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Belgrade Media Report 28 November



Brnabic, Li: Comprehensive, strategic partnership with China (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Premier of the People’s Republic of China Li Keqiang assessed today in Budapest that the political relations of the two countries are remarkable and are characterized by a comprehensive strategic partnership. Brnabic and Li focused on the economic cooperation between Serbia and China, which they assessed as very successful, especially when it comes to transport infrastructure and energy. Brnabic underlined that Serbia is very proud of the trilateral project of modernization of the Belgrade-Budapest railway line, which is the most important infrastructure project for us, noting that this is seen as the beginning of completion of the entire railway network of Serbia. The prime ministers of Serbia and China noted that the agreements signed by representatives of the two countries during yesterday's Summit of China and the countries of central and eastern Europe in Budapest are of great importance. Membership in the European Union is a key foreign policy goal of Serbia, which is fully defined for continuing and deepening cooperation with China in all areas, Brnabic said. China’s unequivocal support for Kosovo and Metohija, and in particular the prevention of the so-called Kosovo becoming a member of UNESCO, confirms the traditional friendship between the two countries and two nations, she said, adding that Serbia consistently supports the policy of ‘one China’.

Brnabic and Li also discussed the continuation of direct Chinese investments in Serbia and the growth of exports of Serbian products to that country. Brnabic recalled that recently laid the cornerstone for the construction of the new block TPP Kostolac B3, as the largest investment in the domestic energy sector in the last three decades, and that the total value of joint projects of Serbia and China at this moment is about $6 billion. In addition to energy and infrastructure, Serbia and China are developing cooperation in many other areas, she pointed out and emphasized the significance of the project of the industrial Park Borca, as one of the main priorities of Serbia in which large Chinese investments are expected, as well as cooperation in the fields of agriculture, health, culture, science, education, tourism, sports and other fields.

We are particularly pleased that a contract will soon be signed in Beijing on the opening of the Serbian Cultural Centre in the Art District 798, as well as the opening of the Chinese Cultural Centre in Belgrade as soon as possible, she pointed out. Through the mechanism of cooperation “16+1” and the initiative of President Xi Jinping “Belt and Road”, as well as strong support of China on a bilateral and multilateral level, we will continue the continuity of the policy of friendship and full cooperation, she said.


Serbia devoted to cooperation within mechanism “16+1” (Beta/B92/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced yesterday in Budapest that Serbia is fully committed to improving overall relations between China and Central and Eastern Europe countries (CEEC). Brnabic, who is taking part in the Summit of China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) in Budapest, said in a plenary session that the 16+1 format of cooperation with China is an extremely important mechanism of high-level political cooperation in the field of economy and is also an important mechanism for strengthening China's cooperation with the European Union. I am very proud that my country is one of the points where the new Silk Road crosses on the route of the Express sea-land line, where the opening of works on the project of modernization of the Belgrade-Budapest line will be marked in Belgrade, she pointed out. Brnabic stressed that the trilateral railway modernization project on the Belgrade-Budapest line represents the first cross-border project in this format of cooperation, which is of great importance for Serbia and the countries of the region as a whole. Serbia is intensively pursuing joint projects in the field of infrastructure, where it remains at the top of the list of countries with the largest number of joint and agreed projects in the region with China, the Prime Minister said. She underlined that cooperation within the mechanism "16+1" for Serbia is fruitful and stressed the Agreement on visa abolition for citizens of Serbia and China for a period of up to 30 days, as well as the establishment of Hainan Airlines airline on the Belgrade-Beijing route. Brnabic added that Serbia attaches great importance to improving financial cooperation of China with the countries of central and eastern Europe and that it is proud that the Bank of China branch started operations in Serbia at the beginning of this year, covering Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and all former Yugoslav republics.

Cooperation in the format “16+1”, as she stated, is very important because the diversity of cooperation and our comparative advantage of each new day provide new opportunities for development. In order to achieve even greater mutual success, the synergies of the national development strategies of our countries are of great importance, said Brnabic, adding that, in spite of our diversities, we must support each other and encourage each other, because that is the only way we can achieve mutual success.

As part of the plenary session, officials signed an agreement on the design and construction of the E-763 motorway, Preljina-Pozega section, between the Republic of Serbia, PC Roads of Serbia and Chinese company China Communications Construction Company. Also, a protocol was signed between the General Directorate for Quality Control, Inspection and Quarantine of China and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia on inspection, quarantine and veterinary sanitary requirements for the export of beef from Serbia to China.


