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Belgrade Media Report 08 December 2017



Vucic: Trepca Complex is a part of family, national heritage (Tanjug)


Mining and Metallurgy Complex Trepca, near Kosovska Mitrovica, was not just a company, but also “a part of family and national heritage” of Serbia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at the occasion of 90th anniversary since the complex was founded. “When some company is nurtured and built for 90 years, as it is the case with Trepca, the company is not just an industrial entity anymore, it is a part of family and national heritage, a part of tradition,” Vucic wrote in a message sent to Trepca, read at the marking of the anniversary in Zvecan. “Serbia will continue to fight for your right to run something that has been created by your ancestors without any compromises, which belongs to you and Trepca, as long as Serbia exists, will not be taken away from you,” Vucic said.


Brnabic: A big step forward in relations with Bulgaria (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met on Thursday in Sofia with her Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borisov and discussed energy situation in Europe and the region, as well as European integrations. “We have made a big step forward in relations between our two countries in time of mandate of my predecessor Aleksandar Vucic. It is good that the relations in the region are based on personal friendship and I think this is a good way of cooperation between our countries,” Brnabic said after the meeting. “Our gas connection is important for both Serbia and Bulgaria, as well as the whole region, in terms of energy connections, energy security, diversification, gas supply and these are some plans that are most important in the upcoming period for energy in Serbia,” she stated. “We have a great friendship between Bulgaria and Serbia. We have also, certainly, mentioned Bulgarian presidency over EU and their support to Serbia and the whole western Balkans in EU accession and general enlargement of EU. I hope that 2018 would be much more successful in terms of European integrations for the whole Western Balkans,” Brnabic said.


Dacic: Serbia advocates open talks with new US administration (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic pointed out the need to make certain strategic arrangements between Serbia and the United States, stressing the readiness of our country to openly discuss with the new US administration. Dacic, who spoke with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on the margins of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Vienna, once again defined the position of our country, and expressed the desire for Serbia and the United States to find some common interests. “I drew his attention to the fact that changes in US politics should be brought only by the president, the vice-president and the minister of foreign affairs, since representatives of the old establishment cannot do this, because they are defending their policy from the 1990s," Dacic told the US official during their short conversation. He assessed that it is necessary to have more frequent communication and see how we can have a winning combination in which common interests will be found to permanently solve some of the problems that exist in the region, such as Kosovo and Metohija. “The conversation with Tillerson opened the door to next year have a bilateral meeting with him,” Dacic said, according to the statement.

Dacic also met in Vienna with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, with whom he discussed details of his upcoming visit to Serbia on 24 February for the celebration of the 180th anniversary of Serbia-Russia diplomatic relations.


Ljajic: No reconciliation in Balkans (N1)


Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic says he is skeptical about the reconciliation process in the Balkans and that the region lacks readiness to face the past. “None of the sides will budge an inch and I am very skeptical about the possibility of reconciliation... That narrative hardly takes hold,” Ljajic told the N1 on Thursday.




Izetbegovic’s act in Belgrade continues sparking reactions (Hayat, ATV, N1)


Statements and behavior of Bosniak member of B&H Presidency and leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic at the press conference in Belgrade on Wednesday continue sparking reactions. Politicians from the RS and some Croat politicians described his act as scandalous and inappropriate. On the other hand, pro-Bosnian parties deem that Izetbegovic acted in a manner of a statesman. SDA commended Izetbegovic’s act, adding that this reaction prevented incident in which a Chairman of B&H Presidency, with silent approval of a Serb member of B&H Presidency, attempted to transfer sovereignty of B&H in area of foreign policy to neighboring country. SDA Vice-President and Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Denis Zvizdic congratulated Izetbegovic on his statesman-like move and right reaction. Zvizdic noted that Izetbegovic protected sovereignty of B&H with his move. Former member of B&H Presidency Haris Silajdzic stressed that according to the Dayton Peace Agreement, foreign policy of B&H is created in Sarajevo. He reminded that both, Serbia and Croatia, which signed the DPA “and are not guarantors of it” committed that they will not affect integrity, sovereignty and international subjectivity of B&H.

