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Belgrade Media Report 17 August



Fierce debate in United Nations Security Council (RTS/Tanjug)


The end of the UN Security Council on Kosovo session saw a fierce debate between Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Kosovo representative Vlora Citaku. On that occasion, Dacic told the Western countries they were hurting the Serbian people by advocating the abolition of UNMIK, the UN mission in Kosovo and Metohija - something also supported by Pristina, but opposed by Serbia, Russia, and China. “Citaku has insulted the session by saying that this is a charade ... I am worried much more that the United States, Britain and France have obviously agreed with Kosovo regarding the need to end the UN mission in Kosovo,” Dacic, who previously addressed the meeting, said.  He then asked how these powers can say that they want to be a partner of Serbia. “Will somebody here ever mention that more than 200,000 Serbs have been expelled (from Kosovo), and that 1.9 percent of them have returned? Do you think this should not be mentioned anymore?,” asked Dacic. Recalling that 43,000 Serbs lived in Pristina in 1981, he asked, "Where are they today? Will you say – ‘it’s okay, they are no more, we will no longer gather and talk about it’? “You are great powers - but with this you’re dealing a deep blow to the Serbian people, and the Serb victims are seeking justice, just like Albanians and all others,” Dacic said, adding: “If someone thinks that the situation in Kosovo is resolved, then they are deeply deluded.” Referring to Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence, made in 2008, he said that if someone thinks it is enough to carry out a one-sided secession and that the problem is solved, and that by recognizing a country you have finished the job, then you have forgotten your history. Recalling that France and Serbia are strategic partners - he asked whether it was logical for the representative of that country in the UN to act the way they did during the session. “I don’t want what happened to Serbia to happen to your countries. We will certainly not be the ones to cause a war. If you think that this should no longer be maintained, make that decision, propose that Resolution 1244 be abolished,” Dacic said. At the same time, he said he was convinced that great powers are aware that such a decision cannot be passed in the UN Security Council. “Do not be insulting Serbia. It is a proud country that has helped you a lot, among other things, in the establishment of the UN, unlike some other people who welcomed Hilter with flowers,” concluded Dacic.


US for gradually ending UNMIK’s mandate; Russia and China against (Beta/RTS/Tanjug)


The ambassadors of the UN Security Council member states told the SC session dedicated to Kosovo that the normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations was crucial to regional stability and called on the leaders of both sides to resume their dialogue. The participants hailed the successful holding of a general election in Kosovo and called on the political leaders to form a government as soon as possible, and resume work. At the session, the participants said it was important to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo, which was pinpointed as the key element of the Brussels agreements.

The US ambassador requested that UNMIK be reduced and eventually wrapped up, saying that the Secretary-General's regular report should be presented every six or more months, rather than every three months. It is difficult to justify the continuation of the Mission, said the US representative, adding that the objectives in Kosovo had been achieved and that it was time to withdraw. She also said that Washington would support Kosovo’s membership in all international organizations, including the UN and Interpol.

Russia’s representative in the UN Security Council said that there were still deep problems in Kosovo, which required urgent solutions, therefore, there was no reason to phase out the reports by the Secretary-General about the situation in the field. Russia is categorically against the annulment of the U.N. Mission in Kosovo, said the Russian representative and added that UNMIK remained an essential instrument of international surveillance in the Serbian province.

The Russian representative further said that Pristina’s policy aimed at building a multiethnic society had failed, that the Kosovo project continues to fail and that there was serious concern regarding the situation in the rule of law and the struggle against corruption, as well as regarding the spreading of radicalism and terrorism.

The Chinese representative in the Security Council urged Belgrade and Pristina to resume their dialogue, implement the agreements reached and work on building mutual trust. China, he added, believes that UNMIK, EULEX and KFOR should continue to work in the field in Kosovo, and play a positive and constructive role.


