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Belgrade Media Report 22 September



Vucic: We have yet to see if Kosovo has secured the votes for UNESCO (O2)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in his Sept. 21 interview with O2 TV that it was yet to be seen whether Kosovo had secured the necessary votes for joining UNESCO, and that the government in Belgrade would continue to fight against its membership.

"The vote on Kosovo's admission to UNESCO will not be easy for Serbia, but will certainly not be easy for them either," Vucic told O2 TV.

The deputy premier and foreign minister of Kosovo, Behgjet Pacolli, said late on Sept. 20 that Kosovo had secured the necessary votes for admission to UNESCO.

He told the Pristina-based KTV that, with a little work and many meetings in New York on the margins of the 72nd session of the U.N. General Assembly, he had managed to secure the votes for Kosovo's admission to UNESCO.  Vucic said he was aware of the fact that the Kosovo delegation had lobbied in New York. "So far, we have managed to counter them, I never underestimate them, but I will not overestimate them, either," Vucic said.


Dacic: Kosovo secured enough votes to join UNESCO? Big lie (Beta)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said late on Thursday that the claim Pristina has enough votes to join UNESCO was "a big lie."

"In all the meetings the President and I have had here, this subject was also discussed," said Dacic, who is in New York as part of the Serbian delegation, led by Aleksandar Vucic, taking part in the UN General Assembly.

According to Beta, the minister said that both Kosovo Deputy PM Behgjet Pacolli - who made the claim earlier in the day - and Kosovo President Hashim Thaci "will lose in UNESCO next time they put forward their candidature, just as they did two years ago."

"A large number of our friends not only has an unchanged position in the opposite direction (of Pristina's bid), but many countries have changed their position in a positive direction for Serbia. That means the countries that abstained (in 2015) will now vote against Kosovo's admission to UNESCO," Dacic said.

He added that Pristina, if it wishes UNESCO to decide on its bid this year, must submit an application by mid-October. UNESCO's General Conference will then be held in November, and the next one in 2019.

"So far there have been no hints that they will apply, I think they fear losing. I don't recommend to them to put forward their candidature," Dacic concluded.


Mihajlovic: Pacolli's statement intended for internal political use (RTS)

Belgrade Radio Director, Milivoj Mihajlovic, told RTS that Pacolli's claim that Pristina has a majority in admission to UNESCO's statement is intended for internal political use, as local elections are approaching, and estimates that the circumstances do not benefit Kosovo Albanians.

Mihajlovic said that Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli is not an amateur, but one of the key figures when it comes to paying and lobbying for recognition of so-called independence of Kosovo. Mihajlovic recalled that, on the last vote for Kosovo's admission to UNESCO, the fight lasted until the last minute before the beginning of the session, but now many countries look at it differently than before.

Mihajlovic points out that many powerful countries realized that it would be a wrong move to give Kosovo authorities the Christian medieval heritage for preservation, because they know what happened in 1999 and 2004.

Kosovo is also "a red dot", on the Interpol map, where the heroin distribution center that goes from Afghanistan to the West is located, Mihajlovic says. He notes that all security services in the world know that Kosovo is on the heroin path and that most of political actors in Pristina are running the underground.

Pristina admission requires a two-thirds majority, Mihajlovic says, and estimates that this will not be easy to secure.

Speaking about the possibility of finally forming the Community of Serb Municipalities, Mihajlovic says that the Serbs now have much more political power and can push for the ZSO. However, he estimates there will be stronger resistance, such as the media attacks on Nenad Rikal, the Minister of Agriculture in the Kosovo government, which the opposition calls Rikal’s, and not Haradinaj’s government.

He also points out that Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama offers Pristina the abolition of police control at the border.

When it comes to Brussels dialogue, he thinks it will take place at the presidential level and that Hashim Thaci, whose political positions are at risk, will be a more favorable negotiator than before.


Vucic, Lajcak discuss reform of U.N. and the situation in region (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Sept. 21 with the president of the U.N. General Assembly, Miroslav Lajcak, and discussed the plans for the reform of the U.N., Serbia's role in this international organization and the situation in the region, the Presidency has said.

Vucic pointed out that the United Nations maintained a responsible approach to the issue of the Western Balkans and stressed that this was the most important international organization from the aspect of protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia.

On behalf of Serbia, he declared support to Miroslav Lajcak's responsible approach to the improvement of the work and activities of the U.N.

