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Belgrade Media Report 25 September



Vucic, Guterres discuss dialogue with Pristina, Serbia’s EU accession (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met in New York, on Sept. 22, with U.N. Secretary-General Antonion Guterres, to discuss the Belgrade-Pristina talks, the situation in the region and Serbia's accession to the European Union (EU). Vucic said that Serbia believed the U.N. to be one of the most important international organizations in the context of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and that its importance would grow during Guterres's term, the Serbian presidency said in a press release.

"The U.N. is a place where even small countries can voice their position equally," the Serbian President said. President Vucic also praised UNMIK's activity in Kosovo and Metohija, noting that the UNMIK presence was of vital importance for Serbia, since the U.N. framework, based on the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244, guaranteed the neutrality of the international presence in the province," the presidency went on to say in a press release.

The U.N. secretary-general underlined that he was monitoring Serbia's progress and welcomed an initiative to launch an internal dialog on Kosovo. Guterres also voiced his gratitude for the participation of Serbian soldiers and police officers in U.N. peacekeeping missions. Vucic's meeting with Guterres was his last in New York, and he used the opportunity to invite the U.N. secretary-general to visit Serbia, the presidency released.


Vucic: EU, regional stability, dialogue with Pristina are Serbia’s priorities (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at a Sept. 22 meeting with Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Elisabeth Millard that Serbia's foreign policy priorities included integration with the European Union (EU), regional stability and a dialog with Pristina, which should identify a long-term solution that both sides would be equally satisfied or dissatisfied with.

President Vucic also briefed the State Department's senior official on the results of national economic reform, and Serbia's efforts to attract more American investors, the Office of the Serbian President reported. Vucic and Millard also noted a positive trend in the bilateral relationship.

Millard asked Vucic to explain the torching of the U.S. embassy during protests against Kosovo's independence in 2008, and the murders of the Bytyqi brothers in 1999, but she said that her country fully supported Serbia's EU accession, and that it was prepared to assist Serbia in the integration process, the Office said. Millard said that Serbia had a positive and constructive role in the region, and that for Washington it was very important to maintain and develop stability, creating conditions for fresh foreign investment.


SNS Decided to Hold Local Elections in Belgrade in December (VIP, Kurir, Danas, Blic)

Local elections in Belgrade are expected to be held in December, Belgrade media reported on Sunday, citing sources from the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). Preparations for the elections were announced by Serbian President and SNS leader Aleksandar Vucic, in his address to members of the party in private meeting. Information about the SNS meeting appeared only on the website of the pro-regime daily Informer, on Sunday. A brief report stating that 2,700 SNS members attended the rally, said that following Vucic, the rally was addressed by Minister of Interior Nebojsa Stefanovic, who, as president of the Belgrade Board of the SNS, announced that the elections in the capital could be held already in December.

Vucic had previously told the SNS members to start the campaign for the local elections already on Monday, and to win it. He said that these are the last elections in Belgrade that he would take part in with a SNS list that will bear his name: SNSAleksandar Vucic.

The SNS campaign for the Belgrade elections will not be spearheaded by a single person as the mayoral candidate, but rather there will be a team for the capital, Danas reported.

The previous elections in Belgrade were held in March 2014, along with the parliamentary elections, and March 2018 is the deadline by which they must be held again. However, there have been speculations about them since the presidential elections in April 2017.

Precise date of elections still unknown: Belgrade media cited sources in the SNS top leadership and reported different dates in December when the Belgrade elections might be held.

The newspaper Kurir reported on its website that the elections that the elections would be held on December 3. The daily Alo reported on its website that the Belgrade elections would be held on December 10 and that the meeting of the ruling party’s top leadership met on Saturday and passed a final decision on the local elections in Belgrade. Blic reports that the elections could be held on December 10, adding that Stefanovic mentioned this date as one of the possibilities at the SNS meeting.

“Stefanovic pointed out this option as one of the possible options, while Vucic had still not arrived at the meeting. When Vucic came they mentioned this date and he said that he had nothing against it, and that it was up to the Belgrade Board and Stefanovic to decide what and how, and that they would have his support. Vucic neither said that the elections would be held then nor that they would not,” Blic reported, citing sources for the SNS.

“The party leadership is still considering the precise date of the elections. Whether it will be the 3rd, the 10th or the 17th of December will be decided following additional consultations and studies that are being done about party ratings in the capital,” said Blic’s source from the SNS.


