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Belgrade Media Report 08 May 2018



Vucic in Moscow: Most attention to regional issues, primarily Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/Tanjug


Upon arrival in Moscow, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has assessed that the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin is a significant signal for our country and great honor for Serbian representatives. “We will mostly discuss global, regional politics, preservation of Serbia’s military neutrality and Kosovo and Metohija, there is no doubt. This is a topic that I will launch and try to present everything that are Serbia’s stands, expecting to also receive the stand of the Russian Federation and the stand of President Putin on this issue,” said Vucic. Asked what he expects from President Putin and Russia, Vucic said that he, just as our country, are small to expect something from Russia. “Do I have something to request President Putin? I will have, but, unfortunately, this will remain for the two of us,” he said.


Brnabic’s cabinet: Vujovic informed the Prime Minister on his resignation (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Finance Minister Dusan Vujovic has decided to withdraw from this post and he had informed Prime Minister Ana Brnabic about this, it was announced from her cabinet. The reasons for Minister Vujovic’s resignation are personal. The statement notes that Brnabic is grateful to Dusan Vujovic for the past cooperation, devotion to the government goals and achieved results in the department that he headed. According to procedure, the Prime Minister will send a written notice to the Serbian parliament speaker. Vujovic was minister of the economy in the government of Aleksandar Vucic from 27 April until 4 August 2014, after which he was appointed as the finance minister, also in the government of Aleksandar Vucic, and he performed this function until August 2016. He was the finance minister in the mandate from August 2016 until June 2017, as well as in the mandate of the government Ana Brnabic from June last year until present. Brnabic said later on Tuesday that the government had a 15-day deadline after the parliament accept the resignation to propose a new finance minister. Vujovic will hold the post until a new minister is approved by the parliament.


Sri Lanka thanked for supporting Serbia on Kosovo (B92)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met in Colombo on Monday with Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, the Serbian government announced. According to a press release, Dacic and Wickremesinghe expressed readiness to intensify bilateral political dialogue at the high and highest level, as well as to enhance cooperation in all areas. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the decades-long and traditionally friendly relations between Serbia and Sri Lanka, with particular emphasis on the possibilities of developing cooperation in the economic field. In this context, they agreed that direct contacts between businessmen and chambers of commerce are very important and that it is necessary to organize mutual visits. Dacic conveyed to the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka the gratitude of the government, parliament and the people of Serbia for the position of that country regarding the non-recognition of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo, with the expectation that Sri Lanka will continue to maintain this position in the future. Wickremesinghe emphasized that Sri Lanka, bearing in mind the problems with the secessionist tendencies it had in its own country, pays a special importance to the integrity of states, and that it will not change its stance on the non-recognition of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo. He pointed out that the Sri Lankans are fond of remembering Tito, and Dacic recalled that President Tito was twice on a visit to Sri Lanka - in 1959 and 1976, at the summits of the Non-Aligned Movement.
Gojkovic: Kosovo MPs cannot come to Belgrade (Beta)


Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic has stated that the Kosovo Albanian MPs could not attend an inter-parliamentarian conference “To Peace and Development with the EU idea" to be held in Belgrade on May 11-12. Gojkovic denied any knowledge that the Kosovo Council for Foreign Affairs’ chief Vjosa Osman - Sadriu had been invited to the conference and said she would consider that. “I don’t know about that. But, in any case, the MPs of the so-called states that Serbia has not recognized cannot come since they do not have an official invitation by the parliament, or president or the government of Serbia. I guarantee you that,” she said and added that if it turns out to be different, I’m ready to go. The information on Osmani-Sadriu being invited came from the leader of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) and MP Vojislav Seselj who said that the Chairman of the Serbian parliamentary Council for Foreign Relations Nenad Canak sent the invitation. Seselj said Canak scheduled the event as an inter-parliamentary conference under the name “Through the idea of the EU toward peace and development” that will be held in Belgrade May 11-12.