Dacic: Pristina is manipulating with numbers (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that Pristina is manipulating with numbers when it comes to countries that recognize the unilaterally declared Kosovo independence with a wish for this to be an impetus for new recognitions. “When we speak about numbers, it is psychologically important to try to reduce this number of countries to the smallest possible in order to prevent this kind of manipulation. All kinds of creations that are not UN members are on their list, for example, the Cook Islands,” said Dacic. “Great Britain was sending its war ships to protect its territorial integrity in the Malvinas Islands, while it recognized independence of Kosovo and now they are criticizing us. I heard that Britain will lodge a protest over the things that I said in Argentina, but I will continue to speak. What do they have to protest against the truth? ... Aren’t they ashamed of breaking away a part of our territory while not having that principle when it comes to their interests?” Asked whether he still thinks delineation was the best solution for Kosovo and Metohija, Dacic replied by saying that he still thinks this was the only realistic and lasting solution at this time. He says that when Belgrade says it wants a lasting solution “they say – what solution, we have already received independence,” says Dacic. “They say – we will receive a UN seat and I will say no way,” says Dacic.  “With two thirds, that is, with recognition from 129 UN members, they would become a member of the General Assembly. As long as Russia is on our side they will never become a UN member,” he stressed.

Speaking about the internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, Dacic says that he had presented his point of view that he thinks is the only realistic and lasting solution at this moment. “Everybody will present her/his view, Serbia will not be waging wars but the problem of Kosovo in terms of independence has not been resolved,” says Dacic. “Had we not waited, I think we would have had a much better solution. Unfortunately, time at present on the international scene will not be working so well for us except if there are tectonic changes in the policy of the Western powers. Here is an example: Haradinaj declared the Albanian Flag Day a holiday. This means that the Republika Srpska will be declaring next year the Serbian Statehood Day a holiday. Now nobody has said anything concerning this topic,” said Dacic.

When it comes to the agreement on normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, Dacic says that “just as God himself doesn’t know how many states recognized Kosovo, he also doesn’t know what this formulation of the agreement implies”. “This was invented by Stefan Fule when he was the EU enlargement commissioner. He had to write something so everybody would be satisfied. I was the prime minister at the time, I asked what this meant and nobody knew what it meant. Let us not guess now, it means nothing,” says Dacic. Asked whether the Kosovo issue or the EU is waiting for Serbia at the end of the EU path, Dacic says that in this case “there will be no EU path”. “Let me be completely specific and clear. This is my opinion because if Europe is capable of posing such a question, then it means that all EU member states will recognize Kosovo. Since this will not happen, we will not face this dilemma from the EU, but we will from countries that bilaterally recognized,” said Dacic.


Fabrizi: Serbian chair’s place is at the Brussels’ table (Blic)


“Normalization of relations with Pristina and improvement of the rule of law are the two most important chapters in which Serbia has to make the biggest progress. (…) Chapters 23 and 24 contain a large number of reforms that are needed so as to create a more democratic and freer society. Serbia has agreed upon an action plan through numerous initiatives, according to which we have to make the judiciary independent and more efficient. This also calls for the constitutional reform. (…) I have to mention that rule of law also includes the area of fight against corruption, cooperation with the International Tribunal in Hague, as well as freedom of media. (…) As regards the freedom of media, this area is for the EU a fundamental right, which has to be ensured and respected”, EU Ambassador to Serbia Sem Fabrizi said in an interview for Blic. “It is commendable that media representatives have started a dialogue with the prime minister. As for us, the EU has sent an independent team from Brussels to Serbia, which held meetings all last week long and try to identify a number of issues concerning media freedom. After that they will draft a report and recommendations on what the EU could do so as to help progress to be achieved in this area and make the freedom of media become an essential element of the Serbian society.”

You said recently that Serbia had to “work harder” on aligning its foreign policy with that of the EU. Does this mean that we are not working hard enough?

“As a candidate country Serbia has an obligation to align its foreign policy with the EU common foreign and security policy. This is an obligation that is expected to be met in full at the time of accession. Serbia has already made some good steps [and] is working on it, but clearly this process will have to be completed at the end of the day i.e. Serbia will have to fully align its foreign policy with EU.”

