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Belgrade Media Report 14 November 2017



Dacic at UN Security Council session in New York (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic will represent Serbia at the UN Security Council session in New York today, at which the UN Secretary General Report on the work of UNMIK from 16 July to 15 October will be presented. In his speech, Dacic will give a review of the mentioned report, i.e., will outline our assessment of the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the functioning of UNMIK.


Vucic: Some think that Serbia hasn’t been sufficiently humiliated (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has stated some think that Serbian has not been sufficiently humiliated and that only a trampled on and humiliated Serbia is a good Serbia. He says that the statement by B&H Presidency member Bakir Izetbegovic will have far-reaching political and legal implications. “That interview complicates many things in the region,” Vucic told journalists. He says that if he had stated that independence of the Republika Srpska should be recognized, he would have ended up the in The Hague. Vucic thinks that Izetbegovic’s interview is complex and that Serbia will view everything seriously and give an answer. However, he stresses that we need to understand that we need to work wisely since we will not have the support of the international community. “At issue is a more serious statement than anyone in Serbia can realize at present,” said Vucic.


Selakovic: Dangerous statements by Izetbegovic (RTS)


The General Secretary of the Serbian President Nikola Selakovic has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that Bakir Izetbegovic’s interview in which he had stated that he hopes that B&H will recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo carries big weight. He points out that President Vucic has invested a great deal in the relations with the Bosniaks and that he is certain that Serbia’s response will be serious and on the line of a responsible policy. Selakovic says that Izetbegovic has shown what he wants, feels and thinks. He notes that Izetbegovic doesn’t recognize Serbia’s territorial integrity on the one hand, but uses all means to preserve the B&H territorial integrity on the other hand. He recalls that Izetbegovic, when speaking about Sandzak, interfered in Serbia’s internal affairs, forgetting that internal relations in Serbia are not organized by an international agreement such as the Dayton agreement. Selakovic recalls that President Vucic stressed on every occasion support to the B&H territorial integrity, even when this didn’t bring him political points and that he voiced readiness to listen and understand the needs of the Bosniak nation in B&H and in Serbia as well. Selakovic adds that the Croat member of the B&H President Dragan Covic has clearly and principally stated that he will not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and adds that Serbia knows how to appreciate this stand.

Speaking about possible slating of early parliamentary elections, Selakovic says that he will present his stand in the party. He says that the party didn’t make a mistake in the past when it passed similar decisions and that he is sure that it will remain on the same line.


Drecun: Izetbegovic is not up to the situation (RTS)


The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun has told RTS that Izetbegoivc’s statement has shown that he is a politician that is not up to the situation and that he is not turned towards the future. “He remains trapped in the war, in the past that was defined by his father with his goals. This is the vision of a B&H where there are no Serb people or they should have been second-grade. This was not accepted by the Serb people,” stressed Drecun. He explains that Serbia, especially President Vucic, invests effort for relations between Serbs and Bosniaks to stabilize, to create conditions for sincere reconciliation, but this is not possible if one only speaks that one side has committed crimes, without admitting what the other side has done. “Izetbegovic could recognize Kosovo as some state, if there wasn’t Republika Srpska in this Dayton framework. He is pushing with this Republika Srpska out of the Dayton framework. The Republika Srpska will not allow this,” says Drecun.

Speaking about the position of the Bosniaks in Sandzak, he points out that one forgets that a large number of Serbs live there and that the Bosniaks can improve their position in intensive cooperation with the Serbian government in Belgrade. “Serbia is investing significant funds in the development of this region. Turkey is also engaged a great deal, but in agreement with Serbia. I think that these are the messages that are stabilizing the region,” he concluded.


Djuric: Izetbegovic’s statement shocking and scandalous (Beta/TV Pink)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has assessed that the statement by B&H Presidency member Bakir Izetbegovic on recognition of Kosovo is shocking and scandalous. He says that this statement is changing things and relations from the root, adding that the Serbian competent bodies will find very soon a way how to give a real answer to Izetbegovic’s statement. “It certain will not stay without a response. This means that B&H departs from the principle of respecting territorial identity and sovereignty not only in the case of Serbia, since one cannot apply standards in this case, but not in the other,” Djuric told TV Pink.