Cuoci: Any aggression in Kosovo is aggression against NATO (Beta)


KFOR Commander, Italian General Salvatore Cuoci, says any aggression in Kosovo would essentially be an aggression against NATO. "In principle KFOR is NATO, and as long as KFOR is here any aggression (towards Kosovo) will be an aggression towards KFOR and NATO," Kouci said in an interview with Pristina daily Zeri. He believes that despite the attempts of Russia's political influence in Kosovo, which is part of any country's international policies, he does not see a realistic threat of Russia toward Kosovo. The Commander expressed readiness for KFOR to, if necessary, assist Kosovo authorities in arresting suspects when the special war crimes chamber for war crimes committed by top commanders of the former Kosovo Liberation Army raises its indictments. Cuoci said that the task and responsibility of KFOR was to ensure security in case of indictments, arrests, possible protests and in case the Kosovo police was unable to control the situation. "In such situations, we are ready to act, because it is part of our mission," said the KFOR Commander. Speaking about the arrest of the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric, Cuoci said that perhaps the brutal force of the Kosovo police could have been avoided.


Mortal remains of Sarajevo Serbs buried according to Muslim customs (Politika’s correspondent in Sarajevo)


The Chairman of the Association of the Missing of the Sarajevo-Romania region Milan Mandic has recently requested the B&H Institute for Missing Persons to take the samples of 365 mortal remains of the Serbs buried in the court plot in the city cemetery in Visoko. At issue are unidentified mortal remains of persons found mostly in the broader area of Sarajevo who were brought to Visoko at the end of last year and, without the knowledge of the broader public and families of the missing, buried in 163 graveyards. “Even though they haven’t been identified, all mortal remains were buried with Muslim religious symbols,” says Mandic, voicing suspicion that the mortal remains of his father, whom he has been searching for 26 years, are in one of those graves. He claims for Politika that in this case it is a matter of mostly incomplete bodies of missing Sarajevo Serbs, and that the remains of several victims of Serb nationality are in one coffin – as many as eight bodies. “All these mortal remains, which have DNA findings, were kept, or better to say, hidden at the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo before they were transferred to Visoko,” says Mandic, noting that the manner in which they were buried in Visoko is yet another indicator how the authorities are dealing with the Serb victims in Sarajevo, a city where a horrible crime was committed against the Serbs and where there are no more Serbs. He says that it is indicative that the mortal remains of the Serbs were transferred to Visoko precisely at a time when the International Commission for Missing Persons (ICMP), which has been holding monopole over the DNA analysis, has been preparing to leave B&H, without the approval of the local authorities, and to transfer the laboratory for the analysis of mortal remains to The Hague.

It contains around 80,000 biological and genetic samples of persons who went missing during the past war in B&H. One of the last moves of this Commission was the insistence on the revision of unidentified mortal remains that have been stored for years in crypts and morgues.

The Prosecution of the Sarajevo Canton issued an order for the exhumation of unidentified persons based on which the things in Visoko had been done. The Director of the Visoko cemetery Kenan Karavdic has recently confirmed for RTRS that everything was done following the revision of the ICMP. We have learned some completely new information in talks with the member of the collegium of directors of the B&H Institute for Missing Persons Nikola Perisic.

Among other things, the fact that the burial of unidentified victims of Serb nationality and their burial in Visoko under the mark NN has been underway since 1998. “It is true that, at the order of the Cantonal prosecution, the mortal remains of 252 Serb victims were exhumed in the court plot at the Visoko cemetery for taking samples for DNA analysis, of whom 192 were buried again with the NN mark and with tombstones with traditional Muslim symbols, while the remainder was retained in the prosection for further analysis,” says Perisic. He explains that this was done in order to resolve the dilemma as to whether there is any match with the blood samples of relatives, since there is a high probability that the classical identification method applied prior to the introduction of DNA analysis did not produce the right results, that there have been incorrect identifications. Perisic also doesn’t deny the possibility that the mortal remains of 365 Serbs are at the cemetery in Visoko, since he also knows that there are several persons of Serb nationality in the buried coffins who are presumed to have been exhumed once in the region of Sarajevo, Trnovo, Hadzic and Ilijas, or in other regions of B&H.




