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Belgrade Media Report 15 September



Hahn: EU doesn’t want the Kosovo problem in the EU, Serbia needs to resolve it (Beta)


EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn has stated that Brussels doesn’t want to import the Kosovo problem in the EU through the small door. “Enlargement is based only on merits of each candidate, you are holding the keys to the EU doors, but the EU needs to see constant, sustainable irreversible normalization of relations with Pristina before the final EU accession. We don’t want to import this issue in the EU through the small door,” Hahn told a lecture, dubbed “EU-Serbia: Strategic Partnership for the Future” at the Belgrade Metropol Hotel. He said that he didn’t come to Belgrade to say how the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo need to conduct the dialogue nor to offer a final solution. “This should be viewed as a large historic opportunity of offering a hand to the other side and seeking a lasting solution for an issue that has been haunting your country and region for too long,” said Hahn.


Vucic to Hahn: EU membership is a foreign policy priority (Tanjug)


During the meeting with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn in Belgrade, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has pointed out that Serbia’s EU membership represents Serbia’s foreign policy priority, reads the statement by the President’s Media Relations Office. “We are of the opinion that the place of the entire region is in the EU and that the joint economic and political space on the European continent will not be complete without including the Western Balkan region,” said Vucic. “We think that the number of opened chapters should be match more our efforts and results that we have achieved in the negotiating process. Even though we now place the focus on economic issues, we try to devote equal attention to the most demanding reform Chapters 23 and 24,” said Vucic. They voiced hope that the meeting of President Vucic with the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and the Pristina side in Brussels will give adequate results in the negotiations with Pristina. They also discussed Vucic’s call for an internal dialogue. Hahn congratulated Vucic on this initiative, assessing the call as excellent, reads the statement.


Kozarev with UNMIK Deputy Head Christopher Coleman (Office for Kosovo and Metohija)


Deputy Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Dusan Kozarev received today UNMIK Deputy Head Christopher Coleman with whom he discussed the internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, the formation of the new government of the provisional self-government institutions in Pristina and resumption of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Kozarev pointed out that the internal dialogue, launched at the initiative of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, will gather people from all social spheres in order to present an opinion on relevant issues in regard to the future of Kosovo and Metohija.

Reflecting on the Serb List joining the government of provisional self-government institutions in Pristina, Kozarev says that it had been made in the interest of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija and its survival in the province. Kozarev voiced hope that, thanks to the participation of the Serb List in that government, there will be a better improvement of the position of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. According to him, we expect in the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities as the foundation of the First Agreement and guarantee of the survival of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. Kozarev underlined the irreplaceable role of UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija and voiced expectation that this mission would continue to operate in unlimited capacity.


Haradinaj: Smart proposal by Vucic about internal dialogue (TV Palma Plus)


In an interview for Jagodina-based Palma Plus TV station, Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj emphasized that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had a smart proposal on internal dialogue in Serbia regarding Kosovo. He stressed that Kosovo would need a similar dialogue. Haradinaj believed that it was good that not only leaders, but people, communicate with each other. He stated that, if Belgrade should respect Kosovo, he would be prepared to respect Belgrade and Serbia and all values of Serbian people. However, the reality is the independent Republic of Kosovo, Haradinaj said.


Juncker sends “Letter of Intent” to EP, CoE: Serbia’s possible EU membership in 2025 (RTV/RTS/Tanjug/European Western Balkans)


European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker sent a “Letter of Intent” to the President of the European Parliament and to the chairperson of the Council of the EU yesterday, announcing that the European Commission plans to create the Strategy for the successful accession of Serbia and Montenegro to the European Union by the end of next (2018.) year, with a perspective of accession to the EU in 2025. In one of the ten priorities of the “Roadmap for a More United, Stronger and More Democratic Union” Serbia and Montenegro are mentioned as the main candidates from the Western Balkans to join the European Union, whose strategy for successful accession should be created. As stated, “particular emphasis is placed on the rule of law, fundamental rights and the fight against corruption and on the overall stability of the region.”

