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Belgrade Media Report 18 August



Vucic: Broad consensus needed for constitutional amendments (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has stated that Serbia will launch constitutional amendments only if there is a broad consensus. “We will not make decisions from above, regardless of the majority that we have. Either we will have a broad consensus or we will not launch this,” said Vucic.


Miscevic: Chapter 35 is not about status (Tanjug)


The Kosovo topic is not in Chapter 35 and we are not negotiating on Kosovo’s status through the negotiations on EU membership, the Head of the EU negotiating team Tanja Miscevic told Tanjug. She says that no state has negotiated this way the last chapter, which is also a political chapter in our case, says Miscevic, explaining: “Therefore, Kosovo is not the topic here, we are not negotiating the Kosovo status through the membership negotiations, there is a dialogue for the normalization process and it is not replaced with Chapter 35, but the member states are not participating in the dialogue on normalization, and this way - for them to monitor what is happening in the dialogue and implementation - is actually the creation of the entire structure through Chapter 35.” In other words, Miscevic explains, the dialogue on normalization is conducted under the EEAS auspices, and this service, i.e. EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, is in charge of informing the member states on the progress and problems in the dialogue, as well as on the implementation, and then, through Chapter 35, the member states say – this is enough for Serbia to continue the negotiations on all other chapters.




B&H Ministry of Defense and B&H Public Attorney Office expected to make next move in case of registration of military property in Han Pijesak (BHT1)


Decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H according to which military property in Han Pijesak can be registered to the state of B&H continues to spark reactions. The B&H Public Attorney's Office is yet to receive the abovementioned decision of the B&H CC, although it was published in the B&H Official Gazette seven days ago. The B&H Public Attorney's Office should make the next move in this case, but only after the B&H Ministry of Defense sends an official request to this institution. Acting Public Attorney of B&H Mladjan Mandic explained that the Office will take legal steps, stipulated by the laws and the Constitution of B&H. "This means that, at the request of the B&H Ministry of Defense, we will send a request for registration of 'Veliki Zep' in name of the state of B&H," Mandic underlined. Member of the State Property Commission of B&H Nikola Kovacevic said that the only way to solve this issue is through an agreement on military property. Kovacevic stressed that in accordance with the relevant law, one cannot dispose of military property until this issue is solved with an agreement reached between representatives of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and the entity governments. BHT1 recalled that deadline to reach such an agreement was December 31, 2005, and that back in 2012, B&H political leaders reached an agreement on disposal of military and other state property. However, this agreement was never implemented, mainly because of the turbulent political situation in B&H, which intensified over this issue through the mutual accusations between representatives of the authorities and the opposition in the RS. Registration of military property is one of the main conditions for activation of MAP, and one of the conditions for the closure of the OHR. Out of 63 locations of perspective immovable military property in B&H, 28 of them were registered to the state of B&H so far. B&H Minister of Defense Marina Pendes stressed that she expects to have thirty registered locations of perspective immovable military property by the end of September, not including the location in Han Pijesak.


Dodik: People in RS should decide whether B&H should enter NATO (RTRS)


Commenting on the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H decision to reject the motion filed by Republika Srpska (RS) Public Attorney’s Office for postponement of execution of the Court of B&H Appellate Division’s ruling ordering registration of the military property in Han Pijesak as the property of B&H, RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that this represents an act of usurpation of the territory and property that belongs to the RS, as well as act of continuous abuse of judicial system, which is why the RS has to protect its rights and interests.  “This is a very serious matter. It is part of continuous attacks on the RS that are aimed to strip of its power over its territory and property, so in that regard there is an obvious continuation of abuse of judicial system”, Dodik stressed, warning that representatives of the international community led by the Office of the High Representative (OHR) are behind all this. He added that NATO got involved too through its Headquarters in B&H. Dodik noted that High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko, “who only speaks up when he has to support the Muslims”, definitely cannot be a person to discuss the issues in B&H with.” Commenting the statement of the NATO Headquarters Sarajevo that welcomed the B&H CC’s decision in the Han Pijesak case, Dodik warned that “NATO represents a political organization that interferes with B&H’s internal matters and therefore the RS people will say if they want to join NATO.” “The RS authorities are now thinking about letting people say what they think about NATO, in order to “put an end to the story, as far as the RS is concerned”, Dodik asserted. He assessed that NATO has definitely taken one side in B&H by welcoming the B&H CC’s decision on registration of the military property in Han Pijesak – “the side that is not the RS which does not have any obligation whatsoever to follow NATO in that regard.” As for behavior of B&H judicial institutions, Dodik said that as much as they may be exulting at this point they must know that they are only “slamming the nail in the coffin of B&H.” “We will definitely not let this go. This represents a robbery at the highest level and ignoring of the international law and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA)”, Dodik warned. He concluded that things are getting worse and the RS has to take its position, which has to be an “absolute protection of our rights and interests.”


