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Belgrade Media Report 18 July



Vucic, Pence agree to maintain personal communication  (RTS/Tanjug/TV Pink/B92/Beta)


After meeting with US Vice President Mike Pence late Monday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said they had agreed to maintain personal communication in the future. He said the White House meeting with Pence had contributed further to development of greater mutual trust.

Vucic said he didn’t wish to enter into details of the talks concerning the relation towards Crimea and Kosovo, since someone could draw wrong conclusions. He said that he talked with Pence about all open issues: relations in the region, bilateral relations, how to attract as many US investors as possible. In the third level of talks on global problems, terrorism and Serbia’s participation as the country with most soldiers under the UN flag, Vucic voiced readiness to increase this number since this is good experience and a way of improving combat readiness, as well as demonstration of our friendship towards other countries, the Western world and the US.

Vucic said he had presented to the US Vice President Serbia’s clear stand and position when it comes to relations with Russia, how Serbia views certain matters in the region and where and in what issues it has the support of the Russian Federation, which it doesn’t have from other countries. Asked how Pence reacted to this, Vucic said: “I was very open. I spoke somewhat differently, without gloves, and at one moment Pence said he liked the fact that I was speaking openly.” Vucic didn’t give details of this part of the talks, but pointed out, referring to those present during this meeting, that they could have been proud with the way he spoke with Pence. “You are not here to answer how somebody wants. My job is for Serbia not to be opposed to the US. Serbia has its own independent policy and we will try not only to preserve it but also to build friendship with the US,” said Vucic. “I said what is that the Serbs feel and how much they feel neglected, sometimes humiliated and that we all need to somehow change this. It is more balanced for all of us to aspire to be a bit satisfied in the region, and not for Serbs to always be sad and dissatisfied, humiliated, and others to be satisfied,” said Vucic. Speaking about the part of talks concerning the murder of the Bytici brothers, Vucic says that Pence was correct: “He didn’t want to put me into a difficult situation,” said Vucic. “We know what our obligations are, I didn’t want to a run away from Serbia’s responsibility for this crime, but I will defend the country from insults of our nation,” said Vucic. “It was good to be a Serbian citizen today in Washington and to receive such respect. I am especially grateful to Pence for escorting me to the door and waiting for me to get into the car and showing special respect towards the Serbian delegation, I thank him for this,” said Vucic.


No solutions without Belgrade’s leadership - US senators (Tanjug/RTS)


Washington recognizes that issues in the Balkans cannot be solved without leadership from Belgrade, US Senators Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn) said Monday.
After meeting with Vucic, they said Washington understood very well the significance of stronger cooperation among the US, Serbia and the EU. Vucic said that one of Serbia's foreign policy priorities was to enhance bilateral ties with Washington, in which Serbia viewed Congress as playing an important role, according to a statement from the president’s office. Vucic also said that EU membership remained Serbia’s foreign policy goal, noting that Belgrade would remain a reliable and credible partner to the EU. He also informed the senators on the halt in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, stressing the necessity for implementing the achieved agreements. Vucic said he was happy with the current bilateral cooperation in the security domain, where the biggest progress had been made in the past period, stressing that future cooperation in this field would be accelerated and improved, the statement said.


Frontex Director talks with Serbian ministers (Beta)


The delegation of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) led by its director Fabrice Leggeri had talks on Monday with several ministers in the Serbian government, agencies reported. At the meeting with Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, it was estimated that the security situation in the region was relatively stable, with concerning tensions, while it was concluded of the migrant crisis that this was the key issue which surpassed national borders, states the announcement of the Defense Ministry. Leggeri presented to the Minister the new liaison officer of that organization for the Western Balkans Vesna Marinkovic. Vulin said that since the beginning of the crisis, about a million migrants had passed through Serbia, and that since the beginning of the engagement of the Joint forces of the army and police the illegal crossing of about 21,000 migrants was prevented. He added that there were currently 6,000 migrants accommodated in Serbia, for the most part from Afghanistan. He said that Serbia and Afghanistan did not have a signed agreement on readmission and asked Leggeri for Frontex to help in this matter. Leggeri also met with the Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, who said that the fact that the liaison officer for the Western Balkans would be located in Belgrade was a clear signal from the EU that a readiness exists for strengthening cooperation. Stefanovic and Leggeri estimated that the cooperation between MUP and Frontex was at a high level, especially in the area of risk estimates from migratory movements.