Dacic: Guterres and Vucic to discuss Kosovo (RTV/Tanjug)


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has announced that he will talk on the phone with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on the topic of regional stability, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said following talks with the UN Secretary-General in New York. “This is another confirmation that the United Nations, as well as Serbia, attaches great importance to our mutual relations,” said Dacic. According to him, it is very important for Serbia to keep the topic of Kosovo and Metohija in the focus of the United Nations, i.e. the Security Council. “You have seen that several big powers, and not only Pristina, had requested at this Security Council session for this topic to be removed from the agenda and to reduce the sessions, i.e. to have them every six months instead of every three months, but what is even more interesting is that some big powers have requested for the first time for the UNMIK Mission to be abolished,” said Dacic. “Simply said, there is no consent of other big countries, primarily Russia and China, to take this topic off the agenda and to abolish the United Nations Mission in Kosovo and Metohija, i.e. to abolish Resolution 1244,” said Dacic. “We discussed Kosovo and Metohija. He announced that he would visit Belgrade on the occasion of our project of opening the UN House, meaning that the entire UN team is located in one place after the decision of the Serbian government. We also discussed that we will continue with the participation of our soldiers and policemen in the UN peacekeeping operations throughout the world,” he said. Talking about the session on Kosovo, Dacic says it is important for us to keep the international community in the focus with all the problems that exist in Kosovo and Metohija. “That is why this session, though turbulent, was very important for us because we reiterated, who knows how many times, that Pristina has not been fulfilling its tasks based on Resolution 1244 and the Brussels dialogue, as well as that Pristina has not been implementing the Brussels dialogue,” he said.


Djuric: UNMIK is an unpleasant witness, they are trying to remove it (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has told the RTS morning news that Serbia, by defending itself at the UNSC session, defended international law, and that others are undermining the foundations of international principles. He says that Minister Dacic presented facts at the session on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as Serbia’s efforts to find a solution through dialogue. “It is cynical that representatives of certain countries, for example Great Britain, say that there is no discussion on change of borders in the Balkans that they tries to change only several years ago,” notes Djuric. When it comes to the proposal of Pristina’s representative Vlora Citaku for UNMIK to be abolished, Djuric says that “since the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and Metohija is illegal, then it is necessary to remove unpleasant witnesses”. “UNMIK is an unpleasant witness for all those who violate international law and illegal secession of our southern province, pogrom and crimes and everything occurring that opposes international law. These countries, which tried to retailor borders only several years ago, are now saying that borders allegedly cannot be changed, they would like to conceal UNMIK and pretend that everything has been the way they had planned,” says Djuric.

Speaking about the report that states there is no progress in the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations and the statement by the German Ambassador in Pristina who had stated that she doesn’t see how the dialogue could resume since Vucic is strong and Pristina weak, Djuric stresses that the point is that Serbia keeps its word. “I would put it differently, Vucic keeps his word and Serbia has its word and when it makes an agreement, it respects it. I am posing the question – where is the respect of the Pristina side,” wondered Djuric. He says he would like for the pressure of the international community on Pristina to be more consistent so there would be dialogue. “I see that when it comes to Pristina’s EU integration there is mention of some demarcation of our border, thus, for Pristina to conduct demarcation of our border, which is clearly in the interest of the status stance that Pristina has, or regarding the fight against crime and corruption that is in the interest of everybody, but none of them sets the condition to Pristina for the Community of Serb Municipalities in order to receive some progress regarding the relations with the EU.”

When it comes to the formation of the Kosovo government, the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, according to him, want to be part of the solution, and not part of the problem. Local elections will be held on 22 October, and Djuric stresses that the most important thing for us is the Serb List, which is the pivot of gathering of Serb interests and cooperation of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and the organic link with Belgrade, continues to be successful in this as it was at the parliamentary elections when it managed to gather more than 90 percent of the Serbs at the invitation of the state of Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic. He considers the launching of an internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija to be very important. “Internal dialogue can significantly strengthen the negotiating position of Serbia, but also because of the future generations and here is the strategic depth of the initiative launched by President Aleksandar Vucic,” claims Djuric. “Sasa Jankovic proposes that Kosovo is admitted in Interpol, Tadic that it be admitted in the UN. When they get a response, they complain, perhaps they think that dialogue is monologue. There is also mentioning of the so-called Cyprus model, I think this was mentioned by Sanda Raskovic Ivic and Oliver Ivanovic, but I think this is not a good model for Serbia, since I don’t see anything seriously resolved in Cyprus, negotiations failed through some weeks ago, the Serbs are not Greeks or Turks,” stressed Djuric.