In addition to the speech on the State of the Union, President Junker, along with First Vice President Frans Timmermans, also sent a Letter of Intent to the President of the European Parliament and to the Chairman of the Council of the EU, which details the activities the Commission intends to take through legislative policy and other initiatives by the end of next year.

Each year in September, the President of the European Commission speaks to the European Parliament on the “State of the Union”, taking into account the achievements of last year and presenting priorities for the next year. In this way, starts a dialogue with the European Parliament and the Council of the EU for the preparation of the Commission’s Work Program for the next year. After that, the President sends a Letter of Intent to the President of the European Parliament and to the chairperson of the Council of the EU, which is specifically foreseen by the 2010 “Framework Agreement on the Relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission”.


Joksimovic: Juncker timeframe for accession realistic (Tanjug)


Juncker’s statement that by the end of the mandate of the current setup of the European Parliament in the next 16 months there would be no enlargement of EU is realistic, Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic told Tanjug. She said this was not dramatically different than what Serbia thought were the real frames and she added it was not realistic to expect that all the negotiating chapters would be opened and closed by the year 2019.

Joksimovic said it was realistic for Serbia to implement its national document for adoption of the EU Acquis, whose review in terms of the deadlines and obligations was under preparation, by the year 2020. She added that when all the negotiating chapters were closed, the EU member states should declare their opinion in their national parliaments, and some of them in a referendum, about further enlargement, i.e. admission of a new member state. On Thursday, Joksimovic participated in a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee for Stabilization and Accession of Serbia, consisting of MPs from the European Parliament and Parliament of Serbia. She said that Serbia’s progress on its European road was positively assessed in a declaration with recommendations that was adopted at this meeting. She said that in a call for continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, a provision was inserted that the community of Serbian municipalities should be established as soon as possible. Joksimovic said that the European Commission supported the opening of several chapters in this year for Serbia.


Dacic: Thaci needs to wake up; Serbia will never recognize Kosovo (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says it is high time for Kosovo President Hashim Thaci to wake up from his mirage, Tanjug has reported. According to Dacic, who spoke on Thursday, Thaci obviously lives in some dream all of his own, a parallel world.  “Serbia will never recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, it is time for Thaci to wake up from his mirage, because only dialogue and compromise can lead to a lasting solution. Ultimatums and deception will not work,” Dacic said, according to a statement issued by the Serbian Foreign Ministry.


United Russia backs declaration on Serb national identity (Beta/B92)


A high-ranking official of Russia's ruling United Russia says the party supports declaration on preservation of the Serb national identity. Sergei Zheleznyak spoke in Moscow on Thursday, after a meeting with members of the leadership of Serbia's ruling SNS party. "The (SNS) party proposes the drafting of a declaration, together with other parties of Balkan countries, aimed at preserving the Serb national identity, culture, language, and Cyrillic (alphabet)," Zheleznyak is quoted as saying in a United Russia statement carried Beta. According to Zheleznyak, United Russia is ready to take most active part in drafting the appropriate documents, while working with its colleagues from the State Duma, the Duma Committee on International Affairs, and the friendship groups with parliaments of Balkan countries. "We support the efforts of our Serb colleagues in passing that declaration. For our part, we are ready to do all we can to offer party and political support, so that the content of that document becomes known globally," Zheleznyak was quoted as saying. He also said that Russia sees "serous pressure" being applied by the US and NATO on the Serb world and the Balkans as a whole - and that it is concerned over the dramatic events in Montenegro and Macedonia. A statement cited by Beta on Thursday added that SNS Vice-President Marko Djuric thanked his Russian colleagues for their cooperation, and stated that the party (SNS) counts on further support, including when it comes to Kosovo.




