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Belgrade Media Report 19 June



Vucic talks to MPs as his PM pick proves contentious to some (B92)

Serbian President and ruling SNS leader Aleksandar Vucic met today with Serbian Assembly members ("people's deputies") from his party. The topic was their support to his choice for Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic. The meeting was closed to the public. Replying to reporters, Vucic said that he expected full support to be given to the PM-designate.

After the meeting, Marija Obradovic, a deputy leader of the ruling SNS, says that the party's MPs have supported Aleksandar Vucic's decision to nominate Ana Brnabic for PM. Obradovic also said that "it remains to be seen" if the ruling coalition will be able to count on 128 votes in favor - adding that this will be known by Thursday. Unless 128 Assembly members support Brnabic - despite the fact that a majority requires 126 votes in Serbia's 250-seat parliament - early parliamentary elections will be held, Obradovic announced.

Although she underlined several times that the SNS position on supporting Vucic's decision was "unanimous," Obradovic failed to answer several questions about whether any of the party's top officials were opposed to Brnabic as PM. She said it was "hard to expect 100 people to think the same" and that if that were the case, "the SNS would not be what it is." Obradovic observed that those who vote against Brnabic will also vote against the government, and asked "how, in that case, can they be a part of that same government."

Asked why they were uncertain of receiving support for the nomination, Obradovic replied, "More discussions need to be had."

Vucic addressed reporters earlier to say he believed "everything will be alright." He gave the same answer when asked about the number of ministries Ivica Dacic's SPS was demanding. Obradovic also addressed this point.

"There have been those who are not in favor of the SPS being in the government, Vucic listened to that, but he wants strong cooperation with the Socialists (SPS)," she said.


Minister of Interior Nebojsa Stefanovic stated: “there are no factions within the SNS, but there are different opinions among part of the members of parliament. I expect that if everything is alright, if this solid majority is secured in the next two or three days, that at the weekend, on Saturday, we can start the debate on the election of a new Government,” said Stefanovic, adding that it depends on Parliament. “The party absolutely firmly and resolutely stands behind Vucic, but we still want to talk to the MPs, to see what they have to say about it, whether anyone has a different opinion,” Stefanovic said. He pointed out that slating parliamentary elections exists as an option, but that he is convinced that a stable majority support for the government will be provided.

“When you are involved in politics, elections always exists as a possibility, and see nothing bad in checking the will of the people. However, considering that the people have given us a clear mandate, primarily through the support of Vucic in the elections, I believe that we will succeed in providing stable majority support for the government,” Stefanovic said.


SPS decided to support Brnabic; it expects four seats in her cabinet (VIP)

The Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) will vote for Brnabic as Prime Minister, and it expects that it will be given four departments, the party leader Ivica Dacic stated on Sunday, following a session of the SPS Presidency, ahead of the party’s main board. Dacic added that the socialists discussed SPS human resources in the new cabinet and specified that the appointments are Slavica Djukic Dejanovic, Aleksandra Antic and Branko Ruzic.

The Socialists see Ruzic as the minister of public administration and local self-government (the ministry headed by Brnabic), while Dacic would keep his position of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Socialists are also interested in the Ministry of the Environment, if one exists, but Dacic said that the appointment was not discussed, because it is still a hypothetical issue. “We wish much success to the Prime Minister designate proposed by Vucic and want the government to be formed as soon as possible and to continue working,” Dacic pointed out. Commenting rumors that in the SNS there are many people who will not vote for Brnabic, Dacic said that he thinks that “it is extremely important that this proposal get support, because it is Aleksandar Vucic’s proposal.”

“In any case, not electing a government by a certain deadline entails certain political and legal consequences, i.e. the disbanding of parliament and new parliamentary elections. One should bear that in mind, and I think that at his moment Serbia not only doesn’t need that, but it wouldn’t be good,” Dacic concluded.

The Prime Minister designate will also have the support of the MPs from the Social Democratic Party of Serbia (SDPS), stated SDPS President Rasim Ljajic. Ljajic believes that all the other political parties within the ruling coalition will have such a decision.