Lajcak stressed that the main goal of the presidency was respect for the three pillars of the U.N.: human rights, peace and stability, and development. He pointed out the importance of accomplishing concrete results in the reform of the U.N. and of strengthening confidence between the U.N. and its members, stressing that the organization had an ambitious program regarding migrations, which would be the first large international framework, and that the role of the U.N. was to advocate peace and the prevention of conflicts.

In New York on Sept. 21, Vucic also met with Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, and informed him about the initiation of the internal dialogue on Kosovo.


McAllister: Rule of law at core of EU path (Beta)

The European Parliament's rapporteur for Serbia, David McAllister, has stated that there can be no progress in the accession to the European Union without the rule of law, and that a functional judicial system and the efficient fight against organized crime and corruption are the crucial issues for countries which aspire to become members of the Union.

In an interview with BETA, McAllister recalled that, during his meeting with opposition politicians in August, he said an active opposition was fundamentally important for every democracy, but dismissed accusations about being lenient toward the authorities regarding the rule of law and the media, stating that his report was very clear on the flaws in these fields.

The rapporteur said the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should lead to a comprehensive normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo, but that the EU would not impose solutions in that dialogue.

McAllister said that, besides the 10 opened chapters in Serbia's membership negotiations, the opening of some others could be expected by the end of the year, adding that the tempo of negotiations depended on the rate of reforms and harmonization with EU laws, but that the rule of law was fundamental for membership.

Asked what cases, such as the demolition of buildings in downtown Belgrade that has not been solved for two years, said about the rule of law, McAllister replied that the European Parliament adopted a report on Serbia in June, with a vast majority, which was "quite clear on the controversial events in the Savamala quarter in Belgrade."


Jeremic meets with world officials in New York (Danas)

President of the Center for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Vuk Jeremic is in New York this week where he is attending a session of the U.N. General Assembly, where he has held bilateral meetings with several heads of state and government, as well as foreign ministers, and also talked with the leadership of the World Health Organization, the Sept. 21 edition of the Danas daily reported.

Jeremic, who chaired the U.N. General Assembly in 2012 and 2013 and was the runner-up in the race for secretary general of the U.N., used his first two days in New York to meet with the presidents of the South African Republic Jacob Zuma, Palestine Mahmoud Abbas, Uruguay Tabare Vazquez, Gabon Ali Bongo Ondimba and Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Mbasogo. Jeremic attended the opening of a debate in the U.N. General Assembly, and followed the speeches by U.S. President Donald Trump and the other participants.

"The concern of global leaders due to the growing number of hotspots in the world is justified. At this time the most critical situation is in the Korean Peninsula, and the way that President Trump described the problem leaves little maneuvering room for diplomatic action. He has the support of his allies, especially Japan, but also South Korea. On the other side, China and Russia are decisively against the use of force, we are entering a situation which will be very difficult to calm down," Jeremic told the Danas newspaper, summarizing the first two days of his stay in the U.N.

In addition to the aforementioned three presidents, Jeremic also meet with the prime ministers of

Luxembourg and Guinea-Bissau, as well as the foreign ministers of the Netherlands, Cuba, Jordan, Rwanda, Colombia, Indonesia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Malaysia and Bahrain. During his stay in New York Jeremic also met with World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom. Jeremic was part of his campaign for the prestigious position this year. He also met with the new director of the U.N. World Food Program, David Beasley.


Mid-October or December are Possible periods for opening new negotiation chapters (Tanjug)

Estonia, currently at the head of the EU Council, was working on the organization of opening new chapters in the accession negotiations with Serbia, and mid-October or mid-December would be possible periods for this, Tanjug news agency reported on Thursday, citing the diplomatic circles. At the moment, no one in Brussels had a specific date when the next inter-government conference between Serbia and EU could be organized and which chapters could be open at that time.

EU Council stated that different sections were intensively working on preparation of Chapter 6, referring to rights of business associations, as well as Chapter 33, dealing with synchronization of financial and budget regulations of Serbia with the EU.

As far as Chapter 30 was concerned – referring to economic relations with abroad – member countries currently worked on synchronizing internal position referring to bilateral agreements that member countries signed mutually before joining the EU.

Serbia would in the upcoming period forward to the EU another two negotiation positions for Chapter 9 referring to financial services and Chapter 13 – fishing.

A report on Serbia’s progress in the area of fundamental chapters 23 and 24, referring to rule of law in the country, would have an impact on the decision of member countries about opening of new chapters with Serbia. European Commission is preparing a report for this occasion, which should be presented to the member countries early in November.