Djuric: We need to enable the Serbian Orthodox Church access to sanctities in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/TV Pink)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told TV Pink that it is a good thing that the Serbian Orthodox Church has received at least a paper that confirms that the land around the Christ the Savior temple in Pristina belongs to it, but stresses that the Serbian Orthodox Church needs to be enabled access to its sanctities in Kosovo and Metohija. Commenting the second round table that was held in the Palace of Serbia within the internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, he assessed that this gathering brought new quality into the discussion on Kosovo. “Over 50 scientific works and 22 accredited scientific institutes responded to the invitation of President Vucic, presented their works and stands,” said Djuric. He says that different and opposed stands could be heard at the round table, but underlines that all this strengthens our capacity to debate Kosovo and Metohija. “We, as the working group, will try to collect, systematize, analytically prepare everything that we receive from our most prominent experts, and make it accessible to the entire state leadership and public in Serbia,” said Djuric.


Izetbegovic’s cabinet calls Tanjug out for “fake news” (B92/Tanjug)


A day after Bakir Izetbegovic told Deutsche Welle that he hopes B&H will recognize Kosovo, his cabinet issued a statement. Tanjug said on Tuesday that it was reporting this statement in its entirety, as follows: “Parts of the interview given by Bakir Izetbegovic, a member of the B&H Presidency, to the Germany Deutsche Welle, were carried incorrectly by the Tanjug news agency, taken out of context and in a tendentious manner, distorting the very essence of the statement. Thus carried information caused a series of inappropriate and exaggerated reactions. Tanjug's editorial office was warned from the cabinet of the B&H Presidency member that the information it carried did not correspond with the truth, which is easily verified by viewing the video interview that is available to the public. Instead of correcting the obvious false news they published, Tanjug continued to mislead the public, distort facts, and publish new falsehoods.

This made it clear that Tanjug did not make the mistake by accident, rather that someone was behind everything, whose intention is to undermine relations between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia, casting a shadow and creating a bad atmosphere ahead of the visit of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina to Belgrade. This statement from Izetbegovic's cabinet was carried by the news agency Fena of the FB&H as one coming from the B&H Presidency. Tanjug reported on Monday that Izetbegovic said B&H would recognize Kosovo, and that this should have been done before. “As far as I’m concerned, Kosovo should have already been recognized. Now our colleagues will be angry, and our attempts to make it happen have only created problems inside B&H, without helping Kosovo,” Izetbegovic said - and when asked directly whether B&H would recognize Kosovo, briefly replied, ‘Yes’, Tanjug originally reported. But the agency said on Monday evening that Izetbegovic’s media adviser contacted them with a request to clarify his statement - because, he said, the way it had been reported by Tanjug earlier posed a political problem. The adviser, the agency continued, rightly pointed out that Izetbegovic's response was, ‘I hope yes’, - rather than, “Yes”. The agency stressed that while Izetbegovic’s reply was originally reported imprecisely - his political stance on the issue was reported accurately - something quite clear from his statement that B&H should have already recognized Kosovo.




Izetbegovic says he hopes B&H will recognize Kosovo (RTRS/BN TV)


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic told Germany's Deutsche Welle broadcaster that he "hopes B&H will recognize Kosovo". "As far as I'm concerned, Kosovo should have already been recognized. Now our colleagues will be angry, and our attempts to make it happen have only created problems inside B&H, without helping Kosovo", Izetbegovic said - and "when asked directly whether B&H would recognize Kosovo, briefly replied, 'Yes'", Serbian media outlet Tanjug reported earlier on Monday. But the agency said on Monday evening that Izetbegovic's media adviser contacted them "with a request to clarify his statement" - because, he said, the way it had been reported by Tanjug earlier "posed a political problem". The adviser, "rightly pointed out that Izetbegovic's response was, 'I hope yes'" - rather than, "Yes". It is clear that without the consent of the other two members of the Presidency - representing Serbs and Croats - Sarajevo cannot recognize Kosovo - and this is something Izetbegovic confirmed during the same interview.