RS report to UN SC: US tries to influence on elections in B&H via financing of media (RTRS)


According to the Republika Srpska (RS) government’s report sent to the UN SC, reports of the US Government show that the US have been trying to influence elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) for a longer period of time, through financing of media in the country. The report stated that such efforts have been lately intensified and warned that foreign interference in election processes in B&H threatens to undermine democracy. RTRS noted that RS President Milorad Dodik stated that this shows that the US, led by US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack does not give up on interfering with internal issues of B&H and that this must be clarified. The reporter stated that the US government has been allocating significant resources for financing of media in B&H since the end of the war in 1995 and that support to independent media, quality reporting and support to civil society in general, are often mentioned as purpose of the financing. The report of the RS government also warned that the influence on the local democracy is controversial. The report reads: “The US Government gave over USD 100 million to media in B&H since the end of the war until today, which is probably the biggest US support to media per capita. The funds are mostly directed over the USAID and the State Department through the US Embassy in Sarajevo”. The document reads that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) also plays a role in monitoring of the financing and administration of media organizations and institutions in B&H. According to reports on the US financing of media in B&H also show interference of the OHR and the intention to influence the elections. The RS Government reminded that the US have not launched any major program of financing of media during the period 2010-2017, but at least three programs of this kind worth over USD 12 million, were launched in B&H last year and users are mostly media in B&H. The report of the RS Government warned that the US should reveal data on allocation and purpose of all funds and that the US should stop using the funds to influence the elections, bearing in mind that many users of the funds support or have close ties with political parties or leaders in B&H. The report stated that everyone who is familiar with circumstances in B&H realize that financing of media and NGOs is problematic due to political influence, which is why the RS demands to inform the public to whom and how the money will be allocated. Dodik reminded that during his presidential campaign, US President Donald Trump stated that the US will not interfere with internal issues of other countries, adding that now, we are witnessing a different kind of a situation.


Dodik congratulates Putin on inauguration (Srna)


RS President Milorad Dodik congratulated Vladimir Putin on his inauguration as President of the Russian Federation on Monday, expressing a belief that the close ties and cooperation between the RS and Russia, to which Putin has given his personal contribution, will be improved further. Dodik expressed the conviction that the relations between RS and Russia would deepen further for the benefit of the two nations, and that new paths would be paved for even better cooperation at all levels, the president’s office said in a press release. “On behalf of the people of RS and on my own behalf, I am sending you the sincerest greetings on your inauguration. The progress that Russia has made under your leadership over all these years proves a clear vision and correctness of the policy you have pursued for the well-being of your people and your state,” reads the congratulatory letter from the RS President.


RS committed to European integration (Srna)


RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic says RS is committed to European integration, strictly respecting the principles and rules of the system of coordination of the European integration process, fully reflecting the distribution of competences between different levels of government in B&H. During a meeting with the new EUFOR Commander, Major General Martin Dorfer, in Banja Luka on Monday, Cvijanovic stressed the importance of good cooperation between EUFOR and RS institutions and voiced hope that the cooperation would further improve in the future. The Prime Minister and the new EUFOR commander also discussed the political situation and activities carried out by the RS Government in the context of approximation of legislation to the European Union’s, the PM’s press office said.


HNS announces intention to carry out new talks on amending of Election Law of B&H (FTV)


The session of the Main Council of Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) was held in Mostar on Monday. The members of HNS commented the B&H Election Law and they confirmed their firm stance that the solution for the amendments to this Law should include the guaranteed representation of all constituent peoples in B&H, not just in the both Houses of Peoples, but at all administrative levels. HNS B&H members stated that the decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H on the motion filed by Bozo Ljubic will not be implemented by the call for elections, but they support any elections whose results will be implementable. They added that they are still open to any negotiations and talks on this topic. “We see no other way, except the one that involves the continuation of talks. We should try to find a solution that respects everything stated in the decision of the CC of B&H”, said member of the HNS Main Council Barisa Colak. HNS B&H members stated that their wish is to see new proposals of the amendments to the Election Law of B&H, because the one that was proposed by SDA, SBB B&H, SDP B&H and DF, that proposes the abolition of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples, is just “absurd”. “That proposal would include changing the Constitution and that will deviate from the basic principles on which B&H was based in Dayton”, said President of the HNS Main Council Bozo Ljubic.


