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Belgrade Media Report 08 November



Vucic to EU Ambassador: EU a priority, Community 1670 days behind schedule (Tanjug/Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at a meeting with Head of the EU Mission to Serbia Sem Fabrizi that EU membership was Serbia’ priority, and that his country would do everything to join the European family, but that for the Belgrade-Pristina talks to continue, the groundwork should be laid first for an agreement to set up the Community of Serb Municipalities. “Before a new round of talks between Belgrade and Pristina begins, the part of the Brussels agreement referring to the Community of Serb Municipalities should be implemented, as 1,670 days have passed since the date the decision should have been implemented,” Vucic was quoted as saying by the Office of the Serbian President.

Fabrizi and Vucic also discussed Serbia’s EU accession, the rule of law and freedom of the media, the importance of strengthening the judiciary and rule of law in order to meet European standards, and opportunities to attract new investors to Serbia.


Dacic: Belgrade opposes politicization of work of international organizations (Tanjug/RTS)


At the opening of a gathering dedicated to strengthening institutional cooperation between the OIF with Serbia and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and Serbia’s francophone possibilities, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has stated Serbia is ready to begin the procedure for obtaining full-fledged membership in the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF). In his address, Dacic recalled the ten-year participation and successful cooperation between Serbia and the OIF, and opposed any politicization of the work of international organizations such as this one. “Although so-called Kosovo has been granted observer status in the OIF at the Summit in Dakar in November 2014, I would like to stress that Serbia's intention is not to isolate anyone - but we are against the politicization of the work of international organizations, including the OIF, UNESCO and the entire UN system,” said Dacic. Serbia is strongly committed to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, which is taking place under the auspices of the EU, Dacic emphasized, adding that Belgrade supports Pristina’s participation in the work of numerous regional and international initiatives - but in a status-neutral manner and in accordance with UNSC Resolution 1244. “We are actively committed to making progress in the (EU membership) negotiation process and in opening new negotiating chapters. At the same time, we are trying to maximize cooperation, both with big countries - the US, Russia and China - and with all partners around the world, as well as to actively participate in the work of regional and international organizations. All of these activities are based on our determination to conduct a principled and peaceful policy,” Dacic said.


Brussels’ sources: Yee’s messages to Serbia not harmonized with EU (Beta)


U.S. senior official Brian Hoyt Yee’s words that Serbia would make no progress in the European

Union integration process unless it gave up close ties with Russia reflected his own views, and were not harmonized with the EU, EU sources in Brussels told Beta. They were answering a question of whether the U.S., given Yee's words, could influence Serbia's EU accession, keeping in mind that the EU-Serbia membership talks provided a legal and political framework for it. The European diplomatic sources confirmed to Beta that Russia, too, had used the highest-ranking diplomatic contacts to ask the EU to explain if Washington had the right to decide on behalf of the EU if a country would join the Union or not.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Hoyt Yee's messages represented the same sort of pressure the U.S. and EU had used on Ukraine, when a decision was made if Kiev would sign an association and free trade agreement with the EU or keep close ties with Russia.

The sources in Brussels also said that Hoyt Yee himself had explained that his statement that Serbia cannot sit on two chairs, but choose between the EU and Russia, had been not an ultimatum, but rather a piece of advice. The European Commission Delegation to Belgrade reiterated that the EU expected Serbia to harmonize its foreign policy with the EU international and security policy, including relations between the EU and Russia, and the Union's sanctions against Russia. When asked to clarify Yee’s message to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that he was aware of the consequences if Serbia dismissed Washington's view that Kosovo was independent, and that it shouldn’t interfere with the territorial integrity of Kosovo, the answer was that it was not clear what the U.S. official had meant. The diplomatic circles in Brussels feel that Hoyt Yee’s warnings might be placed in the context of a dialogue on Kosovo the Serbian president had launched in Serbia, together with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic’s words that it was necessary to identify a demarcation line and an arrangement over Serbian and Kosovo Albanian interests.