How does this affect Serbian relations with Russia?

“The message is clear. EU member states and the countries wishing to become members have to proceed within the framework of the common foreign and security policy. You can develop relations with non-EU member states, Russia or any other country in the world, if you respect this common framework. This is as simple as that, since Serbia is in the EU accession process, policy alignment is the ultimate objective, and relations with other countries can be fostered if the set framework is abided by.”

Brian Hoyt Yee caused commotion recently in the Serbian public with his statement on Serbia’s “sitting on two chairs”. The Serbian defense minister took it as a threat and president as a pressure. How do you see it?

“I prefer not to comment on comments, but let me say - using a geo-strategic formula - that we are not in a zero-sum-game. Let me clarify: when you decide to join the EU, you join EU values and interests; you don't join EU against someone else. You join EU so as to be part of a Union that promotes EU values and interests - security, prosperity and democracy - in a rules-based international order. This is how I see Serbia's future, and if you insist on explaining it with ‘chairs’, I see Serbia sitting at the EU table with other European leaders and working together every day on promoting the EU values and interests.”

Speaking of Russia, how do you see the Humanitarian Centre in Nis that wants a diplomatic immunity?

“We see it from a different perspective. You know that Serbia is a part of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, which is very important when it comes to joint actions in fighting natural and manmade disasters. Serbia was hit by tremendous floods in 2014; this is when the EU activated its mechanism and it proved to be very useful to help Serbian citizens. So, when you ask me about the humanitarian center in Nis what is important is that the centre is compatible with Serbia-EU relations i.e. with the Civil Protection Mechanism. Serbian authorities clearly said several times that the center would not have a military role nor a vehicle for regional coordination, and we fully took note of it.” (…)

Normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is one of the main EU conditions. What do you think about Vucic's call for an internal dialogue?

“This a very important initiative because crucial problems of a country and its future have to be debated among the people. It is too early to talk about the outcome. From the EU's point of view, it is a positive development and we are following the outcome of this dialogue with great attention. We are not to interfere in the internal dialogue among the Serbs; This dialogue is an internal matter, for the Serbs to have their voices heard and to come up with some proposals.” (…)

Was the decision not to head for general elections a good move?

“Not for me to comment on the elections. Of course a stable government is always preferable. Numerous reforms are ongoing and I am glad to see that the Government will continue with its work,” Sem Fabrizi said.




ICTY Prosecutor’s Office demands 225 years in prison for six former officials of Herzeg-Bosnia accused in ‘Prlic et al’ case (TV1)


Ahead of the second instance verdict in the ‘Prlic et al’ case to be rendered by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on November 29, the ICTY’s Prosecutor’s Office demands 225 years in prison for six former Croat officials accused in this case for war crimes committed in 1993 and 1994 in the area of the so-called Herzeg-Bosnia. The prosecution believes that ethnic cleansing, during which 10,000 Muslims were persecuted and thousands of them were imprisoned in war camps and killed, was taken in regard insufficiently. The prosecution deems that the siege of Istocni Mostar, where 55,000 people were kept trapped, was also taken in regard insufficiently. The prosecution also believes that 2,300 pages of the first instance verdict, evidence and witnesses are sufficient to double the prison sentence of Prlic and other five indictees from the first instance process, when they were sentenced to a total of 111 years in prison. Survivors of the Herzeg-Bosnia war camps are of the same opinion and they stress that all the allegations presented within the ICTY’s largest process are true and no evidence could deny the truth that was already proven. They said that they expect the verdict to only confirm the facts presented earlier, i.e. a variety of war crimes committed during the 1990s.

N1 crew recently visited the village of Ahmici, where members of the Croat Defense Council (HVO) committed a massacre against 116 Bosniak civilians, including 32 women and 11 under-aged persons, on April 16, 1993.


No verdict can influence status of Croats as constituent people in B&H (BHT1)


The Presidency of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) discussed in Mostar on Monday the current political situation, in terms of rendering the second-instance verdict in the case ‘Prlic et al.’, scheduled for Wednesday. The Presidency of the HNS concluded that no verdict can have impact on the status of Croats as a constituent people in B&H and that no verdict can be used for political purposes, for solving of key issues in relations in B&H. Leader of HDZ B&H and President of the HNS Dragan Covic stated that six former HVO officials from the ‘Prlic et al.’ case are totally innocent people. He expressed strong hope that the verdict will rule that the former HVO officials are innocent. Covic assessed that the ICTY’s verdicts are political. “We believe that no matter what the verdict is, it will not contribute to reconciliation in B&H, nor has any other previous verdict for that matter” Covic assessed.