Kristo on failure to change Law on Elections (Vecernji list)


Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) and Deputy President of HDZ B&H Borjana Kristo asked to comment on the remark that the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H will call the general elections on Tuesday and whether there is a possibility of the CEC not making on such decision, replied by saying she thinks the CEC will call the decision because, according to the current law, there are no obstacles for it. She went on to say there is a decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H regarding election of delegates to the Federation of B&H House of Peoples, stressing that election results cannot be implemented, which will result in a serious constitutional and other crises. Asked to comment on the remark that conditions for calling the elections are not created, Kristo said a solution has not been found because the Bosniak parties have been ignoring the CC’s decision for months. Asked to comment on the remark that Bakir Izetbegovic was convincing representatives of the US and European administration that it is possible to change the election rules a few days before the elections, Kristo replied: “It is clearly said that the Law on Elections cannot be changed 150 days from calling of the elections. There is no possibility to intervene, because we would be working against the law”. Asked to comment on involvement of the Venice Commission in the process, Kristo says “in my opinion this is about buying time in order to do nothing so the Venice Commission could provide its position”. “Therefore, the Constitutional Courts decision is a legal fact no matter anyone’s political view. And should be accepted as such. No judge of the Constitutional Court should now dare to additionally comment the decision, let alone the Venice Commission” said Kristo.


Komsic: Such firm stance of HDZ B&H leader Covic is obstacle to any solution (TV1)


Commenting on talks of political parties in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on amending of the Election Law of B&H through mediation of US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, DF leader Zeljko Komsic said that the talks passed in a fair atmosphere and without disputing.

However, Komsic finds it tiresome to have so many rounds of presentation of the same theses with new supporting arguments. According to Komsic, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic insists on the Croat People’s Assembly’s (HNS) demands and such a firm stance is obstacle to any solution. “Sometimes I have a feeling like we come to those talks only to be convinced to meet HDZ B&H’s demands,” Komsic added. Asked if the international officials that attend these talks exert pressure on the political party leaders, the DF leader made it clear that no such pressures were exerted at the meetings he attended. The DF leader finds the international officials’ behavior to be fair and explained that they acted as moderators of the talks. Speaking about not involving Republika Srpska (RS) into the talks on the Election Law, Komsic stated that it is absurd to exclude the RS’ representatives from talks on amending of a state-level law such as the Election Law, but the issue indeed pertains to the law provisions about the Federation of B&H.

As for possible crisis in authorities in B&H in case of failure to amend the Election Law before this year’s general elections, Komsic expressed belief that it will not come to institutional but rather political crisis, because institutions exist while formation of their convocations will depend on political agreement. He warned that the crisis in B&H already exists, especially in the Federation of B&H Parliament.


Head of OSCE Mission to B&H Berton warns political leaders in B&H (EuroBlic)


Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Bruce Berton said that failure to reach an agreement on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H is simply not an option B&H can afford and he added that, unless a solution is reached, political leaders will be responsible for creation of a situation in which the state might face legislative paralysis at the level of the Federation of B&H and B&H. “This would send a very negative message on functionality and on future perspective of B&H both within and outside of the EU,” Berton added. Berton said that B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) will call the elections in just several days and the elections will take place, while election results will have to be implemented. “Citizens deserve free, fair and credible elections. Political leaders who participate in talks have a clear task ahead of them – find a pragmatic compromise which will secure filling of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) in line with election results”, Berton said and noted that a solution can be found and political leaders are very much aware of legal options. Berton argued that political parties which participate in talks have not showed enough will and responsibility to make a progress with regard to this matter, having in mind no agreement and almost no progress has been made so far. “Having in mind the importance of this matter, I do not want to speculate on reasons. I will say that such behavior is not only irresponsible but risky as well”, Berton added.


Arapovic: OHR must intervene when there are no other solutions (FTV)