Jankovic, Jeremic cease cooperation with DS (Beta/B92)


The Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) has dropped plans for electoral cooperation with the Democratic Party (DS). According to a statement issued on Wednesday, the reason is DS leader Dragan Sutanovac’s public offer to Aleksandar Vucic to cooperate on constitutional changes. “In a state of hidden dictatorship under balaclavas, this means essential participation in faking democracy and simulating dialogue,” the Movement, led by former Ombudsman Sasa Jankovic, said.

Movement of presidential candidate Vuk Jeremic said on Wednesday, after the PSG press release, that DS would not be able to count on their cooperation because they would negotiate a coalition only with movements and parties that were the “true opposition” and that would not “collaborate with Vucic’s regime”.


DS: Jankovic confusing citizens (Beta)


“DS does not have intention to conduct a debate in media with either Jankovic or anyone else from the opposition because serious challenges are ahead of Serbia,” the press release reads.

“DS initiative for amendments to the Constitution in the part in which the judiciary would be depoliticized and devoid of any influence of the executive and legislative authority is contrary to the interests of the ruling oligarchy and Vucic. DS insists that there should be no shift whatsoever in the stand towards the ruling coalition and that Vucic could be replaced only by those who have a clear policy and who could make a decent place for living out of Serbia”, the press release reads. This party reminded that they unconditionally supported Jankovic in the presidential election in belief that he represented the ideas that DS was fighting for. “This is the reason why DS believes that Jankovic’s press release confuses the citizens of Serbia and is detrimental to the entire opposition on the eve of the elections in Belgrade”, DS says in their press release.


DSS also criticizes Sutanovac (RTS)


While the opposition parties believe that DS should not cooperate at all with the SNS authority, Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) criticized the idea on necessity to amend the Constitution.

“Statement of DS president on the need to amend the Constitution of Serbia, including the preamble, which he said was obsolete, shows that the so-called opposition would solve the state and national issues in the same way in which the current authority is doing it. When we add the fact that nearly entire so-called opposition supports continuation of Serbia’s European integration, which automatically means giving up on Kosovo, it is clear that Vucic does not have the opposition and that DSS is one of the few that substantially challenges the polices that the authorities have been implementing,” DSS press release reads. DSS also criticized the opposition for having problems with Vucic at personal level, but not with his policies.


Obradovic: DS and SNS policies are the same (Beta)


Dveri Movement leader Bosko Obradovic has assessed that the statement by DS leader Dragan Sutanovac that this party will present the proposal for amending the Constitution is a result of an agreement between Sutanovac and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with the West to accelerate amendments to the Constitution and throw out of it the preamble on Kosovo and Metohija. “This is proof that the policies of the SNS and DS are the same. It would surprise us if Vucic and Sutanovac would have a joint candidate for the Belgrade mayor,” said Obradovic in a statement, adding that they don’t want the elections agreement around “dividing political prize between the SNS and DS, but an alternative to the present and past regime”.




CC B&H: Military property can be registered to state of B&H (TV1)


The Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H rejected Republika Srpska (RS) motion and made a decision that military property in RS, specifically Veliki Zep in Han Pijesak, can be registered to the state of B&H. In RS they have already declared this decision unconstitutional. The registration of military property in B&H is the last requirement for activating Membership Action Plan (MAP).  Representatives of the B&H Ministry of Defense confirmed that they have been informed about the decision of the CC of B&H, according to which military property in Han Pijesak can be registered to the state of B&H through the B&H Attorney General's Office. They noted that they will not comment the B&H CC's decision. Representatives of the B&H Ministry of Defense further said that they have been informed about the fact that the abovementioned decision of the B&H CC is final and binding and that the B&H Attorney General's Office, as legal representative of the B&H Ministry of Defense, will demand for it to be enforced. NATO HQ Sarajevo welcomed the decision of the B&H CC, recalling that registration of 57 perspective military locations to the state of B&H remains the only condition for activation of the MAP. Office of the High Representative (OHR) expressed full support to all competent bodies in process of registration of prospective military property as property of B&H.


