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Belgrade Media Report 10 May 2018



Resolution 1244 makes Kosovo’s independence unlawful (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Thursday with President of Cyprus Nikos Anastasiades, whom he welcomed in Belgrade earlier in the day. Speaking after the meeting, Anastasiades - who was throughout their joint news conference addressing Vucic as "friend" and "dear president" - pointed out that relations between our two countries are deeply rooted in historic, friendly and religious ties, and that their mutually beneficial cooperation is safe.

The same is true, continued the Cypriot president, of all the other fields for further deepening of that cooperation, which is in the interest of our peoples. Anastasiades told reporters that he and Vucic spoke about the European path of Serbia and Belgrade’s negotiations, which, as he said, represent a long and painful process, bearing in mind the significant progress our country has made. For Anastasiades, there is no doubt that the future of Serbia is in Europe, and he reiterated readiness to share with Belgrade the experience and knowledge that his country has acquired as a member of the EU over the last 14 years, regarding harmonization and alignment with the EU acquis. Pointing out that Cyprus is an EU partner and a friendly country to Serbia, Anastasiades said he was confident that the European Council will next June, when deciding on Serbia's progress, make a serious evaluation and draw conclusions that would encourage the government in Belgrade to continue with reforms. “Friend president, you can rely on our strong support for the territorial integrity of Serbia. The Republic of Cyprus does not recognize the unilaterally declared Kosovo for as long as Resolution (1244) is in force,” said the Cypriot president, adding that as long as the resolution is in force, the declaration of Kosovo’s independence will be unlawful. The high-ranking guest from Cyprus also said that he informed his Serbian colleague about the developments regarding the Cyprus issues and the challenges in the Aegean Sea.

“For our part, we are ready to resume negotiations from the moment they were last interrupted, and I repeat, I am determined in that as long as the dialogue is under the umbrella of the UN, and whose ultimate goal is to find a solution that will create an independent state, which will entail the withdrawal of all the armies that have occupied our territory, so that we can function as a normal state,” said Anastasiades.  He stressed the deep gratitude to Serbia for supporting the territorial integrity and the unity of the Republic of Cyprus, and thanked Serbians for their contribution through the presence of the country’s missions in Cyprus. Vucic underlined that Cyprus is one of the EU member-states that protects in the strongest and clearest way international law, and the territorial integrity of Serbia, and thanked the president of Cyprus for this, as well as for the support given to Serbia on its path to the EU, and for the sincere friendship that his nation and state provide to the citizens of Serbia and to our country. Vucic also thanked Cyprus for the support given to Serbia on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic said that he informed Anastasiades, as he said he does in in conversations with other statesmen, about the Brussels agreement and what Belgrade has done, what Pristina has not done, and the double standards. “But no one can talk to Serbia using the language of blackmail, ultimatums and threats, and be, without any foundation in international public law, determining that we must accept something that is the exclusively or solely the Albanian interest,” Vucic said.


Vucic: Putin there for Serbia, whenever we need it (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told RTS in Moscow that it is very important that Serbia and Russia had fortified their friendship, and cooperation in all domains, noting that at the meeting with his Russian counterpart in Moscow all crucial issues had been discussed, with, he said, a great deal of time devoted to Kosovo. “We have no taboos and I think that Putin understands me and the position of Serbia as I try to understand the position of Russia. We are friends and our relation is one of trust and reliance on each other,” Vucic said. “We have analyzed all existing UN documents and have analyzed the behavior of all the stakeholders on the political scene, primarily in respect of this matter,” Vucic said, adding that with Putin he had also discussed economic cooperation and cooperation in the energy and defense sectors and Putin's visit to Serbia in October or November. “Everyone here, in Europe and in the world knows that Serbia is on the European path, but, when Serbia says it won’t impose sanctions on Russia, then Serbia won’t impose sanctions. When Serbia says it will remain militarily neutral and won’t join NATO or any other military alliance, Serbia will honor that,” said Vucic.

“A consistency is Serbia’s strong side,” Vucic said. Vucic also said that Putin had always been there for Serbia, but that he had been trying not to bother or disturb him too much. “Every time we had a problem regarding Kosovo, with the savage intrusion of the Albanians in northern Kosovo and the beating up of Marko Djuric, despite Putin’s terrible situation - just after the elections, children died in a fire in a shopping mall, he called within the next 24 hours and we could talk about anything. We can talk to Putin at any time. Whenever we need it, Putin is there for Serbia and I am deeply grateful for that,” Vucic said.


