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Belgrade Media Report 06 July



Further improvement of cooperation between Serbia, Great Britain (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met today with British Ambassador to Serbia Denis Keefe, who congratulated her on her appointment as prime minister and conveyed congratulations from British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Boris Johnson. Keefe pointed out that Britain supports Serbia's accession to the European Union and emphasized the importance of further development and improvement of regional relations, to which Serbia is committed. Brnabic thanked on congratulations and stressed that the new Serbian government has already started discussing priority topics, stating that digitization and further development of e-government in Serbia, together with a faster economic growth, will be top priorities. Brnabic and Keefe agreed on the need to reform the education system and concluded that in many areas there is room for further improvement of cooperation between Serbia and Great Britain, on which the two countries will actively work.


EU path must not, will not, and cannot spoil Russia ties (Tanjug)


Serbia is on the European path, but this must not, will not, and cannot spoil the country’s very good relations with Russia, says President Aleksandar Vucic. Vucic met with Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin to discuss concrete projects of cooperation, with the emphasis on Serbia and Russia being ready to maintain a continuous political dialogue that contributes to the development of overall relations to mutual benefit, a presidential press service statement said. The interlocutors noted that good political relations should be turned into better economic relations, as there are great opportunities in different areas of economy. They expressed a shared opinion that economic cooperation needs to be strengthened in the fields of agriculture, automotive and industry, as well as in the field of information technology. It was agreed that co-chairs of the Mixed Committee on Cooperation will meet in September in Moscow, and again in Belgrade in November. Vucic and Chepurin agreed that relations between the two countries are characterized by a strategic depth that cannot be spoiled easily. “Serbia is on the European path, but that must not, will not and cannot disrupt the very good relations with Russia. Serbia will not change such a clear and principled foreign policy, which testifies to Serbia as an independent and sovereign state that is guided by its interests and respects the friendly relations built over many years,” said Vucic. The President also emphasized that precisely such a stance has brought greater reputation and respect in the world to Serbia, the statement concluded.


Full US support to Serbia’s EU path (Tanjug/Beta/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke yesterday with US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott, who congratulated her on the election and stressed that he has great confidence in her future work. Brnabic expressed gratitude for the assistance and support that Serbia has received so far, and expressed hope that good relations will continue to develop. The officials also discussed future US investments in the economy of Serbia. Brnabic and Scott emphasized the importance of resolving all open issues by working together and through dialogue. Scott pointed out that the new Serbian government has full US support for the continuation of the European integration process, reiterating its willingness to provide all necessary assistance on that route.


Russia important economic partner of Serbia (Tanjug/Beta/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke yesterday with Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia Aleksandr Chepurin, who, on behalf of the Prime Minister of that country Dmitry Medvedev and personally congratulated the Prime Minister and wished her successful work. Brnabic stressed that she greatly respects the long-standing ties and friendship with Russia, which is also an important partner of Serbia, and expressed the desire to extend this cooperation in the field of research and development, as well as through university cooperation.

Chepurin stressed Russia’s interest in further development of Serbia, as well as the need to build relations between the two countries, stressing that economic cooperation is very important and that Russia is ready to increase investments not only in energy and transport, but also in other areas.


Vulin receives Scott (Beta)


Serbian new Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin and Ambassador Scott agreed to continue cooperating in the field of defense, noting that it also guaranteed regional stability. The Ministry of Defense quoted Vulin as saying that Serbia would remain militarily neutral, but would continue to cooperate with the United States of America, so that it may be a link and driver of better relations between the two countries. "Rich cooperation in the field of defense is one of the results of the overall foreign policy and defense policy conducted by our government, therefore we shall remain steadfast in the military neutrality policy, which means that Serbia will not join any military alliance," said Vulin. Ambassador Scott said he expected that cooperation in the defense sector would be successful. They also discussed joint exercises and training, peacekeeping operations, the Serbian Armed Forces' cooperation with the National Guard of Ohio through the State Partnership Program, and the upcoming joint medical engagement in Angola. Vulin added that he was concerned about the activities the government in Pristina was undertaking in the aim of forming the Kosovo Armed Forces and pointed out that "Serbia sees KFOR as the sole partner in securing the administrative line and a guarantor of security in Kosovo and Metohija."