Who is against Brnabic will not remain in ruling coalition (Danas)

All the MPs from the ruling coalition who do not vote for Ana Brnabic and her cabined will not be able to hold any position at any level of government and will have to move to the opposition, Danas daily papers reported, citing a source from the SNS leadership. Danas reports that such a message was sent to the MPs by President Aleksandar Vucic himself, adding that recalling Brnabic’s nomination as Prime Minister designate is out of the question. Allegedly, Vucic’s demand applies to the MPs from the JS and BDZ, as well as individual from the SPS and SNS who decide not to support Brnabic and her government.


David McAllister: The rules regarding Russia also apply to Serbia (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia’s orientation towards the EU, and eventually towards the EU membership, does not exclude friendly relations with other countries in the world, including Russia. At the same time, it is expected from the counties who wish to become the EU members to align with the basic principles of the joint foreign policy. This also applies to Serbia. This is how David McAllister European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia answers the question if Serbia can maintain good economic and political relations with Russia and at the same time progress on its path towards the EU.


Bojan Glamoclija Director of the Russian humanitarian center in Nis responds to espionage accusations (Vecernje Novosti)

Activity of the Russian humanitarian center in Nis, has been determined by its founding, which is providing held in the emergency situations. Because of that there are no reasons for concerns regarding the work of the humanitarian center in Nis, there are no other intentions or tendencies. This is how Bojan Glamoclija Director of the Russian humanitarian center in Nis comments the latest accusations by the EU and US officials that the center is going to progress in to the espionage base, that they don’t believe in Russia’s good intentions and that they are concerned regarding the Russian aviation capacities in Nis.   Glamoclija said that at the moment there are only five Russian citizens working at the Russian humanitarian center and that they do not have the Russian aviation capacities on their disposal.

“The airplanes are located in Russia and they are on the permanent on call duty, which can help in the case of emergency situation life forest fires and floods, but exclusively on request in the case of need.

Regarding the pressure from Brussels and Washington on Serbia not to sign the agreement which would give the diplomatic immunity to the Center’s personal Glamoclija said: “The agreement on the diplomatic status of the Centre has the practical benefit, in a financial sense, which would serve its purpose in providing the financial and technical service, regarding the taxes and customs fees. For example, Russia bought and delivered to SRHC eighteen trucks, paying all the necessary customs and fees, while in the case of diplomatic immunity that number could be twenty-three trucks. Our focus is on the financial element of this agreement. Director of the center noted that the draft of the agreement has been made in 2014 and that they are not included in the negotiations regarding its signing.


NATO general compares 1999 attack on Serbia to Nagasaki (Politika)

The bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) was "NATO's experimental war." This is according to retired Italian general and NATO military diplomat Biagio di Grazia. In addition, Di Grazia says he saw parallels between the 1999 bombing, and the atomic bomb the US used against the Japanese town of Nagasaki.

"It was an experimental war that NATO used to, among other things, train its air force, during an attack where there was an incomparable disproportion between those attacking, and those defending themselves," Di Grazia told Belgrade-based daily Politika, speaking about the 1999 war. He gave the interview last week when he visited Serbia to promote his book, "Why NATO bombed Serbia" - where he speaks about his experiences in service.

Commenting on the parallel that he draws between the 1999 bombing, and the atomic bomb used against Nagasaki, Di Grazia said that "if the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima is in part to be seen as military action, the next, the one dropped on Nagasaki - at a time when Japan had already accepted capitulation - marked the beginning the Cold War and was a message of sorts that the US sent to the Soviet Union."

"Whereas by bombing of Serbia," the retired Italian general continued, "a message was sent to Russia about who the winner in the Cold War was."

"And none of it was the fault of Serbia, which did everything it could, because international circumstances were such that Russia was weak," he stressed.