YIHR Croatia calls for responsibility of Croatian President due to pressures she puts on ICTY ahead of verdict in ‘Prlic et al’ case (TV1)


The Youth Initiative for Human Rights of Croatia (YIHR) asked on Monday Croatian parliament speaker Goran Jandrokovic and heads of party caucuses to launch the process of establishing of special responsibility of Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic “for the pressures she puts on the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) ahead of the verdict in the ‘Prlic et al’ case to political and military leadership of para-state formation of Herzeg-Bosnia.” YIHR representatives believe that the President’s statements, particularly the one given on the occasion of the recent presentation of a book entitled ‘General Praljak’ dedicated to one of the indictees in the ‘Prlic et al’ case, have put an intolerable political pressure on the ICTY’s work ahead of the second instance verdict in this case. Grabar-Kitarovic stated after the presentation that the book represents contribution to the truth about Praljak and the given historic period of the Croatian people’s fight for freedom. The YIHR assessed that Grabar-Kitarovic’s actions are unacceptable, unlawful and they put unacceptable public political pressure on the ICTY, reminding that Croatia has an obligation to cooperate with this institution. The YIHR noted that such activities aimed at protection of perpetrators of the most severe crimes against the international war and humanitarian law are intolerable, adding that Croatian parliament representatives have political and moral responsibility to act upon. “The President continues with the policy of aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina by defending crime perpetrators and fully neglecting the perspective of victims”, the YIHR said in a statement. The Center for Dealing with the Past ‘Dokumenta’ also criticized Grabar-Kitarovic for being irresponsible.


EUD: Responsibility for holding of elections and formation of authorities lies with institutions and officials of B&H (Glas Srpske)


The EU Delegation to B&H stated that institutions and officials in B&H have responsibility to secure unhindered holding of elections, as well as formation of authorities in a timely manner. “Changes to election legislation in B&H should be approached through the process of dialogue, compromise and coming closer to European standards”, stated Spokesperson for the EUD Jamila Milovic-Halilovic. Glas Srpske unofficially learns that B&H was given some sort of ultimatum, and that country’s officials were asked to make some progress in the field of changes to the Election Law by February 2018.


New Law on Elections or blockade of Federation and state (Dnevni list)


The B&H House of Representatives (HoR) will meet on Wednesday to continue the session that got adjourned on October 25, which will be followed by a new session. The agenda of the session, namely items one and five are related to changes to the Law on Elections of B&H. The first item is related to the request of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) that changes and amendments to the Law on Elections (as adopted in the B&H HoP) are adopted in urgent procedure, whilst the fifth item is related to changes to the electoral legislation as proposed by representatives Salko Sokolovic, Senad Sepic and Sadik Ahmetovic, but in regular procedure.


SDA, SNSD, HDZ B&H confirm they will support modified proposal of changes to Law on Excise Duties of B&H; SzP and SBB B&H deny their support (Nezavisne)


The B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) last week adopted a modified proposal of changes and addenda to the Law on Excise Duties of B&H and the explanation of the proposal reads that higher excise duties will result in more jobs, higher investments and higher birth rate. The explanation also reminded that B&H has a low level of economic growth and that the construction of infrastructure is one of important preconditions in order to achieve growth of economy. The explanation also noted that the increase of excise duties should not be viewed as a strike on citizens since this move would bring the mentioned positive results. The daily reminded that the key change reflects in the fact that not only excise duties on fuel will increase but road tolls would increase as well, while the collected funds would be used solely for the construction of motorways and reconstruction and construction of roads. The daily noted that it seems as if this proposal will not get the support in B&H parliament because the Alliance for Changes (SzP) and SBB B&H oppose the proposal. So far, this proposal has the support of 16 MPs from SDA, SNSD and HDZ B&H.


Dodik confirms that he met with SDP leader Niksic few days ago (Oslobodjenje)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik confirmed on Tuesday that he met with SDP leader Nermin Niksic in Banja Luka few days ago. He added that they had an informal meeting and talked about the political situation in general. Dodik also said that they did not make any agreement with regard to political cooperation. Dodik announced that SNSD will be an important political factor also at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) after the elections, but that SNSD does not want to interfere with developments in the Federation of B&H. He stressed that at this moment SNSD is not interested to become a part of authority at B&H level and that this was not the topic of the meeting with Niksic.


