sure they are ready to attack the Serbs if Ramush is extradited to Belgrade and the problem is that our country can do little in order to protect its citizens in Kosovo since our security forces withdrew,” stresses Stojanovic. Asked whether some state supports everything that the Haradinaj brothers are doing, Stojanovic claims this is Germany. “It is a public secret that Ramush Haradinaj is an associate of the German BND and that Hashim Tachi is an associate of the American intelligence services. In the competition of the intelligence services for the control over Kosovo, Daut Haradinaj, who is probably cooperating, just as his brother, with the German intelligence service, ‘emerged’. Still, no matter with which services they are cooperating, all of them are connected to the Albanian intelligence service, which has a firm stronghold in Kosovo and Metohija,” says Stojanovic.

Former head of the Security Information Service Andreja Savic thinks that the threats coming from extremists in Kosovo are a reflection of a low civilization level and state of consciousness of individuals in the Albanian nation. “The Haradinaj brothers do not have the power and weight to make serious problems and I take everything that Daut had stated over the past days as part of a psychological-propaganda operation and homogenization of the Albanians before the announced early parliamentary elections in Kosovo,” said Savic.


Protests continue in Belgrade and other towns (Beta)


Several thousand people rallied in Belgrade on the 10th day of the protests and repeated their demands for the dismissal of parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic, the editorial board of the RTSan RTV, regulator body for electronic media, Republic Election Commission (RIK) and punishment for those who tried to commit election fraud. More and more social demands are being included on the list of demands daily, On Wednesday, the protestors also demanded better conditions for workers, protection for living standards and fully public financing and accessible education and health care. The government was given a deadline of 17 April to meet the demands. The protest organizers remain unknown and no one makes any speech at the gatherings. The protests will continue on Tuesday after the Easter holidays.


Preparations for possible SNS counter gathering (Novosti)


The SNS has started with logistic preparations for possible gatherings of their followers, as a response to the ongoing protests. Novosti learns that, at the recommendation of the party headquarters, city and municipal boards held meetings last night on this occasion. They examined preparation of a meeting for support to Vucic should the protests continue. One of the options is to organize mass protests of support to the elected president following the Easter holidays.




B&H CoM removes from agenda records from extraordinary telephone session; Initiative for the removal of the CoM of B&H to be launched (BN TV/RTRS)


The Alliance for Changes (SzP) ministers in B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) continue opposing adoption of laws stipulating increase of excise duties on fuel and oil, because these laws do not stipulate protection of agricultural sector. Namely, during the session of B&H the CoM held on Wednesday, ministers from SzP voted against adoption of minutes from the special telephone session of the B&H CoM held on April 6. SzP ministers defined this session as illegal, because they were not invited to attend it. Reporter reminded that B&H House of Representatives (HoR) failed to adopt the set of laws stipulating increase of excise duties in urgent procedure. However, SNSD insisted on discussion and adoption of these laws in urgent procedure. They threatened to block work of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) unless their request is accepted. In order to enable discussion of these laws in urgent procedure, the B&H CoM slightly changed the text of the laws at the aforementioned telephone session. These laws were adopted in B&H HoP thanks to SNSD and DNS delegates. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic underlined that SzP supports reforms and is not strictly opposing aforementioned laws “but we want better laws.

Head of SNSD Caucus in the HoR of B&H Stasa Kosarac announced on Wednesday that SNSD will launch an initiative for the removal of the CoM of B&H next Tuesday. SNSD is launching the initiative for the removal of the B&H CoM because, according to SNSD, Denis Zvizdic's Cabinet is working on the strengthening of B&H and stripping Republika Srpska (RS) of its competences. Given that at least eight representatives in the HoR have to file the motion for the removal, Kosarac called on representatives of SDS and NDP to support the abovementioned initiative. Representative of SDS in the B&H HoR Djordjo Krcmar told RTRS, that they will consider SNSD's initiative when they get it. SNSD representatives believe the Alliance for Changes (SzP) will support their initiative, given that it is being launched because of the outcry of SDS ministers who said that phone session of the B&H CoM, at which a set of laws important for the continuation of cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was adopted, was convened contrary to the procedures and without their consent. RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has called on SDS to jointly vote with SNSD for dissolution of the B&H CoM because the extraordinary session was held in illegal way.


