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Belgrade Media Report 06 June



Vucic: I’ll think about everything, decision within several days (RTS)


Following the first part of the consultations, which will resume on Tuesday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that during the consultations he had been most surprised by the attitudes of representatives of his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). “I had not talked things with them what they would say, so they said all what they think, and they said that they think that they, as the party, deserve to get the (post of the) prime minister, so I said I had contributed to that a little bit,” Vucic said. He also said that a session of the SNS presidency would likely take place later this week, which would be “interesting”, without explaining what he meant by that. It is likely, however, that Vucic alluded to various ideas by his party members about whom from the SNS should be the new prime minister, since that party organs have yet to decide who shall be nominated for the prime minister.

“Interesting,” was also the description voiced by the SNS deputy leader Marija Obradovic earlier on Monday, following the consultations of representatives of the governing coalition with

Vucic, when she was describing the meeting. She said that the meeting was “contrary to expectations” and in “the dissonant tones,” although it turned out from her explanation that there was no true dissonance at all, because the SNS and its smaller coalition partners are agreeing in advance with a proposal that Vucic will finally voice. Obradovic also said that the SNS requested the prime minister to be one of the party’s officials, but that the names were not mentioned at the meeting, because the SNS party organs should voice their stances on the specific proposals first.

Commenting on the absence of the representatives of the Democratic Party (DS), the It’s Enough (DJB) movement, the Social Democratic Party (SDS) and the Dveri movement at the consultations, Vucic said on Monday that “everyone is entitled to make his own choice.”

“They have shown contempt for the country. They have not shown up today even though they are talking for years that there is no dialogue, but, when the constitutional possibility for it occurred, they did not want to show up,” Vucic said. “They put the blame on me because I have taken part in three large, huge victories in the last four years that have been the most convincing ones in the modern history of Serbia. They cannot come to terms with that. But, I will listen to them when it comes to the state,” he added.

Vucic praised representatives of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS), the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina (LSV) and the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Vucic said that he had an opportunity to “learn” something from each representative of these parties that were on the consultations. Commenting the media allegations that Catherine Ashton will become his advisor, Vucic says that he hadn’t discussed this with her at the meeting during the day. “We discussed various topics, the situation in the Balkans, the EU perspective of Serbia and the entire region,” explained Vucic.


Serbia expects Russia’s support in UNESCO, Russia Serbia’s in CoE (Beta)


Serbia expects Russia's support regarding the question of Kosovo membership in the UNESCO, while Russia expects Serbia's help in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic and her counterpart in the lower house of the Russian parliament, the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, declared following a meeting in

Belgrade. Gojkovic thanked Russia for not recognizing independence of Kosovo and expressed certainty that Moscow will support Belgrade in the issue of preventing Pristina from joining UNESCO. “We have discussed the potential new claims of Kosovo to join international organizations, such as UNESCO, and what an important issue it is for maintaining the cultural heritage of Serbia and Serbian people, as well as for the world cultural heritage. Of course, we have come to an agreement that Russia, as in the previous voting, will support the Republic of Serbia,” Gojkovic said, adding that she has also thanked Russia for its support of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, as well as for the consistent and principal policy of not recognizing independence of Kosovo. Volodin said that all delegations to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) should be allowed to express their opinion, which is not the case, because Russia is in fact prevented in doing that. After his meeting with Gojkovic, Volodin told a joint press conference that PACE should see some changes because of this. "The PACE should undergo certain changes. First of all, the statute should be revised, as well as the organization's manner of conducting its business so as to secure the rights of all the delegations," the Russian Duma speaker said.


Further strengthening of all forms of cooperation with Russia (RTS)


Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic met with Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin. The two officials agreed that the friendly relations between Serbia and Russia have reached the level of strategic partnership and stressed their commitment to further strengthening all forms of cooperation. It was also noted that based on the excellent political relations, it is realistic to expect that economic and cultural relations, as well as joint projects in various spheres, will be even more intensified. This can be encouraged by a more versatile and deeper cooperation between the two parliaments and their committees in various fields, especially economy and investments. Dacic expressed satisfaction with the fact that the visit of the delegation of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, headed by Vyacheslav Volodin, is another confirmation of the readiness of the two countries to continue the political dialogue at high and the highest level.