SNSD and Ujedinjena Srpska close to signing of coalition agreements (EuroBlic)


EuroBlic daily learns from “well informed sources” that SNSD and Ujedinjena Srpska (United Srpska) secretly prepared an agreement on mutual coalition activities, that the agreement is almost completed and it is matter of days when the agreement will be officially signed by party leaders Milorad Dodik and Nenad Stevandic respectively. According to daily’s sources, the mentioned agreement was kept secret because of DNS leader Marko Pavic, who fiercely opposes inclusion of Stevandic into the ruling coalition. The sources noted that Pavic is convinced that Stevandic is trying to push DNS out of the ruling coalition and that Ujedinjena Srpska is alternative for DNS and aims to take over all their posts. Daily failed to get in touch with representatives of Ujedinjena Srpska’to hear their stance on this, while SNSD representatives announced that delegations of the SNSD and Ujedinjena Srpska will meet on Tuesday. Pavic told the daily that Dodik has not informed him about the intention to include Stevandic into the ruling coalition, adding that if he were informed he would not take part in this, as DNS has no desire to sign any kind of coalition agreements with Stevandic and his party.


The victims of crimes cannot seek reparations from Zagreb (HRT)


“The judgment against the Croats from Bosnia and Herzegovina is not a judgment of Croatia, especially not for aggression. The victims of crimes cannot seek reparations from Zagreb,” said the lawyer of Milivoj Petkovic, the former commander of the Croatian Defense Council (HVO) one of the sentenced in the Prlic et al. case.


Diplomatic push to resolve impasse over border arbitration ruling expected in coming month (HRT)


During his visit to Budapest, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic spoke briefly with his Slovenian counterpart Miro Cerar about the current stand-off relating to the arbitration ruling on the two countries' border dispute. Also it seems European Commission vice president Frans Timmermans has been tasked with mediating between the two sides. Although there doesn't appear to have been any progress in the strained relationship between Croatia and Slovenia in recent months, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic was upbeat yesterday, announcing that Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar would visit Zagreb before the end of the year: "We have been talking at all of these meetings. Just because you don't see anything happening on the outside doesn't mean that our sides have not been in continued contact. There are talks on the diplomatic level and we are working on a date and I expect Miro Cerar to visit Zagreb by the end of next month. The most important thing is that neither side makes any unilateral moves. Whatever Slovenia is working on internally is its own business. There can be no agreement on the border without a consensus between the two countries," said Plenkovic. Meanwhile a European Commission spokesperson in Brussels has confirmed that European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker has entrusted his first vice president Frans Timmermans with the job of being a mediator between Croatia and Slovenia in relation to the implementation of the arbitration ruling on the two countries' border dispute. This spokesperson also said that Juncker had discussed the issue with both countries' prime ministers after the arbitration tribunal issued its ruling on the 4th September and had now informed both Plenkovic and Cerar that Timmersmans intended to visit both countries before the year was out, to discuss the issue with them.


Power in Cetinje soon with SD (RTCG)


Prime Minister Dusko Markovic expects the DPS in Cetinje to join the Social Democrats very soon, to agree on the establishment of power. "I believe that the political campaign and political primitivism in Cetinje left a significant part of the voters home. We have a coalition partner at the central government level and I believe that we will soon make an agreement on the establishment of power in Cetinje, and start implementing the projects that are about the development of Cetinje,"Markovic said. As a reminder, DPS in Cetinje has 16 mandates and SD two. It takes 17 councilors for majority. The Prime Minister welcomed the results of Sunday elections. As he said, they are demonstrating that the democratic and EU perspective of Montenegro is unquestionable, despite the fact that there were serious challenges on the campaign. "Political competition has been trying to undermine this key commitment of Montenegro. It’s indeed a good result in Petnjica, Mojkovac and Cetinje, but I am particularly satisfied with a convincing victory in Mojkovac, which is the best political result of DPS since the introduction of a multi-party system," Markovic said and added that in Mojkovac there was an impressive turnout of over 82 percent. As the Prime Minister pointed out, citizens have in this way showed which way they want Mojkovac to go. "I would also say that this is the best answer to the political destruction and compromising of the political system that we had in Mojkovac from political competition, and another quality response to the boycott and political parasitism in Montenegro," Markovic concluded.


