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Belgrade Media Report 14 August



Vucic: Kosovo, Russia crucial in EU accession negotiations (Beta)


Following talks with EP rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Saturday that the most important issue in the EU accession negotiations are the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, but that Serbia’s relationship with Russia is being mentioned increasingly frequently. “I have the greatest headache regarding problems in relations between Belgrade and Pristina. Only Serbia has Chapter 35. No other country had it, and it permeates many chapters, even transportation. Our citizens should know this and that is why we need the internal dialogue, because without it there will no progress,” Vucic said. “Serbia is on the European path because we want to belong to that society. We now that we are having difficulties that other countries didn’t have; no one was asked such questions like we are about Kosovo, but we knew that, it is nothing new, and the only thing is that we shouldn’t forget that,” Vucic said. The Serbian President added that I am just an ordinary, small-time politician from the Balkans, and that he was not very optimistic about dialogue with Kosovo. “Unlike many Albanian politicians, we are ready to talk about a compromise, a genuine compromise, not about how something should sound like to Western politicians, and what you need to sell them, and what is for the public at home,” Vucic said.

Serbia is doing a good job on the path to EU membership, but that it still has a lot of work to do, especially in regard to rule of law and the struggle against corruption, McAllister said after the meeting with Vucic. He said that he cannot give a date when Serbia might join the EU, adding that the rate of EU accession depends on Serbia’s progress. McAllister said that he is pleased with Serbia’s progress, but that it is necessary for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina to be conducted at the level of the presidents and governments, in order to implement what has already been agreed, and for other agreements to be reached.


Dacic: Massacre of innocent children message there is no room for Serbs in Kosovo (RTS/Tanjug)


The appalling massacre of innocent children, murdered only because they were Serbs, committed in order to send a message to the rest of the Serbs there is no room for them in Kosovo, said Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on Sunday. Speaking at the marking of the anniversary of the killed Serbian children in Gorazdevac in the Memorial room “Kosovo victims”, Dacic repeated a call to institutions in Kosovo and Metohija and the international community to take measures to bring to justice the perpetrators and masterminds of murders in Gorazdevac and other places throughout Kosovo and Metohija. UNMIK police commissioner, as he recalled, then said that he would roll over every piece of land to find killers of children, and apart from UNMIK, this crime was condemned by representatives of KFOR, the European Union, the United States, France and Russia, while the US representative to the UN Security Council called this act “a horrible crime”. According to Dacic, the then State Department spokesman assessed then that “those who committed a crime against innocent children are enemies of peace” who “attacked the future of Kosovo”. Despite all that, even today, 14 years after the crime, there is no justice for Ivan Jovovic, Pantelija Dakic and their families, said Dacic, adding that there is no justice for the victims of crimes against Serbian reapers in Staro Gacko, where 14 people were killed, of whom the youngest was 17 years old. He said that genuine reconciliation and a common future under the umbrella of the European family of nations will be possible only when the killers and criminals in Kosovo and Metohija are no longer celebrated as national heroes. Today, terrorists and perpetrators of horrific crimes are free in Kosovo and Metohija. This sends the message of democratic and multi-ethnic Kosovo that exists only in advertising performances of the Kosovo quasi-state, he said. Dacic called on the institutions in Kosovo and Metohija and the international community to take measures to bring perpetrators of murders in Gorazdevac and other places in Kosovo and Metohija to bring justice. Dacic confirmed on Sunday that Serbia has sent its envoys to a number of countries, to lobby against them voting in favor of Kosovo being accepted into the UNESCO. “Those are not envoys that will resolve certain problems. They are to inform certain countries what it is actually about,” he said, adding that many countries don’t know what actually the issue is.