Brnabic: Pristina uses sports event for political provocation (RTS/Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said yesterday that the so-called Kosovo cannot in any way participate in the European Karate Championship in Novi Sad with national features and that preventing participation in this way does not mean that Belgrade violates the Brussels agreement.

In her statement to the press in Valjevo, Brnabic said that Belgrade is absolutely not violating the Brussels agreement if it does not allow actions contrary to some of the most basic agreements, such as an agreement on official visits, which stipulates that an official notice should be sent 48 hours before entering central Serbia. When asked to comment on preventing three people from crossing an administrative line with the flags and features of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo last night, she pointed out that they were persons who tried to enter the territory of Serbia proper, because of which they were returned from the administrative crossing. She pointed out that Pristina institutions completely abused the sport and that their political interests prevailed. Brnabic stressed that the government of Serbia, together with the Government of the AP Vojvodina and the City of Novi Sad, worked very carefully on the organization of the European Karate Championship and that our party has not wanted to give inflammatory statements in recent times, unlike Pristina. The statements from Pristina were completely inaccurate – that their karate federation would appear equally with all other countries and symbols, which is impossible because they are not a state and therefore cannot function equally, she explained. Brnabic concluded that the fact that Pristina used a sports event as a political story is not in the interest of Pristina itself nor in the interests of regional stability.


Message sent to Serbia and the world that Russia is always with us (RTS)


The editor-in-chief of the Serbian department of Sputnik Ljubinka Milincic has told the morning news of RTS that the message was sent from Moscow yesterday to Serbia and the world that Russia is always with us. “The representatives of countries that were the biggest victims in WWII were symbolically in one place. The Germans wanted to destroy the Slavic people – Serbs, Russians and Jews. For the first time we see symbolically these three nations in movement, which is symbolic. Time passes, but we must not forget the victims,” said Milincic.

She says that at this political moment the fact that Russia is always with us is important. “This need to know others who are exerting enormous pressures, who are setting ultimatums that we have to resolve the problem of Kosovo the way they want,” says Milincic, adding that Russia, but also China, are always with us in the UN Security Council. She thinks that this was precisely discussed in Moscow, that Vucic requested confirmation from Putin that Russia would be active in defending Serbian interests when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija. “Support of countries that have a similar problem is important. It is important that Russia talks with them and other countries that can influence the resolution of this problem. I think that this something more that we gained with this visit,” she says. She points out that this is the first time that the Russian media has reported so frequently about the visit of the Serbian President. “When our President visits Russia, he is constantly mentioned. Such visits usually pass unnoticed, but attention is devoted to our visit, even though it is always more important for us than for them. This time they devoted attention, all this demonstrated that relations are top-level,” concluded Milincic.




Merkel: Germany supports European perspective of all Balkan countries, including B&H (BHT1)


Prior to the meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the three members of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, addressing the press conference, Merkel expressed content for meeting members of B&H Presidency. She characterized relations between Germany and B&H in the past 25 years as close friendly relations in the areas of politics, economy, reminding that Germany is the biggest trade partner of B&H. Merkel also said that German investments in B&H are expected to positively influence development of the country. She also mentioned cooperation in the energy sector, saying that the first wind power plant is expected to be opened soon, which is according to Merkel, a sign of progress. According to Merkel, the officials will also discuss challenges and in this regard, she mentioned the upcoming elections and expressed hope that reform processes will be implemented. Speaking about reforms, Merkel underlined the need to implement reform of the election legislation in B&H. She said: “The fact that this has not been done by now worries us a little bit, as the day of the elections is already scheduled. We will certainly discuss ways on how to progress in this area. We do not want blockade of state institutions. Germany supports the European perspective of all Balkan countries, including B&H”. At the end, Merkel stated that the talks will be intensive and announced that the officials will again meet soon at the upcoming meeting in Sofia.

