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Belgrade Media Report 04 May



Vucic responds to Haradinaj's threats: "I know who you are" (B92)

Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday reacted to Ramush Haradinaj's latest threats to say that he "knows very well who Haradinaj is."

The Kosovo Albanian politician and former KLA leader, wanted by Belgrade on war crimes charges, earlier advised Vucic not to "mess" with him or "play with Albanians."

"They are attacking us because they see greater strength, energy and power of the Serbian state, and that should not have been allowed. The purpose of these words of Haradinaj's obvious threats, personal and political, is for Serbia not to be strong. If the threat is, 'take care', 'something will happen to you'... I know well who you are, I saw what happened to those who testified (against Haradinaj), they got run over in Podgorica, they hanged themselves from ambush," Vucic said. The Prime Minister said he was "not thrilled by the desire to make him keep quiet and participate in the hiding of crimes."  Vucic said he was not concerned about "dangerous people" such as Ramus Haradinaj, but about Europe's silence in the face of recent messages from Albanians, which he said could only be understood as threats to redraw borders and cause destruction in the Balkans.

"It seems everyone is allowed to say whatever they like, to lie, like the lie uttered in Brussels today that we have some military base near Nis, and all these lies are accompanied by a wide, but not numerous movement in Serbia of those who only care about coming to power, keeping their bosses and those giving them orders satisfied," he said.

"I am not playing with Albanians - on the contrary, I have been offering them my hand," Vucic said, but added that he "will not" do this when it comes to criminals and rapists.

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that Haradinaj is the last person who should talk and added that the fact that he was freed in France does not mean he did not commit a war crime. Dacic said Serbia will continue its struggle for the truth and justice.


The Russian MFA "took note of the aggressive remarks made by infamous Kosovo Albanian leader Ramush Haradinaj" (Tanjug)

These remarks were made "with regard to Belgrade and the Serbian leadership," the Russian ministry said on its website.

"It is unacceptable that the patrons of Pristina, especially the EU and the United States, have not responded accordingly to such statements of unbridled extremism. Is it because our Western partners consider this normal? Is this acceptable in modern Europe? Do Brussels and Washington support what Mr. Haradinaj had to say? Or are they just unable to talk sense into their underling?" said a comment by the Information and Press Department.

"We support the Serbian leadership’s firm response to the crude attack by this militant who was involved in particularly heinous crimes against civilians during the Kosovo conflict of the 1990s. Unfortunately, this turn of events and the flaring of passions should have been expected in light of the decision of the French court which ignored the legally justified request of the Serbian side and released Ramush Haradinaj, who is accused of committing numerous abductions, rapes and murders," the Russian MFA said, and concluded:

"This episode goes to show that the Kosovo quasi-state is the main source of regional instability, and the indiscriminate connivance of Greater Albania aspirations leads to heightened inter-ethnic tensions and a greater potential for conflict in the Balkans."


Vucic: I am not conducting a nationalist policy (Beta)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic stated on May 3 that he never conducted a nationalist policy, but one of peace and stability, and that he would continue to do so in the future.

"I will continue to conduct the policy of the preservation and dignity of our country. That is my policy. I have extended the hand of reconciliation to the Albanians and to all others in the region who wished to cooperate with Serbia, but I will never do that for those who have resorted to crime," Vucic told reporters in Belgrade, commenting on the claims by the leader of the Social Democratic Party of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev. Vucic stressed that his job was to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the country and its independence.

"And that seems to be my problem, because I take my job and the country's Constitution seriously," Vucic stated. He said that who Serbia's brothers and friends were, would be seen at the repeated vote in UNESCO on the admission of Kosovo into that organization.

"Until then, I will say nothing. It is up to me to be responsible towards their country, more than they have been towards ours. We are the only ones calling them Macedonia and have never done anything wrong to them," Vucic stated.


Tadic: Macedonia should be left to solve its own problems, tone things down (Beta)

Social Democratic Party of Serbia President Boris Tadic said on May 3 that Macedonia should be left to regulate its internal relations on its own and that things should be "toned down" right now, or else the consequences could be disastrous.