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic stated: “Mister Izetbegovic is denying integrity of Serbia with this statement and on the other hand expects Serbia to respect integrity of B&H. Why would they? He is not aware of the things he is doing and what his statements can cause. He steps in the area of integrity of one country that signed the Dayton Peace Agreement and is in charge of keeping the integrity of B&H. It is completely legitimate that, after this, everyone in Serbia can start saying that B&H does not have to preserve its integrity and can be divided.”

RS President Milorad Dodik stated that Izetbegovic is interfering with the internal affairs of Serbia and that this statement only proves that Izetbegovic is “the Serbian enemy number one”.

Chair of SNSD Caucus in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H parliament Stasa Kosarac told that recognition of Kosovo’s independence will not happen in practice because such decision would have to be made by consensus in B&H Presidency. Kosarac added that one of B&H Presidency members is from the RS and he will certainly not support recognizing of Kosovo’s independence “so this is where the story ends”. Apart from this, Kosarac reminded that such decision would also have to be supported by the RS National Assembly (RSNA), Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H and Parliament of B&H, and those institutions would also need votes of Serbs in order to adopt the decision.


Izetbegovic promotes violence in the Balkans (Srna)


Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik believes that the statements by Bosniak presidency member Bakir Izetbegovic lead to destabilization, making him be the first man promoting violence in the Balkans. Dodik stated that the statement about possible independence of the RS is a direct threat to the RS by which Izetbegovic shows that he continues to implement the policy of his late father and first President of the RB&H Alija Izetbegovic, who has said that he will sacrifice peace for B&H. He warned that such statement will affect relations between Serbs and Bosniaks, adding that the RS has a capacity to defend itself. “He is saying that he would attack the RS. The question is from which empty gun he can shoot, to what friends he is referring to? Which friends is he mentioning, those from Syria who now lost the Islamic State he is promoting; one his father Alija Izetbegovic, who wrote political platform for the Islamic state, also promoted.” He added that the RS does not have forces ready for violence, and that the RS is leading peaceful policy and it is willing to deal with issues using political means: “And I see that Bakir is ready to use military ones. I will only tell him that he knows we have means to defend ourselves, and he should not even consider crossing the entity line with anyone. And we will think very well about how long we are going to tolerate SIPA and the Armed Forces of B&H here.”


Serb representatives called to leave joint institutions due to threat with war to the RS (RTRS)


Leaders of SNSD Milorad Dodik, DNS Marko Pavic and SP RS Petar Djokic issued a joint statement in which they called on Serb representatives in B&H joint institutions to halt their work and to leave these institutions, due to threat with war to the RS. “We call on parties gathered in Alliance for Changes, which constitute authority in B&H joint institutions, to leave B&H institutions without hesitation and to return for consultations to the RS, where, along with other parties present in the current RSNA composition, they would reach agreement on joint response to war threat that was directed from Sarajevo on Monday,” reads statement.

The statement reads that statement of the Bosniak member of B&H Presidency, Bakir Izetbegovic who said that he would resolve internal political issues, in war, caused disturbances in entire region. “Izetbegovic’s advocating for recognition of the false state of Kosovo, poured oil on the fire, which endangered efforts of Serbia to preserve peace and stability in the Balkans, as precondition for progress of everyone. We deem that abandoning of B&H joint institutions is no longer matter of your choice, but your responsibility towards the RS, which was brutally attacked on Monday,” reads statement.


SBB B&H, NDP and PDP not to attend meeting of political leaders organized by Inzko (N1/TV1)


High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko has called for a meeting of political parties that make majority at the state level in B&H with members of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) on December 8. The meeting was expected to be attended by leaders of SDA, HDZ B&H, SBB B&H, SDS, PDP and NDP. SBB B&H announced on Monday that SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic is not going to attend the meeting because SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic demanded from SBB to leave the ruling coalition on two occasions. “SBB B&H deems that there is no need for their leader to attend meetings of non-existing ruling coalition at B&H level,” reads the statement issued by SBB B&H Press Center, adding that Izetbegovic is exclusively responsible for political consequences of the current situation. However, SDA hopes that Radoncic will attend the abovementioned meeting that is in their opinion of great importance. President of Main Board of SDA Halid Genjac said that regardless of anyone’s stances on ruling coalition at B&H level, all those invited to attend this meeting, should attend it.