Chairman of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic also addressed a press conference. First, Izetbegovic said that members of the Presidency were surprised and happy to receive an invitation to meet Merkel, which was delivered a couple of days ago. Izetbegovic expressed gratitude to Germany for everything that the country did for B&H in the past 25 years, mentioning wartime refugees, stabilization of the situation in B&H, implementation of reforms and launching of the UK-German Initiative three years ago. According to Izetbegovic, the UK-German Initiative was the key moment for B&H to take an action. Izetbegovic went on by saying that B&H managed to submit a credible application for the EU membership and answer the EC’s Questionnaire, delivering 25,000 pages. Izetbegovic underlined: “B&H can go forward on the EU road, when we have friends who understand us. Results are good. Sometimes bad news come from B&H about crisis, but the situation is far better than a perception and image that media present. As I said, we are moving towards the EU path and economic indicators are quite solid.  However, we would really need to have the opinion of the EU in November presenting what B&H is expected to do on its European path. We would like to include this into our coalition programs that will be formed following the elections in October. Today, I am kindly asking you for this favor. What we need is peace, reforms, intensive construction of infrastructure, and we have secured all conditions for this; funds, laws, we finally have all plans. We can launch construction of infrastructure as the Berlin Process stipulates. We need a friend on this road. I believe that we have all this with your support,” said Izetbegovic.


Covic: I am glad we had chance to discuss political and economic situation with Chancellor Merkel (Dnevni avaz)


Member of B&H Presidency Dragan Covic commented a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel held on Wednesday evening in Berlin, and he stated he is glad they had a chance to discuss political and economic situation in B&H with Merkel, adding that they also discussed the upcoming elections in the country. Covic underlined that the Presidency of B&H painted a correct picture of the situation in B&H and the fact that they are doing everything in their power to prevent it from escalating. He noted that Merkel indirectly expressed support to their efforts to find a solution that will allow Croats to elect their own representatives in accordance with the Constitution and the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H.


Merkel asked B&H Presidency members if they invited Erdogan and will he hold a pre-election rally there (


B&H Presidency Chairman Bakir Izetbegovic confirmed after the meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel that one of the topics of their meeting was the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to B&H. Izetbegovic confirmed that, along with Erdogan, he will also attend the pre-election rally in ‘Zetra’ on May 20. Merkel asked B&H Presidency members if Erdogan will come to Sarajevo, if he will hold a pre-election rally there, if B&H Presidency members invited him to this visit etc. Izetbegovic said: “I have informed her that this is about the rally of Union of European Turkish Democrats, their 6th Congress, that Erdogan will attend and me along with him. I have told Merkel that Erdogan is a friend of B&H, that Turkey and Erdogan did not do anything bad to B&H. There is no reason for us to have some bad attitude towards his coming to B&H. We also sometimes go to Germany to lobby for votes, for instance, those in favor of SDA. Aleksandar Vucic and Andrej Plenkovic also come to B&H, Milorad Dodik goes to Serbia at pre-election rallies.” Izetbegovic does not believe that B&H might have problems because of Erdogan’s pre-election rally in Sarajevo. He added: “This will be his working visit and we can get something good for B&H. I do not see the reason why Erdogan’s visit should be disputable for Germany. Neither Merkel nor Erdogan are bosses in B&H, but they are both welcome in our country.”


UK’s Hickey: Inzko has full support of UNSC in using his Bonn Powers (Dnevni avaz)


UK Representative before the UN Security Council Stphen Hickey stated that High Representative Valentin Inzko has received explicit support of the UN Security Council to use his Bonn Powers. “It is his right to use the Bonn Powers if the situation demands it, until the stability and security are absolutely cemented,” said Hickey. US Representative to the UN SC Amy Tachco also expressed full support to Inzko. “Challenges mentioned in the report underline that we need to remain cautious because of those who are trying to weaken the constitutional order of B&H,” said Tachco. EU representative to the UN SC Joanne Adamson said that 2016 was good year for B&H when it comes to reforms and progress in the field of European integration. “Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for 2017. Early election campaign, rhetoric of divisions and prolonged reforms have often been the main topics in the country,” said Adamson.


Dodik and Cvijanovic react to the report that Inzko presented before the UN SC (RTRS)