The Appellate Court postponed indefinitely the session for the covert investigation measures used in the “Ransom” case (Meta)


The Appellate Court in Skopje postponed indefinitely the public session during which a discussion was to occur about the appeal of the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev’s defense team regarding the use of covert investigation measures (PIM) as evidence in the trial process in the “Ransom” case, where Zaev is the accused. The reason for the postponement of the session was because the judge upon this case, Afrim Fidani, was elected as a judge at the Supreme Court. Judge Safet Kadriu announced that there still hasn’t been done an allocation and because of that, the session is postponed indefinitely. The defense and Zaev demand that the recordings should not be used as evidence since they were already published publicly i.e. parts of them were uploaded on the Youtube service and later they were taken over by various media and published.

Due to the waiting on the Appellate Court’s decision, the hearing for the “Ransom” case was postponed, and the next is set for 25 December. In the “Ransom” case, Zaev is the prime suspect for demanding and taking ransom in the amount of 200.00 euros from a businessman from Strumica, Ivan Nikolov- Sachevaliev, regarding a legalization of a parcel.


VMRO-DPMNE: By postponing the hearing for the “Ransom” case the judiciary has reached the bottom (Meta)


The indefinite postponement of the hearing for the “Ransom” case is evidence that the judiciary, under the pressure of SDS, has reached the bottom, reacts the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE. The justice and the laws of this state are valid for everyone except for Zoran Zaev and the criminal heads around him. So far tens of absurd reasons were invented in order to postpone the justice, states the party.


Bulgarian Orthodox Church to be the mother church of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (Meta)


The Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church – the Bulgarian Patriarchate accepted the request to be the mother church of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOA) and to represent it in front of the local Orthodox churches. The Synod of Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC) reviewed the letter from the Archbishop of MOC-OA, HH Stefan, which was sent on 9 November. “The Bulgarian Orthodox Church – the Bulgarian Patriarchate was never indifferent to the suffering of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, which is why it was discussed. In a situation when the Macedonian Orthodox Church recognizes the Bulgarian Orthodox Church – the Bulgarian Patriarchate (BOC-BP) as its mother church, the BOC-BP considers its sacred duty to commit itself in engagement, mediation and advocacy in front of the local Orthodox churches. The BOC will do what is necessary for determining the canonical status of the MOC”, wrote the BOC’s Holy Synod about the letter from the MOC. The Synod of the BOC decided to establish a bishop committee for negotiations with the MOC and other local Orthodox churches for establishing the canonical status of the MOC, reads the decision.


Albania-Kosovo meetings not provocations to Serbia (ADN)


The joint government meeting on Monday between Albania and Kosovo ended with the signing of 12 co-operation agreements. Both Premiers of the two countries declared that there is so much to do. But at the same time, Prime Minister, Edi Rama underlined the fact that these meetings are not provocations to Serbia and must not be seen as such. "These meetings are not provocations but meetings to do better those works that we had done so far. Despite the fact that we are different states, the Albanian world is one," said Rama. The co-operation agreements were for customs unification, in the environmental area, culture, Diaspora and European integration.


No Albanian citizenship for Kosovo citizens (ADN)


Albania will not “donate” its citizenship for the Kosovo's citizens. Same as the President, the Prime Minister, Edi Rama, made it clear on Monday during the joint government meeting with Kosovo. "Giving the Albanian citizenship to the citizens of Kosovo is not the solution for them to travel to the Schengen area. This because we also have to be careful for the obligations that we have to respect," said Rama. The same was made clear even by the President Ilir Meta days ago. He declared that both countries will be damaged.