Dacic: Delineation with the Albanians, churches like on Mt. Athos (Novosti)


Dacic has stated that his proposal for Kosovo is an idea of delineation on what is Serbian and Albanian, normalization of relations, securing Serbian Orthodox heritage by creating independent monastery communities according to the Athos model in Greece, the Community of Serb Municipalities and financial compensation for the usurped property. “Everybody needs a lasting solution of the Serbian-Albanian conflict, while it can be reached only with an agreement of Serbs and Albanians where everybody will receive and lose something. This is an idea of compromise of historical and ethnic law,” Dacic told Novosti in an op-ed. “This is my proposal that is based on the wish for the Serbs to receive something. If we want the Serbs and Serbia to receive something, there is less time. There is a lot of time for the utopian in advance lost battles, or for the thesis that Kosovo is lost for the Serbs,” says Dacic. According to him, this proposal is the only realistic one, the only one in the interest of both the Serbs and Albanians, and the only one that is quickly achievable. “It doesn’t mean that it will be accepted, but it is my duty to speak about this while this is still possible,” said Dacic. He notes that the Serbian state policy has not accepted the present reality of the Kosovo state-of-affairs and continued to fight with historical, national and state law, relying on UNSCR 1244, and, as it turned out, the “fictitious international law”. “Presently, there are mostly two conceptions on Kosovo. All of Kosovo is Serbian, or everything is lost, an independent Kosovo needs to be recognized. Both conceptions have negative consequences for the Serbian nation. The first one can be achieved only with war, which is an in advance lost battle under these historical geopolitical conditions,” said Dacic. The second conception is detrimental since it starts from the fact that everything is resolve. In either conception the Serbs are not receiving, but only losing, Dacic concluded.


Dacic: Putin will also agree to delineation of Kosovo (Alo)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Alo that he is not surprised at all with the attacks on hims over the proposal on the delineation of Kosovo into Serbian and Albanian. “Ever since I have mentioned the proposal on delineation of Kosovo, which I think is the best solution for Serbia, I have been exposed to constant attacks. They are calling me a traitor, while I haven’t heard anyone proposing any other solution,” says Dacic. “Since Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had presented a concrete proposal on inviting everybody for an internal dialogue on the status of Kosovo and Metohija, I am only hearing: ‘Booh Vucic’ and ‘Booh Dacic’. Nobody says anything concrete,” Dacic says. “As regards the support of the big powers to my proposal, everybody knows it will be difficult, but I will remind you of the words of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin “that for Moscow everything is acceptable that is also acceptable for Serbia”, so that when we say this is an official stand of Serbia, Russia will support us, but also many other states,” says Dacic. Asked whether the Kosovo issue is crucial in the EU integration, he responds: “I really think that it is time to resolve the issue of Kosovo’s status, you heard it also from President Vucic that it is also the key issue for Serbia’s EU integration. I launched this as one of the ideas and I am not speaking about delineation, but about defining what is Serbian and what is Albanian under quotation marks,” said Dacic.


Djuric: Serb List – project of national interest (RTS/Tanjug)


The Serb List is a political project of national importance for Serbia and the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and this is why it will be crucial for it to have candidates at the local elections on 22 October, with the support of the Serbian state institutions, who will be able to gather the people in all ten Serb majority municipalities, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said after talks with the representatives of the municipalities with a Serb majority in Kosovo and Metohija. According to him, the point of this list’s performance is to oppose divisions and to have much needed political unity throughout Kosovo and Metohija, in all Serb majority municipalities. “That is why it is necessary, and we also discussed this at today’s meeting, to see how to gather at the upcoming elections as many as possible political factors of the Serbs so the Serb List would represent, as was the case at the parliamentary elections, practically all, or nearly all, Serb political factors in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Djuric.  According to him, they also discussed how the Serb List can participate in the local elections with the best possible candidates who will offer citizens a concrete and tangible program on what will they do in the Serb majority municipalities in the next four years. “The Serbian state will continue to support political organizing of the Kosovo Serbs, to maintain the efforts of Serb representatives to take as much stake in the institutions as possible, in all forms of social life since this is something that belongs to us and on which our survival in Kosovo and Metohija depends,” said Djuric.  That is why, Djuric said, it is important to fight for what is ours, and the Serb List is our instrument to achieve our influence in these institutions and to keep the institutional link with Belgrade.

The Head of the Serb List Goran Rakic has called on all residents in Kosovo and Metohija for united and joint struggle, assessing that the Serb List is the only party that gathers all Serbs under one banner, and whose interest is a better life of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija in first place.