Izetbegovic denies plans to file the motion disputing the name of RS, talks about Dodik, Vucic and McCain (TV1)


B&H Presidency member and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commented on the recent policy of Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and said that he changed his rhetoric and policy at the B&H level significantly after his visit to Moscow, particularly his statement that the RS plans no secession from B&H. Izetbegovic said that he was positively surprised by the atmosphere and open dialogue at the recent informal meeting of leaders of the countries of the region in Mostar. He added that their talks turned into a mutual constructive criticism and proposals for future actions in order the change the current relations and situation in the region. “Dodik said three times that things needs to be solved and promised that he will no longer be source of any kind of destabilization,” Izetbegovic reminded, concluding that the bottom line and a key to stabilization of the situation and mutual understanding is to continue with dialogue. He announced that he will also direct his work until the end of his term towards relaxation of overall relations in B&H and to finally stop looking at the past. Izetbegovic denied the allegations in the RS-based media that he is planning of file a new motion with the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H in May 2018 ahead of the elections to dispute the name of the RS. He stressed that he will not do anything that might disturb relations in B&H and stop the country on its Euro-Atlantic path and the path of economic development, reminding that this will be focus of SDA’s work.

Commenting on relations between B&H and Serbia and expectations from Serbia’s policy towards B&H once outgoing Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic takes over the duty of Serbian President, Izetbegovic said that Vucic’s visit to B&H right after his victory in the Serbian presidential elections shows what kind of relations he wants to have with B&H. He assessed that Vucic, as a mature nationalist leader, represents the interest of his people in the best possible way and he does not want to push Serbs into conflicts. Izetbegovic also said that Vucic tends to find the right formula for mutual relations between Serbs and Bosniaks, as well as to relax the position of Serbs in the Balkans through the EU integration and other similar processes.

Commenting on the recent visit of US Senator John McCain to B&H and the meeting at B&H Presidency, Izetbegovic said that he believes that the US is truly committed to support to B&H’s progress on the path towards membership in the EU and NATO. He reminded that all three members of B&H Presidency asked McCain to use his influence in order for NATO to give up on a formal approach to B&H’s accession to the alliance, i.e. to activate the Membership Action Plan for B&H without meeting the condition related to registration of the military property to the state.


Covic: Abolition of cantons would mean blockade of all processes in B&H (Vecernji list)


Croat member of the Presidency of B&H and President of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic commented the initiative on abolition of cantons in the Federation of B&H, proponent of which is Mayor of Tuzla Jasmin Imamovic. “Cantons cannot be abolished. I would love to hear what would be alternative solution for cantons,” said Covic adding that HDZ B&H is in favor of not having 11 governments in the Federation B&H, which is why it proposed formation of four federal units. According to the daily, Covic warned that abolition of only one level of authority would mean blockade of all processes.


Ljubic: Who should elect Croat representatives if not Croats? (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list daily papers reads that even before parties gathered around the Croat People Assembly (HNS) have submitted proposal of changes to the Law on Elections of B&H, “a cold shower” came from the Bosniak bloc. Namely, SDA’s Halid Genjac stated that SDA will never accept that only Croats elect Croat representatives, arguing it is not the meaning of the Dayton agreement and the Constitution of B&H. According to the daily, it shows that SDA has decided to side with the Bosniak left-wing and right-wing parties in order to continue with sidelining and assimilation of Croats. Commenting Genjac’s statement, Chairman of the HNS Main Council Bozo Ljubic said that Genjac’s statement is absurd: “Who should elect Croat representatives if not Croats?


Croats ready to establish parallel institutions if Bosniaks reject their proposals (EuroBlic)


The sources of EuroBlic daily close to the top of HDZ B&H stated that representatives of Croats in B&H are ready to establish parallel institutions in case Bosniaks decide to block adoption of changes to the Election Law of B&H and Law on Public RTV System. The sources also noted that HDZ B&H, in agreement with other political representatives of Croats, prepared an answer to possible refusal of Bosniak political parties to change these laws. “At the session of the Presidency of HDZ B&H, which took place three days ago in Mostar, it was decided that proposals of changes and addenda to the Election Law, Law on RTV System and Law on State Servants should be sent to the parliamentary procedure at the level of B&H by the end of this month. In case Bosniak parties try to block these proposals, entire B&H will experience unseen crisis. In that case, political representatives of Croats will be ready to activate the plan on revival of Herzeg-Bosnia which would include establishment of parallel state institutions and a special RTV channel in Croat language,” the sources noted.