SNSD and opposition parties in RS exchange accusations after blockade of work of RS Assembly (RTRS)


The Republika Srpska (RS) government strongly condemned the obstruction of the work of the RS Assembly by the opposition representatives. The speaker of the RS Assembly Nedeljko Cubrilovic sent conclusions from the last session of the Collegium of the RS Assembly to the relevant institutions and he also sent a request to the official Gazette to publish all unpublished decisions of the RS Assembly as soon as possible. The opposition representatives asked for the dismissal of the current leadership of the RS Assembly and RS Minister of Internal Affairs Dragan Lukac. Cubrilovic added that incidents that happened on the Wednesday’s session of the RS Assembly could have been avoided, if only the opposition representatives agreed with the compromised solutions and continued to function normally in the RS Assembly. “When it comes to the resignation, of course the opposition has the right to ask for the leadership to be replaced, that is their legitimate right. If someone has a wish to see someone else as the Speaker of the RS Assembly, that person has to go through legal channels and file that request to the RS Assembly. After that, the RS Assembly would give its opinion on that. The resignation of Snjegota was accepted, he will remain the RS Chief Auditor, until a new one is appointed, and that could last up to a year, so, Snjegota has to present his report and that report will be a subject of the next session of the RS Assembly”, said Cubrilovic. The opposition representatives said at a press conference on Thursday that they will continue their fight against anarchy in the RS and in its institutions. “We are aware, in all of this, that we have the support of people and we will work with them in order to overthrow the government and give these people their freedom back”, said SDS leader Vukota Govedarica. NDP leader Dragan Cavic said that they will not allow the sessions in the RSNA to be organized until Lukac is dismissed from his post. An independent representative in the RSNA Adam Sukalo said on Thursday that he filed a criminal report against Lukac, because he has threatened him physically and insulted him. Lukac denied these claims and said that Sukalo offended and insulted the police officers and that he has at least 20 eyewitnesses for that.

Both the RS Prime Minister and RS President Milorad Dodik strongly condemned these attacks and accusations made against Lukac and the RS President said that Lukac is one of the best Ministers of Interior Affairs that the RS has ever had. “It would be wiser for them to replace their own ministers in Sarajevo and to maintain the little dignity that they have left, if there is anything left after years of fighting with the institutions of the RS”, said RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic. SNSD members believe that the opposition representatives used the RSNA to tear down the institutions in the RS with the help of ‘Soros’ or ‘non-governmental organizations’.


Covic reiterates there are no obstacles for construction of Peljesac Bridge (FTV)


Addressing media, Chairman of B&H Presidency and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic commented on the Declaration on the Peljesac Bridge that was adopted by B&H House of Representatives (HoR) at Wednesday’s session. Namely, the Declaration calls for suspension of construction of the bridge until the sea border between B&H and Croatia is determined. In this regard, Covic disagreed with what is mentioned in the Declaration and reiterated his stance that he sees no obstacles to construction of the Peljesac Bridge. Covic deems that this bridge actually represents an opportunity for development of B&H. Covic assessed that it is in B&H’s interest for the construction of the Peljesac Bridge to take place as soon as possible. According to the B&H Presidency Chairman, construction of the Peljesac Bridge would unburden traffic and enable “normal arrival of tourists” in Neum. He pointed out the need to strengthen good neighborly relations instead of creating conflicts in the region.


Political leaders discuss relations with Slovenia (


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met with representatives of parliamentary parties and asked for their support for bilateral resolution of the border dispute with Slovenia. “The meeting aimed to present a wider context of our relations with Slovenia, addressing the issue of the border dispute as part of bilateral talks,” Plenkovic said on Thursday morning at the beginning of the government session. “We want to speak with the Slovenian side in the spirit of goodwill and find solutions that will be in line with a very wise, stable, reliable policy which we have led over the past few months,” the Prime Minister added. After he met with political leaders in the afternoon, the Prime Minister gave a statement. He said that all parties had agreed that arbitration process had been compromised but that negotiations with Slovenia should continue. “It is in the national interest that, in matters of the highest importance, opposition parties also participate,” said Plenkovic. “We have a few open questions with Slovenia, but it is a friendly country, they are our partners and allies. We have never had a problematic heritage with them throughout the history. Let us create a constructive atmosphere in this spirit where we will avoid raising the tensions,” said Plenkovic, pointing out that he agreed on border controls regime with Slovenia which meant there were no long waiting times at border crossings during the summer tourist season. “What follows is a visit by Slovenian Prime Minister Cerar. It will be an opportunity for us to put a number of open questions on the table, to discuss them, to consider them. Croatia wants to discuss the border issue with Slovenia, and we also want to make progress on other matters, so we are working and preparing for the Cerar’s visit which, I believe, will be confirmed in two weeks when we both come to New York for the UN General Assembly meeting,” said Plenkovic adding that he was pleased that most parties in Croatia agreed on relations with Slovenia. “Croatia wants, based on bilateral talks, to come up with a solution to determine the border on the sea and the land,” said Plenkovic. He added that one of the topics of his talks with Cerar would be fishing in the Bay of Savudrija (Piran). “We will talk about the open question of the border between Croatia and Slovenia, on land and the sea,” reiterated Plenkovic.