Germany preparing special plan for Western Balkans (Novosti)


Germany has prepared a mini Marshall Plan for the Balkans, which should boost the economies in the region over the next few years, and would serve as compensation for the long wait for full-fledged EU membership, Novosti writes. According to Novosti’s diplomatic sources, this ambitious proposal will soon be on the table of the European Council in Brussels, which should approve it and set up a special fund for the Balkan countries. This plan is called “Berlin Plus” and the money for its implementation should, among other sources, come from the European Economic Area (EEA) consisting of all EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, as well as the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), where Switzerland is also a member.

The figures are not yet known, because donor campaigns are yet to be organized, but, due to the volume of the projects, they should certainly be significant. The idea is to quickly, within a couple of years, create an attractive economic area out of our region. One of the goals is to network the Western Balkans with infrastructure such as highways that would connect Serbia with Bosnia-Herzegovina or Belgrade with Tirana, via Pristina. The EU would in this way obtain skilled workers and a technologically prepared region, while the goal is to bring the Western Balkans closer to the European partners by increasing the standard. The intention is to “skip” in this way the uncertain period of the next few years in which the EU, pressed by numerous crises, does not intend to continue enlarging. A strong reason to activate the “Berlin plus” is also to reduce tensions in the region. For Germany, the Western Balkans is of great importance security-wise. The opportunity to do something more concrete in terms of the “Berlin Plus” plan will present itself in mid-July, when the regular annual summit dedicated to the western Balkans will be held in Trieste, Italy.




Dodik: Siege of Sarajevo and genocide in Srebrenica will never be studied in RS (Fena)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated today that siege of Sarajevo and genocide in Srebrenica will never be studied in the RS. Dodik supported the announcement of the RS Education Minister Dane Malesevic, who said that textbooks from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) will be banned in the RS, if they are to contain lessons such as “Sarajevo siege” and “Srebrenica genocide”. “It is impossible for textbooks from the FB&H to be used here, which read that Serbs committed genocide and that they held Sarajevo under siege. This is not true and will not be studied here”, Dodik stressed, and added that OSCE criteria also do not comprehend this. “Would Bosniaks allow us to write a textbook, in which they are qualified in such way, or someone else? This is beyond logic”, said Dodik. Dodik, who is also SNSD leader, announced for June 8th the meeting of representatives of parties of the ruling coalition in RS, stressing that the meeting will not be about reshuffling of the RS Government.


Plundering of military property in RS with support of NATO (Glas Srpske)


Glas Srpske claims that procedure for registration of 13 military locations in Republika Srpska (RS) and three in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the property of B&H has been launched with the support of NATO, despite the fact that the Law on Military Property does not exist, while authorities of entities and B&H have never reached an agreement about this issue. According to daily, report on the work of the Ministry of Defense (MoD) of B&H in the first three months of 2017 mentions requests, administrative procedures and administrative disputes, although it does not say exactly which locations are in the process of registration. Furthermore, the report also reads that a total of 26 military locations in the Federation of B&H have been registered as the property of B&H until the end of March 2017, on the basis of requests the MoD B&H had sent to the Office of Attorney General of B&H. “During 2015 and 2016, the Ministry of Defense has sent a total of 39 requests for registration of military property as the property of B&H to the Office of Attorney General of B&H”, reads the report. The MoD B&H reminded that the Court of B&H has rendered the final verdict in the case of Veliki Zep military location in Han Pijesak, that administrative procedure is in progress and that the Ministry has established a commission in charge of monitoring the process of registration of military property. Daily reported several months ago that former Attorney General of B&H Medina Vilic has sent request for registration of ten locations in the RS - declared as prospective military property - as the property of B&H. Request was sent to the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs (RUGIP) of the RS. In the report in its work in 2016, the Office of Attorney General of B&H stated that the process of registration of prospective military property as the property of B&H has been launched upon request of the Ministry of Defense and on the basis of decision made by the Presidency of B&H. According to Domazet, representatives of the MoD B&H claim that the process of sending requests for registration of military property has started back in 2014, with the support of legal experts from the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo.