“The Serbs do not have the luxury to divide. This would only weaken our strength,” said Rakic.

“It is important that we will have also candidates for deputies in municipalities where the Serbs are not a majority. These Serbs will be credible, with good qualities, brave, and prepared to cope with all problems and to whom national interest will be an imperative,” said Rakic. He says that he will never cooperate with those to whom personal interest is before national interest, since these people are part of political history and should stay there.




Izetbegovic welcomes Vucic’s upcoming visit to Sarajevo (Glas Srpske)


Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Bakir Izetbegovic stated on Sunday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has changed his rhetoric and he is now calling on dialogue, but there are still many open issues in the relationship between the two peoples. “Vucic is sending positive signals, calling on dialogue,” said Izetbegovic and noted that the relationship between Serbs and Bosniaks is improving. “There are still many open, unresolved issues between both the two countries and the two peoples,” he said and added that those unresolved issues should be dealt with immediately. “With the politics of RS President Milorad Dodik and those like him, and with such rhetoric, it is not going to be easy and I believe that Vucic is aware of that. Dodik has simply become a paradigm of conflict and Vucic must be aware of the fact that each plan he has with Dodik contains negative charge,” concluded Izetbegovic. Vucic stated on Saturday that he plans to pay a visit to Sarajevo soon at the invitation of Chairman Dragan Covic. “I see this as a chance to reaffirm policy of peace and stability, good relations, because it seems to me that is one of the things we must do in the best possible way in order to preserve stability,” concluded Vucic.


Durakovic’s proposal of declaration on recognition, tolerance and protection of cultural identity and mother languages of Bosniaks and Serbs arrives to Vucic’s address (TV1)


Proposal of the declaration on recognition, tolerance and protection of cultural identity and mother languages of Bosniaks and Serbs arrived on Sunday to the address of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. President of the Odgovor Movement and author of the Declaration Camil Durakovic, who has called earlier on Vucic for continuation of joint work on inter-ethnic dialogue between Bosniaks and Serbs and proposed adoption of the declaration, expressed hope that all key officials from B&H and Serbia will join the process of dialogue and concrete activities on implementation of the declaration. According to the Odgovor Movement, Durakovic believes that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik does not understand relations in the region and he does not have good intentions when it comes to his engagement in the dialogue on Serbia’s attitude towards B&H and Serbs in Kosovo. “Dodik tries to remain politically relevant by offering his engagement in the story about the Kosovo issue. Other than Bosniaks in the RS, there is no one who has better understanding for problems of Serb returnees to Kosovo or the Federation of B&H. We know very well how it feels to be inadequately represented in institutions or to face discrimination in the field of education. Dodik knows nothing about this, as he also looks at Kosovo as someone who has power and impose things – not from the perspective of people who live there,” Durakovic was quoted as saying.


Dodik: RS authorities will do everything to prevent violence (Srna)


Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that there are attempts of the opposition in the RS to cause unrests, and stressed that RS authorities are stable and know what to do to keep it that way. Dodik said that all activities of RS opposition were targeted against the RS, and added that their idea on violence on streets is nothing new. He reminded that a year ago, the opposition tried to cause riots by organizing protests, and said that they should rather focus on elections, to let people decide. Dodik said that RS authorities will do everything to prevent violence, and added that SNSD and their partners offer meaningful policies, which citizens need. He noted that a team of business magnate George Soros arrived to B&H, which took part in removal of former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, and have some experience in street violence. Dodik said that issues in Macedonia are about to culminate. When it comes to opposition parties from the RS, Dodik said that he has information there are attempts to form the third bloc in the RS, by PDP and some other parties and without SDS.

According to Dodik, SDS does not enjoy more than 14 percent of support in the RS, due to their betraying behavior. He noted that SDS are losers, because they brag about themselves. Dodik said that current RS authorities inherited chains of drugs, smuggling and criminals in every place, but added that the RS is calm now. Dodik emphasized that if SDS comes into power in the RS, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and Bosniaks will dominate in the RS, and added that SDS are “speculators and the highest level traitors”.