When the interviewer remarked that NATO's bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade could, in that case, be interpreted as a warning of the West to China, Di Grazia emphasized that this was his personal conclusion, just as he thought that the NATO bombing of Serbia overall was a warning to a weakened Russia. Now, he says, the situation is significantly different.

"Why is nobody considering bombing North Korea at this moment? Because of nuclear weapons, but also because of the fact that China is behind it, who has since been strengthened. Also, Russia has regained the title of superpower, and what it did with Georgia, Moldova and especially Crimea, is similar to what NATO has done with Kosovo. That is why Kosovo in 1999 was a unique case that will not happen again," says Di Grazia.

He also spoke about his doubts regarding the official interpretation of Racak (in Kosovo) and Markale (in Bosnia) cases, stating he did not believe "the Serb explanation" of the events in the village of Racak.

"Only when, a few days later, I met a colleague, an Italian officer serving as an OSCE observer, he said to me: 'Biaggio, it's not like they show it on TV. I informed the head of mission (William Walker) about it.' He was the first to arrive at the location and he did not find the scenes that were later reported by the media. However, after he sent his report to the head of mission, nothing happened," said Di Grazia.

He is convinced that Kosovo Albanians were happy when Racak happened - "and if it had not, they would certainly have fabricated one at a convenient time."

Di Grazia expressed similar doubts about the Markale market bombing in Sarajevo in the first half of the 1990s, stating that his report to the ECMM (European Community Monitoring Mission) command had met a similar fate as the Racak report filed by his Italian colleague.

"I sent it after the investigation that I conducted in the wake of the bombing of Markale, doubting that the Serbs would target a market located a few steps away from an Orthodox church. They were not interested, and again nothing happened," said Di Grazia.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Covic and Dodik meet, agree not to support amendments to B&H Criminal Code (TV1)

Croat member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic met with Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik in Banja Luka on Friday. According to the TV1, Covic promised to Dodik that will not support the proposal of the amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H submitted by Minister of Justice of B&H Josip Grubesa although Grubesa comes from HDZ B&H.

Dodik stated: "This Criminal Code should be abolished at B&H level. Likewise, the Court and Prosecutor's Office of B&H should be abolished and, if possible, we should reach an agreement on some other structure".

Covic explained that three Croat ministers in the Council of Ministers of B&H will not support any proposal if stances of the RS are not taken into account. Dodik claims that completely new law on the judicial institutions of B&H would introduce different structure which will be in line with constitutional competences of the RS. Covic deems that three constituent peoples will always have different stances regarding the Srebrenica genocide and this should be accepted.

Commenting on B&H's path to join the EU, Covic stressed that the Coordination Mechanism for the EU matters should start functioning and it must respect certain activities related to constitutional competences. Covic underlined that there is no reason for the Coordination Mechanism not to start functioning, especially because the majority of answers to questions from the European Commission's Questionnaire are already prepared. Covic pointed out the aim is to obtain the EU candidate status through rapid procedure. Dodik argued that it is necessary to establish the bodies of the Coordination Mechanism and allow them to adopt rules of procedure which will precisely define when and which topics will be discussed.


RS PM Cvijanovic criticizes Ivanic for connecting Questionnaire and Law on Excise Duties (Dnevni list)

Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic commented a recent statement of member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Mladen Ivanic who said that “the RS Government is using Questionnaire as an instrument to ensure Law on Excise Duties”, and she stated that making connections between the European Commission’s Questionnaire and the Law on Excise Duties is nothing but an attempt to twist the facts, and that represents a problem coming from someone such as a member of the Presidency of B&H.

“It is not a problem when it is being said by people of the so-called Alliance for Changes, who never attended a meeting that discussed those topics, but it is frivolous coming from Ivanic who called a meeting at which members of the Presidency of B&H talked to entity prime ministers about the reasons behind failure to unify answers of different levels of authority into a single answer of B&H. I do not know why Ivanic then needs to connect the Law on Excise Duties and the answers to the Questionnaire and to twist the facts, and I mentioned the law only at the end of the meeting by asking what they are planning to do with it, because the institutions of B&H have completely lost their credibility,” stated Cvijanovic. She also noted that Ivanic has not been properly informed about all the developments related to the Questionnaire.