"There is tension among certain politicians from Macedonia and from Serbia, an exchange of jabs, to use boxer jargon. I think that is very wrong and opposed to our common interests. Things should be toned down and Macedonia should be left alone to regulate its relations. Any interference, any negative or wrong action by neighboring states could prove disastrous, considering how volatile the situation is," Tadic told BETA. The former President of Serbia said the situation in the region was dangerous, and that the European Union's declining strength and the decline of its institutions were a particular cause for concern.

"I really have to voice apprehension about how the situation in the region will unfold politically, since there is no longer that strength of the European factor when it comes to regulating relations in the Balkans. Certain politicians in Europe are even encouraging the growth of populist, demagogic and nationalist leaders in the region," said Tadic. He pointed out that he had invested a great effort in the office of President to build good relations in the region, and "now all that has been knocked down and we need to start over."


Dacic: Even if I was next PM - I wouldn't tell you (Tanjug)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday that the issue of Serbia's new Prime Minister has not yet been discussed.

Tanjug is reporting that he replied to reporters "jokingly" when asked whether he is the future Prime Minister, to say: "Even if I was, I wouldn't tell you."

"What is best for Serbia will happen, while I am personally satisfied with my current job. I'm interested in the role of the SPS in the future government," Dacic said. He also reminded journalists that he in the past served as Prime Minister, and that the role does not represent the realization of his "life's desire." "All options are legitimate. It's not about who will be (prime minister), but what's best for Serbia," said Dacic.  According to him, there will be serious discussions only if and when his name is officially put forward.


VBA Seizes a Cargo of Arms for Macedonia (Blic)

Military Security Agency (VBA) last week seized a large quantity of weapons in southern Serbia, which should have been transported to Macedonia illegally for the purposes of an ethnic Albanian political party, daily Blic wrote on Thursday. As it was said the cargo consisted of thousands of rifles, machine guns, mortars and hand grenades that were found within the territory of Presevo and Bujanovac, which a foreigner and two ethnic Albanians from Serbia planned to illegally transfer to Macedonia, for the party infrastructure of one of the largest ethnic Albanian parties in that country. Blic also wrote that it was a huge quantity of weapons that were to be used in case of flare-up of conflict in Macedonia, and even for the violent seizure of power, and the competent Macedonian security services were informed about it.

“The origin of the weapons is subjected to an investigation, but the first signals indicate that the weapons are from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)”, the daily said.

Blic wrote that the state leadership of Serbia was informed about the operation, adding that it estimated not to speak about it in public because Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic believed that speculations about the confiscated large quantities of weapons could serve some ones to pour oil on the fire to the complicated political situation in Macedonia.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


B&H HoP to discuss amendments to B&H Election Law proposed by HDZ B&H (FTV)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) is expected to discuss on Thursday amendments to B&H Election Law proposed by HDZ B&H. The amendments to B&H Election Law were sent into urgent parliamentary procedure last week, despite of the fact that HDZ B&H failed to reach an agreement on this issue with coalition partners. The amendments refer to election of a Croat member of B&H Presidency, election of Croat delegates in the Federation of B&H HoP and elections in Mostar. The reporter noted that HDZ B&H’s amendments are ethnically-based and mentioned that it will prevent a Croat from Sarajevo Canton and a Bosniak from Livno Canton to become a delegate in the Federation of B&H HoP.

Head of HDZ B&H Caucus in B&H HoR Nikola Lovrinovic said that this is a chance and an opportunity for institutions and their colleagues to present their own ideas, if HDZ B&H’s proposal is not acceptable. Head of SDA Caucus in B&H HoP Halid Genjac stressed that the aforementioned solutions are unacceptable for SDA and in his opinion the solutions violate the Federation of B&H Constitution. Genjac is convinced that they will find mechanisms to prevent adoption of the amendments that evidently violate the European Convention on Human Rights.