Ambassador Ivantsov on registration of military property: HR Inzko is twisting facts (Srna)


Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov who said that the statement of the High Representative Valentin Inzko, according to which the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H about registration of the prospective military property corresponds with the view of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) and that the Republika Srpska (RS) authorities have to enable the registration of military property to B&H, are about twisting of facts. “Unfortunately, the High Representative is again twisting facts,” said Ivantsov, arguing that the PIC SB’s decision on implementation of the “five plus two” program speaks about distribution of the state and military property, and not about its direct registration to joint institutions. The Russian Ambassador noted that he represents a view that issues concerning interest one of entities cannot be solved without participation of entity.


Zvizdic meets US Ambassador Cormack, discusses regional cooperation and EU, NATO integration (Nezavisne)


Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Denis Zvizdic met with US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack on Thursday in Sarajevo and informed her about current political and economic situation in B&H. According to a press release issued by B&H CoM, Zvizdic and Ambassador Cormack discussed European and NATO road of B&H, as well as dynamics of implementation of remaining conditions on that road. They underlined the importance of the US-Adriatic Charter summit recently held in Podgorica, Montenegro in presence of the US Vice-president and Western Balkans prime Ministers, and agreed that the messages from the summit are of great importance for the future and stability of the whole region, as well as for establishment of unity of the Western Balkans with the rest of Europe. Zvizdic and Cormack also underlined dedication of the US to remain present in the Western Balkans region, focusing on further development of positive processes.


Pence’s presence at Adriatic Charter Summit shows US will increase activities aimed at strengthening NATO’s position in the Balkans (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list daily reads that the issue of B&H getting closer to NATO has become topical in past several days, especially after the Adriatic Charter Summit, which recently took place in Podgorica, where one could hear messages about the need for enlargement of the Alliance in the rest of the Western Balkans. According to the daily, although B&H was not mentioned in direct context, presence of US Vice President Mike Pence and his messages are good enough a reason to conclude that the US will increase activities aimed at strengthening NATO’s position in the Balkans. According to the daily, Croat and Bosniak political representatives are in favor of B&H joining NATO, whilst behavior of their colleagues from Republika Srpska is good enough a reason for claims that B&H will not join NATO any time soon.


US Embassy in B&H deeply disappointed that authorities in Sarajevo named school after anti-Semite who glorified Hitler (Srna)


The US Embassy in B&H released the statement saying it is deeply disappointed that cantonal authorities in Sarajevo went ahead and named ‘Dobrosevici’ elementary school in Sarajevo’s Novi Grad municipality after Mustafa Buladzic, a controversial figure whose ideas often sided with Nazism. The Embassy also posted a link to the US State Department’s International Religious Freedom Report for 2016, which reads that in October, the Sarajevo Canton Assembly named a street and an elementary school after Mustafa Busuladzic, a World War II-era anti-Semite who glorified Hitler. The president of the Jewish Community strongly condemned the act. As of the end of the year, the school had not officially changed its name.