Asked to comment on possible changes of the Law on Elections, head of SBB B&H election headquarters Adis Arapovic stated that SDA is among the culprits for problems related to constitutional and legal arrangement of B&H because SDA has been a part of the ruling coalition and a part of the authorities in B&H since the war ended in 1995. Arapovic claims that the OHR is partly responsible for current situation because it imposed the Law on Elections and the B&H CC’s decision has undermined the OHR’s authority but the OHR accepted responsibility by trying to moderate talks between key political parties in B&H. He warned that certain parties, primarily HDZ B&H and SDA, are not in favor of compromise regarding the Law on Elections because it would lead to significant or even permanent reduction of tensions and relaxation of political relations in B&H. He claims that SBB BiH was willing to support any agreement reached by HDZ B&H and SDA but these two parties did nothing and waited for the election campaign in order to start fierce debate regarding the Law on Elections. He pointed out that the Venice Commission “cannot give us a recipe, especially not for upper chambers of parliament and for bodies which are not directly elected” because there is no common European practice or a set of rules for the role of the House of Peoples (HoP). According to Arapovic, SDA and HDZ B&H have the power to veto any decision in the Parliament of B&H and the Federation of B&H Parliament until their demands are accepted. He stressed that the Venice Commission cannot revoke anyone’s right to be a candidate and the HNS’ proposal aims to prevent Croats who do not live in Herzegovina from being candidates for posts in the Federation of B&H HoP. He stated that intervention of the OHR should not be ruled out because the OHR’s primary task is to protect constitutional, legal and political arrangement of B&H. He claims that implementation of the elections results is not in any way related to the will of voters because it is a separate process for which the B&H CEC, political parties and the OHR are responsible. “The OHR must intervene when there are no other solutions. This happened in 2011 and we should not shut this door. This is a bad example but it is one of possible solutions,” Arapovic stated. He underlined that the OHR will have to accept responsibility and intervene in case the agreement regarding the Law on Elections is not reached by October 1.


CEC: General elections for all authority levels will be held on October 7 (


B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) has announced on Tuesday that general elections for all authority levels will be held on October 7. CEC President Irena Hadziabdic stated that the CEC will publish all verified lists of candidates by August 23. She stressed that 25 election commissions do not have proper working conditions but they function and do their job. Official pre-election campaign will start on September 7. Asked what is the deadline for changing the Election Law of B&H and whether B&H CEC will react, Hadziabdic answered that final deadline is March 2019. She noted that B&H is entering election period under unclear conditions and said that if the solution is not reached, B&H will find itself in huge problem. Hadziabdic noted that B&H Parliament should adopt changes to Election Law by elections and after that there is a possibility to resolve the issue by adopting B&H CEC’s bylaw, even though this is a huge dilemma, as B&H CEC is not legislator. “If decision makers manage to reach agreement in sense of determining of delegates and give that to B&H CEC to be adopted as bylaw that is the only solution,” said Hadziabdic. She stressed that everything has to be solved by March 2019, because after that the Federation of B&H will in complete blockade and there will be nobody to adopt the budget. Second solution is to have B&H CEC adopt the bylaw on its own or to enter complete blockade.


B&H Presidency members to meet with German Chancellor Merkel on Wednesday (FTV)


All three members of the B&H Presidency, Bakir Izetbegovic, Dragan Covic and Mladen Ivanic, are scheduled to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel on May 9, during an official visit to Berlin. They are travelling to Berlin at the invitation of Chancellor Merkel. Three members of the B&H Presidency will attend a closed-door meeting with Chancellor Merkel at 7 p.m., but before the meeting they are scheduled to address a press-conference. On this occasion, they will discuss bilateral, regional, and foreign policy relations as well as security issues. According to an official website of the German Chancellor, the meeting was never scheduled, as the site only reads that Merkel was supposed to hold a meeting with the tripartite Presidency on May 2, which never happened. The announcement reads that Merkel will discuss “bilateral relations, regional, foreign policy and security topics” with her guests. It is expected that the officials are also going to discuss amendments to the Law on Elections of B&H. Daily noted that following Merkel’s recent meetings with other regional leaders, it is safe to conclude that she is planning to get more involved in the regional affairs and help stabilization of the Western Balkans.


Parliament speaker questions motives behind referendum initiative (HRT)


The Speaker of Croatian Parliament, Gordan Jandrokovic, commented on Monday regarding the citizens’ initiative to hold a referendum on changing the country’s electoral system.

With the grassroots ‘People Decide’ initiative gaining momentum, Speaker Jandrokovic has accused the group of attempting to weaken the existing political system by trying to change the election laws. Instead, he believes political parties themselves should become more democratic.