The Frontex chief of delegation also discussed future cooperation with the Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic and the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Zoran Djordjevic.


Good European deal at Trieste Summit (Politika)


It seems as if the Western Balkans countries’ leaders have made a good deal with EU officials at the Trieste Summit, because they will get 220 million Euros for projects. The daily added that Brussels earmarked this sum to prepare the region in order to become a part of the EU economic system eventually. During the Summit, the President of France, German Chancellor and Prime Minister of Italy used the opportunity to reiterate that the Balkans countries have the European perspective. Host of the Summit and Italian Prime Minister Palo Gentiloni said on the occasion that the EU must keep the door open for the countries in the region because, otherwise, it would risk strengthening of influence of Russia and other global powers in the Balkans. The daily reminded that all countries of the region, except B&H, signed the Transport Community Treaty. They also agreed on establishment of a joint economic space. The idea on establishment of a customs union in the Balkans, which Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic proposed in March at a preparatory meeting in Sarajevo, was not accepted but German Welt reported that foundations of “New Yugoslavia” were placed in Trieste and Serbia will dominate in it. The German paper is of the view that the EU is not capable of accepting new members so the Balkans countries are trying to create a customs union in order to make an influence through it. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic said that he believes that Serbia and countries in the region can get to the EU faster through the Berlin process and joint projects. Dacic told RTS that Serbia is one of the countries which are not afraid of regionalization and added that it would not be a replacement for the EU but only a way to join the EU faster. Balkans expert Florian Bieber told the daily that the Berlin process is not a replacement for the EU integration and he added that this is only an additional effort to introduce more dynamics and regional cooperation to the accession process. “There are still many bilateral problems in the region, because of which regional cooperation is important. However, there is also lack of functional democracy and rule of law in the region. The Berlin initiative cannot solve that problem, but it should be solved by the process of European integration which needs new dynamics”, Bieber told Deutsche Welle. President of the Fund for Political Excellence Sonja Licht told Radio Belgrade that the Berlin process is in no way a project through which some new Yugoslavia could be created and added that it is a political process sending a clear message to the Western Balkans countries that EU will assist them become a part of the European family if they show readiness to become a part of it first. President of the Center for Foreign Policy Aleksandra Joksimovic said she feels optimistic and added that it seems that the awareness is growing in the EU that the Balkans must be assisted.


The Dublin solution for the Kosovo knot (Nedeljnik, by Zeljko Pantelic)


Serbia’s negotiations on EU membership are going slowly but they are moving, step by step. On the other side, Kosovo, which declared independence only a year and a half after Montenegro, signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement  only last year and it will remain “stuck” until further notice, while Podgorica is approaching the closure of all chapters in the EU membership negotiations. Moreover, despite the ten-year presence of the EULEX Mission, the Kosovars are the only ones in Western Balkans who still need visas for EU member states.

“Serbia should examine the example of Ireland for new constitutional solutions regarding the Kosovo issue since this could be acceptable for the EU member states. It wouldn’t represent explicit recognition of Kosovo but an acknowledgement of a factual state and it would be, in some way, an application of the same recipe for the problem that the EU had already faced and that will become more media attractive over Brexit,” Nedeljnik was suggested by two different sources in EU institutions, saying that Belgrade should use the opportunity given by Brexit.

Very soon we will have Ireland, the EU member state that hasn’t given up its right to Ulster and Northern Ireland that will be outside the EU together with Great Britain. A visible border is returning to the Irish island. How visible, depends on the negotiations between Brussels and London and the flexibility of Dublin and Belfast. Bearing in mind that the Serbian authorities will need to amend the Constitution over harmonization with the EU acquis, it seems this would be an ideal opportunity to define the Kosovo issue in Serbia’s highest legal document in a way that will not be an obstacle on the EU membership path, but means for overcoming it successfully. In that context the Irish Constitution is the star guide.

