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Belgrade Media Report 19 September 2017



Constitution referendum "won't coincide with Belgrade vote" (Danas)

The SNS party's campaign ahead of the local elections in Belgrade will not be led by any one person - such as its candidate for mayor, writes the daily Danas. Instead, the ruling party will have its "team for the capital." In addition, Danas sources said that the top SNS leadership is most likely to abandon the idea of holding a referendum on changing the country's Constitution together with the Belgrade elections.

"The team for the capital will appear collectively in the campaign, while the decision on who will become the mayor will be made based on the election results achieved by the SNS. The current Mayor Sinisa Mali will remain in office until the election has been announced, and the option of withdrawing him - i.e., having him resign a couple of months before the election, will definitely not be used," said the source.  As for who will all be in the SNS team for the city campaign - that "remains uncertain."

"Media expert Nebojsa Krstic and, of course, City Manager Goran Vesic" are being mentioned, according to the article - with the latter described as having "the strongest ambition to become the head of the capital (city)."

Vesic recently stated that he has not been "preparing for the candidacy - because the decision is political, and one not made by him."

As for abandoning the idea of holding a Constitution referendum - "it is believed that this option is likely for the sake of not burdening city issues with national ones."

The resignation of Mayor Mali - as well as him remaining in office until the end if his mandate - has been announced in statements made by the leader of the SNS and the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.  Vucic first announced Mali's departure last spring, after the mayor's ex-wife spoke publicly about her former husband taking the custody of their children thanks to his political power, while also physically harassing her - as well as about Mali's suspicious and corrupt dealings.  This was one in a series of scandals related to Sinisa Mali (such as, "24 apartments in Bulgaria", Savamala, etc.), which ended with a joint statement issued by the former spouses who said they had reached a deal regarding the custody of their children. The story then disappeared from the public eye, while Mali's resignation was hinted at during several sessions of the City Assembly - but never materialized.

For several months, Deputy Mayor Andreja Mladenovic (Independent DSS) was the one who would appear in public - but in recent months Mali returned to his mayoral duties in full capacity.  Recently, Vucic told a national broadcaster that Mali was "an excellent mayor" and that he had been "unjust towards him."

The previous local elections in the City of Belgrade were held in March 2014, alongside the early parliamentary ballot - and now March 2018 is the deadline to hold them again.

Those to who the newspaper spoke to "ruled out the possibility that these elections would be announced for any date prior to the New Year" - and explained that if that were the case, legal deadlines would already be in place, and electoral procedures already launched.


Brnabic announced the establishment of a Working Group to support the dialogue on Kosovo (RTV)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that a Working Group will be formed to logistically support Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and all citizens who want to participate in the internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija.

Brnabic, said that she talked with President Vucic about the dialogue and underlined that he would invite everyone to participate in it and that she hoped that as many people as possible would take part in it.  As she said, she will not be the one who will say what needs to be done, but that she will listen to all sides, the Government, opposition, churches, NGOs and others, saying that this is a dialogue led by the President of the Republic.


Government dissolves Municipal Assembly of Presevo (FoNet)

Government of Serbia on September 14 made a decision on the dissolution of the Municipal Assembly of Presevo, so until further notice the work within the competences of the assembly and the executive bodies of the municipality will be carried out by a temporary body, it was announced on Monday in the Official Gazette. The interim body consists of a speaker and four members. Democratic Party of Albanians (PDA) leader Ragmi Mustafa said to news agency FoNet that the party was unlikely to participate in the work of the interim body. The government failed to comply with the law when forming this body, Mustafa said, who was the president of the municipality at the last make-up and is one of the proposed members of that body.

The PDA got the highest number of councilors in the Municipal Assembly of Presevo in the previous local elections, and the interim body should reflect the municipal assembly in the percentages in which political entities were represented, Mustafa elaborated. Not only the government failed to appoint a member of the PDA for the speaker of the interim body, but it also did not elect two members from that party for the body, he also said.


