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Belgrade Media Report 23 October 2014




Vucic congratulates  the Serb List on victory (Tanjug)


The Serb List declared victory at the local elections in all municipalities with a Serb majority in Kosovo and Metohija, and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic congratulated them on their victory.  “I wish to greet you all, to congratulate you on the huge success, to say that our people in Kosovo and Metohija has once again demonstrated that it can fight for its survival, but also for the country of Serbia, that it can fight when it is most difficult, when it is pressured from the outside and in all other ways,” said Vucic on the phone, while followers and gathered citizens listened to him over the speakerphone of Marko Djuric’s phone.  “I also wish to tell you that I am proud of you for protecting the rights of Serbs to survive on their homes and for protecting the interests of the Republic of Serbia. I wish to tell the people in Kosovo and Metohija that it has done this only because it is strong and united, and a big thanks to all activists. I congratulate Goran Rakic in Mitrovica, but I also congratulate all others in all 10 municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija, and those who wished to disunite and defeat us didn’t succeed,” said Vucic.

“You can see from my voice how happy I am tonight, perhaps equally, and perhaps even more than each of you. Some, it seems to me, do not seem to understand the significance of this victory. Many wished to topple the Serb List after the parliamentary elections. The united Serb approach and united Serb List have once again demonstrated that they cannot be defeated easily. Kosovo and Metohija is part of Serbia,” said Vucic. ​


Djuric: Great victory for entire Serbian nation (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric stated last night that the victory of the Serb List is a great victory for the entire Serbian nation, for Serbia, unity and survival of our people in this region, who have suffered so much in the previous decades, but also represents a big responsibility for all people who received people’s trust and the trust of the state. “We will control and help more than ever so things can be as they really need to be, for this unity of our to turn into our strength so we can stay and to have a better life in Kosovo and Metohija. We will never give up from considering Kosovo and Metohija not only our cradle and our soul, but also the heart of Serbia,” said Djuric. He says that this convincing victory of the Serb List would be the greatest victory in absolute numbers achieved by the Serbs since 1999 in this region had dozens of thousands of Serbia from Serbia proper would have been permitted to vote, but they were not. “Many of them were prevented to exercise their voting right and many had to undergo harassment for hours at the administrative line, and I wish to thank from here, the heart of Kosovska Mitrovica, to the entire Serbian nation because solidarity of every Serbian citizens who is setting aside from his/her income for the survival of our people, enables for the heart of Serbia to survive here in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Djuric.


Drecun: Upcoming period decisive for resolving status of Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


The unity of the Serbs in southern province has been once again confirmed with the victory of the Serb List in all Serb majority municipalities at the local elections in Kosovo and Metohija, the Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). “In the upcoming period we will be facing decisive moments in the battle for resolving the Kosovo status so it is important that we are united. When you are united you have strength,” said Drecun. “The Serb List came out from full unity with the Serbian President, government in Belgrade, and it seems to me the Serbs opted for the Serb List because they know that this way the policy, created in Belgrade, will continue,” stresses Drecun.

He points out that this way, with the participation of Serbs in the provincial assembly, but also at the level of the local authority, they will prevent passing of unilateral laws that are against the Serb people. “The space is being closed where the Albanians can maneuver, search for a leadership that will have more understanding for Pristina’s interests than for the policy that they need to conduct with Belgrade. We have now entered a phase when the Serbs, with joint performance with Serbia, will be able to raise the quality of life of our citizens in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Drecun. He also wondered why eighteen lists took part in the elections if one knows that the Serb List is acting with the Serbian government and that this is direct presence of the state of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija. “If you know that, why are you forming some list of yours…why not get closer to the Serb List,” wondered Drecun.


Vulin congratulates Serb List (RTS)


Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin congratulated the Serb List on victory in Serb majority municipalities at the local elections in Kosovo and Metohija. “The victory of the Srpska is proof that nothing and nobody can stand between the Serbian government and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. With the victory of Srpska, the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are firmly holding their destiny in their hands. Just as we had said the first day when we established the Srpska, today you vote for the Srpska, tomorrow you are creating the Ruska,” reads the congratulatory note.