The SNSD MPs will support the amendments, unlike DF MP Sifet Podzic who will allegedly vote against the solutions, while stances of SDS MPs on this issue remain unknown. PDP-NDP MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Momcilo Novakovic (SNSD) stressed that better solutions can be found. According to Novakovic, this solution may lead to additional divisions which may deprive B&H to continue its path towards the EU.

Deputy Speaker of the HoP of B&H Parliament Ognjen Tadic (SDS) told that HDZ B&H’s proposal of changes to the Election Law of B&H will not get the support of B&H Parliament. Tadic reminded he recently resigned from the post of a member of the Working Group for changes of election legislation because he thinks these matters are not being solved in a benevolent manner. He added that he believes that the problem of election legislation must be solved in such way that everyone is willing to do favors to other sides in order to implement rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the best possible way. He said that he hopes politicians will get serious and try to solve these matters in the most serious way.


Covic: We have prepared response in case that Election Law is not adopted (Nezavisne)

HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic stated that the proposal of HDZ B&H for changes to B&H Election Law will make sure that members of one people cannot elect political representatives of another people.

“I believe that will solve the issue of public broadcasting system and other issues in a similar way”, said Covic. He noted that no progress was made in direct negotiations with political partners on this matter, which is why HDZ B&H hopes to solve the issue of Election Law in parliamentary procedure. Speaking about the proposal, Covic explained that the idea is to elect 17 representatives to each ethnic caucus in Federation of B&H House of Peoples. As for election of B&H Presidency members, HDZ B&H’s proposal allows every citizen to run for the office. However, the proposal prevents non-Croats from electing the Croat member of B&H Presidency.

“Our proposal is to secure changes to the Election Law in order to exit the crisis in which we have been for the past ten years. If we have embarked on the path to EU, it means that we will respect the European values, and emphasize the constituent status of peoples as defined by the ruling of B&H Constitutional Court, as well as federalization as defined by the European Parliament. I do not want to think about consequences in case that somebody attempts to maintain the status quo. That would surely damage relations within B&H”, Covic said. He added that HZD B&H has prepared a “plan B” and “plan C” for the case that the proposed changes to B&H Election Law is rejected. Asked to outline these alternative plans, Covic said that he is currently focused on “plan A”, i.e. the proposed changes.

“We do not want to create pressure. We only want to solve something that should have been solved ten years ago, and we are still talking about it”, Covic underlined. According to Covic, he and SD leader Bakir Izetbegovic had reached an agreement on Election Law, however that agreement has not been implemented. He concluded that HDZ B&H wants to discuss this matter in the Parliament, so that everybody can state their opinion and avoid any guessing.


SDA believes UN SC will ignore Dodik’s report; Cvijanovic: SDA is disruptive factor in B&H (Oslobodjenje, RTRS)

SDA issued a press statement noting that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik and RS Government once again tried to usurp the mandate of the High Representative by independently writing a report to the UN Security Council (UN SC). SDA, however, believes the UN SC will completely ignore this report and noted: “We are glad because of the fact that Dodik showed in this so called report that SDA is his obsession and that he views us as ‘brakemen’ for his politics”.

RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic commented on SDA’s criticism of the RS’ latest report submitted to the UN SC in which that party assessed that RS President Milorad Dodik and the RS Government write reports to the UN SC in an unsolicited manner. In this regard, Cvijanovic stated that SDA is a disruptive factor in B&H. Cvijanovic accused SDA of introducing chaos into the joint institutions in B&H, as well as in all processes that the party participated in. Cvijanovic was quoted by RTRS’ presenter as saying: “The RS’ report, which was sent to the UN SC, only states the reality of B&H.” Cvijanovic considers that it would be better for SDA to deal with the fact that they have been left without half of its MPs’ Caucus in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) rather than with the RS’ reports for the UN SC.


Renegade four create caucus (Glas Srpske)

The representatives in the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Senad Sepic, Sadik Ahmetovic, Semsudin Mehmedovic and Salko Sokolovic are expected to submit request next week for creation of new caucus in the House of Representatives (HoR) of the Parliament of B&H. Sepic has been recently expelled from SDA, while Ahmetovic, Mehmedovic and Sokolovic were reprimanded by the Presidency of SDA.