Reactions of RS officials to the decision of the CC of B&H (RTRS/Srna)


RTRS carried reactions of Republika Srpska (RS) officials to the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, according to which military property in Han Pijesak ('Veliki Zep' building) can be registered to the state of B&H.

Both representatives of legislative and executive authorities in the RS believe that the B&H CC's decision presents violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the Constitution, adding that they will not allow seizure of the territory of the RS. RS President Milorad Dodik said that by rejecting the motion of the RS General Attorney's Office related to registration of military property, the B&H CC once again confirmed that it is a political and not a judicial institution in charge of protecting the constitutional order. Dodik stressed that this is only one in a series of political decisions that are directly directed against the RS. Dodik stressed that in this way, the authorities in Sarajevo are using all mechanisms to register at least 20 perspective military locations as property of B&H, thus damaging the Dayton-established ratio according to which 51 percent of the territory belongs to the Federation of B&H and 49 percent belongs to the RS. Dodik called on Serb member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic to do everything in his power to return the issue of property to the agreement reached by political leaders back in 2012 and prevent the practice of the court which is taking away the RS' property.

RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic also believes that, for the umpteenth time, the B&H CC is reaching decisions aimed at implementing political goals and not the law. Cvijanovic said that latest decision of the B&H CC was synchronized between the B&H authorities and part of the international community. The RS Prime Minister also called on Ivanic to react.

Deputy Speaker of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) Nenad Stevandic sent a message to the authorities in Sarajevo that this will not be the first nor the last decision which will not be enforced, calling on the B&H CC to deal with decisions that were not implemented in the Federation of B&H. "They are simply trying to take away our birthday, Day of the RS, our Saint Patron's Day, barracks and everything we believe is our personal and family property," Stevandic underlined.

SDS leader Vukota Govedarica told Srna that decision of the CC of B&H represents seizure of the RS' territory.


Officials in Federation B&H see B&H CC decision as step towards NATO (Hayat)


The decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H was fiercely criticized in the Republika Srpska (RS), while the Federation of B&H public sees it as a step towards the NATO membership and reminds that failure to implement B&H CC’s decisions represents a criminal offense. Selmo Cikotic, the advisor to B&H Presidency member Bakir Izetbegovic, said that registration of the military property on B&H means progress on the path towards NATO and it is in the interest of the state of B&H and all its peoples and citizens.

Member of the Joint Commission for Defense and Security of B&H Parliament Hazim Rancic welcomed the B&H CC’s decision. “It is certain that military locations will be registered one by one, while individuals from the RS who dispute B&H’s path will keep waiting for each of concrete cases to continue with disputes and inflicting the damage”, Rancic asserted.

SDA Vice President Sefik Dzaferovic expressed expectations that the decision will serve as an impulse to accelerate B&H's path to join NATO. Dzaferovic stated that the same principle will apply in registration of every location with military property. Dzaferovic also said that RS President Milorad Dodik mixes territorial ratio of B&H and right to ownership. According to Dzaferovic B&H has the right to ownership of all of its territory and this was explained in detail in the decision of CC B&H. Dzaferovic believes that this decision will be an incentive for continuing the process of registration of military property and confirms that B&H has ownership over that property.

President of SDP Main Board Sasa Magazinovic argued that many politicians are "getting closer and closer to jail" as B&H makes progress on the path to join the EU and NATO and preventing registration of military property is one of ways to prevent B&H from making progress on the path to join NATO.