Former Foreign Minister of B&H Zlatko Lagumdzija described Izetbegovic’s statement as “an act of saving honor of the state”. He assessed behavior of Covic as scandalous, because Covic decided to act as Vucic’s lawyer.

Deputy Speaker of the HoP Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) stressed that Izetbegovic’s behavior does not go in favor of improvement of already poor reputation of BiH in the region and the EU countries.


Members of 'Green Berets' send war mongering messages (RTRS)


Members of 'Green Berets' have said that they support Bakir Izetbegovic with, as they said, 100,000 experienced soldiers. According to a press release issued by 'Green Berets', Izetbegovic's behavior in Belgrade represents "defense of the homeland in the agreed Serb-Croat scenario aimed at reducing the statehood of B&H." "Just like we stood behind our supreme commander Alija Izetbegovic, so we stand behind you Bakir Izetbegovic with more than 100,000 experienced soldiers - war veterans," reads the press release issued by 'Green Berets'.


PIC SB discusses current situation in B&H (BNTV)


Political Directors representing member countries of the Steering Board (SB) of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) in B&H gathered at a session that commenced in Sarajevo on Thursday to discuss the current situation in B&H. Also, PIC SB announced that they will meet on Friday with members of B&H Presidency and representatives of judicial institutions in B&H to discuss issues like fight against corruption. Also, in their reaction to statements of some politicians saying that High Representative Valentin Inzko should apologize for his statement, given few months ago, comparing the Republika Srpska (RS) Day with day of founding of the World War Two fascistic Independent State of Croatia (NDH), the Office of High Representative (OHR) stated for Fena news agency that High Representatives Inzko explained his statement few months ago and expressed regret for the fact his statement was wrongly quoted and misinterpreted. „The High Representative did not have intention to insult anyone. He expressed his regret to those who might have been hurt with his misinterpreted statement,” underlined the OHR.  Reporter commented that following this “kind of apology” Serb member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic said that he will attend Friday's session of the PIC SB. “It was completely inappropriate to compare the RS Day with day of founding of NDH. I am glad Inzko explained his stance and corrected injustice inflicted to all residents of the RS who  recognize January 9 (RS Day) as their holiday”, said Ivanic and voiced hope that a similar statement will not be given in the future by representatives of the international community. Ivanic went on saying that following Inzko’s apology, all preconditions necessary for his participation in meeting organized by the PIC SB were fulfilled. “I will attend session scheduled for Friday. I would not attended it if there was no apology,” explained the Serb member of B&H Presidency.


B&H Presidency members meet PIC SB Political Directors (Klix)


Members of B&H Presidency met today with Political Directors of member countries of the Peace Implementation Council’s Steering Board. Members of B&H Presidency informed the Directors with the current political situation in BIH and they underlined dedication to further work on implementation of reforms in meeting of conditions for obtaining of EU candidate status. They repeated dedication to continuation of B&H’s EU path and finalization of answers o EC’s Questionnaire. They expressed conviction that despite the current situation, the progress will be made in terms of EU integration. Members of PIC SB repeated that they support B&H’s EU path and reminded that focus must be on carrying out of socioeconomic and other reforms, in order to improve lives of citizens. They praised the progress made in this direction and called on all authority levels to make additional efforts in order to continue reform processes.


Dodik thanks Russia for its honest friendship and for understanding relations in region (ATV, RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik is participating at an international congress in Saint Petersburg where he stated that Russian Federation is an honest friend of the RS and that it understands relations in the region. He stressed that the congress in an opportunity to thank for the Russian support in the UN Security Council and multilateral bodies that deal with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).