Selakovic: Vucic clearly presented Serbia’s road (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, during his taking the oath and inaugural speech, clearly presented the stance on Serbia’s international relations and the European integration path, as well as the relations with other “traditional partners” such as Russia and China, the secretary general of the President’s cabinet Nikola Selakovic said on Wednesday. Answering the reporter’s question if Vucic would make a statement after the recent statement made by new Prime Minister Ana Brnabic that Serbia, if it had to, would opt for EU, and not Russia, stressed that Vucic in his speech “clearly presented the road Serbia was taking”. “We do not have Russian, American, Brussels governments, we have the Serbian government that pursued its policy independently and this is not a policy of sitting on two chairs – one western and one eastern, this is the policy of Serbia’s road and Serbian chair. I think this is quite clear. I would be pleased if we had an opportunity on 31 May to have all the opposition representatives in the parliament, at the time when the president made his speech that paved the way of pursuing the policy during his five-year mandate,” Selakovic said.


Tabakovic: We are paying Kosovo’s debts, too (Beta/Politika)


National Bank of Serbia Governor Jorgovanka Tabakovic said that Serbia was paying all debts dating back to the 1990s, including the loans of Kosovo, because the territory is a part of Serbia. "Serbia is paying that debt, because it considers Kosovo a part of its territory," Tabakovic told a news conference. She added that all debts from the 1990s and onward are being regularly harmonized and checked at the level of the IMF. "We submit monthly reports on the state of those loans, not just the one we have within the problematic part of the territory of the Republic of Serbia which is Kosovo, but also all overdue debts from the 1990s with the Czech Republic, Libya, etc.," said the governor.


Yee: Region will not catch up with EU even in thirty years (NIN)


NIN weekly papers carried an interview with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of the State for European and Eurasian Affairs Hoyt Brian Yee, which was made right after Yee’s return from Belgrade, where he attended the inauguration of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Asked about course of negotiations with leaders in the Balkans, Yee said that US role is to give support, encouragement, advice and if necessary to occasionally call for responsibility. He argues that they deem that every side should stick to their end of the bargain and fulfill taken obligations. Yee stressed that cooperation of US and the EU is one of the most important factors in the Balkans ad progress was usually made in every sector where the US and the EU worked together. “Therefore I deem that key factor of progress is will of political leaders to do what needs to be done and to take advice and assistance of the international community, we are trying to establish common goals, along with our partners. It is obvious that we do not fully agree with any of the countries. However, what we demonstrated in the Balkans is the desire for all countries to first become more stable, secondly to develop and thirdly to be safe. These goals are connected and if we agree which steps are necessary, progress will arrive shortly,” said Yee. He has taken the example of Montenegrin political leadership, which reached a strategic decision on EU and NATO accession, and they showed that even though citizens were not fully in agreement, the Government can do a lot, if it is dedicated to the goal to carry out reforms and implement EU and NATO standards.  Asked why they are closing eyes before the corruption and crime in the Balkans, Yee said that they are not and these are disputable issues, but all authorities which intend to get closer to EU and NATO will have to start applying rule of the law, they will have to fight organized crime, corruption, those undermining constitutional order and the US is providing technical and financial support for this. To the author’s remark that US is in partnership with the current Balkans’ leaders, Yee noted that citizens are the ones electing leaders and the US and the IC can only clearly present their expectations to these leaders. “We will not cooperate with regimes or governments which do not respect rule of law. This does not mean that all leaders and regimes are clean and transparent, or that they are not corrupt- all governments, including my own, have problem with corruption- but it is important for our partners to be dedicated to work with us. When we see issues, we are asking them to dedicated themselves to them”, said Yee.  Majority of the interview in act referred to Serbia, but Yee did stress that first priority of all countries in the region, has to be economy and economic progress. He noted that majority of the countries in the region have economic growth of 3-4%, but even if this rate would be at 6% it will take at least 30 years for countries in the region to catch up with the EU average.