“I feel like the main purpose is to weaken the political system and the party system that we have today. Of course, it has its weaknesses and the system is far from perfect but not all changes bring about something positive. There are changes that can destabilize the good aspects that are already in place,” said the speaker. Gordan Jandrokovic has himself been the target of the ‘People Decide’ initiative and why serious changes need to take place. Namely, his high status within the ruling HDZ and the party's desire to retain the status quo, as well as his appointment as speaker of parliament, a position of obvious power and influence attained despite him winning very few votes in the last election. Natalija Kanacki of the ‘People Decide’ initiative said last week that the existing election laws were “created by the will of the two largest political parties, the HDZ and the SDP”. The initiative will be gathering signatures between May 13th and 27th in order to set up a possible referendum. The initiative has said their goals are to give more power to voters in choosing their members of parliament, increase voter participation, and reduce the chances of political back-dealing and corruption. Jandrokovic concluded by questioning the substance behind such grassroots initiatives, likening them to ‘cheap tricks’ spread over social media.


Citizens’ group defends referendum initiative (Hina)


The goal of "The People Decide" referendum is to change the current political system, to prevent political bargaining and corruption between political parties and to strengthen voters' decision making in Croatia, organizers of the signature collection for the referendum said on Monday.

They were responding to Parliament speaker Gordan Jandrokovic's statement that the intention of the referendum initiative was to change the election law in order to weaken the political system and that, instead, it was necessary to strengthen and democratize the political parties and education. "There is no reason to fear us citizens. We can read. And distinguish starlets and party yes-men from competent and honest politicians. We want... the competent and the honest to represent our and not your interests in the next parliament," Marija Burazer of the citizens' initiative "The People Decide" told Jandrokovic in a press release. If the two strongest parties, the ruling HDZ and the opposition SDP, cared about democracy and representing all citizens, they would have changed the election system so that voters, and not party leaders, could decide who will enter parliament, so that more citizens could vote, so that the HDZ and the SDP could not, through pre-election coalitions, bring into parliament parties with 1% support, so that constituencies matched county borders and so that every vote counted equally, Burazer said.

If the HDZ and the SDP wanted a just election system, they would have ensured ethnic minority protection such as it is in other EU countries in order to prevent horse-trading with minority MPs in order to form a majority, she added.


Croatian court to consider extradition of Bosnian “assassin” wanted by Tunisia (Hina)


The County Court in the Croatian town of Velika Gorica is supposed to decide on Tuesday whether to hand over a B&H citizen, Alen Camdzic, to Tunisia where he is wanted, according to media reports, due to his alleged involvement in the 2016 assassination of Mohamed Zouari, a Tunisian engineer and reportedly a member of one of The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. The Bosnian Camdzic was arrested on 13 March at Zagreb Airport on an Interpol warrant issued by Tunisia. Media quoted a Tunisian office-holder as saying that their authorities have identified two suspects who are believed to have been involved in the assassination of Zouari, who was allegedly connected with Hamas, and that one of the suspects was arrested in Croatia. Zouari was killed on 15 December 2016 near his home in the city of Sfax. The Times of Israel has recently reported that, according to a Tunisian Justice Ministry source, one of the suspects was arrested two months ago in Croatia, but authorities were refusing to extradite him to Tunisia. "Zouari, an aviation engineer and Tunisian national, was confirmed by Hamas to be a central figure in its weapons development. The terror group called him a pioneer in developing its unmanned drones," the Israeli newspaper said in the article headlined "One of two suspects behind 2016 hit on Hamas engineer said arrested in Croatia". Israel has not responded to the accusation by Hamas that it was behind the Tunisian engineer’s death. The Zagreb-based Jutarnji list has reported that the Tunisian judiciary confirmed the arrest of one of the suspects in Croatia. The extradition hearing will be held on Tuesday behind closed doors.


Improvement in the relations between Montenegro and Russia depends on Moscow (Pobjeda)


Relations between Montenegro and Russia won’t get better overnight. Little Montenegro and huge Russia don’t weigh the same and relations between the two countries depends on the official Moscow, says the analyst Dusan Janjic from the European Movement in Montenegro.