Dodik met with Saint Petersburg Governor Georgy Poltavchenko and discussed the political situation in the RS, ways to strengthen relations between the RS and Russia and opening of the RS Representation Office in Saint Petersburg. Dodik informed Poltavchenko about the political situation in the RS and the region, using this meeting to thank Russia for its honest friendship and for understanding the relations in the region. Poltavchenko stressed that cooperation between Saint Petersburg and the RS is advancing in many areas, but that it is necessary to develop relations in new directions as well. Poltavchenko noted that plans agreed during this year's International Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg are being actively implemented. Dodik also met with representatives of the company 'Gazprom SPB' with whom he discussed opening of a joint company in Zvornik. The value of this project is USD 70 million, which should be provided by Russian investors. "Proposal is for 'Gazprom SPB' and 'Gas-Res' to sign an agreement in Banja Luka at the end of next week which would represent the beginning of forming a joint company which 'Gas-Res' would have a symbolic share in," Dodik told RTRS.


Crnadak attends meeting of OSCE Ministerial Council in Vienna (FTV)


B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak is attending the annual meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Vienna. The meeting is an opportunity for the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of 57 member states to analyze the security situation in the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian regions. During the opening of this event, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson commented on the Balkans, as well as the necessary reforms in B&H, among other topics. „Despite of the work done, instability remains in parts of the Balkans. The governments must accelerate economic and political reforms, strengthen institutions, implement anti-corruption measures and ensure the rule of law. These are critical and very important steps, especially for an agreement on the reform before the elections in B&H in 2018,” Tillerson was quoted as saying.


Russian Ambassador to UN Ilichev criticizes work of ICTY (Glas Srpske)


Russian Ambassador to the UN Security Council Petr Ilichev addressed the UN Security Council on Wednesday and criticized the work of the ICTY as one-sided, anti-Serb and with double standards. “Founding of the Court in 1993 represented a big step for the Security Council. At that time we presumed that it is going to have a role of impartial instrument of justice and it is going to contribute to reconciliation process in the region… Today, 24 years later, we are forced to say that the Hague Tribunal has not met its task, unfortunately” said Ilichev and noted that the ICTY represents a clear example of existence of double standards, because it was unable to maintain its unbiased and independent role. The court was focused on trying Serbs, sentencing them to total of 1,000 years in prison, stated the Ambassador and noted that recent verdict against Republika Srpska (RS) Army Commander Ratko Mladic represented continuation of this politicized and biased spiral. Ilichev warned that the ICTY kept ignoring the fact that NATO had its own operations in the Western Balkans, which resulted in civilian deaths and destruction of property. In conclusion, Ilichev said that historians and expert in criminal law will analyze the work of the ICTY, underlining that from his point of view, the ICTY has undermined and discredited the idea of international justice.


B&H HoP adopts modified set of excise laws (BNTV/N1)


At its session held on Thursday, B&H House of Peoples (HoP) adopted a modified proposal of set of laws on excise duties. Reporter noted that delegates from SNSD, SDA, HDZ BiH, HDZ 1990, DNS and SBB B&H voted for these laws. The proposal was adopted in urgent procedure.

SNSD’s Sredoje Novic wondered if there is any serious reason why this set of laws should not be adopted.

Croat delegate in B&H HoP Mario Karamatic (HSS) underlined that there was no need to introduce new tax that will make living of everyone in B&H more expensive.

B&H Minister of Finance Vjekoslav Bevanda underlined that funds from these excise duties will be spent in a rather transparent way, because this is something agreed at a meeting of entities’ governments, B&H ITA, the IMF, the EBRD and the EC. Bevanda underlined that in case B&H HoR adopts this law, loans and funds allocated for construction of motorways and roads in B&H will be unblocked.

SDA’s Safet Softic said that this was done in order to avoid discussion of a commission of B&H HoR about these laws, because this procedure might stop adoption of this set of laws again.

SDS stated that abovementioned activities represent violation of the Rules of Procedures. It was stated from this party that Thursday's session of B&H HoP showed that coalition SNSD-SDA-HDZ B&H is attempting to take some BAM 300 million “from citizens’ pockets” through increase of prices of fuel.

SBB B&H delegate in the B&H HoP Fahrudin Radoncic, who voted for the proposed amendments to the Law on Excise Duties in B&H, said that they asked the BiH Council of Ministers (CoM) to provide them with guarantees that money collected from additional excise duties is spent on road construction in B&H in a transparent way.