This way, Belgrade would admit the factual state that it doesn’t have jurisdiction, i.e. sovereignty, in Kosovo, but would enable citizens in Kosovo, if they wish, to be Serbian citizens, and would leave the door open for Kosovo to return under Serbia’s sovereignty in the future, if conditions are acquired. At the same time, with this constitutional solution, Serbia would explicitly demonstrate that it is also constructive when it comes to Kosovo’s EU integration, i.e. that it is in its interest for Kosovo to become an EU member as soon as possible. Also, the Kosovo Serbs would be additionally protected and would enjoy all rights as Serbian citizens.

The position of Madrid is not based, as some wrongly interpret, on opposing change of borders and creation of new states. Spain principally advocates respect of the Constitution, i.e. that all positions on self-determination need to be envisaged with the highest legal document or approved by the central government or national parliament. That is why Spain didn’t make a problem regarding recognition of Montenegro because the Belgrade Agreement, based on which the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was established, envisaged a referendum directed by Podgorica after three years of the transition period. Just as they wouldn’t oppose Scotland’s independence had the referendum been successful since it was approved by the central government in London.

However, the problem is not only the fact that Madrid will not recognize Kosovo but also because it will not allow it to progress in EU integration, let alone to become a member of the EU or NATO. One of Madrid’s key arguments in the struggle to deter secessionist regions is the EU perspective. Parties in Catalonia that advocate independence are all pro-EU and pro-NATO and in their campaigns use precisely the story that an exit from Spain would be amortized economically with EU membership. Therefore, Madrid needs to concretely demonstrate that unilateral declarations on independence do not pay off and Kosovo is an excellent “scarecrow” for Spanish regions that they will end up in limbo if they embark on the adventure of secessionism without the approval of the central authorities.

And while the Spaniards are an insurmountable obstacle for Kosovo in the EU and NATO, Russia and China are two giants on the planetary stage throwing a big shadow on the possibility for Pristina to gain UN membership. China will not recognize Kosovo because a precedent, directed by the US, is a gift on a plate for Beijing, a coin for coin that can be used every time for the expansionist goals of the Central Empire. On the other hand, China cannot recognize Kosovo over its internal problems; from those in the far west in the Xinyang province, where half of the population is of Turkic descent and Muslim religion (Uyghurs), to Hong Kong.




Crnadak calls on improvement of relations between B&H and Serbia, announces official opening of new B&H Embassy building in Belgrade on Tuesday (Nezavisne)


B&H Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak stated that Bosniak politicians should help establish better and more honest relationship between B&H and Serbia, especially Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. He also announced that he is going to officially open a new building of B&H Embassy to Serbia in Belgrade on Tuesday with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic. “Our message from the new building is going to be call for more honest and better relationship between the two countries that needs to result in increased economic cooperation,” said Crnadak and added that the recent visit of Vucic to B&H is going to help further improve the relations between the countries. Commenting the issue of Transport Community Treaty, Crnadak said he expects the Treaty to be signed in the upcoming period. Crnadak also stated that Montenegro and B&H have permanently solved the matter of Sutorina and can now focus on development of tourism, economy and cooperation in field of taxation.


B&H Prosecutor’s Office confirms it formed case upon report filed by Izetbegovic against Dodik (FTV)


After receiving a letter in which Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic called for sanctions against Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, the Prosecutor's Office of B&H formed a case against Dodik on Monday due to his statement regarding Bosniaks in Podrinje. The Prosecutor's Office confirmed that the case has been handed over to the prosecutor in charge.  Izetbegovic's letter was addressed to Acting Chief Prosecutor of B&H Gordana Tadic and it reads that Dodik's statement is anti-Dayton Peace Accords.


Dodik: Izetbegovic is trying to find way to bring everyone from RS before B&H Court (RTRS)


Commenting Izetbegovic’s statements Dodik told reporters in Banja Luka that the request of the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency, Izetbegovic, to punish him for his statement in Bratunac is a continued attempt to criminalize the Republika Srpska (RS) leadership and added that this will be so as long as the entity exists. “They want to bring everyone from the RS before the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, in order to judge them based on their own will”.