Janjic states that Russia will slowly but surely start to withdraw from getting involved into the internal affairs of Montenegro. However, one shouldn’t maintain illusions that the relations between these two countries will get better soon. “This relationship will not change essentially, until a wider agreement between the USA and EU with Russia is reached – agreement on leaving this part of Balkans in the hands of NATO and the EU” said Janjic. The new President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, gave recently some hints that relations between Russia and Montenegro could become better and that he would definitely work on it during his term of office. Srdjan Darmanovic, Montenegrin diplomacy chief, also pointed out that relations between Podgorica and Moscow should be ameliorated adding that, in order to make that happen, efforts from both sides should be put in. What works in favor of the improvement of the relations between the two countries is the fact that Vladimir Putin, Russian president, congratulated Milo Djukanovic on his victory at the presidential elections. However, Janjic doesn’t believe that this improvement will happen very soon. “It all depends on Moscow. As long as Russia keeps creating tensions in West Balkans, having Serbia as its ally, Montenegro will be a collateral,” says Janjic.


Zaev-Tsipras meeting in Sofia on May 17 (MIA)


A meeting between Macedonia Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is planned in Sofia on May 17, unless something unpredictable happens, MIA reports from Athens. Diplomatic sources told that despite existing difficulties, important progress has been achieved in majority of the topics within the negotiations, despite the main differences over the name use. According to media, Zaev and Tsipras have "an open telephone line", although communication is not made public. It adds that the meeting between the countries foreign ministers Nikola Dimitrov and Nikos Kotzias on May 11 and the joint meeting with UN envoy Matthew Nimetz a day later are extremely important. Zaev said on Monday he hoped he would hold talks with his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras during the EU-Western Balkan Summit in Sofia. "Most likely the meeting will take place at the sidelines of the summit. It is logical for us to meet, especially if we truly continue to make small albeit important steps that are making process in seeking solution to the name dispute," Zaev told reporters on Monday.


Macedonia should be given EU talks date as soon as possible, Austria to EU partners (MIA)


Based on everything that Macedonia has achieved, Austria during its presidency with the EU will be convincing the European partners and members of the Council of the EU to set a date for Macedonia to start EU accession talks as soon as possible, Austrian Ambassador Renate Kobler said Monday at the conference "The Western Balkans and Euro-Atlantic Values - Macedonia Case Study." On the Macedonia-Greece name dispute, the Ambassador said any possible solution should be acceptable for the two countries all the while Macedonia should make sure that it kept implementing the reforms. The main objectives of Austria's EU presidency, Kobler said, are focused on implementation of EU's security policy, fight against illegal migration, EU enlargement, efficient taxation while also making efforts to strengthen internal security, asylum system, etc. Austria takes over the EU presidency on July 1. Bulgaria's chargé d'affaires to Macedonia, Daniela Budinova said Bulgaria during its presidency of the EU was chiefly focused on the Western Balkan's integration into the EU. Bulgaria, she said, appreciates Macedonia's efforts to pursue reforms and the country has accomplished a lot with respect to the Plan 3-6-9, which is directly founded on the basic values of the European Union - democracy, stability and security. Considering the name issue, Budinova said she hoped that a mutually acceptable name solution would be found. We support the process, she noted, but we do not take sides and do not exert influence on either side. "It's key to seize the momentum, to resolve bilateral issue with the neighbors, which is considered a key importance and a precondition, most notably, to join the NATO. Also, there is no plan B to Euro-Atlantic integration," Budinova said. Minister of Economy Kresnik Bekteshi said the government was fully committed to strengthening regional cooperation. "The integration of the Western Balkan countries into the EU is one of the priorities to fulfill conditions required for regional stabilization," stated Bekteshi. The 2020 Strategy, he said, defines regional cooperation in transport, energy connectivity with the neighbors and establishment of a regional economic area. According to Bekteshi, Macedonia is one of the front-runners in the Western Balkans with regards to energy reforms. The conference, held at the Secretariat for European Affairs, was organized by the Institute for International and Political Studies - Skopje to mark the 4th edition of Europe Week, which brings together several representatives from the region.


Meta receives the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Jacek Czaputowicz (ADN)


The President of Albania, Ilir Meta, received on Monday the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jacek Czaputowics. He praised the Minister's visit as an indication of the special attention that Poland attaches to relations with Albania and expressed gratitude for the continued support that Poland has given to Albania towards NATO membership and EU integration. The head of the state also praised the growing trend of trade exchanges between the two countries and expressed confidence in increasing direct Polish investments in Albania and intensifying cooperation, particularly in the field of tourism, agriculture, mining and transport. "The increase in the number of Polish tourists visiting Albania makes us optimistic about the future of cooperation in this sector, and therefore the possibilities for establishing direct air lines between the two countries," said Meta. Poland supports the idea of setting a deadline for the Western Balkans countries on the European path. The Foreign Minister of Poland, Jacek Czaputowicz declared on Monday during a meeting with his Albanian counterpart Ditmir Bushati that a date creates real hopes. "A date needed for the Western Balkans countries because it gives hopes and force the authorities to work more on this road," said Czaputowicz. He added that within EU was created a group that support the enlargement and Albania must work with it. The idea for a date on EU integration process was supported even by the Albanian minister, Bushati.