Slovenian Minister Karl Erjavec said earlier that the consultations were a Croatian concession because Slovenia is interested just in implementing the arbitration decision, and not new negotiations. “This was a responsible move, and not a concession” reacted Plenkovic.

“What is important, today we have agreed on the approach to these negotiations. Croatia's position is clear, the parliamentary decision from July 2015 remains in force,” said Plenkovic, referring to the decision for Croatia to withdraw from the arbitration proceedings. He added that it was not realistic to discuss the details of the final arrangement at this first meeting.

“We want to talk about all issues. We do not expect to close all the problems from the last 25 years, but we have a good will to discuss them,” Plenkovic concluded.


Croatian Security-Intelligence Agency: There are about 10,000 Salafis in the region (Vecernji list)


The Croatian Security-Intelligence Agency (SOA) has issued its latest, 40-page long report, which covers the period from June 2016 until present days and which speaks about the security situation in Croatia and the region. SOA’s report stresses there are many radical Islamist communities in neighboring countries in south-east Europe (SEE) and that danger of terrorist attacks in these countries is moderately high. SOA’s report is mentioning figures that were mentioned by Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic the other day, namely it reads there are “more than 10,000 Salafis in our south-east neighborhood”. These figures do not include only B&H, but also Salafis in Kosovo, Albania, Sandzak and Macedonia, arguing the number is biggest in B&H. SOA’s report cited, as comparison, that estimates are there are 10,000 Salafis in Germany, whilst there are only a few dozen Salafis in Croatia. According to the report, out of total number of 10,000 followers of Salafi movement, some 5,000 is in B&H but not all of them are followers of so-called Jihadi or Takfiri Salafism, who support terrorist attacks. A part of them are followers of so-called political Salafism, who do not advocate violence. SOA’s report also reads that some 1,000 followers of this movement from Croatia’s southeastern neighborhood joined the ISIL; about 20% of them died, some 35% returned to their countries and return of the rest of them is being expected.


The debate on the Law on Languages has begun, VMRO-DPMNE accused DUI for blackmailing SDSM (Meta)


At the beginning of the debate at the plenary session in parliament regarding the draft law on the use of languages, the MP from VMRO-DPMNE, Ilija Dimovski, accused DUI that with this law blackmailed SDSM before the local elections scheduled for October 15th. “The Law on Languages is facing the local elections and represents a political blackmail by DUI to SDSM, which needed to cover all scandals, blackmail and unfulfilled promises to the Albanian population. The members of this law are unconstitutional and come out of the Framework Agreement,” said Dimovski at the very beginning of the debate regarding the Law on languages.

Branko Manojlovski from DUI replied, who said that the problem is not the language, but the national hatred is a problem. Petre Shilegov from SDSM accused the opposition of trying to get political points with sensitive topics and that from the draft law they made a boogie man. Dimovski accused the parliamentary majority which does not want to have a debate regarding this law and that is the reason that the law has a European flag, to which the coordinator from the SDSM parliamentary group, Tomislav Tuntev, replied that everything is subject to public debate because it is one of the essential human rights.