Radoncic urges Izetbegovic to publicly explain what kind of role he was playing during defeat of Srebrenica (RTRS)


Disputes between SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic have continued. Izetbegovic has announced that he will no longer cooperate with Radoncic, explaining that he put the blame on his people by saying that Bosniaks were the ones who started the war in B&H. Radoncic fiercely criticized his coalition partner by urging him to publicly explain what kind of role he was playing during the defeat of Srebrenica, before the history reveals it as soon as these data are no longer confidential. Radoncic issued a statement on Wednesday in which he called on Izetbegovic to explain his role in fall of Srebrenica and withdrawing of B&H Army wartime commander, Naser Oric from the town. “We are asking Izetbegovic about splits in SDA and whether he is using his constant lies against Radoncic to cover up his imminent departure from the party’s helm”, reads SBB B&H statement.


B&H HoR postpones voting on report on work of B&H CoM (TV1)


The House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H held a session on Wednesday and discussed the report on work of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H. However, voting on the report was withdrawn from the agenda for the session and postponed for July 26 due to absence of Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Mirko Sarovic, Minister of Security of B&H Dragan Mektic and Minister of Transport and Communications of B&H Ismir Jusko, as well as absence of all SNSD representatives in the B&H HoR. Chairman of the BiH CoM Denis Zvizdic said that the postponement is justified and all ministers from the B&H CoM will attend the next session. Zvizdic deems that the report was rejected by certain parliamentary commissions due to the absence of ministers during the discussion and the fact that these commission mostly consists of MPs from the opposition parties. HDZ B&H representatives claim that the parliamentary majority does not exist but they will vote in favor of the report. MP Nikola Lovrinovic (HDZ B&H) pointed out that certain MPs who were members of SDA Caucus are partly responsible for manufacturing crises. MPs from the Alliance for Changes (SzP) claim that they would have voted in favor of the report had it not been withdrawn from the agenda. Head of SDS Caucus in the Parliament of B&H Aleksandra Pandurevic argued that the B&H CoM was the only institution to make an effort to achieve something and the B&H CoM is responsible for submitting of B&H's application for the EU membership. SBB B&H representative in the B&H HoR Damir Arnaut expressed discontent with work of the B&H CoM. SDP representatives stated that the report will not be discussed before September and it will not gain enough support for the adoption. MP from SDP Sasa Magazinovic said that SDP expects from the B&H CoM to show political responsibility and step down if the report is rejected or SDP representatives will demand removal of all ministers. The reporter noted that certain MPs who voted against the report while in parliamentary commissions were also absent from the session.


B&H HoR adopts conclusion demanding Spiric’s suspension at helm of Commission for Supervision of Work of OSA (RTRS)


At the session that took place on Wednesday, the B&H House of Representatives accepted the proposal of SDS MP Aleksandra Pandurevic to discuss the conclusions by which Nikola Spiric would be suspended from the post of the Chairman of the B&H Parliament’s Joint Commission for Supervision over the Work of the Intelligence-Security Agency of B&H (OSA). RTRS reported that some members of the Commission for Supervision of the Work of OSA and MPs accused Spiric of sending falsified and non-existent conclusion of the Commission to OSA, in which he allegedly ordered Chief Inspector Damir Bevanda to investigate whether procedural mistakes were made related to ‘Usce’ document. Daily reminded that so-called ‘Usce’ affair refers to alleged wiretapping of former Prime Minister and current President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic. Commenting on these allegations, Spiric argued that the conclusions were adopted, signed and forwarded to the leadership of the B&H OSA. “However, the Joint Commission did not adopt the records from the session. It will deal with this issue at one of the upcoming sessions”, Spiric was quoted as saying. He further explained that they discussed two important issues. “The first one is the operation ‘Usce’, which is a serious story for an intelligence agency, according to which this is the first time that a country has declared an intelligence war against a neighboring country, against Serbia. We still have not put an end to this issue and this is why the Alliance for Changes (SzP) is afraid in terms of how much its staff was involved in all of that. The other one refers to mutual relations in the leadership of the B&H OSA”, he explained.