Amendments to B&H Election Law will not receive support from B&H HoR (TV1)


Amendments to B&H Election Law proposed by HDZ cannot be supported by the majority in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR). Some parliamentarians believe that the goal is not to adopt the law, but to increase tensions, which will bring HDZ good results on the elections. Besides SNSD, no other party in B&H supports these amendments. NDP delegate in Parliamentary Assembly of B&H Momcilo Novakovic said that NDP will not support this text of the law because, on one hand it has many flaws, and on the other the procedure should have been done more carefully and wiser. Novakovic also said that ‘Savez za promjene’ (Alliance for Change) will support any agreement agreed between partners in Federation of B&H, that does not harm Republika Srpska (RS). SBB argues that the issue of the B&H Election Law is just one of the open questions with which they are trying to conceal the real problems, such as the fact that there is no road to Neum, no elections in Mostar, and why the money from the clearing debt will be used to patch the budget holes. SDP does not support these amendments and the members of this party expect for this law to be overthrown and for that story to come to an end.

Amendments are not acceptable to DF either. They say it is completely anachronistic, anti-European and antidemocratic, discriminatory proposal. Leader of DF Zeljko Komsic said that accepting these amendments would set B&H hundreds of years from the EU and added: “Both Covic and HDZ know this fact. This has already been put to their knowledge from some of the EU countries, especially from Germany. Instead of such a proposal, the rescue of Croats in B&H and for the entire Croatian people in this area would be the final withdrawal of Dragan Covic from political life as well as from all forms of public action.” Amendments to the B&H Election Law, proposed by Croat People's Assembly (HNS), were adopted in the B&H House of Peoples with the majority of votes of Croat and Serb delegates.


Conflict between Izetbegovic and Radoncic escalated because Izetbegovic’s wife intention to run for Bosniak member of Presidency of B&H (EuroBlic)


EuroBlic daily claims that conflict between SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic escalated because of Izetbegovic’s wife Sebija Izetbegovic’s intention to run for Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H. Well-informed sources close to leadership of both political parties, who insisted on remaining anonymous, told daily that months-long open war between Izetbegovic and Radoncic actually started after SBB B&H leader received credible information that Sebija Izetbegovic will be SDA’s candidate for Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H at the upcoming general elections in the country. “Shortly after that, Radoncic started using media to fiercely attack current director of the University Clinical Center in Sarajevo, as he believes that she will be the most dangerous adversary in the race for the post in the Presidency of B&H”, sources told daily, adding that Izetbegovic immediately started defending his wife and publicly presented a number of accusations against Radoncic, including those that “Radoncic is an agent of Serbian intelligence services”, and that SBB B&H leader claims Bosniaks are to blame for the beginning of war in B&H. Radoncic himself confirmed several days ago that Sebija Izetbegovic’s intention to run for Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H is the reason for escalation of his conflict with Izetbegovic. SBB B&H leader told media that Izetbegovic had been publicly lying about him for months, in an attempt to discredit him and make it easier for Sebija Izetbegovic to win elections.

Current Chair of the Council of Ministers of B&H Denis Zvizdic is also interested in running for the post of the Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H, and that he enjoys the support of many SDA members.


US State Department warns about pro-Ustasha and anti-Serb sentiments in Croatia (Vecernji list)