Brussels: Government to analyze the recommendations of the Venice Commission regarding the Law for the languages (Meta)


The European Union was informed that the government has passed the draft-law for the use of languages and that it plans to submit it to the parliament, Maja Kocijancic, the EU’s spokesperson, told Meta. Kocijancic, still, did not answer how Brussels would comment on the placement of a European flag i.e. the marking of the law as part of the European legislative. When asked whether the European Union insists on passing and implementing such law, Kocijancich said that the legal decision should be in accordance with the recommendations of the Venice Commission. “We welcome that the government has committed in its “Plan 3-6-9” to consult the Venice Commission on the draft law and we expect that the recommendations of the Venice Commission will be addressed,” said Kocijanchic.


Aleksandar Mihajlovski presents his reforms proposal for VMRO-DPMNE in Washington (MIA)


Aleksandar Mihajlovski, one of the leaders of the initiative for reforms in the VMRO-DPMNE party, said that he met with high ranking Congress and State Department officials during his visit to Washington where he sought support for his initiative. Mihajlovski said that he met with advisers to Senator John McCain and a number of members of the House of Representatives, such as Tom Marino, Adam Smith, Paul Mitchell, Donald Beyer and others. In these meetings, and in the meetings in the State Department, Mihajlvovski discussed his activities for inter-party reforms and the importance of having a European VMRO-DPMNE party for a European Macedonia and returning Macedonia on the Euro-Atlantic path. "All the meetings in Washington, with official US representatives, were held over our inter-party processes and the goal of modernizing VMRO-DPMNE and re-establishing our good relations with the Republican Party, which is our traditional partner. From our friends in the United States I received strong assurances in the future strengthening of the friendship of the Republic of Macedonia and greater support for the Euro-Atlantic future of Macedonia", Mihajlovski said in his press release.


Zaev meets with representatives of the Party of Macedonians in Serbia (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev met with a delegation from the Party of Macedonians in Serbia, led by its leader Goran Ilievski and its founder Dragan Donevski. As the government press service informed, Zaev and his guests discussed the successful clearing up of the diplomatic misunderstanding which developed with Serbia last month, when Serbia temporarily withdrew its entire diplomatic staff in Macedonia. The Prime Minister explained the agreed principles with the Serbian leaders in detail. "The President and the founder of the Party of Macedonians in Serbia expressed hope that they will be able to organize an event which will be fit in the agenda of Prime Minister Zaev during his visit to Serbia in November, which comes on the initiative of President Aleksandar Vucic and under the invitation of Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. This will be an opportunity to increase the activity of the Macedonian community in Serbia and to improve its participation in the political institutions and political life in Serbia", the press service said. Zaev asked his guests to transmit his greetings to the Macedonian community in Serbia, hoping that they will continue to be a valuable link between the two countries.


Zaev supports the RECOM initiative for regional reconciliation (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev pledged support for the RECOM initiative, which is meant to foster reconciliation in the Balkans through uncovering details about war crimes perpetrated during the bloody break-up of Yugoslavia. On Thursday Zaev met with Natasa Kandic and Zidas Daskalovski from the initiative which brings together some 2.000 civic organizations in the region. "Prime Minister Zaev expressed his assurances that the Government will support this idea, which is in line with the policy of building friendship and good-neighborly relations in the region. Welcoming the RECOM initiative and their perseverance in their mission which has lasted for more than 10 years, Prime Minister Zaev emphasized that this type of reconciliation can only help improve the cooperation of the countries in the region", the government press service informed.

The RECOM initiative was named in the European Union declaration at the recent Trieste Balkans summit, and became part of the Berlin process.


Meta meets with Pacolli, vows to push for wider Kosovo recognition (ATA)


Albanian President Ilir Meta on Thursday received Kosovo’s First Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Behgjet Pacolli. President Meta congratulated Pacolli on the formation of Kosovo’s new government and on his appointment to the new cabinet. The Albanian head of state expressed his commitment to push for wider international recognition of Kosovo. Meta also welcomed Kosovo government’s readiness to continue dialogue with Serbia as process in best interest of peace in the region. President Meta put emphasis on the importance of regional cooperation as a key element towards promotion of stability, security and peace in the whole region. The Berlin Process – he said – represents a good opportunity to boost regional cooperation and speed up our common European perspective.