Mihajlovic: Sutanovac and Tadic are escaping Kosovo again (Tanjug/RTV)


Member of the Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Zorana Mihajlovic has assessed that labeling the internal dialogue on Kosovo as farce is nothing else but preparation of a new escape from Serbia when the decision-making on the southern Serbian province starts taking place. She notes in a statement that it is the right of every politician in Serbia, including the leader of the Democratic Party Dragan Sutanovac, to take or not to take part in the internal dialogue on Kosovo, which was initiated by President Vucic, but, Mihajlovic opines, to call these talks a farce is nothing else but a preparation of a new escape. She recalls that Sutanovac’s predecessor Boris Tadic has already escaped once from Serbia to Romania, when Pristina passed the decision on the unilateral declaration of independence. “The problem of Kosovo was not made by Vucic, or Sutanovac or Boris Tadic, even though they led with their politics to make Kosovo never farther away from Serbia, nor was the problem of Kosovo made by anyone from today’s generation of Serbian politicians. Only some of us want to try to resolve this problem, as President Vucic and the SNS are doing, but some want to escape from it again, such as the DS and all those who left it,” she said, adding that this is where they differ and where they will always differ.


Sutanovac, Jovanovic, Petkovic and Odalovic on internal dialogue on Kosovo (RTS/Beta)


The leader of the Democratic Party (DS) Dragan Sutanovac has assessed in a RTS broadcast that the internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohjia, launched by President Vucic, is something with which someone wishes “to wash away the consciousness” for fulfilling only those decrees of the Brussels agreement that are in the interest of the Albanians. “We will not take part in this farce over the manner in which it was proposed – for everything to be collected and make a pie, and then Vucic takes a piece that he needs and all others bear responsibility for what was done,” said Sutanovac. He says that the dialogue on Kosovo should be conducted in parliament, i.e. that Vucic needs to submit a proposal of a solution that would be first debated at the Committee for Kosovo, and then at a Serbian parliament session. “All points from the Brussels agreement that are in the interest of the Kosovo Albanians have been fulfilled. If the first six points in this agreement concern the Community of Serb Municipalities, and none of them have been fulfilled, then what is the purpose of the Brussels agreement,” wondered Sutanovac.

The leader of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Milos Jovanovic has stated that this party doesn’t want to take part in the dialogue since at issue is a farce. “The format is such that nothing good can come out of it. This is a political issue and politicians should take part in the internal dialogue, participation of NGOs is pointless,” said Jovanovic. According to him, institutions and NGOs represent citizens who could give their opinion on the Kosovo issue at a referendum. “As long as we are on the EU track, the internal dialogue is a farce not only by form, but also by essence, because Serbia is determined for the EU path, and everybody knows that the condition for our membership is to give up Kosovo and Metohija, everybody knows that…” said Jovanovic.

Member of the SNS Main Board Petar Petkovic has assessed that Vucic’s call for the internal dialogue is one of the most significant initiatives in Serbia’s modern history, and that for the first time the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is not being pushed under the carpet. “The goal is to gather people who are thinking about Kosovo and Metohija, from the church, respected cultural institutions, to politicians and civil sector. The idea is for all those who are obliged to think about this issue to present stands in order to determine comprehensively our relation towards Kosovo and Metohija,” said Petkovic. “We call on the experts to present their stands, to fill in the book together, and then all of us to reach a consensus,” said Petkovic.

Official of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), and the General Secretary of the Foreign Ministry Veljko Odalovic, has stated that it is high time to launch a dialogue with the internal public on Kosovo and Metohija. “The realistic necessity is to discuss Kosovo, because it is being discussed everywhere and in all places in the world, a direct dialogue with Pristina has been conducted in Brussels for seven years, and it is time to tell the internal public where is this all taking us,” says Odalovic. He says there is no given platform of the ruling coalition on Kosovo and that the legally-binding agreement that would regulate Belgrade-Pristina relations is not the topic of the dialogue. “We need to also hear different opinions with which we disagree,” said Odalovic.




