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Belgrade Media Report 11 July



Serbian officials on Srebrenica (B92/Tanjug/Happy TV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that a horrible crime took place in Srebrenica and he sincerely sympathizes with families of the victims. He added that relations of Serbs and Bosniaks are crucial for the future and that these two peoples need each other. Vucic also said that Serbia did not receive the invitation for marking of the crime in Potocari and that those from Serbia who were there during the last few days can express their opinion and say that genocide took place there. Still, he added that his word, as well as the word of Serbian Prime Minister and Serbian Foreign Minister obliges and that this is about a legal formulation here.  He believes that the crucial thing is that something like this does not happen to any people. Vucic also said that 80 or 90% of Serbian citizens do not believe that a big crime was committed in Srebrenica.

President of Liberal Democratic Party of Serbia, Cedomir Jovanovic is attending the commemoration in Srebrenica and in his statement upon arrival to Potocari he once again criticized current authorities in Serbia and the RS. He criticized the fact that authorities are not ready to say what needs to be said after 22 years and to lead the politics that has to be led. “There are no changes in Serbia. It is important that gathering on Banja Luka was not allowed, but these changes are not sufficient and everything goes too slow. On one side the generations grew up with the feeling of huge injustice and I refer here to Bosniaks and on the other side with the mortgage of wartime madness of the nineties and irresponsible politics which suffered collapse here”, said Jovanovic. He added that there is no court that can carry this part of responsibility for genocide instead of anyone and he expressed hope that official representatives of Serbia and the RS will soon show their faces in Srebrenica and do their part of the job on reconciliation.

President of the League of Social-democrats of Vojvodina, Nenad Canak arrived to Potocari to attend the commemoration. Upon his arrival, Canak said that nobody must forget Srebrenica tragedy and he condemned support gathering for Ratko Mladic that was scheduled and then banned in Banja Luka, stressing that he cannot believe that something like this came to anyone’s mind. “It is obligation of Serbian Government to come to Srebrenica and show honest intentions to warm up the relations and confront with the history. It is necessary to face the truth and we demand for who know which time, for Srebrenica to enter the school curriculums in Serbia and to honestly talk about it”, said Canak. He stressed that in the end, Slobodan Milosevic was responsible for Srebrenica and it is well known who his closest associates were at the time.


Germany close, reliable partner of Serbia (RTS/Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke yesterday with State Minister for Europe at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Michael Roth, who congratulated her on her election as prime minister. During the meeting, Brnabic emphasized Serbia's determination to continue with the necessary reforms, especially in the area of the rule of law, on the road to the European Union. Brnabic and Roth emphasized the importance of close regional cooperation, and expressed the expectation that the upcoming summit in Trieste will yield good results, especially in the area of infrastructure and the establishment of a common economic space. Roth said that he is happy because Ana Brnabic became the Prime Minister, adding that he highly appreciates her competence. He also stated that Serbia will continue its modernization and reforms for the benefit of its citizens during Brnabic’s mandate. Roth confirmed that Germany will remain a close and reliable partner of Serbia and wants Serbia to become a member of the European Union, and that it will continue to provide political and financial support on this path. He recalled that Germany has so far allocated more than €1.6 billion for the development of Serbia.


Roth: Serbia is key country in the region (Beta)


Serbian Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic also talked with Michael Roth about the relations and further cooperation of the two countries and European integration of Serbia. The officials also discussed the reforms that are being implemented in the process, the situation in the region and other important topics. Joksimovic expressed gratitude to Germany as an important strategic partner on the significant support and assistance it provides to Serbia in the process of EU accession. Such a relationship is confirmed by the fact that Germany is our largest bilateral donor, since it has allocated €1.6 billion for various projects in the past 15 years, she said. She reiterated that Serbia will be a credible and reliable partner of the European Union, noting that it will work closely and actively in resolving issues important for the EU, including the migrant crisis. Joksimovic pointed out that European integration is Serbia's strategic goal and noted that reforms implemented in the process of EU accession are in the function of the overall development of the country. She added that Belgrade is clearly committed to continuing talks with Pristina and full implementation of the Brussels agreement, while emphasizing the importance of forming the Community of Serb municipalities. Roth, expressing the belief that Serbia is a key country for the stability of the region, assessed that it is a reliable partner both for Germany and the European Union. He emphasized the importance of continuing and accelerating the dynamics of the reform processes, especially in the area of the rule of law, which will lead to an acceleration of the dynamics of accession negotiations and Serbia's progress towards the EU.