Reporter commented that it is still not certain if there is necessary majority in B&H HoR for adoption of these laws. Some delegates claim that majority in B&H HoP misused the Rules of Procedures and requested B&H HoR to discuss these laws in urgent procedure.


Prime Minister explains Croatia’s position on Hague verdict (N1)


''It isn't clear to me why there are dilemmas about our statements on the verdict,'' said Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic at the government session. At yesterday’s session of the government, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic took the opportunity to comment on recent political events, in particular, last week’s verdict of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and allegations that the government and him personally had given differing positions on the judgment. “The message that we have sent to B&H, but above all to the Croats living there as a constitutional people, whom we want to be equal with the other two peoples, as well as with all the others who live in B&H, is that we remain committed to developing good neighborly relations with B&H and to providing strong support for the country’s European path,” said the Prime Minister. “With regards to the Hague verdict, I have very clearly expressed regret and condolences for victims who are linked to these specific crimes, but also for the victims of all crimes committed in B&H, as well as for all Croatian victims who were numerous in B&H. I do not understand why there are dilemmas about our statements on the verdict against the six Bosnian Croats. We were quite clear in our comments and assessments. As a responsible member of NATO and the European Union, we respect the verdicts of the International Criminal Court; this was never in question. But, at the same time, we can express our dissatisfaction with certain parts of the verdicts. That is what we have done, especially with regards to the allusions about the involvement of the Croatian state leadership. If there were no support from Croats in B&H, there would be no majority will of the people of B&H as demonstrated during the independence referendum in the country, and there would be no Dayton peace agreement as was agreed,” Plenkovic said.


EC Vice President to mediate in border dispute with Slovenia (HRT)


The President of the European Commission President has mandated his vice president to mediate in Slovenia's border dispute with Croatia. EC President Jean Claude Juncker has mandated European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans to moderate in the border dispute Slovenia initiated against Croatia. Juncker says that Timmermans could visit both countries before the end of the year. Timmermans made it very clear that the dispute is between two EU member states and that Brussels is hopeful the dispute can be resolved through dialogue. He said that he was already in contact with both governments and that he would, in agreement with them, make a decision on the precise nature of his role as a mediator.


The “Tirana Scenario” failed: No reconciliation among the Albanian parties (CDM)


The so-called “Tirana Scenario” according to which the Albanian parties pledged not to form post-election coalitions with the Democratic party of Socialists (DPS) has failed. The Democratic Union of Albanians (DUA) broke the deal and decided to negotiate with DPS.

DPS, Bosniak Party (BS) and DUA will start negotiations in the coming days, and it is already certain that this coalition will be formed. The same coalition was in power in power before the 26 November local elections. As CDM learns, the coalition will include Social Democrats SD for the first time. It might also include an Albanian party as well. Before the local elections in Tuzi, DUA, the Democratic Alliance of Albanians (DSA), Albanian Alternative (AA) and the Democratic Forum for Integration made an agreement on joint activities after the elections. Tirana was said to have had the key role in making the agreement.

DPS official Halil Dukovic who was the party list leader in the Tuzi elections is not surprised by the failure of the Tirana Scenario. “We will soon start negotiations with BS and DUA, and I believe that we will quickly agree and form a government in Tuzi. I believe that SD will participate also in the negotiations, as well as some Albanian parties apart from DUA. We want a broad coalition, as we earlier announced,” Dukovic told CDM.


Parliament in full capacity again (Dnevne novine)


After the return of most of the opposition MPs to Parliament, the institution has the necessary conditions for making decisions with a two third majority. It also regained its full legal and political legitimacy, insomuch that it can be said that there is no political crisis in Montenegro, Dnevne Novine writes. DF announced its MPs would return to parliament after more than a year of being absent from it. Independent MP Aleksandar Damjanovic and United Montenegro MPs Goran Danilovic and Goran Radonjic will also end the Parliament boycott. Thus 63 out of 81 MPs will be in Parliament (DPS-36, BS-2, SD-2, FOrca-1, HGI-1, DF-18, UCG-2 and one independent MP). Parliament speaker Ivan Brajovic commended DF’s announcement of returning to parliament. According to analyst Dragan Soc, in this way parliament’s decisions would gain political legitimacy in addition to legal one.