Member of the Joint Commission of the Parliament of B&H for Defense and Security Dusanka Majkic said that constant pressure from the Office of the Attorney General of B&H, without any legal grounds, is not enough to resolve this issue, which is also the condition for activation of the Membership Action Plan. “To expect that registration of military property in the RS is carried out on the basis of B&H Presidency’s decision is unreasonable, because that was a political decision which - from the RS’ point of view - is completely unacceptable as the basis for registration”, Majkic said, adding that adoption of the law on military and other property is the only way to resolve the issue. Furthermore, Majkic explained that the law has to be a result of an agreement between entity governments and the Council of Ministers of B&H. “There will be no registration of military property, owned by the RS, for as long as necessary criteria are not adopted,” Majkic said.

In a short statement to daily Attorney General of B&H Mladjen Mandic confirmed that the Court of B&H has rendered final ruling in the case of Veliki Zep military location in Han Pijesak, adding that it does not mean this location should be registered as the property of B&H. “Administrative procedure is in progress and the process is still ongoing,” Mandic said.


SDP completely supports implementation of decisions of B&H CC (TV1)


Commenting HDZ B&H proposal of amendments to B&H Election Law, leader of SDP Nermin Niksic underlined that HDZ B&H has been claiming that goal of their proposal is implementation of a decision of B&H Constitutional Court (CC) related to motion filed by Bozo Ljubic, i.e. decision reading that part of B&H Election Law on election of delegates in the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) is unconstitutional. Niksic said that according to HDZ B&H, this decision should lead to further division of the Federation of B&H. He added that prior to general elections 2014, leaders of SDA and HDZ B&H clearly said that they reached an agreement on this issue, i.e. agreement on creation of two municipalities in Mostar and forming of two electorates in the Federation of B&H. According to Niksic, this would represent completion of process of division of B&H. He stressed that SDP completely supports implementation of all decisions of B&H CC, adding that current authorities advocate partial implementation of these decisions. “We will offer solution for implementation of this decision of B&H CC, one that will not introduce additional segregation and peoples as electorates”, underlined leader of SDP. Niksic said that issue of election of delegates in the Federation of B&H HoP can be resolved and expressed hope that B&H CC will equally insists on implementation of all of its decisions. Niksic reminded that in 2015, B&H CC rendered decision regarding motion filed by former member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, adding that back then, B&H CC decided that the process of election and appointment of Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Federation of B&H and Republika Srpska is unconstitutional. He underlined that B&H CC did not put parts of B&H Election Law regulating this area out of force, because this issue is important political issue and requires changes of the Constitution. “I hope B&H CC will treat this issue in same way and force political actors in B&H to seriously focus to changes of the Election Law in line with decisions of the ECHR in cases ‘Sejdic-Finci’, Zornic and Pilav” stated Niksic. He also expressed hope that changes of the Election Law will prevent misuses of election process. Blagojevic reminded that a concert of support to the ICTY indictees (Wartime officials of Herzeg-Bosnia) should be held on Thursday June 8 in Mostar. Niksic stated that since HDZ B&H cannot request again support of their voters in general elections 2018 by promising forming of third entity, they need to find a topic suitable for homogenization of voters. “This is not about any support to the ICTY indictees, but about preparation for pre-election campaign for 2018 elections,” stressed Niksic adding that SDA will probably use this opportunity to show that they allegedly oppose this manifestation and protect interests of Bosniaks.


There is threat of halt in implementation of Reform Agenda without new political agreement (Vecernji list)


Jutarnji list daily papers reads that the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities are showing serious signs of weaknesses, which was best demonstrated during last session of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples when the ruling coalition could not reach consensus about two very important laws. According to daily, the general problem boils down to relations between leading Bosniak and Croat parties at all levels, adding that the situation is also burdened with early start of pre-election campaign. According to the daily, skirmishes between SDA and SBB B&H will probably soon turn into an open conflict, which will additionally complicate functioning of the Federation of B&H authorities. Daily notes that the issue of infrastructural projects in area of construction of roads and energy facilities has to be resolved as soon as possible and that, apart from the issue of reform to the electoral legislation, it is clear that the ruling parties need a comprehensive political agreement. Daily also writes that the international community (IC), foremost the EU, is monitoring the implementation of the Reform Agenda and problems with it in the Federation of B&H. According to the daily, it is expected that the IC will try to unblock certain processes.