Reactions of politicians on RS Assembly decision to put referendum on Court and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H out of force (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic said that the outcome of the session is no surprise, bearing in mind the lack of harmony about issues of national importance for the RS for years and expressed her regret with this fact.

According to RS Assembly deputy speaker Nenad Stevandic, the Alliance for Changes (SzP) proved that they are actually implementing a declaration of SDA aimed to weaken the RS and its institutions. Stevandic said that in order to achieve this goal, many weapons are being used for this purpose and expressed his happiness with the fact that the plan failed.

Representatives of the SzP stated that RS President Milorad Dodik, who attended the session, showed once again that he treats the RSNA as his own toy.

Leader of SDS Vukota Govedarica reminded that the opposition called for serious arguments in 2015, when the decision on the referendum was adopted. Govedarica reminded that back then, the SzP stated that the referendum will not be implemented and that this is just a manipulation and a lie, aimed to deceive the public.

Leader of NDP Dragan Cavic and leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic concluded that the policy of the ruling coalition in the RS is the most serious threat to normal progress of the RS. According to Cavic and Borenovic, the decision on the referendum was not suspended, but unconditionally put out of force by the order of the US Embassy to B&H.

Leader of SP Petar Djokic stated that they were well-aware of the fact that the decision will be disputed, which is why they reached the best possible solution in the RSNA that is in his opinion, very important for the RS. Djokic added that the issue of the referendum will remain open for some future period.

Leader of DNS Marko Pavic said that events that occurred lately in the RSNA are the least in interest of citizens of the RS. Pavic mentioned attempts of the opposition to transfer crisis from Sarajevo to the RS and reminded that the opposition said ‘no’ to the issue which they actually advocated, two years ago.


IC comment on RS Assembly’s decision regarding referendum on B&H judiciary (TV1)


The Office of High Representative (OHR) issued statement reminding that the RS Assembly decision from 2015 to organize a referendum on the B&H Court and the Prosecutor’s Office represents violation of this entity’s rights and obligations defined by the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and that it has been disputing sovereignty of B&H. The OHR expressed concern with other conclusions adopted during the last session of the RSNA, in particular those calling for reintroduction of the referendum decision. High Representative Valentin Inzko stated that authorities in this entity have the right to organize referendums on matters falling within their constitutional responsibilities. He added that this is not the case with the laws establishing judicial institutions at B&H level or with decisions of the High Representative.

The US Embassy in B&H stated that a referendum on the Court and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H is outside jurisdiction of the RS Assembly. “We are still concerned about the conclusions that leave the possibility for a referendum on this issue to be discussed again”.

Head of the EU Delegation to B&H (EUD) and EU Special Representative (EUSR) in B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark said that this was a step in the right direction that will at least mitigate political tensions regarding the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office. Wigemark reminded of a stance of the EU on judiciary in B&H, saying that impartial, independent and efficient work of judiciary should be put in focus.


Dodik on Inzko’s report: RS has right to organize referendum on its status in B&H (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik claims that today, B&H is far from “creation” described in the Dayton Peace Accords. He reiterated that B&H in which High Representatives have taken some authorizations of Republika Srpska (RS) and transferred them to level of B&H with goal to make centralized state is unacceptable for the RS authorities. Dodik added that he deems that once necessary consensus is reached within the RS, this entity will have right to organize referendum on status of the RS.

Dodik denied HR Valentin Inzko’s statement according to which the frequency of Dodik’s calls for independence of the RS and dissolution of B&H has dropped since the US imposed sanctions against the President of the RS. “We have not given up on that and we are waiting for the right time. If B&H fails to return to a position of system prescribed by the Constitution, we will react. RS has the right to organize referendum on its status in B&H, and that will be implemented once we reach consensus about it”, Dodik said, and wondered if anyone is afraid of Inzko nowadays.


International community on Inzko’s report (RTRS)


High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko submitted his 52nd report on B&H to the UN Security Council (UN SC) in New York.

