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Belgrade Media Report 12 September



Despite Brexit, London supports Serbia’s EU path (Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with the Permanent Undersecretary of the Foreign Office Simon McDonald, to whom she said that EU membership is the most important foreign policy goal of Serbia, but that it is equally important how we will implement reforms on the path to membership. Brnabic pointed out that by the end of the year, Serbia expects to open three additional chapters, and that this will further contribute to strengthening public support for the European idea. The results of the reforms that will be achieved on this path are more important to me. Citizens are thinking about how many chapters are open, but the government is focused on results. I think we will be ready to join the EU by 2020, but the road to the EU is important for us. She added that the successful continuation of Serbia’s development and the acceleration of economic growth, both in our country and in the rest of the Western Balkans region, will not be possible without the preservation of regional political stability and good neighborly relations. Brnabic said that our country will continue to lead a responsible policy and will remain dedicated to the policy of solving all outstanding issues through dialogue. Serbia is sincerely advocating for the preservation of regional stability. None of our countries have a big market, and whatever happens in one country, it will affect the rest of the region. That is why we need to build a stronger and stronger region, she stressed.

McDonald agreed with Branbic that the internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, initiated by President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, is very important, and that it should involve a larger number of participants. He pointed out that dialogue is as important as the path of Serbia towards the EU, as it also leads to a gradual improvement of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

McDonald added that he came to Serbia to convey the message that the UK, although exiting the EU, respects and supports the desire for Serbia’s EU membership and will show it at the Western Balkans Summit and the EU in London next year.


Rakic: We will be a stone in the shoe that will remind Pristina of their obligations (RTS)


The Serb List has strength and the government in Pristina depends on it, Serb List Head Goran Rakic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). He says they will not behave in a blackmailing manner, but they will be a stone in the shoe that will constantly remind Pristina of its obligations. Rakic says that he can guarantee hundred percent that the Community of Serb Municipalities will be formed very soon. “This was one of our conditions, but also an international obligation. Pristina is obliged according to the Brussels agreement, which it signed, to enable the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities as soon as possible,” said Rakic. “The hardest thing is to return trust. It has been lost long ago, and I think we now have the strength to return it. The first reason is that Haradinaj also said that dialogue has no alternative. The Serb List will be in front of its people in the following period, it will not push the people before itself and it will fight for survival and return of displaced to Kosovo and Metohija,” said Rakic. Commenting Haradinaj’s invitation for an internal dialogue, Rakic says that there is already participation in the dialogue that had been initiated by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. “We don’t know what will be the direction of Haradinaj’s dialogue. We will give our proposals to our President Vucic,” said Rakic. Regarding the transformation of the security forces into a Kosovo army, he says: “Our stand is known, we are witnesses that the government also took out from the expose the transformation of Kosovo security forces into a Kosovo army, and there is Resolution 1244 that states that security can be guaranteed only by KFOR.”

Asked what will be done in order to enable the return to and survival of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, Rakic says they will work through institutions in order to enable a better life of the Serbs. “Bearing in mind that 80 percent of the Serbs live in rural areas, we received a new ministry, the Ministry of Agriculture, and through it, we will help with subsidies the people who live in really difficult conditions. We will fight for new jobs. It is very important that we also have the support of the government, President Vucic and over 40,000 people receive direct assistance of the Serbian government,” said Rakic.

There have been many accusations of those who say that the Serb List joining the Kosovo government is to the detriment of the Serbs and that there shouldn’t have been cooperation with Ramush Haradinaj. “What was the alternative? To go with Self-Determination that advocates unification with Albania or not joining the government, and then there would be again criticism why we haven’t joined the government to fight for the Serb people. I invite them to come with their families, to live with us, to feel how the Serbs live south of the Ibar River, where it is even more difficult than in the north, and then we will listen to their advices and proposals. It is inappropriate for someone who is sitting in a comfortable armchair in Belgrade from some café to advise us how we are to live and how are we to defend our children in Kosovo and Metohija,” concluded Rakic.


