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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 20, 2019

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 20, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• Swedish Academy defends awarding Handke Nobel Prize (Prishtina Insight)
• One year since 100% tariff, Serbia loses 99 percent of Kosovo’s market (Telegrafi)
• Kurti meets Italy’s Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• Trend Analysis: General trends not in favour of Serbs (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio, RTV Puls, Kosovo Online)
• Politika on Visoki Decani Monastery: Attacks, walls, endurance and life (Politika, Radio KIM, Kosovo-online)
• Jevtic: Nothing disputable in fact that we go to Belgrade, we are ready to talk to everyone (Kosovo-online)
• Comic book ‘Welcome to Kosovo’ published in France (B92)
• PM of North Macedonia Zaev: "I am frightened, I am breaking inside...’ (B92, NY Times)


• Motion submitted on reviewing Maldives' recognition of Kosovo independence (AVAS)


• Kurti: Children's education is a constitutional right (media)
• Calls for greater mobilisation to implement Law on Child Protection (media)
• Let children be children! (KoSSev)
• No solution in sight for the Gracanka river: "Sometimes protests and roadblocks are needed'' (KIM radio, KoSSev, RTV Puls)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 19, 2019

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 19, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti briefs Dutch Ambassador on priorities of new government (media)
• Thaci: Kosovo Army was born from cooperation with KFOR (Lajmi)
• “Serbs comfortable with KSF, despite pressure from Belgrade” (Indeksonline)
• Calculations for forming government coalition change (RFE)
• Weber: Rama needs Mini-Schengen for himself, he is not eminent to defend Kosovo’s interests (Express)
• LVV and LDK do not admit publicly they agreed to shut down PAK (Express)
• Haradinaj: Mini-Schengen, expansion of Russian influence in the Balkans (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Slavko Simic: Theoretical and political chance for elections to be annulled (Radio Mitrovica, Prva TV)
• Raška-Prizren Eparchy strongly protests over latest abuse of Saint Nicholas Church in Novo Brdo archaeological remains (Raska-Prizren Eparchy, Serbian media)
• Paris changes rules: Seven EU accession packages (B92, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)
• England-Kosovo match: Euphoria, gratitude and anti-Serb chants in Pristina (KoSSev)


• KOMF: Air pollution with long-term consequences in children (Koha)
• Kosovo Roma Woman ‘Died in Despair’ after War Rape Testimony (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 18, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• Thaci address international conference on religion in Tirana (media)
• Vetevendosje rejects NISMA and AKR (Gazeta Express)
• LDK MP: There is no problem with votes, new elections in 2023 (Indeksonline)
• “41% of enterprises believe Kosovo–Serbia deal would increase export” (media)
• Major number of Kosovans still in Syria and Iraq, 40 of them ISIS fighters (media)
• RIDEA presents studies of the final phase of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Klan)

Serbian Language Media:

• Serbian List reaction to a music video filmed at Novo Brdo: Desecration of the Serbian holy shrines with inappropriate behaviour (RTS)
• Kurti says it's known who killed Kosovo Serb leader (N1, KoSSev, Pobjeda)
• Igor Simic: Kurti is directly interfering in the work of judicial bodies (RTS)
• Djuric: Kurti’s intention is to militarize Albanians (RTS)
• "NATO is eroding and I can only welcome that" (B92)
• France proposes seven-step EU accession process (Hina, N1, EU Observer)
• RFE: Thirteen EU members demand expansion to Western Balkans in a non-paper? (B92, Beta)


• It is in Russia's interest that Kosovo issue remains unresolved? (B92, Kosovo online, RFE)
• Turkish Threat over ISIS Fighters Poses Challenge for Balkans (Balkan Insight)


• Serbian strongman Aleksandar Vucic hospitalized with heart condition (DW)


• Balkan Coal Power Plants Failing Toxic Emissions Targets (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 15, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• NISMA accuses Vetevendosje of intimidating observers at counting centre (media)
• 337 new members join KSF (Kosovapress)
• Dehari family requests Swiss institute be involved in investigations into their son’s death (media)
• Daka: Political entities should keep calm and serve the democratic process (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Telecommunications are Serbia’s decision, NATO’s Stoltenberg says (N1, VoA)
• Serbia's flags and "Kosovo is Serbia" chants during soccer game in Plzeň (N1, Beta)
• US Ambassador Philip Kosnett visits Novo Brdo (RTV Puls)
• The Serbian List's press release on Berlin’s two-day visit (Kontakt plus radio)
• Protest over wastewater in Gracanica, both Serbs and Albanians seek suspension of work (KIM radio, RTS)


• Carpenter: Kosovo won’t be Trump’s foreign policy success in 2020 (European Western Balkans)
• Germany's Maas says Western Balkan states belong in EU (DW)
• EU Enlargement Nominee Eyes 2020 Serbia-Kosovo Deal (Balkan Insight)
• North Macedonia PM: Working with Russia ‘Not an Alternative to EU’ (Balkan Insight)


• UNDP marks Women's Entrepreneurship Day (Kosovapress)
• Kosovan firebrand Jeton Neziraj: ''Theatre should side with the victims'' (The Guardian)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 14, 2019

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 14, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• Varhelyi: Kosovo-Serbia dialogue to successfully conclude on 2020 (Koha)
• Cakaj calls for Kosovo's membership to CoE (Koha)
• Hoxhaj: Appointment of former Russian spy as rapporteur, a serious blow to CoE values (media)
• Peter Beyer wins votes for Kosovo rapporteur (RTK)
• Mustafa: New KIA head should be nominated by future PM (Gazeta Express)
• The supreme court to decide today on LVV candidates' appeal (

Serbian Language Media:

• German elected as new Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly rapporteur for Kosovo (Sputnik)
• Kondratiev: The mentality of Albanians in Kosovo needs to be understood (RTS, Sputnik)
• Rasic of the Coalition Freedom appeals election commission ruling (KoSSev, N1, KiM radio, Beta)
• Serbian List: Chauvinistic farce is continued (Kosovo online)
• Ljajic: Mini Schengen to ease economic problems (Beta, N1)
• Insajder's documentary "Above the Fold" premiered in Pristina (Kontakt plus radio, KiM radio)
• Pec: ''Citizens seek solutions'' - language, isolation, lack of youth development strategy… (Kontakt plus radio)
• Godfrey: Bytyqi brothers’ case important, but not the most important issue in Serbia-US relations (RTS)
• "Mini Schengen" deepens divisions between Kosovo and Albania? (Kosovo-online, KoSSev, B92)
• Delegation of Serbian List in two-day visit to Berlin (TV Most)
• PSG leader Trifunovic: Denial won’t resolve Kosovo issue (N1, Vreme, Danas)


• The Clock Ticks for Albania’s ‘Demographic Dividend’ (Balkan Insight)
• EU Enlargement Nominee Eyes 2020 Serbia-Kosovo Deal (Balkan Insight)
• EU’s gatekeeper laments bloc’s message to would-be Balkan members (Financial Times)


• Chopping wood to make ends meet (Prishtina Insight)
• Heldt to Kosovo youth: Focus on vocational training (Kosovapress)