SDS delegate in the RS Assembly Miladin Stanic stated that if SNSD were opposition and if they had such terrible authority, they would have organized civic unrests some time ago. He underlined that SDS does not support violence, but they want to see democratic changes. Stanic underlined that the whole world recognizes fight for authority outside the institutions.


Dodik: RS interested in how issue of Kosovo will be resolved (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated that dialogue on  Kosovo and Metohija is an internal issue of Serbia but the RS is also interested in the way how the issue of Kosovo will be resolved. “The RS’ stance is well-known: We do not recognize the independence of Kosovo, we have not allowed B&H to recognize it, our policy is firm and there is consensus about it in the RS. Of course, we will always follow the official policy of Serbia”, Dodik underlined. In addition, the RS President said he was surprised by the reactions to the announced declaration about survival of Serb nation. “Serbs living in countries in the region are faced with numerous problems, and not only our language and culture are at stake,” Dodik emphasized. He said that the goal of this declaration is to call on countries in the region to respect the rights of Serbs, in line with standards and conventions of the EU and the UN. Dodik also commented on the fact that BDZ Sandzak leader Muamer Zukorlic and former head of Srebrenica Municipality Camil Durakovic accused him of attacking the territorial integrity of B&H. In this regard, Dodik made a remark saying that Zukorlic “would like to say that Serbia should give up on Kosovo but he is afraid that, in that case, someone might suggest - give us the RS instead”. According to Dodik, that is why Zukorlic has started talking about the alleged danger from the RS’ involvement in internal dialogue about the issue of Kosovo.


Izetbegovic: B&H Presidency reacted on time when it comes to Peljesac Bridge (Hayat)


Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic stated that B&H has reacted on time when it comes to construction of the Peljesac Bridge. Izetbegovic noted that B&H Presidency took a stance on it in 2007, but Croatia ignored its stance and carried on with the preparations for the bridge construction. Izetbegovic explained that B&H Presidency’s stance is that it is first necessary to determine the sea border between B&H and Croatia. He added that B&H does not dispute Croatia’s right to connect its territories but B&H should also not be denied the right to an access to open sea.

The Chairman of the Presidency of B&H and HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic, comment the issue of construction of the Peljesac bridge, by saying he gets an impression that this has become an issue in order to additionally complicate B&H’s relations with Croatia and the EU, arguing that one could see political positioning for the next elections behind all this. Covic notes some are trying to raise the issue of construction of a port in Neum and railway to Neum, which is something that will not pass, arguing it is an unsuccessful initiative launched by a part of Bosniak nationalists. Asked whether raising the issue of Peljesac Bridge is in fact about opening conflict with Europe, Covic said one must be aware of the fact Croatia is an EU member and that the bridge is a strategic regional project of the EU. Covic concluded by saying that SDA, by raising the issue, will not solve the problem to benefit of B&H, on the contrary it will hurt B&H’s EU road.


Kovac says only Bosniaks voiced their opinion about Peljesac Bridge, claims this is not official policy of B&H (Hina)


The chairman of The Foreign Affairs Committee, Miro Kovac, said on Sunday that the Peljesac Bridge would be built and that opposing the construction of the bridge was not the official policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, adding that opinions about the issue were voiced only by representatives of several Bosniak parties.


Farmers protest against government’s capitulation in trade dispute (Vecernji list)


Representatives of Croatian farmers, fruit and vegetable producers, believe that Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic made a mistake when he ordered Agriculture Minister Tomislav Tolusic to amend the Regulations on Inspection and Control of Compliance of Fruits and Vegetables with Market Standards. They will demand a meeting with him next week to better explain the problems of Croatian agricultural industry, reports Vecernji list. The Agriculture Ministry announced on Thursday that it had amended the Regulations and that the fee had been lowered back to 90 kunas. Naturally, agricultural producer supported the increase in fees, which made foreign fruits and vegetables more expensive. “Minister Tolusic made a good move with the Regulations, and the price of 2,000 kunas, which was set for the quality control, was not too high since it is similar to fees in many other EU member states,” said Brlosic. He stated that they would now send a request to Prime Minister Plenkovic to meet with them and that he would ask for the HPK should receive monthly reports on quality controls of imported food. Brlosic, as well as others present at the press conference, concluded that the Prime Minister was influenced by pressure from large enterprises, as well as from ministers from neighboring countries.