SBB B&H stressed that their decision regarding this issue will not change and that it would not represent a problem for SBB B&H members to withdraw from positions in B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), the Federation of B&H Government and in three cantonal governments.

NDP leader Dragan Cavic also canceled on Monday, his participation at the meeting of PIC, after SBB B&H leader did the same. Cavic, who is participating state level majority as part of Alliance for Changes, told that he has no interest in this meeting and he will not answer the invitation of HR Valentin Inzko.

PDP leader Branislav Borenovic told Srna that he will not participate the meeting of PIC, because he deems this meeting to be senseless.  “I first expect Inzko to apologize for comparing of RS Day with NDH Day,” said Borenovic.


RS Center for Research of War and War Crimes: 6,313 Serb civilians killed in past war in B&H (BN TV)


Director of the Republika Srpska (RS) Center for War Crime Investigation and Search for Missing Persons Milorad Kojic addressed a press conference in Banja Luka on Monday and presented data related to the registry of names of Serb victims of war in B&H, from the period 1992-1995. Kojic explained that the center has been working on preparing this registry since July 2013 and the list is still not definitive since work on this list will continues. Kojic underscored that the list of victims of Serb ethnicity in B&H has been prepared in the form of electronic and written database. Elaborating on the data that have so far been submitted in the registry, Kojic stated that 29,070 citizens of Serb ethnicity have been registered as killed during the war. Kojic added that 2,385 of these victims are women and 447 are children. Kojic went on to say that the largest number of Serbs was killed in the first and the last year of the war. Specifically, 12,981 Serbs were killed in 1992 and 5,975 were killed in 1995. According to the center’s director, the database includes 83,118 of submitted documents and this goes on to show the level of seriousness invested in preparing the registry. He noted that this registry creates the most complete image on the number of Serb victims in B&H.


Croatia signs on to EU defense pact (HRT)


The program, known as Permanent Structured Cooperation or PESCO, aims to help the EU meet security challenges. The EU hopes to enhance the bloc's capacity as an international security partner, better protect Europeans, and make defense spending more effective. Croatia's Defense Minister Damir Krsticevic, who signed a letter of intent on behalf of Croatia to join the pact, said that along with increasing security, it would also provide opportunities for Croatia's defense industry. "Croatia's participation in PESCO offers an opportunity for Croatia's defense industry companies to get involved more intensively on projects involving military equipment and modernization within the EU. These projects involve cyber defense technology, intelligence, drone technology, and logistics. There are many projects to choose from and our goal is for Croatian companies to take part and for Croatia to benefit from the projects themselves," said Krsticevic. The UK is not taking part in PESCO because it is leaving the bloc, while Denmark has opted out. Malta, Portugal and Ireland are still considering whether or not to join the pact.


Opposition agrees on general elections, but not on presidential candidate (CDM)


General elections must be repeated and the boycott continues. This is a common position of the leaders of the civic opposition parties who met in the headquarters of Demos. CDM learns that there is no agreement on presidential elections. “We will not return to parliament until the conditions are created. We are sick and tired of democracy simulation. We have several conditions – holding new general elections and local elections on the same day and clearing up what happened ahead of last elections”. However, the opposition leaders do not agree about all things. Whereas SDP leader Ranko Krivokapic demands repeating parliamentary elections and local elections in the municipalities where the opposition coalitions are in power, URA Civic Movement leader Dritan Abazovic says “only” local elections in Niksic are controversial, since the opposition did not participate. According to him, those are only local elections that should be repeated. Aleksa Becic and the Democrats advocate continuing the boycott at all costs, refusing any negotiations with DPS and Dusko Markovic. SNP believes that all options should be considered. It is clear that the civic opposition cannot reach agreement on key issues.

