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Belgrade Media Report 28 July



Significant opportunities to strengthen cooperation with Nigeria (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Mohammad Ahmed Mus expressed the desire to further develop relations between the two nations and the two countries. Dacic expressed his satisfaction with the relations of the two countries that have a traditional friendship since the time of Tito and conveyed readiness of Serbia, as a key successor of the former SFRY, to reach the level of relations as before, both on a political and economic level. Dacic expressed his gratitude for the support Nigeria provides for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. Pointing to the excellent and traditionally friendly relations of Nigeria with Serbia, the Nigerian official confirmed the continuation of his country's support for Kosovo and Metohija on a bilateral and multilateral agenda.


Drecun: Dialogue doesn’t imply Serbia’s readiness to recognize Kosovo’s independence (Tanjug/TV Pink)


The initiative to launch an internal dialogue on Kosovo doesn’t imply Serbia’s readiness to recognize Kosovo as an independent state, but reaching a proposal on how we see a final solution of this problem, the Chairman of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told TV Pink. According to him, Serbia’s proposal for resolving the Kosovo problem should be nominated to the Albanians and the international community in order to open talks on all that. “We now have one proposal on the table for Serbia to recognize Kosovo as an independent state, for Kosovo to become a UN member and thus acquire international capacity, and then in the second phase it would join Albania,” said Drecun. He stressed that the geopolitical circumstances are changing, which is visible in Pristina’s giving up from applying for the UNESCO membership. “That means that it is clear to the US and other Western countries that they are in a pat position. Serbia is offering with this initiative an exit strategy to the West as well,” says Drecun, adding that it is better for Serbia to offer solutions than for it to be imposed with solutions. He says that the future of the Republika Srpska depends on Serbia’s relation towards the Kosovo problem and what will Serbia define as its national strategy for the XXI century. The boundary beyond which it will not cross is recognition of Kosovo’s independence, because they didn’t receive the mandate from the people to recognize Kosovo as an independent state. “President Vucic has his plan but he will not present it, but wants to hear other opinions as well,” concluded Drecun.


Radeta: We will not take part in the dialogue (FoNet)


Chair of the Executive Board of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Vjerica Radeta has announced that the SRS will not take part in the burlesque that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called an internal dialogue on Kosovo. Pressure is increasing for the regime to recognize the self-declared state of Kosovo and it is interesting that this topic has been updated following Vucic’s visit to Washington, Radeta told a press conference. As far as the SRS is concerned, the status of Kosovo and Metohija has been established with the Constitution and there is no discussion in this. Nobody is allowed to recognize the false state of Kosovo, as well as Kosovo’s membership in the UN and other international organization, said Radeta. The SRS called Vucic to make a wise and statehood move, to withdraw signatures from the Brussels agreements and to cease negotiations on Serbia’s EU membership.


New EU Delegation Head in Serbia presents credentials (RTS)


New Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia Sem Fabrizi presented his credentials to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday. Vucic said Serbia’s fully fledged EU membership is the priority of the country’s foreign policy. He expressed gratitude to EU support as most important donor and underlined that two-third of Serbia commodity exchange fall out on the EU.

Fabrizi said he noticed positive steps have been made by Serbia in the implementation of its reforms, as well as in its contribution to peace, stability and cooperation in the Western Balkans.




Aftermath of rejection of report on work of B&H CoM before B&H parliament (TV1)


The session of B&H parliament on Wednesday created a new crisis in B&H. “It turned out that the majority at the state level, at least when B&H parliament is concerned, does not exist”, the presenter added and reminded that the report on the work of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H was not adopted. SDA, HDZ B&H and Alliance for Changes (SzP) supported the report but their 17 votes were not enough to adopt the report. Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Mirko Sarovic stated that there is a specific political situation in which there is no real parliamentary majority but it is formed from one session to another. However, Sarovic added that this is a matter for leaders of political parties and claimed that there are no disputable things in the report on the work of CoM for 2016. Some delegates think that CoM should resign in case the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H parliament too rejects the report on the work of BiH CoM, but HDZ B&H disagreed. MP Momcilo Novakovic (NDP) said that in case B&H HoP does not reject the report, then B&H CoM will not have the moral responsibility to resign. MP Nikola Lovrinovic (HDZ B&H) said that he thinks B&H CoM should not resign and should continue doing its job. Some speculated that Minister of Transport and Communications of B&H Ismir Jusko (SBB B&H) was ready to resign in case the report on the work of B&H CoM is rejected but his cabinet denied such speculations. “The Minister had no intention to resign, those were misinformation which appeared in media. The Minister has no reason to resign because the competent Commission of the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H parliament gave a positive opinion to the report on the work of B&H CoM with regard to the work of this ministry”, Jusko’s Cabinet said in its press statement.