Kostic: SANU for democratic dialogue (RTV/Tanjug)


There are people in the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences (SANU) who have diametrically opposed stands and we are not in a position to make a platform on behalf of the entire institutions, SANU President Vladimir Kostic said on the occasion of the invitation of President Vucic for an internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija. Kostic notes that incorrect information has been appearing in the public. “Let us clear up everything once and for all. We, as SANU members, simply can offer an entire synopsis of different opinions. There are not equal opinions in the Academy, whether you believe in that or not. Some of the Academy members have voiced their opinion,” said Kostic. He says that the Academy is for a serious democratic dialogue. “An absolute prerequisite for that is zero tolerance for different opinions. It is implied that two different opinions of Academy members doesn’t imply a cause for an attack on this important institutions,” said Kostic.


Possible Belgrade-Pristina-Tirana meeting (Danas)


Danas didn’t manage to receive an answer to the question whether it is known at which regional gathering Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will meet for the first time the new Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, and whether her behavior at such meetings will be the same as the behavior towards the former prime minister Isa Mustafa. On the other hand, representatives of diplomatic sources claim there is a possibility for the prime ministers of Serbia, Albania and Kosovo to meet in the near future.  “This trilateral meeting has already been announced, and taking into account the projects initiated by the Berlin Process, there are indications that it will be taking place soon, in Nis. Belgrade, Pristina and Tirana will have benefit from joint projects, such as the construction of highways and similar initiatives, so that it realistic to expect such meetings, Danas’ sources state.




Covic and Grabar-Kitarovic conclude that adoption of amendments to B&H Election Law is priority (TV1)


Chairman of B&H Presidency Dragan Covic met with Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic in Zagreb on Monday. It was underlined after the meeting that adoption of amendments to B&H Election Law by the end of 2017 is priority. Covic and Grabar-Kitarovic concluded that amendments to the Election Law should ensure autonomous election, as well as equal and legitimate representation of all constituent peoples in the Federation of B&H House of Peoples, B&H Presidency and other joint institutions. Covic said that the officials discussed the issue of the Peljesac Bridge and that Covic told Grabar-Kitarovic that this issue is being used for pre-election purpose in B&H. Besides, Covic informed Grabar-Kitarovic that there are no legal and formal obstacles for implementation of the project and added that no one can influence individual stances and reactions coming from certain officials in B&H. According to Covic’s Cabinet, changing of B&H Election Law is of key importance for democratic stability.


Cavic: Dodik does not have anyone’s support for his plans, not even in SNSD (Oslobodjenje)


NDP leader Dragan Cavic said that the Alliance for Changes’ parties respect the Dayton Peace Agreement, which is why the adventures such as a referendum on status of Republika Srpska (RS) announced by RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, can only be seen as discarding of the DPA principles. “We have never supported such policies coming from him and we never will. Milorad Dodik does not have anyone’s support for them. Not even support of many people from his party, but they do not dare say anything. Dodik is not seeking consensus with the parties of the opposition when he discusses the need to increase pensions or to limit the price of an official vehicle. Then he does not need consensus. Dodik does not need consensus, but sharing of responsibility for mistakes. We do not support nonsense,” said Cavic and noted that Dodik’s claim that the talks on referendum will be postponed is his attempt to curry favor with the US and convince them he left the secessionist politics behind. “Essentially, Dodik has shown his true colors of a coward using populist methods to gain votes before the elections promising the impossible,” said Cavic. NDP leader also announced he will file criminal reports against all the persons who prevented decisions of the RS Assembly from being published in the RS Official Gazette related to the referendum on the topic whether the citizens support decisions imposed by the High Representative, especially those related to the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. “The RS Assembly adopted a decision on referendum two years ago, but Dodik is afraid to implement it. I will file a criminal report in several days, because it is absolutely illegal to prevent a decision of the RS Assembly from coming into force,” he noted. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that Dodik’s latest accusations are actually an excuse for his failure. “His adventurous policy has led us to the edge of economic collapse and in our opinion that is only a reflection of his ignorant and charlatan policy that cost us a lot,” said Borenovic and noted that Dodik is trying to reduce damage he created himself in the past several years and get himself out of the problems.