B&H CC to hold session on Thursday and discuss several topics, including implementation of its decision regarding Law on Elections (TV1)


The Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H will hold a session on Thursday and discuss several important topics, including implementation of the B&H CC's decision regarding the Law on Elections of B&H. To remind, the deadline to implement the decision and change unconstitutional provisions of the Law on Elections will expire on Thursday as well and the B&H CC may decide to completely remove these provisions, meaning that implementation of the results of the 2018 may be in question. President of SDA Main Board Halid Genjac said that the B&H CC will have no other option but to remove unconstitutional provisions if its decision is not implemented by Thursday. However, Genjac deems that implementation of the election results may indeed be put in question if this issue is not resolved on time. Genjac stressed that one of possible solutions is the adoption of the amendments which will replace unconstitutional provisions of the law but politicians must do everything they can to come up with a solution. MP in the Parliament of B&H Damir Becirovic (DF) argued that removal of unconstitutional provisions may raise more questions regarding other motions filed with the B&H CC. Professor of constitutional law Omer Ibrahimagic reminded that the B&H CC cannot change its initial decision without request filed by one of sides involved in the proceedings. Ibrahimagic explained that the B&H CC must analyze request and the B&H CC should not change its decision if it is not affected by new evidence. Legal expert Nedim Hogic said that the B&H CC would not fulfill its primary role if unconstitutional provisions of the Law on Elections are removed (Note: Not mentioned where and when the statements in the report were made).


Dodik: Citizens will have final say in referendum on accession to NATO (N1)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated in Banja Luka on Wednesday that citizens will have a final say in a referendum regarding the accession to NATO. However, the reporter reminded that the RS Law on Referendum and Civic Initiative stipulates that a referendum may be organized only about the issues that fall under jurisdiction of the RS, in line with the RS Constitution. It is clear that the issue of defense and military alliances falls under jurisdiction of the state. At the same time, it would be impossible to organize a referendum at the state level, given the fact that there is no such law at the level of B&H. Nevertheless, SNSD delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Nebojsa Radmanovic stressed that a referendum will certainly take place, but it is up to representatives of the people to decide what kind of referendum will be organized and when. NDP Vice President Zdravko Krsmanovic underlined that one cannot organize a referendum about the issues that they are not responsible for. “The question is at which level the referendum on membership in NATO should be organized – at the level of B&H or at the level of the entity. Therefore, I would not support mono-ethnic referendums, as they would only lead to conflicts and tensions that would push us back to the past”, Krsmanovic said. SDS leader Vukota Govedarica argued that there is no law on referendum at the state level, which means that citizens would not be able to have a final say in that case. “I think that the RS should certainly link this kind of choice to the stance of Serbia”, Govedarica concluded. The reporter concluded that it is clearly impossible to hold a referendum on this issue either in the RS or in B&H.


European Commission: Arbitration decision should be implemented (Vecernji list)