Dacic meets with Guterres, Trump, Johnson (Beta)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic attended a Sept. 18 meeting on United Nations reform in New York, chaired by U.N. Secretary- General Antonio Guterres and U.S. President Donald Trump. Dacic met with the U.N. secretary-general, the American President, and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported.

In order to attend the general debate at the beginning of the 72nd Session of the U.N. General Assembly, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic arrived in New York in the afternoon on Sept. 18. Vucic and Dacic will stay in New York until Sept. 23, and both are scheduled to have a series of meetings in the next five days.


Dacic in series of bilateral meeting on UNGA sidelines (B92)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan Erlan Abdyldaev spoke in New York on Tuesday. At a meeting held on the sidelines of the 72rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, Dacic invited Abdyldaev to visit Serbia by the end of this year.  Abdyldaev pointed out that the position of Kyrgyzstan on the issue of Kosovo is solid - i.e., the country does not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence - and will not change regardless of the outcome of the upcoming presidential elections in that country.

Dacic also spoke with the new Administrator of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Achim Steiner, and on this occasion it was estimated that the cooperation of Serbia and this organization was good.  Dacic "expressed his gratitude for the assistance that UNDP provides to Serbia, and his that the successful cooperation with the UN team in Serbia will continue."

Steiner "expressed his willingness to support and help Serbia in the sustainable development goals, especially thanking the government of Serbia for the opening of the United Nations House in Belgrade." On this occasion, Dacic invited the new UNDP administrator to visit our country.

At the meeting of the First Deputy Prime Minister with the representatives of the American Jewish Committee, both sides expressed concern over the increasingly frequent attempts to revise history, deny the Holocaust and other crimes.

On this occasion, they discussed building memorials for victims of the Second World War and at the same time positively assessed progress in resolving the issue of restitution of Jewish property in Serbia.

Dacic had the opportunity to meet with the World Bank Director, the President of Montenegro, the Presidency of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the foreign ministers of Italy, Norway and Kenya.


Fabrizi: Enlargement in Western Balkans among EU'S priorities (Beta)

Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic in Belgrade on Sept. 18 met with Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi, who said that enlargement in the Western Balkans was among the EU's priorities in the next period, along with stability, resolution of the migrant crisis and the rule of law.

Kuburovic said that setting the exact date for Serbia's accession to the EU was not that important as was the implementation of all the necessary reforms, which, she said, were primarily in the interest of Serbia's citizens, according to a release from the Justice Ministry. She informed Fabrizi about the ongoing public debate on amendments to the Constitution in the part referring to the judiciary, adding after the public debate, a draft document would be forwarded to the Venice Commission, without whose opinion no further procedure would be undertaken, the release said.

Kuburovic and Fabrici welcomed President Aleksandar Vucic's idea on initiating an internal dialogue on Kosovo. Kuburovic also said that the EU Delegation to Serbia had backed a number of important projects in the field of the judiciary, noting that one of these projects within the IPA 13 project would be launched late next week. She added that it was "a very important project" backing the implementation of the Law on the organization and jurisdictions of state bodies in combating organized crime, terrorism and corruption, as one of the three most important sections of the Action Plan for Chapter 23, dealing with the judiciary and fundamental rights, according to the release. Kuburovic also told Fabrizi that she expected a draft law on the Anti-Corruption Agency and a draft law on free legal aid to be forwarded to the parliament for adoption by the end of the year. The justice minister further said she hoped that "the hitherto very good cooperation between the Ministry and the EU Delegation to Serbia" would continue in the future, the release said.


UN continues to assist Serbia's reforms – government (B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met on Monday with Resident Coordinator of the UN in Serbia Karla Robin Hershey. According to the Serbian government, they discussed "activities in the five-year development partnership program signed by Serbia with the United Nations Team."

The program includes UN agencies, funds and program and represents a comprehensive framework for cooperation and assistance of the UN system for improving the economic, social and ecological development of Serbia.