Vucic: It's not a good idea for the Belgrade elections to be held in December, but I will not oppose it; No UN seat for Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he is not sure that the best solution for the elections in Belgrade is that they are held in December, but that he will not oppose the position of the party colleagues. “I told them not to be afraid of the campaign, and that they have nothing to be ashamed of, because more has been done in Belgrade now, than in the last 15, 20 years and there is no problem for the election list to carry my name”.

President Vucic said that he still "would not bet" on Kosovo becoming a UN member state.

"I am almost certain that the membership is not going to happen" Vucic told reporters.

“Except in the case we reach some agreement, but the agreement cannot be reached, if someone thinks that Serbia should lose everything, and Albanians should get everything. I think the things that absolutely clear – it won’t happen" the President said.


Vulin: No Kosovo army, everyone should stick to international law (Blic)

Belgrade was fiercely against the formation of Kosovo Armed Forces (KAF) and in reaction to Thaci’s statement, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Saturday that Serbia expected of all parties involved to stick to regulations of international law and signed contracts that guarantee peace and security in the region of Kosovo.

“Kosovo army will not be formed in the region of Kosovo. In the region of this Serbian province there is only one armed force – and this is KFOR. I also said in NATO headquarters that formation of Kosovo army would be completely unacceptable for us and that we would stick to the UN Resolution 1244”, Vulin emphasized. He was in NATO headquarters on Friday and he would visit Moscow on Monday.

“Whenever Thaci does not know how to explain high unemployment in Kosovo or people are running away in thousands from the southern Serbian province, or why he has to implement regulations from Brussels Agreement, which are certainly against Kosovo independence, he remembers KAF. This is his way to show courage, his greatness, but in essence this is just another way of speaking about what will not happen”, Vulin said.


Russian NGO teams up with Kosovo Office to assist Serbs (Tanjug)

The NGO Russian Humanitarian Mission, in cooperation with the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, will start helping Serbs in Kosovo.

Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) Office Marko Djuric and the NGO's regional head Branimir Nesic signed on Monday in Belgrade a memorandum of cooperation in realizing humanitarian and charity programs. According to this memorandum, the Russian Humanitarian Mission, in cooperation with the government, will offer Serbs in the province assistance in the fields of education, health and welfare.

On this occasion, Djuric emphasized that it was natural for Serbs and Russians to work together in the fight for the survival of our people in Kosovo, and that it was symbolically and essentially very important to us that the Russian Humanitarian Mission had become involved in helping our people in Kosovo and Metohija in an organized way.

Djuric added that this was a reputable and serious international humanitarian organization that brings together significant donors from all over Russia. "It gathers eminent people, intellectuals, people of influence, and it is good that they are interested and engaged in helping our people in Kosovo and Metohija," Djuric said.

According to him, a whole series of joint projects and activities have been agreed on for this and the next year, including investments in hospitals, schools and other systems that are vital for the survival of our people in Kosovo and Metohija.

"I call for universal solidarity with regard to KiM, as well as on humanitarian organizations from other countries to join us, because the fight for KiM, the preservation and survival of Serbs and other vulnerable peoples in KiM, is a civilization value of all those who advocate for general principles of freedom, humanity and human harmony and solidarity," Djuric said.

He added that Serbs and Russians are known for having always been on the side of those who advocate for what is right and for justice, and against oppression of every kind - and the difficult position that the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija continue to face to this day.

Branimir Nesic pointed out that with the signing of the memorandum, the Russian NGO was officially commencing, together with the Office, work in three directions - education, health care, and assistance to the socially vulnerable population.

"We hope we will improve the lives of our people and all those who live in KiM by joining forces, and that it will become a better place to live," said Nesic.

According to him, the Russian Humanitarian Mission works with the help and support of the Russian state and other funds, in three regions of the world - in the Balkans, in Central Asia, and in the Middle East.


Vucic: Fate of Europe depends on success of Merkel and Macron (Tanjug)

Serbia's European integration depends on the success of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emanuel Macron, says Aleksandar Vucic. Commenting on the results of Sunday's elections in Germany, the Serbian President said that "many things will be changing in Europe."

"The fate of Europe depends on the further success of Angela Merkel, but also of Emanuel Macron. The success of Europe depends on their success, and if you will, so does our European path," Vucic told reporters. Vucic also said that "things in the world are getting complicated" while "Serbia should dedicate itself to working on internal issues, to avoid appearing on anyone's radar. I need more time for us to analyze all the results and see what is to be done. Not to be on anyone's radar and at the center of a crisis," Vucic said.  He added that "it will not be easy for Merkel" - but that she is "a great leader" and thus he assumes she would succeed in forming the next German government "with the Greens and the Yellows."