Lukovac: ICJ to solve Prevlaka issue (CDM)


The final decision on the demarcation of Montenegro and Croatia on the Prevlaka peninsula will most likely be brought by the International Court of Justice in The Hague, said former foreign minister Branko Lukovac. According to media reports, the EU is asking Montenegro to solve the issue of Prevlaka by 2023, in order to become a full EU member in 2025, according to current estimates. Lukovac says that a hint that the EU will seek solving border issues with neighbors could speed up filing the case to this court, in order to obtain ICJ’s ruling by 2023. The Prevlaka area operates on the basis of a temporary protocol on border crossing signed in 2002. In case the agreement is not reached bilaterally, the decision will be sought at the International Court of Justice or by international arbitration. Lukovac calls to mind that Montenegro has a temporary agreement with Croatia on Prevlaka, which has not been challenged by either party so far.


The prosecution opens an investigation after Jeremić’s statements that Mijalkov had been laundering money (Meta)


The Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Corruption has initiated a pre-trial procedure due to the existence of indictments for money laundering by senior Macedonian officials, according to a statement given by former Serbian Foreign Minister, Vuk Jeremic, informs the prosecution. Last week, Jeremic stated that the Czech company “Czechoslovak Group” last year in October, through a Belgrade-based firm, SCMG, bought the headquarters of the firm in Krusevac for four million Euros, with a direct contract and without public advertisement. He said that under Serbian law, direct purchase agreements are allowed, but only in “special cases”, and “specifically in this case, this year in Macedonia, the dictatorial and deeply corrupt regime of Nikola Gruevski was brought down, the political twin brother of Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic”. “They are the people from that regime, and before everyone else, is Sasho Mijalkov, the former head of the Administration for Security and Counterintelligence (UBK) and Gruevski’s “right hand”, who started extracting money in a panic, which he acquired from corrupt activities in Macedonia and to place the funds in various schemes, through tax havens, the Netherlands, and in the case of “October 14th”, through the Czech Republic,” stressed Jeremic. The prosecution says the pre-trial procedure is a result of the published articles from several media outlets in the Republic of Macedonia regarding the statement made by the former Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the People’s Party in the Republic of Serbia, Vuk Jeremic.


VMRO-DPMNE threatens Jeremic and the media who published the statement about Mijalkov (Meta)


The announcement that there will be a pre-trial procedure for the interview with Vuk Jeremic is yet more proof that Macedonia has no legal system and that justice is not equal for all, but the persecution of a party-political commissioned by Zaev and his junta, reads the reaction of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, after the statement by the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the Prosecution of Organized Crime and Corruption. The party says they expect the Public Prosecutor’s Office to go public with the information about this pre-trial procedure as soon as possible, which “politically opens and quotes the allegations in public, so that the case can be properly processed, against Vuk Jeremic and all the media close to SDS who abused the statement while violating a man’s honor and reputation.” From there, they go on to say that Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced several months ago that officials from the government are being investigated, but the public, the party says, still has no information that Zaev informed them of, while the prosecuting authorities are hiding the cases they are working on.


DP, Four conditions for the election of the new attorney general (ADN)