Senator John McCain: Russian behavior unacceptable (RTCG)


Russia's behavior in the region and in the world is not acceptable in this time and it requires our common reactions, was Senator John McCain’s message. He had talks with the Minister of Defense Predrag Boskovic in Podgorica, and in his address to the Montenegrin public he said that he was looking forward that in the future Montenegro would go to Washington as a new member of NATO. "I congratulate the people of Montenegro who, together with their leaders, decided to be in NATO. When you see all the turmoil that is going on, then you know that NATO is the right path," said McCain. Speaking on the impact of official Moscow, McCain said that the Russians are trying to "undermine the democratic process in a number of countries. They tried to influence the electoral process in the United States and failed. I visited the bridge where Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, and we know what happened later. I'm not saying that this can happen, but I underline that it is important to cooperate," said McCain. Minister Boskovic said that Senator McCain personally contributed to the fast procedure of Montenegrin path to NATO. Boskovic said that McCain talked about plans for the future, collective security, and participation of Montenegrin forces in missions. The topic of discussion was the interference of foreign factors, as well as developments in Montenegro during the elections day, 16 October, as well as what Montenegro and the region face today.


Trump and Stoltenberg welcomed Montenegro as the 29th NATO member (CDM)


The US President Donald Trump welcomed Montenegro as the 29th NATO member in a joint news conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg after their first face-to-face meeting at the White House on Wednesday. Trump said he would work “closely” with NATO allies to adapt to the challenges of the future, “of which there would be many.”

“I welcome Montenegro as the 29th NATO member,” the US president said. Stoltenberg said that a strong Russia and a strong NATO do not have to be at odds. “We have to try to find ways to live with them, to avoid a new cold war and arms race,” the NATO secretary general said.


No extradition until the end of proceedings (Pobjeda)


According to international legal procedure Aleksandar Sasa Sindjelic, cooperative witness in the investigation of the Special Public Prosecutor's Office of planning terrorist attacks in Montenegro cannot be extradited to the Republic of Croatia until the end of the judicial process in Montenegro, even with the official request of that country, Pobjeda reports. According to the newspaper, this legal postulate is one of the reasons why the Republic of Croatia, after several consultations with the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro, has not requested extradition of Sindjelic who was sentenced to imprisonment of 21 years for the murder. As a reminder, the County Court in Vukovar told RTV Montenegro, that they were not informed that Sindjelic is in Montenegro, adding if conditions were created they would involve in the process of his extradition to Croatia. An official of the Democratic Front Andrija Mandic said yesterday that he had the document from the Vukovar County Court, claiming that they were willing to take Sindjelic.


Parliament filibuster over the Tirana platform continues (MIA)


In the Macedonian parliament, the two main opposed sides VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM continued the lengthy debate that entered in its third week. VMRO-DPMNE continued to filibuster the session that should eventually lead to an election of a new parliament speaker with calls aimed at SDSM to explain their attempt to form a coalition with three parties that represent ethnic Albanians, breaking the principle of coalitions between the winners of the two largest ethnic groups in the country. "All we've been trying to hear from SDSM leader Zoran Zaev in the past 12 days is one simple sentence - I reject the Tirana platform because it is contrary to the interests of the Republic of Macedonia", said VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Dimitar Stevanadzija”. VMRO-DPMNE representatives continued with similar attacks on SDSM, whose representatives remained mostly silent, except for far left protest organizer Pavle Bogoevski, who said that the day marks the anniversary of the colored revolution which his organization started. "The revolution led to the cancellation of the unilaterally declared elections. It prevented electing a Parliament that would have been to your liking and forever changed political scene in Macedonia," said Bogoevski. The debate continues in the early afternoon, when protesters also gather in front of the Parliament, to prevent an end to the filibuster and attempts to push forward with the vote. Protesters, who have come in the thousands or tens of thousands, for each of the past 46 days, say they are prepared to storm the building if a Speaker or a Government is elected to implement the Tirana platform.