Police blockade of Belgrade explained as “Overall traffic control” (VIP)

All accesses to Belgrade, including the highway, bridges and crucial traffic crossroads were under police blockade on Friday evening and all vehicles were controlled and searched, Belgrade-based electronic media reported.

Such police operation is usually done in case of murder and the public immediately spread the news that the leader of an opposition party had been assassinated. The news turned out to be false.

Serbian Interior Ministry (MUP) announced on Saturday morning that Belgrade and Prijepolje police implemented an overall traffic control with the goal to find wanted persons, narcotics, illegal firearms and items that were connected with committed crimes. The results of the operation with information including what was found, however, were never announced although the media requested them.

The police also announced that such operations on the territory of all police districts would continue in the future in order to maximally protect citizens. However, this caused protests of some opposition parties, which believed that this was a demonstration of force and intimidating of citizens.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dodik: US Ambassador Cormack is not abiding by rules of diplomatic behavior (N1)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated on Friday that US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Maureen Cormack is not abiding by the rules of diplomatic behavior and that he is becoming tired of commenting on her behavior. Namely, Dodik was asked by the media to comment on Cormack’s statement that referendum on work of the Court of B&H and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H should be cancelled and that cancelation of the US sanctions introduced against Dodik requires permanent commitment to future. In this regard, Dodik said Cormack’s behavior carries “certain malice” because it attempts to bring suspension of referendum in connection with the sanctions that, in his opinion, Cormack dictated the US to impose on him. Dodik stressed that "referendum was not scheduled nor is it being postponed because of Cormack or her embassy." Dodik further said that Cormack is evidently violating the basic principles of foreign policy of the new US President who often says that the US will not interfere in internal issues of other countries.


No necessary majority in B&H Parliament to support adoption of set of laws on excise duties (N1)

EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn has warned Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leaders that B&H will lose the EU funds allocated for construction of motorways and the Brcko Port unless a set of laws on excise duties is adopted by the end of September. However the B&H Parliament does not plan to convene a session in the next 30 days, not even due to this warning sent by the official Brussels.

“We call on B&H leaders to take all possible measures in order to ensure adoption of the set of laws on excise duties, in order to launch these projects”, Hahn stressed in a statement. Hahn’s statements confirms the recent statement of RS Minister of Transport and Communications Nedjo Trninic, who told N1 that realization of the projects approved in Trieste will require adoption of the set of laws on excise duties. Reporter commented that the whole issue about excise duties will have to be reconsidered, although the attempt to increase the excise duties on fuel with an aim to finance the construction of roads in B&H has failed in the B&H Parliament four times so far. Commenting on this issue, B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Deputy Chairman and B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic (SDS) still claims that regardless of the need to pass the set of laws on excise duties, there is no necessary majority in the B&H Parliament to support the adoption. Reporter reminded that increase of excise duties on fuel is also one of the conditions to get the money from the loan arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


Opposition in RS decides to organize “Assembly of the RS People” (TV1)

Due to the fact that they are dissatisfied with the outcome of the last session of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (NA), when police physically prevented them from taking part in the session, representatives of the opposition in the RS decided to organize ‘Assembly of the RS People’ on Monday, September 25. Representatives of the opposition in the RS stressed that they want to discuss current issues with the citizens, noting that the RS authorities are afraid of that. Opposition leaders called on the citizens to attend the gathering in Banja Luka and learn the truth about the regime in the RS.

SDS leader Vukota Govedarica recalled that they were prevented from taking part in the last session of the RSNA and from discussing items that were on the agenda. “I do not see a problem in the opposition organizing a gathering and speaking the truth about the regime at that gathering,” Govedarica stressed.

PDP leader Branislav Borenovic emphasized that they were unable to state their opinion about key reports, which speak about the situation in the RS. “Through the assemblies of the people, we want to establish direct communication with the citizens and tell them what we wanted to do in the RSNA, what is written in the audit report and what are the key areas which we want to deal with,” Borenovic underlined. Borenovic noted that key issues for the opposition are economic issues, demographic issues and issues related to the pension system of the RS, as well as fight against corruption and crime.

Commenting on the announcements, SP RS leader Petar Djokic reminded that the RS opposition has already started non-parliamentary activities when they aggressively tried to cease the RSNA’s work and violated the rules of procedure. “Announcement of a new form of non-parliamentary battle will again end up in the opposition’s failure”, Djokic stressed.  He added that the RS authorities are always ready for communication with citizens, reminding that they made possible for the opposition to organize a rally in Banja Luka last year.