Pacolli’s Tirana visit, a signal of close political and fraternal cooperation, FM Bushati says (ATA)


Albanian Minister for Foreign Affairs Ditmir Bushati on Thursday received the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo Behgjet Pacolli. FM Bushati highlighted the fact that the first visit abroad of his counterpart Pacolli is in Tirana and it is certainly a clear signal of close political and fraternal cooperation between the two governments. Likewise, he made evident Pacolli’s contribution in state-building in Kosovo and especially in empowering its sovereign state. The interlocutors shared the view that an all-embracing strategic partnership between the two countries in all the fields and levels serves as a model and encouragement for regional cooperation.

While holding of the consecutive joint meeting of the two governments in our country within the current year will be in function of a pragmatic cooperation radiating an added value not only to the geo-politic equilibrium of the region, but even to the joint Euro-Atlantic perspective. The two officials discussed on the need of rationalization of forces, human resources in diplomatic and consular representation. “It is our common ambition to enhance the map of political and diplomatic cooperation so that to serve as well as possible to our citizens”, emphasized FM Bushati. Bushati expressed his conviction that the steps taken until now with Kosovo in the context of unification of markets, removal of the trade barriers, infrastructure and energy connection are a great premise for stimulation of our interests in the context of the Berlin Process and especially in meeting the objectives set at the Trieste Summit for a common regional market. In this context, it is expected to be put in operation a customs point of Kosovo at Durrësi Port that will make it easier the circulation of goods. Bushati reconfirmed Albania’s support to all the processes that Kosovo is passing through and especially in advancing recognition of memberships in the international forums, cooperation with the NATO and the EU.

On his part, Pacolli congratulated Bushati on being reconfirmed in the office and emphasized the need of continuing joint diplomatic missions. Pacolli also focused on the free movement and expressed his conviction that between Rama 2 government and Haradinaj government will be fully implemented.


Rama: Albania, Kosovo to hold joint government meeting on Nov 27-28 in Korca and Vlora (ATA)


Prime Minister Edi Rama announced on Thursday that governments of Albania and Kosovo will hold a joint meeting in the southeastern city of Korca on November 27 and in the southern coastal city of Vlora a day later. The government head made the announcement following a meeting with the visiting Kosovo’s first deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Behgjet Pacolli. “After a meeting with the Deputy PM and Foreign Affairs Minister of Kosovo, we agreed on joint sessions of both governments in Korca on November 27 and in Vlora on November 28,” stated Rama.




Kosovo’s deep love and gratitude for America on prominent display throughout country (The Washington Times, by Valerie Plesch, 14 September 2017)


KERPIMEH, Kosovo — Hasim Haliti begins every morning with a salute to Bill Clinton.

A glass-framed, eight-year-old poster wishing the former president a happy 63rd birthday “from the People of Kosovo” in Albanian and English hangs over his bed. It may be dated, but Mr. Haliti has no plans to take it down or cull the other pictures of American politicians and military generals from the late 1990s that hang in his little cafe-bar near the village mosque here in northeastern Kosovo. Few Americans ever pass through Kerpimeh, a remote village of around 800 near the Serbian border. But a deep affection for the United States, one undimmed through the Bush, Obama and now Trump administrations, still runs deep here in the country in gratitude for the critical U.S. role in liberating it from Serbia 18 years ago. Global surveys say this tiny Balkan country has the highest approval of U.S. leadership in the world. This unconditional love appears to be staying even as America’s image abroad takes a hit among other allies uncomfortable with Mr. Trump’s “America first” agenda. “How can we not love America when it was because of them that we could return to our homes?” asked Mr. Haliti, 38, who fled to the mountains during the 1998-99 war with Serbia and found when he returned that Serbs had burned down his cafe. “We were more than happy to return to our burned homes and live under plastic sheets because finally there was peace. There were no more shots and no more massacres.” Mr. Haliti’s posters are one of many examples of attitudes toward the U.S. by the minority ethnic Albanian Kosovars. (It’s a different story for the small nation’s restive ethnic Serbian minority.) The Stars and Stripes is perhaps more ubiquitous than the blue-and-gold national flag. American flags fly in front of gas stations, government buildings, restaurants and homes. Protesters even carry Old Glory at anti-government protests. The history of Kosovo’s admiration for America began even before Mr. Clinton ordered NATO to bomb Serbian military bases and other strategic targets in Kosovo. Serbian forces left the region in 1999 after 78 days of the airstrikes, clearing the path for the breakaway province to declare its independence.