The State Department has published its annual report on religious freedom. In its latest global report on religious freedom for 2016, the United States has warned about the glorification of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), the downplaying of Ustasha crimes, and anti-Serb sentiments in Croatia, citing former Culture Minister Zlatko Hasanbegovic and film director Jakov Sedlar as persons whose attitudes on the Ustasha regime drew particular criticism from Jewish and Serb religious communities and non-governmental organizations, reports Vecernji list. Among events illustrating the state of religious freedom, Washington highlighted the commemoration at the Jasenovac death camp, which was boycotted by Jewish and Serbian leaders, accusing the then government of downplaying the Ustasha crimes. The US administration also writes about the march of 5,000 people against the Council on Electronic Media which temporarily suspended the programming license of the Z1 Television due to a talk show in which the presenter asked the viewers to keep away from the Orthodox Church in Zagreb, because “Chetnik vicars” could go out and butcher innocent passers-by. The report also discusses the football match between Croatia and Israel, where fans chanted the Ustasha salute “For Homeland – Ready”, as well as the controversial documentary film “Jasenovac – The Truth”, directed by Jakov Sedlar. Sedlar claims that the real number of people killed at the Ustasha camp was between 20,000 and 40,000, while the Holocaust Museum in the United States estimates that there were between 77,000 and 99,000 victims, according to the report, which adds that the Jewish representatives condemned the movie, which was in turned praised by Culture Minister Hasanbegovic. Several non-governmental organizations, including the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), criticized the appointment of Hasanbegovic as the Culture Minister, claiming that he praised the pro-Nazi Ustasha regime and downplayed crimes from that period, according to the State Department. Washington also emphasizes the criticism of the organization against the Zagreb County Court which annulled the conviction of Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac in 1946 for cooperating with the Ustasha regime. “Efraim Zuroff, head of the Jerusalem office of the SWC, said it was absolutely shameful and terrible, and it attempts to change history,” the report says. The State Department also mentions concerns of the Serbian Orthodox Church due to growing social intolerance and the fact that in 2016 there were 20 vandal attacks on its property. Only two perpetrators have been found, and trials against them are underway, the report says. The United States also warns that the Croatian government has not solved any of the major claims of the Serbian Orthodox Church for the return of its property, including in Osijek, Vukovar and Vinkovci, as well as requests for the restitution of Jewish assets seized during the Second World War. “The law currently does not allow individuals whose property was confiscated during the Holocaust era to seek compensation in court if those individuals subsequently obtained another nationality. This affects Jewish property holders disproportionately,” says the State Department and calls on Croatia to speed up solving this problem. The report also emphasizes there are 54 registered religious communities in Croatia, but that the largest financial support is provided to the Catholic Church, thanks to four treaties with the Vatican. Last year, the Catholic Church received 285 million kunas from the state.


Parliament wraps up debate on dismissal of Public Prosecutor Zvrlevski (MIA)


Macedonia's parliament wrapped up Wednesday the marathon debate on the motion for dismissal of Public Prosecutor Marko Zvrlevski. Ilija Dimovski, a coordinator of the opposition VMRO DPMNE parliamentary group, presented today an opinion of the Anti-corruption Commission, which says that there is a legal obstacle for dismissal of the Public Prosecutor after calling of elections. Hence, Dimovski said, VMRO-DPMNE MPs will abandon the debate, considering it illegal. The responsibility for such developments lies with the ruling majority, said Dimovski, who handed over the letter of the Anti-Corruption Commission to the parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi. For Xhaferi, the letter of the Anti-Corruption Commission is illegal, as the Parliament's work cannot be limited or hindered under any circumstance, let alone under an opinion of a body elected by the highest legislative body in the country. VMRO-DPMNE MPs, once again dominated Wednesday the discussion with replies, counter-replies and procedural remarks as it was the case for the last few days. The opposition MPs say the debate has been deliberately prioritized to turn the public attention from more urgent matters, such as the country’s indebtedness, fires, migrant strategy…The government filed the motion for Zvrlevski's dismissal due to his poor, unprofessional performance and failure to bring criminal charges for acts stipulated by the law, thus undermining the reputation of the Public Prosecutor's Office. MPs of ruling SDSM gave up their right to speak in favor of speeding up Zvrlevski's dismissal and electing a new one that would enable a launch of the judiciary reforms in Macedonia. VMRO-DPMNE MPs consider the motion as unsubstantiated and cite the Article 8 of the Electoral Code, which, as they say, bans appointment and dismissal of public officials after calling of elections.