Hershey "pointed out that most of the line ministries are already involved in the program and that joint forces should be used to continue reforms in the areas of the rule of law, public administration and the development of social and human resources, adding that the Development Partnership Framework is fully aligned with the process of accession negotiations Serbia and the European Union."

Brnabic said that Serbia has "very good fiscal discipline and that the government's priority is investing in large infrastructure projects, which is why good coordination of various sources of financing for projects of the United Nations and the European Union is crucial." She "pointed out that through joint work of ministries, offices and agencies of the government of Serbia with the UN system, the five-year plan will be successfully implemented in the interest of all citizens of Serbia."

Hershey invited Brnabic to participate in the "Western Balkans at the Crossroads – New Challenges, Changing Dynamics" gathering that the United Nations is organizing in Brussels in December, the government announced on its website.





Bosnia and Herzegovina


B&H joins Transport Community (TV1)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) joined the Transport Community on Monday, with B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman Denis Zvizdic signing the Transport Community Treaty with European Commissioner for Mobility and Transport Violeta Bulc in Brussels. Zvizdic stressed on this occasion that B&H is now part of an important and strong project and that B&H made an important step on the EU path by accepting it.

“B&H’s overall infrastructure will be harmonized with the EU standards through several phases, which will bring development of our infrastructure as a precondition of the economic development and connecting with the region and the EU”, Zvizdic said at the joint press conference after the signing event. He added that by signing the Transport Community Treaty, B&H has succeeded to meet a basic precondition that will help the country to start operationalization of projects that B&H got in Trieste, i.e. four very important transport projects that will help development of B&H’s economy. “B&H has once again proved that internal consensus is possible and that it is capable of meeting its obligations in a successful and credible way”, Zvizdic concluded.

Bulc stated that she is glad that the agreed projects will be concretized now, which will be very useful for B&H and all its citizens.


Representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) in B&H do not deny that joining the Transport Community is significant but they fear that the Coordination Mechanism is threatened. At the beginning of September, the CoM unanimously endorsed signing of the Transport Community Treaty but it failed to reach a unanimous stance as to who will represent B&H in the Transport Community. B&H Presidency recently endorsed this as well. The decision endorsing signing of the Treaty reads that coordination in terms of B&H’s participation in the Transport Community will be agreed by the relevant state and entity ministries. Still, Chairman of B&H Presidency Dragan Covic confirmed last week that B&H Presidency did not define the Coordination Mechanism in the adopted decision, even though he considers this should have been done.


RS President Milorad Dodik assessed that the demand from the RS that the Coordination Mechanism should be respected in terms of the Transport Community was not granted. Dodik stressed that agreement needs to be in the Coordination Mechanism. Head of SNSD Caucus in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Stasa Kosarac assessed on Monday that Serb member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic should have requested clearer positioning of the RS and respecting the will of its institutions before endorsing the Treaty signing. Kosarac stressed that Ivanic should have insisted that the decision on the Transport Community contains clear definition of the RS’ role based on the Coordination Mechanism.


The B&H joined the Transport Community subsequently, after the country missed the opportunity to sign the Transport Community Treaty at the Western Balkan Summit in Trieste in July due to blockades from the RS. B&H will soon get the money for infrastructural projects worth more than BAM 240 million. The Transport Community Treaty is aimed at formation of a transport community in the field of road, railway, internal, maritime and water transport and at development of the transport network of the EU and the countries signatories.


The opposition will return to the RS National Assembly (RTRS)

Commenting on PDP leader Branislav Borenovic’s announcement that the opposition will return to the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (NA), RS Prime Minister and SNSD Vice President Zeljka Cvijanovic told Srna news agency that the opposition’s return to the RSNA comes as no surprise, given the citizens’ discontent with their behavior during an attempt to block the RSNA’s work last week. Cvijanovic noted that the RS opposition’s announcement of organizing “the so-called open parliaments” is a scenario that was already seen in the Federation of B&H and which the opposition is trying to copy. Specifically, Cvijanovic remarked that this resembles citizens’ plenums that were organized after the 2014’s mass protests in the Federation of B&H. The RS Prime Minister referred to the 2014’s mass protests in the Federation of B&H as “destructive and vandalizing protests”. She concluded that the aim of organizing so-called open parliaments, as well as citizens’ plenums is to bypass the role of official institutions and to create some non-institutional centers of decision-making.