China, CEEC cooperation a model to advance Belt and Road Initiative (Xinhua, 28 November 2017)


WARSAW - This is encouraging. The Smederevo Steel Mill, a plant of Serbian national pride, finally started to make profit by the end of 2016 after a seven-year loss. It happened only eight months after Chinese HeSteel Group poured investment therein, vowing to make it one of the most competitive in Europe. It comes as one example in a larger picture where China and 16 Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) have quickened their economic exchange under the "16+1" cooperation format in realizing goals of the Belt and Road Initiative that is intended to improve infrastructure and trade between China and Europe and Africa. Also in Serbia, the first phrase of Expressway E763, built by a Chinese company, is expected to complete by the end of the year. Another upbeat story like the one in Serbia was also told in Poland when China's Liugong Group, five years after acquiring the machinery unit of Poland's Huta Stalowa Wola (HSW), remade it into a profitable joint venture that has paid taxes and dues for about $68 million during past four years while creating jobs. China's Hongbo Group invested $100 million to build a LED lamp factory in that country. In the Czech Republic, you may have to make an appointment until half a year later in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital that is keenly sought after among locals. According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, in 2016, total trade between China and the 16 CEEC increased by 9.5 percent, marking a remarkable boost while China's trade with Europe and the world as a whole dipped in the same period. It makes the "16+1" cooperation a model for the Belt and Road Initiative and China-Europe ties. Proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative aims to build trade and infrastructure networks connecting Asia with Europe and Africa on and beyond the ancient Silk Road routes. It comprises the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.


Gaining momentum

The China-CEEC cooperation is gaining momentum, tapping the huge market potential in an area home to many emerging economies. China General Nuclear Power Corporation is negotiating to build two additional nuclear power units in Cernavoda in Southeast Romania. The $8.3 billion project will be the largest one so far between China and CEEC. The Hungary-Serbia high-speed railway, a flagship project for regional inter-connectivity, is also on the agenda.

Zivadin Jovanovic, a Serbian expert on international affairs, told Xinhua, "Serbia and China will expand cooperation in infrastructure building, manufacturing, food processing and other sectors."

Wang Yiwei, an expert on Europe with Renmin University of China, said that the building of the Belt and Road could improve the "16+1" format which was launched in Warsaw in 2012.

"The format serves a framework that we can realize the win-win scenario for China and the European Union," Wang said. Czech President Milos Zeman said that efforts to push forward the Belt and Road Initiative within the framework of the "16+1" format will bring more opportunities to this region.


Mutual benefits

The China-CEEC cooperation comes with reciprocity. Chinese investment in CEEC is now over $9 billion while CEEC invested $1.4 billion in China. In the first three quarters of this year, the China-CEEC trade exceeded $49 billion, marking an increase of 14.5 percent year-on-year while China's imports from CEEC rose 21.9 percent. The increasing demand from China means a huge market for CEEC manufacturers. A Chinese company which bought in Lobkowicz Brewery Group in the Czech Republic not only helped preserve its traditional brewery skills, but also hopefully brought the prestigious Czech beer to Chinese groceries through China-Europe regular freight trains. The CEEC along the China-Europe railway connect the Asian and European continents and make up nearly one fourth of the countries along the Belt and Road.

Jan Kohout, advisor to the Czech president, said the Belt and Road Initiative is one of the highlights of China's foreign policies, playing an important role in European and Asian development. "China and CEEC are making headway, building a community of shared future with practical actions," Wang said.


China, Serbia agree to cement parliamentary exchanges (Xinhua, 27 November 2017)


BEIJING, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- China and Serbia agreed in Beijing on Monday to boost parliamentary exchanges and share experience in governance, the development of democracy and rule of law. The agreement was reached in the talks between China's top legislator Zhang Dejiang and visiting Serbian National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic. They signed a protocol on setting up a cooperation committee from members of both countries' legislative bodies.

Zhang, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress, said the protocol is a new platform for bilateral cooperation and boosting exchanges between legislative bodies. He called on closer parliamentary exchanges among various levels, to consolidate political foundation for bilateral ties. Zhang encouraged legislative bodies to offer more consistent and reliable policies and legal environment for China-Serbia cooperation, and step up cultural exchanges and local cooperation. He recalled the exchange of state visits between the two countries' state leaders, adding China is ready to work with Serbia to implement leaders' consensus, combine development strategies, deepen win-win cooperation and build a better future for both countries and peoples. Gojkovic, in her turn, congratulated the success of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. She said the Serbian National Assembly hopes to make full use of the cooperation committee to cement parliamentary exchanges and bilateral friendship at the new stage. China's top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng also met with Gojkovic earlier on Monday. Yu, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said the CPPCC expects to enhance exchanges and cooperation with the Serbian National Assembly, to boost sustained and stable growth of bilateral ties. Gojkovic is visiting China from Nov. 25 to Dec. 1.