Schindler and Meyer predict dissolution of B&H and annexation of certain parts of B&H to Serbia and Croatia (N1)


Regional television N1 carries that B&H is again the main topic in analyzes of former US and UK officials. Namely, John Schindler and Stephen Meyer published articles in which they assessed that B&H is not functioning as a state, predicting the dissolution of B&H and annexation of certain parts of B&H to Serbia and Croatia. In his analysis for 'The Observer', Schindler wrote that B&H is a pseudo country that has not recovered from the disaster which lasted from 1992 to 1995. Schindler also wrote that Republika Srpska (RS) should be allowed to join Serbia, as well as that ethnic Croats from Herzegovina should be allowed to join Croatia. Former US intelligence officer Stephen Meyer told 'Sputnjik News Agency' that B&H is not functioning very well. Meyer further said that there is nothing sacred in the borders and that he advocates retailoring of borders in the Balkans. Earlier, Timothy Less published an article in 'The Foreign Affairs' in which he predicted the dissolution of B&H and annexation of the RS to Serbia. "The RS is not able to survive as an entity. It should become autonomous within a kind of union with Serbia," Less said. N1 underlined that such analyzes, from time to time, appear in US and UK magazines. However, it is unclear whether those articles are an orchestrated way of destabilization of B&H or they are lobbyist articles which were commissioned by someone from B&H. There was much talk about RS President Milorad Dodik's lobbying and claims from these analyzes faithfully reflect the constant statements by Dodik. Croat member of the B&H Presidency Dragan Covic, on the other hand, said that he is deeply convinced that B&H, within its internationally recognized borders, is a permanent category. Analysts agree that there can be no divisions in B&H without an agreement between the people, while SDP B&H officials do not give great importance to the alleged prophecies.


Plenkovic: HDZ ready for any scenario, all who want to join are welcome (Jutarnji list)


HDZ is in the lead in all five Slavonian and all five Dalmatian counties. In terms of towns, HDZ is leading 62 out of 127. Head of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) Andrej Plenkovic, thank everyone who voted in these elections, giving special thanks to HDZ candidates on the excellent results in the second round of local elections, Jutarnji List reported on June 4, 2017.

“We saw that the average turnout was 40%, this was expected considering the summer weather,” said Plenkovic who greeted the election winners from HDZ. “Together with our partners, HDZ is now in charge of 12 counties, I especially congratulate Anusic in Osijek-Baranja County. HDZ is in the lead in all five Slavonian and all five Dalmatian counties. In terms of towns, HDZ is leading 62 out of 127. I feel these numbers are clear. I specially want to thank a line of colleagues for the great results in Daruvar, Dubrovnik, Metkovic, Karlovac, Ozalj, Oroslavje, Senj, Djakovo, Pozega, Kutina, Imotski, Makarska, Sibenik… Out of four large cities, we could only go forward in Split, thus, the win by Andro Krstulović Opara is the brightest,” said Plenkovic, before commenting on the political situation in the country. “As for the national level, we saw the turnout at these elections, all parties will make their analysis, and HDZ is ready for any scenario. The message to parties is that all those who want Croatia to boldly face large political issues, finances, social aspects, security, I invite them to talk to us, on the economy, demographic revitalization, investment in education. All of these are part of the program of our government. They are part of our political responsibility. Those who want to join are welcome. Tomorrow we re-open national topics, I believe we will provide the best solutions,” said Plenkovic.


Montenegro officially a part of the NATO family (CDM)


Exactly at 6pm CET, Montenegro has become a part of NATO, standing shoulder to shoulder with the most powerful countries. “Today is a big day for Montenegro, for a nation that has made great sacrifice, since it has got a chance to decide about its future. We are part of a global policy again. There will be no decisions about our fate behind our back,” said Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko Markovic. “Today Montenegro has become a part of the most powerful and the most successful alliance ever,” he added. Markovic also thanked the USA for its support.  “The USA has shown again that it stays committed to stability of the Balkans. I’d like to thank NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg for his constant support to Montenegro’s accession to the alliance,” Markovic said. The PM has had a message for Montenegrin people, as well. “Let’s stay united and let’s take the opportunity to make Montenegro better. Let’s be wise for the sake of our future as much as we were brave for the sake of our past. May eternal be Montenegro and may eternal be the alliance,” Markovic said. The secretary general Stoltenberg warmly welcomed Montenegro, expressing satisfaction that our country would be at the table with the most powerful countries.