The European Commission supports the Slovenian position in the arbitration agreement dispute and calls for the arbitration tribunal's decision to be implemented, although Croatia has withdrawn from the proceedings, reports Vecernji list. After a discussion behind the closed doors of the College of Commissioners, described by a source as a lot more vehement than expected, the message was sent on behalf of the entire Commission by its Vice-President Frans Timmermans. “The European Commission takes note of the final decision of the Arbitration Tribunal and expects both parties to implement that decision,” said Timmermans. The Commission expects Prime Ministers Miro Cerar and Andrej Plenkovic to agree on the implementation of the arbitration decision during their meeting on 12 July, added the European Commission Vice President. “This is a bilateral issue, a final verdict has been made, and it is now necessary to discuss how to implement it. Perhaps the two sides will want to look for help from the European Commission on how to implement it. I am aware of the situation, but there is a will for talks. We will do all we can to help apply the verdict in the best possible way,” said Timmermans. During the meeting, Neven Mimica, the European Commissioner from Croatia, explained Croatia's perspective and advocated that the Commission should not go into assessing the implementation of the arbitration tribunal’s decision, from which Croatia has withdrawn following the illegal conduct of the Slovenian side. Mimica emphasized that it was a bilateral issue over which the Commission had no jurisdiction. The debate involved other European commissioners as well and not just Violeta Bulc from Slovenia. Some of them insisted that the European Commission should call on both sides to implement the arbitration decision, presenting it as an issue of respecting the principles of international law. According to unofficial sources, among the European commissioners who insisted on the compliance with the arbitration decision, there were those who wanted to frame the issue as whether Croatia respects the rule of law, while others emphasized that it was a bilateral issue, adding that this situation should not be compared with the problems with the rule of law in some other member states, such as Hungary and Poland. Vice-President Frans Timmermans, who announced to the press the position of the European Commission on the arbitration decision, has been in charge of this issue in the Commission since July 2015, when the scandal with the behavior of the Slovenian side in the arbitration was discovered and when Croatian parliament unanimously supported Croatia's withdrawal from the arbitration agreement. At the time, he wrote a letter to the Croatian government claiming that the arbitration would continue regardless of the parliament's decision and that the Commission would respect the decision made by the arbitrators. Over the past few months, the Croatian government has been trying to explain to Timmermans and the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that it was a bilateral issue between the two member states and that the Commission should not take sides. But, yesterday, after the debate, it became evident that a different position prevailed. Before the meeting of the European Commission, the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) issued a joint statement calling on Croatia and Slovenia to “respect the arbitration decision in a constructive spirit.” The Benelux prime ministers emphasize the importance of the rule of law as the foundation upon which the EU is built, says the statement. “This is not a job of the European Commission. They should not interfere in bilateral relations, that can only lead to deterioration of relations between us and Slovenia. For Croatia, this arbitration does not exist, and we will not accept it, regardless of what the European Commission says. It is evident that we need a new generation of politicians who will sit with the Slovenians and solve this issue from the start. This is also evidence of the HDZ government's inability to explain our position in Europe,” said Orsat Miljenic (SDP).


Slovenian leadership to meet after EU’s support in dispute with Croatia (


After the statement by the European Commission that it expected Croatia and Slovenia to implement the arbitration decision, in which it is ready to assist, Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar has convened a meeting of political leadership to ensure unity among all political factors in their positions with regards to the arbitration dispute, reports The closed meeting on the arbitrary decision on the border at sea and disputed parts of the land border between Croatia and Slovenia will bring together presidents of all political parties, the Speaker of Slovenian parliament, and Slovenian President Borut Pahor. The Slovenian media report that the response by the European Commission was more favorable than Slovenian political leaders had hoped for and that it has virtually confirmed that the 2009 arbitration agreement, as well as the final verdict of the arbitration tribunal, was part of the European acquis. “We have gotten more than what we had hoped for, and that is a specific call for the verdict to be implemented, which is ideal for Slovenia. We have gained strong international support for the decision to be implemented,” said Dominika Svarc Pipan, an international law expert.  Brussels’ support is of particular importance in the event of incidents in the execution of the verdict, added Svarc. Slovenian sources informally say that Prime Minister Miro Cerar wants to secure political support of all parties in the Parliament that Slovenia is satisfied with the arbitration decision and will implement it regardless of the current position of the Croatian government. This was a contentious point in the last few days since part of the opposition argued that the decision was actually an “own goal” for Slovenia, since it did not get everything it expected, especially a territorial corridor to the open sea and the entire Bay of Piran. Slovenian Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec said on Tuesday, after the statement of the European Commission, that he hoped that the position of the Croatian government to refuse to accept the arbitration verdict would change and that Croatia would not be able to persist in its position. At the meeting, Prime Minister Cerar will also discuss his upcoming meeting with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Ljubljana next week.


Croatian PM expects EC to respect fact that border row is bilateral issue (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has said that the European Commission has no jurisdiction over arbitration proceedings for border issues and he expects his counterparts in the European Union member-states and the European Commission to respect the fact that the border issue is a bilateral problem which Croatia is willing to discuss with Slovenia. The Presidency and the National Council of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) was meeting on Wednesday evening to discuss a joint session of the Croatian and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) governments, scheduled for July 7 in Sarajevo, and steps to be taken following the announcement of the arbitration ruling in the border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia, Parliament Speaker and HDZ Secretary-General Gordan Jandrokovic told the press before the meeting. After a meeting Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that he has informed the Council about his forthcoming meeting with Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar, and announced a joint meeting of the Croatian and B&H governments in Sarajevo on Friday, the first in seven years.