Reacting to the report that High Representative Valentin Inzko presented before the UN Security Council, RS President Milorad Dodik stated on Wednesday that Inzko’s report is yet another pile of lies. Dodik noted that the RS did not adopt a single decision that deals with the issue of secession even though, as he said, the report reads otherwise. Still, Dodik noted that the political issue as secession exists but none of the bodies in the RS authorities passed decisions in this regard. The RS President accused Inzko of shamelessly lying to the UN SC and the entire world. In addition, Dodik underlined that all reports of foreign intelligence agencies established that the story about paramilitary formations in the RS is made up. According to Dodik, Inzko’s report is an attempt to relativize the failure of authorities at the Federation of B&H and joint B&H level to function. RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic assessed that Inzko’s report contains inaccurate and tendentious information. Cvijanovic therefore finds it important that the RS is submitting its point of view on the situation in B&H to the UN SC. She stressed the need to free this area of international protectorate. “That report is completely wrong. It is important for us to stand behind our words and the way we see things in B&H. We always insist on saying that that is a decentralized structure that must continue to exist within the framework of the Dayton Peace Agreement. We also know that we must improve our society in every aspect and we, in the RS Government, believe that by the end of this year, B&H should free itself from the ‘claws’ of the international community. If that does not happen, there will be no space for making any kind of progress and reaching any mutual agreements.”


B&H Parliament delegation pays two-day visit to Serbia (Hayat)


A delegation of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly paid a two-day visit to Serbia on Wednesday. Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Mladen Bosic, Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Ognjen Tadic and Speaker of the Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic, who held a meeting in Belgrade on this occasion, concluded that B&H and Serbia are good friends and their cooperation should be improved in order to secure a better future for everyone in the region. They also concluded that both parliaments could contribute to a new atmosphere and a way out of the current situation, in which every step forward is followed by two steps backwards. Bosic said: “I think we are at the beginning of a new age and a new era in mutual relations in the region, an era that should be marked by cooperation among the peoples and prosperity in economic, political and other terms. The visit of representatives of both Collegiums of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly is some sort of a symbol of these new relations, which should be focused on the future as much as possible, rather than being burdened with the past.” Bosic also stated that Serbia is very important political factor in the region and that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has shown with his actions that they are the ones driving those new relations. The meeting was also attended by B&H HoP deputy speakers Safet Softic and Barisa Colak, and B&H HoP deputy speakers Sefik Dzaferovic and Borjana Kristo. Gojkovic assessed that there is no better way for Serbia and its National Assembly, as well as representatives of the B&H Parliamentary Assembly, to mark this day (the Day of Victory over Fascism) by a dialogue and symbolic message about the way in which the two countries want to build their relations in the future.


Agrokor emails published, opposition demands ministerial resignation and investigation ( has published emails which demonstrate how Economy Minister Martina Dalic coordinated the drafting of the so-called Lex Agrokor. The emails make it clear that the process of writing the law included a number of brokerage firms, consulting firms and attorneys who worked in secret for the government and later profited from it, given that, in the past year, Agrokor has paid millions for their consulting services. The emails also show that the minister tried to keep the drafting process hidden from the public and that the process mostly avoided official channels of communication, reports Finance Minister Zdravko Maric is the only member of the government who has so far commented on the latest information. “I have seen the news briefly, but I wouldn't comment on the emails. I never reveal any information to anyone. At the very beginning, when things were happening, I was a small part of it, but I very quickly exited the communication, so I have no knowledge about it,” concluded Maric. Ivan Sincic (Zivi Zid) was direct. “This is a criminal organization; they favored their friends. This is a parallel state in which they transferred authority to their friends and acquaintances, interest groups. Not only should Dalic leave the government, but Prime Minister Plenkovic as well, since he's involved. This is a major scandal which borders on treason. Elections are the only solution”, said Sincic. Branimir Bunjac (Zivi Zid) said the emails were scandalous. “This only shows how deep the level of corruption in Croatia is. Problems are being solved by a group of people whom no one has elected, and they traded with privileged information, which they used for their personal gain” said Bunjac. “If I were the state prosecutor, I would have already taken some steps today.” “This is inappropriate communication, such things should be discussed at working meetings, not in this unofficial way,” said MP Silvano Hrelja (HSU) speaking about the mails. Nikola Grmoja (MOST) said the emails confirmed that Dalic wrote Lex Agrokor. “The mail shows that everything was prepared in advance, including who will work on the case and make a profit with Lex Agrokor. Given the level of political accountability in Croatia, I don't believe Plenkovic will resign, but Dalic should leave at least,” said Grmoja. Bozo Petrov (MOST) said the whole government should go. “This government has no future. Not only Martina Dalic but all other ministers, including the prime minister, should leave,” said Petrov.