Montenegrin foreign minister Srdjan Darmanovic has submitted the document on behalf of Montenegro in the State Department, at 6pm Montenegrin time. Thus, Montenegro officially becomes full member of the NATO alliance. In front of the NATO headquarters in Brussels, the mast for the Montenegrin flag has already been prepared. Montenegrin flag will be hoisted up in front of the NATO headquarters on 7 June. At the recent summit in Brussels, although at the brink of full membership in the alliance, Montenegro participated as a full NATO member state.

After restoration of independence in 2006, Montenegro set accession to the European Union and NATO as a strategic goal. Official relations between Montenegro and NATO began on 29 November 2006, when Montenegro was invited to join the Partnership for Peace.

Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic signed the Framework Document of the Partnership for Peace on 14 December 2006 in Brussels. The foreign ministers of the member states decided to invite Montenegro to become a member of the alliance and to start accession negotiations at the meeting in Brussels on 2 December 2015. At a meeting of foreign ministers of NATO member states on 19 May 2016, NATO member states signed the accession protocol in the presence of Montenegro’s delegation led by prime minister Milo Djukanovic. Then it was forwarded to the parliaments of all 28 countries of the alliance for ratification. The ratification process started on 8 June 2016 when Iceland ratified Montenegro’s NATO accession protocol. On 28 April 2017, the Parliament of Montenegro unanimously adopted the Draft Law on Ratification of the North Atlantic Agreement. At the summit in May, PM Markovic said that Montenegro was ready for EU membership. “Montenegro is ready and able to respond to the obligations arising from membership in NATO. This is a big day for Montenegro,” PM said then.


Evaluation of the constitutionality of the Law on NATO (RTCG)


Fifteen deputies of the Democratic Front (DF) and the Socialist People's Party (SNP) have launched proceedings to review the constitutionality of the Law on Ratification of the North Atlantic Treaty and the Protocol with the North Atlantic Treaty concerning the accession of Greece and Turkey. Review of constitutionality was initiated by SNP deputies Srdjan Milic and Danijel Pavicevic, and DF’s Andrija Mandic, Milan Knezevic, Ljiljana Djuraskovic, Janko Vucinic, Predrag Bulatovic, Strahinja Bulajic, Slaven Radunovic, Milutin Djukanovic, Vera Bulatovic, Budimir Aleksic, Jovan Vucurovic, Marina Jocic and Milun Zogovic.

Deputies say that the adoption of the Law was not conducted in accordance with the Constitution, or that the procedures prescribed by the highest legal act in terms of the required majority for its adoption were not respected. Thus, the submitters of the initiative believe that the Law, as they said, "from the standpoint of the highest legal act, must be considered un-adopted and cannot produce legal consequences".


At its first session, the government has constituted its working bodies and committees (Meta)


The government of the Republic of Macedonia has had its first session today, during which Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has named as vice-prime ministers the Minister of Defense, Radmila Shekjerinska Jankovska, the Minister of Interior, Oliver Spasovski as well as the ministers without portfolios, Bujar Osmani, Kocho Angjushev, Hazbi Lika. Zaev has delegated various assignments to other ministers without portfolios. Robert Popovski shall be in charge of communications, accountability, and transparency, Edmond Ademi will in charge of the diaspora, Andan Kjahil, Zorica Apostolovska, and Razmi Merko will be in charge of foreign investments. Samka Ibraimovski shall be in charge of implementation of the Strategy for improvement of the state of Roma in Macedonia and Zoran Shapuric shall be in charge of regulations for improvement of the investment climate for domestic companies. Professor Dragi Rashkovski was appointed as a new General Secretary. At the government’s session, as was stated in the press release, the government’s Committee for Economic System and Current Economic Policy, Committee on Political System were constituted as well as the Committee on Human Resources and Sustainable Development, an Appointment Committee, Housing Affairs Committee, and Privatization Committee. At its first session, the government also formed a Steering Committee on Coordination and Management of the Crisis Management System, which will be managed by Minister Oliver Spasovski.


