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Belgrade Media Report 16 January 2018



Tanin strongly condemns murder of Oliver Ivanovic (RTS)


The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIK, Zahir Tanin, was shocked by the murder of Oliver Ivanovic – leader of the civic initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice – near his office in North Mitrovica this morning, and strongly condemns the act.

He trusts the investigative authorities will work swiftly and effectively, and assures that all the international agencies on the ground are ready to support the authorities in any manner which may assist the swift apprehension of those responsible for this crime. “I extend my own and the entire UN family’s deepest condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Ivanovic”, SRSG Tanin stated.


Vucic: Request for Serbian state institutions to take part in the investigation into Ivanovic’s murder (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has told a press conference that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic is for Serbia a terrorist act and that it will treat it accordingly. Vucic noted that it had been agreed at the Council for National Security to send a letter to EULEX and UNMIK with a request for Serbian state institutions to take part in the investigation. He says that they are certain that participation of Serbian institutions would mean discovering the truth about the murder of Ivanovic. We’ll find the killer or the killers. There are many interesting details that point to potential perpetrators, he said, adding that due to the investigation he cannot talk about details.

Vucic expressed his expectation that the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime of the Republic of Serbia will initiate pre-trial proceedings today and submit requests to other competent authorities, Military Intelligence Agency, Security Intelligence Agency and others.

Vucic has sent his condolences to the Ivanovic family and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. He says that whoever killed Ivanovic, a Serb, Albanian or foreigner, this is an attack primarily on the Ivanovic family, but also on the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, northern Kosovo and Serbian on the whole.

He says that the Serbian delegation abandoned the dialogue in Brussels because it is very difficult to talk. He underlines that they had discussed in the second part of the Council for National Security about daily threats with war and war clashes in Kosovo and Metohija.

He says that the real masters of Kosovo are not Thaci or Haradinaj, but Kadri Veseli, that he had stated that the Albanians will not stop until they reach Nis. “We have understood these threats, we understand them very well, we understood the silence of those who should have reacted several times,” said Vucic.

“I wish to point to the following fact – that there are ideas within one country within KFOR to terminate one-time controls of the administrative line. I also have official evidence that they have been taking more frequently with them Kosovo forces for controls,” said Vucic. This is a warning to them not to try to use this in order to introduce Kosovo security forces, that is, the Kosovo army and finally seize Serbian property in northern Kosovo. “They should know that we are reading well what they are doing. According to them, it is enough for them to find a certain percentage of Serbs who would be willing to work in Kosovo security forces… that is why they are now blackmailing, forcing…” said Vucic.

According to him, some Albanian media in Kosovo are stating the same as some politicians in Serbia that Serbia is behind the murder of Ivanovic in order to introduce control over northern Kosovo, but in fact their intention is for the “Albanian boot to come to the north and this is the only meaning of what they are doing and everything they want.”

He says that the Albanians and foreigners are ruling over Kosovo and now they should say who the assassin is. “If you are not going to do this, then we will,” he said. “Then we will ask ourselves how they didn’t find the assassin, and we have. Who was hiding who here and who was protecting who,” said Vucic.


Reactions to Ivanovic’s murder (RTS/Tanjug/Beta/B92)


The Serbian delegation is ceasing in Brussels the restarted negotiations and it is urgently returning to Belgrade over the murder of Oliver Ivanovic in Kosovska Mitrovica, said the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric. Djuric told RTS that the murder of Ivanovic is a criminal, terrorist act aimed at causing chaos in northern Kosovo and push the whole nation into the hell of conflict. “We know that the Albanians have been threatening with war and attacking Serb property over the past days,” said Djuric. He says that whoever stands behind this must be held responsible. Asked what they would discuss now, Djuric said that there was nothing to discuss now and that the Belgrade delegation would be returning to the country immediately.

The murder of Oliver Ivanovic is a mindless terrorist act that endangers the stability not only of the north of Kosovo, but also the region. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said this on Tuesday in Podgorica, where the news of the assassination of the Serb politician reached him.

“We demand that the police react and arrest the perpetrators and those who ordered this abominable act. The most important thing is to preserve peace and stability in the north of Kosovo,” Dacic told a press conference.