Serbia, Greece traditionally friendly countries (Beta/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic assessed yesterday during a meeting with Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias that relations between the two countries are based on traditional friendship and mutual solidarity over the centuries. Dacic, who is on a visit to Athens, said that Serbia and Greece should support each other, adding that our country firmly defends the territorial integrity of Cyprus, while we are grateful to Cyprus and Greece for their support to the territorial integrity of Serbia and their position on Kosovo and Metohija. Dacic said it’s important that Serbia should discuss regional issues with Greece, including Turkey's regional influence, the migrant crisis, cooperation in the anti-terror struggle, the negative effects of a Greater Albania factor in the Balkans, and the problems surrounding the name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and relations with the country. “I think that Serbia made a mistake 20 years ago, when it recognized Skopje under the name of the Republic of Macedonia. This was not fair to Greece, and Skopje was always negative regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. They recognized the independence of Kosovo and voted in favor of Kosovo’s UNESCO membership,” Dacic said. Dacic said that Serbia would not make any moves to deteriorate regional stability, and that unlike some other nations, Serbia has no territorial agenda regarding parts of Greece. Dacic said that the Serbs and the Greek were brothers, and that it’s the duty of the politicians to follow the attachment between the two nations. Dacic pointed out that he is very happy that the meeting of the High Council for Cooperation between Serbia and Greece will be held in Thessaloniki on 13 July, where the Serbian delegation will be led by President Vucic. As he pointed out, this meeting will concern the most important topics in Greek-Serbian relations, relations in the region, as well as the large infrastructure projects. Greece is one of the largest investors in Serbia, with more than €2 billion. Last year, the economic exchange was about €400 million, with the tendency of increase, he said, expressing the expectation that the level of economic exchange in the coming years will be even greater.
Strengthening cooperation between Serbia, Turkey in field of energy (Beta)


Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Aleksandar Antic and Minister of Mining and Energy of Turkey Berat Albayrak assessed yesterday in Istanbul that there are great potentials between the two countries to further strengthen and improve cooperation in all fields, especially in the field of energy. The officials confirmed good and friendly bilateral relations, as confirmed by tomorrow's meeting of presidents of Serbia and Turkey – Aleksandar Vucic and Rexhep Taip Erdogan, as well as the participation of the President of Serbia at the World Oil Congress in Istanbul. Antic conveyed our interest in diversifying Serbia's gas supply, and in that sense, expressed interest in cooperating with Turkey. Albayrak emphasized that for his country, Serbia is a key state in the Balkans with which it wants to further strengthen comprehensive bilateral cooperation. At the meeting, an agreement was reached that a bilateral meeting in Belgrade or Istanbul should be held by the end of the year in order to continue the talks.


Scott conveyed to Stanojkovic US concern over case of Bytici brothers (Danas)


The newly appointed Prosecutor for War Crimes Snezana Stanojkovic and US Ambassador Kyle Scott recently held a meeting in Belgrade, Danas learns. Danas was told at the US Embassy that Scott and Stanojkovic discussed challenges faced by the prosecutor. “The Ambassador especially stressed the existing concern of the US for a lack of solution in the case of the Bytici brothers,” the Embassy told Danas. According to unofficial information, this was the first meeting that Stanojkovic held with ‘foreigners’ since she was elected the new prosecutor.


Samardzic: In the dialogue there is no longer a good solution for the Serbs (Blic)


Political Science Professor at the Belgrade University Slobodan Samardzic, also former minister for Kosovo, told Blic in an interview that in the dialogue with Pristina there is no favorable solution for the Serbs.

The Belgrade-Pristina dialogue should continue at the presidential level. Is this a good way of reaching a solution favorable for the Serbs?