“I also said that there are organizations which gave money to encourage people to return to the East and the area along the Drina River, and that this represents a new attempt to revive old strategic goals. It is known that there are organizations in the world which acted and which act in B&H today, assorted Islamic organizations which today support terrorism and which earlier supported return projects, and that the UN Security Council banned them,” Dodik stressed commenting on Izetbegovic’s request to the OHR, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and the Steering Board of the PIC to punish him for his statement on July 7 in Bratunac. “Bosniaks live freely in Bratunac, Srebrenica and some other places. I did not say that they do not have to come. 99 percent of property has been restored to pre-war owners, many reconstruction projects have been implemented and a significant number of them live there and are not bothered by anyone,” Dodik argued.

Representatives (HoR) of the Parliament of B&H Nikola Spiric said that Izetbegovic’s call for sanctions against Dodik actually confirms the existence of a parallel system of authority in B&H, which is the greatest threat to country’s survival. “This is a message to Serbs, Croats and unsuitable Bosniaks that the time is coming when they will be working blindfolded on building the future they do not believe in”, Spiric said.


Izetbegovic and Mektic comment ISIL threats against Islamic Community in B&H (TV1)


ISIL has recently threatened against life of officials of Islamic Community in B&H, including Head of Islamic Community Husein Kavazovic, via their online magazine ‘Rumija’. Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic stated on Monday that the Islamic Community in B&H is target of these threats because it has capacity to resist challenges of extremism. Izetbegovic went on saying that moderate interpretation of traditional Islam in B&H is best obstacle for all attempts of misuse and radicalization of Muslims. He called on competent institutions not to underestimate repeated threats of ISIL and to provide protection for officials of Islamic Community in B&H. Izetbegovic also called on B&H Prosecutor’s Office to continue with processing of extremists. B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic said that one of biggest problems in this area is lack of regulations that would prevent spreading of hatred speech, especially via internet. Mektic said that ISIL cannot fulfill its threats. He stressed that information collected by B&H Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) resulted in discovering of two serious terrorist threats and prevented some individuals to carry out terrorist attacks in B&H. Also, security experts believe that aforementioned threats should be taken seriously.  SDA issued a press statement on Monday and condemned calls on killings of imams and muftis in B&H, even the leader of the Islamic Community of B&H. “This is not the first time the Islamic Community in B&H is being under systematic attack. We know it was a special target of the aggression on our country. Over a hundred imams have been killed, nearly ten percent of those who were in service, all the mosques and other religious facilities that were not on the territory controlled by the Army of RB&H were destroyed,” stated SDA and underlined that it is in the vital national interest of the country to have all the institutions and societies functioning in order to avoid artificially created crises.


Serbian President reacts to US support for Croatia’s Operation Storm (Express)


It is a well-known fact that newly-elected Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic does not have particularly warm feelings when it comes to operations Storm and Flash, which Croatia executed in the 1990s to liberate previously occupied territories, reports Express. Vucic commented on a recent statement made by US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis during his meeting with the Croatian counterpart Dame Krsticevic at the Pentagon. “Next month, it will be the 22nd anniversary of the Operation Storm, an operation which is being taught by the US Army as an example of how a well-run military force can change the course of history. We are honored to have you here due to your role in this operation,” said Mattis, according to a Defense Ministry’s statement.

Vucic said that Serbia “will never accept that the killing and persecution of Serbian civilians were some kind of magnificent act”. “I am terribly sorry that such a statement has been given because I believe there is nothing to be praised in the Operation Storm, since more than 2,000 ordinary people, old people and children, were killed at the time,” Vucic said. According to him, “columns of refugees were rocketed at Bosanski Petrovac, which was not even on the territory of then Croatia.”  He said that “the position of the Republic of Serbia is that it was one of the saddest days in the Serbian history. If someone is proud of the result that they have expelled 250,000 people from their lands, killed several thousand people, there is something wrong with that,” said Vucic. During their recent very successful meeting, US Defense Secretary also said that “Croatia is a small country that contributes significantly to international security and is an example of a great NATO ally.” He and Krsticevic discussed the joint participation of the armed forces of the Republic of Croatia and the United States in NATO missions and operations around the world. “We are proud to serve side by side with Croatian soldiers in missions and operations in Afghanistan and Kosovo," Mattis said, according to the Croatian Ministry of Defence’s statement.