Anka Mrak Tartias (GLAS) was clear. “This is a disgrace for the minister herself, but also for the institution of the ministry and the state. Martina Dalic should resign after this or Prime Minister Plenkovic should dismiss her. He should also dismiss himself since he knew everything”. On the other hand, Milorad Batinic from HNS, HDZ’s coalition partner, said there was nothing new in the published emails. “As far as Lex Agrokor is concerned, HNS did not participate in the government when the law was written. The HNS's position is that the Prime Minister and the minister are responsible for Agrokor. For us, it is important to preserve jobs,” Batinic said. "This is just recycling an old story." Darinko Kosor from HSLS, also one of HDZ’s coalition partners, was ambiguous. “Of course, I do not like this correspondence. But, you know my views from before. Dalic said she proposed the law, but that she consulted with other agencies and offices. She did not name them, but now that has been revealed,” said Kosor. “That is not a question for me, that is a question for the prime minister," said Kosor when asked whether Dalic should resign. SDP’s Gordan Maras said Dalic should be immediately dismissed. “She gave information and authority which she had received from citizens to several of her friends to work on the law and to use it to secure lucrative contracts for themselves. I call on the state attorney to get involved in investigating potential criminal offences. She involved her friends in the process, and they later earned millions,” said Maras. Economy Minister Martina Dalic on Wednesday briefly commented on the publication of her e-mails, saying she considered herself responsible for protecting jobs and that she did not think she had done anything illicit.


Prime Minister says Dalic has his support (Hina)


After Deputy Prime Minister Matina Dalic's correspondence with consultants and attorneys who worked on preparing the law on systemic companies dubbed Lex Agrokor was released by the news website on Wednesday, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that experts were consulted so that a solution could be found as soon as possible to prevent Agrokor's uncontrolled bankruptcy and that everything was done in agreement with the government's then coalition partners from MOST, stressing that Dalic continues to enjoy his support. "As far as the actual group of experts who helped and other experts are concerned, I have to say that that entire task was done with complete agreement and cooperation with our then coalition partner, MOST. In fact, they themselves attended those meetings, suggested the people to participate in that, so I don't see that there are any new elements here compared to what we have seen until now" Plenkovic told reporters. That was done, he stressed, in order to find a solution as quickly as possible to prevent an uncontrolled bankruptcy within the conglomerate itself and probably of numerous companies that were dependent on Agrokor.


Court approves extradition of Bosnian wanted by Tunisia for terrorism (Hina)


A panel of judges at County Court in Velika Gorica has approved the extradition of B&H national Alen Camdzic to Tunisia where he is wanted in connection with the murder of Tunisian citizen Mohammad Zouari, an engineer with alleged ties to Hamas. The court said on its website that all the legal prerequisites have been met for the extradition of Camdzic, resident in Sarajevo, B&H, to stand trial before a court in Tunisia on terrorism charges. If found guilty, he faces a prison term of three to 15 years. With reference to the suspect's objection to being extradited because the crime he is accused of carries a death penalty in Tunisia, the court said that under Tunisian basic law, the death penalty was replaced by a sentence of 20 years' imprisonment. It added that the Croatian Justice Ministry had been told by Tunisian authorities that the death penalty had not been applied in Tunisia since 1992. The extradition hearing was held behind closed doors. Camdzic pleaded not guilty and objected to being extradited, while Croatian state prosecutors representing the applicant state did not attend. The defense will appeal to the Supreme Court. Camdzic was arrested at Zagreb airport on March 13 on an international arrest warrant issued by Interpol in Tunisia. Croatian media earlier quoted a Tunisian official as saying that two persons suspected of Zouari's murder had been identified and one of them was arrested in Croatia in March. Zouari, a member of Hamas's military wing, was assassinated near his home in the Tunisian city of Sfax in December 2016.


Attack on a journalist Olivera Lakic raised protest (CDM)


The case of journalist Olivera Lakic who was shot and injured by an unknown attacker raised a storm protest in front of the government yesterday. This was just another attack on journalists in the string of similar cases. Several hundreds of citizens, media representatives, opposition parties and NGOs are holding the protest. Olivera feels good now. She’s a brave woman and she’s aware of what happened, said the CEO of Vijesti, Zeljko Ivanovic. “She even said that she’s not surprised at all, considering everything that has happened since 2011 up until nowadays”, said Ivanovic. Ivanovic is concerned about the environment we live in. “I’m wondering if this society is able to go through five more years of Milo Djukanovic’s rule. Is this society able to function in the environment where everybody’s enemy, a traitor, and where nobody can speak freely” said Ivanovic. Representatives of the Association of Professional Journalists of Montenegro expressed their concern regarding the fact that this time the attacker used firearm. “We demand that the Prosecutor’s Office and the police put efforts and find the attackers”, said the representatives of the Association of Professional Journalists of Montenegro.