“Story of excise duties remains a stain the institutions of B&H ‘spread’ onto themselves, and no questioning of the entities, especially the RS because we are the only level of authority that met its obligations, is going to help,” underlined Cvijanovic.


Everyone agrees that there is no ruling majority, but coalitions do exist (Dnevni list)

Dnevni list, daily papers, describes the situation in ruling majority at the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) level and the Federation of B&H level as well as relations between the parties forming ruling coalitions. Everyone agrees there is no parliamentary majority while coalitions do exist, which is the point where logic ends and mathematics starts. No single party has left the ruling coalitions and it is not likely this will happen, stresses the author adding that the reason for that are political, economic and financial instruments through which they hold more than hundred positions in ministries, administrations, directorates, public companies etc. Daily goes on to say that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik directly and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic indirectly blame SDA and its leader Bakir Izetbegovic for crisis, while Izetbegovic is accusing Dodik and partly even Covic of that. Dodik is also accusing leaders of the Alliance for Changes of being traitors, but they dismiss these accusations and point at corruption and crime under auspices of Dodik and his associates. As for SBB B&H and its leader Fahrudin Radoncic, they are in a clash with SDA and Izetbegovic, which will get fierce after the month of Ramadan and Eid holidays. According to the daily, Radoncic could explain withdrawal from coalition but he is not sure that all members of his party would leave positions they were appointed at. Daily concludes by saying that there is only one reasonable conclusion for all this – that chiefs of the strongest political parties – Dodik, Izetbegovic and Covic, need such state because it provides them with unquestionable power and authority.


Izetbegovic, Zvizdic expect much better co-op with new Serbian President Vucic (N1)

Bosniak member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic and Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic stated that they expect much better cooperation with newly-elected Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, than it was the case with former Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic. According to Izetbegovic and Zvizdic, Vucic is a modern leader who understands relations in the Balkans and the need to improve relations between B&H and Serbia, between Serbs and Bosniaks.


Interpol has issued red notices after two B&H citizens because of terrorism (RTRS)

The Interpol has issued a red notice for Salem Hasic and Aldin Mahmutovic from Doboj because of terrorism. This news came only a day after the arrest of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) national Begzdad Spahic in Turkey, who is a member of the Islamic State group and three days after Europol warned of the danger of terrorist groups in B&H. Hasic and Mahmutovic are suspected of organizing a terrorist group, terrorism and illegal establishment and joining foreign paramilitary and parapolice formations. The news about Hasic and Mahmutovic came as no surprise to Security Expert Dzevad Galijasevic, who said that this is result of diminishing the importance of terrorist threats and poor work of joint security services in the field. Meanwhile B&H authorities issued an arrest warrant against one Begzad Spahic, arrested in Turkey for preparing a terrorist attack, for unauthorized narcotics production and sale, even though he went to Syrian battlefield several times as a member of the Islamic State’s special unit. Spahic was arrested by Turkish authorities last week together with four Azerbaijan citizens, and confiscated explosives and bomb vests they carried with them. Turkish authorities are presuming that the group planned a terrorist attack. An unnamed source told the daily that Spahic went to Syria on two occasions in 2013, but B&H authorities did not request an arrest warrant from Interpol for terrorism, but for drugs trafficking.




Grabar-Kitarovic: Vucic finally the right partner for talks (Novi List)

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic said that she had "finally" found the right partner for talks in her Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vucic, who she believed was ready for open and honest talks.

"I will repeat what I said in Vukovar. It is high time that Croatia and Serbia draw the line and find common interests to work together on," the Croatian President said in an interview with Novi List daily papers. She added that no one expected a "fake friendship, but that open issues should be resolved and relations built one step at a time."

"I would agree with President Vucic's comment on the Croatian-Serbian relationship - It is good that we are at least not lying to each other," the Croatian President said.