The upcoming 22nd anniversary of the Operation Storm and accompanying celebrations in Croatia and memorial services in Serbia are expected to increase tensions between the two countries once again.


The Stepinac Commission finishes work (Vecernji list)


Representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church and Serbian historians came to the last session of the joint commission on Croatian Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac last week with new accusations against Stepinac. However, the State Secretariat of the Holy See prepared a joint statement, which was presented to both sides and ultimately adopted. The joint commission of the Catholic Church and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) was formed by Pope Francis after he received a letter by SPC Patriarch Irinej. The goal was to discuss the role and work of Cardinal Stepinac before, during and after the Second World War. The conclusion and the statement with which the Orthodox Church’s representatives came were even more negative towards Stepinac than the Patriarch’s letter to Pope Francis, in which he strongly opposed the canonization of the cardinal. The Serbian side almost accused Stepinac of directly taking part in crimes committed by the Independent State of Croatia. The final statement was mostly written by Bernardo Ardura, the president of the Commission appointed by Pope Franjo. “The participants have recognized the generosity of Pope Francis, who kindly accepted the petition of the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church and decided to establish the commission. All members are grateful for the cordial atmosphere in which, with full freedom of expression, they could fulfill the task entrusted to the commission, namely to approach the common consideration of the life of Cardinal Stepinac. From the commencement of the commission's work, the members were aware that the process of canonization of Cardinal Stepinac was in the exclusive competence of the Pope. They also admit that each Church has its own criteria for the canonization process,” says the joint statement. The Holy See's State Secretariat is satisfied with this outcome and the path to the canonization of Cardinal Stepinac is now fully open. The next step is an official papal statement on the completion of the process and the announcement of the date when Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac will become a saint. Some believe that could happen late next year.

Alojzije Stepinac was the Archbishop of Zagreb from 1937 to 1960. While the Serbian authorities claim that during the Second World War he cooperated with the Ustasha regime in the Independent State of Croatia, the majority of Croats consider him to be a saint who helped those who were persecuted at the time. After the Second World War, Stepinac was imprisoned by the communist regime. Pope Francis has established the special commission of Croatian Catholic and Serbian Orthodox officials who are investigating his case. In Croatia, it is widely expected that Cardinal Stepinac will eventually be canonized.


Tajani: Visit to Montenegro a strong message to the region (CDM)


The Western Balkans belongs to Europe. It is determined by strong historical, cultural and economic. By going to Montenegro, the first country not belonging to EU I am visiting in my term of office, I want to send a strong message to the entire region, said European Parliament speaker Antonio Tajani, who will arrive to Montenegro today. “The EU door remains open to all those who are changing their countries for better, not only for the sake of membership, but also for the benefits of their citizens. Stability in the region means stability throughout Europe. I look forward to meeting with the citizens of Montenegro,” he said. “Political and economic development are essential for stability not only in Montenegro, but also in the whole region. Along with accession negotiations, we need to strengthen economic diplomacy, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurship and tourism,” said Tajani.


Markovic with Sheikh Al Nahyan: Montenegro is safe for UAE investments (CDM)


Montenegro is a safe and secure state for investments from the United Arab Emirates, Prime Minister Dusko Markovic said at a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who is in an official visit. The two officials agreed that the bilateral relations between Montenegro and the UAE were excellent and that there was room for further strengthening of economic cooperation, particularly in the field of tourism. In this context, PM underlined the importance of setting up direct flights between Dubai and Tivat, as well as the continuation of cooperation on visa liberalization. It would be useful to establish joint commissions that would work to foster economic co-operation, it was said at the meeting. Calling in mind that Montenegro became a NATO member state on 5 June, Markovic pointed out that Montenegro saw its future in the European Union and noted that the goal was to complete the negotiations in the next five years. Sheikh Al Nahyan welcomed this Montenegro’s commitment. He especially praised the excellent relations the country had with the countries of the region, adding that it would be encouraging for foreign investors.