Jeremic becomes leader of newly founded party (Tanjug/B92)


The People’s Party (Narodna Stranka) has been founded in Belgrade; former Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic has been elected as the new party’s leader. At the Founding Assembly, in the presence of 352 delegates, Jeremic was unanimously elected as the party’s president.

Also unanimously, the gathering elected Miroslav Aleksic as first vice president, and Sinisa Kovacevic, Sanda Raskovic-Ivic, Svetozar Ciplic, Zdravko Ponos, and Nikola Jovanovic as vice presidents. The delegates also adopted the program and the statute of the People’s Party. Among the program principles are - a modern and developed economic policy, the rule of law and independent institutions, reconciliation between the national and the civil in Serbia, as well as the country's military neutrality. The manifesto also includes a demand for depoliticization of the security apparatus in Serbia, as well as the need to adopt a law on lustration.

Speaking at the gathering, held in Belgrade’s Hotel Metropol over the weekend, Jeremic promised the party would fight against the regime - which he described as being alienated from the people - and said the upcoming but still unscheduled local elections in Belgrade would be a chance for the first big opposition victory since 2012. According to Jeremic, this victory will occur if reasonable people unite.




UK Embassy: RS Assembly cannot decide on accession to NATO (Oslobodjenje)


The UK Embassy to B&H has stated that the Republika Srpska (RS) Assembly is not in charge of passing decisions related to foreign and defense policy, or about accession to international organizations, such as NATO. “Those issues fall under exclusive jurisdiction of institutions at the state level of B&H,” reads the statement the UK Embassy. Statement is actually a reaction to the RS Assembly’s decision to pass the Resolution on Military Neutrality of the RS in relation to the existing military alliances. The Resolution, also reads that the RS’ territory cannot be alienated in any way contrary to the Constitution and laws; furthermore, the Resolution reads that the RS will coordinate its future status with Serbia as the Dayton Peace Agreement signatory state. “The Law on Defense of B&H obliges relevant institutions to carry out activities necessary for accession to NATO,” reads the statement issued by the UK Embassy to B&H.


Erdogan about  “Bosnia as inheritance to Turkey” (Vecernji list)


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed a meeting of the International Civilization Council in Istanbul and that he spoke about his visit to Alija Izetbegovic in hospital, one day prior to Izetbegovic’s death. According to Erdogan, Izetbegovic told him: “Tayyip, you are descendants of Sultan Fatih, this area is yours as inheritance, so take care of it”. Erdogan continued: “How can we now abandon Mostar? How can we abandon Drina? How can we now abandon the Sultan Fatih mosque there? Of course we will not abandon it. Those are all monuments that are crown of our civilization. The fact that he gave Bosnia as inheritance to Turkey is a manifest of his civilization horizon. Because Alija saw and knew that Muslims can only achieve their civilization thought if they are united and in solidarity with others,” said Erdogan.


Dodik deems Erdogan's statement as unacceptable and dangerous for peace and stability in B&H (N1)


Commenting the statement by President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, RS President Milorad Dodik said that this statement is unacceptable and dangerous for peace and stability in B&H, as well as that it reveals all neo-Ottoman ambitions of Turkey in the Balkans. Prior to the statement by the President Erdogan, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic also said that his father Alija Izetbegovic entrusted the President of Turkey with taking care of B&H. Dodik reminded the "forgetful Istanbul brothers", as he called Bakir Izetbegovic and Erdogan, that two of the three constituent peoples in B&H got to know Islam in the most brutal manner.

SNSD's Stasa Kosarac stressed that B&H is not owned by one family. Kosarac underlined that he expects B&H Presidency to react to Izetbegovic's statement and the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs to react to Erdogan's statement. "I expect from a B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs and a (Serb) member of the B&H Presidency to send a protest note given that such stances are anti-Dayton and that they do not contribute to reconciliation of peoples in this country. Those stances deeply offend the interests of the RS and the Serb people in B&H," Kosarac underlined.

Delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Mario Karamatic wondered whether Bosniaks really need a tutor and whether Bosniak politicians, including those from SDA, are politicians with special needs. Karamatic said that this can only hurt SDA in the political and every other sense given that this could mean that Alija Izetbegovic believed that there is absolutely no one in SDA who could continue to lead B&H.

Leading Bosniak intellectual Muhamed Filipovic underlined that Alija Izetbegovic was not the owner of B&H so that he could entrust someone to take care of it.

SDP also reacted to the claim of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and called on him to show his loyalty to the Turkish President by giving him all his personal assets.


Cavic: Policies of Dodik and Vucic are completely opposite (N1)


Representative in the RS Assembly and NDP leader Dragan Cavic commented on relations between political actors from B&H and Serbia. In this regard, Cavic reflected on relations between RS President Milorad Dodik and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, assessing that policies of these two officials are completely opposite. Cavic briefly elaborated by saying that, unlike Dodik, Vucic’s policy focuses on peace and stability in the region, recognition of countries in the region, and good neighborly relations where the Serbian President is open for communication with B&H leaders. The NDP leader stressed he agrees with Vucic’s stance that relations of Serbia and the RS should be based on Agreement on Special Parallel Relations, just like he agrees with his stance that Serbs and Bosniaks should establish serious dialogue for the sake of better future of the whole region. According to the NDP leader, Dodik only seeks his political interests in relations with Vucic trying to become a factor in political events in Serbia.


Ferguson: Judiciary in B&H may be facing too much political influence (FTV)


FTV analyzed the issue of political influence on work of judicial authorities in B&H in the context of indictments and investigative activities involving high-ranking politicians and businessmen. According to FTV, both politicians and businessmen are prosecuted in other countries in the region, while there are no such major indictments or investigations in B&H. This threatens to affect reputation of judiciary in B&H. For instance, RS President Milorad Dodik was not included in the indictment in the case of the RS’ Day referendum although he incited to activities for holding the referendum, despite B&H Constitutional Court (CC)’s ban on it.

UK Ambassador to B&H Edward Ferguson stated for FTV that judiciary in B&H may be facing too much political influence, while judicial officials lack skills to deal with the most complex cases. The ambassador reminded that political actors in B&H would have to work on opening chapters on judiciary in the European integration process, which are always most difficult for every country.


Plenkovic, Covic push for equitable election system in B&H (Hina)


The leaders of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) parties from Croatia and B&H, Andrej Plenkovic and Dragan Covic respectively, who met in Zagreb on Sunday, underscored the importance of supporting high-quality relations between Croatia and B&H as well as the amending of B&H's election legislation to ensure the equality of the Croats with the other two constituent peoples. Following the meeting, Plenkovic stated that it is important for HDZ Croatia to have fair election system in B&H and to result in election of legitimate representatives of all three constituent peoples. Therefore, he said, it is necessary to pass decisions in following weeks that will be in line with several court decisions. Covic stated: “I believe we will find enough wisdom in B&H, with assistance of friends, to harmonize election legislation with decisions on constituency of B&H Constitutional Court. On one hand to hold elections and another hand to protect legitimacy and legality of election of B&H Presidency members and B&H parliament.”


By the end of 2018 all chapters opened (Pobjeda)


President of the Board for European committees and MP of HGI Adrijan Vuksanovic spoke to Pobjeda daily and stated that he expected all negotiating chapters were opened by the end of 2018. “It is much more important that the whole society prepares for obligations Montenegro would have once it becomes a full-fledged member,” Vuksanovic said. EU has continuously demonstrated that Western Balkans has a European perspective, and it is necessary we keep up the pace of reforms. President of EC Jean Claude Juncker recently stated Montenegro and Serbia would join EU together by 2025. Vuksanovic said Montenegro is making great progress, and 28 chapters have been opened, while 3 temporarily closed.