Russian representative in the UNSC Vladimir Safronkov said that HR’s report is far from being objective, adding that official Moscow advocates closing of the OHR – body that makes B&H protectorate and not state. He reminded that back in 2008, closing of the OHR was agreed. Safronkov stressed that presence of foreign judges in B&H is unacceptable for Russia, because it brings into question sovereignty of B&H. “It is necessary to call on for inter-ethnic dialogue and not to advocate international intervention as it was case with decision of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council,” explained Safronkov. Safronkov also said that the report mentions Serbs as the only culprits for everything and that those who know circumstances know that the truth is far from what Inzko presented. Safronkov stated: “This is a failure and it implies that the author lost his touch with the reality. We are deeply disappointed with the fact that in this way, Mister Inzko spreads Serbophobia”.

US representative Amy Tachco expressed full support to Inzko’s report. Tachco stressed that the US sanctions against RS President Dodik should serve as warning for those intending to undermine stability of B&H. She added that the UNSC should remain united in support to territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H and to those defending B&H Constitution.

The EU representative underlined that leaders at all levels have to focus on reforms and move towards the EU.

The UK expressed support to the OHR, while Chinese representative underlined that B&H is an important country in the Balkans and that preservation of peace and progress are in the interest of international community.


Kosarac and Stevandic react to Inzko’s report (RTRS)


Member of SNSD Presidency and B&H MP Stasa Kosarac said that it is obvious that High Representative Valentin Inzko is lobbyist for Bosniak political elites. Kosarac noted that the country, which is on the European path does not need the OHR. Considering that there are no reactions from Alliance for Changes, Kosarac stressed that it is obvious that they have no problems with Inzko’s report for the UN Security Council. Kosarac said that independence of RS is a solution in case that violations of the Dayton Agreement continue, in way that High Representative did with his decisions, as well as B&H institutions with assistance of the HR and part of the international community. “The report is groundless and unilateral, and the HR is now preforming the role of lobbyist for Bosniak political elites in B&H, in a way of promoting political needs of Bosniaks in B&H through the reports in the UN Security Council,” said Kosarac.

RS Assembly deputy speaker Nenad Stevandic deems that the HR Valentin Inzko completely identified himself with “Sarajevo’s Carsija”, which controls judiciary institutions in B&H, which is completely visible in Inzko’s latest report on B&H. “Rules of ‘Sarajevo’s Carsija’ dictate that every Serb, who is independent should be accused of being separatists or a criminal. These rules are in force since 1992, which is unacceptable,” said Stevandic. He stressed that everything in B&H functions by the same matrix for years, even though geopolitical environment changes. “Someone has to tell Inzko that it is 2017 and not 2005. Unfortunately, he is still stuck in some past times, which were bad for the RS,” said Stevandic.


Opposition joining forces for next elections? (Jutarnji list)


Opposition parties are getting ready to cooperate for the next three elections coming up in 2019 and 2020. SDP supports in principle the establishment of an opposition left-centre coalition for the next elections, although the party has still not formally discussed the proposal. However, it insists that the alliance must not be limited just to the next election, which is the one for the European Parliament in May 2019, but also for upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections as well. Among the first who welcomed the idea of ​​a new alliance is HSS president Kreso Beljak, who said that the opposition should act together, adding that the history showed in 2000 and 2011 that joint opposition can win. SDP and HSS signed an agreement earlier this year on cooperation at the next parliamentary elections. HNS, a long-time liberal coalition partner of SDP, earlier this year switched sides and decided to enter the right center government led by HDZ. The party split, with five MPs following the new party line and four MPs founding their own party, GLAS, led by popular MP Anka Mrak-Taritas, a former minister in the SDP-led government. “At this stage, we are focused on the establishment of party branches and the drafting of party program, but when our party is consolidated, we will also be open for coalition talks. There are 19 months to go before the elections for the European Parliament, but that will pass rather quickly,” said GLAS.