“There is no favorable solution for the Serbs in this so-called dialogue. The goal of the dialogue is not to find a favorable solution for the Serbs, but to pave the way for recognition of independence of Kosovo by Serbia. The Serbs, if they receive something along the way, so much better. As things stand now, the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija will not even receive anything along the way.”

Still, one of the ideas is to list topics that will be discussed in the next three to five years. Should Serbia insist on how to solve problems as quickly as possible or should it let time work for us?

“Here ‘Serbia’, i.e. its leadership is not the one making decisions. This policy has been conducted by Brussels on behalf of Berlin and Washington. Especially successfully over the past nine years. This is a policy Tadic agreed to, which Vucic continue more successfully. I think that Vucic will finalize it since the West cannot find in Serbia a better executor for completing this recognition process.”

But there an agreement needs to be reached…Experts warns to take care of autonomy in the most important fields…

“These ‘experts’ are either totally ignorant or government ‘experts’. It is obvious that the Albanians wish to drive away the Serbs from Kosovo and that the West knows all that and that it doesn’t care. In this real-political context the story on a Serb autonomy underestimates elementary intelligence. This is the worst case scenario inasmuch it forces both the Serbian government and Serbia’s public opinion and poor Serb ‘representatives’ in Kosovo to actively and positively, through dialogue, take part in the total defeat of Serbia and the Serbian people.”

You are quite exclusive, what, in your opinion, is the best solution for Kosovo in practice?

“To ask for a ‘best solution’ now, when the Serbian governments have finalized, for a continuous period of nine years, 99 percent of recognition of Kosovo borders with good taste. Theoretically, that one percent is possible with ceasing the so-called Brussels dialogue. Let everyone estimate, what are the chances for this at present. But this doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t also point to this last act as an act of personal historical responsibility. Diplomatically, tis act has the weight of those 99 pervious since nothing is over until everything is over. If you will, there is a chance both for high treason and for a heroic act.”

Some suggest that there should be a possibility in the legally-binding agreement to decide on independence of Kosovo within 15 or 20 years?

“The legally-binding agreement on comprehensive normalization of relations is legally (de jure) recognition of Kosovo’s independence. Once it is signed with the ‘other side’ (representatives of Albanian Kosovo), the matter is done. If you will, the matter was tendentiously done at preset since our government agreed on 21 January 2014 to sign this agreement. Now Vucic is opening a public dialogue on Kosovo when he had already surrendered it. The goal of this dialogue is to show that it is not ours, to which Tadic and he have devoted themselves for nine years, and for people to rationally realize that the battle for Serbian Kosovo is a waste of historical time. This way, it would boldly hide the historical responsibility of those who, for the sake of their own authority, have actively worked on surrendering Kosovo.”




Numerous high-ranked officials arrive to Potocari (Klix/


High-ranked officials from B&H and numerous other countries arrived to Potocari to attend commemoration for Srebrenica victims. The commemoration is attended by member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic, B&H Defense Minister Marina Pendes, Minister of Human Rights and Refugees Semiha Borovac, Civil Affair Adil Osmanovic, Speaker of B&H HoR Sefik Dzaferovic and many others. Federation of B&H Prime Minister Fadil Novialic and Federation of B&H Finance Minister Jelka Milicevic, Republika Srpska (RS) Vice President Ramiz Salkic and Federation of B&H Vice Presidents Milan Dunovic and Melika Mahmutbegovic are also attending. SBB B&H and SDP leaders Fahrudin Radoncic and Nermin Niksic are attending as well. Ambassadors of Italy, Greece, Austria, Norway, Turkey, Deputy PM of Turkey and ICTY President Carmel Agius are attending as well. Commemoration is attended by delegations of: NATO, EUFOR, B&H Armed Forces, OHR, OSCE and Turkish military mission in B&H. Representatives of Croatia, Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic and delegate of Croatian Parliament Emina Lekaj Prljaskaj are also attending.