Trump's visit - Serbia's surrender, or change in US policy? (Prva TV)

Since the break-up of Yugoslavia no US president has visited Belgrade, and the president of Serbia expects Donald Trump to come here next year. After Russian, Chinese and numerous European leaders, Serbia could thus soon host the US President.

"It would quite certainly be a historic visit, as he would be the first US president to come to Serbia," said Aleksandra Joksimovic from the Center for Foreign Policy.

In 1980, US President Jimmy Carter was on an official visit to Serbia - at that time a part of Yugoslavia.

"Top French officials and US presidents don't go on protocol visits, instead it is always the crown of a process, or, as in the case of Serbia, a recognition of what it is doing to maintain stability in the region," says Vladimir Vuletic, a sociologist.

By the end of the year, Belgrade will host the Turkish president, in early 2018, the French - and quite possibly, Donald Trump, by the end of 2018. And while some think the visit would be historic, others fear that it would not be quite favorable for our country.

"On the one hand this could mean - Trump will come if we surrender Kosovo, renounce the Serb Republic, and do everything that has been demanded of us for a long time. There is also the renouncing of the friendship with Russia," said Zeljko Cvijanovic, a journalist.

However, the arrival of the US president could also speak about some changing tendencies in the US foreign policy.

"That would mean that in America, Trump had managed to overcome the so-called deep state - and after that, managed to make some sort of detente in the world," explains Cvijanovic.

Along with the announcement of the possible visit of the US president, Serbia received the confirmation of the visit of the new French president.

With the arrival of these leaders, Serbia would round off visits by world leaders from the East and the West. But Donald Trump's official visit could also change the negative view of US leaders that a part of the public in Serbia has had for almost two decades.


Governments of Serbia and RS to hold joint session (Tanjug)

PM Ana Brnabic announced on Thursday that a joint session of the governments of Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS) will be held in Belgrade on November 10.

"Regional cooperation is the main priority of the government of Serbia, and it is especially important with the RS," she said in Belgrade, during a forum on harmonization of business conditions in South East Europe.

According to her, many joint projects are being implemented, and one of the most important is the bridge over the Drina River between Ljubovija and Bratunac, where a border crossing should soon be opened.

Brnabic expects that the two governments will receive concrete proposals from the business sector by the time the joint session is held, on how the economies of Serbia and the RS can better cooperate.

As one of the examples of good cooperation in the region, she cited NALED's project to certify local self-governments as favorable business environments in Europe, in which Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Croatia are participating, while work was being done to include Albania.

Brnabic said that more than 80 local governments are participating in this project, and that they have harmonized and defined their business standards.

RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic also took part in the forum, and emphasized that regional cooperation meetings are useful for harmonizing regulatory frameworks whose unevenness often hampers economic flows.

She assessed that the harmonization of regulations with Serbia is of great importance for the RS, but that the RS also has to do that within B&H, as there are many problems in practice between the two entities.

"The obligation of the administration of both countries is to recognize the good ideas of the businesses and the non-governmental sector and to integrate them into regulations that will benefit all," said Cvijanovic.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Mogherini, Hahn meet leaders of Western Balkans, confirm support to EU perspective of region (Nezavisne)

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn held a meeting with leaders of Western Balkans on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.

The joint statement of Mogherini and Hahn reads: “We have confirmed once again, strong support of the EU to the perspective of the EU enlargement to Western Balkans which was recently expressed by EC President Jean-Claude Juncker during his annual speech on the state of the EU at the beginning of this month”.

They stressed that in accordance with this, the EU intensifies its support to all partners in order for them to achieve progress. EU officials underlined their satisfaction with the fact that regional leaders have confirmed their dedication to increased work on reforms, especially in sectors of judiciary, rule of law, regional cooperation and good neighborly relations.

The meeting was attended by Chair of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Dragan Covic, Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, President of Albania Edi Rama and Macedonian (FYROM) Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

Statement issued by Covic’s Cabinet reads that on this occasion, Mogherini and Hahn have underlined that the EU is intensifying support to all partners in order for them to reach realistic goals and so that their progress would become irreversible until end of their mandates. Following this meeting, Covic held bilateral meetings with Mogherini and Zaev.