British Ambassador Garrett criticizes filibuster in parliament (MIA)


British Ambassador to Macedonia Charles Garrett criticized the continued filibuster in the Macedonian Parliament, which has led to a lengthy debate on the controversial Tirana platform.

"Parliament lies at the heart of Macedonia’s democracy. Current developments in the parliament of Macedonia do no service to the development of democracy. They undermine the credibility of the institution both within Macedonia and abroad. Democracy does not happen overnight, nor is there ever an end-point. Democracies need continually to look for ways to strengthen themselves", Ambassador Garrett said at a press conference alongside NGO activist Darko Aleksov from the MOST organization.


MFA’s reaction to Kotzias: Greece should not be worried – Irredentism is not characteristic for Macedonia (Meta)


There is no any ground for Greece’s worriedness due to any kind of Macedonian irredentism, reacted the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after the statement issued by Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, where he indicated that what was problematic in the name dispute were the irredentist tendencies that the country is showing by demanding the name of Macedonia.

“Stressing this sort of perception only benefits the maneuver of diverting the attention from the real obstacles of Republic of Macedonia’s European integration process especially after the verdict of the International court of justice in 2011,” said the MFA. The reaction states that all issues should be solved through the process of building and that irredentism is not one of Macedonia’s characteristics. “On our part, we appreciate that the solution for all sources of distrust for both sides should be found within the process of building trust. The irredentism is not a characteristic for the Republic of Macedonia which has continuously strived for regional cooperation. We appreciate if the same should be accepted by our southern neighbor,” said the MFA.


Mogherini and Hahn call on Albanian parties to complete formation of vetting bodies (ATA)


The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, and the Commissioner for the European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, have expressed their regret for the parliamentary boycott in Albania and that the opposition has not yet registered to participate in the elections. In a joint statement on Wednesday, Mogherini and Hahn noted that political debate should not take place outside, but inside the parliament according to democratic practice. Citizens deserve responsible leadership. “Citizens deserve a responsible leadership. We once again urge all political leaders to act responsibly, with respect for institutions, and pave the way for democratic elections, in line with international standards,” EU senior officials said in their statement. Mogherini and Hahn put emphasis on the much needed justice reform in Albania, which has once again come under attack by the opposition. “We call on all parties to complete the formation of the vetting institutions. Attacking the judicial reform rather than ensuring implementation of vetting, with close monitoring of the International Monitoring Operation, harms Albania’s present and future,” the statement reads. “We expect that Members of the Parliament will show responsibility, capacity to act within the democratic legitimate institutional framework, and that they stand by the people of Albania, who continue to demand that the vetting is launched and the judiciary eventually reformed, also as a crucial step for the country to join the European Union,” the statement concluded.


General Elections-CEC: 45 parties registered (ATA)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) approved on Wednesday the registration of 13 other parties that will run at the Parliamentary elections of June 18. The CEC members present at the meeting approved the registration which brings to 45 the number of the electoral subjects that will run at the general elections. Later on, CEC chairman Denar Biba announced that there are 45 parties registered. “No other party has forwarded any request while the registration deadline has expired. Thus, there are 45 registered parties,” Biba said. No political force of the opposition is registered in CEC for the elections.




Macedonia’s Crisis Damages Relations With Albania (BIRN, by Semra Musai, 13 April 2017)


Good Macedonia-Albanian relations may fall victim to the internal power struggle in Macedonia, which has seen Tirana accused of plotting to subvert the country.