Dodik: RS opposition’s action is no problem as long as it remains in framework of political presentation of opinion, using violence or in street is problem (RTRS)

Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that the RS opposition’s action is not a problem as long as it remains within the framework of political presentation of opinion on what is happening. However, Dodik warned that it is a problem if the opposition tries to act using violence or in the street. Dodik advised the opposition not to try to demonstrate such action. Dodik underlined that the RS is a democratic society where everyone has the right to determine political action in the manner they think is the best. The RS President added that the opposition had the opportunity to do so in the RS National Assembly (RSNA), as the only legitimate people’s assembly. He assessed that the opposition tried to bring the RSNA in question with the intentions to introduce chaos in the RS and then to accuse the authorities of being incapable to enable functioning of institutions.


Investigation and public hearings announced (Nezavisne)

Member of the Joint Commission for Supervision of the Work of the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Predrag Kozul (HDZ B&H) has announced an investigation and a public hearing of OSA officials, due to OSA B&H’s alleged illegal wiretapping of Croatian officials and entrepreneurs.

According to daily, Kozul - who is also MP at the level of B&H - is convinced that the OSA is being misused, and that Minister of Security of B&H Dragan Mektic has committed a criminal act of abuse of office and publishing classified information.

At the same time, member of the Joint Commission Damir Becirovic (DF) said that he would like someone to explain to him how and when the OSA B&H had done something that is not in line with its responsibilities. “I would be glad to hear my colleague Predrag Kozul demanding interrogation in connection with this issue, and I hope that management of ‘Aluminij’ will be interrogated as well”, Becirovic said.

Member of the Joint Commission who has recently resigned from this post, Sredoje Novic (SNSD), said that public hearings make no sense at all. “It is obvious that the ruling majority has neither strength nor will to do anything. First, we had a problem with Serbia and the RS, and now with Croatia. Is it possible that OSA has declared war on everyone in our neighborhood? It is obvious that the Executive Board of OSA wants this agency to work as a service of certain political structures”, Novic said.

First Deputy Chairman of the Joint Commission for Supervision of the Work of the OSA B&H Barisa Colak believes that the Executive-Intelligence Board should meet as soon as possible and discuss the situation. He added that he can convene the session, but the law prescribes that it has to be presided over by someone from the opposition. Furthermore, Colak concluded that if someone has violated the law in this case, those persons have to be held accountable for their actions.

Another member of the Joint Commission Sadik Ahmetovic said that the Commission should meet as soon as possible and establish if the law has been violated, as that is Commission’s main task. “Even though Chairman of the Commission Nikola Spiric has been removed, I do not think that OSA is without proper supervision. The Executive-Intelligence Board, composed of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of B&H and his two deputies, should definitely present its stance as well, while maybe even the Presidency of B&H should give a political assessment (of the issue)”, Ahmetovic said.

SDA’s representative in the House of Representatives (HoR) of the Parliament of B&H Semsudin Mehmedovic believes that some MPs are acting as spokespersons of neighboring countries. “If Croatia believes that some of its officials have been wiretapped, then Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic or President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic should send an official note and we in B&H will discuss it”, Mehmedovic said.


B&H will be the host of a NATO exercise titled “Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017” (TV1)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will be the host of a NATO exercise titled “B&H 2017’ in Tuzla Canton (TC) as of Monday. Around 1,300 persons will take part in the exercise, 700 from B&H and around 600 from 34 world countries. B&H Ministry of Security and the NATO’s Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) will organize the event that will last until September 29.

B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic stated that the NATO exercise will be a chance to train B&H resources for new skills and new ways of addressing disasters and removal of consequences of natural disasters. Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic expressed his full support to the NATO exercise. Zvizdic assessed that the international character of the exercise contributes to strengthening of the system of mutual coordination and in his opinion, organizing of the exercise is in the interest of all citizens. He underlined that the exercise will improve work of all services and enable response to possible disasters. Minister of Interior of the Tuzla Canton Husein Topcagic said: “Holding of this exercise is one of our last tests prior to the admission to NATO”.