Member of B&H Presidency, Bakir Izetbegovic stated today in Potocari that not much has changed when it comes to stance of Serbian authorities, but also authorities of the RS towards genocide in Srebrenica. Izetbegovic commented the events in last couple of days and noted that until denying of genocide and relativization of Srebrenica events stops, there can be no true process of reconciliation and no true peace. “I hope that in the time before us, this will be achieved, that Serb people in B&H and their elites will find power to face the truth and to stop denying crimes that happened all over B&H. This is the only true path to have peaceful future, to find peace for our peoples and to be certain that no mother in B&H will ever again search for bones of their children in the mass graves”, said Izetbegovic. He expressed expectation that some of Serbia officials will come to Potocari and support process of reconciliation and justice.

Addressing the commemoration, ICTY President Carmel Agius stated that truth is like oil and will float to the surface sooner or later and the truth about Srebrenica has come out to the surface, as the ICTY and other courts confirmed that genocide did happen in Srebrenica. Agius conveyed three messages to those who deny and relativize war crimes, to surviving Srebrenica residents and families of victims and to political leaders in B&H. “To those who deny and relativize crime, I can say that denying of history presents intentional attack on history. Understanding of the past is key for reaching of common goals. Genocide in Srebrenica cannot be compared to any crime before it. You, who deny and relativize crime, you will never succeed in hiding the true nature of genocide. Your children and grandchildren will understand that the truth does not lay in the places where truth is distorted, but where it is available. They will reveal the truth and ask what else you hid from them”, said Agius. Speaking to families of the victims, Agius expressed his deepest condolences: “I am sorry that those who deny and relativize genocide keep breaking the hearts of survivors. I am assuring you that denying and relativizing of crimes is directed towards psychological and cultural destruction of the population. History, time as well as the IC on your side, on side of the truth. However, you have to be leaders of reconciliation and when it is reached, burry the hatred that can take you over. I am sure that those who are resting here have had hope that citizens of B&H will not be killing each other, that there will be no sufferings and they would want the crime of such proportions to never happen again”, said Agius.

Head of the EUD and EUSR, Lars-Gunnar Wigemark stated that it is the duty of Europeans and of the international community to remember and to never forget dark days that happened 22 years ago. He reminded that genocide happened more than two decades ago in heart of Europe and before everyone’s eyes. “Because of that tragedy, the name of Srebrenica today invokes images of families that were forcibly separated, men and boys of 15 years even, who were systematically murdered and women and daughters who were left in fear. We must never forget genocide in Srebrenica, because we live in the world where truth and facts are matter of manipulation, where respecting and honoring of basic human rights are ignored on account of nationalistic interests and brief political winnings”, said Wigemark. He noted that the EU was established in order to secure that mass murders and genocide are never repeated on its soil, but they failed. “It is important to remember so that genocide would never happened and to teach future generations about what has happened. In order to move forwards, we must look back to what has happened”, said Wigemark.

Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H, Jonathan Moore stressed that individual and collective obligation is preserving of memory to each individual victim. “Speaking about tragically killed victims, we cannot avoid speaking about survivors. Care about victims’ families remain permanent obligation of all of us”, said Moore adding that the Mission is present in Srebrenica on a daily base and they want to assist Srebrenica to raise form the ashes and shine in the beauty it has before the tragic fate. Ambassador fiercely condemned denying and relativization of war crimes and genocide, as well as glorifying of war criminals. “Those responsible for crimes deserve contempt and they have no place and role in public life”, said Moore and added that thy ill continue to support judicial institutions as the search for justice is challenge for everyone.

A joint statement issued by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn reads “As we commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, our hearts and our thoughts are with the victims and their surviving families and friends. Today, we honor the victims. The values so dramatically violated 22 years ago – such as respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality – are now at the core of our engagement with B&H and its citizens on the country’s EU integration path. And tomorrow, leaders of the region will meet in Trieste and discuss together how the region can move forward on joint initiatives. The EU accession process is there to accompany the entire region towards reconciliation, justice and cooperation”.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated that it is necessary to “look honestly” at the past, so that horrible crimes, such was genocide in Srebrenica, would never happen again. Guterres stated that genocide in Srebrenica was the most atrocious crime that happened in Europe since establishing of the UN. “On this day, we remember and honor thousands of men and boys who were slaughtered here. We express solidarity with the family and the friends of those whose lives were taken. Horrible events in Srebrenica from July 1995 are historical facts and are thoroughly documents. International courts ICTY and ICJ stated that this was a genocide”, said Guterres. He noted that the UN accepts its share of responsibility and work on learning lessons from that so that these mistakes would never happen again.

Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Nils Muiznieks stated “Today we commemorate the genocide of 8,300 boys and men who were executed in Srebrenica in 1995 in one of the vilest episodes occurred in Europe after WWII. While we pay tribute to those innocent people who were brutally murdered, we should not forget the suffering of the relatives of the victims and the survivors of that genocide. They deserve respect and support. Unfortunately, their fight has been hijacked by political actors and their dignity has been vilified by public discourse and demonstrations, in particular in the Republika Srpska, where some demean or blatantly deny the Srebrenica genocide or, worse, glorify the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity. This is outrageous and must not go unpunished. Instead of cynically toying with human suffering, political leaders and opinion makers should embrace the victims’ need for justice, support, and, above all, recognition.”

US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Elizabeth Cormack addressed the media and said she came to Srebrenica on Monday and Tuesday in the name of the US people and the US Government to express regret for what happened.

Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H, Jonathan Moore stated on the eve of commemoration in Srebrenica, that past cannot be forgotten, but B&H citizens have to live in the present. Ambassador noted that rights of all B&H citizens have to be respected and search for justice must not be stopped and underlined that OSCE works in favor of the rule of law. Moore said that victims and survivors have not found justice and satisfaction and the OSCE worked everything in their power so that B&H citizens can live in the country with good judicial institutions.


Meeting of EU-B&H Stabilization and Association Council held in Brussels (BHT1)


The EU-B&H Stabilization and Association Council held a meeting in Brussels on Monday and concluded that B&H has made a great progress on the EU path. B&H Council of Minister (CoM) Chairman Denis Zvizdic stated that B&H takes the EU path but its progress depends on a number of issues. However, he stressed that B&H’s primary goal to get the EU candidate status will be accomplished. “The most important message is that B&H’s European future will win, that we will overcome all blockades and obstructions and certainly meet a key goal in this mandate – to get the candidate status,” Zvizdic said. Participants of the meeting reminded of the European Commission’s (EC) 2016 report on B&H, which says that the country has made a good start but in order to continue with the current pace it needs a true political will for progress - not declarative. It was also stressed that Brussels expects from B&H authorities to adopt a set of laws on excise duties. The Council also touched upon the commemoration in Potocari on 11 July and marking of the 22nd anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, as well as upon a rally of support to (wartime Commander of Republika Srpska (RS) Army and ICTY inductee) Ratko Mladic that was announced to take place in Banja Luka on Tuesday (July 11). Zvizdic noted that all those who do not recognize the genocide that was committed in Srebrenica should not visit this city at all, given that this kind of a general respect for the victims in an attempt to score some international and regional points can no longer be accepted. He assessed that any kind of politicizing or self-promotion are not welcomed in Srebrenica.

EU High Representative Federica Mogherini stated that she belongs to a generation for which Srebrenica is the deepest European scar. “Therefore, I think that I am not alone in this room when it comes to this. I feel a moral obligation and political duty not to primarily blame someone for certain things, but to find ways for cooperation and reconciliation within B&H and wider region instead. Cooperation and reconciliation are the only way to move forward, away from wars and conflicts”, Mogherini stressed. She also reminded that she met recently with RS President Milorad Dodik and that he promised he will be constructive, which is why she hopes that his actions will prove his statement.

Zvizdic said that B&H remains absolutely committed to the EU integration process, adding that B&H achieved good results in implementation of reforms and in area of fight against terrorism. He also pointed out that some obstructions on B&H’s path to the EU were registered, adding that those obstructions are the work of those who are not committed to the EU integration process or are only declaratively committed to B&H's European path. Zvizdic stressed that this is one of main reasons for delay of some processes, including process of preparation of answers to the EC’s Questionnaire and adoption of the agreement on transport community, adding that these processes are blocked by lower-level institutions.


Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Angelino Alfano: Region needs to overcome internal divisions and accusations from past (Glas Srpske)


Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Angelino Alfano said that the Summit in Trieste will be an opportunity for EU officials to meet with colleagues from the Western Balkans’ countries and discuss issues “of crucial importance for the future of our citizens”. Alfano said that the EU officials will confirm that the door of Europe will remain open for all countries that share European values, and that the EU will do whatever it can to help European processes in Western Balkans’ countries. “We will request from our Balkan friends to strongly commit themselves to consolidation of their democratic institutions, implementation of the rule of law and development of modern and competitive economies. It is necessary to overcome internal divisions and accusations from past, and irreversibly chose Europe. Only through dialogue and strong commitment to reconciliation, it will be possible to look towards the future with optimism. There should be no more hesitation, now is the time to make a choice,” said Alfano. He reminded that the Summit in Trieste is the fourth step - after meetings in Berlin, Vienna and Paris - in the process launched by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Alfano explained ‘they’ expect Summit in Trieste to result in adoption of a significant package of new infrastructural reforms in energy and transportation sectors; deepening of the process of regional economic integration; signing of the Transport Community Treaty; improving the development of private sector, and especially the small- and medium-sized companies; strengthening capacities for prevention and suppression of corruption; and improving possibilities offered to new generations. “Furthermore, we will establish foundations for stronger cooperation in fight against terrorism and radicalization, as well as in facing uncontrolled migration flows managed by criminal groups,” Alfano concluded.


McAllister: There needs to be equality of three peoples in B&H (Vecernji list)


Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (AFET) David McAllister assess the current situation in B&H. Asked to comment it the Dayton agreement needs changes and whether it is realistic to reach a compromise in B&H with the support of the EU and the US, McAllister replied by saying that 20 years after, the responsibility is down to people in B&H and their elected officials. “It is down to them to take the necessary steps, especially in terms of securing true equality and democratic representation of all three constituent peoples, which will take their country to the EU,” he added. Asked to comment on the EU recently adopted resolution, which proposes B&H to accept the principle of federalism, which Sarajevo opposes, McAllister said that the Federal structures are historically suitable for offering political stability and encouraging consensus. Asked to comment on the fact that the Constitutional Court of B&H recently declared several provisions of the Law on Elections of B&H unconstitutional and the fact the authorities of B&H are not changing the law, McAllister said that political reforms, especially when they include changes to electoral law, require time. “As German and British Foreign Ministers said in their open letter to the government in Sarajevo in 2014, B&H must resolve issues related to the election system and improve the level of political representation if it wants to secure its European future,” concluded McAllister.


HDZ B&H Presidency discusses blockade in reform processes (BHT1)


HDZ B&H Presidency held a session on Monday and discussed the blockade in the reform processes, the EU candidate status of B&H and activation of the NATO Membership Action Plan (MAP). The Presidency announced that these topics will be in the focus of talks at the meeting between the SNSD delegation and the HDZ B&H delegation in Mostar on Wednesday, after which HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic will discuss the same topics at bilateral meetings with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic on Thursday. Commenting on the Election Law of B&H, Covic told reporters after the meeting that he believes that the 2018 elections will take place, noting that amendments to the Election Law of B&H will also take place and this issue will be discussed before B&H House of Peoples (HoP) by the end of this month. He stressed that HDZ B&H remains focused on the Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H, which will also be a topic of his talks in Brussels next week.