Putin extended sanctions to Montenegro until 2018 (CDM)


Russian government stated that they would extend the sanctions for Montenegro until 2018.

“Prohibition of import of certain agricultural products, materials and ingredients from the US, EU, Canada, Australia, Norway, Ukraine, Albania, Montenegro, Iceland and Lichtenstein has been extended from January 1st to December 31st of 2018”, the statement reads. Russian government claims that these measures are set to extended economic retribution to certain countries, taking into account their involvement in anti-Russian sanctions. The government acted on a decree of President Putin that he signed on June 30th. This decision followed EU decision to extend sanctions to Russia until January 2018. In summer 2014, EU, the US, Canada, Japan and several others announced sanctions for certain individuals, companies, banks and other sectors of Russian economy due to Russian destabilizing activity in Ukraine. Montenegro joined the sanctions in 2014.


DF ready for the defense phase (RTCG)


The Democratic Front (DF) MP, Predrag Bulatovic, said this political alliance is ready to go to the defense interests of 80,000 Montenegrin citizens who voted for them in the last parliamentary elections. “We remind you, the DF MPs spent the sixth night in parliament, in support of their colleague Nebojsa Medojevic, who on Thursday, at the request of the Special Prosecutor's Office, terminated immunity. “The public has to know that the DF does not demand that no trial be conducted, we ask that the hysteria of Katnic is not materialized, hysteria is personal hatred towards DF and Medojevic,” Bulatovic said. He said Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic, who has the right to pardon the guilty, did not seek pardon, but has asked for what the DF is seeking- to consider the possibility of no detention for Medojevic. “Stankovic has to know that DF has at that moment 18 deputies, that is the relevant force. Today is a day when Stankovic needs to be determined,” Bulatovic concluded.


Zaev: Action Plan 3-6-9 for serious breakthrough in Euro-integration process (MIA)


The government's adoption of Action Plan 3-6-9 is a step towards serious breakthrough in the country's Euro-Atlantic integration following a long standstill, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev on Wednesday. "Plan 3-6-9 opens Macedonia's EU and NATO perspectives, which will significantly improve people's living quality", said Zaev at a press conference, flanked by Vice Premier for European Affairs Bujar Osmani. The PM said the name of the plan designated the measures and activities to be implemented in the next three, six and nine months. Therefore, the aim is to deliver the initial results by the October local elections, removal of the conditional recommendation by December, and getting a date for the start of EU accession negotiations by the next European Commission Progress Report in spring of 2018. "We are promoting a democratic parliament, reforms in judiciary and media, fight against corruption, reforms in the public administration, security services and electoral legislation in compliance with OSCE/ODIHR recommendations, cohabitation with the President etc. We will also cooperate with the civil society through transparent dialogue and involvement of the opposition in the implementation, supervision and consultation regarding the plan", added Zaev. According to him, reforms would be carried out through inclusiveness, enabling systematic solution of problems for citizens. "Macedonia's future is at stake. Our works starts now. Let's double our efforts. We have a real chance to finally take Macedonia out of the long-standing crisis and essentially solve deep problems", stressed Zaev. Vice Premier Osmani elaborated the plans measures and activities, saying the Government must deliver them because they represent a supranational challenge. The plan is devised from the government program, the Przino Agreement, the Urgent Reform Priorities, EC Progress Reports and other reports by other relevant international organizations. "The long wait in front of EU's doors drags us backwards, seen through the deep political and institutional crisis over the past 2-3 years. This window of opportunity, this fresh momentum of optimism in the country and the EU must be utilized and we have to deliver", said Osmani and urged relevant institutions to assume responsibility in meeting the required reforms. Regarding the agreement on good neighborly relations with Bulgaria, PM Zaev said a ministerial meeting in the coming period would focus on "a small technical issue" in order to complete the accord. "The agreement will be published before its signing and open for debate. The agreement's signing will open the doors of Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic perspective, but also strengthen bilateral cooperation", said Zaev. He stressed that Macedonia's history is its own, the common history is one of Europe and the Balkans.