Professor at the Faculty for Security in Belgrade Darko Trifunovic shared a similar opinion and told the daily that the exercise is one of many pieces of puzzle on B&H’s journey towards NATO. Trifunovic said that the alleged opposing of the RS is merely “a show for public” because former Serb member of B&H Presidency Nebojsa Radmanovic already signed the consent for activation of MAP. Trifunovic claimed that USA wants to bring B&H and Serbia to its own “front yard” through NATO because of energy interests and he explained that USA intends to construct natural gas pipeline from Israel through Greece, Albania, Montenegro and B&H to the terminal on Krk in Croatia.

Deputy Minister of Defense of B&H Boris Jerinic said that claims on this exercise being an introduction to the admission to NATO are the result of lack of information. He explained that the exercise has been planned a long time ago and will be beneficial for civil structures of authorities in case of natural disasters.




President Grabar-Kitarovic: I am victim of orchestrated attack from B&H, by people who do not want the country in EU (Jutarnji list)

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic comment on criticism against her coming from parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) society and political circles, and the fact Reis Husein Kavazovic accused her of ‘malicious campaign’ by saying that nobody is advocating membership of B&H in the EU the way she personally and the Croatian Government do it, arguing “there is absolutely no campaign against B&H”. On the contrary, said the President, she uses every opportunity to highlight the European and Euro-Atlantic path of B&H.

“From these recent events, I cannot escape impressions that me personally, and Republic of Croatia, are under orchestrated attacks coming from people who simply do not want to achieve membership in the EU and NATO”, said Grabar-Kitarovic adding she will send a reply to Kavazovic, whom she exceptionally respects. President Grabar-Kitarovic further noted she believes B&H should make bigger progress towards EU membership, also believing that previous international community’s initiatives have not been strong enough and that B&H should be given a clear Euro-Atlantic perspective. She went on to say that well-being of all three constituent peoples and other communities are in her interest, and that “B&H must be a sovereign state of equal, constituent peoples”.

Asked to comment on the journalist’s remark that many people in B&H are angry with her because she often stresses there is security threat coming from B&H, Grabar-Kitarovic says she never identified it with Bosniaks or teachings of Islam.

“Unfortunately, aim of this campaign is to create that very public perception, which I absolutely reject”, said President Grabar-Kitarovic.

Asked to comment on opposition of part of political scene in B&H to construction of the Peljesac Bridge, the President says is opposition is “absolutely pointless”, arguing that the bridge will be constructed because it will connect territory of Croatia and territory of the EU. She added the bridge will be built in line with all international standards and conventions.


Slovenia Expects European Commission to Pressure Croatia (

Slovenian Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec said he expected strong pressure from the European Commission on Croatia, after Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic’s recent speech at the UN in which he accused Slovenia of not complying with international law.

Plenkovic said in his speech to the UN General Assembly on Thursday that Croatia had to leave the border arbitration proceedings with Slovenia because Slovenia had compromised them, warning that such “non-compliance with international law” would discourage other states from settling disputes with the help of third parties.

The Slovenian Foreign Minister said that, after Plenkovic's speech, “it is evident to every Slovenian that dialogue with Croatia is impossible.”

“The arbitration agreement was signed under the aegis of the European Union. European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans offered his help if there was no agreement with Croatia on the implementation of the arbitration decision. I think our next step will be to inform him about what happened in New York,” said Erjavec in an interview with the Slovenian public television. He added that the European Commission had a number of instruments to ensure that states which do not respect the rule of law are persuaded to behave differently.

“We know what the EU is doing with regards to Poland about the judicial reform implemented by its government. The European Union can freeze European funds to countries which behave in such a manner, but I think that, in the case of Croatia, a stern phone call to Zagreb will be enough,” said Erjavec. According to him, Croatia’s cooperation is necessary for the arbitration decision to be implemented, although Slovenia can “achieve some things alone,” by adopting laws in the Parliament which were announced by Prime Minister Miro Cerar for later this month.

Due to Plenkovic's speech, Cerar has cancelled a scheduled meeting with Croatian Prime Minister in Zagreb on Wednesday. They were supposed to discuss the resolution of the Croatian-Slovenian border dispute.

Ljubljana believes that the arbitration decision is the final solution for the dispute which should be implemented, while Zagreb is seeking a new bilateral solution to the border dispute that the two states have been burdened with since the collapse of former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s.


Opposition: Instead of Quiet Diplomacy, PM Provokes Slovenia (HRT)

Instead of quiet diplomacy at the UN, Prime Minister Plenkovic had managed to provoke the Slovenian side, opposition MPs charged in parliament on Friday. "This is an issue that 99.9 percent of the people there do not understand and it is perfectly clear that the only possible outcome was that Slovenia would pull out of the talks," said Vesna Pusic of the GLAS party. Domagoj Hajdukovic of the SDP said the Prime Minister had committed a diplomatic faux pas. "It was an absolutely unnecessary provocation. Of course, Mr. Cerar took advantage, I would have done the same," Hajdukovic told the chamber. The HDZ's Miro Kovac said that it was worth repeating that Croatia had a legitimate reason to exit arbitration.