Speaker of the RSNA Nedeljko Cubrilovic (DNS) assessed that the minority in the RSNA is trying to paralyze the Assembly’s work using violent methods. Cubrilovic stressed that decisions in parliaments are adopted by the majority and all representatives need to comply with the Rules of Procedure.

RS Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining and SP RS leader Petar Djokic commented on B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic’s (SDS) latest claims that he supports the Macedonian scenario in the RS. In this regard, Djokic assessed as unacceptable that some minister is calling for “creating violence in the country”. According to Djokic, Mektic made such a careless statement without being aware of possible consequences. On the other hand, Mektic reiterated his claims that he sees nothing disputable about solving the situation in the RS through using the Macedonian scenario.


Dodik: RS belongs to Serbia just like Serbia belongs to RS – reactions (RTRS, Hayat)

The fifth annual event ‘Days of Republika Srpska (RS) in Serbia’ officially started on Friday with an opening ceremony in Belgrade. The event is organized by the RS Representation Office in Serbia. In his speech at the event’s opening ceremony, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that Serbs in the RS and Serbia are the same people despite certain attempts to dispute their unity. Dodik was quoted as saying that Serb people’s current status in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is not definitive. Dodik said that he refuses to give up on his dream that someday the RS and Serbia will be one in state, political and national sense. “There is no peace, stability, or prosperity in the region if Serbia is not peaceful and prosperous”, the RS President stressed and added that Serbia has always been assisting the RS.


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) and the US Embassy to B&H reacted on Monday to recent statements of RS President Milorad Dodik, who said that “the RS and Serbia will become one someday”. The OHR stated that B&H is an internationally recognized state and that the international law and the Dayton Peace Accords guarantee the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The OHR stressed that the DPA stipulates that the entities have no right to secession from B&H as they exist only on the basis of the Constitution of B&H and all levels of power, have the obligation to respect the DPA.


The US Embassy emphasized that B&H is a democratic, multi-ethnic, sovereign and independent state and that the country’s sovereignty cannot be called into question. The US Embassy also said that rhetoric speculations primarily serve to push away investors from a very important job that the authorities should do, in the interest of all citizens. The US Embassy concluded by saying that any actions taken with the intention of dissolution from B&H represent violation of the DPA.


DF issued a press statement on Monday reacting to a last week’s statement of RS President Milorad saying “we give our support to the opposition forces in the RS to persevere in their fight to unmask his character,” stated the party. DF also pointed out that Dodik’s latest statement given in Belgrade represents direct undermining of the constitutional order of the country and violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA).


Covic supports reform of United Nations (Oslobodjenje)

Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Dragan Covic attended a high-level meeting on UN reform presided over by US President Donald Trump. The participants discussed the reform of the UN Secretariat, revitalization of the UN General Assembly and reform of the Security Council. The goal of revitalization of the UN GA is to strengthen its role and authority as the most important UN body.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres admitted he is having problem with administration and expressed his support to future reform of the UN. He noted that the UN has become famous for its fragmented structures and classically poor procedures. “The UN has forgotten how to serve the people”, which is why it needs urgent reform to become effective, flexible and efficient, underlined Guterres and thanked President Trump for organizing the panel.

Covic expressed his support for reaffirmation of the UN GA role and authority on the global issues of the international community. While attending the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Chairman Covic held several bilateral meetings with other state leaders. During his meetings with representatives of Croat community in Chicago, Covic underlined that Croats of B&H are trying to preserve their identity, which is why it is necessary to change the Law on Elections and ensure their equality as constituent people. Daily noted that Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Igor Crnadak and Permanent Representative of B&H before the UN Milos Vukasinovic are also attending the UN GA session as members of official B&H delegation.