Kosovo’s first president, Ibrahim Rugova, delivered news conferences every Friday throughout the 1990s. He ended each one with “God bless America, NATO and the United Nations.” The phrase stuck with the public. “People kept repeating it,” said Agron Demi, a policy analyst at the GAP Institute for Advanced Studies in Pristina, the Kosovo capital. “Maybe in the beginning it sounded a bit ridiculous, but after time, people got used to it.”


Lady Liberty in the circle

A replica of the Statue of Liberty stands at one of Pristina’s busiest traffic circles, perched on the rooftop of a new police station. But perhaps the most famous landmark is an 11-foot bronze statue of a waving Mr. Clinton on Bill Clinton Boulevard in downtown Pristina. The former president himself attended the unveiling of the statue in 2009. Zeqir Rama, 75, was one of the thousands of locals who swarmed the statue for a glimpse of the man himself. According to Mr. Rama, he even got to shake Mr. Clinton’s hand. “It was because of America that we’re safe now,” he said. “Especially this guy behind me [pointing at the statue] and his family, may he live as long as possible.” A few feet away from the statue is a women’s clothing boutique called “Hillary” that specializes in dresses and pantsuits. One of the boutique owners, Elda Morina, proudly displays photos of Mrs. Clinton when the former first lady visited Kosovo and the shop as secretary of state. Elsewhere, streets named after Republicans and Democrats and the 50 U.S. states crisscross cities and towns throughout Kosovo, honoring figures from Madeleine Albright and Woodrow Wilson to Bob Dole, Martin Luther King and George W. Bush. Mr. Bush will always be remembered here as the first U.S. president to support an independent Kosovo. There’s even a driving school named after Wesley Clark, the former NATO commander who directed the air war during the Kosovo war. Younger Kosovars might not remember the war, but they still understand America’s responsibility in liberating Kosovo. “The Americans had the main role to intervene in Kosovo, and we see them as our heroes,” said Kushtrim Krasniqi, 31, a network engineer from the eastern city of Gjilan. Mr. Krasniqi, his brother and two tech friends created a website called “Kosovo If Trump Wins” as a joke right before the election. Their main goal was to entice visitors — especially Americans — to come to Kosovo if the Republican took office. “We are friendly to all foreigners, but especially with Americans,” he said. They didn’t think Mr. Trump would win. The day after the election, their website crashed after more than 10,000 visitors tried to access it. These days Mr. Krasniqi is nostalgic for his childhood when he sees American troops in Kosovo. “I would greet any soldier I would see. It’s an old habit really,” he said. The soldiers have been here for the past 18 years as part of a NATO peacekeeping force called the Kosovo Force, or KFOR, to maintain peace and stability in the country. Around 700 U.S. troops remain, stationed at the large U.S. Army base in southern Kosovo called Camp Bondsteel, off the new Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III National Road. Most Kosovo Albanians do not want the Americans to leave. “We’re a tiny country. If America would leave, the Serbs would occupy this place in two or three hours. Who would stop them?” said Mr. Haliti, the cafe owner. Mr. Demi agrees that there is a sense of comfort in having the Americans still in Kosovo. “I think the love for America is just the security and the things they have done for us until now,” he said. “For the first time there is a superpower that is helping you without asking something in return, and I think that has to do with why people love America.” Back in Kerpimeh, Mr. Haliti hoped Americans wouldn’t forget Kosovo either. “I wish that we could be another star on the American flag,” he said, the posterized Mr. Clinton grinning down on him as he spoke. “I would love it if Kosovo would have been a part of America.”