Izetbegovic: Covic presented views which are contrary to official positions of Presidency of B&H (


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic reacted to the views of Croat member of the Presidency of B&H Dragan Covic regarding the Peljesac Bridge issue, which Covic presented during his meeting with Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic. Covic stated on that occasion that there are no any obstacles for construction of the bridge. Izetbegovic stated that Covic presented positions, which are contrary to the official positions of the B&H Presidency. Izetbegovic added that in this way Covic deceived both B&H and Croatian public. He reminded Covic of the B&H Presidency’s position from 2007, which was adopted unanimously and which read that B&H is against construction of the bridge until open issues regarding identification of maritime border between the two states are resolved. Izetbegovic concluded that it is unacceptable that the Chairman of B&H Presidency advocates interests of another state and tries to justify moves of Croatia.


McDonald supports reform processes in B&H (N1)


Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the UK Simon McDonald started a two-day official visit to B&H on Monday. McDonald met with Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic, B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak and Federation of B&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic. The officials discussed UK’s support in efforts to continue with implementation of economic reforms. N1 reported that McDonald is expected to underline constant commitment of the UK to stability, prosperity of B&H and the entire region and officially announce the start of the UK’s presidency over the Berlin Process. Zvizdic and McDonald agreed that integration of the entire Western Balkans is crucial both for economic and political stability and safety of entire Europe.


ICTY reacts to recent statement of Grabar-Kitarovic regarding the credibility of this institution (TV1)


The ICTY reacted to the recent statement of Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic saying that this court could lose its credibility in case it confirms the first-instance verdict for the Joint Criminal Enterprise (JCE) in ‘Jadranko Prlic et. al.’ case. Spokesperson of the ICTY Nenad Golcevski said that the ICTY is an independent judicial institution. Golcevski added that decisions and verdicts of this court are based on legislation and evidence presented before the ICTY’s judges. Besides the ICTY, numerous Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)-based associations and RB&H Army war veterans reacted to the abovementioned statement. Among other things, they underlined that the goal of Grabar-Kitarovic’s statement is to exert pressure on the ICTY. Secretary General of Council of Congress of Bosniak Intellectuals Emir Zlatar stated that this statement is evidence of panic of the Croatian President, adding that it is not positive for development of relations between B&H and Croatia. President of the Association of PoW in Mostar Edin Batlak reminded that after the ICTY released Croatian Government Ante Gotovina, Croatian officials were glorifying this court.


Pendes, meets Hoyt Yee, Berkley, talk about progress in registration of military property (NAP)


The B&H Ministry of Defense (MoD) issued a statement, which reads that during her first day of visit to the US, Defense Minister of B&H Marina Pendes met in separate meetings in Washington on Monday with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Brian Hoyt Yee and Director for Balkans with the National Security Council Brad Berkley. They talked about progress B&H has achieved in process of registration of military property, implementation of the Defense Review and increased contribution to NATO Mission to Afghanistan. According to the MoD’s statement, Minister Pendes used the opportunity to candidly talk about the current situation, challenges and perspectives of the MoD and Armed Forces of B&H, especially about activities important for Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H.


EU wants Croatia and Bosnia to agree on Peljesac Bridge (Vecernji list)


The loud opposition of a part of Bosniak politicians from B&H trying to delay the start of the construction of the Peljesac Bridge will probably not lead the European Commission to suspend its decision to co-finance the project with 357 million euros from EU funds, but it could cause political caution within the Commission and may slow down the withdrawal of the money, reports Vecernji list. That can be inferred from a response which the European Commission spokesperson Johannes Bahrke gave to inquiries about the fate of the financing for the Peljesac Bridge, after public statements and letters from Sarajevo, which in recent days arrived at some addresses in Brussels. “It is crucial for us that Croatia and B&H maintain good neighborly relations and solve this issue with constructive dialogue. The European Commission is closely monitoring the development of events on this matter. Before approving the project on 7 June 2017, the Commission had carefully analyzed the application for European funding for the Peljesac Bridge project submitted by Croatia, and checked that all prerequisites and procedural steps were in accordance with the rules of the cohesion policy,” Bahrke said and added something which could be understood a message to the Croatian government and relevant ministries that they should better coordinate the project with B&H. “In the preparation and implementation of projects financed by the EU, we have trust in our partners in the member states that they will conduct necessary consultations with their neighboring countries,” concluded the European Commission spokesperson. At the ceremony of signing the decision on co-financing of the Peljesac Bridge, which the European Union will co-finance with 85 percent of the total cost, European Commissioner Corina Cretu said that she personally asked the EU Delegation in Sarajevo to “communicate to the authorities in B&H her gratitude due to their constructive approach to this decision.” Now, when the approach of Sarajevo is no longer very constructive, the Commission is still signaling that it is crucial for them that no one in B&H opposes the construction of the Peljesac Bridge, although it is equally clear to everyone that the decision to co-finance the project, which has already been made, cannot be so easily overturned.