US Embassy hosts Regional Chiefs of Mission Workshop for US Ambassadors in Sarajevo (Oslobodjenje)

The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is hosting annual Regional Chiefs of Mission Workshop for US Ambassadors; the workshop is taking place from September 17 to September 19. The conference will be attended by the US Ambassadors from Albania, B&H, Croatia, Kosovo, fYROM, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. They will meet with representatives of B&H authorities to get informed about the situation in B&H. Assistant US Secretary of State for Eurasian Affairs Brian Hoyt Yee will also attend the conference and he will hold meetings with local leaders and representatives of the international community in B&H. The Ambassadors will discuss issues the US Missions to the region are dealing with, including Euro-Atlantic integration, improvement of regional cooperation, economic growth and investments.


Extent of Serbia’s cooperation with NATO (Nezavisne)

After all ruling structures in Republika Srpska (RS) stressed that the RS will follow Serbia’s footsteps when it comes to NATO membership, daily investigated the extent of cooperation that Serbia has with NATO. Serbia has four areas in which it cooperates with NATO: security cooperation, cooperation on defense and security reforms, scientific-technical cooperation in military sector and cooperation in sector of public information. NATO opened cooperation office in Serbia in 2006, NATO approved IPAP for Serbia in 2011 and in 2013 NATO approved Serbia’s request to open the first training center in sector of chemical, biological, nuclear and radiology cooperation, located in Krusevac. In 2015, Serbian National Assembly ratified multilateral agreement between NATO and PfP countries concerning the status of foreign troops, located in other countries and in 2016 the project of removing of 2,000 tons of ammunition surpluses, begun in Serbia. According to the statement from the Alliance, Serbia, unlike other countries of the Balkans, does not aim to become a NATO member, but the country is improving and upgrading its political dialogue and cooperation with NATO. They stressed that NATO fully respects Serbia’s policy of military neutrality and stressed that Kosovo is key issue in cooperation, because NATO’s KFOR troops are securing the region. Military analyst Aleksandar Radic from Belgrade said that Serbia is acting as a partner country, but it is trying to decrease significance of this cooperation due to negative stance that Serbian public has towards NATO. He stressed that public perception is worse today than in 2001 due to media influence, adding that President Aleksandar Vucic would surely ask for the membership, if that could be a secret document. Director of Center for Security Studies Denis Hadzivic stressed that Serbia has much higher cooperation level with NATO than Bosnia and Herzegovina does, adding that Serbia acts as Austria, Finland or Switzerland, which are formally not members, but participate in a big number of programs.




Prime Minister Plenkovic attends UN General Assembly in New York (

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic left for New York, where he will lead the Croatian delegation at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly from 18 to 21 September. In addition to the Prime Minister, meetings will be attended by Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Marija Pejcinovic Buric.

The meeting of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly will start on 19 September and end on 25 September, with the main topic of discussion being “Focusing on people: Achieving peace and a worthy life for everyone on a sustainable planet”. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic will speak at the UN General Assembly on Thursday. During his stay in New York, he will meet with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and will hold a series of other important bilateral meetings.

On Monday evening, upon arrival in New York, Prime Minister Plenkovic met with representatives of the Croatian community.

On Tuesday, he will attend a welcome reception hosted by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for heads of the delegations. The Prime Minister will then be present at the opening of the general debate at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. In the afternoon, Plenkovic will attend a meeting of the Global Environment Pact, chaired by French President Emanuel Macron. He will also attend the meeting for EU heads of delegations and foreign ministers, hosted by President of the European Council Donald Tusk, European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans, and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini. In the evening, Prime Minister Plenkovic will attend a reception hosted by US President Donald Trump.