Osmani asked Roth for Berlin’s involvement regarding the solution of the name dispute (Meta)


Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bujar Osmani conveyed the State Secretary for European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Michael Roth, regarding the Macedonian government’s initiative for a strategic partnership between Germany and Macedonia, and asked for Berlin’s involvement in resolving the name dispute. The statement from his cabinet says, regarding the meeting with Osmani and Roth that he pointed out that the closure of “two of the three key political matters were an obstacle to our European integration – the signing the agreement on good neighborly relations with Bulgaria and the draft law for the use of the languages”, and he said, there is a political will to be brought to Parliament, pointing out that the country now faces the name dispute with Greece. “Removing the remaining obstacles on the path to our European and Euro-Atlantic integration, Macedonia remains confronted with the name dispute of our country with Greece, for a resolution, as a Government and as a country, we need assistance. Therefore, I would like to openly ask for Germany’s involvement in resolving this dispute, as one of the most influential member states of the European Union and NATO,” said Osmani at the meeting.


Technical ministers resign, deputy foreign minister follows their resignation (ADN)


All the technical ministers of the Democratic Party resigned on Wednesday. After three months, they leave their duty to the deputy ministers. Their work ended with a report for the elections standards which will be presented soon. With this act they threw down all the rumors for a co-governance between the socialists and the democrats. Socialist Party won the elections and with more than 71 mandates it can govern alone. Deputy foreign minister, Halil Hyseni also resigned on Wednesday. Few hours after the technical ministers gave their resignation, Hyseni did the same thing. So far, Albanian Daily News learned that the reason of the resignation is personal and he thanked Minister Ditmir Bushati and Premier Edi Rama for the opportunity given to be part of the government.




Post-election Kosovo entering period of uncertainty that will demand strong leadership – UN envoy (UN News Centre, 16 August 2017)


Following the parliamentary elections of 11 June, which took place without “major irregularities or incidents,” Kosovo has entered a “period of uncertainty” marked by reconfiguring the political landscape and a “functional void,” the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Kosovo Zahir Tanin told the Security Council today. “The transition phase has proven to be full of obstacles. The main coalition was not able to achieve an absolute majority, some of the parties increased their representation marginally and the long-standing opposition has taken a significant boost,” said Mr. Tanin in his regular briefing to the 15-member Council.

But the polls had revealed a “change of mentality” among many voters, especially young people, more concerned about issues of access to economic opportunities, reducing corruption and strengthening the rule of law. Noting the proposed initiative of President Vucic of Serbia for an internal dialogue on Kosovo, Mr. Tanin, who is also head of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), underlined that “pursuing fair, difficult, often painful, compromises demands strong leadership from all sides.” He stressed that political reconciliation must also be accompanied by societal reconciliation. He went on to note the UNMIK's efforts to support the advancement of inter-community relations on the ground. In that regard, he highlighted the round-table meeting in Geneva co-hosted with the High Commissioner for Human Rights to bring attention back to the many unresolved cases of missing persons in Kosovo. Other UN-led initiatives to strengthen societal relations included the first UN Kosovo Youth Assembly was attended by over 140 young leaders – 60 percent of them women – representing all Kosovo's ethnic communities. After three months of election campaign and post-election uncertainty, Mr. Tanin underlined the importance for Kosovo to move forward seriously and responsibly, and for the international community to work together to continue to provide essential support.


"We all recognise the important work that UNMIK has done over many years for the benefit of Kosovo. But it’s time for the Mission to shrink, not grow" (Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 16 August 2017)


Statement by Stephen Hickey, Political Counsellor at the UK Mission to the United Nations at the Security Council briefing on Kosovo

Thank you Mr President and thank you Special Representative Tanin for your briefing. I also want to welcome Ambassador Citaku and Foreign Minister Dacic back to the Council.