Pointing out that there is no single Europe without the Western Balkans and no the stability in the union without a stable region, Markovic stated that Montenegro saw itself in the EU, regardless of what it would be like in the future. In the context of the talks on peace and stability, the officials pointed out the importance of fighting all kinds of extremism and radicalism and strengthening the cooperation of the competent services in that field. They also exchanged views on the current developments in the Persian Gulf.


Dimitrov presents reform priorities of Macedonia's new government at Brussels Centre for European Policy Studies (MIA)


Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov presented Monday the reform priorities of Macedonia's new government at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels. The EU membership is Macedonia's strategic goal and the reform priorities specified in the plan, dubbed 3-6-9 (time schedule of their realization in months), are a proof of the country's determination to turn that objective into reality, Dimitrov said at the presentation. “This plan is actually a guideline that foresees concrete dynamics of activities that should yield attainable European perspective. It is also a litmus-test of our political will and capacity to deal with challenges and catch the EU train that has been passing us by. Our failures should be notified, but our successes should be valorized...The EU could make a difference in the region, it should demonstrate a leadership in its Balkan-related policy. It is necessary and possible because the Balkans' place is in Europe” Dimitrov said. The new reform government, he said, is oriented to the future. “We have to create new image of a modern, democratic state, where institutions exist for citizens, not elites, and where the law is above everyone and applies to everybody,” Dimitrov said. Dimitrov also presented the plan to members of the EU the Committee of Permanent Representatives, who commended the reform agenda of new Macedonia's government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.


Kotzias qualifies his meeting with UN Envoy Nimetz as “interesting and serious” (Meta)


I had a very interesting and serious meeting with Mr. Matthew Nimetz, who recently visited Skopje. He informed me about the climate there, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias told reporters on Monday in Brussels after his meeting with the UN mediator in Greece-Macedonia negotiations on the name dispute. Kotzias said he briefed Nimetz about the position of official Athens after the meetings of Greek authorities with the 'new government of our northern neighbor,' Greece's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. “We agreed to stay in touch and to look for ways in which we could open a process to find a solution” Kotzias said. Asked if Greece has indications of goodwill on the part of the Skopje government, Kotzias said there was communication, but its commitment to that effect is yet to be demonstrated.


Vucic says Serbia continues to recognize Macedonia's name (MIA)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia continues to recognize Macedonia under its constitutional name, despite the fact that Macedonia recognized the independence of Kosovo, which Serbia bitterly opposes. Vucic was asked by a Macedonian Television journalist in Washington over the recent statement by his Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic to his Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias that "Serbia's recognition of Macedonia under its constitutional name was a mistake". "Serbia recognized it even though Macedonia recognized the independence of Kosovo, something which I'm sure was contrary to the will of its population", Vucic said. Greece, which maintained friendly ties with Serbia throughout the Balkan wars, insists that Macedonia must change its name, and also refuses to recognize the independence of Kosovo.

Vucic was in Washington for a meeting with US Vice President Mike Pence at the White House. He said that in the half hour meeting, they discussed the Balkan issues, including the Macedonian name issue, the status of Kosovo and the political situation in Bosnia. Pence is due to meet Balkan leaders on August 2nd, during his trip to Montenegro.


Stabilization and Association Council between Macedonia and the European Union in Brussels (MIA)


Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European integration Bujar Osmani and Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov will attend the 13th Stabilization and Association Council between Macedonia and the European Union in Brussels. On the EU side, the council will be co-chaired by foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, who will be accompanied by Commissioner Johannes Hahn. Osmani and Dimitrov are set to detail the Government's 3-6-9 plan, which refers to the reforms Macedonia plans to pass in the next nine months. In return, Macedonia asks the European Union to give its approval for opening of the accession talks.