Vladimir Jokovic new president of SNP (CDM)


Vladimir Jokovic has been chosen as the new president of SNP at 8th irregular congress of the party. He won 224 votes, while Snezana Jonica won 199. Jokovic is the president of Karate association of Montenegro. He was born on 2 January 1967 in Pluzine and is one of the most famous karate masters of Montenegro.  Jonica congratulated Jokic, saying she wished him good luck and success. “There are no winners or losers, this congress is about regaining strength as a party”, she said. Former president Srdjan Milic, who resigned on May 25th after 11 years in that position, said that SNP promotes a better version of Montenegro’s future, one that is stable and prosperous. The congress is set to put an end on a long-term crisis in SNP. There 465 delegates in the congress. 310 are chosen in municipalities, while 155 are members of the current Steering committee, which is set to be restructured with new members, working at a smaller capacity of 100 seats. New presidents and members of statutory committee and supervising board will also be chosen, and new congress documents are to be adopted.


Montenegro remains a regional stability promoter (CDM)


Montenegro remains a regional stability promoter, it was said during the meeting of the deputy prime minister for political system, internal and foreign policy, Zoran Pazin and the US Senate delegation, which is staying in a visit to our country. Assessing the visit as yet another sign of American support to Montenegro and intensive cooperation between the two countries, Pazin pointed to the importance of the US presence in Montenegro and the region in order to promote the values ​​of Western democracies. “Calling in mind the historic visit of the US Vice President Mike Pence to Montenegro and expressed encouragement regarding the membership of our country in NATO, Pazin said the country would be a committed partner and would support the idea of ​​further NATO enlargement to other aspirant countries. He added that Montenegro also remained committed to strengthening good neighborly relations, as well as spreading the idea of ​​the importance of stability in the region and its integration into the developed democracies of Western societies,” the government said in a statement. Discussing the internal situation in Montenegro and the region, Pazin thanked the USA for the continuous cooperation achieved through the exchange of information on current security challenges. “The overall presence of US investors in Montenegro has been positively assessed. The officials have agreed that further activities of senators can be helpful in the areas of importance for further economic development of Montenegro,” the government stated. Montenegro as a full NATO member state will significantly contribute to maintaining and fostering regional and international peace and stability, Defense Minister Predrag Boskovic ad at the meeting with US senators Roy Blunt, John Cornyn, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Tom Cotton and Thom Tillis.

“Boskovic pointed to the fact that the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Montenegro (VCG) were paying special attention to the obligations arising from full membership in the alliance. He emphasized that Montenegro would continue to be a factor of stability in the region, and promote the values ​​of the Euro-Atlantic community,” the Ministry of Defense said in a statement. Boskovic thanked the US delegation for the overall support of the United States, pointing out the significance of the Strategic Partnership Programme of Montenegro and the state of Maine. He also said he hoped the bilateral defence cooperation between the two states will deepen considerably in the coming period. Boskovic presented the activities and future plans initiated and implemented by the Ministry of Defence aimed at making constant progress and modernizing VCG. Representatives of the US delegation said that Montenegro’s progress in all key areas was evident and expressed the belief that Montenegro’s integration into NATO would help ensure long-term security of the Western Balkans. “US senators underscored the importance of VCG’s contribution to international peacekeeping missions and expressed their gratitude for its contribution to the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan. Pointing to the success in opposing the negative external impacts, representatives of the US delegation expressed their willingness to help strengthen bilateral co-operation in the coming period,” the ministry said.


Osmani: The road to Brussels leads through the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the Law for languages (Telma)


The road to Brussels leads through the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the Law for languages as one of the most sensitive and most important issues from the agreement, said the Vice Prime Minister for European issues, Bujar Osmani in an interview for Telma. He said that the Law for languages has a European flag which predicts its passing with a quick procedure because it is a part of the national program for adjustment with the European legislation and he expects to be on the Parliament’s agenda by the end of this month. “After 16 years we have accomplished an inter-ethnic consensus through the parties that are representing the Macedonian and the Albanian community in order to find a way to adjust the different interpretation of Article 5 from the Constitutions and the last open issue of the Framework Agreement to be promoted” said Osmani.