Covic also met President of UN General Assembly Miroslav Lajcak, whom Covic informed about adoption of the Reform Agenda for period 2015- 2018, whose goals are compatible with goals of the Development Agenda 2030. He also said that B&H expects assistance in carrying out of the Agenda, especially through instruments of international cooperation. B&H Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak, who is also in New York, attended the working breakfast organized by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), on which occasion he underlined importance of adoption of the Transport Community Treaty and importance of cooperation and connecting in the Western Balkans, as key factors for accelerating European reforms.

The working breakfast was attended by Foreign Ministers of the Western Balkans and Commissioner Hahn, who in his introduction speech, opened the discussion on the projects that were adopted at the Trieste Summit.  Hahn also confirmed that he will attend meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Western Balkans, which is to take place at the end of November or beginning of December in Trebinje.


Platform of B&H delegation in UN GA does not read that there is no consensus on membership in NATO (RTRS)

Addressing the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chair Dragan Covic did not speak about NATO. However, RTRS learned that the platform for appearance of B&H delegation does not read that there is no consensus in B&H on membership in the Alliance. This sentence existed in the last year’s platform. RTRS did not get reply from the Office of Serb member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic who was asked to confirm if the platform was harmonized by B&H Presidency and if it reads that there is no consensus in B&H on membership in NATO. Reporter wondered who removed the key sentence that reflects the real situation in B&H on opposing stances on NATO and who decided that such consensus exists in B&H, although the RS follows military neutrality of Serbia. State MP Dusanka Majkic (SNSD) said that it is clear that someone expected that it will go unnoticed, or it was done on purpose to hide the truth. State MP Momcilo Novakovic (NDP-PDP) said he doubts that Ivanic accepted such platform and added that the he is sure that there is no consensus on NATO membership in B&H. Reporter noted that the platform of B&H delegation for appearance before UN General Assembly reads that the registration of prospective military property is a technical question and not a prime political question that touches the essence of the Dayton Peace Agreement.


Opposition in RS calls on Dodik to resign (TV1)

Opposition parties in Republika Srpska (RS) stated on Thursday that a decision to suspend a decision on referendum on work of the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) shows that RS President Milorad Dodik capitulated. According to leader of SRS Milanko Mihajlica and member of NS Goran Djordjic who addressed media in Banja Luka on Thursday, Dodik showed in this way that he will do anything, including cooperation with western centers of power, to keep himself in power. Djordjic stressed that Dodik has capitulated, because he gave up on basic commitment of SNSD – independence of the RS.

The opposition in the RS argued that Dodik mentions referendums for political purposes and that he tricked citizens with the aforementioned referendum, just ahead of the elections. The opposition called on Dodik to resign. They underlined that Dodik should resign because he betrayed institution of referendum and humiliated the RSNA. Djordjic stressed that Dodik should address the RSNA and convince representatives why it is necessary to suspend decision on the referendum.


Ambassador Cormack: There are many different statements about postponement and suspension, but not about annulling of decision on referendum (Dnevni list)

US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Maureen Cormack stated that the US Government has been conducting long-term, consistent and clear policy towards B&H, respecting the Dayton agreement and inviolability of its borders. Commenting statement of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, who, according to the article, said the RS and Serbia will become one in the future, Cormack said the US Government’s position regarding borders of B&H is unchanged. Answering a question regarding publication of the decision on referendum about the Court of B&H and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H (in RS Official Gazette), Ambassador Cormack said one could hear many things about postponement and suspension, but not about annulling of the referendum. “I think that all these are distractions, to divert attention from what is most important in this country, which is opening of new jobs and what citizens really need”, said Ambassador Cormack.


Dodik: RS does not oppose construction of Peljesac Bridge (BN TV)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik met with Ambassador of Croatia in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Ivan Del Vechio in Banja Luka on Thursday. Among other things, Dodik expressed hope that issue of construction of inter-stat bridge over Sava River in Gradiska will be resolved very soon. He reiterated that the RS does not oppose construction of the Peljesac Bridge, because Croatia has right to construct infrastructural objects at its territory.

B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic commented Dodik’s statements and underlined that Dodik’s support to Croatia is shameful, because he expressed this support without considering interests of the RS. Mektic went on saying that if Dodik’s intentions towards the RS were good, he would support resolving of all border line disputes between B&H and Croatia, because it would resolve border line problems in the RS municipalities located near border with Croatia. Mektic also stressed that in case the Peljesac Bridge is constructed before the border issue between the two countries is resolved, it will be very difficult to reach an agreement with Croatia on border line in the western part of the RS. B&H Minister of Security underlined that Dodik should not have expressed support to this project without approval of competent the RS institutions.