The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun has told RTS that it seems to him that at issue is a professional murder. “It seems that at issue are professional assassins. The operation has been prepared for a long time, the car used in the assassination was destroyed and the gun with a silencer was used,” said Drecun.

He thinks that the one who ordered the assassination wanted to hide by engaging professional assassins. According to him, it is important to close space for speculation and to find the perpetrators and those who ordered the murder to be found as soon as possible. He says that Ivanovic was an important political figure among the Kosovo Serbs. “One should not forget that the murder occurred at a moment when cases of destruction of property of Serbs in Kosovo had occurred and before the issuance of first indictments against the commanders of the former KLA,” said Drecun. He says that the State Department had warned of the possibility of causing of unrest and organization of terrorist attacks. Drecun says that he is surprised that international officials haven’t discovered that something is being planned.

Serbian cabinet member Rasim Ljajic teared up on Tuesday as he spoke about Oliver Ivanovic, who was shot and killed earlier in the day. "I told him so many times to leave (Kosovska) Mitrovica," Ljajic, who seemed genuinely distressed by the news, told RTS, adding that an innocent man has been killed. "It turns out Ivanovic was safer in jail than free," Ljajic said, and continued: "The only important thing now is to discover who was behind the murder... if anything matters at all any longer." Asked how he remembers the slain Serb politician, Ljajic said, "that no longer matters, either" - but added: "He was the best politician from Kosovo, a moderate politician who did not suit either Serbs or Albanians, precisely because he was moderate and seeking compromises." "He was the target of attacks and criticism from all sides... I spoke with him about that. He understood that reality and he wanted to change it in a democratic way, and that's the main difference between him and the others. Everybody was bothered by him," Ljajic said. According to the minister, many Ivanovic's friends who spoke with him lately noticed that he seemed worried. Asked whether he believed that this murder will be solved, Ljajic replied that he "sincerely does not believe that will ever happen."

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlovic has stated on the occasion of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic that this cannot contribute to peace and security in Kosovo and Metohija and that she hopes the perpetrators will be discovered and held responsible.

On the occasion of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, the leader of the Democratic Party (DS) Dragan Sutanovac has stated that he was a man of peace, and that it is the obligation of all not to allow the rule of the world of the past from where these bullets had flown.


Drecun: This is a case for the EULEX Mission and courts in Kosovo and Metohija (Novosti)


The March pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija in 2004 was organized by a criminal group that was formed three years earlier, and it had support for this from all war parties, secret services and “big families”. This claim was presented by Skumbin Mehmeti, a witness of the Kosovo Special Prosecution, noting that he was part of this group that committed many post-war murders, including political, and that the “big names” knew about their formation and activities.

The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun has told Novosti that this is now a case for EULEX and courts in Kosovo and Metohija, because, even though there had been some verdicts, they never gave the names of those who ordered the March pogrom: “The question is whether somebody wishes to use this witness and whether there is will for this in Washington and Brussels, as well as in the UNMIK administration that had jurisdiction for Kosovo and Metohija in 2004.

According to Momir Stojanovic, who was the director of the Military-Security Agency (VBA) during the March pogrom, the allegations of Skumbin Mehmeti could be credible and realistic. He tells Novosti that the VBA, 15 days prior to 17 March, had information that something like that could occur and that they had this data based on information from one meeting of an illegal group in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, and that this information exists in the VBA archives. “Considering that foreign services didn’t dispose with information as to what was being prepared, KFOR was unprepared to react on that day. When foreign intelligence officers didn’t have data, then you can imagine what degree of training and illegality these extremist groups of Albanians had,” said Stojanovic, voicing fear that foreign representatives are not acquainted even today with the situation on the ground in order to be able to control the situation.




Dodik: Blow on the stability of Serbia and northern Kosovo (Srna/N1)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic was "a classic blow to the stability of Serbia and the north of Kosovo". As he said, the murder is a blow to the "commitment of the leadership of Serbia that has given its immense contribution to the difficult job of building peace and trust among people in Kosmet". Dodik called the Ivanovic murder in Kosovska Mitrovica a criminal act that shocked all citizens of RS. "I express full support for the institutions of Serbia in finding those who stand behind this murder and their punishment, as well as preventing an obvious attempt to create chaos in Kosovo and Metohija, and to destabilize Serbia" the RS President's office said. Dodik, on behalf of the citizens of RS and his name expressed his condolences to the Ivanovic family.