Todoric released on bail after London arrest (Hina)


The founder of Croatia's food group Agrokor, Ivica Todoric, was released on 100,000 pound bail in London on Tuesday and upon leaving court told reporters that "today this is a small victory, but a big one actually," media reported. The Croatian police has previously been notified that the founder of the debt-laden Agrokor food conglomerate Ivica Todoric was summoned to Charing Cross Police Station in London around 9am local time on Tuesday. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said it was important that Croatian bodies which requested the extradition of Ivica Todoric get explanations from UK bodies about their actions, after the founder of the Agrokor conglomerate was arrested and released on bail and a new hearing in his case was scheduled for 10 April 2018.


Waiting for Russia’s reaction to the next elections (RTCG)


There is a basis for better relations with Russia, but it depends on whether the country will meddle in the upcoming elections in Montenegro, said Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic.

“Relations with Russia are at a relatively low level,” said Darmanovic. However, he pointed out that Montenegro had decent relations with Russia when it comes to economy, tourism and international organizations. “As you can see, Russia is very interested in the electoral issues in many European and other countries. It is meddling in those elections in various ways. We will see what will happen in our country very soon and whether there will be such interference in October. The improvement of political relations will depend on it. There is no reason or motive to have strained relations with such a powerful state,” he said. As far as the political security aspect is concerned, it is clear to everyone what happened on the election day last year, Darmanovic said adding that the Serbian government played an important role in revealing this event. “It should be noted with regret that members of the Russian security services took part in it,” said Darmanovic. According to him, the operation was aimed at preventing NATO from spreading, which is Russia’s legitimate policy as a powerful state. But the way it was done was disputable, Darmanovic says.


Hoyt Yee: The mood to resolve the name dispute is at its highest (Meta)


Macedonia’s security depends on resolving the name dispute and the country’s entry into NATO, said the Center for International Relations in Washington. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State assessed that the mood in resolving the name dispute has so far been at its highest level. He expressed hope that a solution would be found soon. “There is still a lot of work to be done on both sides. There will be negotiations and I am optimistic that there will be a solution because the mood in both Greece and Macedonia is at its highest level, more than ever before”, says Hoyt Yee. Responding to a journalist’s question about speculation that he will be the new US ambassador to Macedonia, Hoyt Yee did not confirm the information nor did he deny it. After, he quickly pointed out behind the cameras that there is still no information about his possible appointment.


Return of foreign terrorist fighters a challenge for the Balkans: conference (MIA)


Terrorism threats are continually changing and this requires constant updating of measures for efficient response, primarily through intensive cooperation among all stakeholders in national and international terms, heard the opening of a regional tabletop exercise Foreign Terrorist Fighters: Promoting Prevention and Resilience, held in Skopje. Key challenges in coping with these challenges are improvement of border security, enhancement of criminal laws and capacities of law enforcement bodies, but also issues related to returnees from crisis areas and ways of their rehabilitation in society. Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said no single country could respond to global security threats by itself. “Efficient prevention and uprooting of these threats calls for coordinated action, participation in common security strategies and action with Macedonia's partners - United States, EU members and neighbors. The threat of increased radicalization and foreign fighters is a concern shared by all Western Balkan states. This radicalization is also a threat to regional stability through interethnic and religious divisions,” said Zaev. Richard Prosen from the U.S. Department of State said threats have significantly reduced since the 2014 launch of operations in Iraq and Syria. “It was recently reported there are currently 3,000-7,000 fighters in the region, but one must not think that the threat is disappearing. At the same time, there is an alarming trend of domestic violent extremism, whereas use of social media by ISIS has reached a point where they give advice on how to commit individual attacks,” noted Prosen.

U.S. Ambassador Jess Baily said mobilization of all resources for an efficient response to threats requires overcoming of the problem of openly discussion about the fact of 150 Macedonian nationals joining ISIS in Syria and Iraq. “This discussion must also focus on people who have returned. We cannot speak about solutions if we do not tackle problems in an impartial and open way,” added Baily.