Zaev: Two-third majority required for SPO mandate extension (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Monday they will make an attempt in the parliament to secure a two-third majority for extension of the Special Prosecutor's Office (SPO) mandate, which expires by the end of June. "There is an agreement among coalition partners over this issue. However, this is not sufficient because we need a two-third majority. We will attempt through a debate in the Parliament to secure this majority, which is a difficult mission because of the contrary stance by our political opponents. We established this institution through consensus and it deserves to complete its mandate", Zaev told reporters after a meeting with EU ambassador Samuel Zbogar. He urged MPs to stay along the line of their support for the SPO as stipulated in the law.

Regarding the re-election of judges, the PM said they would follow the recommendations from the Venice Commission and European practice in the field. "We need to undertake steps towards an independent judicial system, including the public prosecutors and the judges. The most obvious practice in Europe is dissolution and then re-election. Honorable judges should not fear this procedure, because it will be run by experts, not politicians", underlined Zaev.


EU Ambassador says it's time Macedonia committed to reforms for prompt integration (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and EU Ambassador Samuel Zbogar met Monday for talks on the priorities of the new government and its commitment to the EU integration process. Yesterday marked their first meeting after Zaev assumed office as the new Prime Minister of Macedonia.

"There's no goal more important for Macedonia than the EU integration process and NATO membership. We've discussed all the details and commitments of the government on our path to EU accession. We've discussed ongoing projects and the significance of continuity. Reforms were definitely our focal point. We've somewhat defined the agendas ahead of us," Zaev told reporters after the meeting. The new government in Macedonia, he said, will do everything in its power to meet the expectations of the EU to offer enough reasons for Brussels to lift the conditioned recommendation. "This is why we have immediately set a meeting with EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn and his team. He would outline his own expectations and results. One of them was regular elections and I know this obstacle has been already lifted. Macedonia had regular and credible elections and the political crisis is already solved. Probably, he would say something regarding reforms and he would expect us to make some progress," stated Zaev.

The Premier introduced Zbogar with the new ministers and their duties revealing their commitment to the integration process from all aspects - reforms, improvement of neighborly ties, communications with Brussels and the EU. The aim is to move the processes forward in Macedonia in a bid the country to join the Union as soon as possible, according to Zaev.

"The conditioned recommendation should be cancelled as soon as possible by implementing reforms and by a show of dedication from everyone, including the government, the opposition and all other stakeholders and by installing hope that accession talks with the EU would be launched very soon. The matter, you know, depends on the burning problem Greece has with our constitutional name. We will focus in this regard having the ultimate goal to spread encouragement and optimism," stressed Zaev.

Congratulating him on his new post, Zbogar said Zaev would helm the government in a very crucial period for the country. "A functional parliament and a functional government give us hope that the country is settling the crisis, which allows it to see the future in a more optimistic light. Now's also the time to truly focus on reforms," noted Zbogar.

I've come here, he said, to convey to the PM our readiness to help, to provide assistance for everything the government is going to need as regards reforms. Ultimately, Zbogar stated, the government will make its own decisions. The EU Ambassador added the interlocutors concurred that the political parties and the citizens should be engaged in EU integration reforms.


CEC accredits observers from OSCE PA and AHC (ATA)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) approved on Monday accreditation of the short-term observers from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and of the long-term observers from the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC). By unanimous vote of all the members, CEC approved accreditation of 49 observers from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to monitor the electoral process of June 25 general elections in Albania. Likewise, CEC approved today accreditation of 177 long-term observers from the Albanian Helsinki Committee that has a mission of human rights respect, strengthening of the rule of law as well as holding of free and fair elections in accordance with the Constitution and the international acts.


Rama: SP-DP agreement to share responsibility for elections and afterwards (ATA)


Prime Minister Edi Rama spoke about the agreement with the opposition leader Lulzim Basha in an interview on a local television. He said that the agreement is to share responsibilities not only for the elections, but even for the period after the elections so that the government will not remain alone in its efforts for EU membership. Thus, Albania will have a full and unanimous advocacy and on the other hand it will avoid an unpleasant image in the eyes of the internationals. “We have agreed to do what all the normal countries do with a government and opposition on constant debate within the country, but on the international plane they speak with one voice in defense of the national interest. It is not about an opposition that speaks well for the government, but we aim not to have a polarized political scheme.” said PM Rama. Speaking about the elections, PM Rama said that he believes the Socialist Party will win an absolute majority not to have more power for itself, but to assume more responsibility so that to be at the helm of the reforms.