Izetbegovic: There is need to stabilize authorities (Fena/Nezavisne)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that there is a need to stabilize the authorities rather than criticize them. According to Izetbegovic, politicians in B&H should behave more seriously and with more responsibility in such a complex system in B&H that requires agreement to make decisions. Izetbegovic called for stopping of the deadlocks. “Politicians in B&H, considering our quite complex system, because four or five of us must reach an agreement, truly must start acting more somber and more responsible,” said Izetbegovic. He noted that the Main Board session is not being held in Doboj by chance, because Doboj is one of the cities where Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats live together in peace.


Genjac: SDA supports work of B&H CoM (BNTV)


The Main Board of SDA held a session in Doboj on Thursday. On this occasion, President of SDA Main Board Halid Genjac stated that SDA supports the work of B&H Council of Ministers. He explained that the Main Board expressed full support to work of FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic and Chairman of B&H CoM Denis Zvizdic. Genjac added that the Main Board called on parliamentary majorities at all levels of power, to stop with destabilization and making work of governments at all levels of power more difficult. He concluded by saying that the parliamentary majorities should dedicate their work to ways on how to reach solutions and compromises in institutions of B&H, in the upcoming period.


Dodik: B&H CoM works without existence of parliamentary majority (RTRS)


RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated for RTRS that B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) works without existence of parliamentary majority, bypassing the RS institutions. Speaking about the initiative for removal of B&H CoM, Dodik underscored that executive authorities of every normal country, which he considers not to be the case with B&H, should resign if there is no parliamentary support for their work. Dodik finds that the CoM is lying to the EU about the issues with signing of the Transport Community Treaty, namely that the RS is against such signing. Dodik stressed that the RS is not against the Transport Community but that it is necessary to establish functioning of the Coordination Mechanism in order to sign the Treaty.


Cvijanovic: Blockade both of Law on Excise Duties in B&H and Transport Community Treaty occurred in B&H institutions (Srna)


RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic told Srna on Thursday that blockade both of the Law on Excise Duties in B&H and the Transport Community Treaty occurred in Sarajevo, in B&H institutions, and anyone claiming otherwise is deceiving the public. Specifically, Cvijanovic noted that B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic is deceiving the public with his statements related to these two matters. The RS Prime Minister reminded that European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn sent a letter to Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic in which he singled out two obligations that need to be fulfilled. Cvijanovic added that those obligations are adoption of the Law on Excise Duties and joining the Transport Community. She stressed that Hahn warned that failure to fulfill these obligations will lead to redirecting the funds intended for B&H towards other countries in the region. Cvijanovic assessed that lack of parliamentary majority in B&H has caused failure to adopt the Law on Excise Duties and the reform laws in BiH while the current convocation of B&H CoM only ruins things. According to Cvijanovic, the CoM’s avoidance of solving the Coordination Mechanism issue has brought the whole process pertaining to the Transport Community into a blockade. She claims that the CoM and B&H parliament have lost their credibility a long time ago. In addition, Cvijanovic emphasized that Commissioner Hahn called for establishing internal coordination in B&H but, nevertheless, she finds that B&H authorities try to present themselves as serious and efficient despite working too little to maintain B&H on its European path. The Prime Minister was further quoted as saying: “In pursuit to throw the RS out of all processes through conjoined forces of political Sarajevo and so-called Alliance for Changes, this CoM in fact fell into the holes they had dug themselves. Instead of carrying out a showdown with the RS institutions, it would have been wiser for them to be building bridges of cooperation because without that there is no movement on the European path.”