Nina Suomalainen, Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, emphasized the importance of the tabletop exercise, voicing belief that all OSCE member-states can assist in the implementation of sustainable effective initiatives addressing pending challenges. “Although education, sending proper messages and community engagement are important, they still have to be part of a comprehensive strategic approach if we want to be successful,” said Suomalainen.

The three-day tabletop exercise is set to develop recommendations over policies that can support the country and other regional partners in the development of capacities and cross-border cooperation related to current and future security challenges.


US Congress’ analysts will be reviewing the US Embassy’s democratic assistance to Macedonia (Meta)


Analysts from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) will be visiting Macedonia in order to conduct fieldwork related to GAO’s review of U.S. democracy assistance to Macedonia, announced the US Embassy in Macedonia. “GAO is conducting this work at the request of Representative Chris Smith, Chairman, Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations, Committee on Foreign Affairs, and six of his colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives,” states the press release. The U.S. Government Accountability Office plans to issue a report in late spring or early summer 2018 and it is expected to be publicly available at that time. Otherwise, at the start of this year, Congressman Chris Smith accused USAID and the Soros Foundation, that they are spending funds from the donations that are paid by US citizens for financing former communist, lefty and liberal organizations and parties in Europe and Macedonia. The U.S. Government Accountability Office is a legislative branch government agency of the Congress for auditing, evaluation and investigation services. It investigates the use of public funds, it evaluates the federal programs and policies and provides analysis and recommendations in order to help Congress to make informed decisions regarding monitoring, policies, and financing.


Rama: War on crime, not political game (ATA)


The war on crime is not a political game between the government that conducts this fight and those that politically use the crime to defame the government. This message was given by Prime Minister Edi Rama through a public statement on Tuesday after the presentation of “Law’s power’ police raid. “The police raid ‘The Law’s Power’, which was presented in the premises of the Interior Ministry, will enable the efforts’ coordination between the State Police Task Force on Organized Crime with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officers and some of the most prestigious anti-crime agencies in Europe. Albania and its citizens will be the ones to benefit from this joint raid,” wrote Rama.


Meta: Albania and Kosovo must cooperate on diaspora (ATA)


Albanian President Ilir Meta received on Tuesday Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Diaspora and Strategic Investments Dardan Gashi. They talked about Albanian Diaspora worldwide and issues of mutual interest between the two countries. The President evaluated the Diaspora an asset of priceless value for the nation. He reminded that the Albanians of the Diaspora have made an extraordinary contribution to the nation, the freedom and independence of Kosovo and economic development of Kosovo and Albania. Further on, the President highlighted the importance of cooperation between the Diaspora ministries of Kosovo and Albania to keep alive the national identity of the Albanians in the Diaspora and cultivate the language, traditions, art, culture and our national identity. “The children in the Diaspora learning Albanian language is of special importance,” said the President.




Security Council re-authorizes EU-led force in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UN News Centre, 7 November 2017)


The Security Council on Tuesday extended the authorization of the European Union-led multinational stabilization force in Bosnia and Herzegovina for an additional year, following an analysis by a United Nations envoy that a resurgence of divisive nationalism is threatening to take the country backwards.

“Bosnia and Herzegovina is a complex political and security environment, where negative scenarios can quickly endanger the Dayton Peace Agreement and the progress achieved so far,” Valentin Inzko, the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, told the Security Council.

“For this reason, I am firmly convinced that there is still the necessity to maintain the EU military force on the ground with an executive mandate,” he said.

Unanimously adopting a resolution, the 15-member Council recognized the right of both European Union Force Althea (EUFOR ALTHEA) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) presence to take all necessary measures to defend themselves from attack or threat of attack and authorized Member States to assist both organizations in carrying out their missions.