Cavara’s announcement on possible dismissal of both houses of FB&H Parliament sparks reactions (Nezavisne)


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) President Marinko Cavara announced that he will not hesitate to dismiss both houses of the FB&H Parliament unless they agree on the budget sparked numerous reactions. FB&H Vice President Melika Mahmutbegovic (SDA) said that Cavara will suffer consequences in case he decides to dismiss both houses of the FB&H Parliament. Mahmutbegovic reminded that the FB&H Constitution stipulates that the FB&H President may dismiss one or both houses of the FB&H Parliament with consent of the FB&H Vice President, but only if it is established that the houses are not able to pass necessary laws. Mahmutbegovic also reminded that none of the houses can be dismissed within a year since it was established and she announced that she will not give her consent to dismissal of the parliament. SBB B&H stated that Cavara’s announcement is extremely harmful and dangerous and warned that the dismissal of both houses of the FB&H parliament would result in unseen collapse with unrepairable political, economic and social damage.

The Independent Bloc too deemed that this would produce collapse of the system and warned that only citizens would suffer damage. However, Cavara stated after a meeting of HDZ B&H on Monday evening that he hopes a session of the FB&H HoR will take place and that representatives of HDZ B&H and Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) will attend it. “I hope nobody will file a report against me because I did not dismiss at least the FB&H HoR. That is what I was supposed to do in line with the Constitution, but I did not because it would have provoked even greater crisis”, Cavara concluded.


HNS Main Council passes amendments to CoE’s resolution on B&H related to Election Law of B&H (FTV)


A session of the Main Council of the Croat People's Assembly (HNS) was held in Mostar on Monday. Participants of the session discussed the Report of the Monitoring Team of the Council of Europe (CoE) on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), as well as the Draft Resolution on B&H which the CoE should discuss during its session that will take place next week.

President of the HNS Main Council Bozo Ljubic said that he is skeptical that B&H political actors will be able to solve the issue of legitimate representation of all three constituent peoples in B&H by making changes to the Constitution of B&H, calling on them to solve this issue by changing B&H Election Law. Ljubic noted that the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H related to the election of delegates to the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) puts the election of the B&H Presidency members on the same plane. "If they fail to reach an agreement on changes to the Constitution, they should enable representatives of non-constituent peoples to run in the elections indirectly through amendments to the Election Law," Ljubic stressed. Members of the HNS Main Council said that HNS will forward all its proposals related to constitutional changes and amendments to the B&H Election Law to the CoE, given that main items of its Resolution on B&H are the Constitution and the Election Law of B&H.


Interests of Croats cannot be represented by others (Oslobodjenje)


Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR) of the B&H parliament and Deputy President of HDZ B&H Borjana Kristo said that during talks and negotiations, representatives of Bosniak political parties were constantly citing provisions of the Constitution of the Federation of B&H, which are equal to provisions of the Election Law of B&H. She explained that while analyzing the provisions of the Election Law of B&H, the Constitutional Court of B&H has basically analyzed the same provisions of the Constitution of the Federation of B&H - but has not mentioned them, because no one has asked the B&H CC to assess the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Constitution of the Federation of B&H. Kristo recently requested assessment of constitutionality of the provision of the Federation of B&H Constitution, according to which one delegate from each of constituent peoples has to be appointed to the House of Peoples of the Federation of B&H Parliament from each canton in the Federation of B&H. According to Kristo, delegates appointed with votes of members of other peoples cannot have the same legitimacy as delegates appointed with votes of people whose interest they are supposed to represent in the Parliament. Kristo added that she expects the Constitutional Court to pass the same ruling as in the case of the Election Law of B&H - in other words, to put the provision of the Federation of B&H Constitution out of force - adding that she sees “no reason why the ruling would be different than the one related to almost identical provisions of the Election Law of B&H”.

SDA stated that this motion is unacceptable for them because it undermines the essence of the Federation of B&H.

Leader of SDP Nermin Niksic said that the goal of this motion is to put out of force a part of the Constitution of the Federation of B&H and to introduce new discrimination.