The leader of the Democratic Party Lulezim Basha has responded to the invitation addressed to him by Prime Minister Edi Rama on the election of a temporary Attorney General. Basha supports that “the only agreement that the country is in need of is the one for the Constitution and a lawful state”. Basha required the fulfillment of four conditions by the majority, underlining that all of them were established by European Union. "The conditions regard the implementation of the Judicial Reform and the Vetting process, war on drugs and crime, war on corruption, public administration reform and respect of basic human rights," underlined Basha.
The conditions are:
1. We support without any reserve the immediate unblocking of the Judicial Reform and the creation of the Special Structure against Corruption and Organized Crime and the Bureau of Investigation and the designation of the General Prosecutor in a constitutional manner, after he/she had passed the vetting process and is supported by the 3/5 of the parliament.
2. We support the removal of Saimir Tahiri’s immunity and his investigation as a simple citizen for his connection to drug trafficking. We support without conditions the investigation of all officials connected with crime from, Vangjush Dako and Qazim Sejdin to the Police Chiefs. We support and the investigation of criminal groups from the Habilaj's to the Balilaj.
3. We support without any reserve the investigation and war against corruption, including the concessions in Health, incinerators, PPP and everywhere.
4. We support without any reserve the rights of the citizens, their freedom and their property against arbitrary interventions.
Basha finally said that 'our duty is to act as the opposition, which is fundamental and essential to the well-functioning of democracy, executive power’s restriction and well governance of the country”.


SMI against the election of a new temporary attorney general (ADN)


The Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) has expressed its strong objection regarding the appointment of the new temporary Attorney General. SMI’s latest reaction is in complete accordance with the view that the Democratic Party has on the subject, which requires the concernment of Adriatik Llalla in duty till he is dismissed by the High Council of Prosecution.
The chairman of the SMI Parliamentary Group, Petrit Vasili, had a message even for the international partners in Albania which according to him cannot act like occupators.
“The implementation of the Judicial Reform has entered in a very dangerous path of anti-constitutionalism and is against the law, which hurts the state of law and installs a criminalized and unlawful nomocracy. The foreigners whoever they may be, cannot behave like occupators and bless the manipulation of Justice by the cannabis of the prime minister”, declared Vasili.


DP objects the election of a temporary attorney general (ADN)


The opening of procedures for the election of a provisional Attorney General by the majority is an open violation of the country’s constitution. The Democrat MP, Enkelejd Alibeaj made this strong declaration on Thursday during a meeting of Legal Issues, Public Administration and Human Rights Committee. “The opening of procedures for the election of a provisional Attorney General is a clear attempt to capture the head of this important institution. This fact is easily understandable by everyone. The majority announced the opening of procedures in spite of the fact that issue was not part of the commission’s agenda. I understand that you may have personal issues with Adriatik Lalla but is an undeniable fact that the General Prosecution has made forward steps under his leadership. If you decide to take this false step the aggravation of political clime in Albania is totally unavoidable. The alibi of an institutional stalemate is inexistent. Thus the opening of procedures for provisional Attorney General is clearly a backward step,” declared Alibeaj.


Attorney general election, US calls on parliament to respect the law (ADN)


The US Embassy in Albania reacted on Thursday over the election process for the new attorney general. Immediately after the mandate of Adriatik Llalla ended, US Embassy underlined that the Constitution and the Prosecutorial Law are very clear on this issue. “The US Embassy endorses the OPDAT and EURALIUS legal opinion provided to parliament. We call on the parliament to respect the law,” declared the Embassy.


Attorney general election, EU appeal to the parliament (ADN)


The EU presence in Albania endorses the election of a provisional attorney general on view of the fact that Adriatik Llalla’s mandate expired. In a public reaction on Thursday following the debates between majority and opposition for the opening of procedures for the provisional attorney general the EU stated that the law for prosecution speaks very clearly on this issue
“The law for the prosecution organization and functioning foresees clear transitory dispositions, as confirmed by EURALIUS and OPDAT in their opinion expressed to the parliament. We urge to the parliament to act in accordance to the law,” declared the EU presence.




BiH and the EU: The politics of „almost“ does not deliver anymore, Hahn loses patience (European Western Balkans, by Vedran Dzihic, 8 December 2017)


The pictures are telling – Commissioner Hahn smiling and celebrating the next step in Bosnia’s EU integration back in late 2016 while delivering the EU Commission’s questionnaire stands in sharp contrast to the same but this time rather disillusioned and frustrated Commissioner in Sarajevo by the end of 2017. And this huge nothing in the meantime that has changed Commissioner’s mood reveals a simple fact that Bosnia as a country is basically not functioning and in its present shape it is light years away from the EU membership. Yes, this is because of the dysfunctional logic of Dayton and the political practice that derives from it and we usually describe as self-referential ethnopolitics. Yes, it is also because elected politicians on all three sides almost ever since the last elections have been engaged in a permanent electoral campaign based on blaming and accusing each other for the lack of progress is the matrix they stick to.