Montenegro and its reforms a role model for other countries (CDM)


The reforms implemented by Montenegro are not only successful, but can serve as an example and a role model for other countries, former European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso told Prime Minister Dusko Markovic. Markovic expressed satisfaction because he met Barroso in Montenegro, particularly on the occasion of a prestigious event such as the Global Citizen Forum 2017. The PM presented the results achieved by government booth in foreign and internal policies, as well as Montenegrin strategic plans concerning investments, reforms and integration aimed at raising the standard of living of citizens. Jose Manuel Barroso congratulated Markovic on quality and comprehensive reforms and especially on the successful process of European integration. He said that there was no dilemma our country would be the next EU member. “I can not specify whether it will be before 2025, but I hope that Montenegro will become a member as soon as possible. I noticed that the state administration has capable people who are able to meet all EU criteria,” Barroso told reporters.


Zaev: The parliamentary majority will be strengthened with opposition (MIA)


The parliamentary majority will get strengthened because there are many candidates and honest men among the opposition that do not agree with the policies of division, nationalism, and antagonism. This is what the Prime Minister and party leader of SDSM, Zoran Zaev have said during the visit to Shtip as part of the campaign for the second round of the local elections.

When he replied to a question posted by a journalist about rumors about Zijadin Sela’s Alliance of the Albanians exit from the government coalition, Zaev said that SDSM is confirming its coalition with DUI and that SDSM has an understanding about the coalition of the Alliance of Albanians with Besa for the second round of the local elections, but that Sela has confirmed that he is staying in the government.


Sela: Alliance of Albanians will not leave government (MIA)


Leader of the Alliance of Albanians Zijadin Sela denied Friday the claims that his party would leave the government's coalition after the local elections. Sela said the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) had been spreading such speculations as part of the party's campaign for the local elections run-off. He also notified that his party 'is the main pillar and guarantor of the government's reforms'.


Russian Embassy: Government did not give accurate information about the meeting between Zaev and Ambassador Shcherbak (Meta)


The Russian Embassy reacted in writing to a statement made by the Macedonian government yesterday regarding the meeting between Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Russian Ambassador Oleg Shcherbak. The Embassy of the Russian Federation in the country argues that the government’s statement did not convey the exact messages from the Russian ambassador addressed to the Prime Minister. “The embassy informs that the text of this announcement is not in line with the Russian side and does not represent a completely correct reflection of the separate assessments that were made during the conversation by the Russian ambassador. At the same time, the Russian side confirms its commitment to a comprehensive and constructive promotion of traditionally friendly relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Macedonia,” reads the statement. A statement from the government press service said that Zaev and Shcherbak’s joint assessment was that the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of the country were not and should not be an obstacle for the development of bilateral relations between Macedonia and Russia, especially since both countries have a position on a sustainable system of security in the world. This, according to the government press service, was the joint assessment of today’s meeting between Prime Minister Zoran Zaev with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Macedonia, Oleg Shcherbak. The Russian Ambassador, as he states in the government statement regarding the meeting, congratulated Prime Minister Zaev’s energetic commitment and his contribution to the democratic processes that move Macedonia forward and expressed respect for the policies that will lead to Euro-Atlantic integration of Macedonia, as well as the promotion of relations with others states. Macedonia government spokesman Mile Boshnjakovski says that the government of Macedonia has expressed its position about the meeting in a press release.

"The government of the Republic of Macedonia has no tendency to align positions in view of press statements about such talks."


Venice Commission, Gianni Buquicchio: Criminal situation in Albania alarming (ATA)


The criminal situation in Albania is alarming. This declaration was made on Sunday by the head of the Venice Commission, Gianni Buquicchio, who recently visited Albania. "Corruption is an ugly phenomenon in all aspects, in justice, politics or in public administration. Unfortunately it exists in all countries, but in some countries as Albania it is found in all sectors," said Buquicchio. According to the Venice expert, criminal situation can be fight only through the judicial reform, that's why he urges for an immediate implementation.  "The vetting process has not started yet. Albanians cannot wait anymore to have independent judges," said Buquicchio. He warned that without independent judges, Albania cannot have foreign investment.