"We absolutely do not intend to change anything from history. We cannot change history, we can change the future and this depends on us. We can open a shining future for our citizens if we are wise", said Zaev. He voiced belief that the August 2 official visit of Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov to Macedonia would materialize, despite its overlapping with the Adriatic Charter meeting in Montenegro, co-chaired by Macedonia and attended by United States Vice-President Mike Pence. On same-sex marriages, the PM said the government would involve experts and open a public debate towards finding a solution.


Ivanov: Macedonia - example of how a country may be a subject of double standards (MIA)


Macedonia is an example how a country may be a subject of double standards edging to hypocrisy, President Gjorge Ivanov said Wednesday at the 28th annual session of the Crans Montana Forum in Barcelona. Speaking at the opening session, dubbed Which World for Tomorrow? Strategies for Stability in an Unpredictable Environment - Towards a New Governance', Ivanov notified the disrespect of an international agreement signed by Macedonia with one of its neighbors, which 'brings about international legal obligations'. There is also a ruling of The-Hague-based International Court of Justice that has been ignored by everybody as if non-existent, he said. Macedonia, he went on, has done a lot for Europe's security but is still treated as third country, being even deprived of access to certain EU security instruments. However, Ivanov still hoped that the European Union, NATO and the countries of the region would draw conclusions from the incorrect treatment of Macedonia. “Considering the topic of our discussion I cannot see any other sustainable stability strategy in a globally unpredictable environment but restoring of the only system that offered stability, namely respecting, not purpose-serving interpretation, of the international laws and obligations. It also calls for full cooperation - above all in the sphere of security and the fight against the main challenges - extremism and terrorism,” Ivanov said. The President also referred to Macedonia's success in the migrant crisis management. The crisis, he said has convinced the greatest skeptics that a small territory is not an insignificant one, and that a small country doesn't mean a minor role in global processes. “Macedonia has opted for humanity, fairness and equal treatment in terms of the humanitarian aspect of the migrant crisis; decisiveness and readiness for cooperation with all affected in regard to its security aspect,” Ivanov said. The foundations of the world order are seriously shaken and hence “we are in state of global disorder”, Ivanov said, calling on the United Nations and other international organizations to reform and adjust to the new reality.


Baily expects to hear statements about US commitment to the Balkans from Pence's visit to Montenegro (MIA)


American Ambassador to Macedonia Jess Baily said that the upcoming visit of US Vice President Mike Pence to Montenegro is fundamentally about making statements about American commitment to the Balkan region. "I think, as you saw from the announcement of the VP visit, he is out here to fundamentally to speak with partners, allies in the region, about the United States' commitment to this region. So I think you'll hear messages about that. That's the fundamental purpose of that. And the Adriatic Charter, which is something that the United States, through Republic of Macedonia and other regional members are part of, is a wonderful forum for him to speak and meet with leaders from the region", Ambassador Baily said during the event organized at the sending off of a Macedonian unit to the Saber Guardian 2017 exercise.

Vice President Pence will be in Podgorica on August 2nd, for a meeting with leaders from countries that are part or observers to the Adriatic Charter. Ambassador Baily said that the Adriatic Charter is an important institution for regional stability. Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia are members of the Charter, while Serbia, Kosovo and Slovenia are observers. "I think it is a very important organization. Three of the members of the AC are now NATO members and we hope that others will move forward in the same direction. It has not always been with the speed that everyone would have liked but that remains not only a forum for working on issues of NATO membership but also of regional security. There are observer nations, member nations and it remains an important forum for regional security and cooperation", Baily added.


SDSM rejects VMRO-DPMNE call that the opposition nominates the next Public Prosecutor (MIA)


As Macedonian parliament gathered to discuss the proposal to remove Public Prosecutor Marko Zvrlevski from office, VMRO-DPMNE called on SDSM to respect its pledge that the opposition will nominate the next Public Prosecutor. SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said that his majority in Parliament will not allow this, and that the option will be introduced in two years’ time.