Orav: People who attacked Olivera Lakic must be brought to justice (RTCG)


EU Ambassador to Montenegro, Aivo Orav, said that Europe Day can’t be celebrated as it should be, because, Montenegrin journalist Olivera Lakic was brutally attacked and injured.

“What happened to Olivera Lakic isn’t in accordance with the values of democracy and human dignity that we’re supposed to be celebrating.  Whoever did that, and for whatever reasons, they must be brought to justice as soon as possible”, said Orav on the occasion of celebrating Europe Day.


Zaev says now's the best moment to find name solution (MIA)


I believe now is the best moment to find a solution to the long-standing name issue, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev on Wednesday. "What I expect, at the very least, is to meet with the Greek PM, Alexis Tsipras, on the sidelines of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Sofia and to discuss the achievements made so far by the two foreign ministers. Perhaps we are going to be bolder to push our creativity further, nevertheless, it is worth a try till the end. I give the process a chance," Zaev told reporters. He said he always informed the public about any new developments of the name negotiations. However, Zaev said, lately there has been nothing new the public should be informed about. As the summit in Sofia and the meeting of the European Council are approaching soon, it is considered a chance to find a solution prior to these events, according to him. "I believe that the coming weekend we will be able to harmonize our positions through some alternatives and creative solutions proposed by both parties," Zaev stated.


Osmani: Failure to obtain start date for EU accession talks may bring many risks (MIA)


In case of failure to obtain a date for the launch of the EU accession talks, the risks are many and EU member states should take this into consideration when deciding why we should become part of the Union and open EU accession talks, said Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani at traditional EU Breakfast organized on Europe Day. “This country is the only one in the region which has fully resolved issue of the borders. It is a fully functional multi-ethnic and multi-religious country and is a missing piece in the EU mosaic which can contribute with new spirit of cohesion in the Union and can serve as a positive example for entire region of the Western Balkans. It is prepared to act in accordance common foreign policy goals of the Union and to be part of EU defence structures. We are promoting good-neighborly relations in line with the EU standards and we are ready politically, but also with its institutional capacities to start EU accession talks,” Osmani said. He underlined that if Macedonia fails to obtain a date for the launch of the EU accession talks, may bring many risks. “Loss of hope for EU and NATO membership will contribute young people to continue to leave the country thus reducing labor force and opportunities for development and growth. The loss of hope will also trigger a strong EU fatigue and Euroscepticism and will increase anti-NATO sentiment. The division of the population on ethnic, religious and social basis will deepen that will spark vulnerability of democratic institutions and their capacity to govern, reduce the level of resistance and create conditions for interference and greater influence of third countries. It will open up space for the infiltration of potential violent groups, thus increasing the risk of terrorism, extremism and nationalism,” Osmani said. “2018 is a key year for Macedonia. I am looking forward for the upcoming Summit in Sofia next week, which I hope will be the first EU summit dedicated to enlargement after the Thessaloniki Summit in 2003, whereat we expect European perspective of the Western Balkan to be reaffirmed the with a declaration. Sofia (summit) will certainly bring more energy and impetus to the connectivity, stability, security and economic prosperity of the Western Balkans. At the June EU Summit, we expect to officially receive start date for accession talks,” Osmani said. EU Ambassador to Macedonia Samuel Zbogar said that the country succeeded to achieve impressive results in regard to reforms in a year, but it is up to the EU Council to make decision on start date of accession talks. “The question is not whether the cup is half empty or half full, what it important is to continue to fill it, as you have done so far,” Zbogar underlined. Bulgarian Ambassador Ivan Petkov expressed hope that Macedonia will obtain date for the launch of the EU accession talks during the Bulgarian EU Presidency. Traditional EU Breakfast with EU Member States ambassadors and former Deputy PMs for European Affairs is organized by the Secretariat for European Affairs on Europe Day.