On Wednesday, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Croatia's membership in the United Nations, the Prime Minister will unveil a memorial plaque for the “Peace” monument by Croatian sculptor Antun Augustincic, which has been located at the UN headquarters since 1954. In the afternoon, Plenkovic will attend the Leaders Lunch of Bloomberg Global Business Forum and hold a lecture at the Columbia University on the topic “The Future of Europe - Croatia's Perspective”. In the evening, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic will host a reception on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Croatia's membership in the United Nations. On Thursday, the Prime Minister will give a speech to the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly.




DPS: Decision to end boycott reasonable and responsible (CDM)

The decision of certain opposition parties to end the boycott and return to the parliament is reasonable and responsible towards their voters, said DPS MP Mihailo Andjusic. He is surprised by the fact that Demos and URA are planning to form a common representatives club.

“Keeping in mind that URA said they would not return, what would be the point of that club? To take even moroe money?” Andjusic asked. He said such behaviour is absurd and hypocritical, as URA is one of the strongest proponents of boycott. Andjusic reminded citizens that the irresponsible acts of the opposition have cost the state 2.5 million euros.


First deal on snap elections, then SDP and DCG will return to parliament (CDM)

Parliament boycott that lasts for more than ten months now is not perfect solution, but it is the only option opposition was forced to choose, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the Democratic Montenegro (DCG). According to the two party leaders, the ball is in DPS’s court now, since the ruling party is demanded to call snap elections. Only under these conditions are they ready to return to the assembly.

SDP leader Ranko Krivokapic expects Prime Minister Dusko Markovic to give in to the pressure coming from the European Union and invite opposition to the dialogue in order to solve the political crisis in Montenegro.

After a meeting with the head of the European Union Delegation to Montenegro, Aivo Orav, Krivokapic told reporters that the opposition demanded new elections.

“The Parliament has no legitimacy. Therefore, the government cannot make important decisions. DPS will have to talk to the opposition about the new elections, and I hope that the EU will convince the party to return to the dialogue. The owner of DPS does not want reaching an agreement. I expect the prime minister to announce that he is ready for the dialogue,” Krivokapic said, adding that the dialogue will begin by October. After the meeting with Orav, the leader of the Democrats Aleksa Becic also said that Montenegro was in deep crisis.

“Boycott is not a perfect solution and we are forced to it. This is not a democratic country, but the only state in Europe where the government has never been changed on elections. So I think that boycott is the best solution considering what options we have,” Becic said. He points out that Montenegro is at a crossroads.

“We support joining the EU, but DPS can never bring us to the Union. Montenegro will never close Chapters 23 and 24 while DPS is in power,” Becic says. He makes it clear – the Democrats will not break the Parliament boycott until their conditions are met. “As far as the Democrats are concerned, problems and solutions are known – the ball is in your court. The only Parliament sitting we can attend is the one at which snap elections will be discussed,” Becic said. He pointed out that he did not want to participate in the dialogues which would represent only a performance for the public, requiring concrete answers.


Knezevic and Mandic have different positions on declaration for preservation of Serbs (Pobjeda)

Democratic People’s Party’s (DNP) leader Milan Knezevic said yesterday that he was in favor of a civic model of constitutional order in Montenegro, Pobjeda learns. Several sources from Democratic Front (DF) confirmed Knezevic said this during a DNP presidency’s sitting, when there was discussion on the contents of the declaration for the preservation of Serbian nation, a document the drafting of which has been initiated by Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic.

Knezevic’s resolute position, supported by all DNP presidency members, opposes the idea of Serbian people receiving constitutional status in Montenegro, Pobjeda’s source says. Knezevic’s position contradicts that of one of DF leaders Andrija Mandic. Mandic advocates granting Serbs constitutional status through Constitution amendments.

DNP believes that artificially created divisions to Montenegrins and Serbs could lead to an even deeper political and institutional crisis in Montenegro.



PM Zaev meets US President Trump (MIA)

Macedonia's Prime Minister Zoran Zaev had a brief meeting Monday in New York with the US President at an event hosted by Donald Trump to boost support for signing a declaration on UN reforms. At the meeting Zaev voiced support for Trump's imitative and wished for its successful launch, the PM's Office said in a press release.