Krivokapic presented the idea of interim government again, but Dritan Abazovic rejected it. Demos leader Miodrag Lekic reiterates that the state is in a serious political crisis.

“We have an incomplete parliament. The boycott policy remains in force. This remains the basic link. We believe that this is a serious political crisis which can be solved only through fulfilling these three conditions,” Lekic said. He does not rule out the possibility of taking certain, more radical measures. “Protests are possible. Let them think again whether they intend to continue holding irregular elections and to seize the public broadcaster,” Lekic pointed out adding that Milo Djukanovic is behind all of that.


Cerar: Macedonia’s EU-accession talks to be launched next year (MIA)


It is in interest of the EU and Slovenia for Macedonia, as a stable and safe country, to join the European Union and NATO as soon as possible, Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar said Monday in Ljubljana after meeting his Macedonian counterpart Zoran Zaev. “We wish for Macedonia's EU accession talks to start next year, being ready to grant assistance to and support the reforms related to the country's Euro-Atlantic integration processes” Cerar told a joint press conference with Zaev. In addition to ongoing reforms in Macedonia, there is a consensus within the government to invest the same energy in advancing the relations with neighbors, countries in the region in order to speed up its EU, NATO-integration processes, Zaev said. "We believe that Slovenia is going to be one of the loudest and staunchest supporters of Macedonia's bid to realize its EU, NATO aspirations. We wish and expect for Macedonia to become the 30th NATO member,' he said. Zaev and Cerrar expressed satisfaction with the Macedonian-Slovenian relations - an example of friendship, based on mutual respect. Zaev extended gratitude over Slovenia's regular support not only of Macedonia's bid to join EU and NATO, but also to deal with the challenges during the migrant crisis.


Macedonian and Greek FMs discuss communications modes at Brussels meeting (MIA)


Communications modes between two countries, as well as communications mechanisms as part of the EU was the focal point of Monday's talks between the foreign ministers of Macedonia and Greece, Nikola Dimitrov and Nikos Kotzias. The two ministers met on the sidelines of the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels. "We've discussed matters in connection to communications, communications mechanisms within the EU whereby I noted that in order to have the right communication we need to have the right policies," Kotzias said after the meeting.

In his meeting with Dimitrov, he said Europe had the need of policies based on values, democracy, social issues, and based on the vision of different societies, Greece's ANA-MPA news agency reported. Before taking off for Brussels, the Greek minister stated that his country wanted to see the name issue closed. It is something that Greece explicitly tells its partners in the EU and the US, according to him.


Former intelligence director proposed as ambassador in NATO (ADN)


Prime Minister, Edi Rama, proposed on Monday the former director of the Albanian Intelligence Service (AIS), Visho Ajazi Lika as the new Ambassador of Albania in NATO. After his resignation just two weeks ago, Rama made the concrete proposal to the President of the Republic, Ilir Meta.  Meta did not sign the appointment of the new director of AIS, despite the fact that Rama proposed the vice chairman of this institution, Helidon Bendo.


Preventing radicalization in prisons, MoJ and OSCE sign understanding memorandum (ATA)


The Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Ambassador Bernd Borchardt, Justice Minister Etilda Gjonaj and National Coordinator for Countering Radicalization and Violent Extremism Agron Sojati signed on Monday in Tirana a Memorandum of Understanding on implementation of the project “Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism (VERLT) in prisons and within probation services (Phase I).” Funded by the OSCE Austrian Chairmanship, the Swedish Government and the German Government, the project aims to support Albania in establishing a solid basis toward effective and human rights-based interventions aimed at preventing and countering VERLT. The memorandum is intended to facilitate cooperation, support and mutual understanding among the signatories in the framework of project implementation. The first phase will benefit the main partners of the project- General Directorate of Penitentiary System and General Directorate of Probation Service under the Ministry of Justice. Other beneficiaries include the police, judges, prosecutors, penitentiary staff, employees of probation service as well as professionals involved in rehabilitation and re-integration of the convicts and detainees. The project will concentrate on three interconnected components, including the assessment of needs, training of staff and exchange of information as well as sharing the best practices among Albanian authorities, international and regional counterparts. This project will complement and intensify the current efforts of OSCE Presence in Albania in support of Albanian govt. in the fight against extremism and violent radicalization that lead to terrorism.