Croatian Prime Minister addresses UN General Assembly (Hina)

In his address before the United Nations General Assembly yesterday, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, emphasized Croatia's drastic transformation since achieving independence and becoming a member of the United Nations 25 years ago.

Prime Minister Andrej Plankovic noted that Croatia has transformed from a country receiving aid, to one that now provides aid to others. The PM also voiced Croatia's strong support of the reform of the United Nations, a position held by more than 120 other member states.

Addressing the border arbitration with Slovenia, Plenkovic said that it was vital for future international arbitration cases, that international law be respected, and reminded that Croatia will not support the arbitration court ruling in light of the fact that Slovenia had been caught in a material breach of the court's fundamental principles.

With regard to neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prime Minister Plenkovic said that the international community had to ensure the equality of all three constituent peoples, Bosnian Muslims, Croats and Serbs. The PM also spoke about education, youth employment, terrorism, environmental protection and sustainable development.


Cerar cancels visit to Zagreb after Plenkovic's speech in NY (Hina)

Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar said on Thursday that he had cancelled his meeting with his Croatian counterpart Andrej Plenkovic, scheduled for 27 September in Zagreb, after the Croatian premier said in his address to the United Nations General Assembly earlier in the day that Croatia had had to withdraw from the compromised border arbitration with Slovenia, due to "undermining of international law" which discouraged other countries from settling their disputes with the help of third parties.


Plenkovic: It would be very bad if it proves to be true that Croatian officials and business people were being wire-tapped by the Bosnian Intelligence and Security Agency (HRT1)

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that it would be very bad if it was true that Croatian and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Croat officials and business people were being wire-tapped by the B&H Intelligence and Security Agency (OSA) and added:

“I expect a thorough report by our security agencies, before everything. I spoke with the director and as soon as I get back from New York, we will go to Zagreb and this will be one of the most important things that we will discuss. I repeat this, B&H is the closest country to us, in geographical way, Croats are a constituent people in B&H. We had seven visits to B&H in the last 11 months and we will continue in that tempo. What I want is, if there is anything that needs to be further discussed concerning the Peljesac Bridge, we will do it. It is being constructed on the territory of Croatia and we have already discussed many things and I believe that an agreement can be made. I believe that this is a stance of some of the parties in B&H and not the stance of the B&H officials and that nuance is very important. This is the biggest project in Croatia, at this moment, and it will be co-funded by the EU…The case of the surveillance of the Croatian officials is not good, and it is something that we will condemn if proven to be true. But, for now, I do not have all the information and cannot comment in any concrete way.”




Vujanovic at UN GA: Montenegro contributes to peace and security (MINA)

Montenegro actively contributes to preserving peace and security in the region and puts good neighborly relations and regional cooperation in the Balkans at the top of its foreign policy agenda, President Filip Vujanovic said in his address at the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. He also said that Montenegro was strongly committed to the values of the United Nations. According to the President, as one of the newest members of the United Nations, Montenegro actively contributes to maintaining peace and security in the region.


“Good neighborly relations and regional cooperation in the Balkans are on the top our foreign policy agenda. We are strongly committed to multilateral cooperation and affirmation of the international organizations that contribute to the peace and stability,” Vujanovic said. He also pointed out that it was of great importance for Montenegro that it became the 29th member of NATO.

“As a member of the Alliance, we will continue to improve its cooperation and partnership with the UN peace-keeping missions and regional organizations dedicated to establishing and maintaining the peace and stability,” Vujanovic said. As he put it, Montenegro has proved to be a reliable partner of the European Union. Accession negotiations have already ensured significant economic benefits. He also called to mind that international community is faced with the complex challenges such as long-term conflicts, terrorism and violent extremism, refugee crises, systematic violation of human rights, poverty.

“The United Nations, which is established to prevent war and human suffering, should make more rapid adjustments to respond to these challenges and adopt new mechanisms to prevent conflicts and resolve long-term crisis,” the president said. As he assessed the United Nations and international as well as regional economic organizations have new responsibilities. He added that Montenegro remained dedicated to the UN efforts in implementation of the ambitious reform agenda, including the strengthening of the role of the General Assembly an enlargement of the Security Council according to the principles of equitable regional representation.