The Macedonian delegation at the 72nd United Nations General Assembly also includes Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov and Diaspora Minister Edmond Ademi. PM Zaev is scheduled to address the thematic conference "Open Government" chaired by French President Emmanuel Macron. He will also take part at several other panels. Zaev is set to have a working lunch with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and hold bilateral meetings with European Council President Donald Tusk, EU High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, United States President Donald Trump and many others.

During his stay, the PM will also meet with representatives of the Macedonian diaspora and US businessmen, address the renowned Foreign Relations Council and participate at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum, which will include heads of state and government, as well as representatives of the world's largest companies.


Ristoska: By freezing the assets and property of VMRO-DPMNE, the leadership will be protected (Meta)

By freezing the assets of VMRO-DPMNE’s property (the party headquarters), a ban would be imposed on party leaders so they cannot sell those property and therefore they cannot cause additional damage to the political party, stated SPO Prosecutor Lence Ristoska after the session in the Supreme Court. The session was on the occasion of the SPO request, that Supreme Court can declare the unlawful decision of the Criminal Court rejecting their proposal to freeze assets of VMRO-DPMNE’s property in the “Talir” case.

“The freezing assets and property is only temporary, and it would ban the leading officials to sell the property and that will prevent further and additional damage to the political party. As I would say, if we take the political party as a separate legal subject, those activities we take, are for the protection of the political party”, Ristoska said. She added that the property has not been alienated so far, but at the end of December, last year, it was mortgaged with one of the commercial banks, which as a fact, the SPO pointed out to the Supreme Court.


Macedonia, Montenegro to cooperate in advancing EU-integration processes (MIA)

Vice-Premier for European Affairs Bujar Osmani hosted Monday in Skopje the third session of Macedonia-Montenegro Joint Committee. The delegation representing Montenegro at the session was led by the Minister for European Affairs and chief negotiator in the EU accession talks, Aleksandar Andrija Pejovic. The meeting was held within the Cooperation agreement between the two governments in the European integration process.

Addressing a press conference ahead of the session, Osmani expressed satisfaction with the continued cooperation between the two countries, especially the fact that through the Joint Committee, a basis for exchange of experiences and gained knowledge was established, which have a strong influence on the promotion of the European integration processes of the entire region.

“Macedonia, for example, was the first country in the region to join the Stabilization and Association Process as early as 2001, and in the coming period, it has made substantial progress on its road to EU membership. We shared our experiences with all countries in the region at the time, among which, of course, with Montenegro. Today, once we have passed a long period of the process' stalemate Montenegro's experience, as a country that has started and successfully advanced in the negotiations with the EU, is undoubtedly an important benefit for both Macedonia and other aspirant countries from the region" Osmani told reporters. Fortunately the recent progress of Macedonia's Euro-integration processes does not represent an isolated case in the Balkans, but is in the same direction with the new wave of regional European optimism, which is extended to the EU member states, Osmani said. “This progress is particularly noticeable in Montenegro, which besides the start of negotiations with the EU, has also become a full-fledged NATO member. This is a good basis for both ours and the overall regional progress, but of course, it is very important for us on this road to enjoy the support of our friends, as we consider the support of Montenegro" Osmani said.

Montenegro, Pejovic said, has become NATO member three months ago and in this respect it will grant political support and assistance to Macedonia to join the Alliance as soon as possible.

The session also addressed the cooperation of Western Balkan in regard to the EU funds, the Berlin Process, etc. The Macedonia-Montenegro Joint Committee held two sessions up to date, the first in Skopje and the second one in Bar, Montenegro. The purpose of these gatherings is for the two countries to exchange their experiences with the European integration process.


There is an open window for talks about the name dispute, said Kotzias after the meeting with Guterres (Meta)

Macedonia and the name dispute were one of the subjects that last night in New York were discussed by the Head of the Greek Diplomacy, Nikos Kotzias and the UN’s General Secretary, Antonio Guterres. As the Greek MFA announced, regarding the name dispute and the talks with the mediation of the Matthew Niemtiz, Kotzias has said that “there is an open window with possibilities” to talk about the name dispute as soon as the local elections are over and if the “neighboring country abandons irredentism.”