In Srebrenica victory snaps over chairs (EuroBlic)

EuroBlic daily noted that political parties from Republika Srpska (RS) are on the best way to replace the absolute victory in the local elections in Srebrenica for a defeat of Serbs. Namely, according to the daily, months of quarrels followed after the local elections and resulted in SDS, NDP, SNS and SRS forming the majority with SDA, SDP and SB&H while SNSD and DNS became opposition parties. In such majority of the municipal Assembly, Serbs are minority in comparison to Bosniaks. The daily learned that representatives of Serb political parties will meet RS President Milorad Dodik on Thursday May 4 to discuss this situation. President of the Municipal Board of SDS in Srebrenica Momcilo Cvjetinovic blamed President of the Municipal Board of SNSD in Srebrenica Radomir Pavlovic for the quarrels and claimed that he reserved all administrative positions in the municipality for SNSD members and that he negotiates hiring of personnel with Bosniaks.

RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik announced that he will meet with representatives of political parties of Serb people in Srebrenica Municipality on Thursday in order to form new parliamentary majority in that municipality.

“We cannot respect those who do not respect the RS. Therefore, it is necessary to bring together the political parties of Serb people – SNSD, SDS, DNS, PDP and others – to form new majority there (in Srebrenica), in combination with Bosniaks who accept legitimacy and legality of the RS and its institutions.”




FinMin survives no-confidence vote, ex-SDP member Saucha votes against Maric's dismissal (Hina)

Croatia's 151-seat parliament on Thursday did not pass a no-confidence vote against Finance Minister Zdravko Maric after 75 lawmakers voted for the Opposition's motion for the dismissal of the minister whom they accuse of the conflict of interest in connection with the ailing private food and retail group Agrokor, and the same number voted against the motion, with one lawmaker abstaining. After the national parliament did not pass a vote of no-confidence in Maric, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Thursday that parties that launched the no-confidence vote in parliament had failed and that an attempt was being made to destabilize state institutions, while he and his HDZ party offered stability.

Independent MP Tomislav Saucha, who used to be a Social Democrat lawmaker and who voted against the Opposition's motion for Maric's dismissal which he had signed previously, said that he changed his mind to prevent new elections and that nobody had bought him.




Montenegro a member of NATO once it submits its ratification to the USA (Pobjeda)

Montenegrin Parliament decided that Montenegro would join NATO. Now it only remains to wait for the Spanish parliament to finish the Montenegro-NATO accession protocol ratification procedure for all 28 NATO members to inform the US State Department that the ratification procedure in their national parliaments was over, Pobjeda writes. National NATO coordinator Dragan Pejanovic explained that unlike other NATO members that ratified the accession protocol, Montenegro was ratifying the North-Atlantic Treaty.

“The ratification process in Montenegro involves the adoption of the Law on Ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty,” Pejanovic said. The law was adopted in Montenegro’s parliament last Friday. After the Law on Ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty enters into force and after all the member states submit their ratifications to the State Department, Montenegro will submit its ratification. After that, NATO Secretary General will invite Montenegro to submit its ratification instrument to the US State Department.




Xhaferi has sent a letter to Ivanov and expects him to act in accordance with the Constitution (Meta)

The President of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, has sent a letter today to notify the President of the state, Gjorge Ivanov, that a parliamentary majority was formed and that a president of the Parliament was elected, informs Xhaferi’s cabinet.

“The President of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, is expecting that the President of the state, Gjorge Ivanov, will act in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia,” said the press release.

Starting from today, Xhaferi is on an official visit to Brussels, where he will meet with the European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, the president of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, including the EU MPs Ivo Vajgl, Eduard Kukan, and Knut Fleckenstein.


VMRO-DPMNE does not recognize Talat Xhaferi as Speaker of the Parliament (MIA)

VMRO-DPMNE Member of Parliament Dragan Danev said that the party considers Talat Xhaferi's appointment as Speaker of the Parliament to be illegitimate.