Vujanovic called to mind that Montenegro was a part of the region whose experience has shown that dialogue and cooperation are possible and that they are the only way to overcome the differences and achieve peace and lasting solutions. “Therefore, we will organize, early next year, a regional conference, in order to share our experience and help in defining new mechanisms for conflict prevention and resolution,” the president announced.

Efforts aimed at prevention of terrorism must be focused on its causes, he said.

“It is a particular responsibility of the countries from which the terrorist threats origin, but the international community should also offer necessary help. Therefore, we highly appreciate establishing of the Office of Counter-Terrorism at the initiative of the Secretary-General, which will enable a strong leadership and connection between the UN and its members in preventing conflicts and terrorism,” Vujanovic said.


Montenegro unequivocally supports the efforts aimed at non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.  The Non-Proliferation Treaty is a foundation for improvement of the global stability.

“Montenegro strongly condemns nuclear weapons tests conducted by North Korea as an act that violates international obligations determined by the Security Council resolutions and poses a serious threat to global peace and security,” Vujanovic said, adding that our country supports diplomatic efforts aimed at calming down current situation and call on North Korea to fully respect its international obligations.


The President also said that Montenegro strongly supported the negotiations on new international accord on climate changes. “Paris Agreement on Climate Changes is a foundation for further efforts in preserving a long-term stability of the climate system,” Vujanovic assessed. The President pointed out that respect for human rights was a precondition for peace, stability and development. “Full implementation of the international standards and norms relating to promotion and protection of human rights is the obligation of each country. Being committed to the multilateral system of protection and promotion of human rights, particularly the most vulnerable groups, we attach special importance to the poverty eradication and fight against discrimination,” he said.

He also emphasized that Montenegro attached special attention to: strengthening the position and role of women in society and prevention of violence against women; child protection and development; fight against discrimination of LGBT population and persons with disabilities.

“I am certain that improvement of human rights protection and respect recommends Montenegro for a candidate for membership to the Human Rights Council 2022-2024. This was also confirmed by the High Commissioner for Human Rights who said that Montenegro was one of the 33 UN members that sent regular reports on the implementation of the international agreements concerning human rights,” Vujanovic said.

He also said that enormous needs for offering humanitarian assistance to the civilians in conflicts and natural disasters obliged the United Nations to reinforce mechanisms for humanitarian aid.

“Therefore, Montenegro has invested significant efforts this year to ensure appropriate legislative and strategic framework for planning and implementation of control and financing of the international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance,” he said.

President Vujanovic also attended the reception organized by US President Donald Tramp on the occasion of the 72nd sitting of the UN General Assembly. As Vujanovic’s office stated, the president thanked Tramp for the support to Montenegro, particularly when it comes to NATO membership.


Jovanovic arrested, Bulatovic released pending trial (CDM)

A member of the Democratic People’s Party (DNP) Nikola Jovanovic and Vladimir Bulatovic, a nephew of DF official Predrag Bulatovic, were arrested on suspicion of being members of a criminal group allegedly formed by PzP leader Nebojsa Medojevic. Bulatovic was interrogated in the Special State Prosecutor’s Office, after which he was released pending trial.

“The special prosecutor declared the proceedings classified, so the content of my speech is very restricted. I do not understand why the proceedings are secret, but I respect that. My client meticulously denied everything he is charged presenting facts supporting his claims. Therefore, I think that charges against him cannot be sustained, and I believe that this will be shown in the further proceedings,” said Bulatovic’s attorney Dragan Soc.

DF official Predrag Bulatovic gave a statement to the press, pointing out that he did this not because he was a politician, but because his nephew Vladimir, the son of his eldest brother, was in custody and under media pressure only because he was his uncle.

“He has no guilt except the fact that one of opposition leaders Predrag Bulatovic is his uncle. He is a decent and honest family man, working in a private company as an economist. He is father of two and can be considered as an honorable citizen of Montenegro. While I am giving this statement, all media in Montenegro wrongly published his name, but were correct when releasing that I am his uncle. I will not comment on the fact that his hearing before the prosecutor all but started without the presence of his attorney, although Dragan Soc gave an explanation of that matter yesterday,” Bulatovic said.

The DF official says he knows that Milo Djukanovic is behind this case. As he put it, Djukanovic is at the top of the pyramid and his executor is Milivoje Katnic.

“What is shameful is the fact that they have resorted to attacking young people and our family members. I know that Katnic is bothered by the fact that I was among the first to work on the dismantling of his state coup. This is the message for him and Djukanovic – stay away from our children because they are innocent. Attack us, the DF officials you are bias about, I’m at your disposal. It would be a great honor for me to be prosecuted by Djukanovic and Katnic on the basis of application of their laws. They will not be able to make any of us give in,” said Predrag Bulatovic.