Brajovic and Brglez: Parliament is the place of dialogue and most important for decisions (MINA)


Parliament is the place of dialogue and the most important institution for decision-making. Therefore, everyone has to cooperate, because it is the only way to achieve greater legitimacy, said Slovenian Parliament Speaker Milan Brglez. Brglez, who is staying in Montenegro, talked with the Montenegrin Speaker Ivan Brajovic on Monday. “The Slovenian parliament is really a friend of Montenegro and we plan to foster our cooperation. We are glad that Montenegro is now our partner as a NATO member state and we hope to help the interests of Montenegro and that our cooperation will be in the common interest,” he said at a press conference. He said that he is pleased because of the fact that Montenegro represents a role model when it comes to successfully adopting reforms. “I want to say that the parliament is the place of dialogue and most important institution for making decisions. Everyone has to cooperate because it is the only way to achieve greater legitimacy. That is why I am glad to meet opposition representatives as well,” Brglez said, adding that there are representatives of both ruling parties and opposition in his delegation. He said he hoped that cooperation will be set up because if we manage to overcome certain divisions in parliament, then it is easier to overcome divisions within the country itself. Brajovic said that Slovenia was a reliable contributor and partner when it comes to the EU and NATO integration of Montenegro. He called to mind that Slovenia had long been a contact point for NATO. “Now we are equal partners in the NATO alliance and we hope that in the upcoming period we will be partners in the EU as well,” Brajovic said. The officials discussed the possibility of signing a joint memorandum on the cooperation of the two parliaments. Asked whether the ruling parties are considering a concrete move to offer the opposition to return to parliament, Brajovic said that there were certain announcements in the opposition about the return to parliament.


DF hinted it might return to parliament (Pobjeda)


Branko Radulovic doubts that Montenegro is capable of becoming a modern democratic society. Movement for Changes’ (PzP) deputy leader and one of DF’s leading figures told Pobjeda that the system of values in Montenegro was corrupted. He also said there was no true elite in the country to take the society into a better future. Radulovic also said that if other opposition parties remained deaf to DF’s invitation for cooperation, he would be the first to strongly advocate DF returning to parliament. “It is insane to live in a lie created by the regime, some oppositionists, some media and some analysts in which the kleptocratic and ignorant elites, muddled compromises and permanently defect Montenegro exist. Let me remind you, in the past year, we have proposed a number of studies, analyses and solutions of vital interest, in terms of fiscal policy, ecology, energy, infrastructure, industrialization, education… There is no mentioning or just few words about them in the public. We have filed lawsuits for the biggest robberies that happened in Montenegro. A similar epilogue! We have not been invited to any professional debate about numerous problems of Montenegro, either by RTCG or Vijesti TV, although we have professionals, superior solutions and agenda and we are by far the strongest opposition factor,” Radulovic told Pobjeda. He said that such a grim situation suited the current regime and quasi elite perfectly. Radulovic said that praises coming from abroad for Montenegrin progress in reforms amount to little as there was a global decay of democracy and universal moral principles at work.


Zaev – Zbogar: In Brussels there is great optimism because Macedonia is going forward (Meta)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has stated during the meeting with EU Ambassador Samuel Zbogar that the government is determined to build a quality life for all of its citizens. The EU Ambassador, informs the government, has said that in Brussels there is a great optimism about Macedonia’s future steps and that the country now has its greatest chance for advancements into the Euro-integrations. “There is great optimism in Brussels that Macedonia is finally ready to go forward in the interest of the future of its citizens and the country. The Republic of Macedonia has the biggest chance for a success so far for the accomplishment of its strategic Euro-Atlantic goals,” said Zbogar during the meeting with Zaev,” reports the government’s press service. Zaev has said that the government is working diligently on the reformatory plan “3-6-9” through inclusive policies that instigate the cooperation in the society, issues aimed at improvement of the citizens’ life standard, including a friendly, principled and constructive cooperation with the neighbors and the countries that are EU and NATO members.