Hasanbegovic rejects US State Department’s allegations (Vecernji list)


The State Department's annual report on religious freedom in the world, which sharply criticized former Culture Minister Zlatko Hasanbegovic, has been published for almost 20 years, with the aim of protecting religious liberty all over the world. The protection of religious freedoms is, at least formally, at the very center of US foreign policy, in addition to the protection of human rights and the promotion of democracy, reports Hasanbegovic, along with film director Jakov Sedlar, is named in the report due to his attitudes towards the Ustasha regime. It is stressed that their positions had caused concern among the Serb and Jewish communities in Croatia. Of course, Hasanbegovic did not agree with such allegations. Quite angrily, he described the chapter about Croatia as unfounded nonsense. The former Culture Minister added that it was a falsified report created by Croatian non-governmental and overpaid pseudo-leftist circles, which has been, in the absence of serious analytical efforts, uncritically appropriated by the US Embassy in Zagreb, left from the term of the former presidential administration. In his view, the report is as irrelevant as pseudo-leftist agitprop and defamation campaign against President Trump in the United States and beyond. The report was presented on Wednesday by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, saying that the United States was advocating for religious freedom. Caring for religious freedom is one of the building blocks of US foreign policy because it is the value on which the United States is founded. Presenting the report, Tillerson said Trump's administration was determined to address the advancement of religious freedom around the world, and that the State Department would continue to advocate for the rights of those who try to live their lives in accordance with their faith. The decision on drafting the State Department's annual reports on religious freedoms was included in the 1998 International Religious Freedom Act. With this law, the United States has committed itself to promoting and protecting religious freedoms around the world. It was designed as a response from the United States to the increasingly widespread persecution of people all over the world just for expressing religious feelings, especially in China, Russia, Myanmar, and elsewhere. It came into force at the end of 1998, when it was signed by then President Bill Clinton. It is highly unlikely that such a report could be influenced by falsifications produced by “pseudo-leftist” non-governmental organizations.


Sabovic: SDP to go independently (Dan)


Social Democratic Party (SDP) MP Dzavid Sabovic announced that he favors autonomous participation at autumn local elections, saying it could be an introduction to the fall of the regime of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS). Sabovic told for the newspaper Dan that the opposition must continue the boycott of the state parliament, as it was the only way to come up with a concrete solution to get out of the political crisis in Montenegro. He stands for independent participation at the upcoming elections, but points out that the decision is on municipal boards and the party leadership. "It could seem as a dissipation of votes, but I believe that it is an opportunity for everyone to measure up, to see where we stand. That's my opinion, but we’ll see what the opposition boards and party leadership will say," Sabovic said. He added that the opposition at the state level is doing the only possible thing, and that is boycott of the Montenegrin parliament.


Parliament dismisses Marko Zvrlevski (Meta)


With 64 votes in favor, and 0 votes against and abstentions, the parliament of the Republic of Macedonia dismissed Mr. Marko Zvrlevski from the position as General Attorney of the Republic of Macedonia. Just before the vote, Ilija Dimovski said that MPs from VMRO-DPMNE would not participate and vote, and repeated that the whole procedure was illegal and they left the parliamentary hall before the vote began. This was preceded by a discussion between Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi and Dimovski, regarding the notification by the State Commission for Preventing Corruption about the “illegality” of the procedure for Zvrlevski’s dismissal. After that, the 13th continuation of the 6th session ended yesterday.


Sweden will help the Macedonian government realize the reform agenda (Meta)


Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov met with Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström in Stockholm, where a declaration for collaboration between the two countries was confirmed, announced the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “the support for the strategic goals of Macedonia has been confirmed and mutual interest for building further concrete cooperation has been established.” At the meeting, Dimitrov stressed the government’s firm determination to return the country on the path to European integration, through real and thorough reforms in areas of vital importance and implementation of an open dialogue policy with all its neighbors, based on European values and principles, and also, the return of the influence and support of the country’s European friends is crucial in that sense.