OHR says all allegations re paramilitary formations in B&H have to be taken very seriously (TV1)


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) commented on Monday on recent allegations regarding paramilitary formations in Republika Srpska (RS), noting that all allegations on paramilitary formations in B&H have to be taken very seriously. The OHR also stated that judicial bodies in B&H should deal with such allegations.

NATO Headquarters in B&H stated that B&H is facing security threats, same as other members and partners of NATO, and added that while NATO supervises overall security situation in B&H, questions should be directed to relevant B&H institutions.

EUFOR Commander Major General Anton Waldner recently said that allegations on lining up of paramilitary units is not a good sign to the international community.


Members of ‘Srbska Cast’ and ‘RS Veterans Association’: We are not para-military formation but humanitarians (ATV)


Representatives of the Republika Srpska (RS) Veterans Association and a branch of the ‘Srbska Cast’ (Serb Honor) Association in the RS addressed media in Banja Luka on Monday. On this occasion, members of the associations denied media allegations coming from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina over the last couple of days, saying that they are humanitarian workers and not a para-military formation. President of the Association Srbska Cast in the RS Igor Bilbija and President of the RS Veterans Association Dusko Vukotic denied allegations of media in the Federation of B&H and B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic, who claimed that the Srbska Cast is carrying out military training.  According to Vukotic, Mektic should resign if he fails to prove his claims. “Mektic’s political target is Milorad Dodik, who has nothing to do with the arrival of members of the ‘Srbska Cast’ Organization in the RS,” Vukotic said. The RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) confirmed that there are no Interpol warrants against members of Srbska cast, and that there is no information on their illegal actions or activities. RS Minister of Interior Dragan Lukac said that if Mektic delivers information that they impose danger to national security, the RS MoI will act immediately and arrest and disarm such members of any paramilitary unit. He stressed that the police will not allow formation of any paramilitary units, and added that such units do not exist in the RS.


B&H Ministry of Security requested to deliver official information on alleged forming of paramilitary formations in territory of B&H (BHT1)


At its session held on Monday, Joint Commission for Defense and Security of the B&H parliament requested B&H Ministry of Security to deliver official information on alleged forming of paramilitary formations in territory of B&H.  Member of the Commission Semsudin Mehmedovic (SDA) said that it was concluded at this session that many citizens are disturbed with information on establishing of paramilitary formations in Republika Srpska (RS).  “I believe that this is serious threat for safety of B&H citizens and evidence that those who could face debacle in upcoming elections will not leave authorities in peaceful way”, explained Mehmedovic. Member of the Commission Mario Karamatic stated that in case claims on paramilitary formations are true, B&H is facing a serious problem. Karamatic went on saying that he believes the situation is not as serious as some media and officials are attempting to present it.


Bosniaks to organize protest against Croatian president in Sarajevo (T portal)


On Wednesday, the day when Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic will visit B&H, the Bosniak Movement will organize a protest in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Sarajevo. The Bosniak Movement will protest due to, as they say, the apparent intention of the leadership of the neighboring state to base the policy of interstate relations with B&H on the principles and goals of the former Croatian President Franjo Tudjman's policies, which existed from 1991 to 1995. They claim that, due to the policies of Franjo Tudjman, former Croatian Defense Minister Gojko Susak and others, the Hague Tribunal confirmed Croatia's aggression against B&H and an attempt to divide the country. However, the legal process in The Hague to which they refer, did not involve Croatia and was focused on the actions of individuals and not states. They further add that, in the same verdict, six Bosnian Croats, who were former leaders of Croats in B&H, were sentenced to more than 110 years in prison for their part in a joint criminal enterprise and the mass expulsion of Bosniaks, as well as a Serb-Croat attempt to divide B&H in the 1990s. The protesters plan to hand over a letter to the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia which will be addressed to President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic and the entire Croatian public.

The Croatian President will arrive on an official visit to B&H on Wednesday, the same day when the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly will consider amendments to the Election Law, as proposed by HDZ B&H, the main Croatian party in B&H. The Croatian President advocates for changes to the existing electoral law in B&H which currently discriminates against Croats living in that country and is not in accordance with the B&H constitution. The President’s recent meeting with controversial Turkish President Erdogan was used to convince him to pressure Bosniak leaders into supporting the proposed legislative changes, drew criticism from Bosniak parties, who said that B&H's internal matters should be discussed within the state and not by the leaders of other countries. It isn't yet clear whether or not the President was successful in her lobbying efforts.