Mr President, today, like others, I’ll be adhering to the guidance in the Council note 507, which encourages Council members and non-Council members to deliver their statements in five minutes or less. Mr President, it has been three months since the Council last met to discuss the situation in Kosovo. As the Secretary-General’s report makes clear, it has been a comparatively quiet period in Kosovo. In June, we saw the successful holding of free and fair elections in Kosovo. While the European Union’s Election Observers noted some voter intimidation and violence in Kosovan Serb parts of the country, we’re pleased that the vast majority of Kosovans were able to carry out their democratic duty peacefully. We now look to all parties in Kosovo to take the next vital steps and form a government swiftly. The people have spoken; they now expect a government to get on with the business of governing, getting institutions up and running, and getting the country back on the path to European integration. Crucially, Mr President, this means getting back to implementing the EU-facilitated dialogue. Progress in the dialogue is absolutely vital for both Kosovo and Serbia. It is the only path to normalisation of relations between these two independent countries. The lines on the map are set; they are fixed. They will not be changed. We shouldn’t be distracted by the quarterly angry and overly lengthy exchanges between Serbia and Kosovo in this Chamber. All that matters are the constructive exchanges in Brussels, like those between Presidents Vucic and Thaci only last month.

Progress on dialogue commitments will also be vital if Kosovo is to continue to improve its standing with international organisations. We will support Kosovo in its efforts to do so. While we welcome UNMIK’s facilitating role between the Kosovo authorities and Interpol, we look forward to Kosovo’s own independent membership of Interpol, so that Pristina can respond directly to requests from partners and so that we can together tackle the challenges posed by international crime. Mr President, the other notable development since we last met was the agreement of the UN’s peacekeeping budget. It seems extraordinary that at a time when $600 million were found in savings from the peacekeeping budget that UNMIK’s budget should find itself increasing, not decreasing. What message does that send to the world about the priorities of this Council? What message does it send that Kosovo got additional money for solar panels at a time when this Council was able to find savings in our missions to Darfur, to South Sudan and to so many other places? This increase in funding is particularly hard to fathom given how peaceful and stable Kosovo has become. As the Secretary-General’s report makes clear, there have been comparatively few challenges to security in Kosovo in the past few months. This is something the recent report of KFOR also makes clear, noting that the trend in Kosovo is incrementally positive. Mr President, we all recognise the important work that UNMIK has done over many years for the benefit of Kosovo. But it’s time for the Mission to shrink, not grow. As such, we’re disappointed that the budget of UNMIK has increased this year, particularly after numerous calls in the past three sessions for a downscaling of the Mission.

Let me close by echoing the comments made by the representative of Japan and by reiterating the UK’s long standing position that it is past time for this Council to meet less frequently on this issue. The number of issues on our agenda only continues to grow; we must focus our time as a Council and attention on genuine threats to international peace and security. All of us in this room should be thankful that the situation in Kosovo no longer falls into this category.

Thank you.


Serbian president gives citizenship, scholarship to Afghan boy (1TV Afghanistan, 16 August 2017)


Serbian president has granted citizenship and scholarship to an Afghan boy who tried to get a sick Serbian treated. President Aleksandar Vucic praised the 10-year-old Afghan Farhad Nuri at his office on Wednesday. Farhad, nicknamed as Little Picasso, recently took part in a humanitarian campaign by selling his drawings in order to raise money for the medical treatment of a seven-year-old Serbian boy, Serbian TV B92 reported. The president said that it was his desire to keep “the artistic, but also the human talent” of Farhad and his family in Serbia. Vucic also said the boy’s family could become Serbian citizens if they wished, adding many companies were interested in hiring his father, who is a plasterer. Farhad temporarily resides with his family at the Refugee Center in Krnjaca. He said that he would like to stay in Serbia, though the family had originally aimed Switzerland. “It’s up to me to offer that you become citizens of Serbia. We would be honoured if you accepted,” Vucic said. Praising the boy’s ability in learning English in only ten months, Vucic told the boy that he could become Serbia’s president in future. “I am the fifth president of the Republic of Serbia, you could be the 10th or the 11th. I think that you could become president, so long as you work diligently. You’d have every right to become the president of Serbia,” he said. “Our policy is a policy of sincere friendship, solidarity and love for refugees and people who are seeking a future – and if you see your future in Serbia, you are welcome in our country. Everything is up to you, no one is making you do anything.”