"We, who were the victims of the conduct of our neighbors, are being portrayed as the perpetrators. We respect international law, but we cannot recognize a decision that was based on a corrupted process. We must drive this point home," Kovac said defending the PM's speech.




Danilovic with Palmer: Opposition to agree on common presidential candidate (CDM)

The opposition should agree on a single presidential candidate who could be a common solution of all the opposition entities and the best political response at the moment when opposition leaders barely communicate with each other, said the leader of the United Montenegro political movement Goran Danilovic at the meeting with the Matthew Palmer, Director for South Central European Affairs at US Department of State.

“Montenegro is too small for such a large and radical division, which is of both political and economic. We want the unification of all potentials to build a common house for the future. In this regard, we strongly advocate the unity of the opposition the entities of which are in conflicts to the extent that we are unable to create a common resistance to the Democratic Party of Socialists. The differences between us are obvious, but the process of understanding within the opposition must begin. Everything that divides us should be put aside, at least for certain period, and the best alternative to the parties in power should be offered,” Danilovic said.

During the meeting, he pointed to the particularities of his movement and the basic objectives it will follow in the future.

He told Palmer that, in addition to appeals for the reconciliation of the Montenegrin and Serbian people in Montenegro, with the respect of all minority peoples and communities, the United Montenegro will dominantly address everyday issues: employment, development of the neglected North, social and health security for all citizens.


Markovic to opposition: The matter of election will be opened if there are discussions (CDM)

Prime Minister Dusko Markovic is ready to enter into discussion with the opposition, but only with the institutions of the system.

“The call is open for dialogue with the opposition. I’ve been calling to dialogue since November 28th, but they’ve been boycotting the institutions for which they were elected to respect. They are sitting in their private offices collecting taxpayers’ money”, Markovic said. He underlined the responsibility the opposition needs to consider.

“The door is open. We will not respond to ultimatums – date of the new elections, than discussions. No. Return to the institutions and let’s have a dialogue which will open the matter of the elections”, he was clear.

EU representatives have also been underlying the importance of constructive, parliamentary discussion in the midst of the current political situation.


Vujanovic in New York: Montenegro gets UN support (Pobjeda)

Montenegro will continue to be a reliable member of the UN, responsibly participating in all its activities and programs, said Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic in New York at a meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Gutieres.

As Vujanovic’s office stated, the president expressed his commitment and respect for the work of the representations of specialized UN agencies in Montenegro. He added he was convinced that the partnership with them will be successfully continued.

Vujanovic underscored the UN support to reforms presented by the secretary general. They are supposed to provide a greater impact and more effective position of the UN system amid numerous global challenges.

In this regard, the president expressed satisfaction with the meeting of the UN member states that supported a stronger role of the Secretary-General in implementing this vision of the UN’s activities.

The UN Secretary General expressed his belief that Montenegro will continue its committed and responsible UN member-state relationship and emphasized the respect for the support he received from Montenegro for projection of a stronger position of the UN in response to the global challenges the international community is facing with.



Zaev: Our goal is to restore democracy and accelerate integration into NATO and the EU (Meta)

The Government of the Republic of Macedonia confirms its commitment to basic democratic values, good governance, the rule of law and respect for human rights, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at the 72nd General Assembly of the United Nations in New York.

Zaev concluded that apart from the adjustments on a global level, it is necessary for each country to commit itself and solve domestic issues.

“We have overcome a deep political and institutional crisis through our decisive views in defending these bases. Our understanding of democracy is that it should be governed by civil engagement. Our goal is to restore democracy, build professional and independent institutions and improve the standard of living for the people. Our goal is to accelerate the integration of Macedonia into the EU and NATO”, said Zaev. He added that Macedonia is actively contributing to stability and cooperation in the region.

“The 1995 Interim Accord laid the foundations for normalizing the relations between Macedonia and Greece. Currently, both countries are implementing confidence-building measures. This is a very positive development. We have a new motive to overcome this longstanding bilateral dispute”, said Zaev. The Prime Minister added that the main goal is to resolve the problem.