Grabar-Kitarovic: Croatia was and will be factor of peace and cooperation (Hina)


During an official reception on Monday, held on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Croatia's international recognition and the 20th anniversary of the end of the peaceful reintegration of Croatia's Danube River region, President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said that the Croatian people did not want war or its victims and that today, 27 years after the war, Croatia is offering Serbia a hand of peace and cooperation. "The Republic of Croatia has been and will be a factor of peace and cooperation with all those who want that. Standing close to the border with Serbia, today too, we offer our neighbors a hand of peace and cooperation in the hope that we have a sincere collocutor in Serbia in the process of finding answers to outstanding bilateral issues as well as in cooperation on all matters and in new challenges that we may encounter in the future," Grabar-Kitarovic said. She in particular highlighted the role of the head of the UNTAES (UN Transitional Administration in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium) mission, General Jacques Paul Klein, who, as she said, with his diplomatic skills and personal virtues contributed exceptionally to the success of that mission as did representatives of the Serb minority, who "at the time recognized that historic moment and contributed to the success of the peaceful reintegration." "Looking toward a common future, Croatia provides lasting support to consolidating the wider European area through the accession of all of Southeast Europe into the European Union as well as NATO, for all those who wish that," she said.


Vujanovic-Borisov: Take advantage of the term for clear visions of leaders in the Balkans (CDM)


Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic met yesterday with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. The two leaders said it was estimated that the Bulgarian presidency of the European Union should be used for clear visions of the leaders in the Balkans. Vujanovic said that Bulgaria’s vision of linking infrastructure and various economic projects is the best way to achieve success. “The Bulgarian presidency is a chance for all the countries of the Western Balkans, and it is very important that all EU officials, at the official start of the presidency, gave their support to the Western Balkans and its integration,” he added. According to Borisov, the previous year was dedicated to the affirmation of the Western Balkans. EU enlargement was planned, which is a great success.


Opposition representatives not willing to meet Brajovic (CDM)


The Socialist People’s Party (SNP), the URA Civic Movement, the Democrats, Democratic Front (DF), United Montenegro (UCG), Social Democratic Party (SDP) and Demos will not meet Parliament speaker Ivan Brajovic for consultations on presidential elections. They say they have more important things to do.

SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic said that he would not attend the meeting with Brajovic because SNP’s arguments would not be respected. He expects Parliament speaker to accept the arguments of his coalition partners.

“We have more important things to do than that,” Jokovic told CDM. UCG leader Goran Danilovic also agrees.  “I will not go. A similar meeting should have taken place six months ago, to discuss achieving the preconditions for holding the presidential election. The meeting scheduled for Wednesday is the final one at which nothing important can happen, except for determining the date of the election. Unfortunately, that is another election we enter although we are not ready” said Danilovic.

URA leader Dritan Abazovic won’t attend the meeting either. He said that the consultations were “a waste of time since a final decision was made in some other political nerve centers”.

“Ivan Brajovic is just trying to satisfy some form that nobody needs, except for his personal promotion,” said Abazovic.

Neither the leader of the Democrats Aleksa Becic will be with Brajovic because, as he says, he is not willing to negotiate with Djukanovic’s spokesman.

One of DF leaders, Milan Knezevic, confirmed that the alliance representatives would not go to the meeting with Brajovic either. SDP and Demos made the same decisions.

Brajovic invited parliamentary party leaders for consultations on the upcoming presidential elections, which will be called within legal deadline by 20 January.


Commissioner Hahn welcomes ratification of Macedonia-Bulgaria friendship treaty (MIA)


Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, welcomed Monday the decision of Macedonia's Parliament to ratify the Friendship Treaty with Bulgaria. “It is an important step into the right direction towards the country's EU- path. The treaty is also a milestone for good neighborly relations in the entire Western Balkans region,” said Hahn.