Dimitrov-Soini: Finland backs Macedonia's EU integration bid (MIA)


Macedonia's Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov at a meeting in Helsinki presented to his Finish counterpart Timo Soini the key reform priorities of the new government and its activities aimed at prompt opening of the country's European perspective. "FM Dimitrov also elaborated the new constructive approach to foreign policy, designed to restore ties with our international friends and to take confidence-building measures with all of our neighbors as well as to establish a sustainable regional cooperation. In this context, Dimitrov thanked Finland for its principled support to the EU integration process of Macedonia," the Foreign Ministry (MoFA) said in a press release. Minister Soini welcomed the reform-oriented commitment of the new government vowing Finland would continue to back Macedonia's efforts to revive its Euro-perspective paving its way to join the EU. Both ministers urged that Macedonia and Finland should boost their political dialogue while sharing views on matters related to a more dynamic development of bilateral relations in several areas of mutual interest. Also, the interlocutors discussed the possibility of organizing FM Soini's return visit to Macedonia this coming autumn. "FM Dimitrov as part of his stay in Helsinki met with high representatives of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland in a bid to learn more about the country's education model, regarded as one of the best in the world. Having in mind the positive experiences and results of Finland's educational policies, a good will was expressed to share experts in the interest of Macedonia's educational system," stated the press release. Dimitrov's stay in Finland was the first visit by a Macedonian foreign minister after 2012.


Morina case-Croatian court ruling is not final, Morina’s lawyer says (ATA)


Dubrovnik Court has left in force ruling of Court of First Instance on extradition of Ismail Morina to Serbia, but the Croatian lawyer of Morina said that the ruling is not final and that he is going to appeal it within 3 days and return the case into the Supreme Court. Ismail Morina is the person who became known for flying a nationalist drone during the football match between Serbia and Albania in Belgrade in 2014. He is currently detained in Croatia based on an arrest warrant from Serbia. Albania has been against his extradition to Serbia arguing that Morina is in danger of being subject of persecution or politically-motivated discrimination because of his nationality. Speaking in an interview for the private Albanian television Top Channel, Morina’s lawyer Darko Butigan said he was optimistic that the case will be resolved in favor of his client and that his extradition to Serbia will be avoided. Butigan also mentioned several options like asylum to Croatia, a procedure which has for the time being suspended Morina’s extradition to Serbia and the Ministry of Justice of Croatia that can decide against his extradition.




Trump Budget Plan Is Bad News for Eastern Europe (Bloomberg, by Aaron Eglitis, 16 August 2017)


Proposed aid cuts cast doubt on pledges to protect the region

On edge as President Donald Trump cozied up to Vladimir Putin, eastern Europe breathed a sigh of relief when U.S. officials swung by to reassure them of unwavering support. But Washington’s spending proposals tell a different story. Despite Vice President Mike Pence touring the ex-communist region to affirm backing against the “specter” of Russian aggression, the White House is seeking sweeping funding cuts for its allies. Reductions in the State Department budget would lower funding for Europe and Eurasia by $336 million, as well as other programs covering support for democracy and development assistance. Nations affected include Estonia, which shares a border with its ex-Soviet master, Georgia, which fought a five-day war with Putin’s troops in 2008, and Ukraine, where Russia annexed Crimea and fomented a bloody conflict that remains unresolved. While Trump’s proposed cuts in State Department programs may not win approval in Congress -- key Republicans are joining Democrats in opposition -- the budget plan sends a strong message on Trump’s priorities. Alongside the State Department cuts, the White House is urging an increase in spending at the Department of Defense, some of which is earmarked for eastern Europe. It’s unclear how much: while $1.4 billion more is headed to the European Reassurance Initiative, details currently available don’t give a breakdown by country. Only one nation in eastern Europe is named, and it’s in for a boost. Ukraine, whose 2018 aid via the State Department is set to plunge by a third, is in line for $150 million for training and equipment to “defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.” Even if eastern Europe does receive more from the defense budget, the spending changes signal the U.S. is retreating from efforts to firm up democracy in the region, according to Jonathan Katz, a resident fellow at the German Marshall Fund and a former U.S. Agency for International Development official. “Previous administrations have sought to balance defense, diplomacy and development,” he said by phone. “What this administration is proposing to do is out of balance.”