“I strongly believe that we have to use the momentum, to talk openly and honestly to solve the problem for our mutual future. We immensely appreciate the continued efforts by Matthew Nimetz, the UN Special Representative. I firmly believe that there is a way to overcome the problem that Greece has with our constitutional name. For a change, let’s try to approach it from a positive point of view”, added Prime Minister Zaev.

At the end of his speech, Zaev said that Macedonia will continue to work with all UN member states, to strengthen world peace and security together, and to improve human rights.


Zaev: I expect by next year proposals for the name, now we are not discussing essential issues (Meta)

At the moment, we are building friendly relations with Greece and strengthening the trust between the two sides in order to be friendly for the moment when the serious name dispute should be resolved, answered Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at the conference where he shared his impressions from the participation of the 72nd General Assembly of the United Nations in New York.

Regarding the name dispute, the prime minister also said that he would not discuss the fact that Greek Foreign Minister, Nikos Kotzias briefed Greek journalists, but only added that they discussed with him that the two countries were friendly.

“At the moment, the two countries are building confidence measures that can be helpful when the moment comes to discuss the issue. There was no discussion of essential issues, I am now not ready to discuss issues related to identity. Greece has visited one million of our citizens, it is truly worthwhile to make efforts for Macedonia to move towards Euro-Atlantic integration”, added Zaev.

Regarding the change of the name of the airport, he said that “the comments went too far” and that at this time, no provocations from the Macedonian side will be permitted.

“We need to be ready to solve the problem, because it means an automatic invitation for NATO membership and the beginning of negotiations with the European Union”, said Zaev.

He informed that next spring, the EU will discuss giving opportunities to the countries of the Western Balkans to start the negotiations.

“By next spring, I want Macedonia to be one of the countries that will start the negotiations for EU membership. By then or by the middle of 2018 it is logical to expect new ideas about the name from the mediator Matthew Nimetz”, said Zaev.


Parliament will continue to work after the elections, Xhaferi wished for a peaceful and successful campaign (Meta)

After the break at 15:00, Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi, interrupted the 15th session while the Law on the Use of Languages was being discussed, and therefore terminated the work of the Parliament until local elections on October 15th.

Xhaferi said he is fulfilling the promise that during the election campaign, which begins on Monday, Parliament will not work to prevent any influence on voters from the parliamentary rostrum.

“After six days of fruitful and successful debate, I decided that we will have a break. As I announced, Parliament worked until the start of the election campaign for the local elections”, Xhaferi added. He wished for a peaceful and successful pre-election campaign for all participants involved. He congratulated those in advance who will win mandates and wished successful and fruitful work after the elections.

After a six-day debate, the 15th session on the Law on the Use of Languages will continue after the local elections.

“As a result of the debate, it turned out that for the interest of the citizens, or should I say, part of the citizens, that there is a need for adopting the appropriate law that is regular procedure, which I hope will continue with a successful, fruitful and constructive debate”, said Xhaferi.

The debate on this item in the previous continuations of the session took place in a tense atmosphere, as MPs of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE believe that the law is unconstitutional, that it is the result of a political agreement of the ruling coalition and that there are no arguments for the law to be marked with a European flag.

However, from the ruling SDSM, they say that the proposed Law on the Use of Languages is not unconstitutional, but in accordance with Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, and promotes the use of all languages of non-majority communities and opens a chance to build a society for all.


Hot week with trials for Gruevski, Zaev and Talevski (Meta)

On its schedule for this week for this week, the Criminal court in Skopje has a tough agenda of hearings for cases such as “Fortress 2,” “Ransom,” “Slaps” and “Transporter” that are causing great interest among the general public. Three of these cases based on charges filed by the Special Public Prosecution. The following people will have to appear on the accused bench: the SDSM’s party leader and Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, VMRO-DPMNE’s party leader and former Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski and the mayor of Bitola, Vladimir Taleski.

This week coincides with the first week of the start of the local election campaign.

The Agenda of the hearings is the following:

26th of September (Tuesday) – The hearing for the “Fortress 2” case will have to be continued where the prime suspect for destroying the documentation of the equipment used in the illegal wiretapping is the former Head of the Fifth Administration, Gran Grujovski, who is a fugitive. The judge in this trial is Lidija Petrovska.

27th of September (Wednesday) – The trial in the case of “Ransom” will continue, where the Basic Public Prosecution for Organized Crime and Corruption is charging Prime Minister Zoran Zaev that he has asked for a ransom in the amount of 200.000 euros from a businessman from Strumica in order to legalize a parcel. The judge in this trial is Dijana Gruevska – Ilievska.