According to the Vice PM, for the passing of this bill, an opinion from the Venetian Committee regarding the use of the Albanian language on the police and army uniforms and the banknotes will not be waited upon. He also said that if the Committee evaluates that these enactments are in line with the Constitution they shall be added to the law and if not, they shall be put aside. Osmani announced that in the forthcoming day, he expects a meeting to happen with representatives of VMRO-DPMNE during which they support for the law shall be asked. “This law is a great opportunity for VMRO-DPMNE to revise its stance regarding the Albanians. The law’s content was discussed with all political parties and everyone is well acquainted with it. I expect to have a meeting with the members of VMRO-DPMNE in order to point at certain issues that are of strategic importance for the state and that they should rise above the level of a political party and that a consensus should be reached for them. I hope there shall be an understanding regarding the need of closing this important issue” said Osmani.


VMRO-DPMNE files no-confidence motion against Culture Minister Alagjozovski (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE MPs filed Saturday a no-confidence motion against Minister of Culture Robert Alagjozovski. VMRO-DPMNE MP Ane Laskoska said there has been a backward trend in the culture sector since Alagjozovski's appointment, because of partisan employments, selection and discrimination of artists and cultural activists, negligence of cultural heritage, stoppage of capital investments in the culture field etc. “We believe this institution has reached the bottom since Robert Alagjozovski was appointed minister 70 days ago. He needs to go and be replaced with an honest person, one who takes care of the cultural and historical heritage, respecting all artists and cultural activists, one who will promote Macedonia’s culture both in the country and abroad,” said Laskoska. She also referred to the cuts in the culture sector through the recently adopted budget rebalance. This no-confidence motion is the sixth by the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE over the past week, following those against the ministers of agriculture, labor and social policy, foreign affairs, finance and environment. “VMRO-DPMNE’s unfounded and absurd no-confidence motions are a desperate attempt to stall reforms and projects voted by the majority of Macedonian citizens,” says SDSM in reaction to filing against Minister of Culture Robert Alagjozovski.


President Meta receives US Senate fact-finding delegation (ATA)


Albanian President Ilir Meta on Saturday received and held talks with a visiting US Senate delegation led by Senator Roy Blunt on a fact-finding trip to several Western Balkan countries.

President’s office said in a press release that the Albanian head of state and the US senators praised the excellent ties and strategic partnership between Albania and the United States, Albania’s contribution to NATO and the country’s stabilizing role in the region. The interlocutors highlighted the US Vice-President Mike Pence’s visit to Montenegro and his clear message on regional security issues and coordinated actions in the framework of the global war against terrorism and the violent extremism. Meta said stability and security form the indispensable basis for the region’s progress and prosperity, highlighting that close cooperation with US and the NATO in the fight against terrorism and organized crime is crucial to the safe and secure future of our countries. The U.S. Embassy in Tirana has thrown light on the visit of four U.S. senators in Albania announcing that the senators discussed the partnership between the two countries and issues of mutual interest such as: fight against terrorism and violent extremism. The senators held meetings with President Meta as well as with representatives of govt. and opposition. According to the U.S. Embassy which has thrown light on the meetings of four senators with the heads of state and Albanian politics, the emphasis was on justice reform.


Albania-Macedonia police cooperation model for other countries (ATA)


Albanian police director Haki Cako says cooperation between the Albanian and Macedonia police services, including those of the border police, is excellent and represents an example for the region. Cako paid a visit to the Kjafasan border crossing near Struga for briefing over measures undertaken during the tourism season, but also tightened controls towards preventing the increasing number of Albanian asylum seekers in the EU. “Cooperation with the Macedonian police is aimed at preventing cross-border crime, and organized crime involving illicit trade. Our cooperation can be a model for other police services,” said Cako. During the visit, the Albanian police officials met with representatives of the Macedonian border police.