"On April 27th there was an unlawful attempt to elect a new Speaker in the Parliament. VMRO-DPMNE will use all democratic means to fight to protect the highest state and national interests", Danev said at today's press conference in which he warned law enforcement officials not to intimidate people who were peacefully protesting last week. Danev did not clarify if VMRO-DPMNE representatives will attend the sessions of Parliament.

Xhaferi took over the Speaker's office on Wednesday and immediately redecorated it with two Albanian flags. The United States Embassy and the European Union diplomatic service acknowledged his election on Thursday afternoon, as the Parliament was still occupied by angry protesters. Afterwards several other countries such as Germany, Canada and Sweden also said that they recognize his election as Speaker.


Gruevski: The election of Xhaferi as Speaker is a dictatorial act; SDSM reacted (Meta)

Talat Xhaferi came into office as Parliament Speaker by brutally violating the Constitution, the laws and the Rules and Regulations of Parliament and everything in the future that he will participate in, and everything with his signature will be the result of a dictatorial act by appointing him Speaker of Parliament”, wrote on Facebook the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski.

“In a democratic society, the rule of the majority is not based on the principle of the rule of law, actually, it represents a “dictatorship”. Not one democratic government in the world is allowed to be elected by violating the principle of the rule of law. It is the beginning of a dictatorship. Many authoritarian governments have been recognized by democratic systems, for one reason or another. It will not change the picture. Nor that they had a majority, for which there was no records, counting, transcripts, etc. For unlawful and unconstitutional act” Gruevski wrote.

SDSM reacted on the post published by VMRO-DPMNE’s President, announcing that the dictatorship that Gruevski talks about has ended on the 11th of December.

“A time has come for Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE’s leadership to come to their senses with the reality. The dictatorship that Nikola Gruevski talks about has ended on the 11th of December when the majority of citizens voted against his regime, they voted for changes. The new government will bring a new life for all citizens of Macedonia, a justice for all, independent institutions that were devoted to citizens in a single, democratic, European society in which the citizens will have a dignified and qualitative life” said SDSM’s press release.


Ambassadors reassured Ahmeti of their support for the formation of the new government (Meta)

The President of the Democratic Union of Integration, Ali Ahmeti met with British Ambassador, Charles Garrett, Dutch Ambassador, Wouter Plomp and Sweden’s Ambassador, Matts Staffansson.

“At the meeting, all the guests welcomed the election of the new Speaker of Parliament by the parliamentary majority of the Parliament of Macedonia and they reaffirmed their complete support in terms of the formation of the executive bodies of the country through a new pro-reform government, to proceed on the path towards integrations protests to the EU and NATO”, says DUI.


Stoltenberg: Macedonian parliamentary majority has the right to form Government (Meta)

The general secretary of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, stated in Brussels on May 3 that the Atlantic Alliance was very concerned over the situation in the Macedonia, "but our stand is that the democratic process has to be honored and that the parliamentary majority has the right to decide who should form the government." Stoltenberg said this in his expose and discussion with the members of the sub-committee for security and defense of the European Parliament, reiterating that NATO was strengthening its forces in Eastern Europe, "not to provoke, but to prevent possible conflict" with Russia, and that this was why it had established pragmatic connections and was ready to enter dialogue with Moscow, as "a powerful and predictable" organization. In response to several deputies' questions regarding "the alarming instability in the Western Balkans", the head of the Atlantic Alliance said that NATO was very closely monitoring the developments in Albania. That means, he said, that we wish political difficulties there to be solved and the boycott of the Parliament to end, because Albania is a NATO ally which we particularly appreciate.

Stoltenberg stressed that the presence and activities of NATO in the Western Balkans enabled it to fight against terrorism. He said he went to Bosnia and Herzegovina and that he was told there how important it was for the entire region of the Western Balkans to be stabilized, to be able to fight foreign combatants, and to have the necessary means to stand up to the terrorist threat.