28th of September (Thursday) – The party leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski, the former Minister of Transport and Communications, MP Daniela Rangelova and 11 more people are charged with the violence that occurred in front of the Municipality of Centar in June 2013. The judge in this trial is Tatjana Mihajlova.

28th of September(Thursday) – The trial for the case of “Transporter” where SPO is charging the mayor of Bitola, Vladimir Talevski and other 21 persons for misuse of the tenders for transportation of pupils in Bitola. This has caused damage to the municipality’s budget in the amount of 300.000 euros. The judge in this trial is Lidija Petrovska.




Prime Minister Edi Rama meets with UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres (ATA)

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres met with H.E. Mr. Edi Rama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania on Friday, UN press statement says. The Secretary-General commended Albania for integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into its National Strategy for Development. They exchanged views on the political and security situation across Western Balkans. The Premier along with senior UN officials focused on Kosovo, its membership to UNESCO and to other international organizations.


“No additional condition to Albania for opening EU accession negotiations”, says Fleckenstein (ATA)

European Parliament’s Rapporteur on Albania, MEP Knut Fleckenstein stated that there are no other additional conditions set to Albania and that the reforms there are under implementation.

Writing on the social media, Fleckenstein emphasizes: “No additional condition!” Further on, he writes, “That was my message, which I left behind when I visited Albania as rapporteur for the European Parliament.”

He writes that the situation of Albania was at the focus of discussions with the president of the Republic, with the president of Parliament, the chairmen of the political groups and the ministers for internal affairs and justice, and with the ambassadors of the EU member states.

Likewise, Fleckenstein emphasizes that, “If the reforms in the country continue to be pursued the accession negotiations should be opened in the first half of 2018. The people in Albania hope for it, and they deserve it. The opening of negotiations begins a multi-annual process of rapprochement. The duration of the negotiations depends on the implementation of many reforms, but people will see: we in the EU want to make progress. A hard way. We help!”




Serbian Rightists Hail AfD's Strong Showing in Germany (BIRN)

After the far-right Alternative für Deutschland, AfD, celebrated its strong performance in Sunday's German elections, Serbian rightists have hurried to send their congratulations.

Right-wing Serbian nationalists have lined up to congratulate the far-right AfD in Germany, which secured 13 per cent of the vote in Sunday's general election and entered the Bundestag for the first time. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was re-elected for a fourth time - but her Christian Democrats, the CDU, scored their worst result since 1949.

Sending his “personal congratulations for the results to the leader of AfD, Alice Weidel," the head of the small far-right National Freedom Movement, Miroslav Parovic, said on Sunday: "We are small party, but from Athens to Berlin and from Paris to Moscow, we now have friends in positions that can help Serbia.”

During the spring presidential elections in Serbia, the National Freedom Movement received support from the AfD, whose representatives participated in rallies of the movement's presidential candidate, Parovic.

One of the AfD leaders, Markus Frohnmaier was a speaker at an event of the National Freedom Movement held in the town of Smederevska Palanka on March 26.

“We will jointly build the Paris - Berlin - Belgrade - Moscow axis and I look forward to our future meetings, and there will be a lot of them in future,” he said on the YouTube channel of the Movement. A right-wing, Eurosceptic party, the AfD is best known for its strident opposition to immigration. It saw its fortunes rise on the backs of hostility to Merkel's controversial decision to allow about a million migrants fleeing the Syrian war to enter Germany.

Sunday’s election saw the far-right party become the third largest political force in Germany, with around 90 seats in the Bundestag.

“Today, after the elections in Germany we expect another crack in the walls of the dungeon of the people,” Goran Davidovic, leader of the neo-Nazi National Machine stated.

Along with another member of his group, he is being tried in absentia in Serbia for initiating national, racial and religious hatred and intolerance.

Bosko Obradovic, head of the more mainstream right-wing Dveri party, which has seven MPs in the Serbian parliament, also sent his greetings to the AfD.

“All congratulations to our friends from the AfD. See you in Bundestag and in Belgrade. Move on. It is time for the Alternative for Serbia,” he wrote on Twitter on Sunday.

Obradovic was guest of the AfD in March 2017, ahead of the Serbian presidential election in April. His host was Jörg Moyten, one of the leaders of AfD, who agreed with Obradovic on the importance of family values and the fight against “Brussels commissioners”, as well as the protection of state borders during the time of the migrant crisis.

During the meeting, the head of Dveri invited AfD representative to visit Serbia.