Kosovo Partition May Solve Historic Dispute, Serb Deputy PM Says (Bloomberg, by Misha Savic, 14 August 2017)


Serbia should end its claim to all of Kosovo and seek to regain control of the northern part of the breakaway province where Serbs are in the majority, Deputy Premier Ivica Dacic said in an opinion piece published by Vecernje Novosti on Monday. In his second such appeal in two weeks and echoing calls for a compromise by President Aleksandar Vucic, Dacic said time may be running out for a settlement amid a perceived threat that an “islamicized Kosovo” may merge with neighboring Albania to create a “Greater Albania.” He said he’s also concerned Turkey may try to wield its influence in the region that it once controlled. Everybody needs a lasting solution to the Serb-Albanian conflict, which can be achieved only through an agreement in which everybody wins and loses something,” Dacic wrote. A “compromise between historic and ethnic rights” would also include autonomy for Serb enclaves in southern Kosovo, Christian Orthodox monasteries in the mostly Muslim state and “financial compensation for usurped Serb property.”

Conflicting claims over Kosovo territory erupted in the 1998-99 war that ended with NATO bombing that drove Serb troops out of the province. Kosovo declared independence in 2008 with U.S. backing and most European Union states. Serbia refuses to recognize Kosovo’s independence, but has participated in EU-mediated talks to normalize ties, a condition for its efforts to join the bloc. This is a “notable development, given where it comes from,” said Tim Ash, a senior emerging-markets strategist at Bluebay Asset Management LLP in London. “Dacic will just argue this is real politik -- accepting the reality, and a price for Serbian EU membership.” Dacic also said any attempt to regain all of Kosovo “can be achieved only through war, which in these historic geopolitical conditions would be a lost battle.” He said his proposal is “the only realistic one, in the interest of both Serbs and Albanians, and that can be achieved quickly. It does not mean that it will be accepted, but it’s my duty to say it while it’s still possible.”


Serbia Has No Desire to Join NATO, Urges Partners to Respect State’s Neutrality (Sputnik, 12 August 2017)


Belgrade does not wish to become part of NATO and asks the military alliance, as well as Serbia’s other partners to respect the state’s neutral status, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin told Sputnik on Saturday. "We, of course, have our communication with NATO through the Partnership for Peace — that is optimal level of cooperation for us and we are very satisfied with that. We always say to our NATO partners that we are militarily neutral and we do not have desire to become part of the NATO alliance, that’s our strong political resolution. As long as President of our state and Commander-in-Chief is Aleksandar Vucic and I am Minister in charge of military – we will not be part of NATO alliance or any other alliances," Vulin said during his official visit to Moscow. "We have very close cooperation with the Russian Federation. You must understand – we are militarily neutral. That means we will make whatever is good and necessary for our army. We have cooperation through the Partnership for Peace with NATO, we have cooperation with ODKB [the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)] and, of course, we have a bilateral agreement about cooperation with army of the Russian Federation, with the army of the United States and other states that we are interested in. We will continue with that kind of politics and we will always closely monitor that our interests will be [met]. We expect of our partners — the Russian Federation, the United States, NATO, ODKB — that everyone respects our decision that we stay neutral," Vulin stressed.

Vulin carried out a visit to Russia on Friday and Saturday, meeting with Shoigu and attending the closing ceremony of the International Army Games 2017. "I conveyed greetings of Commander in Chief and President Aleksandar Vucic and invitation for his colleague Vladimir Putin to celebrate with us the next year the 100th anniversary of the Salonica Front breakthrough, where we fought and won together. Also, on behalf of Commander in Chief and President Aleksandar Vucic, I invited Minister Shoigu to attend the anniversary of Belgrade’s liberation on October 20," Vulin said, as quoted by the defense ministry on Saturday. Vulin told Sputnik he intended to invite Shoigu to visit Serbia "as soon as possible." The minister added he was convinced that the "mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation between Russia and Serbia," defined by a paper on strategic partnership, would further develop. Vulin also stressed that his country did not intend to join any military bloc, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).