But it is also partly because of the passivity of Bosnian population and a similar kind of passivity in the EU and the European Commission. The majority of Bosnians are tired of politics and do not believe that change is possible. It seems that also the EU does not believe too much that a happy end in Bosnia is realistic, at least not under present circumstances. This is where the vicious circle starts and ends – as long as there is no faith in change or confidence that an extra-effort will lead to results, the playing field is surrendered to the moribund but yet alive political class. To be more concrete: Hahn losing patience in the press conference means that the talks behind closed doors were a major disaster. The visit for sure came at bad time as the three constituent people and their political representatives (in the case of Bosnian Croats and Serbs aligned with their respective “brother-nations” in Serbia and Croatia) following latest decision at ICTY (Mladić and Prlić et al.) were engaged in one of the worst nationalist and revisionist campaigns in the recent past. Čović, for example, was contemplating about blocking Bosnia’s EU path because of the judgment in The Hague. The new climate of hatred and exclusion came on top of the already heated political situation in Bosnia, which contributed to the very slow response of Bosnian authorities to the EU’s questionnaire. Hahn rightly showed his frustration with constant promises of Bosnian authorities to “almost” deliver answers in the “next few weeks”. This “almost” with no results yet should be understood in Brussels as it is meant – we, the Bosnian political elites, do not care about the EU integration, and this is why we are pretending and buying time. This is the background to answer the question of Bosnia’s EU perspective: if everything stays as it is there will be no Bosnia in the EU any time soon. And here even the best intentions of the EU are doomed to fail. As the rumors about the upcoming Enlargement strategy of the Commission (to be presented in February) tell, the Commission hopes that Bosnia will be able to open negotiations with the EU in 2023. If we carefully listen to reactions to Hahn’s visit we have to put a huge question mark behind this target date, at least for now: Dodik, for example, immediately after Hahn’s visit announced that there will be no final answers to the Questionnaire as long as there is no major political compromise over major issues (like results of the census). The paradoxical moment here is that the one asking for the political compromise is the same person that is engaged in destroying any chance for the compromise. The results is again a “zero sum game”. And finally, Hahn’s frustration also means that – at least for the moment – the EU Commission is puzzled and has no answer to the Bosnian permanent political crisis. Against the background of a situation where we can observe a new sense of relevance of the Western Balkans in Brussels, which will ultimately be reflected in new EU’s initiatives in 2018, Hahn’s frustration might be read as an invitation to engage very broadly in a new offensive thinking about Bosnia that goes beyond the ethnopolitical conundrum. Bosnia, as the major piece of the puzzle in the Western Balkans, without which there will be no stability in the region, has to be placed very high on the EU’s agenda. And when it comes there, a new and very offensive action plan for Bosnia is needed. Few sketches on its content, not elaborated here but more as “food for thought”: Firstly, pass the message to Bosnian politicians that the politics of “almost” and fooling the EU and citizens of Bosnia in terms of EU integration do not deliver any more, and blame directly those responsible for the “politics of almost”. Secondly, learn the lessons from Macedonia, elevate the political pressure on politicians, engage with opposition parties (yes, there are some in Bosnia also) and refocus on real partners in civil society and among citizens. Thirdly, promote democratic values and draw red lines if major fundamental rights or democratic values are violated. Fourth, start sooner than later talking seriously with Croatia and Bosnia and urge them to become EU’s partners in resolving Bosnian questions rather than spoiler. Fifth, look for pragmatic technical tweaks (like opening chapters 23 and 24 immediately, or creating a new chapter 35 called “state functionality”) and accompany them with financial support if the compromise happens in case of tangible progress. Sixth, reaffirm major commitment of the EU to the region, engage all countries of the Western Balkans in positive competition and motivate and push Bosnia to be part of this regional EU competition.