HDZ B&H and SNSD might jointly run in upcoming elections (EuroBlic)


The daily learned that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik proposed HDZ B&H to jointly run with SNSD in upcoming general elections. The daily also claimed that this was the main topic of discussion at the session of HDZ B&H Presidency held on Monday and added that Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic will meet in Mostar on Wednesday and state what they agreed on. MP in B&H Parliament Lazar Prodanovic (SNSD) said that the cooperation might mostly be related to the support of Croat voters in the RS to SNSD’s candidate for B&H Presidency. Prodanovic also speculated that there is a possibility that some HDZ B&H candidates might be included in SNSD’s lists in some election units in the RS. “At the same time, the support of HDZ B&H in election of Serb Vice President of the Federation of B&H might be useful because candidates for this position are being elected in the Federation of B&H parliament,” Prodanovic said. The daily noted that Dodik might run for B&H Presidency member and added that “it would be interesting to see how he would explain the support of Croats then since he fiercely attacked (current B&H Presidency Chair) Mladen Ivanic and accused him that he is an illegitimate representative of Serbs because he won in 2014 thanks to votes of Bosniaks”. The daily reported that some criticized possible cooperation of SNSD and HDZ B&H because they believe only Croats would benefit from it and reminded that a meeting was recently held in Banja Luka at which it was agreed that HDZ B&H will not vote for matters SNSD opposes at the level of B&H. Dodik claimed that he and Covic will be the ones to choose their Bosniak partners in Sarajevo and said: “We will take the weakest one as our partner, just like (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic took SDS”. The daily, reminded that Covic got Dodik’s support to change the Law on Elections of B&H and added that both parties will benefit from the fact that the Constitutional Court (CC) of BiH recently annulled items of the law which guaranteed that each of the constituent peoples should appoint equal number of delegates from cantons to the Federation of B&H parliament. “B&H Parliament now has two options – either to replace only the items annulled by B&H CC or to adopt a completely new Law on Elections”, the daily noted.


Zaev-Roth: Germany will support Macedonia in its reformatory process (Meta)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Viktor Dimovski, met with the Minister of State for Europe at the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic of Germany, Michael Roth, accompanied by the Ambassador of Germany, Christine Althauser. “The German State Secretary Roth has come with a strong support from Germany regarding Zaev’s steps and the new Macedonian government in the first month of its formation. It was remarked that visible positive movements have been made that will provide results in the Euro-integration processes, and Prime Minister Zaev is seen as a leader that can bring positive changes for the Republic of Macedonia and its citizens” informs the Prime Minister’s cabinet. Zaev has told Secretary Roth that the government’s goal is to build bridges for cooperation with the neighbors and the friends of the international community who are providing a significant support for Macedonia and its democratic processes. Roth has announced that the Republic of Germany will keep supporting Macedonia along its reformatory process that should secure the rule of law, freedom of speech and to secure the democracy in the state as important European values,” said the government’s press release.


Dimitrov-Kurz: Austria remains strong supporter of Macedonia's Euro-integration (MIA)


Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov paid Monday a visit to Vienna on an invitation of Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz. The fact that Austria is one of the first countries that FM Dimitrov is visiting since assuming office is a confirmation of the strong ties of friendship and cooperation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. Dimitrov thanked Kurz for the consistent and open support to Macedonia's EU accession path, underlining that Austria represents one of the most important EU friends of the Balkan region. The Macedonian FM highlighted the need of reaching progress in the region's EU integration process, both through the homework done by aspirant-states, but also the fresh dynamics in the integration process by member-states. "Macedonia is committed to offering as much arguments as possible to its European partners through hard work, demonstrating itself as a positive example over the region's European perspective", stressed Dimitrov. FM Kurz confirmed that Austria remains a staunch supporter of Macedonia's European future, saluting the efforts of the new government for thorough reforms in key areas, as well as the open policy towards its neighbors. Interlocutors also tackled the issues of migration and enhancement of bilateral cooperation.