The meeting was also attended by Mr. Niemitz, who met with Vasilakis (the Greek MP participating in the talks about the name dispute, Adamantios Vasilakis) in London a day before yesterday. As you know, the neighboring country will hold local elections in October. I believe that past the elections there will be a window of opportunities for a discussion regarding the name dispute, only if the irredentism is left – said Kotzias after the meeting with Guterres.

In the announcement that was issued by UN’s press service, it states that the UN’s General secretary, Antonio Guterres has” welcomed the renewed efforts to find a solution to the name dispute between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and has assured the Foreign Minister of the United Nations’ commitment to support the two countries in that regard.




Meta meets with Knut Fleckenstein: Judicial reform implementation, important to integration process (ATA)

President of the Republic of Albania, Ilir Meta held a meeting with MEP and European Parliament’s standing Rapporteur on Albania Knut Fleckenstein on Monday.

“A comprehensive reform progress involving a broader consensus between the position and opposition aimed at Albania’s integration to EU and enabling a closer confidence and cooperation is crucial to this process,” President Meta said during the meeting. President of the Republic underlined that the Judicial Reform is of major importance particularly the progress to vetting process, in order to create justice institutions as immediately as possible.


DP’s three conditions on judicial reform (ATA)

Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha stated the three conditions submitted to the Parliament by the Democratic Party for implementing the Judicial Reform, in a media release on Monday. Basha underlined the openness to any pattern which fulfills these conditions such as electronic vote and counting, reducing the role of political leaders in the process and strengthening the role of citizens in the reform process. Basha referred to immigrants’ vote which used to be DP’s early promise and thus DP’s opposition will not allow Prime Minister Rama to turn it into a facade. Whereas, referring to former communist dictator’s photo to Peza celebration Basha said that DP will soon submit to the Parliament a bill similar to the one Germany has for Nazis symbols while added that DP has asked international partners assistance and that soon enough the bill against the use of communism symbols will pass to the Assembly of Albania.


Rama responds to Basha: Electoral reform, part of May 18 package, no conditional reform (ATA)

Prime Minister Edi Rama stated on Monday that election reform, part of May 18 package, starts from the vote of Albanians and no way will the other party set conditions. Prime Minister Edi Rama, who on an official visit to the US, has responded to the DP and the head of opposition, Lulzim Basha, over the Electoral Reform.

“Electoral reform is part of the May 18 package and starts from the vote of Albanians living abroad. Plus: Ideas of one party are not a condition for the other!”, Rama writes in a posting on his “Facebook” account.




Moscow regrets Albania, Montenegro backing EU Anti-Russian sanctions (Sputnik)

Moscow regrets that Albania and Montenegro support anti-Russian sanctions Russia's Ambassador to Albania Alexander Karpushin said Monday, adding that it would not guarantee accelerated EU integration for these states.

"The decision on joining sanctions is a purely voluntary matter and it is not obligatory for becoming the EU member… (The sanctions policy of) the European Union and the United States, which has been followed by Albania and Montenegro from year to year, is regrettable," Karpushin said in an interview with Albanian ABC News TV channel.)

However, there was no direct connection between pursuing the sanctions policy and the acceleration of talks on EU membership, Karpushin indicated.

"The example of Albania and Montenegro signifies only one thing — they are ready to sacrifice the interests of their citizens in exchange for doubtful benefit. As we see, no one in the European Union plans to guarantee them an accelerated integration in return for such actions," Karpushin said.

On Thursday, the Council of the European Union officially confirmed the prolongation of sanctions, stipulating asset freezes and travel bans, against Russian and Ukrainian individuals and entities until March 15, 2018, over what it deemed as actions undermining Ukraine’s territorial integrity during the conflict that broke out in 2014.