Presentation of infrastructure projects in Macedonia to attract Russian companies (MIA)


Transport Minister Goran Sugareski met Monday with the Russian Ambassador to Macedonia Oleg Shcherbak and discussed about infrastructure projects in Macedonia aimed at Russian companies to obtain more detailed information and if they show interest to participate in their realization. Sugareski presented projects for construction and reconstruction of road network in Macedonia and introduced Scherbak with the projects that will be realized in the coming period of in the part to completion of the railroad construction on the Corridor 8 and the project for construction of the railroad to Albania as well as completion of the railroad line to Bulgaria, Ministry of Transport and Communications said in a press release. “The meeting with the Russian Ambassador was significantly important because I informed him about the projects that will be realized in Macedonia. This is a good opportunity all interested Russian companies to be informed in details for participation in realization of the planned projects,” Sugareski said. He underlined the need and the possibilities for deepening of good ties and strengthening of the mutual cooperation between the two countries.


Ruci invites opposition to work for EU integration (ADN)


Parliament opened the doors on Monday evening to the new legislature for 2018 and the parliament speaker, Gramoz Ruci, called to the opposition for collaboration to open the accession negotiations with EU. He was optimistic that this legislature Parliament will make a lot of important decisions. "This session will be very important. We will vote for important reforms as the Electoral one or the Code of Ethics. I urge to all the Parliamentary Groups to contribute in order to open the accession negotiations with EU," said Ruci. However, the first Parliamentary Session started with the opposition boycott. The presence of the Democratic Party lasted less than an hour. Democrats did not want to continue the session after the refusal by majority to include in the calendar of the discussions, the initiative of 55 MPs to change the Constitution regarding the procedure of the election of the chief prosecutor. The DP leader, Lulzim Basha and the chairman of the DP Parliamentary Group, Edmond Spaho proposed the changes, but majority refuses saying that it was too late to make this kind of requests. After tensions, democrats boycotted the parliamentary session.




OSCE Chair-in-Office Alfano and Secretary General Greminger shocked at murder of Oliver Ivanovic, call for swift investigation (OSCE Press Release, 16 January 2018)


ROME, VIENNA - OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Italy’s Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano and OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger expressed today their outrage at the murder of Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanović and offered their heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. “We are shocked by the murder of Oliver Ivanović. We condemn it in the strongest possible terms and we ask that a swift and thorough investigation shall be conducted immediately in order to identify those responsible for such a heinous crime,” said Alfano and Greminger.

The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and the Secretary General urged all actors to show calm and assist the law enforcement agencies in conducting the investigations.

OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Alfano stressed that this murder should not derail Kosovo and its people from their efforts to build a democratic, peaceful and safe society. “Dialogue is the only acceptable way of achieving political objectives, and I urge all sides not to give in to provocations and hatred but to show resilience and continue on the path of reconciliation,” said Alfano.

Secretary General Greminger added: “Having worked with Oliver personally, I was impressed by his commitment to political dialogue and co-operation with all sides. He was an interlocutor valued by all.”


Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanović shot dead outside party headquarters (The Guardian, by Andrew MacDowall, 16 January 2018)


Ivanović killed on day that Belgrade and Pristina started talks on normalising ties

Belgrade - Oliver Ivanović, a prominent Kosovo Serb politician, has been gunned down outside his party headquarters on the day that Belgrade and Pristina started talks on normalising ties after a break of more than a year. Ivanović was shot six times by unknown assailants in a drive-by shooting in the divided city of Mitrovica. The popular former secretary of state for Kosovo and Metohija in the Serbian government was an opponent of the Belgrade-backed Serb party in Kosovo. His death may further complicate the troubled relationship between Kosovo and Serbia, which continues to regard the region as a breakaway province. It also raises questions over international peacekeeping and rule-of-law missions in the region, which critics say turns a blind eye to organised crime. Kosovo declared independence in 2008, and is recognised as an independent country by more than 100 countries, including the US, UK, and Germany. In 2013, the EU launched a new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, with Serbia offered candidacy for EU membership. Ethnic Serbs are a small but significant minority, while 90% of the population are ethnic Albanians. Russia and Serbia, as well as several EU member states, do not recognise Kosovo’s independence, and Kosovo is not a member of the United Nations. Serb-dominated northern Kosovo remains under significant influence from Belgrade, and international diplomats are reportedly floating the idea of partition. Tensions over Kosovo were already mounting as the Pristina government moved to scrap a war crimes court that would try alleged offences committed by ethnic Albanians, possibly including members of the political elite.