"We propose two significant changes in the election of a Public Prosecutor. One of them is what SDSM was promising during the elections, and that is that the Public Prosecutor will be nominated by the political opposition. The second proposal is to elect the candidate with a two thirds majority. This would mean that the largest opposition party will nominate a candidate and he or she will need to win the support of two thirds of the members of parliament. This will lead to greater inclusiveness in the process, a word that is often use by the new government, and will mean that the reforms will be introduced jointly, with consensus. I hope that they will remain firm in the pledge they made during the election campaign", VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Ilija Dimovski said. Prime Minister Zoran Zaev acknowledged that his SDSM party made the promise, but said that it will only be applicable after two years. "We promised we would do so after the second year of our term", Zaev said. SDSM blamed the previous, VMRO-DPMNE led Government of corruption and announced that the new Public Prosecutor will have to investigate these allegations. "In order for the opposition to have credibility to propose expert candidates, it must first clear up with crime in its own ranks. The opposition will nominate the next Public Prosecutor after all the crimes of the previous Government are investigated", SDSM said in a press release. The SDSM led Government proposed removing Public Prosecutor Marko Zvrlevski from office. SDSM has accused him of being biased against them in his work, while VMRO-DPMNE likewise accuses the Special Prosecutor's Office of being close to SDSM.


Parliament to hold swearing-in ceremony for Albania’s new President on July 24 (ATA)


Albanian parliament is set to convene in an extraordinary session for the swearing-in ceremony of the country’s President-elect Ilir Meta at 6p.m. on July 24. Assembly of Albania said in a press release on Wednesday that in accordance with the Article 74, paragraph 3 of the constitution and the Article 42 of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure, parliament speaker Ilir Meta has called for an extraordinary session of parliament on July 24, 2017, at 18:00 hrs. Ilir Meta, 48, was elected Albania’s President, a largely ceremonial role, on April 28 by an 87-2 vote of the 140-seat parliament. Ilir Meta will serve as the President of the Republic during a five-year term from 2017 to 2022. Meta is the seventh President of the Republic of Albania since the collapse of the country’s Communist regime in 1990.


Opposition leader meets with OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission (ATA)


The main opposition Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha on Wednesday received a high-level delegation from the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission, headed by Ambassador Peter Tejler, to highlight a number of problems that marred the June parliamentary elections in Albania. During the meeting, opposition leader claimed that the last month’s electoral process “failed to heal and only aggravated the festering wound of elections.” According to Basha, “cases of massive vote-buying were reported from all over the country in a systemically organized operation both in urban and rural areas.” Basha went on claiming that “in addition to vote-buying by the party structures of the ruling Socialists and other parties in the governing coalition, organized crime groups were involved in the process.” “To alter the constituents’ will, a large number of people were included in the social assistance scheme in exchange of their vote, along with the massive employment of people in public administration and state-owned entities. Dirty money generated from the cultivation and trafficking in narcotics played a crucial role in the massive scale of vote-buying by criminal gangs with links and government support,” Basha stated. According to Basha, “the June 25 parliamentary elections were a triumph of unlawfulness.”




Six Western Balkan states to create regional economic area with EBRD's help (Reuters, by Ivana Sekularac, 5 July 2017)


Six Western Balkan countries are set to form a regional economic area, getting rid of trade barriers and harmonizing laws in order to attract more investment, the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development said on Wednesday. Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, all hoping to join the European Union, will launch the project at a meeting with EU officials and financial institutions next week in Trieste, EBRD Vice President Pierre Heilbronn said. The aim is to create a single market of 20 million people with support from the EBRD, which has so far invested 10 billion euros ($11 billion) in the region. Heilbronn said removing trade barriers would be the first step in an initiative the EBRD and its stakeholders hope will re-engage Balkan states unnerved by the EU's fading enthusiasm for enlargement and exposed to the growing influence of Russia. When asked what would was necessary to make the scheme work, he said: "To have as little as political interference as possible, to be as pragmatic and as practical as you can be at the same time you need ownership by the government ... and EU presence is important." "Investors we meet every day have competing choices for their investment, they look at Asia ... and in the Western Balkans they see small countries with different rules," Heilbronn said by phone. "This region is very important for Europe," he said. However, not all Western Balkan countries are wholly supportive of the idea. Kosovo fears being roped back into a Serbian-dominated union of the kind it fought to leave. Others worry it will only slow their accession to the EU, or worse still replace it.

(Editing by Louise Ireland)