Experts warn that the war on words launched against Albania by Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov and by his political ally, the leader of the VMRO DPMNE party, Nikola Gruevski, may do lasting damage to formerly cordial ties. Macedonia’s former ambassador to NATO, Nano Ruzin, told BIRN that former Prime Minister Gruevski, who is now helping to block the formation of an opposition-led government, would not hesitate to sacrifice relations with Albania if it helps him cling to power. “The populist Gruevski has a strong will to stay in power, so he doesn’t mind if he sacrifices not only [Macedonia’s] internal relations but also its relations with its neighbours,” Ruzin said. Gruevski himself tried and failed to convince his former coalition partners among Macedonia’s ethnic Albanian parties to join him in a new government after the December 11 general election. Since then, he has accused the opposition Social Democrats, SDSM, of betraying the country by courting the support of those same parties. To justify the institutional blockade on the formation of an SDSM-led government, both Gruevski and President Ivanov allege that the opposition has accepted dangerous demands set by the Albanian parties that threaten Macedonia’s existence and integrity. They also claim that these demands, which they call “the Tirana Platform”, are being imposed on Macedonia by the government of Albania. "This justification, using what they call ‘the Tirana platform’, has become a threat to relations between Skopje and Tirana,” Ruzin said, noting that they had otherwise been good.

Ivanov recently accused Albania of plotting to carve up Macedonia with the aim of forming a third ethnic Albanian state in the Balkans, besides Albania and Kosovo. “With the Tirana Platform, Macedonia as we know it would cease to exist,” Ivanov last week told Croatian state TV, HTV. “The aim is not for Macedonia to unite, but for Macedonia to enter a transitional phase [towards] forming, maybe I will say a harder word, a third Albanian state.”

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, who hosted the meeting between Macedonian Albanian parties in Tirana at which they forged their joint list of demands, before signing them in Skopje on January 8, says the Skopje authorities are using this alibi to scare Macedonians into opposing a change of power. “Ivanov is simply building an alibi, unfortunately the same as the VMRO DPNNE, and they well know what the truth is,” Rama said on Tuesday. "There is no ‘Tirana Platform’ but a platform of the parties representing the Albanians in Macedonia,” Rama added, maintaining that he had only “helped them communicate between each other and align their stances”.


Former Macedonian diplomat Alajdin Demiri fears that the new tendency to blame Tirana for Macedonia’s problems may turn the two neighbours from friends into enemies. “The Albano-phobia being expressed in Skopje extends beyond [Macedonia's] borders, sometimes towards Kosovo but more often towards Albania,” he told BIRN. “For every problem that happens in Macedonia, Skopje blames Tirana, and the tendency is that the relationship will worsen to the level of [becoming] enemies,” Demiri added. However, leaders in Tirana have added petrol to the flames with statements that have aggravated Skopje.

In an interview for the French media, Rama stated that Albanians in Macedonia were “not a minority”, as they “constitute 35 per cent of the population, so their rights must be fully respected”. This was treading on sensitive territory. Although it is generally accepted that Albanians make up at least a quarter of Macedonia’s population, there are no hard data.

Since the last census was held in 2002, their numbers have been routinely subjected to radically different interpretations, which do little except stir tension.

When Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati said the main demands contained in the so-called “Albanian platform” should be “incorporated into the constitution [of Macedonia] because that will have positive results”, he was accused of interference. In response, Macedonia’s Foreign Ministry last week summoned the Albanian ambassador to Skopje to a meeting where both Rama’s and Bushati’s statements were qualified as a provocation. “Their statements are open interference in the internal affairs of Macedonia. These messages are serious provocations to good neighbourly relations,” Macedonia Foreign Ministry complained. Officials in Tirana deny interfering in Macedonia’s internal issues and insist their stands echo what the EU and the US have said already. They have urged the Macedonian President to reconsider his veto on the formation of a new government and respect the outcome of the December 11 election.

Ruzin said Gruevski is refusing to allow the Social Democrats to form a new government so he and Gruevski can cling to power, frightened that otherwise he would no longer be able to block the ongoing criminal investigations raised against him and his associates by the Special Prosecution, SJO. Gruevski, whose party took power in 2006, is accused, among other things, of masterminding the mass illegal surveillance of over 20,000 people, including his own ministers.

These claims, along with other criminal allegations arising from wiretaps released by the opposition, are being investigated by the SJO. Ruzin said Gruevski would risk the Balkans being engulfed in tension and even in ethnic clashes “if he can escape from accusations of alleged wrongdoings and from the Special Prosecution”. He accused Gruevski of undermining Macedonia’s relations with almost all its neighbours, including Greece, Kosovo, Albania and Bulgaria, with the sole exception of Serbia. “Only with Serbia does Gruevski have correct relations because of their [governments’] similarity,” Ruzin concluded.