In 2016, Ivanović was himself convicted of war crimes by a panel of international judges presiding over a Kosovo court. He was found guilty of ordering crimes against the civilian population in 1999 during the Kosovo war, which was brought to an end after an extensive Nato bombing campaign. In February last year, the conviction was overturned and the case sent back for retrial. Violence has flared up in Kosovo several times since the end of the war, and Ivanović’s arrest in 2014 led to protests by ethnic Serbs in Kosovo, and strong objections from Belgrade. Ivanović pleaded not guilty, saying the prosecution was politically motivated.

Ivanović had warned about the security environment in Kosovo, requesting a more active stance by the EU’s rule of law mission in Kosovo, Eulex, and Kfor, the Nato-led peacekeeping force. One of Ivanović’s vehicles was burned outside his home in July in the run-up to local elections.

“Ivanović was a pragmatic moderate, eager to reach out to find a compromise that would improve the lives of all people in Mitrovica, north and [Albanian-dominated] south,” said a western diplomat, who asked not to be named. “But he was stained by the war crimes indictment. More needs to be done to tackle organised criminal structures in the north of Kosovo, including by Belgrade.” Negotiations between officials representing Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels were due to restart on Tuesday, but the Serbian delegation withdrew after news of the murder. President Aleksandar Vučić convened a meeting of the council of national security at noon and is due to make a statement. A Belgrade government source told the Guardian that the delegation was also withdrawn due to recent sabre-rattling by Kosovo’s parliamentary speaker, Kadri Veseli. “Whatever happens, it is likely that the murder will be used for political purposes,” said James Ker-Lindsay, a specialist in south-eastern Europe at St Mary’s University in London. “I suspect this will also be used by some to try to deflect attention away from the growing political tensions over the new Kosovo criminal court.”


Kosovo Serb politician accused of war crimes assassinated by gunmen 'who shot him five times' outside party headquarters (Mirror, by Chris Kitching, 16 January 2018)


Oliver Ivanovic's colleagues found him after he was shot dead as he entered the building in Kosovska Mitrovica

A leading Kosovo Serb politician who was twice tried for war crimes has been assassinated outside his party's headquarters. Oliver Ivanovic's colleagues found him after he was shot dead by at least one gunman in the divided northern city of Kosovska Mitrovica, it was reported.

He was entering the building when he was ambushed. It was reported that gunmen had shot Ivanovic up to five times just after 8am local time before fleeing. Police have launched a manhunt for the killers. Ivanovic had been accused of ordering the murder of nine ethnic Albanians during the Kosovo War, and organising a Kosovo Serb vigilante group called the "Bridge Watchers". The lawyer said: "It looks like he had already died at the scene. As far as we know, he had five wounds. "He was taken to hospital, the doctors tried to resuscitate him, but he could not be saved." B92 reported that the politician had been shot four times in the chest.

Ivanovic, head of a Kosovo Serb political party called Freedom, Democracy, Justice, was named a suspect in a war crimes probe that began after the Kosovo War ended in 1999. He was accused of ordering the murdering of nine ethnic Albanians in the town of Mitrovica on April 14, 1999, during the Nato bombing of Yugoslavia, he was allegedly the leader of a paramilitary police unit, Balkan Insight reported. The victims were killed by the "Bridge Watchers", Serb hardliners who patrolled the main bridge dividing Mitrovica into Serb and Albanian sectors, it was reported.

In January 2016, the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo sentenced Ivanovic to nine years in prison. However, the conviction was overturned on appeal in February 2017 and a new trial began later in the year. Ivanovic, who had gone on a hunger strike several times during his first trial, claimed the proceedings against him were a staged political process. The former Serbian government official had been targeted for death before. After his car was deliberately set on fire last July, he claimed he had no enemies and was not involved in "illegal business", but he "does have political opponents, b92 reported. The married father-of-three would not name his opponents, adding: "They know, they will surely recognise themselves." A bomb was planted under his car outside his apartment building in 2005. His political career began during the Kosovo War in June 1999 when he was appointed president of the Serbian National Council of North Kosovo and Metohija. The war between Serbian forces and ethnic Albanian separatists, from February 1998 to June 1999, left thousands of fighters and civilians dead, and displaced more than a million people. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008.