Bushati- Kishi: Albania and Japan to promote relations (ADN)


Albanian Minister for Foreign Affairs Ditmir Bushati received in Tirana the State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan Nobuo Kishi. This meeting takes place at a very important moment in the relations between the two countries crowning with opening of the Embassy of Japan to Albania. Bushati highlighted the fact the government of Albania appreciates opening of the Embassy of Japan to Albania a very important event in the history of bilateral relations between the two countries and it contributes to promotion of bilateral cooperation, economic and cultural exchanges as well as contacts between the two peoples. Bushati expressed grateful thanks to his Japanese counterpart Kishi especially for the assistance that the government of Japan has given during the last two decades through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and expressed the interest of the Albanian side to intensify further cooperation with JICA and other Japanese institutions while saying that the Japanese business will face a contemporary legislation and favorable climate for investments in Albania. Minister Kishi emphasized the interest of Japan in stability of the Western Balkans and positively assessed Albania’s role as a factor of stability. He also praised Albania’s efforts to promote democracy and the rule of law. He positively assessed the tranquil and democratic stage of the Parliamentary elections in Albania and emphasized that Japan will support Albania on its way of reforms and European integration. Speaking about opening of the Embassy of Albania in Tokyo, Minister Kishi voiced his belief that it would have an impact into deepening of bilateral relations and a better recognition of cultures of the two peoples. Further on, the ministers positively assessed cooperation between the two countries in the context of international organizations, the good experience of mutual support of the candidacies and even the formulation of the stance on sensitive global issues. They also voiced their readiness for promotion of this cooperation in the future. In this context, ministers Bushati and Kishi exchanged views on issues related with the respective regions.




Bosnia Urged To Protect Clerics From ISIS Threats (BIRN, 17 July 2017)


Bosnian presidency member Bakir Izetbegovic has called on Bosnian institutions to protect the country's Muslim clerics - after ISIS recently issued bloodcurdling new threats to them.

The Bosniak member of Bosnia's presidency, Bakir Izetbegovic, has called on the country's institutions to protect imams [Muslim clerics] after so-called Islamic State recently its supporters to kill Bosnian Muslim religious leaders by shooting them or cutting their throats. Izetbegovic said the recent grisly threats came from "renegades" from Bosnia, fighting in Syria, who were targeting Bosnia's Islamic Community because it had not succumbed to what he called a "misinterpretation of Islam", media reports said. "The moderate, open and genuine interpretation of traditional Islam in this region is the best obstacle to all attempts to abuse and radicalize Muslims," Izetbegovic said at the press conference in Sarajevo. The Islamist terrorist organization - which has suffered major setbacks recently in Iraq and Syria - called on its supporters in the Balkans to kill local Muslim leaders by slicing their throats and shooting them with silenced guns. "Slash the heads of those [apostates], especially their Mufti. We swear by Allah, there is nothing Allah values more than killing those who twisted His faith, those who want Islam to be destroyed from within," ISIS, has said in the Balkan edition of its magazine, Rumiyah. "Attack them, kill them using silencers, that is indeed a glorious act ... kill them in front of their children and wives. Spill their dirty blood, let it run down the streets of the Balkans," the magazine reads. Along with the text, ISIS published photographs of Bosnia's senior Muslim cleric, Reisu-l-ulema Husein ef. Kavazovic, his deputy, Husein ef. Smajic, and the Muftis of the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina. ISIS labelled the clerics "leaders of non-Islamic communities" and said that killing "apostates" is even "more important" than killing infidels. The threats come a month after ISIS promised to wage a terror campaign in the Balkans. The Bosnian version of the ISIS magazine has since last September been justifying the attacks carried out by the terror group throughout the world. The magazine is issued in several languages, including Arabic, English, Turkish, German and French, by ISIS’s media arm Al-Hayat. Its name means "Rome" and is thought to allude to the fall of the Roman Empire.

Goran Kovacevic, a professor at the Faculty of Criminology and Security Studies at the University of Sarajevo, told BIRN last November that the magazine’s aim is to appeal to poor and unemployed Bosnian Muslims. According to official data, Bosnia is one of the main regional exporters of jihadists to the Middle East. The official Islamic Community in Bosnia is now trying to combat what it sees as an abuse of religious thinking.

Muhamed Jusic, the Islamic Community’s media adviser and a noted theologian, told BIRN that the Community is trying to promote traditional Islamic values in Bosnia, both in mosques and educational facilities, as the best possible response to radicalism. “All research points to the fact that the traditional form of Islam, which has existed in this region for hundreds of years, is the best preventative programme for the abuse of religion. That is why this traditional Islamic Community is the first in line for attacks by violent extremists,” Jusic said.