In Balkans, Russia Dismisses Macedonian Meddling Charges (Voice of America, by Ajdin Muratovic, 5 June 2017)


WASHINGTON — Russia's Foreign Ministry on Monday dismissed as baseless accusations that Moscow has been meddling in Macedonia's internal affairs. The Kremlin response followed a report in The Guardian on Sunday that says documents leaked by Macedonian intelligence agents to the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) show that "Russian spies and diplomats have been involved in a nearly decade-long effort to spread propaganda and provoke discord in Macedonia." The leaked documents indicate that efforts to isolate Macedonia from Western influence are part of a broader Russian campaign to stop all republics of the former Yugoslavia from joining NATO and succumbing to Western political interests.

It was shortly after Greece blocked Macedonia's bid to join NATO in 2008, OCCRP says, that Russia's foreign policy, “in concert with its energy strategy,” sought to control “strategic energy resources through partnership with the Balkan countries” and to make Macedonia “exclusively dependent.” The leaked files also describe how the Kremlin conducted espionage, stating that three agents from Russia's SVR foreign intelligence service — formerly known as the Soviet-era KGB — “are based in Skopje, and overseen by the SVR's sister station in the Serbian capital, Belgrade.” OCCRP also says Russia's embassy in Macedonia houses a quartet of Russian military intelligence (GRU) agents whose “activities are coordinated from the GRU's base in Sofia, Bulgaria.” And It says journalists for Russia's TASS state news agency and officials from Rossotrudnichestvo, which promotes Russian culture and interests abroad, collaborated with Russian spies. A Washington-based cultural center funded by Rossotrudnichestvo was investigated by the FBI in 2013 for attempting to recruit Americans as spies. Sunday's Guardian piece on OCCRP findings are “nothing but another clumsy attempt to shift responsibility for bringing about a profound crisis of the Macedonian state,” said a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry information and press department. “Hollow accusations against Moscow for funding Macedonian media with the purpose to spread disinformation in Russian interests are stemming from an organization whose main sponsors are U.S. state structures and the George Soros foundation.” The statement goes on to accuse EU and American actors of failing to “condemn the infamous ‘Tirana platform,’ which is a manifestation of the ideology of Greater Albania” — a reference to Macedonia's domestic ethnic issues. Part of a recent coalition deal to elect an ethnic Albanian to be legislative speaker led to protests by nationalists who stormed parliament and beat some deputies, including Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Macedonian officials did not respond to VOA requests for comment in time for publication.


Risk of 'serious deterioration'

In an interview with VOA's Bosnian Service on Thursday, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Hoyt Yee said Balkan politicians seeking EU and NATO integration need to make “hard sacrifices and reforms necessary to help their citizens move closer to Europe.” Yee added that the United States remain a committed partner for countries wishing to join the Euro-Atlantic community, but “it is up to the leaders to deliver on their commitments to their people.” Yee's comments come at a time when countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Macedonia, and Serbia are stumbling on the path to European and NATO integration, despite widespread popular support. Well-educated Balkan youth in particular have been emigrating in response to political dysfunction, lack of employment opportunities, decreasing freedoms and an abandonment of hope for a better future. In Bosnia, Yee said, “we have a situation in which the electoral system is in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights, in violation of several decisions of the Constitutional Court of BiH, and that a major city [Mostar] has not had elections in eight years.” Lack of structural and institutional reforms, he warned, could result in “serious deterioration in BiH.”


EU-backed meeting

On Saturday, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier addressed a European Union-backed meeting of Balkan leaders in Slovenia designed to boost European cooperation in the troubled region. Despite Europe's own problems, he warned, what happens in the Balkans “is going to concern us and is going to have an impact on us.” “Peace, stability and economic development in the region should be high on our agenda,” he was quoted as saying in a Reuters report. “We have not forgotten the conflict. We have not forgotten the violence in this region.” Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo make up the western Balkans, where the wars in the 1990s left some 100,000 people dead and millions homeless.

The EU has hoped that the prospect of EU membership will help steady and prevent conflicts in the Balkans. However, there have been concerns that the bloc has been too busy with its own problems, enabling Russia to increase its traditional influence in the region.

This report originated in VOA's Bosnian Service. Reuters contributed this report.