Kocijancic: Government and opposition must work on implementing the reforms together (Meta)


The European Union supports the reform efforts in the Republic of Macedonia, said European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic, adding that Brussels sent a clear message what they expect from Macedonia in the upcoming elections. “We made it clear that the new Government and the opposition should leave their divisions aside and work together on the implementation of the reform priorities and the Przino Agreement to return the country to the Euro-Atlantic integration path”, said Kocijancic, responding to a journalist’s question about accusations made by the opposition that the government is preparing to commit electoral fraud through abuse of state powers and facilities. She reiterated Brussels’s position that the only way forward for reform is through the implementation of reforms.


Zaev meets with representatives of the Krste Misirkov Institute over language law argument (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev met on Monday with representatives from the Krste Misirkov Institute for Macedonian Language, which expressed its opposition to the proposed law on the use of languages. In its opinion, delivered to the parliament, the Institute said that the proposed law will elevate the official use of the Albanian language above the languages of all other communities in Macedonia and will end the practice of using the Macedonian language as a unifying factor in the country. The government’s press service informed that Zaev explained the measures to advance the use of the Macedonian language which the government adopted last week, after the law on the use of languages was submitted to the parliament. This, Zaev said, includes funding more studies of the Macedonian language in other countries and funds to publish studies on the Macedonian language. According to the press service, the representatives from the Institute welcomed these proposals by the government. The government said that there were no new employments in the Institute since 1998 and the last scientific study supported by the government received the funding in 2010, the Institute will also provide free access to the two main Macedonian language dictionaries. Regarding the law on the use of languages, Zaev said that the law regulates the use of non-majority languages on the local level and in some other areas in the central level. Zaev insisted that the law is in line with amendment 5 from the Constitution and is not the first law that regulated this area. “This legal solution guarantees the rights of the smaller communities in Macedonia and is the final legal issue that stems from the Ohrid framework agreement,” Zaev said during the meeting. According to the government’s press service, the representatives of the Krste Misirkov Institute said that the proposed law has some textually unclear areas that could allow to it being wrongly interpreted. “A joint conclusion from this portion of the meeting was the efforts should be made that these open issues of semantics are appropriately resolved in the procedure of adopting the law in the Parliament,” the government informed.




Will Kosovo Become a UN Observer State? (Sputnik, 11 September 2017)


Amid the ongoing dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on normalization of ties, Kosovo may receive the status of UN observer state in line with the Palestinian model. Political scientist Stefan Surlic of the University of Belgrade told Sputnik Serbia about how feasible this scenario actually is. According to a Sputnik source, Albanian lobbyists in Kosovo, supported by the Clinton Foundation, intend to submit a resolution to the UN General Assembly; if adopted, the document will help Kosovo obtain UN observer state status, in the same vein as Palestine. "Any attempt to give Kosovo the status of an observer state should be preceded by some serious diplomatic bickering," Belgrade-based political analyst Stefan Surlic told Sputnik Serbia.

He pointed out that the creation of a major state in the Balkans does not meet Washington's interests, which is why the US wants to prevent the possible merging of Albania and Kosovo in the future. He said that "this can only be done by strengthening the independence of Pristina."

He also said that "Belgrade's initiative for internal dialogue with Pristina was launched so that Belgrade can define its 'red line' in relation to Kosovo." According to him, "the situation around the UN General Assembly remains a serious challenge for Belgrade." "Serbia is not very strong from the diplomatic point of view, but it has trump cards, namely, five EU states that do not recognize Kosovo's independence, something that prevents the self-proclaimed republic from gaining broad international recognition," Surlic said. He suggested that Serbia's possible defeat in the UN General Assembly "would force Belgrade to make additional concessions to Pristina within the Brussels Dialogue."