Sekerinska briefs ambassadors of NATO member states on Macedonia’s Strategic Defense Review (MIA)


Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska briefed Wednesday the ambassadors of NATO member states to Macedonia about the progress in drafting the Strategic Defense Review. Macedonia’s goal is to have a small, modern and flexible army that will have its place within NATO, Sekerinska said, notifying that the defense budget was increased to support the reforms in this sector to that effect. She extended gratitude to the US, UK governments for their support in drafting the Strategic Defense Review, as well as to the NATO Liaison Office in Skopje and other member states that contributed. Sekerinska said she expected for the government to adopt the Strategic Defense Review ahead of the NATO Summit and invited the NATO ambassadors to contribute with their advice to the implementation of the document, which will set the basis for a long-term plan for the development and modernization of Macedonia’s Army (ARM), the Ministry of Defense said in a press release. The government, she said, expects strong support for Macedonia at the upcoming NATO Summit. Defense reforms are not only important for Macedonia and the region, but also for collective security, British Ambassador Charles Garrett said. The last Strategic Defense Review was adopted 14 years ago.


Minister's brother convicted for drugs trafficking, DP document (ADN)


Democratic Party denounced on Wednesday the non-extradition to Italy of the Interior Minister's brother, Agron Xhafaj condemned with 7 years of jail for drugs traffic in the neighbor country.

Democrat MP, Enkelejd Alibeaj and former Minister of Justice, Gazmend Bardhi, made public the file of Agron Xhafaj fulfilled on 2013 in Italy as part of the scandal they warned weeks ago.

According to the documents of DP Agron Xhafaj, the brother of the Interior Minister, is accused for being part of a criminal group. "

Why he was not extradited in Italy, where he is condemned?" said Alibeaj addressing 7 questions to the minister of Interior, Fatmir Xhafaj:

  1. Does the minister include his brother on the list of the persons with criminal records?
  2. Why the brother of the minister, Agron Xhafaj lives free in Albania and is not extradited to Italy where he was condemned with 7 years of jail?
  3. Is him under investigation by the State Police, due his involvement on drugs trafficking?
  4. Is Xhafaj family one of the mafia families which operates in Albania?
  5. Does the operation "Force of Law" has effects on the Minister's brother?
  6. Why did not the Minister of Interior fulfill his legal responsibilities to request the identification of his brother and to verify whether or not he was convicted?
  7. Why did not the minister request the initiation of custodial proceedings and then the extradition to Italy for his brother, as he did for other citizens?

Interior Minister, Fatmir Xhafaj accepted on Wednesday the involvement of his brother, Agron Xhafaj with drugs trafficking 15 years ago. But for this, he blamed his age.

"The story of my brother is connected with an event on 2002, when he was 25 years-old on the wrong place and with the wrong people. But this does not imply the Government," said Xhafaj in a short press conference. He made clear that the opposition accuses are very old ones and today Democratic Party sold it as a new case. "My brother's problem has nothing to do with me," Xhafaj added. He underlined that he does not blocked anything on this issue.




US Accused of Meddling in Upcoming Bosnia Election (Strategic Culture Foundation, by Aleksandar Pavic, 10 May 2018)