Croatia wants to help Ukraine integrate temporary occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk and the illegal annexation of the Crimea (Telegram)

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met with Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Groysman and discussed the crisis in Ukraine, where 10,000 people have died in the last three years. Plenkovic said at a joint press conference that Croatia was a victim of Serbian aggression in the 1990s, that the country once had occupied territories and endangered territorial integrity, but also, Croatia has the experience of peaceful reintegration and therefore “in the current situation which Ukraine is experiencing, with temporary occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk and the illegal annexation of the Crimea, Croatia wants to help Ukraine integrate them peacefully into its constitutional order.”

The Ukrainian Prime Minister said he was grateful to Plenkovic, the government and the Croatian people for their “principled support to Ukraine at the time when it is the victim of Russian aggression” and for the initiative for creating a working group for using the Croatian experience in the peaceful reintegration process. “With the support of the international community, Ukraine continues to fight for the respect for international law and for its territory,” he said.

Before becoming Prime Minister, Plenkovic was the head of the European Parliament's delegation for relations with Ukraine, and explained that this was not his personal policy towards Ukraine. “This is the policy of the Croatian state, the policy behind which all Croatian institutions stand, and that is a principled, responsible, and the only possible policy, whether it pleases someone or not, that is a different question. We are a country that is a member of the UN, the EU, NATO and we share some basic European values of the international order and respect for international law. That position will remain unchanged regardless of criticism,” he stressed.

“The issues such as the territorial integrity of Ukraine do not affect the establishment of relations with Russia. That is what all other responsible countries are doing,” he said, adding that Croatia and Ukraine were two very close and friendly countries.


Russia criticizes Croatia for its relations with Ukraine again (Telegram)

The recent meeting between the Croatian and Ukrainian Prime Ministers has been met with criticism from Moscow. Russia renewed its criticism of Croatia's interference in the Ukrainian crisis and its offer to help Ukraine in the reintegration of occupied areas. It urged Croatia to support peace efforts within the framework of the Minsk Agreement.

“We have taken note of statements made following recent talks in Zagreb between the Prime Ministers of Croatia and Ukraine regarding plans to ramp up the activity of the Croatian government’s working group on cooperation with Ukraine. Established in October 2016, one of its tasks was to share Croatia’s experience in the “peaceful reintegration of occupied territories" that is supposedly applicable to Donetsk and Lugansk,” says the Russian statement, reports Telegram.

“Again, we'd like to point out that these counterproductive and inappropriate moves cannot help settle the internal Ukrainian conflict. We hope that our Croatian partners will redirect their efforts towards encouraging Kiev to strictly and consistently comply with its commitments under the Minsk Package of Measures, which has been approved by the Normandy format countries. Regrettably, the authorities in Zagreb have preferred to promote their homespun parallel structures instead of advocating a more active dialogue within the Trilateral Contact Group. Their lopsided interpretation of the most dramatic pages in the history of the Balkan crisis of the first half of the 1990s is playing into the hands of Kiev’s party of war, whereas they should have clearly expressed their commitment to searching for a path to reconciliation and peaceful coexistence. Zagreb has not abandoned its intention to build up military and technical cooperation with Ukraine instead of demanding outright that Kiev stop shelling Donbass, lift the transport and socioeconomic blockade of the region and cancel restrictions on people’s access to information,” says the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“We hope that there will be no place for double standards in the international efforts to bring about lasting stability to Ukraine. Only an honest, open and coordinated approach to developments offers a real chance for peace, security and normal life to the millions of people in south-east Ukraine,” concludes the statement.




Serbian citizens can travel to Montenegro just with ID (RTCG)

The citizens of Serbia, as in the past, will be able to enter Montenegro with a valid identity card or other document confirming their identity, the Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

Some Serbian media have announced that there has been a change of regime on the crossing of Montenegro's state border for the citizens of the Republic of Serbia.