Russia, US thoroughly discuss possibility to deploy UN mission to Ukraine (TASS, 14 November 2017)


BELGRADE, Russia and the US have thoroughly discussed the possibility to deploy a UN mission to eastern Ukraine, Russian Presidential Aide Vladislav Surkov said following his meeting with US Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations Kurt Volker, held in Belgrade on November 13. "We thoroughly discussed the Russian initiative on the deployment of a UN mission to Ukraine," he said. During the meeting, the US representative presented proposals concerning the Russian-drafted resolution. "Our American friends presented their proposals concerning our Security Council draft resolution, which contained 29 paragraphs." "Our delegation came to the conclusion that three of them were acceptable," the Kremlin aide added. According to Surkov, the parties decided to continue the work to bring their positions closer.

Both Surkov and Volker were confident that "the Minsk Agreements should be implemented." "In order to do that, there is a need to accelerate the fulfillment of Kiev’s political obligations and at the same time strengthen security in the conflict zone," Surkov said. This was the third meeting between the Russian and US representatives held in 2017. Surkov and Volker earlier held talks in the Belarusian capital of Minsk on August 21 and in the Serbian capital of Belgrade on October 7.


Russia’s initiative

In early September, upon Russian President Vladimir Putin’s instructions, Russia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations forwarded a draft resolution to the UN Secretary General and Security Council, which stipulates the deployment of UN peacekeepers to Donbass in order to ensure the OSCE mission members’ security. Putin pointed out that the deployment of the UN forces would become possible only after the weapons withdrawal process completed and the issue was agreed on with the self-proclaimed Donbass republics. The Russian president said that the deployment of the UN forces could help resolve the Ukrainian issue. In a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Putin agreed that it might be possible to deploy UN peacekeepers not only along the line of contact in Donbass. However, the Ukrainian authorities said they were not satisfied with the format of the mission proposed by Russia and demanded that "peacekeeping forces" be deployed on the Ukrainian-Russian border.


Four Serbs get suspended sentences for 2008 attack on U.S. embassy (Reuters, 14 November 2017)


BELGRADE - Four Serbian men got suspended prison terms on Tuesday for taking parts in riots at the U.S. embassy in 2008 - a long-delayed case that has soured relations between Belgrade and Washington. The four were convicted of hurling stones at the embassy during protests over perceived U.S. support for Kosovan independence. They were not charged over a fire that broke out at the peak of the riots and destroyed part of the building. Washington has pressed for prosecutions for almost a decade, but no one has so far been convicted over the blaze which killed one protester. The four - Dejan Vucckovic, Dragan Marinkov, Marko Novitovic and Milan Tomas - pleaded not guilty but were convicted of endangering public safety and given two-year suspended sentences. The court ruling said the men’s rocks broke windows in the embassy and other protesters later threw in flares that started the fire. Another three defendants were acquitted due to lack of evidence. Serbia’s government and the protesters reacted with fury after Kosovo’s declaration of independence on Feb 21, 2008. Serbia considers Kosovo its historic heartland and has waged a diplomatic campaign against the secession of the predominantly ethnic Albanian region. Belgrade lost control of Kosovo in 1999 after NATO bombing ended Serbia’s brutal counterinsurgency against Albanians there. Defense lawyer Zelimir Cabrilo said the court’s verdict had not addressed the political factors behind the riot. “It was a political decision to stage the rally ... to remove (police) security from the embassy,” Cabrilo told reporters. “Instead, we have light, modest sentences against four persons ... for hurling stones, they were not sentenced for torching it (the embassy).” The case was delayed last year when the Serbian Court of Appeals annulled a lower court’s sentencing, citing deficiencies in the ruling, and ordered a retrial.

Reporting by Aleksandar Vasovic; Editing by Andrew Heavens