As a reminder, Democratic Front official Iva Pavlovic, the DF Official Slaven Radunovic’s son Luka Radunovic and a New Serb Democracy (NOVA) Petar Draskovic were also arrested. The arrest warrant was issued by special state prosecutor Lidija Vukcevic on suspicion of being members of a criminal organization dealing with money laundering. Pavlovic was released pending trial. After the hearing, she that the only sin she was charged with was the fact that she was a part of the Movement for Changes (PzP) and DF.

“I spent the night in custody like a criminal. As a man with unstained personal and professional reputation, I am suffering probably for being a decent and honest Serb,” Draskovic said.


This is an extension of the investigation into money laundering the Special State Prosecutor’s Office is conducting against the PzP leader Nebojsa Medojevic and several other officials of that party. In addition to the arrested, the list of suspects contains the names of the PzP leader Nebojsa Medojevic, businessman Momir Nikolic, PzP director Dejan Vujisic, technical secretary of the party and Medojevic’s brother in law, Zeljko Scepanovic, and local foreign currency dealer Gordan Konatar. The investigation also included five street foreign currency dealers – Milos Mrva Gvozdenovic, Dejan and Violeta Buskovic, Zeljko Pejovic and Radovan Scekic.



PM Zaev to address UN General Assembly (MIA)

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is set to address the 72nd United Nations General Assembly and meet UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York on Friday. PM Zaev is accompanied by Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov at the UN General Assembly. Over the past few days, Zaev took part at a number of events and held series of meetings with European Union top officials and countries' leaders. Besides meeting with UN's Guterres, PM Zaev will also deliver an address at the Columbia University discussion "A Fresh Start for the Balkans: Democratic renewal and environmental recovery in line with the Sustainable Development Goals".


Hahn to Zaev: Continue to work democratically on the commenced reforms (Meta)

Continue to work democratically on the commenced reforms, what you will achieve is important for the prospects of your country and the entire region, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn said at the meeting with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at the 72nd General Assembly of the United Nations in New York. Hahn assessed the government’s initiatives for good neighborhood and regional cooperation as useful in the process for integrating the entire Western Balkans into the European Union and NATO.


At the meeting, Prime Minister Zaev stressed that the Government is actively focused regarding the realization of the “3-6-9” plan and the activities that are needed to be achieved the Euro-Atlantic goals of the country.

“We will round off the first phase according to the deadline, by the end of September. We have the report from the EU expert, Reinhard Priebe and his suggestions will be taken into account in the second part of the plan that we are already working on. We have been working hard, inclusive, including citizens, civic organizations, political parties, we will make current friendships stronger and build new ones with neighboring countries and internationally. We expect a step forward into the European integration in the autumn, by removing the conditional of the recommendation, and then we will have a date for negotiations”, Zaev said at a meeting with Han, the government’s press said in a statement.

At the meeting, Zaev and Hahn also discussed the open possibilities for Macedonia’s economic development, through the increased interest of domestic and foreign investors.

After an hour meeting with Hahn, the Prime Minister and the leaders of Western Balkans attended a dinner organized for them by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, at the headquarters of the EU Delegation at UN.


FM Dimitrov at working breakfast with Western Balkan colleagues and EU Commissioner Hahn (MIA)

On the sidelines of the 72hd UN General Assembly in New York, Macedonia's Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov had working breakfast with his Western Balkan colleagues, EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn and Regional Cooperation Council Secretary General Goran Svilanovic. The gathering addressed the regional cooperation and the progress for implementing the activities under the Berlin Process, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.

Dimirov also addressed the 2017 conference on facilitating the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, condemning inter alia the activities of North Korea under its nuclear program. Furthermore Dimitrov held separate talks with Andorra Foreign Minister Maria Ubach and OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger.

Dimitrov and Greminger discussed on the new government's reform efforts. In this respect Greminger offered the OSCE assistance and commended the fresh enthusiasm for bringing the country back on the path of democracy.

Dimitrov also had a meeting with Greek counterpart Nikos Kotzias, focused on the confidence building measures between the two countries and the process for settling the name dispute.