"Citizens of the Republic of Serbia, as well as so far, can enter, cross over the territory and stay in Montenegro for up to 30 days with a valid identity card (ID), or another document on the basis of which their identity and nationality can be determined ", it is said in the statement given by the Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They explain that when traveling with a third person, children under the age of 18, or underage children, need written and certified consent from their parents. The reports in media that say that a significant number of Serbian citizens have been returned from the state border with Montenegro were also denied by the Police.


Podgorica should not accept Vucic’s idea on Balkan customs union, it’s a new Russian traps for Montenegro (Pobjeda)

A big campaign is ongoing in order to prevent the next important step in Montenegro’s international development – accession to EU. New concepts of economic unions are suggested, with a goal to tie Montenegro to its less developed neighbors and slow it down on its path to EU, said Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy and the Analysis in Washington DC Janusz Bugajski for Pobjeda daily.

The idea of President Aleksandar Vucic on establishing a Balkan customs union from March this year was supported by the high commissioner of EU for expansion Johannes Hahn. Allegedly, the initiative on customs union will be discussed during Balkans summit in Trieste this July.

Bugajski believes that Podgorica should not accept this idea. He explains that “Moscow is striving to undermine the complete project of EU integration, and Belgrade suggests a regional zone of free trade that could be used by the opponents of EU expansion and provoke delay or exemption of Montenegro from membership“.

“Even with the best of intentions, Belgrade is playing into Moscow’s hand. It adds ammunition to those who are looking for alternatives to EU”, he added. Bugajski reminded that 20 years ago, when the countries of central Europe were striving to join EU, some voices were promoting regional freedom, trade blocks, or even a separate political union of new democracies.

“Regional economic integration could foster economic growth, but it could also be an obstacle for EU membership”, Bugajski said. He reminded that Russia supports any EU alternative.

“To Moscow, EU is an even bigger threat than NATO. EU standards, laws, transparency, present a challenge for Russia’s business model. Human rights are not in accordance to Russia’s autocratic model of rule”, Bugajski said. He explained that Kremlin sees Balkans as the weakest link in Europe, where it is easy to manipulate with conflicts, find potential new allies and ways of economic exploitation.

“In order to replenish its military and economic failings, Moscow develops a wide assortment of political, financial and informational tools. Moscow is promoting local nationalism, is corrupting politicians and is fostering energetic dependence in Balkans”, Bugajski said.



Macedonia deserves NATO accession, says Turkish FM (MIA)

Macedonia deserves more than any other candidate to join NATO. I consider the entire situation over the name issue as being artificial and brings injustice to Macedonia. We urge all members to cooperate with Macedonia, said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu at Sunday's joint press conference with host Nikola Dimitrov. FM Cavusoglu said Ankara would support any solution acceptable to Macedonia and Greece, adding that Macedonia's decision is important in this aspect. Minister Dimitrov said the situation in the name row is clear from a legal point of view.

"In this sense we have a clear situation. There is the 1995 Interim Treaty and a 2011 ruling by the Hague-based International Court of Justice, meaning that Macedonia should not have obstacles in receiving an invitation to join NATO under the interim reference. I will try to highlight and assure it is also in Greece's interest to do this. I will try to add as much political arguments to the legal arguments. This is very important for the country and the entire region. Macedonia's NATO membership will have a positive effect on the stabilization of our region", said Dimitrov.


President Gjorge Ivanov and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu discussed Sunday the further enhancement of bilateral relations and cooperation, expressing satisfaction from the traditional friendship and partnership, as well as the intensive communication in all spheres of mutual interest. President Ivanov stressed that Macedonia highly values Turkey's support over the use of the country's constitutional name and its NATO accession.

"Following the political crisis settlement it is time to create a fresh incentive over Macedonia's NATO membership. As before, we expect your open and vocal support", stressed Ivanov.

FM Cavusoglu reaffirmed Turkey's support to Macedonia's European and Euro-Atlantic integration, saying his country would remain consistent to this position.