The Council also urged all parties to step up the implementation of comprehensive reforms, in an inclusive manner, to the benefit of all citizens and in line with the European perspective the country is committed to, calling on them to refrain from any polarizing policy, action and rhetoric. Mr. Inzko noted that more than 25 years have passed since Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the United Nations in 1992, and more than two decades have passed since the tragic conflict came to an end in 1995. The country has since made remarkable progress in many ways, he said, highlighting that the state institutions provided for under the Peace Agreement were established and the three armies that fought each other were unified into one. Today the country is at a crucial moment in its history, as leaders of all ethnic affiliations aspire to join the European Union and are working towards fulfilling the requirements necessary for the country to be granted EU candidate status, he said. However, he continued, “As progress on economic and political reforms has significantly slowed down over the last ten years, divisive nationalism and persistent challenges to the Peace Agreement and the institutional arrangements provided for under that agreement have threatened to take the country backwards.” Over the last six months, many key political actors in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been unwilling to search for the compromises needed to adopt necessary reforms. And with the general elections expected to take place next year, many political leaders have already started exchanging divisive rhetoric rooted in the past and an early electoral agenda have slowed the pace of reform and affected the political climate, he said.

In July, the Constitutional Court struck down provisions of the election law regulating indirect elections to the Federation House of Peoples. If the House is not formed after the next elections, this will most likely prevent the formation of a Federation government and the formation of one chamber of the state-level parliament. “I want to call attention to this issue now, while there is still time for the parties in parliament to address the problem ahead of the 2018 elections,” he said. Also, in October, the Republika Srpksa National Assembly adopted a resolution which asserts the entity’s neutrality vis-a-vis integration with NATO. He insisted that foreign policy is an exclusive responsibility of the state institutions.In conclusion, Mr. Inzko outlined the major challenges for the political leaders and institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

These include completion of the actions needed to achieve the next steps in Euro-Atlantic integration, ensuring that the 2018 elections can be held and their results implemented smoothly, and the rule of law under which the decisions of courts and the Dayton Peace Agreement are respected and implemented, he said.


Bosnia to Step Up Dealing With Legacy of War, CoE Says (BIRN, 7 November 2017)


Bosnia and Herzegovina should step up the prosecution of wartime crimes and uphold the human rights of all civilian war victims, a new Council of Europe report says.

According to the Council of Europe report, based on a country visit by human rights commissioner Nils Muiznieks, authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina should spare no effort to build a truly cohesive society. “The authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina should lay the foundations for a more cohesive society by tackling the disruptive legacy of the war. It is particularly crucial to step up the prosecution of wartime crimes and uphold the human rights of all civilian war victims, especially internally displaced people and the families of missing persons,” Muiznieks said on Tuesday. He called on the authorities at all levels to ensure that war victims, in particular victims of war-related crimes of sexual violence and victims of torture, are provided with adequate and effective reparation. The report also recommended the adoption and implementation of the draft Law on the Rights of Victims of Torture and the Programme for Improvement of the Status of Survivors of Conflict related Sexual Violence. Additionally, it called on Sarajevo to give effect to the 2004 Law on Missing Persons by establishing a fund for the families of all missing persons. Noting that more than 6,800 persons are still missing, the Commissioner recommended that the authorities strengthen efforts to clarify their fate and to establish a fund to support their families. In addition, he advocated for the further improvement of the protection of witnesses. The report also points out that Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia are still baring the extradition of their nationals charged for war crimes, further undermining criminal justice efforts. Around 1,200 war crime cases, involving 5,000 suspects, still need to prosecuted, according to the report, while a lack of expertise by the war crime prosecutors and inadequate management of war crime cases are additionally creating a back log of cases. Muiznieks also called for assistance to some 50,000 internally displaced persons who need sustained attention and assistance to be built upon. “The authorities should facilitate safe and sustainable return of IDPs [internally displaced persons] who wish to do so and ensure access to social and economic rights.” Emphasising the role of education as a tool to promote reconciliation and to rebuild a tolerant and inclusive society, the Commissioner also urged the authorities to end ethnic segregation in education by abolishing ‘two schools under one roof’ and mono-ethnic schools. Instead, he believes a common core curriculum should be developed and implemented.