Amidst the barrage of mostly US and British-based accusations regarding alleged – although nowhere yet proven – Russian meddling in all sorts of elections the world over, and the radical measures being proposed to allegedly stop it, some might be prompted to infer that these “model democracies” would never stoop to such reprehensible behavior themselves, as something obviously deeply repugnant to their delicate democratic sensibilities. And, of course, they would be wrong. In its newest report to the UN Secretary-General, of May 3rd 2018, the Government of Republika Srpska, one of the two entities that make up Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina, or BiH), has presented evidence pointing to serious, US-led meddling, not just in the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections scheduled for October of this year, but in the form of systematic interference, by way of media financing, in the political life of this newfangled country since its formation by way of the Dayton Peace Agreement that ended its three-and-a-half year civil war in November/December 1995. The title of Section III of the Report is both a plea and a warning: “BiH’s elections must be conducted free from foreign interference.” And leading the way of this foreign interference is the US, which, the Report reveals, has provided “over $100,000,000 in media funding to BiH since the end of the war, possibly the largest per capita US expenditure in media assistance,” most of it having been “channeled through the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US Department of State (DoS) through the US embassy in Sarajevo.” Just to compare orders of magnitude, according to a 2017 Reuters report citing Facebook Inc., “an operation likely based (my italics) in Russia spent $100,000 on thousands of US ads promoting divisive social and political messages in a two-year-period through May.” In other words, the entire Western media complex is in a tizzy over $100,000 spent during the multi-billion dollar US elections, and they are not even sure these are tied to official Russia – but three additional zeroes spent on media interference in another country’s political life by a clearly identified source are simply not a topic of interest… But, back to the revealing Report the UN Secretary-General. The Report quotes at length from various USAID reports, which, to their credit, are quite forthcoming in revealing not just the extent but the aims of its investment in influencing Bosnia-Herzegovina’s political life. Thus, according to USAID’s assessment of media support in BiH between 1996 and 2002, “Bosnia was the first country in which USAID and other bilateral and multilateral agencies and organizations made a large investment ($80–100 million) to build and strengthen independent media in the aftermath of civil war.” However, as USAID itself admits, this investment has been far from neutral: “Donor governments and the high representative often viewed media initiatives as a potential tool to quickly reshape the troubled political climate. As a result, the OHR’s (Office of the High Representative – institution established by the Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995, which still oversees political life in BiH with colonial viceroy-like powers – author’s note) strategy in media assistance—as in other policy areas—was often influenced by successive election cycles.” And: “Although not always stated officially, USAID expected that, with other development efforts, assisting alternative media would help transform the political landscape and break the dominance of nationalist parties and attitudes… Although the purpose of US media assistance varied and was not always coherently defined, there were clearly expectations that media assistance could help transform Bosnia’s political climate and enable the election of more civic-minded, moderate political parties.” Finally, in light of Facebook’s charges regarding alleged Russian “ads promoting divisive social and political messages,” let’s take a peek at a 2006 USAID assessment of media in BiH, as quoted by the Report: “Without being asked, four key informants said explicitly that the US is seen at times as politically selective in its approach to BiH media, supporting the anti-nationalist political agenda, but also favoring opposition-oriented media rather than non-partisan media organizations.” Case closed regarding the extent and aims of US meddling in Bosnian elections and political life in general over the past 20+ years. But worry not, for, as the Report charges, they have no intention of stopping. On the contrary: “Between 2010 and 2017, no new major BiH media-specific funding program appears to have been initiated by the US In 2017-2018 however, at least three major funding programs largely benefitting BiH media were initiated by USAID and DoS, totaling more than $12 million. In the US Department of State Congressional Budget Justification for fiscal year 2018 (including USAID), Congress allocated $18 million for the Economic Support and Development Fund to BiH. In particular, the 2018 allocation is meant to ‘reduce vulnerabilities to Russian pressure, particularly in the energy and media sectors,’ as well as ‘support independent media, elections, and democratic political processes.’” In other words, more US-funded election meddling – in the broadest of daylights – is in the cards in Bosnia and Herzegovina this fall, and that’s perfectly fine as far as the “democracy promoters” in Washington and London – and, for that matter, Brussels, Berlin and Paris – are concerned (it’s only the Russian meddling that’s “malign,” you see). Powerless to stop it as it doesn’t control BiH’s central institutions or the work of foreign embassies, the Republika Srpska Government is using its Report to the UN to at least appeal for transparency in US state-sponsored media meddling, calling on the US to “fully disclose the allocation and use of its funds and discontinue usage to influence elections” in BiH. The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, has gone a bit further, announcing that he would “demand inspections” in order to determine where and to whom the American money is going, and accusing the US of “undermining and directly interfering in the electoral process, while America, headed by its ambassador, continues to meddle in our internal affairs.” He also pointedly reminded of Donald Trump’s pre-election promises that the US would no longer interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, concluding that, “as we can now see, that hasn’t come to pass.” Finally, it should be added that even this well-documented and openly announced American meddling in BiH elections is only the most obvious demonstration of the fact that, 23 years after having brokered a peace deal (to end a war which they mostly instigated by encouraging BiH’s Muslim leadership to turn down peace initiatives that could have averted the war and unilaterally recognizing BiH’s independence from the former Yugoslavia in April of 1992), the US-led “international community” still runs Bosnia and Herzegovina like a post-modern colony, as witnessed by the continued existence of the above-mentioned Office of the High Representative, which, as the Report remarks in a later section, “claims authority to decree laws, constitutional amendments, and punishments completely outside the Dayton constitutional system,” as well as a Constitutional Court with three foreign judges. In short, the US is about to (once again) meddle in the elections inside a colony of its own making. But, somehow, it is Russia that winds up being labeled as the number one “threat to democracy.” Indeed, War is Peace, terrorists in Syria (and elsewhere) are “freedom fighters,” and some animals are more equal than others. And if Walt Kelly’s Pogo were to utter his immortal phrase today – “We have met the enemy and he is us” – he’d probably be charged with “collusion with Russia.”