Interlocutors exchanged opinions on regional and global developments, along with the need for greater cooperation between the countries' security services. In this regard, Ivanov highlighted the need for information exchange between police and intelligence services, undertaking of joint operations, and finding effective means and methods for prevention and fight against the spreading of violent extremism and terrorism, the President's Office said in a press release.


Zaev-Cavusoglu: New government opens Euro-Atlantic and economic perspectives (MIA)

The joint commitment for enhancement of traditional friendly bilateral relations and Turkey's support to Macedonia's EU and NATO integration was in the focus of Sunday's meeting of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. On behalf of the Turkish government, Cavusoglu congratulated Zaev on assuming the PM's post and said they would fully support the Government's work. He also expressed assurance that the new government opened Macedonia's path to EU and NATO, the Government said in a press release.

PM Zaev said the government is fully committed to reforms towards the country's Euro-Atlantic integration, contributing to economic development and quality life of all citizens. He added that the government is working on creating a favorable business environment, supporting both domestic companies and foreign investments, thus opening new jobs, creating opportunities for higher salaries and dignified living standard of citizens.

In this regard, FM Cavusoglu said there is interest among Turkish companies for investments in Macedonia, especially following the government's efforts undertaken for political and economic stabilization.

Interlocutors expressed mutual interest for cooperation in the fields of economy, investments, trade, education, culture, sports etc.




Rama angry at the President: He kept scolding me as if I were extremists (ATA)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama criticized the newly elected President of Albania Ilir Meta, because, as he said, "a shocking interview" that Meta gave for the Greek television in which he said that Rama is "in unstable and poor relations" with all its neighbors.

"Interview that Ilir Meta gave was shocking! How is it possible that the Albanian President criticizes the Prime Minister as if he was the extremists from the neighborhood," wrote Rama on Facebook, according to ATA.

Albanian Agency says that the Meta, was asked about his relationships with Rama during an interview with Greek television, and answered "first of all have on mind that, unfortunately, the Prime Minister Rama has unstable and poor relations with everyone, including Greece, and not only Greece but also with other neighbors ".

Tensions between the two officials came before the parliamentary elections, which led to a serious struggle between the Socialists, Edi Rama and the opposition Democrat Lulzim Basha.

Albanian opposition has boycotted the parliament and refused to participate in elections, but the agreement on the participation achieved through the mediation of US envoy Brian Hoyt Yee.




Confirmation of Serbia’s first gay premier thrown into doubt (AP)

Serbia's ruling conservatives said Monday if Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabic doesn't get enough votes to be confirmed by parliament as the first openly gay person to head the country's government, an early general election will be held. Brnabic, nominated last week by Serbian Present Aleksandar Vucic, could also become the conservative nation's first female prime minister if she's selected. But some of Vucic's coalition partners said they will vote against her because of her sexual orientation.

Vucic on Monday met with 100 of his Serbian Progressive Party lawmakers who promised to vote for Brnabic in Serbia's 250-seat parliament. She needs at least 26 more votes to be confirmed.

After the closed meeting, Vucic only said "everything will fine." The vote was originally scheduled for later this week, but it has been now moved to next week because of the uncertainty.

Serbian Progressive Party official Marija Obradovic said that if Brnabic doesn't get the additional support by Thursday, an early vote will be called. That would be the third snap election in Serbia in five years.

"It was important for us that everyone declares individually if (he or she) is for or against" Brnabic's nomination," Obradovic said. "There were different stands," she said, adding that despite their different opinions on Brnabic's nomination, everyone agreed to vote for the nomination once it happens in parliament. U.S.-educated Brnabic, 41, was a minister in Vucic's government before he became president in April. Although not a member of his party, she is considered to be loyal to the autocratic leader. Brnabic's nomination was considered part of Vucic's tactics to please the West amid his recent apparent shift toward Russia despite officially claiming European Union membership is Serbia's "strategic goal." Serbia's LGBT population has often faced discrimination, harassment and intimidation. If approved, Brnabic will join a handful of other openly gay leaders in Europe. Earlier this month, Ireland selected Leo Varadkar to head their governing party who will lead the government.