Majkic: It is odd that Serb member of B&H Presidency adopted conclusion on speeding up registration of prospective military locations (RTRS)


B&H Presidency recently tasked B&H Ministry of Defense (MoD) to speed up activities on registration of immovable prospective military locations in B&H and to inform the Presidency about it. According to RTRS, this conclusion was passed after the Presidency’s discussion on the report from the meeting of the North-Atlantic Council and B&H representatives that took place in Brussels on June 20. MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Dusanka Majkic (SNSD) wondered how it is possible that such a decision was adopted by all three members of BiH Presidency. Specifically, Majkic finds it odd to hear that Serb member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic voted for this conclusion knowing the RS’ stance. Majkic said the RS’ stance is that there should be no registration of military or any other kind of properties without agreement of entity governments and B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). According to Majkic, some think that they can force B&H State Attorney’s Office to carry out work in this regard. The Cabinet of the Serb member of B&H Presidency issued a statement noting that there neither has been nor there will be legal or other changes in the Presidency’s stance when it comes to registration of military property. “It is clear that judicial authorities will decide on registration of the military property in the RS and that those processes will last for years”, the statement reads.


Covic: Next elections under amended law (Nezavisne)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated on Thursday he is convinced the amendments to the Law on Elections of B&H will be adopted and that the general elections in 2018 will be held under the new law, as well as the local elections in Mostar. “We have offered one proposal of the amendments to the Law on Elections, but we are willing to accept any other solution that will guarantee that one people cannot elect member of the Presidency or delegates in the House of Peoples to other people,” said Covic and added that if the Law on Elections is not amended, the elections in 2018 could be held, but the results could not be implemented. Commenting a statement of SDA leader and member of the Presidency of B&H Bakir Izetbegovic that he keeps raising the bar with his demands, Covic said he is only asking for a minimum. “Nobody needs to give anything to Croats, we only demand what is ours as constituent people living here for centuries,” underlined Covic.


OSCE closes its temporary office in Stolac (Dnevni avaz)


Stolac’s Office of the OSCE Mission to B&H was closed on Thursday. It was opened eight months ago after a series of incidents during the local elections held on October last year. Head of the OSCE Mission Jonathan Moore said on this occasion that the Stolac office was opened because “democracy was stolen in Stolac on October 2”, and he added that the OSCE Mission will be monitoring situation in this town from its Field Office in Mostar.  He further noted that Stolac is still in process of selecting the Deputy Municipality Head and Speaker of Municipal Council, but that he sees good grounds for political and social development in Stolac. Moore concluded that this is result of work of Stolac residents. Asked to comment failed meeting of leaders, which was organized by B&H Presidency Chairman Dragan Covic, Moore said it is necessary to continue dialogue. “It is important to continue dialogue among politicians, and maybe it is even more important that the dialogues are held between right people in B&H. Not every meeting has to be and cannot be held in an institution, it can be done at a breakfast, lunch or dinner”, he said.


Poposki: In order to receive support from VMRO-DPMNE the Agreement with Bulgaria will have to be corrected (MIA)


The former Minister of Foreign Affairs and a current MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Poposki, at the press conference that took place today at the parliament said that the government has met Sofia’s demands in the Agreement for Good Neighborly relations, but there is an impression that it has forgotten Macedonian interests. -It’s an interstate agreement, but what is noticeable is that there is a certain dispute of the difference of the Macedonian language and the Macedonian people as a nation. In order to gain a support from VMRO-DPMNE at the parliament, certain corrections in the part concerning the national interests will have to be done – said Poposki. The former Minister of Former Affairs thinks that what is necessary is a fair agreement that will close problems and not an agreement that will create frustrations for Macedonia on the road to the EU. A fair agreement in this manner, according to him, will be a basis for gaining the widest support at the Parliament and the feelings among the general public will be that something will be gained by it rather than losing something.


International arrest warrant was issued for Grujovski and Boshkovski (Meta)


The Ministry of Interior announced that it has demanded from the court to issue an international arrest warrant for Goran Grujovski and Nikola Boshkovski after the Supreme Court has confirmed the detention of 30 days for both of them, but the police wasn’t able to locate them. Through a press release, MoI informed that upon orders by the Appeal Court, an international arrest warrant was issued and several premises were searched on addresses that were reported as locations where the suspects have lived. “Searches were conducted at several locations on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia i.e.e in Skopje, Veles, and Ohrid for which there was information that the suspects are using for hiding. Since they were not located yet, and in accordance with the legal proceedings, MoI has sent a request to the court to issue an international arrest warrant and on the orders of the court an international arrest warrant was issued for g.G. and N.B.” said MoI. Goran Grujovski is a former Head of the Administration of Security and Counter-Intelligence (UBK) and is a prime suspect in SPO’s “Fortress” and “Target” cases. Nikola Boshkovski was an employee at UBK and was a suspect in the same cases.