Basha accuses Rama for defending criminals (ADN)


Democrats believes that Premier Edi Rama, guarantee the criminals that they will never be attached. The leader of the opposition, Lulzim Basha, in a public reaction after the meeting of Rama with the police officers this Sunday, declared that he supports criminals, those connected with the former minister Saimir Tahiri and crime's interest.  "Edi Rama made it clear that he decided to sacrifice Government, the integration and the future of the country to support the crime," declared Basha. According to him the real situation in the police stations all over Albania is being clearly demonstrated in the wiretapping made by the Italian Police. Rama has responded to the allegations levelled by DP head, Lulzim Basha, that he is obstructing justice over the request of prosecution office for stripping the MP Saimir Tahiri off immunity.

In a posting on his facebook, Rama pens that all he wants is justice and fight against crime. PM Rama also asks Basha to bear in mind that all he wants is nothing but the truth, while the head of the opposition is eyeing the power. “All I want is justice, all you want is power! I want justice, you want to put up a show! All I want is fight against crime, you want to play politics with crime,” PM Rama writes. Earlier Saturday, the DP head Lulzim Basha accused Rama of standing in the way of justice.




What are the odds of Croatia mediating between Russia, the EU and NATO? (Sputnik)

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has just wrapped up her three-day visit to Russia, where she pledged that Zagreb might help Moscow, NATO and the EU put their relations back on track. Serbian and Russian political analysts offered Sputnik their opinions on the issue, saying that Serbia has far more chances to become such a platform.

At the joint news conference with President Putin after their meeting in Sochi on Wednesday, Croatia's head of state emphasized that her country "is a member of the European Union and NATO, which respects the international importance of Russia and therefore seeks to give a new impetus" to bilateral relations.


Just before the trip, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said that Croatia can become a mediator between Moscow and the aforementioned blocs as it is "still impossible to address many issues on the global stage without Russia."

Serbian political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic, however, explained to Sputnik Serbia how Croatia's membership in the EU and the North Atlantic alliance can play against the initiative.

"There could be a simple conflict of interests, and it is hard to expect that Zagreb could [then] become an objective mediator," he said.


The expert recalled that the capital of his home country, Belgrade, is also seeking to become a platform for negotiations between Russia and the blocs and gave his arguments in its favor: political analysts regard the relations between Russia and Serbia as strategic partnership, while Serbia is also in process of accession to the EU and has politically correct relations with NATO. In other words, it is in between Russia and the West, which gives it a particular advantage.

There is a free trade agreement between Russia and Serbia; the two countries are also involved in military cooperation, which involves not only regular military drills but the supplying of Russian weaponry to the country on preferable terms. On Friday, Serbia demonstrated six MiG-29 fighter jets it got from Russia for free and will only pay for their overhaul and modernization.

Dragomir Andjelkovic also recalled that unlike Croatia, which has introduced and supported anti-Russian sanctions, Serbia refuses to resort to punitive measures and has been repeatedly criticized for it by the West.

"If Moscow agrees that a NATO member state may become a mediator between it and the West, it would signal to countries like Serbia that it makes absolutely no sense to remain neutral," the political analyst concluded.

In a separate comment on the issue, Irina Rudneva, a senior expert with the Center for the Study of Modern Balkan Crisis at the Institute of Slavic Studies in Moscow, provided Sputnik with her assessment of Croatia's chances.


The country, she explained, is not a regional leader and does not enjoy any wide influence; that is why there are simply no pre-conditions for it to become a moderator.

"There is one more factor which also plays a certain role. Croatia is intensively developing its contacts with Ukraine and certain Ukrainian politicians want to use Croatia's experience for the reintegration of Donbass."

Irina Rudneva apparently referred to 1995 Operation Storm, which killed hundreds of Serbs and forced 250,000 to flee central Croatia.


The expert nevertheless pointed out that the three-day visit of the President of the country, which fully complies with European policies and supports anti-Russian rhetoric and anti-Russian sanctions, might indicate certain changes in the EU.

"Europe is interested in renewing its cooperation with Moscow and Zagreb is sensing this 'wind of change.' We now see that German business wants to strengthen its relationship with Russia, and Croatia, which also regards Germany as its key partner, has rightfully interpreted the message. The fact that minor states of the European Union start acting like this is the best evidence that Russian-EU relations are changing for the better," Irina Rudneva concluded.