Political instability in the Balkans: the remedies are long-term (Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, by Marzia Bona,  Francesco Martino, 11 July 2017)


Experts increasingly warn about the serious risks stemming from the consolidation of a vicious “stabilitocracy”. The focus of European and Western interests in the Balkans shifted from democratisation and human rights to security issues

 (Originally published by ISPI as part of dossier Western Balkans in Trieste. What Lies Ahead )

The well-established cliché of the Balkans' long-term instability may just be sparring with an  almost opposite concern. While the region has recently been experiencing rising instability, the West's political goal (or illusion?) of maintaining the status quo at any price may eventually result in a serious backlash. Experts increasingly warn about the serious risks stemming from the consolidation of a vicious “stabilitocracy” – a term that was coined to describe Milo Đukanović's twenty-year long regime in Montenegro and quickly became usage to describe similar situations across the Western Balkans. "Stabilitocracy" stands for the strong illiberal elements of the region's current political regimes, but it also – primarily – stresses the equivocal role of the West in supporting the local semi-authoritarian elites, regarded as the only guarantors of Western interests, to contain Russia's perceived geopolitical comeback in the region and maintain “stability” as an end in itself rather than a precondition to consolidate democracy and rule of law.

After years of “enlargement fatigue”, culminated in the announcement of the Enlargement halt by Junker’s commission, the focus of European and Western interests in the Balkans shifted from democratisation and human rights to security issues like migration along the Balkan route, threats of Islamic radicalisation, and Russian geopolitical activism. In this context, “stable” – but corrupted and increasingly authoritarian – leaderships are largely tolerated, while expected to extensively use the rhetorics of “European values”. The main concern in the WB6, rather than the alleged long-term instability, is indeed the consolidation of authoritarian tendencies along with economic stagnation – two dynamics reinforcing each other.

Montenegro, often regarded as a “EU success story in the Balkans”, is the most paradigmatic case of stability equating with squandering of public resources, clientelism, and corruption. Despite accusations of electoral fraud, Đukanović’s DPS maintains its grip on power since 1991, with full support from the West, which considers the current regime as the only guarantee of the country's Euro-atlantic integration. Even more so, after the alleged Russian-backed attempted coup d’etat – still under investigation – which marred the last political election in October 2016, on the eve of the country’s membership to NATO.

Meanwhile in Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić has consolidated his power through five electoral rounds over the last five years, eventually becoming president. While holding state institutions under control and skillfully balancing between the EU and Russia in international politics, Vučić has managed to successfully promote himself as a champion of challenging reforms on the path to European integration. His recent appointment of Ana Brnabić, the first woman and openly LGBT politician to become prime minister of Serbia, earned him accolades and the headlines of international news outlets, but for many analysts this move will not change anything in current Serbian politics, especially when it comes to the control Vučić exerts on the Serbian institutions, media, and economy.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, too, “stability” – a deadlock subordinating democracy and economic development to the agenda of ethnic political parties – is more of a curse than a blessing for the divided country. The protests of 2014 clearly expressed the population's frustration with the socio-economic issues largely ignored by political parties, but have so far failed to express any viable political alternative. In Kosovo as well, the quest for stability and for a leadership ready to negotiate with Serbia contributed to consolidate a corrupt elite, unable to tackle the long-term challenges of high unemployment, poverty, and weak institutions.

Macedonia, with its recent, deep crisis which risked to turn into a violent one, is another example of the risks of “stability at any price”. After ruling the country for ten years, seizing state institutions and turning to nationalist rhetoric for consent, former PM Nikola Gruevski gave up to the opposition only after two years of scandals, street protests, fierce struggle, international pressure, and the prospect of a complete breakdown of the small republic. It was only after a raid of the Parliament in April 2017 that the intervention by the US envoy unblocked the situation, overcoming resistances by president Ivanov to allow SDSM leader Zoran Zaev to form the new government. What was missing was not “stability”, but the willingness to respect democratic mechanism of political alternation.

The issue at stake is the kind of stability that the EU wants to promote in the region. If EU institutions and member states exclusively favour security concerns and economic interests, the European project runs the serious risk to associate itself with illiberal or semi-authoritarian regimes, undermining its still strong transformative power in the Balkans. Civil societies should be put once again at the centre of the dialogue, while democracy, rule of law, and human rights should not be overshadowed by – unquestionably important – security issues.

The price for upholding a short-term predictability of the political scenario in the WB6, translated into the present tolerance or even support for illiberal leaderships, is high. If the Western Balkans are deprived of a credible hope to access the European Union and of the resulting incentives to fulfill democratic conditionality, the current state of affairs could turn very quickly into a new, deeper instability.