Putin, Serbian president to meet on May 8 (TASS, 8 May 2018)

MOSCOW, Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold talks with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday, the Kremlin press service said in a statement, adding that the two leaders would discuss regional issues and the prospects for bilateral cooperation.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting with President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, who will make a working visit to Moscow to attend celebrations dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War," the statement reads. "The current state of Russian-Serbian cooperation and the prospects for its development, as well as the implementation of joint investment projects are planned to be discussed, and there will also be an exchange of views on pressing regional issues," the Kremlin press service added.

The Serbian president will be the first foreign leader with whom Putin will meet after being sworn in as Russian president on Monday. According to earlier reports, Vucic will travel to Moscow following his two-day visit to Turkey and talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Putin and Vucic hold meetings and telephone conversations on a regular basis. In March, the Serbian president congratulated Putin on his re-election. Several days later, they held another telephone call, discussing the expulsion of Russian diplomats from a number of European countries. The Serbian president stressed that Belgrade would not join the move.

The previous meeting between Putin and Vucic took place at the Kremlin in December 2017. Along with cooperation in trade, culture and other fields, the parties also discussed the situation in the Balkans. Following the talks, a number of documents were signed in the two presidents’ presence, including a joint declaration on cooperation in economic modernization and a memorandum on tourism cooperation. In addition, Russia and Serbia also signed amendments to an inter-governmental agreement lifting gas re-export ban from Serbia and an amendment to the 2013 contract concerning gas supplies to Serbia. Russia’s Gazprom company said that in accordance with the document, it would boost natural gas deliveries to Serbia by 15% in 2018.


West cannot bear Turkey’s position in Balkans, Turkish president says (Hurriyet Daily News, 8 May 2018)


The West “cannot bear” Turkey’s position in the Balkans, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on May 7, state-run Anadolu Agency reported. “The West cannot really bear Turkey’s stance, particularly in the Balkans, as well as steps, initiatives, efforts Turkey takes in the region,” Erdoğan said in a joint news conference with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic at the presidential complex in Ankara. “Whether it [the West] can bear it or not, we are intensively doing whatever we can with TİKA [Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency] in the west, in the Balkans,” he added. “We are especially displaying all our efforts through the restoration and construction of historical artifacts. We will continue to do so thereafter,” the president said. “Over 220 projects TİKA has carried out in Serbia constitute an important pillar in our bilateral relations,” he said. Turkey’s government-run TİKA agency is responsible for implementing the country’s developmental cooperation policies overseas. Since it was founded 26 years ago, TİKA has carried out projects in a wide range of areas, such as education, health, infrastructure, and cultural heritage preservation in many regions of the world from the Balkans to the Middle East, and Africa to Latin America. Erdoğan said he and Vucic discussed bilateral relations and exchanged views on recent regional developments in the first Turkey-Serbia High-Level Cooperation Council meeting held earlier May 7. Pointing out the fact that the bilateral trade volume had surpassed $1 billion last year, the Turkish leader said the target has been increased to $2 billion for 2018 and $5 billion in the long term. Erdoğan also said the planned Belgrade-Sarajevo highway project will strengthen regional and economic ties, while it is a friendship and peace project Turkey wants to start in a short period of time. “Turkey is the biggest power, the strongest country in the Balkans. What Turkey thinks is important,” said Vucic. “Turkey is in the Balkans and this is very important to us. If people in other countries see Turkey just politically and not in the field of investment, there’s nothing more I can say here,” Vucic said. “Our relations with Turkey are significant in order to ensure partnership, peace, and security,” the Serbian leader added. May 7 is the last day of Aleksandar Vucic’s two-day visit. Earlier, Vucic paid tribute to Turkey’s founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk at his mausoleum, Anıtkabir.