Albania’s leaders end three-hour meeting on political deadlock (ATA)

Prime Minister Edi Rama and the main opposition Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, met to negotiate a compromise to defuse the political deadlock in the country on Wednesday. PM Rama and opposition leader Lulzim Basha held a three-hour meeting at the office of President of Republic Bujar Nishani, who had called leaders of the two main parties to sit down and try to resolve the political crisis. Both Rama and Basha made no immediate public comments on the meeting. The meeting comes after the President’s offer for negotiations between majority and opposition and a video conference between the DP’s leadership and the European People’s Party President Joseph Daul a day ago. The centre-right opposition has boycotted the parliament since February, calling for Socialist PM to step down and creation of a caretaker government that would see the parliamentary elections. DP and smaller parties in opposition have threatened to escalate protest and start “a civil disobedience” starting with the mayoral elections in the western town of Kavaja this weekend.

The President’s office reported officially on the meeting between Prime Minister Edi Rama and the leader of the Democratic Party in opposition Lulzim Basha. The briefing writes among other things that, “The President of the Republic is still in touch with the two sides for finding a possible solution on the basis of compromise”.

“Rama-Basha meeting was held by invitation of the President of the Republic Bujar Nishani. During the meeting the two sides expressed their opinions on the political crisis and the ways for its resolve. The president is still in touch with the two sides on finding a possible solution on the basis of a compromise”, concludes the announcement of the president’s office.


Basha: Speaking after the meeting on dialogue with PM Edi Rama (ATA)

The DP head, Lulzim Basha speaking, after the meeting on dialogue with PM Edi Rama, said that PM has an unbreakable faceoff ahead to say stop to arrogance, crime and drugs. All he wants is not dialogue, but illegitimate power, therefore on Sunday entire Albania will protest in Kavaja.

Basha declared before his party supporters saying: We will take in hands our fates from the citizens and for the citizens. “Today representative of the old republic sat with the new republic in the presence of President Nishani to find a solution through dialogue to the political, electoral, economic crisis, which is the only product of four years under the failed govt. of PM Edi Rama.”

Basha went on saying: I went to the negotiating table with the unshakable will not to turn the situation to the advantage of myself and DP, but to make no concessions on legitimate rights of the citizens for free and fair elections, for the free vote as the cornerstone of democratic co-habitation. I also went on behalf of EPP, President Joseph Daul, Commissioner Johannes Hahn and I will not shun any opportunity for compromise on free and fair elections.

We have offered anything to come up with a solution, but the other party has backtracked on the previous week’s proposals for which it lobbied, they fell short of the mark to guarantee the minimum of citizens. Today Rama showed that he is the only hindrance and has no argument to pave the way for a solution, Basha said. He reconfirmed that a technocrat govt. would be the fair way to bring Albania back on the right path. On Sunday, entire Albania will rise in protest in Kavaja to liberate Kavaja and Albania,” Basha pointed out.


SMI elects new leadership (ATA)

Petrit Vasili was elected the new chairman of the Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) replacing in the post Ilir Meta who was elected President of the Republic, while Monika Kryemadhi was elected vice chairwoman of the SMI. The National Convention of the SMI, the junior partner in the ruling coalition, took the decision during its meeting yesterday.

Speaking at the Convention, Vasili highlighted youth as the key factor in SMI growth and its objective of coming out as the first political force in the country. Further on, Vasili pointed to the delicate moment when this convention was being held. He said it’s a time of a crystal clear political crisis when every Albanian can see the responsible and irresponsible political forces as well as the forces that are ready to make sacrifices for the country.

“Ilir Meta’s election as the country’s president is an investment of the SMI”, said Vasili.




Andreja Mladenovic likely to become Belgrade's new mayor (Sputnik)

Autonomous DSS party leader Andreja Mladenovic should soon be elected as mayor of Belgrade, replacing Sinisa Mali, Sputnik is reporting. According to Sputnik, Mladenovic, who currently serves as deputy mayor, is for the moment considered as the only candidate in the ruling circles. Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia's Prime Minister, President-elect, and leader of the ruling SNS, on Wednesday announced that Mali would not continue as mayor - "not because he didn't work well or because the SNS doesn't have a majority in the city assembly, but because of the comprehensive campaign against him."