US-British expert team to assist in drafting Strategic Defense Review (MIA)

Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska welcomed Thursday a US-British expert team set to assist in the preparation of the Strategic Defense Review (SDR), which determines the structure and directions for the development of institutional and operational capabilities of Macedonia's Ministry of Defense (MoD) and the Armed Forces. The preparation of the Strategic Defense Review is one of the priority tasks of the Ministry of Defense, Sekerisnka said and asked for advisory assistance to that effect, MoD said in a press release. In the next few days, the US-British expert team is scheduled to meet the main coordination group for SDR preparation, the press release reads.




Bushati – Hahn: To fulfill Trieste Summit commitments on Regional Economic Area (ATA)

Albania’s Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati attended Western Balkans Foreign Ministers meeting with European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn hosted by the Regional Cooperation Council on Thursday, in the frame of the 72nd Regular Session of UN General Assembly in New York.

The meeting focused on implementation of commitments taken at Trieste Summit and the Regional Prime Ministers meeting hosted by Albania’s Premier Rama in August, in particular, the Action Plan on establishing the Regional Economic Area.

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FM Bushati praised the role and commitment of Commissioner Hahn to establish the Regional Economic Area which, he added is considered a facilitating route to our European project and is neither an alternative project nor a substitute.

FM Bushati praised the annual speech on the State of the European Union of President Juncker and emphasized the clear enlargement prospect of Western Balkans. Referring to structuring regional co-operation, which has been substantially expanded in recent years, Bushati underlined the importance of a fair and equitable distribution of regional organizations’ headquarters in all countries as well as highlighted the need for scheduling activities within the framework of Western Balkans cooperation at all levels.




Apostolova: Association of Serb Communes should be set up in compliance with the Constitution (IBNA)

The EU ambassador to Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova has said that the institutions of Kosovo must set up the Association of Serb Communes in compliance with the laws of Kosovo and ruling of the Constitutional Court. She has guaranteed the heads of the institutions of Kosovo that the Association will not lead to a parallel structure of Serbs in Kosovo.

“The EU chief of diplomacy, Federica Mogherini has declared in front of the Parliament of Kosovo that the EU doesn’t expect the Association to act as a parallel structure, but a structure which will integrate Serbs in the institutions of the country. So, we are dealing with a win-win situation”, she said.


Slovenia PM Calls off border talks in Croatia (BIRN)

Only a day after the Croatian and Slovenian leaders agreed to meet in Zagreb to discuss their border dispute, Slovenia's Mirko Cerar has cancelled the visit over his counterpart’s UN speech. Slovenian Prime Minister Mirko Cerar on Thursday said that he was cancelling his visit to Zagreb after his Croatian counterpart, Andrej Plenkovic, told the UN in an address that Slovenia had “compromised” international arbitration of their dispute over the Piran Gulf.


In June, the Permanent Court of Arbitration awarded a bigger portion of the gulf to Slovenia. However, Zagreb rejected the verdict, and called for bilateral talks to solve the matter.

On September 27 the two prime ministers agreed to meet to discuss the dispute over the territorial waters between Croatia and Slovenia in the Piran Gulf in Istria.

Cerar, however, stated that the meeting was now impossible as Plenkovic had “officially” told an international audience that Croatia views the court's arbitration process as compromised.

“We remain open for dialogue, but only if Croatia accepts the arbitration ruling and expresses a willingness to cooperate in its implementation,” Cerar told RTV Slovenia.

Addressing the UN General Assembly on Thursday, Plenkovic said Croatia rejected the Court of Arbitration’s ruling on the sea border in Istria because of its “compromised impartiality”.

“Compromised impartiality ... means that the rulings are legally null, which has left Croatia no other choice but to withdraw from the arbitration process,” Plenkovic said.


In 2015, a Croatian daily, Vecernji list, published recordings of unauthorized phone conversations between Jernej Sekolec, the Slovenian judge on the court, and Simona Drenik, the representative of the Slovenian government. During the conversations, which were not permitted, Sekolec revealed confidential conversations between the judges, predicting that the court would award Slovenia up to 75 per cent of the waters of the Piran Gulf, as Ljubljana has been demanding. Croatia's government and parliament then called the entire process “compromised” and “contaminated”. “We believe that this example of disregard for the rule of law discourages states from resolving disputes before a third party,” Plenkovic told UN General Assembly.

The dispute between Croatia and Slovenia over the maritime waters on the Istrian peninsula dates back to the break-up of Yugoslavia. It resulted in Slovenia temporarily blocking Croatia’s EU accession talks in December 2008.