Minister Denies Croatia’s Role in Bosnian War (Anadolu, 28 November 2017)


Croatia’s interior minister said he expects the Hague Tribunal will acquit six former Bosnian Croat officials because Zagreb wasn’t involved in the Bosnian war - contrary to the UN court’s previous findings. Ahead of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia’s final verdict on six former Bosnian Croat officials, Croatian Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic told a press conference on Tuesday that he expects their acquittal because “Croatia wasn’t a party in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The ICTY will hand down its final verdict on Wednesday in the case against Jadranko Prlic, Bruno Stojic, Slobodan Praljak, Milivoj Petkovic, Valentin Coric and Berislav Pusic – the UN court’s last verdict before it shuts down at the end of this year. “I expect that (the six officials’ guilt) won’t be proven because the Republic of Croatia wasn’t a party in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and I hope for a verdict of acquittal,” Bozinovic said, Anadolu news agency reported. The six officials of the unrecognized wartime Croat statelet of Herceg-Bosnia were found guilty in 2013 of wartime crimes in the Bosnian municipalities of Mostar, Capljina, Ljubuski, Prozor, Vares, Gornji Vakuf and Jablanica, and sentenced to a total of 111 years in prison. They were convicted of implementing a campaign of persecution of Bosniaks from the spring of 1993 to the spring of 1994 involving murders, rape, deportations, unlawful detentions, the destruction and confiscation of property, the destruction of villages, towns and cultural and religious buildings, forcing people to do hard labor and terrorizing civilians. Prlic was sentenced to 25 years in prison, Stojic, Praljak and Petkovic to 20 years, Coric to 16 years and Pusic to ten years for crimes against humanity. The Tribunal determined that the crimes were committed within a joint criminal enterprise involving then Croatian President Franjo Tudjman. The criminal enterprise was aimed at establishing “a Croat entity, whose borders would partially follow the borders of the Croatian republic from 1939” through the forcible and permanent deportation of the Bosniak population. The prosecutors said the criminal enterprise was intended to establish a “Greater Croatia”. In other cases against Herceg-Bosnia officials, the ICTY has found that Croatia had “overall” or “operational” control on the ground in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the statelet’s armed forces, the Croatian Defence Council, HVO. The court also found that the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina had “an international character”, as Croatia was involved in it – a fact that Zagreb has repeatedly tried to deny, despite documents that prove it. Last week, Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic also stated that she expects the acquittal of the six Bosnian Croat ex-officials.


Hahn: EU becomes more and more ready to discuss accession of the Western Balkans countries (Wiener Zeitung, 28  November 2017)


EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn said that EU is becoming more and more ready to discuss the accession of the Western Balkans countries, which would help securing of the peace in this region, while the Union itself would be enriched. “There is more readiness between EU member states to deal with enlargement issue, than there was a year ago”, said Hahn. Commissioner said that the EU members came to realize that “peace can be reached in the Balkans and EU accession is of vital importance in order to achieve this”. He noted that the Western Balkans and their 20 million citizens, inclined towards the prosperity, present very attractive market for the EU. Hahn added that no new member represents “burden but true enrichment”. Commissioner noted that he does not support the idea about Europe “in several different speeds”, as this would result in distancing of the member states. Instead, Hahn concludes, it is necessary to make an effort to enable weaker states to make progress and strengthen the EU.


US Atlantic Council conference to take place, Council proposes establishment of permanent US’ military presence in southeast Europe (Voice of America, 28 November 2017)


The US Atlantic Council will hold a conference on Western Balkans on Wednesday and present a report on the topic 'Balkan Ahead - New US Strategy for Region' on Tuesday. The report proposes establishment of permanent US’ military presence in southeast Europe, advocating of historic reconciliation with Serbia, as well as renewal of US’ reputation, as a true mediator.

Executive Vice President of the Council Damon Wilson stated for Voice of America that a more active role of the US in the region is necessary. He also said that in case there was no more active engagement of Washington, there is a risk that a crisis might emerge in the Balkans. Asked if the issue of the Balkans is more discussed in Washington now than before, Wilson said: “The stance that the harder part of the job was done has prevailed in Washington, that we did the hardest job in the 1990ies and leadership was gradually ceded to the EU. The instinct to do this is right from many aspects. The EU is a big player and it should be as such. However, this does not mean that the USA should not have a clear, defined and important role in this process. This is what we want to correct.”