China determined to take European Union under political and economic control (Pravda, by Victor Denisenko, 27 July 2017)


When talking about the future of the Balkans, Serbian President Alexander Vucic always highlights his primary objectives as president - roads and economy. Serbia currently undergoes many changes, with the help of which Vucic intends to make his country a full-fledged member of the European Union. To materialise the dream, the president of Serbia relies not so much on stingy European creditors, but rather on ambitious political forces of China. Let's face it: Serbia, at least the sitting Serbian administration, no longer looks at Russia with admiration. Russia no longer conducts an active policy in the Balkans for a number of objective reasons, and Serbian politicians do not want to wait for Russia's foreign policy to change. Pro-European forces in Belgrade are Western, rather than Eastern oriented forces, despite historical traditions. Serbia is one of the poorest countries in Europe with a population of more than seven million people. Of course, it is difficult to imagine Serbia as a partner, with the help of which China is going to penetrate into Europe. However, long-standing ties between the two countries, combined with the geographic position, have made Belgrade a key player in Beijing's policy in the Balkans. This is mutually beneficial cooperation. Serbia needs investments in economy and infrastructure as soon as possible, while China follows its long-standing goal to obtain support in southeastern Europe and strengthen its influence in the countries that are likely to become full members of the European Union. Over the past few years, China has invested heavily in Serbia. Let's take, for example, a 170-million-euro bridge across the Danube or a thermal power plant in Belgrade worth 700 million. A Chinese company has recently acquired the only metallurgical plant in Serbia and promised to revive the nation's industry without cutting jobs. Unlike international creditors like the World Bank, China is often ready to finance projects with dubious economic returns at below-market rates. As long as EU funds are available only for EU members, China is the only alternative for countries such as Serbia. Serbian Minister for Transport Zoran Mihajlovic believes that it was highly complicated for the country to obtain loans from Western countries prior to the advent of Chinese investors. "Now, when we discuss our projects, they ask us "Why China?" To be honest, this is because the Chinese  have money," the minister said. For China, investments in Serbia carry both economic and political significance. The Balkans form an important corridor in Beijing's Don-Quixote-like "Belt and Road" initiative. Paving new trade routes around the world is a strategy that pursues both economic and political influence on the European Union. Last year, Chinese shipping giant Cosco closed the deal to acquire a controlling stake of Greece's largest port - Piraeus. The Chinese have already invested about 600 million euros in the modernisation of the facility, having turned it into one of the world's 50 largest ports. China is turning Piraeus into its European gateway. For Chinese ships heading to Europe via the Suez Canal, the relatively close Piraeus is a much more attractive option. If the Balkans are equipped with modern infrastructure for cargo transportation, the volumes of trade will grow every year. A large-scale access to the EU market is only a part of the story. China intends not only to send goods to Europe - the Celestial Empire wants to export products from Europe. Beijing's long-term objective is to create its own industrial and production base to serve not only the European market, but also emerging Eurasian markets from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Middle East and India. China has set up an investment fund with a treasury worth 10 billion euros to finance infrastructure projects in the countries from the Baltic to the Balkans. The main goal is to win economic control over the region, which lags far behind Western Europe in terms of well-being. Serbia, being in its very center, is a core of China's plan to create a land bridge from Piraeus. China repairs the railways that remained untouched since their construction in the XIX century. In addition, China has been gradually making its way into the local industry. For example, German officials admit that China has captured such industries as robotics and instrumentation. China does everything quickly, without asking questions, which is obviously a great advantage. China has already obtained leverage in the region with the help of Serbia and Greece. Yet, China has not manifested its political will yet. However, a close look at Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will show that he constantly blocks EU statements on China, if they do not meet interests of Chinese President Xi Jinping. A few years later, if the EU continues to expand, the Chinese Communist Party will have a lot more friends in Brussels. Ageing European heavyweights, such as Germany and France, will have hard times fighting the power of the People's Republic of China in Europe.